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Campbell Biology 7th Edition Chapter 3 Vocab Quizlet

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Rank Title Author Activity Type / Description Copy 1 SER -vs- ESTAR Sra. Frayre QuizTop 100
Practicing the uses of ser and estar. Choose the correct form to complete the sentence. Remember: ser (to describe or define the subject) and estar (to express the subject's well-being or to tell the location of the subject) This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 2 Tener Sra. Alpert QuizTop 100
Practice conjugating the verb tener in the present tense. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 3 La Hora Profesora Jennifer QuizTop 100
PRACTICE TELLING TIME IN SPANISH WITH A MULTIPLE CHOICE AND FILL IN THE BLANK PRACTICE QUIZ ! This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 4 Ser Quiz Mrs. Ansted QuizTop 100
Practice the forms of Ser: This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5 Gustar Sra. Hays Pop-upsTop 100
Practice gustar - to be pleasing.
Add the missing indirect pronoun (me, te, le, nos, les)
OR Add the correct conjugation of the verb gustar to these sentences. Copy this to my account 6 Spanish Subject Pronouns Ken J. Zeoli Java GameTop 100
Copy this to my account 7 AR Verb Conjugation Millionaire Ms. Butler Rags to RichesTop 100
Copy this to my account 8 Present Progressive Quiz Sra. Kelly QuizTop 100
Don't forget you need both the correct conjugation of estar plus the gerund (-ando/iendo)! This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9 GUSTAR Sra. Mendoza Rags to RichesTop 100
Do YOU know how to conjugate GUSTAR? Try it out and let's see! Fill in the blanks in these sentences: Copy this to my account 10 Quiz #8 - Regular Preterite Tense Verbs Srta. Ziegler QuizTop 100
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis in the PRETERITE TENSE. All of the verbs in this quiz are regular in every spot of the chart for the preterite tense. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 11 Los días de la semana / Days of the Week # 1 Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java GameTop 100
Copy this to my account 12 imperfecto practice quiz Sra. Ekblad QuizTop 100
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the imperfect tense. You must use accents when needed. Capitalize the first word in a sentence! This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 13 Mi familia Señora Thayer Dunckley Java GameTop 100
Review your Family Members vocabulary with these activities! Copy this to my account 14 Dime Uno - U3 L2 - El Tiempo / The Weather Mary Lynne DeMarinis Rags to RichesTop 100
Copy this to my account 15 Regular AR, ER, IR Verbs - Profa Kurtz Pop-upsTop 100
Practice correct agreement of regular verbs and their subjects. Copy this to my account 16 2A Realidades 2 - Ser v. Estar -- Rags to RichesTop 100
Copy this to my account 17 QUIZ: Irregular Preterite Verbs En Español 2, Unidad 1 Etapa 2 Mrs. Hicks QuizTop 100
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the irregular preterite verbs. There are more than 20 questions so you can take the quiz more than once and have a different quiz each time because only 12 show up for each quiz. This quiz contains 12 questions chosen from a bank of 23. Copy this to my account 18 Los Colores Patti Coveny Java GameTop 100
Spanish color words. Copy this to my account 19 -ar verb conjugations Sra. Lindsay Marshall QuizTop 100
Practice conjugating -ar verbs for the quiz! This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 20 Spanish 2 - Stem-Changing Verbs "quiz" Señorita LaManna QuizTop 100 This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 21 El Alfabeto -- Quiz
Type the word that you hear spelled to you. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 22 días de la semana Señora Miller Hangman
Practice the spelling of the days of the week in Spanish. Copy this to my account 23 Irregular Preterite Verbs Sra. Schultz Challenge Board
Radically stem-changing verbs in past (preterite) tense. Write only the verb. (example: yo/cantar = canté) Copy this to my account 24 The Day of the Dead Sra. Alpert Rags to Riches
Learn about the holiday of The Day of the Dead or El Día de los Muertos. Copy this to my account 25 Direct object quiz #2 Profa Kurtz Quiz
Practice using direct object pronouns in these sentences This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 26 Direct Object Pronouns - Rags to Riches Mary Lynne DeMarinis Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 27 Present Tense Verb Conjugation (Regular Verbs) Mademoiselle Stone Rags to Riches
Practice conjugating regular verbs in the Present Tense Copy this to my account 28 Tener, Exprésate 1, Ch. 4-1 Sra. Calise Rags to Riches
Choose the correct form of tener in the present tense. Copy this to my account 29 3.1.3 Verbos reflexivos -- Rags to Riches
Practice reflexive verb conjugation. Copy this to my account 30 1A - ¿Qué te gusta hacer? -- Rags to Riches
Phrases about activities you like and don't like to do Copy this to my account 31 Sp 1 Preliminar Greetings/Origin Mlle/Srta. Read Java Game
This is a vocab review of words from the Etapa Preliminar of En Español 1. Copy this to my account 32 Los Cognados Señorita Brady Java Game
Match the English to Spanish cognates! Copy this to my account 33 Paso A Paso, Capítulo 1, Parte 1: gustar Timothy Corcoran Java Game
Copy this to my account 34 Imperfect conjugations Señor Fernandes Quiz
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the imperfect tense. You must use accents when needed. Capitalize the first word in a sentence!
Regular Verbs
AR... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 35 Weather Game Scott Battey Java Game
Weather Game Copy this to my account 36 Body Parts Señorita Schug Quiz
Identify body parts in Spanish. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 37 Unit 2: Forms of TENER -- Cloze
Choose the correct form of TENER (tengo/tienes/tiene) according to the subject in each sentence Copy this to my account 38 Redacción indirecta -- Quiz
Instrucciones: Cada una de las siguientes oraciones tiene tres espacios en blanco, pues se han omitido tres palabras. Debajo de las oraciones hay cinco opciones señaladas con las letras A, B, C, D y E. Selecciona la letra que contiene aquellas... This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 39 Spanish numbers Kirsten Borrink Java Game
How well do you know your numbers 1-100?
A ver!!! Copy this to my account 40 a bordo cap 6 presente perfecto Señor Fields Quiz
Examencito sobre el presente perfecto. This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 21. Copy this to my account 41 El verbo ir (practice quiz) Sra. Hoover Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 42 Avancemos 2 U2-L2 Grammar 2 Present Progressive 3-6-2014 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 43 Verbs Like Gustar -- Quiz
How well do you understand how to use verbs like gustar? Let's find out! This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 44 ser vs. ir in the preterite tense Carol Hamilton Quiz
Determine which verb is being used. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 45 Tener Translation Match Up World Languages Columns
Match the translations of the conjugated forms of Tener Copy this to my account 46 U3E2-5 - Saber v Conocer Señor Wojnar Quiz
Both "saber" and "conocer" mean "to know" - but they are used in different ways.
"Saber" is used to express knowledge that is intellectual or a skill. You "know" facts and skills.
"Conocer" is used to express less thorough or precise knowledge. ... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 47 PRESENT TENSE VERBS (REGULAR) Mademoiselle Stone Quiz This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 48 ser and subject pronouns -- Rags to Riches
Choose the correct response to practice the forms of ser and subject pronouns. Copy this to my account 49 Expressing Equality Señora Phillips Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 50 Indefinite and Definite Articles Mr. Powell Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 51 Etapa Preliminar - En español -- Java Game
Vocabulary Practice Copy this to my account 52 -er/-ir Verbs Señor Hymes Rags to Riches
Choose the correct verb form to go in the blank. Your options are the verbs correr, comer, ver, leer, beber, compartir, and escribir. !Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 53 Definite & Indefinite articles in Spanish -- Pop-ups
Match each of the places in the town with the correct article. Copy this to my account 54 tener Elisabeth Butler Rags to Riches
using the verb tener in Spanish Copy this to my account 55 los meses del año Señora Miller Hangman
Play hangman and practice the spelling of the months in Spanish! Copy this to my account 56 la hora - telling time #1 -- Java Game
Match the clock with the time expressed in Spanish. Copy this to my account 57 Reflexive verbs -- Rags to Riches
Practice reflexive verb conjugation. Copy this to my account 58 IR Ken J. Zeoli Java Game
Learn the verb IR (to go) and all of its forms in the present tense. Choose between flash cards, matching, concentration and word search to suit your desire. Copy this to my account 59 AVHS SP2 U3 Regular Preterite (including "leer") Señora Challenge Board
Challenge yourself (or maybe a classmate)to correctly form the preterite (past tense) forms of these verbs. Copy this to my account 60 1 U1L1 Practice SER Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Practice with the present tense of the verb SER
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb SER. Copy this to my account 61 THE DAY OF THE DEAD caroline Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 62 La Familia Aileen O'Suilleabhain Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 63 3.2.1 Mandatos formales -- Rags to Riches
Afirmativos y negativos Copy this to my account 64 Preterite/Imperfect practice Señora Van Prooyen Cloze
Choose from the past tense verbs using the preterite or the imperfect- Cuidado!! There may be an infinitive as well! Copy this to my account 65 La hora (15 minutos) -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 66 Spanish number Hangman Senora Roberts Hangman
Practice the numbers from 0 - 30 Copy this to my account 67 Ser Ms. Moody (Senorita Margarita) Cloze
Enter the correct form of the present tense form of the verb ser. Copy this to my account 68 Question words Profa Kurtz Java Game
Do you know your question words? Remember, they ALL must have accents. Copy this to my account 69 el pretérito (ir/ser/tener/poder/hacer) Señorita Tiwari Hangman
Don't hang Fred! Copy this to my account 70 Double Object Pronouns Srta. Wilmus Quiz
Complete the sentence with the correct double object pronouns. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 71 5-08-Weather Expressions/Seasons Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 72 Verbos -ar, -er, -ir Sra. Lescano Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 73 The Present Tense of the Verb Ser Mademoiselle Stone Java Game
Practice matching the forms of the verb SER with various pronouns and subjects. Copy this to my account 74 SER and TENER quiz Profa Kurtz Quiz This quiz contains 17 questions. Copy this to my account 75 Demonstrative Adjectives Julie Reinshagen Quiz
How well can you use this, these, that, and those? Check your knowledge of the demonstrative adjectives with the clothing and shopping words from Realidades. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 76 Panorama chapter 8 vocabulary -- Java Game
Comidas, p. 240. All 106 words are here! Keep playing to see new words! Copy this to my account 77 Preterite vs. Imperfect profe Lemon (drlemon®) Pop-ups
Read the following sentences and determine whether to use the preterite or the imperfect form of the verb. Copy this to my account 78 El imperfecto Señora Rader Challenge Board
Answer with the appropriate form of the imperfecto. Accents must match exactly. Copy this to my account 79 Días de los muertos 1 Dianne Guest Rags to Riches
How much do you know about this holiday? Copy this to my account 80 Los Verbos - El pretérito indefinindo - Puntos de Partida & ¿Qué tal? R. Vacchio Hangman
Copy this to my account 81 Preterito o imperfecto Señora Westphal Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 82 Numbers Scott Battey Java Game
Basic numbers vocab Copy this to my account 83 ¿Qué hora es? Señor Fields Pop-ups
¿Sabes qué hora es? Ojalá que sí.... Copy this to my account 84 Realidades 3B vocabulario Janine Hakanson Quiz
Mira las pp. 148, 149, 158 y 168 en tu libro. This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 85 Las estaciónes (seasons) Señora Miller Hangman
Play hangman and practice spelling the seasons in Spanish! Copy this to my account 86 Greetings & Salutations Spanish 1 Profe Java Game
Beginning words and phrases for greetings, courtesy, introductions and farewells. Copy this to my account 87 Time (3)(O4) A P Rags to Riches
Practice telling time in Spanish. Copy this to my account 88 1 U2L2 el verbo "ir" Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Practice conjugating the verb "ir." Copy this to my account 89 3.1.2 El futuro -- Quiz
Conjugate all verbs in the future tense. DON'T FORGET ACCENT MARKS! This quiz contains 19 questions. Copy this to my account 90 Gustar/Encantar Señora Pop-ups
Practice expressing likes and dislikes. Copy this to my account 91 Preterite review -ar,-er, -ir regular verbs and -car, -gar,- zar verbs, hacer, conocer, ir, ser Srta. Lewis Rags to Riches
Practice! Copy this to my account 92 Pretedrite vs. Imperfect Marion Fague Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 93 Numbers 1 to 100 Aileen O'Suilleabhain Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 94 AR verbs in Spanish, infinitives. Aileen O'Suilleabhain Hangman
Copy this to my account 95 Avancemos 2 Preliminar quiz pg 12 The verb gustar 9-5-2013 Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Choosing indirect object pronouns and conjugating gustar and encantar This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 96 5th Grade Greetings (Chapter 1-1) Tatiana Fitzgibbons Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 97 Adjective agreement Maestra Phelps Quiz
Write the form of the adjective in parenthesis so that it agrees with the noun in gender & number This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 98 Countries and Capitals -- Java Game
Spanish speaking countries and their capitals Copy this to my account 99 classroom vocabulary Señora Owings Java Game
school terms, supplies, etc... Copy this to my account 100 -AR Verbs in the Preterite Tense Mr. Boemio Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 101 Body Parts (Los partes del cuerpo) Mrs. Speeker Java Game
Name various parts of the body. Copy this to my account 102 1st year weather expressions Mademoiselle Stone Hangman
Practice with 1st year weather expressions. Copy this to my account 103 Family Members in Spanish -- Java Game
Words for family, introducing mi, mis, tu, tus, su, sus Copy this to my account 104 3.1.3 Se impersonal -- Cloze
Escribe la forma apropiada de cada verbo en el presente. Copy this to my account 105 LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 1 estar Mrs Flannery Columns
LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 1 estar Copy this to my account 106 Tener Sra. Alpert Java Game
Copy this to my account 107 Regular Preterite AR/ER/IR Ms. Meghan McConville Cloze
Copy this to my account 108 Exprésate 1 Chapter 3a Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 109 AR VERB CONJUGATION PRACTICE Mrs. Norell Java Game
The verbs are in the infinitive next to the subject. You need to " conjugate it" correctly for the answer. GOOD LUCK Copy this to my account 110 Spanish speaking countries and capitals Sra. Wilson Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 111 Ir + a Infinitivo Kim Hukari Rags to Riches
Practice using the Ir + a + the infinitive form of the verb to tell what someone is going to do. Copy this to my account 112 BV1: Ch1: Spanish Subject Pronouns Sra. Barganz Java Game
Match the subject pronouns with their meaning Copy this to my account 113 1Ch.8 Indirect Object Pronouns Srta. Gutzwiler Quiz
Fill in the correct Indirect Object Pronoun to replace the English in Parenthesis. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 114 1Ch1 Ser Srta. Gutzwiler Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 115 La fecha Sra. Withers Picture Perfect
practice using dates in Spanish Copy this to my account 116 Adjetivos Sra. Mitchell Java Game
Adjectives to describe people and things Copy this to my account 117 chap6 "u" verbs preterite and mixed tenses MmeZedd Challenge Board
Play this game to review the verbs that use "u" in their irregular preterite: estar, tener, andar, poder, poner and saber. There are questions in various tenses as well as commands. I did not use the accents.
Go to my quia "yaverasapt" page for more... Copy this to my account 118 El vocabulario - capítulo 2A - Realidades 1 -- Java Game
Review the vocabulary for Chapter 2A with the following games. Copy this to my account 119 En la clase Mrs. McChesney Java Game
Copy this to my account 120 1 U2L1 PRACTICE QUIZ WITH TIME Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
PRACTICE TELLING TIME IN SPANISH WITH A MULTIPLE CHOICE AND FILL IN THE BLANK PRACTICE QUIZ ! This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 121 ¿A qué hora es? Señora Miller Java Game
What time is it? Practice the time of the day in Spanish. Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 122 Indirect Object Practice Srta. Lewis Rags to Riches
practice substituting indirect object pronouns Copy this to my account 123 Present Progressive Tense -ING / -NDO Sra. Bishop Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 124 7.5 saber & conocer Dr. Eneida Pugh Quiz
Dimelo tu Chapter 7 Saber & Conocer
Write a conjugation or the infinitive of saber or conocer in the blanks.
You will have to write several sentences for me to grade for credit using the same two verbs. This quiz contains 19 questions. Copy this to my account 125 1 U2L1 Numbers 1 to 100 Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 126 Preterite review ar, car, gar,zar -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 127 Avan 4 U2 L1 Grammar preterite vs. imperfect Sally Davis Quiz
Completa lo siguiente, usando el pretérito o el imperfecto de los verbos dados.
Ésta es una conversación entre dos personas. La puntuación -- significa una cita, como la " en inglés. Es posible que una oración tenga 2 verbos que necesitas cambiar. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 128 Los días de la semana / Days of the Week # 2 Mary Lynne DeMarinis Picture Perfect
Copy this to my account 129 ESTAR Ken J. Zeoli Java Game
Learn the forms of the verb ESTAR (to be) in a fun way with these different game formats: flash cards, matching, concentration and word search. Copy this to my account 130 VERB "SER" Sra. Stephens Quiz
Changing ser to agree with subject pronouns This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 131 Quiz--telling time with illustrations and pictures Señorita Pelican Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 132 AVHS SP1 U3 Months of theYear (Matching Columns) Señora Columns
See if you can match the English and Spanish words for the months of the year. Copy this to my account 133 Regular Preterite Conjugations Mrs. Janak Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 134 Question Words -- Rags to Riches
Q Words Copy this to my account 135 Capítulo 1- PRACTICE QUIZ 2 WITH SER Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz This quiz contains 38 questions. Copy this to my account 136 Stem Changing Verbs Sra. Bishop Java Game
Remember the BOOT! No changes for Nosotros/Vosotros.
For the other subjects, the stem makes a change.
- the "e"changes to "ie" or... Copy this to my account 137 El día de los muertos Señora Nadeau Java Game
Match the Spanish with the English vocabulary words related to the Day of the Dead. Copy this to my account 138 capítulo 1B Realidades II Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 139 Irregular Yo Verbs Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 140 2Q - Module 2 Quiz -- Quiz
Structure: AR,ER, IR verbs
Vocab: Basic Body Parts, Basic Clothes, In the Office, Key ar/er/ir Verbs This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 141 2 U4L0 Imperfect tense Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Challenge yourself to conjugate regular verbs in the imperfect! Copy this to my account 142 1 U2L1 AR verbs in Spanish, Present Tense Patterns Sra Durante de Stroup Patterns
Practise the Present Tense of some of the most common AR verbs in Spanish and learn the meaning of the verbs in English. Copy this to my account 143 R2 1B-4 The Verbs saber and conocer Señora Borges Quiz
Choose the correct form of the verb SABER or CONOCER to complete the statements. This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 144 Hace + time expression -- Rags to Riches
It is March of 2004. Choose the best answer to the question by figuring out how long something the different activities have been occurring. Copy this to my account 145 Bienvenidos Capítulos 1-4 Verbos Señor Fields Columns
¡Pareen los verbos con los pronombres! Copy this to my account 146 2-U2E2 BASIC Preterite and Imperfect uses PROFE Pop-ups
Try this activity to focus on the CONCEPT of how to use the Preterite and Imperfect. Copy this to my account 147 Lugares en la Ciudad Señor Johnson Java Game
Places in the City Copy this to my account 148 Conjunciones adverbiales Srita. Vargas Pop-ups
Esta actividad le deja al estudiante la oportunidad de aplicar su conocimiento sobre las conjunciones adverbiales y sus usos son o el subjuntivo o el indicativo según contexto y reglas establecidas. Copy this to my account 149 Realidades I - Capítulo 2B - practicing prepositions -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 150 ER verbs in Spanish, Present Tense Aileen O'Suilleabhain Patterns
Practise the Present tense of some of the most common regular ER verbs in Spanish and learn the meaning of the verbs in English. Copy this to my account 151 comparatives and superlatives señora Terry Rags to Riches
Find the correct Spanish answer. Copy this to my account 152 Avancemos 2 U3-L1 Grammar 2 Pronouns of Prepositions 4-17-2014 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 153 Gustar with an Infinitive Signora/Señora Zaccardelli Rags to Riches
Use gustar to talk about what people like to do. Copy this to my account 154 Pretérito de verbos terminados en CAR, GAR, ZAR (Persin) Adriana Persin Quiz
Escribe la forma correcta del pretérito. This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 155 Exprésate II Spanish 3- Capítulo 6 Amy Alarcon-van der Meer Rags to Riches
La Niñez Copy this to my account 156 Present Progressive Quiz #1 Señor Fernandes Quiz
Present of ESTAR + VERB + ING
ING = ANDO (-ar verbs) IENDO (-er and -ir verbs)
Yo estoy haciendo un examen de... This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 157 Basic Spanish Vocabulary julie Java Game
Greetings, numbers, colors, family members, directions, days and months, all in Spanish. Copy this to my account 158 Span 2 POST ASSESSMENT past tenses Thomas Porter Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 159 Realidades 1 6A Test Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 160 1 U0LP Numbers 1 to 100 Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 161 AR VERB CONJUGATION PRACTICE -- Java Game
The verbs are in the infinitive next to the subject. You need to " conjugate it" correctly for the answer. GOOD LUCK Copy this to my account 162 Capítulo 10: Pretérito (Regular AR Verbs [-car and -gar included] and VER Ken J. Zeoli Cloze
Get some practice with your AR preterites as well as your preterite forms of VER (to see). You also have a few present tenses and infinitive use thrown in-just to make it more challenging! ;-) ¡Vaya! Copy this to my account 163 La Comida - Food -- Java Game
Practice Spanish vocabulary for foods›R Copy this to my account 164 Learning Goal 7 (Ser & Estar) Sp1 (Sp 1b) Señora Walker Quiz
Quiz over the conjugation of ser & estar This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 165 Stem-changing verbs in present tense Señora Rader Cloze
Fill in the form of the given infinitive in present tense to complete the paragraph. Copy this to my account 166 La familia 1 Dianne Guest Java Game
Check out your skill with the basic vocabulary for "la familia." Copy this to my account 167 ¿Qué hora es? Aileen O'Suilleabhain Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 168 3-U1E2 gustar-type verbs Sra. DeHart Cloze
Practice of gustar-type verbs from p. 60 of text, Unidad 1, Etapa 2 Copy this to my account 169 Bienvenidos Capítulo 2 El verbo SER Señor Fields Cloze
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb SER....buena suerte.... Copy this to my account 170 1 U2L1 Tener Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Choose the correct form of tener in the present tense. Copy this to my account 171 Los verbos como gustar Angela Enderberg Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 172 U5E3-4 - Preterite-Past-Tense-AR Señor Wojnar Quiz
To conjugate regular -ar verbs in the preterite, drop the ending (-ar) and add one of the following:
(yo)------------é---------hablé------I spoke
(tú)-------------aste-----hablaste---you (fam.)... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 173 Sp 1 Preliminar Spanish-speaking Countries Mlle/Srta. Read Hangman
Play hangman as you practice the Spanish-speaking countries! From the Etapa Preliminar of En Español 1. Copy this to my account 174 Estar #1 Dianne Guest Java Game
Strengthen your skill with the correct present tense forms of the verb "estar." Copy this to my account 175 AVHS SP1 U3 Numbers 0-39 (basic 4 activities) Señora Java Game
Use these activities to help you learn your numbers 0-39. Copy this to my account 176 Numbers 0-100 Señora Berg Columns
Match the numbers with their Spanish spelling Copy this to my account 177 Colors Mrs. McChesney Hangman
Copy this to my account 178 II Realidades - 2A Reflexives Madame Young Java Game
Reflexive vocabulary from Realidades 2. Copy this to my account 179 1 U0LP Days of the week Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 180 Regular verbs in the preterit Angela Enderberg Java Game
Copy this to my account 181 1 U3L2 Calendar Quiz Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 182 Spanish Months -- Picture Perfect
Put the months in chronological order. Copy this to my account 183 La familia Sra. Min Rags to Riches
Un juego para repasar el vocabulario de la familia Copy this to my account 184 Do you know your numbers 0-30? Profa Kurtz Battleship
Numbers 1-30 Copy this to my account 185 Realidades 2 - 1B Madame Young Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 186 AR Verbs 1, Present Tense Pattern Dianne Guest Java Game
Strengthen your knowledge and skill in using regular -ar verbs. Copy this to my account 187 Paso a Paso A - Ch. 2, Sección 3 - Los Pronombres personales -- Java Game
Practice your PERSONAL PRONOUN vocabulary. You MUST master this!!! Copy this to my account 188 Realidades I - Capítulo 1B -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 189 El Tiempo / Weather / Matching Señora Milheiro Java Game
Practice the weather vocabulary in Spanish by matching the pictures with words in Spanish. Copy this to my account 190 Lugares- Matching and Identification Señor Johnson Quiz
Match the picture to the word in Spanish, or identify the picture by typing the Spanish word. This quiz contains 34 questions. Copy this to my account 191 Practice with AR Verbs Ken J. Zeoli Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 192 Possessive Adjectives -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 193 Classroom Objects A - En la clase - Dime Uno - Lección Preliminar Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 194 Los Quehaceres Mr Izard Rags to Riches
The following are orders that you might hear in a home. Use the the familiar form (Tú) Copy this to my account 195 Ser vs Estar -- Pop-ups
Choose the correct verb to fit the sentence.
If there are 2 blanks in a sentence it will be the same verb. :) Copy this to my account 196 Ven conmigo II 7.1 Imperfecto Profesora Duronio Cloze
Completa el párrafo con el imperfecto (CA p. 74 Act. 5) Copy this to my account 197 El alfabeto Iraida C. Peinado Java Game
Copy this to my account 198 Los Números / Numbers / Matching Señora Milheiro Java Game
Practice the numbers in Spanish (1-31) by playing matching games! Copy this to my account 199 HANGMAN WITH CLOTHING Sra. Bishop Hangman
CHECK OUT YOUR MEMORY OF WORDS FOR CLOTHING Copy this to my account 200 Los días de la semana / Days of the Week # 3 Mary Lynne DeMarinis Hangman
Copy this to my account 201 Pronouns and verb Ser A P Java Game
Subject Pronouns and the verb SER- to be Copy this to my account 202 2ndo Grado Partes del Cuerpo -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 203 Pobre Ana Vocabulary -- Rags to Riches
Practice Vocabulary from pages 1-3 of Pobre Ana Copy this to my account 204 Days, Months in Spanish Senora Roberts Java Game
Days and months in Spanish for beginners Copy this to my account 205 EXP 2 Capítulo 5-2¿Qué te interesa? Señora Mar Pop-ups
Usa verbos como cansar, interesar, gustar, llamar la atención y aburrir para expresar lo que te gusta hacer. Copy this to my account 206 Imperfect and Preterite Battleship -- Battleship
A battleship game to review the preterite and imperfect tenses Copy this to my account 207 Tener Mademoiselle Stone Columns
Practice the forms of Tener. Copy this to my account 208 Preposiciones de Lugar R. Knowles Java Game
Practice the prepositions of placement from page 256 Copy this to my account 209 los meses del año Señora Miller Java Game
Vamos a aprender los meses en español. Let's learn the months of year in Spanish. Copy this to my account 210 Etapa preliminar -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 211 Regular Preterite Verbs - AR -ER-IR Srta. Clower Java Game
Copy this to my account 212 Ch 4: Numbers; 1 Joe Barile Ordered List
Place the numbers 11-30, in the correct order. Copy this to my account 213 All in the Family Mrs. McChesney Java Game
Copy this to my account 214 Preterit vs imperfect zoo trip -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 215 1 U2L1 Time Rags To Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Practice telling time in Spanish. Copy this to my account 216 U3E3-4 - Expressions Using Tener Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 217 avancemos ...unidad 1 lección 1 Joe Barile Hangman
Vocab practice for the verbs presented in Unit 1 lesson 1 of Avancemos level 1 Copy this to my account 218 5A Preparación #2 Janine Hakanson Quiz
Escoge o escribe la respuesta más lógica. (You must have at least 50% correct to receive HW credit. If you get less, redo the quiz.) This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 219 Quiz--seasons and weather that apply to NJ and surrounding areas Señorita Pelican Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 220 el cuerpo y la ropa Carol Hamilton Columns
¿Qué necesitas y para qué? Copy this to my account 221 ir + a Joe Barile Rags to Riches
ir + a + inf AND ir + a + the + place Copy this to my account 222 Mis pasatiempos favoritos Carol Hamilton Java Game
Copy this to my account 223 Conjugation of tener Mrs. Shields Cloze
Conjugate the verb tener in 9 tenses Copy this to my account 224 II Realidades - 2A Reflexives Madame Young Hangman
Give the Spanish translation of the following reflexive verbs. Copy this to my account 225 Chp 5B Prueba 5B-4 (Los verbos Ser y Estar) Sra. Diaz Quiz
Enrique is in a café in Mexico, writing a letter to his friend Fransisco. Complete his letter by writing the correct forms of the verbs SER or ESTAR.
This quiz is worth 32 points. (1 pt- correct verb choice. 1pt- correct conjugation choice) This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 226 5-09 - Adjective Agreement - Basic Señor Wojnar Quiz
Write the form of the adjective in parenthesis so that it agrees with the noun in gender & number This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 227 1. Rags to Riches (Stem-changing verbs) stephanie riessen Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 228 Avancemos 2 1.2 Preterite QZ 2 Monsieur Marcantel Quiz This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 229 Realidades I - Capítulo 8A -- Java Game
Review Chapter 8A vocabulary with these games and activities. Copy this to my account 230 Realidades 1 - Capítulo 5B Vocabulario Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Match the Spanish vocabulary word with its English meaning. Copy this to my account 231 Capítulo 1B Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 232 2 U1L1 Indirect Object Pronouns Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 233 Regular Imperfect Tense Verbs Sra. Schultz Hangman
Practice conjugating verbs in the imperfect. Copy this to my account 234 The verb 'estar' -- Battleship
The forms of the verb 'estar' Copy this to my account 235 -er and -ir present tense practice Sra. Hoover Quiz
comer, beber, correr, escribir, compartir, comprender & deber This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 236 1 U2L2 IR Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Learn the verb IR (to go) and all of its forms in the present tense. Choose between flash cards, matching, concentration and word search to suit your desire. Copy this to my account 237 02 Regular Subjunctive Verbs Matthew Quiz
Fill in the blank with the correct subjunctive form of the verb in parentheses. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 238 1-3 ¿Qué te gusta? Lakota Spanish Teachers Columns
Match the correct answer to the question.
There may be one answer that does not match. Copy this to my account 239 1B-Examen, Page 3 Señora Cowell Quiz
Leer- In a Spanish magazine, you see an interview about one of the smash hits of the TV season, "Tú y yo." The reporter (reportero) asks several of the actors about the character (personaje) he or she plays on the show. As you read, see if you can... This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 240 Etapa Preliminar - Los días de la semana Sra. Pelicano Columns
Practice matching up the days of the week with their meanings. From the Etapa Preliminar of En Español 1. Copy this to my account 241 Future Tense in Spanish Aileen O'Suilleabhain Patterns
Copy this to my account 242 Día de Accíon de Gracias -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 243 ADJECTIVES Sra. Mendoza Rags to Riches
For this activity, you must know your adjectives: which adjectives are used with which verb (ser or estar). Also remember that adjectives must match the subject they describe in number and gender. Choose the response that fits the sentence... Copy this to my account 244 ¿A dónde vas? - IR con ciudad vocab doctora hudson Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 245 Imperfect tense Rebecca Wildrick Challenge Board
Challenge yourself to conjugate regular verbs in the imperfect! Copy this to my account 246 Spanish 3 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto? -- Rags to Riches
Do you remember the uses of preterite and imperfect? Try this activity and see if you can win un millón de dólares! Copy this to my account 247 Learning Goal 3 (subject pronouns) Sp 1 (Sp1b & Sp2) Señora Walker Quiz
Mastery of meanings and when to use subject pronouns. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 248 Los meses del año Kim Hukari Ordered List
¿Conoces los meses del año? ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 249 En español 2 Unidad 1 Etapa 1 vocabulario Mrs. Hicks Java Game
plane & travel vocab Copy this to my account 250 Avancemos 2 Unidad 1.1 Direct Object Pronouns Sra. Leszczynski Quiz
Fill in the blank with the direct object pronoun based on the statments provided. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 251 Telling Time Lakota Spanish Teachers Pop-ups
Practice distinguishing between telling what time it is, and at what time something occurs. Copy this to my account 252 La Familia - actividad de escuchar Profesora Jennifer Quiz This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 253 Las emociones Señor Méndez Java Game
Copy this to my account 254 Realidades I - Capítulo 1B -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 255 Presente Progresivo Jamie Kenny Quiz
Llena el espacio con la forma de estar y el participio. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 256 Avancemos 1 3.1 Exam Monsieur Marcantel Quiz
Test for the Unit 3, Lesson 1 This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 257 Los Meses y dias de la semana a Java Game
Copy this to my account 258 Bienvenidos, Chapter 2 Time -- Java Game
Practice with telling time, using numbers and ser correctly Copy this to my account 259 Quiz #9 - Irregular Preterite Tense Verbs Srta. Ziegler Quiz
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis. All of the verbs in this quiz are irregular in certain spots of the verb chart (maybe not all spots). Use your notes to help you conjugate correctly. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 260 5A Preparación Para Las Pruebas 1 Janine Hakanson Quiz
Type the most logical word from p. 244 in each blank. You must get at least 50% in order to receive HW credit. If you get less, redo the quiz. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 261 El Imperfecto - los usos Sra. Frayre Quiz
This quiz will help you review the uses of the Imperfect tense. This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 262 ESPAÑOL I - BUEN VIAJE - PRACTICE QUIZ WITH SER SEÑORITA DRISKILL Quiz
FILL IN THE BLANK PRACTICE QUIZ WITH SER! This quiz contains 38 questions. Copy this to my account 263 Preterite Tense Review, Spanish 2 -- Cloze
This exercise will help you review the regular and irregular verbs in the preterite tense. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb that completes the sentence. Copy this to my account 264 Saber y conocer Señora Mar Hangman
Copy this to my account 265 Spanish Subject Pronouns Mrs. Lester Java Game
Practice your knowledge of Spanish subject pronouns with these activities. Copy this to my account 266 Direct Object Pronouns -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 267 Ir + a + infinitive -- Quiz
using ir + a + infinitive to tell what someone is "going to do" This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 268 Family Vocabulary Practice Sra. Durante Columns
¡Pratiquén el vocabulario! Copy this to my account 269 BATTLESHIP (Spanish)--Weather, seasons, weather related to seasons in NJ Señorita Pelican Battleship
Copy this to my account 270 The conjugations of ESTAR & SER barbara king Rags to Riches
Conjugate the irregular verbs SER & ESTAR based upon the following pronombres. Copy this to my account 271 1 U0LP Subject Pronouns Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 272 Los Números 0 - 100 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 273 Realidades A - Capítulo 1A - activities Mrs. Lester Columns
Review your knowledge of Spanish infinitives with this matching game. Copy this to my account 274 1 U1L2 Vocabulary Jeopardy Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
vocab practice from the text Avancemos level 1 Copy this to my account 275 2 U2L2 Reflexive verbs in Spanish, present tense Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 276 I Realidades 2A Vocabulary Madame Young Java Game
Realidades 1, Capítulo 2A Vocabulary Copy this to my account 277 2A realidades 2 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 278 Quiz 1: Encantar Y Gustar Sra. Beasley Quiz
Choosing indirect object pronouns and conjugating gustar and encantar This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 279 Los Pronombres Relativos (Relative Pronouns) Mary Louise Chillington Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 280 Avancemos 1: 0 to 30 Monsieur Marcantel Rags to Riches
Can you meet the challenge and give the correct answer to these number questions?!
You can win a million new Mexican Pesos!
(NP$ = Nuevos Pesos) Copy this to my account 281 Spanish Numbers 0-99 Barbara S. Andrews Battleship
Copy this to my account 282 Me gusta Hangman Sra. Daniel Hangman
Play hangman using your vocab #6 list. Copy this to my account 283 Year 10 - Preterite or Imperfect Carol Hunter Quiz
3 types of questions to really test your knowledge This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 284 Tener, Ser, and Gustar -- Cloze
Spanish 22 Copy this to my account 285 AVHS U5 Seasons and Basic Weather (Columns) Señora Columns
Do you know the four seasons and basic weather expressions in Spanish? Copy this to my account 286 los adjetivos y la ropa Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 287 Los Quehaceres: Conjugations and Sentences Señor Johnson Challenge Board
Translate English sentences into Spanish to talk about household chores. Copy this to my account 288 My Family - Mi Familia Sra. Al-Salim Pop-ups
A short simple list of family members. Enjoy Copy this to my account 289 los números en español Señora Miller Java Game
Vamos a aprender los números en español! Let's learn the numbers in Spanish! Copy this to my account 290 Pretedrite vs. Imperfect -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 291 U2E2-5 - ESTAR - Practice Señor Wojnar Quiz
Choose the correct verb. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 292 7ACC PRUEBA DE SER Y ESTAR Sra. Durante Quiz
This is a quiz for you to work on at home, in the school library, or school computer lab. Work at your own pace and take your time. It counts towards your average, so do your best. ¡Buena suerte! This quiz contains 43 questions. Copy this to my account 293 1 Estar Quiz 2 Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
¿Dónde están las siguientes personas? Use the verb estar to tell where these persons are. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 294 1 U1L1 Gustar + infinitives Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Gustar Copy this to my account 295 Las partes del cuerpo Señora Nadeau Quiz
Identify and write down the answer in Spanish. ¡Buena suerte! This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 296 6A Las cosas en mi dormitorio Sra. Bishop Hangman
Copy this to my account 297 Bienvenidos Capítulo 1 El verbo SER Señor Fields Cloze
Completen con el verbo ser..... Copy this to my account 298 El Imperfecto (ahora no... pero antes... todos los días) Sra. Frayre Cloze
¿Qué comentarios hacen tus abuelitos al hablar sobre el pasado? Llena los espacios con la forma correcta del verbo usando el imperfecto. Copy this to my account 299 Is it a season, month, or day Sra. Hays Hangman
you decide which it is, good luck! Copy this to my account 300 Realidades 1, Chapter 5B JG Dr. Parra Java Game
Copy this to my account 301 1 U2L1 Tener Translation Match Up Columns Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Match the translations of the conjugated forms of Tener Copy this to my account 302 Demonstrative Adjectives Julie Reinshagen Java Game
Can you match this, these, that, and those with the correct clothing nouns in Spanish? Copy this to my account 303 U5E3-7-Present to Preterite Señor Wojnar Quiz
Change the verbs in the sentences below from present to past (preterite) tense.
En la Florida nado en el océano. In Florida, I swim in the... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 304 PE Colores y las cosas de la escuela Señora McKnight Pop-ups
Practice vocabulary and gender/number agreement. Make sure your article, noun, and color adjective match in gender and number. Ex. el escritorio amarillo. Copy this to my account 305 ser/estar folder - Ser vs. Estar - various Señor Wojnar Quiz
SER is used for identity, professions, nationalities, religions, physical appearance, personality, relationships, time, place & date of an event, origin, possession, materials, quantity, price, with passive voice (ser + participle + por), impersonal... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 306 interrogatives quiz -- Realidades 4A Señora Walker Quiz
Pon las palabras interogativas que faltan en cada pregunta. (Supply the missing interrogative words.) This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 307 El Cuerpo -- Body Parts (with pictures) Patti Coveny Java Game
Match the Spanish word with the picture. Copy this to my account 308 Los días de la semana Iraida C. Peinado Java Game
Copy this to my account 309 Irregular Yo Verbs - Columns Mary Lynne DeMarinis Columns
Copy this to my account 310 Bienvenidos Capítulo 2 ¿Qué hora es? Señor Fields Java Game
¿Qué hora es? Copy this to my account 311 ¡ME GUSTA EL VERBO "GUSTAR!" -- Patterns
Copy this to my account 312 Making Nouns Plural in Spanish Señora Faucher Quiz
Use the 3 rules to make the following Spanish nouns plural. Make sure to make the definite article plural as well. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 313 1 U2L1 Time Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Basic telling time, including What time is it?, At what time, noon, midnight, AM and PM. Copy this to my account 314 Subject Pronouns: ONE from MANY: PRONOUN REDECTION DRILL Diego D. Esquibel Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 315 Avancemos 2 1.2 Test Monsieur Marcantel Quiz
El Pretérito 1 This quiz contains 21 questions chosen from a bank of 20. Copy this to my account 316 Saludos/Greetings Sra. Hoover Hangman
Practice of basic phrases and questions to make introductions or start a conversation. Copy this to my account 317 Ir+a+infinitive Sra. Gifun Battleship
Copy this to my account 318 Present Tense AR Verb Conjugation Mademoiselle Stone Battleship
See if you can conjugate the following AR verbs in the correct form in Spanish. Copy this to my account 319 Learning Goal 1 (Definite & Indefinite Articles) sp1 (1b & Sp2) Señora Walker Quiz
Mastery of meaning and agreement of articles with nouns. This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 320 Colors Mrs. Ansted Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 321 Learning Goal Spanish 2 (uses of ser and estar) Sp2 Señora Walker Quiz
Quiz over use of ser & estar This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 322 Weather and Calendar ysidore perez Rags to Riches
Tie weather to months, seasons, weeks, etc. Copy this to my account 323 Learning Goal 4 (-ar verbs) Sp1 (Sp1b & Sp2) Señora Walker Quiz
Mastery of conjugation of -ar verbs. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 324 Food/La Comida gloria Java Game
Copy this to my account 325 Spanish I Reading and Listening Profesora Jennifer Quiz This quiz contains 31 questions. Copy this to my account 326 AVHS SP1 U5 Seasons and Weather Expressions Señora Java Game
Do you know the four seasons and basic weather expressions in Spanish? Copy this to my account 327 La Comida- Food -- Java Game
Try to match the Spanish food word with the English food word! Copy this to my account 328 Los numeros 1-60 a Picture Perfect
Put the numbers in order Copy this to my account 329 Regular Preterit Verb Conjugation Señoras Kline y Navarro Patterns
PRACTICE TELLING TIME IN SPANISH WITH A MULTIPLE CHOICE AND FILL IN THE BLANK PRACTICE QUIZ ! This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 331 Cap 2B The verb Estar Elizabeth John Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 30. Copy this to my account 332 1 U2L1 Conjugate this! -ar verbs Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
conjugate these -ar verbs (in parentheses) in the present tense, some verbs are irregular, reflexive and some verbs will remain in the infinitive form Copy this to my account 333 Numbers / numeros Mrs. Sandie Wright Ordered List
Copy this to my account 334 AVHS SP1 U3 Months of the Year (Hangman) Señora Hangman
Can you guess and spell the months of the year in Spanish? Copy this to my account 335 las frutas -- Java Game
Match pictures of fruit with its name in Spanish. Copy this to my account 336 ESTAR + EMOTIONS Señora Shaffer Hangman
Copy this to my account 337 BV1: Ch1: Ser Sra. Barganz Battleship
Decide which form of ser is correct. Copy this to my account 338 Adjetivos Posesivos Ms. Ruzicka Pop-ups
mi/mis, tu/tus, su/sus, nuestro(a)(s)
Tienes que saberlos.... Copy this to my account 339 Capitulo 5 B Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 340 Indirect Object Pronouns with gustar and similar verbs -- Quiz
choose the correct I.O. pronoun. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 341 Bienvenidos Capítulo 9 saber v. conocer Señor Fields Cloze
¿Saber o conocer? ¡Tienes que decidir! Copy this to my account 342 1 U3L1 Present tense of -er & -ir verbs Patterns Sra Durante de Stroup Patterns
Learn to conjugate simple verbs Copy this to my account 343 Challenge board for the preterite forms 6th edition -- Challenge Board
Play the board or another player to see how well you know your conjugations. Be careful to pay attention to which category you are in! Copy this to my account 344 1B-Examen, Page 2 Señora Cowell Quiz
Answer the questions below in complete sentences using the pictures. Use complete sentences. If you see an "x" over a picture, the person does not have the trait illustrated. This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 345 doña Di's Estar and subject pronouns Dianne Guest Rags to Riches
This is an opportunity to fine-tune your skills in using the forms of "estar" with the subject pronouns. Choose the correct response to practice the forms of estar and subject pronouns. Copy this to my account 346 1 U3L1 Verbs like "gustar" Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Cloze
Verbs like gustar, based on p. 27 of Imagina Copy this to my account 347 Los verbos Marsha Ferguson Quiz
Review of regular present tense verbs in Spanish This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 348 1A U1E1 Practice Quiz: Subject Pronouns and SER Señor Bain Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 349 Realidades I - Capítulo 5B -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 350 Spanish III - Affirmative & Negative Nosotros Commands (2.1) Señorita Psket Challenge Board
**To get points when one of the commands requires an accent, you
must include the accent (use your Spanish letter codes.) Copy this to my account 351 Los colores Señora Miller Hangman
Play hangman and practice the spelling of the colors in Spanish! Copy this to my account 352 Realidades 2 1A Stem Changing Verbs J. Russum Challenge Board
Jeopardy-like practice of stem changing verbs Copy this to my account 353 AP - HW7B ¿Reflexivo o no? Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
Is the reflexive required or not? This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 354 5-05 - the verb IR Señor Wojnar Quiz
IR is an irregular verb, meaning "to go." It is conjugated:
(yo) voy
(tú)... This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 355 PRACTICE WITH TENER Maestra Phelps Quiz This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 356 Capítulo 3: El verbo ESTAR Sra. Koenig Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 357 ser, estar ysidore perez Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 358 Avancemos Unidad 1, Lección 2 Sra. Withers Hangman
More vocab practice Copy this to my account 359 5-15-TENER-Expressions Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 360 Classroom Objects Señorita Karukas Java Game
Copy this to my account 361 Verbos irregulares del preterito Mrs. W Java Game
preferir, pedir, repetir, dormir, vestirse, divertirse Copy this to my account 362 El Pretérito/En Espanol1/Ragas to Riches Senora Cambra Rags to Riches
Preterite of ar, er, ir verbs and the verb ir Copy this to my account 363 Conjugate this! -ar verbs Sra. Hays Pop-ups
conjugate these -ar verbs (in parentheses) in the present tense, some verbs are irregular, reflexive and some verbs will remain in the infinitive form Copy this to my account 364 Weather & Seasons Tamberli Dixon Hangman
Copy this to my account 365 Para Empezar 1 - Greetings, Introductions, Goodbyes Señor W Java Game
Copy this to my account 366 La hora Señor Turf Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 367 1 U0LP Quiz: Subject pronouns Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
Please test your knowledge of subject pronouns with this graded quiz. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 368 Irregular Preterite Verbs Stacy Tukloff-Vansant Rags to Riches
estar, poder, poner, saber, tener, hacer Copy this to my account 369 1 U1L1 Forms of the verb SER Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Practice matching the forms of the verb SER with various subject pronouns. Copy this to my account 370 AVHS SP1 Subject Pronouns (basic acitivities) Señora Java Game
Do you know the English and Spanish subject pronouns? Copy this to my account 371 ¿Qué te gusta? SRA. BEITZINGER Rags to Riches
Reviewing Unidad 1/ Etapa 1 fom En Español and additional activities. Copy this to my account 372 Verbs like gustar -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 373 Los verbos reflexivos Señora Hayner Quiz
reflexive verb conjugation This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 374 Day of the Dead Vocabulary Ann Giese Java Game
Copy this to my account 375 (3.1) Acabar de Ms. Erin Parris Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 376 Palabras Interrogativas Sra. Frayre Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 377 Preterite -ar, -er & -ir verbs including -car, -gar & -zar Stacy Tukloff-Vansant Battleship
Copy this to my account 378 Comparatives and Superlatives #1 Sra. Regge Quiz
Complete the following phrases. This is a practice activity so use your notes to help you. Retake as often as you want to get the grade you can be happy with. I'll enter them in the book. Due date: Tuedsay, Nov 3rd. At 11pm it goes off line. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 379 1B Prueba 5 Señora Storrs Quiz
Word order: Placement of adjectives
Use each set of words below to write a correct Spanish sentence. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 380 6-19 - Demonstrative Adjectives Señor Wojnar Quiz
Use the correct form of the demonstrative adjective (este, esta, estos, estas) that correspond with each noun.
"This and These have T's"
este, esta =... This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 381 Avancemos 1 Ch2.2a Quiz Monsieur Marcantel Quiz
Exam of Unit 2, Lesson 2 This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 382 Las Capitales de los Países Hispanos Sra. Beasley Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 383 2 U0DOP Direct Object Pronouns - Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 384 Greetings, Battleship! Señora F. Battleship
Test your knowledge of basic greetings in Spanish. ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 385 "ar" verbs -- Columns
Match the verbs in Spanish to their English counterpart. Copy this to my account 386 La casa Michelle Marnicio Hangman
Un juego para repasar los cuartos de la casa Copy this to my account 387 2.3.1 Mandatos #1 -- Quiz
Includes the difference between Ud. and Uds. commands, as well as the use of commands w/ reflexive pronouns and direct/indirect object pronouns. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 388 The future tense in Spanish. Aileen O'Suilleabhain Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 389 Español 3 Ser y Estar Señora Baumann Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 390 Present Perfect Tense Mr. Boemio Rags to Riches
Conjugate the verb in caps into the Present Perfect Tense. Spelling Counts. Copy this to my account 391 los colores en español Señora Miller Java Game
Vamos a aprender los colores en español! Let's learn the colors in Spanish! Copy this to my account 392 LA ROPA QUIZ Señora Aldridge Quiz
QUIZ OVER BASIC VOCABULARY FOR CLOTHING This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 393 Tener Conjugation Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Place the conjugated verb tener in order to a typical verb chart.
1 - yo 4 - nosotros
2 - tú 5 -... Copy this to my account 394 VERSION #1: Ir + a Infinitivo Ms Chabot Rags to Riches
Practice using the Ir + a + the infinitive form of the verb to tell what someone is going to do. Copy this to my account 395 Bienvenidos Capítulo 2 ¿Qué hora es? -- Java Game
¿Qué hora es? Copy this to my account 396 Capítulo 6: Demonstrative Practice Ken J. Zeoli Hangman
Practice your demonstrative adjectives: ese, esa, esos, esas (that/those) AND este, estos, esta, estas (this/these) with the hangman game. ¡Vaya! Copy this to my account 397 Español 2 1A Verbos que cambian raíz Señora Baumann Java Game
Copy this to my account 398 Months of the year / meses Mrs. Sandie Wright Java Game
Months of the year / meses Copy this to my account 399 Realidades 4B Rags to Riches Janine Hakanson Rags to Riches
Escoge la respuesta lógica. Copy this to my account 400 El pretérito Señor Stuber Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 401 Realidades A - Capítulo 1B - articles Mrs. Lester Pop-ups
Practice your use of definite and indefinite articles with this activity. Can you get 100%? Copy this to my account 402 EL DÍA DE MUERTOS Mlle. Java Game
Pertinent vocabulary to explain and understand this beautiful Mexican celebration Copy this to my account 403 Telling Time Ken J. Zeoli Columns
Copy this to my account 404 El imperfecto - ¿Qué sucedía...? Sean Cook Quiz
Completa las siguientes frases con los verbos entre paréntesis. Como el contexto está en el pasado tienes que usar el imperfecto.
AP p. 47 This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 405 Realidades 2 - vocabulary 1B -- Java Game
Vocabualry games Copy this to my account 406 Chapter 8 - Comparisons of Equality Señora Davis Challenge Board
In the two columns named: tan...como and tanto...como, translate the sentences into Spanish. In the column named: tan or tanto...como, Combine the two sentences and write one Spanish sentence making a comparison of equality. Copy this to my account 407 Unidad 4, Etapa 3 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Hangman
Copy this to my account 408 AVHS SP2 U6 "las profesiones" Señora Baumann Java Game
Practice with your "las profesiones" vocabulary.(4 basic activities) Copy this to my account 409 Numbers 0 to 30 -- Rags to Riches
Can you meet the challenge and give the correct answer to these number questions?!
You can win a million new Mexican Pesos!
(NP$ = Nuevos Pesos) Copy this to my account 410 3.1.1 Pretérito vs. Imperfecto -- Cloze
Tienen que saber cuando se usa el pretérito o el imperfecto....¡Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 411 Países y capitales Mrs. Morris Java Game
Spanish speaking countries and their capitals Copy this to my account 412 Chapter 3 Quiz Present tense verbs Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz
This is a test of your knowledge of conjugating regular verbs in the present tense. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 413 5B Prueba #1 Janine Hakanson Quiz
Mira las pp. 248, 249 y 268. Escribe la palabra que falta en español. (Hay que tener por lo menos 50% correcto.) This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 414 1 U3L2 Comparisons of Equality Challenge Board Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
In the two columns named: tan...como and tanto...como, translate the sentences into Spanish. In the column named: tan or tanto...como, Combine the two sentences and write one Spanish sentence making a comparison of equality. Copy this to my account 415 (Sp. 1-5) Conjugate regular -ER/-IR verbs: leer, beber, comer, escribir, asistir (a), recibir. Mrs. Speeker Pop-ups
Conjugate these common, regular verbs. Copy this to my account 416 "Go" Verbs Kirsten Borrink Java Game
A review of Spanish "go" verbs (hacer, salir, poner, traer, tener, venir) Copy this to my account 417 Tener and its idioms Sra. Bishop Pop-ups
The verb tener means "to have", but it can also be used to express:
cold, hot, thirst, hungry, sleepy, have to+infinitive, # yrs. old Copy this to my account 418 Battleship for La Familia - 2nd Grade Señora Aldridge Battleship
Work with vocabulary from La Familia for 2nd Grade Copy this to my account 419 Imperfect Tense Srta. Wachlin Java Game
There are only three irregular verbs in the imperfect tense, ver, ir, and ser. All others follow the examples given. Copy this to my account 420 I Capítulo 3A Madame Young Columns
Realidades I, p. 144, 3A Vocabulario Copy this to my account 421 Rags to Riches Greetings and Introductions Señora Morley Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 422 El abecedario Sandra Java Game
Escucha y practica las letras del abecedario - Listen and practice the alphabet in Spanish. Copy this to my account 423 Regular Imperfect Rebecca Wildrick Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 424 Indirect object pronouns Sandra Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 425 Verb Conjugations Señora Bustos and Madame Bustos Java Game
Games to practice the present tense of -ar, -er, -ir verbs as well as ser, estar and tener. Copy this to my account 426 Possessive Adjectives -- Pop-ups
Complete the following sentences choosing the correct possessive adjective. Copy this to my account 427 Forming the Present Subjunctive -- Rags to Riches
From Spanish III De Viaje, Chapter 1 Copy this to my account 428 Las formas de IR (to go) doctora hudson Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 429 ARTÍCULOS -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 430 -AR Preterite Hangman Linda Akwa Hangman
Use the clue to write the word. Copy this to my account 431 Hace Time Expressions - Present Tense Stacy Tukloff-Vansant Battleship
Copy this to my account 432 DIME 5-2 Stem changing verbs (conjugations) Sra. Karen Patzelt Kupinse Challenge Board
Conjugating verbs from DIME 5-2 Copy this to my account 433 1Ch12 Reflexive Verbs Srta. Gutzwiler Quiz This quiz contains 19 questions. Copy this to my account 434 Regular -AR verbs -- Patterns
Choose the correct verb conjugation of regular -AR ending verbs given the subject (person) shown. Some verbs will be unfamiliar to you, but the same conjugation rules apply.
YOU MUST EARN A GOLD $1.00 COIN (or more) on this game before you are... Copy this to my account 435 Avancemos 1 SER Monsieur Marcantel Java Game
Practice the forms of the verb SER = to be Copy this to my account 436 Irregular Comparitives and Superlatives Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 437 Ser y Estar Señora Phillips Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 438 C 7 Spanish 112 Quiz Preterite Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the preterite verbs. This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 114. Copy this to my account 439 1 U5L1 SER -vs- ESTAR QUiz Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
Practicing the uses of ser and estar. Choose the correct form to complete the sentence. Remember: ser (to describe or define the subject) and estar (to express the subject's well-being or to tell the location of the subject) This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 440 Avancemos 1 ch2.2 estar Monsieur Marcantel Columns
Estar columns Copy this to my account 441 ¿Qué hora es? #1 Dianne Guest Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 442 Body Parts Dr. Bell Java Game
Match the body parts Copy this to my account 443 Realidades 1, Chapter 1A JG Dr. Parra Java Game
Copy this to my account 444 05 - Family - Millionaire -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 445 Appearance and Personality Vocabulary -- Rags to Riches
Practice using words in Spanish to describe someone Copy this to my account 446 Reflexive Verbs -- Ordered List
Put these reflexive activies in logical order. Copy this to my account 447 Learning Goal 5 (-er verbs) Sp1 (Sp1b & Sp2) Señora Walker Quiz
Mastery of conjugation of -er verbs. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 448 5A La familia Sra. Bishop Columns
Families in Hispanic countries include all the extended family members, not just the immediate family living under one roof. See if you can match these appropriately. There are more choices than you need. Copy this to my account 449 AP - HW9 Present Perfect (pretérito perfecto) Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
Present tense of "haber" + -ado/-ido or irregular participles
(he, has, ha, hemos, han + participio) = have done something
Special... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 450 II Realidades - 2A Ser vs. Estar Madame Young Java Game
Java Games of sentences using ser or estar from Realidades 2 Copy this to my account 451 1 U4L2 o --ue stem changing verbs Challenge Board Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Practice stem changing verbs O to UE
almorzar, contar, costar devolver, dormir, encontrar, poder, recordar, volver and jugar. Copy this to my account 452 Basic Vocabulary/Vocabulario Básico gloria Java Game
Copy this to my account 453 LA RUTINA DIARIA - WRITE THE REFLEXIVE VERB Señora Kuhlman Quiz
me baño nos bañamos
te... This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 454 R2 1A Prueba 1A-3 Stem Changing Verbs Señora Borges Quiz This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 455 ¿Qué hora es? (quarter hour) Señora F. Rags to Riches
How good are your time-telling skills? Take this challenge! Copy this to my account 456 Spanish interrogatives Señora Rader Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 457 Qué hora es? maria towers Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 458 CH 7: Boot Verbs -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 459 Stem changing verbs - Buen Viaje 1-7 Sra. Vonesh Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 460 Jepardy- animals, sports, colors, months, numbers Señora Owings Challenge Board
Jepardy- animals, sports, colors, months, numbers Copy this to my account 461 Saber y Conocer Señor Stuber Columns
Copy this to my account 462 Saber and Conocer Señora Phillips Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 463 AR Verbs Sra. Mitchell Mini Quiz
Fill in blank with the correct present tense form of regular AR verbs Copy this to my account 464 9. Semester 1 Final Practice Jepardy Heidi Beller Challenge Board
Test your knowledge of: numbers, family vocab, -ar, -er, and -ir verbs, time, and infinitives Copy this to my account 465 Tengo … Señora F. Java Game
Say how you feel with these expressions using "tener." Have fun! Copy this to my account 466 El Tiempo Presente Señora Fernández de Dunn Quiz
Los Verbos "AR" This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 467 Descriptive Adjectives & SER/U1-E2 Srta. Asa Rags to Riches
Answering questions using SER and descriptive adjectives Copy this to my account 468 Imperfect vs. Preterite Sra. Hays Pop-ups
Using the compare and contrast decide if you need the preterite or imperfect conjugation for the sentences Copy this to my account 469 El Presente-Practice Quiz Sra. Min Quiz
This is a test of your knowledge of conjugating regular verbs in the present tense. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 470 e-->ie verbs #1 Ms Chabot Rags to Riches
Remember to pay attention to whether or not you need simply an "e" or an "ie" on the stem-changing verbs... or even sometimes leave it in the infinitivo! Copy this to my account 471 Weather/Seasons Battleship- El Tiempo y las Estaciones -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 472 El Alfabeto Español Señora Miller Java Game
Vamos a aprender el alfabeto en español. Let's learn the Spanish alphabet sounds! Copy this to my account 473 1 U1L2 Definite Articles Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
practice matching articles with masculine and feminine nouns. Copy this to my account 474 Exprésate 3 C 2-1 Vocabulario Señora Amos Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 475 El presente del progresivo (-ing sentences) Profa Kurtz Rags to Riches
Can you change from present tense to present progressive (someone DOES it to someone IS DOING it?) Copy this to my account 476 2-U1E2 Preterite story: El viernes pasado Dra. C Cloze
Copy this to my account 477 2 U1L2 -AR Verbs in the Preterite Tense Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 478 BATTLESHIP (in Spanish WITH HINTS INCLUDED!): numbers 1-30, animals, colors, basic 4 shapes Señorita Pelican Battleship
There are twelve questions each time you play--and some change each time. Copy this to my account 479 -Ar verb conjugation Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Basic -ar conjugation to accompany Ch. 1 of ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 1. Copy this to my account 480 BATTLESHIP FOR LA FAMILIA - 3RD GRADE Señora Aldridge Battleship
Working with vocabulary for La Familia for 3rd Grade Copy this to my account 481 2.3.2 Mandatos informales afirmativos -- Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 482 Capitulo 5 A Vocabulario Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 483 La familia Michelle Marnicio Rags to Riches
Un juego para repasar el vocabulario de la familia Copy this to my account 484 Direct and Indirect Objects (Spanish IV) Sra. Schultz Challenge Board
Practice mainly with questions using direct and indirect object pronouns both alone and together. Also practices preterite tense. Copy this to my account 485 Prueba de Comprensión de Lazarillo del Tormes Profesora Jennifer Quiz This quiz contains 29 questions. Copy this to my account 486 1 U0LP Subject pronouns Columns Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Practice the subject pronouns Copy this to my account 487 2.2 Classroom objects, places in school stephanie riessen Java Game
Classroom objects, places in school Copy this to my account 488 ¿CUANTO SABES DE CULTURA? Marisol M. Rags to Riches
Questions about Spanish speaking countries and people Copy this to my account 489 Realidades B: 6A Jumbled Words Jennifer Noonan Jumbled Words
Rearrange the words based on the clues given.
Similar to Prueba 6A-1!!! Copy this to my account 490 Realidades 2, CH. 1A Vocabulary Señora Zabala Java Game
Match vocabulary words with descriptions or synonyms Copy this to my account 491 Exprésate 1 Capítulo 4 tener expressions Debbie Mensinger Java Game
Uses tener expressions form Exprésate 1 Capítulo 4 Copy this to my account 492 Partes del Cuerpo -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 493 Animals/Los animales gloria Java Game
Copy this to my account 494 present tense of ir, to go señor Glaze Java Game
Learn the verb IR (to go) and all of its forms in the present tense. Choose between flash cards, matching, concentration and word search to suit your desire. Copy this to my account 495 Numbers 1-20 Lesson #5 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 496 All in the Family Sra. Hilbert Columns
Copy this to my account 497 1 U2L1 Tener Conjugation Puzzle Picture Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Place the conjugated verb tener in order to a typical verb chart.
1 - yo 4 - nosotros
2 - tú 5 -... Copy this to my account 498 Los días de la semana Señorita Brady Ordered List
¡Pon los días en orden!
(Según el calendario español) Copy this to my account 499 Partes del cuerpo Macky Mitma Java Game
Pupiletras / Tarjetas / Concentración / Parejas Copy this to my account 500 AR verbs in Spanish -- Java Game
Learn the English meanings of common AR verbs in Spanish Copy this to my account 501 U6E1-2-Reg Pret 1 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Change the verb from present to past (preterite) tense.
Preterite Verb endings:
AR ... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 502 Mandatos informales--Informal Tú Commands Mademoiselle Stone Rags to Riches
Practice with the Informal Tú Command forms. (affirmative & negative)
*Includes some irregular forms. Copy this to my account 503 Ch12- #3 - Dialogos en el Restaurante - El Millonario Profe Breinig Rags to Riches
Practice with mini dialogs in the restaurant Copy this to my account 504 2 U3L2 Gramática Pretérito Irregular Cloze Sra Durante de Stroup Cloze
Preterit of poder, traer, estar and tener Copy this to my account 505 Definite and Indefinite Articles St Marys Spanish Pop-ups
Choose the correct Spanish definite or indefinite article based on the words given in English. Copy this to my account 506 LOS MESES Y LAS ESTACIONES Mrs.Vazquez Java Game
Copy this to my account 507 Por vs Para Madame Modesitt Rags to Riches
Do you know Por vs Para enough to make it to the top? Copy this to my account 508 Animal Hangman Mrs. Ansted Hangman
Make a sentence using colors and animals Copy this to my account 509 1 U0LP Spanish-speaking Countries Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Play hangman as you practice the Spanish-speaking countries! Copy this to my account 510 PE 2. Saludos/Greetings Señora McKnight Hangman
Practice of basic phrases and questions to make introductions or start a conversation. Copy this to my account 511 Adelante 4-2 Places and Prepositions Sra. DeRosa Hangman
Students will practice de conjugation of the ver estar. Learn about basic places and prepositions. Copy this to my account 512 Reflexive verbs in Spanish, present tense. Aileen O'Suilleabhain Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 513 Dime uno 2-1 numeros 0 a 30 Jessie Kerr-Halls Java Game
Spanish numerals 0 to 30 Copy this to my account 514 SPANISH Number Math 1 - 20 Kim Acosta Rags to Riches
Is that your final answer? Copy this to my account 515 los colores -- Java Game
Each figure is a different color. Match the figure with the color in Spanish. Copy this to my account 516 La "a" personal Señora Phillips Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 517 Gustar Sra. Ekblad Java Game
Verbos como gustar Copy this to my account 518 Direct Object Pronouns: Step One Sra. Lari Quiz
Students will learn to replace the Direct Object of the sentence by the corresponding pronoun This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 519 Verbs Like Gustar Srita. Vargas Quiz
How well do you understand how to use verbs like gustar? Let's find out! This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 520 ¡Así Se Dice! - Capítulo 1 SER Quiz Primera Parte Sra. Baldwin Quiz
FILL IN THE BLANK PRACTICE QUIZ WITH SER! This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 521 Casa 1 Dianne Guest Java Game
Strengthen your skill and knowledge of the vocabulary for "La casa." Copy this to my account 522 R1 2B-4 Plurals Señora Storrs Quiz
Write the plural forms of the nouns and articles given. Pay attention to whether the article is definite or indefinite when making it plural. This quiz contains 29 questions. Copy this to my account 523 PE1 - Greetings & Numbers Profe Higgins Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 524 La casa a Java Game
Copy this to my account 525 los pasatiempos y algunos quehaceres - present tense "ar" verbs Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
focus: subject/verb agreement focusing on "ar" verbs Copy this to my account 526 Los Dias y los Meses (Days and Months) -- Java Game
Practice words for days of the week and months of the year in Spanish Copy this to my account 527 Future Tense Review Mr. Boemio Challenge Board
A challenge board with the future tense. (All verbs regular and irregular.) Copy this to my account 528 Present tense of regular AR verbs in Spanish Aileen O'Suilleabhain Patterns
Copy this to my account 529 Pronouns and ser SRA. BEITZINGER Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 530 1 U1L1 Gustar Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Do YOU know how to conjugate GUSTAR? Try it out and let's see! Fill in the blanks in these sentences: Copy this to my account 531 Los pronombres Eva Høeg Java Game
De personlige subjektspronomener Copy this to my account 532 BV3 Capítulo 2 preterite vs imperfect Sra. DeHart Cloze
Practice of the uses of the preterite and the imperfect tenses Copy this to my account 533 Realidades 1A Quiz ¿Qué te gusta hacer? Señora Mayo Quiz This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 534 7B Preterite Pot of Gold Sra. Bishop Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 535 EXP 2 Capítulo 5-1 Gramática Verbos reflexivos Señora Mar Rags to Riches
Verbos reflexivos. Copy this to my account 536 El Futuro Señora Janet Tan Cloze
Copy this to my account 537 e --> ie verbs #2 Ms Chabot Rags to Riches
Remember to pay attention to whether or not you need simply an "e" or an "ie" on the stem-changing verbs... or maybe even just the infinitivo! Copy this to my account 538 6-13 Expressing Obligation- Tener que Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 539 I 6A Vocabulario Madame Young Columns
Match the English and Spanish words.
See p. 294 for help. Copy this to my account 540 1 U2L3 ¿Qué hay? Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 541 5A Adjetivos Posesivos Sra. Bishop Battleship
Remember the CHEER! "ADJETIVOS POSESIVOS - MI, TU, SU, NUESTRO". This is an easy way to remember possesive adjectives. Just match the noun in gender and number. Good luck - buena suerte. Copy this to my account 542 Avancemos 2 U2 - L1 Prueba de gramatica 1 Preterite and irregular forms (quiz for 1/28/2014) Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 543 TO BE or TO BE Señora Desaulniers Rags to Riches
choosing ESTAR or TENER when meaning TO BE Copy this to my account 544 Dia de los Muertos Ms. Acocella Java Game
* Accents not available Copy this to my account 545 Avancemos 2 U2 - L1 Prueba de gramatica 1 Preterite and irregular forms Modified (quiz for 1/28/2014) Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 546 Numbers 0 - 100 Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 547 ¿Quieres ir conmigo? Alejandro Saravia Java Game
Based on vocabulary from Realidades 1, chapter 4B. Copy this to my account 548 Prepositions used with ESTAR Mademoiselle Stone Hangman
The prepositionsused with ESTAR: behind, in front of, close to, far from, on top of, underneath & next to Copy this to my account 549 Juntos Dos: Chapter 4 The Imperfect Pop- ups Señora Mahoney Pop-ups
Fill in the accurate imperfect form of the following verbs (page 116). Copy this to my account 550 Time Pam Friedenbach Java Game
Basic telling time, including What time is it?, At what time, noon, midnight, AM and PM. Copy this to my account 551 Regular Preterite Tense -ar Endings Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
(noun/pronoun)subject verb agreement??? Copy this to my account 552 Numbers 0-20 Señora Berg Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 553 Present tense of reflexive verbs in Spanish Aileen O'Suilleabhain Java Game
Copy this to my account 554 -ar verbs señor Glaze Battleship
Practice the forms of the -ar verbs Copy this to my account 555 "ar" verbs Mrs. Sandie Wright Columns
Match the verbs in Spanish to their English counterpart. Copy this to my account 556 QUIZ: En español 2 Unidad 1 Etapa 1 Mrs. Hicks Quiz
Practice preterite conjugation of -AR verbs including special -car, -gar, -zar spelling changes This quiz contains 12 questions chosen from a bank of 20. Copy this to my account 557 Irregular stems and irregular endings - preterite tense Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
When given the subject pronoun, choose the correct conjugation of the following verbs: andar, decir, estar, hacer, poder, poner, querer, saber, tener, traer, venir. Remember that the verb hacer has an additional irregularity. Copy this to my account 558 Realidades 2 Chapter 4B Vocabulary Practice Mrs. Jagus Java Game
Copy this to my account 559 ¿Qué hora es? -- Java Game
Match the clock with the time expressed in Spanish. Copy this to my account 560 Future Tense señora Terry Rags to Riches
Translate the English sentence to the future tense. Copy this to my account 561 Aventura 1 Lesson 29 - ¿Qué tal? Carol Hunter Java Game
Practises adjectives and body parts Copy this to my account 562 Spanish 1-Chap. 1 Rags to Riches Joy Jenkins Quenga Rags to Riches
¿Estás listo para ganar mucho dinero? Copy this to my account 563 Deportes- Rags to Riches -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 564 Subject Pronouns-Practice Quiz #1 Sra. Min Quiz
Choose the correct Spanish subejct pronoun that would replace each subject. This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 565 1Ch8ser/estar fill-in Srta. Gutzwiler Quiz
Fill in with ser/estar. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 566 5-10 - Adjective agreement Señor Wojnar Quiz
Write the form of the adjective in parenthesis so that it agrees with the noun in gender & number This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 567 Test Your Knowledge of the Alphabet -- Quiz
Choose the correct spelling of the word. This quiz contains 5 questions chosen from a bank of 12. Copy this to my account 568 Hangman- irregular preterite- ALL irregulars Srta Connors Hangman
irregular preterite hangman- Avancemos 3 1-1 Copy this to my account 569 Bienvenidos Capítulo 9 Adjetivos Demonstrativos Señor Fields Cloze
Completen con la forma correcta.... Copy this to my account 570 Test your knowledge of the months and seasons of the year Sra. Hays Battleship
Copy this to my account 571 El dia de los muertos -- Java Game
Day of the Dead vocabulary puzzle Copy this to my account 572 Actividad G: <i>Gustar</i> + Article + Noun -- Quiz This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 573 Realidades 2 Chapter 2A possessive adjectives Mrs. Jagus Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 574 AP - HW2 Ser vs. Estar Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
SER is used for identity, professions, nationalities, religions, physical appearance, personality, relationships, time, place & date of an event, origin, possession, materials, quantity, price, with passive voice (ser + participle + por), impersonal... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 575 Capitulo 6A Word Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 576 Color review: match the colors with the Spanish translations. Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 577 Direct Object Pronouns: Step Two Sra. Lari Quiz
Students will master the placement of the direct object pronoun in the sentence This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 578 AR Verbs hangman Mrs C Hangman
Lesson 4 Copy this to my account 579 Numbers in the "Tens" Julie Reinshagen Columns
How well do you know your Spanish numbers in the "tens"? Match the Spanish word with the correct numearal. Copy this to my account 580 1 U2L1 los números en español 10 -30, tens to 100 Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 581 Los numeros A P Hangman
Copy this to my account 582 Día de los Muertos Sra. Alpert Java Game
Learn the vocabulary associated with The Day of the Dead. Copy this to my account 583 venir Joe Barile Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 584 Preterite Endings -AR Verbs Julie Reinshagen Java Game
Do you know which -AR verb ending goes with which subject in the preterite tense? Match the subject with the correct preterite verb ending! Copy this to my account 585 ¿Qué hora es? -- Rags to Riches
Practice telling time in Spanish. Copy this to my account 586 2 U2L2 Present tense of reflexive verbs in Spanish Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 587 los adverbios de frecuencia Carol Hamilton Java Game
¿Con qué frecuencia? Copy this to my account 588 Battleship "Gustar" Sra Perez Battleship
Copy this to my account 589 Ana de Venezuela -- Cloze
Lee la carta de Ana y busca las respuestas correctas. Copy this to my account 590 SPANISH CULTURE Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Rags to Riches
COSTA RICA Copy this to my account 591 Time guessing(1)(O4) A P Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 592 Avancemos: Lección Preliminar -- Java Game
Vocabulary practice from Avancemos: Lección Preliminar Copy this to my account 593 Avancemos: Unidad 1 Lección 1 -- Java Game
Vocabulary practice from Avancemos: Unidad 1 Lección 1 Copy this to my account 594 Tú Commands Sra. W. Java Game
Pairs affirmative and negative tú form commands Copy this to my account 595 Gustar-Type Verbs Profe Unsworth Java Game
Copy this to my account 596 VERB "SER" A P Quiz
Changing ser to agree with subject pronouns This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 597 Presente de Subjuntivo Sra. Schultz Rags to Riches
Present tense subjunctive verbs (regular and irregular). Copy this to my account 598 El Cuerpo / Body Parts Señora Milheiro Hangman
Practice the body parts you learned in class by playing Hang Man! Copy this to my account 599 Direct Object quiz #1 Profa Kurtz Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 20. Copy this to my account 600 LOS COLORES Colleen Neumann Java Game
A simple matching game for beginning students. Copy this to my account 601 Present Tense Verbs--Stem-changing Boot Verbs (Set 1) Mrs. Chisholm Hangman
There are three kinds of stem-changing boot verbs. They are e-i, e-ie, o-ue. Given the Spanish infinitive and the English verb form, you spell the Spanish verb in the correct tense with the proper stem changes. (16 total verbs included, 10... Copy this to my account 602 Informal Commands Sra. Schultz Rags to Riches
Chapter ten of En Camino. Los mandatos informales. Copy this to my account 603 La rutina de Elena. María Picture Perfect
Put Elena's story in order. Copy this to my account 604 Adjectives for people and animals - Flashcard Matching Sr. Sprague Java Game
Here are some basic adjectives in Spanish that you should know. Adjectives describe nouns (people, places, things and ideas). Copy this to my account 605 Subject Pronouns Mrs. Sandie Wright Rags to Riches
Match English to Spanish and Congugate Copy this to my account 606 Numbers 1-10 Mme Perkins Java Game
Copy this to my account 607 Las profesiones Pop-ups Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
subject/verb/agreement (SVA) Copy this to my account 608 Unidad 4 Etapa 1 places Señora Fuller Java Game
identifying places Copy this to my account 609 Class Directions Dra. C Java Game
Here are some common instructions you will hear in class. You do NOT have to learn these English to Spanish, but you DO NEED to be able to recognize and understand them when you see/hear them in Spanish.(Repaso pages 12-13) Copy this to my account 610 days/months/seasons -- Java Game
days, months and seasons Copy this to my account 611 Regular Preterite, Preterite of Ir, Ser, Hacer and verbs ending in -gar, -car, -zar Mademoiselle Stone Challenge Board
Practice with rPreterite, Preterite of Ir, Ser, Hacer and verbs ending in -gar, -car, -zar Copy this to my account 612 Paso 3 Capítulo 1 Vocabulario en contexto Mr. Tim Fisher Cloze
Copy this to my account 613 Informal commands -- Java Game
Learn how to make informal commands in Spanish Copy this to my account 614 Capitals of Spanish Speaking Countries Elizabeth Summerell Mini Quiz
Copy this to my account 615 Preterite Tense in Spanish Aileen O'Suilleabhain Patterns
Copy this to my account 616 1 U3L2 Possessive Adjectives Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Complete the following sentences choosing the correct possessive adjective. Copy this to my account 617 Los paises y las capitales. Señorita Brady Columns
Match the Spanish-speaking country to its capital. Copy this to my account 618 Realidades I - Capítulo 2A -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 619 Ch 9 Ser -- Picture Perfect
Place the conjugations of 'ser' in the correct order. Copy this to my account 620 3.EP Preterite prueba inicial -- Quiz
¿De cuánto te acuerdas? This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 621 Los Mandatos Rags to Riches -- Rags to Riches
Choose the right answer. Copy this to my account 622 doña Di's ser and subject pronouns Dianne Guest Rags to Riches
Choose the correct response to practice the forms of ser and subject pronouns. Copy this to my account 623 La comida vocabulary Señora Billings Java Game
review of vocab - Spanish I Copy this to my account 624 Gr. 8 Quiz por la unidad "en la escuela" Señorita Fleming Quiz
This quiz evaluates students' knowledge of school-related vocabulary including classroom objects, school subjects, and rooms in a school. This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 625 Avancemos: Unidad 3 Lección 1 -- Java Game
Vocabulary practice from Avancemos: Unidad 3 Lección 1 Copy this to my account 626 Partes del Cuerpo (Body Parts) Sra. Gilbert Java Game
Copy this to my account 627 ER verbs in Spanish, Present Tense Elizabeth John Patterns
Practise the Present tense of some of the most common regular ER verbs in Spanish and learn the meaning of the verbs in English. Copy this to my account 628 Avancemos 2 - 4.1 - Imperfect Marion Fague Battleship
Copy this to my account 629 Los numeros en espanol del 100 hasta 1.000 Mrs. Fonken Java Game
Match the numbers in Spanish to English Copy this to my account 630 Ser vs Estar -- Columns
Can you figure out which verb conjugation completes the sentence? Remember the uses of Ser and Estar!!! Copy this to my account 631 Topic: Cuando era pequeño (when I was young) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 632 Español 2 Prueba 3B-4 Irregular tú commands Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz This quiz contains 28 questions. Copy this to my account 633 Direct and indirect object pronouns Señora Rader Pop-ups
Choose the correct rewrite of each sentence with direct and indirect object pronouns. Copy this to my account 634 Conceptual understanding of pret vs imperfect #1 Señor Fernandes Quiz
3 types of questions to really test your knowledge This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 635 SER vs. ESTAR -- Pop-ups
Select the correct form of SER or ESTAR for each statement. Copy this to my account 636 I 6A Vocabulario Madame Young Java Game
Realidades I, p. 294, vocabulario Copy this to my account 637 5A realidades 2 Rescues and stories -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 638 1 U2L1 Spanish numbers 0 - 100 Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
How well do you know your numbers 1-100?
A ver!!! Copy this to my account 639 Realidades 3A - The Verb "Ser" Ilinke Royse Rags to Riches
Conjugate the irregular verb "ser." Copy this to my account 640 The months and seasons of the year Sra. Hays Battleship
test how well you know them! Copy this to my account 641 1 U2L1 los números en español (in 10's to 100) Matching Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 642 Saber versus Conocer Señor Matt Rags to Riches
Práctica para el examen 6,1 Copy this to my account 643 4 Personal Description Phrases (pictures) -- Java Game
Match the descriptions to the pictures Copy this to my account 644 Matching Game - Meses del Año - DÍas de la Semana Señorita Saavedra Java Game
Match the English word with the Spanish word Copy this to my account 645 Muy Bien A - Los Numeros Kim Hukari Columns
How well do you know your Spanish Numbers? Give it a try! ¡Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 646 Adjectives with SER 1B Sra. Judilee Hays Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 647 Cap 1B (R1) activities & descriptions Sra. Hoover Columns
match up the activities to the adjectives that best describe the person who engages in those activities Copy this to my account 648 Dime Uno - Unidad 1 Lección 1 - Vocabulary Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 649 Bienvenidos Capítulo 1 El verbo ser Señor Fields Columns
Hagan parejas.... Copy this to my account 650 Greetings Ann Giese Columns
Chapter 1 Nivel 1 Ya Verás Copy this to my account 651 Verb conjugation - present tense -- Battleship
Primarily regular -ar verbs, some -er verbs, a few with stem changes, and Ir, Estar, Ser, Tener & Querer. All conjugated for present tense, vosotros form omitted. Copy this to my account 652 AR verbs in Spanish, Present Tense. Aileen O'Suilleabhain Patterns
Practise the Present Tense of some of the most common AR verbs in Spanish and learn the meaning of the verbs in English. Copy this to my account 653 ¿Ser or Estar? Señora McMahan Java Game
Choose the appropriate form of ser or estar to complete the phrases. Copy this to my account 654 listos 1 mod 3 subjects and comments Mr REY Java Game
based on p46 listos 1 Copy this to my account 655 Articles Battleship Mrs. Ansted Battleship
practice matching articles with masculine and feminine nouns. Copy this to my account 656 Subjuntivo en cláusulas adverbiales (ESCAPA) Srita. Vargas Pop-ups
Usa la forma verbal que mejor acomplete las siguientes frases. Copy this to my account 657 Español 1, Unidad 4, Lección 1: las fechas -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 658 Morgan 4B quiz ir + a +infinitive -- Quiz This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 659 Spanish 2 Chapter 3 Imperfect Activities -- Rags to Riches
Created by Anne Martin Copy this to my account 660 El Imperfecto - REGULAR Sra. Ekblad Java Game
Regular Copy this to my account 661 Indirect object pronouns (regalos de Navidad) Miss Bias Cloze
indirect object pronouns Copy this to my account 662 Affirmative and Negative tú commands in Spanish Kerry Shweiki Rags to Riches
Convert these familiar TÚ commands from affirmative to negative and vice versa Copy this to my account 663 Realidades 1: 2A - 2B Exam Mrs. Cynthia Head Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 664 La comida: categorías Megan Flinchbaugh Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 665 Subjunctive Tense Mr. Boemio Rags to Riches
A game with the formation and uses of the subjunctive tense. Copy this to my account 666 ¿Reflexivo o no? Profe D4 Quiz
Are these actions reflexive or nor? This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 667 Spanish 2 - Formal Commands Señora Sadowski Battleship
Practice your positive and negative formal commands! Copy this to my account 668 Las Preguntas -- Realidades 4A Janine Hakanson Quiz
Pon las palabras interogativas que faltan en cada pregunta. (Supply the missing interrogative words. See p. 184. Remember that interrogative words have accents!) If your score is less than 50%, redo the quiz! This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 669 Los Numeros Señora Rivera Java Game
Copy this to my account 670 Spanish Cognates Sra. Estrella-Brazil Java Game
Match the Spanish words with their English meaning. Copy this to my account 671 Adjectives to describe a person - singular and plural agreement. -- Pop-ups
choose the correct adjective to agree with the noun. Copy this to my account 672 Un 1 Lec 2 Adjective Agreement Srta. Hicks Hangman
Write the correct form of the adjective in parentheses. Copy this to my account 673 Realidades I - Capítulo 4A - el verbo "ir" -- Rags to Riches
Practice conjugating the verb "ir." Copy this to my account 674 Comparatives and Superlatives #2 Sra. Regge Quiz
Regulars and Irregulars This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 675 Numbers 20 -100 Señora Berg Pop-ups
practice your numbers Copy this to my account 676 Conjugacion... -er/-ir Sra. Mendoza Battleship
Choose one of the following verbs to fit the sentence and conjugate it for the subject given: leer, comer, beber, escribir, vivir, compartir Copy this to my account 677 Capítulo 1A MmeZedd Battleship
Copy this to my account 678 1 U2L2 IR + A + INFINITIVE Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 679 la Familia -- Java Game
flashcards and matching Copy this to my account 680 Food & Drink hangman -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 681 1 U2L2 Rags to Riches #2: Using the verb "ir" + "a" + an infinitive Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
(saying that somebody IS GOING to do something) Copy this to my account 682 Avancemos 2 - Imperfect Marion Fague Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 683 Definite and Indefinite Articles Mrs. McChesney Pop-ups
Choose the correct Spanish definite or indefinite article based on the words given in English. Copy this to my account 684 Hola Unit 5 Review: Las Estaciones y El Tiempo Señora Pinette Rags to Riches
Associate weather terms with seasons. Copy this to my account 685 2.3.3 El subjuntivo -- Quiz
Pay attention to car, gar, and zar verbs! Your irregulars are on p. 255. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 686 BATTLESHIP FOR EL CALENDARIO Señora Aldridge Battleship
WORKING WITH ALL OF OUR VOCABULARY FOR EL CALENDARIO Copy this to my account 687 "Gustar" and similar verbs #1 Señor Fernandes Quiz
choose the correct form of the verb needed This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 688 casa -- Java Game
house, rooms and more (with definite article) Copy this to my account 689 Realidades 2 Chapter 1A Grammar Mrs. Jagus Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 690 1 U0LP Weather Expressions Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
1st year Spanish weather expressions. Copy this to my account 691 Realidades 2 Vocabulario 4B -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 692 "Go" Verbs - Java Games Dana Bolluyt Java Game
A review of Spanish "go" verbs (hacer, salir, poner, traer, tener, venir) Copy this to my account 693 AP - HW3 El pretérito Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
Formas regulares e irregulares This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 694 La rutina diaria Senora Ordered List
Put these daily activities in order. Copy this to my account 695 1 U0LP Numeros 0 - 30 Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 696 El pretérito regular - español. Señora Rader Cloze
Fill in the blank with the appropriate verb form. You need to know how to form regular pretérito, including those requiring a spelling change. Read the paragraph carefully; not all verbs are in pretérito! Remember accents. Copy this to my account 697 What part of speech? Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 698 Irregular Preterite Verbs: dar, ir, tener, estar, poder, hacer Judy Schulte Challenge Board
Conjugate the verb into the preterite. Copy this to my account 699 1 U3L2 las fechas Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 700 Cap 5A R1 La Familia, telling ages and party celebrations Sra. Hoover Hangman
Copy this to my account 701 Chapter 8 - Present Perfect Tense Señora Davis Cloze
Fill in the correct form of the present perfect tense. You can try this activity more than once. There is more than one paragraph. Copy this to my account 702 La televisión y las películas. Aileen O'Suilleabhain Java Game
Copy this to my account 703 5.1 Describir la casa Señor Matt Hangman
Copy this to my account 704 ESPAÑOL I - LECCIÓN 1 - LOS NÚMEROS 0-30 SEÑORITA DRISKILL Ordered List
Put the numbers in order Copy this to my account 705 Quiz--weather with animation Señorita Pelican Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 706 Tener Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Practice with the verb tener. Copy this to my account 707 Realidades 4B Challenge Board Janine Hakanson Challenge Board
Type the English translation for each Spanish word or expression. (See p. 218 in your textbook.) Copy this to my account 708 Realidades 1, Chapter 2B Vocab Quiz Mrs. Shavchuk Quiz This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 709 Batalla de conditional -- Battleship
Practice the conditional forms Copy this to my account 710 Dormir Conjugation Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Place the conjugated verb dormir in order to a typical verb chart.
1 - yo 4 - nosotros
2 - tú 5 -... Copy this to my account 711 Juntos Dos: Chapter 3 Preterite Verbs Señora Mahoney Pop-ups
Choose the accurate form of the preterite (page 98). Copy this to my account 712 -ar verbs -- Battleship
Practice the forms of the -ar verbs Copy this to my account 713 3.2.1 Mandatos informales -- Rags to Riches
Regulares e irregulares Copy this to my account 714 Gusta/Gustan: Challenge Board -- Challenge Board
Be sure to use articles (el, la, los, las) and spelling counts! Copy this to my account 715 5 Places in the community (pictures) -- Java Game
Match the picture with the corresponding Spanish word. Copy this to my account 716 Colores (3O) Lake Highland Preparatory School Java Game
Los Colores Copy this to my account 717 Spanish is Fun - Lección 1 - El español y el inglés Sra. Bachi Java Game
Copy this to my account 718 Artículos Definidos & Indefinidos/U1-E2 Srta. Asa Rags to Riches
Practice using definite & indefinite articles with nouns Copy this to my account 719 Capítulo 11: Formas Comparativas y Superlativas Ken J. Zeoli Pop-ups
Practice with your comparative and superlative forms en español. See how well you do with this activity. ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 720 Las Estaciones y el Tiempo = The seasons and the weather -- Java Game
Practice your Spanish saying the seasons of the year and words for weather. Copy this to my account 721 PARA practicar POR jugar Señora Bonura Challenge Board
Comprueba tu progreso en el campo de "por" y "para" Copy this to my account 722 Greetings and Goodbyes Joe Barile Columns
Copy this to my account 723 Conjunciones adverbiales -- Pop-ups
Esta actividad le deja al estudiante la oportunidad de aplicar su conocimiento sobre las conjunciones adverbiales y sus usos son o el subjuntivo o el indicativo según contexto y reglas establecidas. Copy this to my account 724 Avancemos ...unidad 1 lección 1 Joe Barile Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 725 1 U0LP Spanish numbers 0-30 Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
How well do you know your numbers 0-30?
A ver!!! Copy this to my account 726 La comida 1 Señor Fernandes Quiz
Completa las siguientes preguntas. Watch out for accent and spelling! This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 727 Realidades 1 - 1B Vocabulario Madame Young Challenge Board
End of chapter vocabulary Copy this to my account 728 Realidades B: 6A Columns Jennifer Noonan Columns
Copy this to my account 729 Expressions with POR & PARA Sra. Araya Columns
Copy this to my account 730 greetings and goodbyes Sra. Hays Battleship
practice the sayings used to greet, get to know, say good-bye, etc.
Match the English phrase to the Spanish equivalent OR match the Spanish phrase to the English equivalent Copy this to my account 731 I Capítulo 1A Madame Young Hangman
Realidades 1, Capítulo 1A vocabulario Copy this to my account 732 Conjugated Verb or Infinitive? Mrs. Turnbull Pop-ups
The Spanish infinitive (a verb ending in -ar, -er, or -ir) is often used after a conjugated verb (a verb that is changed to reflect the subject and time.) Example:
Yo quiero bailar. / Quiero bailar. (I want to dance.)
Quiero is a conjugated verb. ... Copy this to my account 733 SER matching CHART PRACTICE Sra. Durante Columns
Make the matches and you'll know SER Copy this to my account 734 1 U3L1 Gustar Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Practice gustar - to be pleasing.
Add the missing indirect pronoun (me, te, le, nos, les)
OR Add the correct conjugation of the verb gustar to these sentences. Copy this to my account 735 Cap 3A, Sp 1 Me gusta/Me encanta Sra. Hoover Pop-ups
differentiate me gusta vs. me gustan Copy this to my account 736 Realidades I - Capítulo 1A -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 737 8.2 Double Object Pronouns Señor Fernandes Quiz
Replace the object nouns for the correct object pronouns.
#1 Object before... This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 738 Aventura 1 Lesson 26 - Daily Routine Carol Hunter Java Game
Copy this to my account 739 Subject Pronouns II Mrs. Sandie Wright Rags to Riches
Match English to Spanish and Congugate Again Copy this to my account 740 1 U5L1 Ser vs Estar Columns Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Can you figure out which verb conjugation completes the sentence? Remember the uses of Ser and Estar!!! Copy this to my account 741 U1E2 Vocabulary - Clothing & Colors erin melo Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 742 Capítulo 5 Quiz (Pretérito -ar /-er /-ir verbs) Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz
Quiz also includes the verbs ir and hacer This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 743 Irregular verbs in the present tense Carol Hamilton Patterns
Copy this to my account 744 U1E3 Vocabulary - Months erin melo Hangman
Copy this to my account 745 1 U1L2 Use of ser with adjectives Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Practice sentences with ser and adjectives with Battleship Copy this to my account 746 Avancemos 1- Prueba de gramática 7.1 (pretérito) Sr. Davis Quiz This quiz contains 34 questions. Copy this to my account 747 Colors Mrs. Lester Battleship
How well do you know your color words? You may even learn a few new ones! Copy this to my account 748 -AR Preterite Battleship Linda Akwa Battleship
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in the preterite. Copy this to my account 749 Exprésate 2 Chapter 2b En la Casa Ω√ Don Lorenzo Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 750 9. Semester 1 Final Practice (Family Vocabulary) Heidi Beller Java Game
Copy this to my account 751 Irregular Yo Verbs Mary Lynne DeMarinis Hangman
Copy this to my account 752 Chapter 3 Quiz Profesora Quiz This quiz contains 31 questions. Copy this to my account 753 Special Verbs Folder -saber & conocer Señor Wojnar Quiz
Saber & Conocer
Write a conjugation or the infinitive of saber or conocer in the blanks.
You will have to write several sentences for me to grade for credit using the same two verbs. This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 754 Present Tense Practice #1 Señor Fernandes Quiz
This test reviews present tense of some of the most common regular and irregular verbs. It also reviews the all important "question words" and simple vocabulary such as "watching TV" or "playing sports." This quiz contains 26 questions. Copy this to my account 755 The Family - La Familia Sra. Al-Salim Java Game
These games contain people in one's family. Some of the words are quite easy while others are slightly advanced; hopefully you will find all members of your particular family structure. Copy this to my account 756 Los verbos SER y ESTAR Sra. Pérez Columns
El uso de los verbos SER y ESTAR. Copy this to my account 757 Capítulo 3 Jeopardy! Conjugating, adverbs, cuando, etc.! Ms Chabot Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 758 Preterite tense of reflexive verbs in Spanish Aileen O'Suilleabhain Hangman
Copy this to my account 759 2 U4L0 The Imperfect Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Choose the correct form of the verb in the imperfect (page 116). Copy this to my account 760 Reflexive_verbs_VenConmigo2 Sra. Cutter Sullivan Java Game
VenConmigo2 - Chapter 3- primer paso
Reflexive verbs Copy this to my account 761 Realidades 1, Chapter 3A Vocab Quiz Mrs. Shavchuk Quiz This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 762 Los Tres Cerditos Mrs. Shields Cloze
Practice the preterite vs. imperfect with The Three Little Pigs. Copy this to my account 763 2 U1L2 Preterite, Preterite of Ir, Ser, Hacer and verbs ending in -gar, -car, -zar Challenge Board Monsieur Marcantel Challenge Board
Practice with rPreterite, Preterite of Ir, Ser, Hacer and verbs ending in -gar, -car, -zar Copy this to my account 764 1 U1L2 Definite and Indefinite Articles Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 765 La Ropa -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 766 Study the -er and -ir regular verbs Sra. Hays Patterns
Learn the conjugations and meanings of these verbs Copy this to my account 767 Spanish Cognates Sra. Estrella-Brazil Quiz
Cognates are words that look the same or similar in English and Spanish and have the same meaning. This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 768 la ropa Carol Hamilton Java Game
el vocabulario de la ropa y la joyería Copy this to my account 769 o-ue verbs-pop ups Linda Akwa Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 770 Juntos Dos: Chapter 4 The Imperfect Rags to Riches Señora Mahoney Rags to Riches
Choose the correct form of the verb in the imperfect (page 116). Copy this to my account 771 AP - HW5 El futuro Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
Fill in the blanks.
infinitive + é, ás, á, emos, án
(ñPlus irregulars) This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 772 Realidades B - Capítulo 6B Vocabulario Mrs. Lester Battleship
See how well you know your vocabulary. Can you sink your partner's battleship? Copy this to my account 773 3.1.2 Por vs. Para -- Pop-ups
Select POR or PARA based on the information on page 61 of En Español 3. Copy this to my account 774 U2E2-3 - Telling Time Señor Wojnar Quiz
PRACTICE TELLING TIME IN SPANISH WITH A MULTIPLE CHOICE AND FILL IN THE BLANK PRACTICE EXERCISE. This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 775 Realidades 4A Preguntas Janine Hakanson Rags to Riches
Busca la pregunta para cada respuesta. Copy this to my account 776 EL CALENDARIO Señora Aldridge Java Game
Working on the date, the months and the days of the week in Spanish Copy this to my account 777 <center>PRETÉRITO</center> Señor Raschio Quiz This quiz contains 24 questions. Copy this to my account 778 Time Señor Beebe Rags to Riches
How would you say/write each time in Spanish or English? Copy this to my account 779 Avancemos, Unidad 3, Leccion 2 Betty Lotterman Hangman
Practice family vocabulary Copy this to my account 780 Adjectives -- Java Game
Practice adjectives that are associated wit ser/estar. Copy this to my account 781 8.3 Double object pronouns Dr. Eneida Pugh Quiz
Direct & Indirect object pronouns. This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 782 AVHS Day of the Dead Scavenger Hunt Señora Scavenger Hunt
Explore the "Day of the Dead" traditions. Copy this to my account 783 10 - Places - Hangman -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 784 CUARTO DE BAÑO Sra. Frayre Java Game
Vocabulario Copy this to my account 785 Avancemos 2 Prelim Quiz 1 Monsieur Marcantel Quiz
A Review Quiz, for the beginning of the school year, mostly having to do with the verb SER and adjective agreement. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 786 Gustar, Ser/estar, N/Adj agree; poss adj; days/time Ms. J Battleship
gustar, ser/estar, noun/adjective agreement, possessive adjectives, days of the week, telling time, como se llama Copy this to my account 787 los saludos y despedidas Señora Miller Java Game
¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español! Welcome to Spanish class. Learn how to greet people in Spanish! ¡Hasta luego! Copy this to my account 788 Practicamos con la hora y las clases Señorita Brady Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 789 Verb SER -- Java Game
Practice the forms of the verb SER = to be Copy this to my account 790 El verbo TENER Señora Luna Battleship
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb tener. Copy this to my account 791 Español 1 1B adjetivos Señora Baumann Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 792 Venir Mademoiselle Stone Columns
Practice matching the forms of VENIR with the proper subject pronouns. Copy this to my account 793 3.3.1 El imperfecto del subjuntivo -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 794 Realidades 6B: ¿Cómo es tu casa? Señor W Java Game
Copy this to my account 795 3-U1E2 por vs para Sra. DeHart Pop-ups
Select POR or PARA based on the information on page 61 of En Español 3. Copy this to my account 796 Signos de Puntuación -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 797 AVHS Sp1 U4 Forms of "ir". Señora Picture Perfect
Put these forms of "ir" in order from 1st person singular to 3rd person plural. (1st sing."I go", 2nd sing."you familiar go", 3rd. sing."he/she/you formal go(es)", 1st plural"we go", 2nd plural [hint: you may not study this yet]"y'all go", 3rd... Copy this to my account 798 Test Por vs Para Señor Fernandes Quiz
Choose the correct answer. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 799 2 U2L2 Reflexive verbs, can you conjugate? Patterns Sra Durante de Stroup Patterns
1. The reflexive verb directs the action back upon the subject
2. Learn the meanings, and how to conjugate these reflexive verbs in the present tense
3. Instead of the subject pronoun, you use the reflexive pronoun. Copy this to my account 800 Present tense verbs in Spanish. Aileen O'Suilleabhain Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 801 2.2 Hangman (all vocabulary, estar, ir) stephanie riessen Hangman
Vocabulary from Avancemos: Unidad 2 Lección 2 Copy this to my account 802 Using Ser and Estar Mr Izard Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 803 1 U1L2 Adjective Agreement Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
This practice will review adjective agreement based on the text Ven Conmigo chapter 8. Copy this to my account 804 Los colores de las banderas Señora Owen Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 805 Subjunctive Mood Mr. Boemio Rags to Riches
A game with the formation and uses of the subjunctive tense. Copy this to my account 806 Formal Commands Sra. Schultz Rags to Riches
Ven Conmigo, capítulo 9. Copy this to my account 807 L3 Unidad Preliminar Assessment Sra. Catalano Quiz This quiz contains 26 questions. Copy this to my account 808 U2E3-3 - Expressing the future with ir+a+infinitive Señor Wojnar Quiz
Change each present tense verb to its ir+a "future" equivalent.
Example: hablo = voy a hablar This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 809 Subject pronouns Sra. Hays Columns
Practice the subject pronouns Copy this to my account 810 1 U0LP Spanish Speaking Countries and Capitals Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Spanish speaking countries and their capitals Copy this to my account 811 Bravo Level 3 Unidad 5 Lección 1 -- Java Game
vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 812 Capítulo 14: DAR y ESTAR Ken J. Zeoli Columns
Es importante reconocer las formas de los verbos DAR (to give) y ESTAR (to be). Ahora puedes practicarlas en este ejercicio pequeño. Copy this to my account 813 Casa #3 (Like "Millionaire") Señora Brouwer Rags to Riches
See if you can answer these questions. There are some hard and tricky ones at the end!!! Copy this to my account 814 El Desayuno - Breakfast -- Java Game
Review of Spanish vocabulary for breakfast Copy this to my account 815 2-2A Ser/Estar Sr. Brady Quiz This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 816 El presente de los verbos regulares en -ar Mary Lynne DeMarinis Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 817 Paso 1 Chap. 1: ¿Qué te gusta hacer? Señorita Tiwari Columns
Copy this to my account 818 El Verbo Ser -- Java Game
¡Hay que practicar las formas de ser! Copy this to my account 819 Asking for directions Aitana Mateo Domenech Java Game
Vocabulary about asking for directions. Questions and answers. Ordinal numbers, right, left, turn and straight on. Copy this to my account 820 Affirmatives/Negatives Opposites -- Java Game
Spanish Affirmative/Spanish Negative
Change the negative sentences... Copy this to my account 821 Sp 1 Spanish numbers Monsieur Marcantel Java Game
How well do you know your numbers 1-100?
A ver!!! Copy this to my account 822 family members -- Java Game
lsit of family members Copy this to my account 823 Ir + a + infinitivo Kim Hukari Pop-ups
How well do you know the present progressive tense IR + a + infinitivo. Copy this to my account 824 LAS PROFESIONES Señora Kuhlman Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 825 LA FAMILIA HANGMAN - 2ND GRADE Señora Aldridge Hangman
Working with our vocabulary for La Familia Copy this to my account 826 3-U1E3 future Sra. DeHart Cloze
Practice of the future tense using chapter vocabulary, old vocabulary and irregulars Copy this to my account 827 Realidades A - Capítulo 1B - describing people Mrs. Lester Java Game
Use these matching, flash card, and word search activities to review vocabulary and phrases to describe yourself and others. Copy this to my account 828 Los Verbos Poder, Pensar, y Querer Kim Hukari Hangman
How well do you know you stem changing verbs? Practice by playing hangman. Copy this to my account 829 Realidades I - Capítulo 5A -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 830 Colors - Battleship Thomas F. Strotman Battleship
From Survival Booklet Copy this to my account 831 La Familia Grande -- Java Game
Family vocabulary from the song:
"Tengo una Familia Grande". Copy this to my account 832 El verbo ser Sra. Wilson Quiz
Conjuga el verbo ser. This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 833 Tener Sra. Alpert Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 834 09 - Body - Millionaire -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 835 Ir, Dar, Estar Conjugations Sra. Lindsay Marshall Java Game
Practice the present conjugations of ir, dar, and estar. Copy this to my account 836 Capitulo 5B Vocabulario Sra. Gilane Java Game
Describing people, things, feelings, food, table settings, dining out, express needs Copy this to my account 837 ¡Así Se Dice! Capítulo 1 - Artículos y adjetivos en el plural. Sra. Baldwin Quiz
Complete the sentences with the correct word. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 838 Conjugate This! (-ar verbs, present tense) Mrs. McChesney Challenge Board
Correctly conjugate the verbs in each category using the subject (Yo, Tú, Él, Ella, Usted, Nosotros, Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes) and try the bonus category: Vosotros (you: informal/plural) with the ending -áis! Copy this to my account 839 Ar verbs rafaela salido Java Game
Copy this to my account 840 AR verbs 1 in Spanish, Present Tense Patterns Dianne Guest Java Game
Match the correct form of the Spanish verb with its English translation. Copy this to my account 841 Los Países y las Capitales Sra. Hoover Columns
Match the Spanish speaking countries with their capitals. Copy this to my account 842 ESPAÑOL I - LECCIÓN 1 - LOS NÚMEROS 0-30 SEÑORITA DRISKILL Java Game
Practice your numbers and math words in Spanish Copy this to my account 843 Definite Articles Señora Faucher Quiz
Spanish definite articles This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 844 Reflexive verbs Elisabeth Butler Rags to Riches
see can you remember how to conjugate reflexive verbs in Spanish. Copy this to my account 845 Paso a Paso A - Ch 2 - AR verbs 1A -- Picture Perfect
Put the verbs in alphabetical order, and in the correct conjugated order within each verb. Copy this to my account 846 Chapter 2 La familia y la casa Profesora Mallén Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 847 Ser + pronombres personales nora kinney Quiz
Write the correct subject pronoun or the correct conjugation of verb "ser" This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 848 ER Verbs Ken J. Zeoli Pop-ups
This is an activity to help in understanding correct agreement of ER verbs and their subjects. Copy this to my account 849 Capítulo 6: Affirmative informal commands A P Hangman
Copy this to my account 850 Spanish Question Words Mrs. Turnbull Battleship
Copy this to my account 851 1 U0LP El Tiempo Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 852 Realidades 2: Capítulo 1B Vocabulario Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Match the Spanish and English words. Copy this to my account 853 Estar -- Quiz
¿Dónde están las siguientes personas? Use the verb estar to tell where these persons are. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 854 Bienvenidos Capítulo 11 Pretérito (-ar) Señor Fields Cloze
Práctica del pretérito de los verbos en -ar. Copy this to my account 855 regular verbs Señora Janet Tan Java Game
Copy this to my account 856 Gustar World Languages Pop-ups
Tell what you like or ask what someone else likes using the correct form of the verb gustar. Copy this to my account 857 Commands with pronouns -- Rags to Riches
Choose the correct translation Copy this to my account 858 Colors Señora Owen Java Game
Copy this to my account 859 Comparisons of inequality -- Rags to Riches
Practice the use of comparisons of inequality while you try to win the million. Copy this to my account 860 Days of the Week Mrs. McChesney Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 861 El Tiempo y Las Estaciones -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 862 Exprésate 3 Capítulo 3 Verbs that require prepositions Debbie Mensinger Rags to Riches
Exprésate 3 Capítulo 3 Verbs that require prepositions
Decide if the verb requires a preposition and select the correct answer Copy this to my account 863 Ir - to go Señora Frazier Cloze
Choose the correct form of the verb. Copy this to my account 864 Realidades B - Capítulo 6A - words to describe/compare/contrast Mrs. Lester Hangman
This Hangman game should help you review vocabulary words that are used to describe things and compare/contrast objects or people. Copy this to my account 865 Stem Changing Verbs O to UE Mary Lynne DeMarinis Columns
Copy this to my account 866 Frutas, bebidas y verduras del Capítulo 4 Señora Galloway Rags to Riches
Is that your final answer? Answer questions about the vocabulary from our chapter, and become a virtual millionaire! Copy this to my account 867 o-ue verbs-Hangman Linda Akwa Hangman
Copy this to my account 868 Present progressive -- Jumbled Words
Unscramble the present progressive forms of verbs. Copy this to my account 869 Capítulo 2A Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 870 Direct Object Pronouns Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 871 2 U0LP Tener Idioms Battleship 3 Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
review of tener idioms Copy this to my account 872 2 U2L1 Demonstrative Practice Hang Man Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Practice your demonstrative adjectives: ese, esa, esos, esas (that/those) AND este, estos, esta, estas (this/these) with the hangman game. ¡Vaya! Copy this to my account 873 Español 2 2A 106-125 II Reflexive verbs Señora Baumann Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 874 Realidades B: 6A Comparisons (Pop-Ups) Jennifer Noonan Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 875 Affirmative and Negative Words, p. 31 Madame Young Pop-ups
Realidades 2, 1A, p. 31 Copy this to my account 876 Avancemos 1 Ch 1.2 Opposites Monsieur Marcantel Rags to Riches
FIND THE OPPOSITES Copy this to my account 877 U3E1-5 -VENIR - Practice Señor Wojnar Quiz
Venir - to come
(yo) vengo
(tú)... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 878 Learning Goal 2 (adjective agreement) Sp1 (Sp1b & Sp2) Señora Walker Quiz
Mastery of adjective agreement with nouns. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 879 AR verbs 7 in Spanish, Present Tense Patterns Dianne Guest Patterns
Practise the Present Tense of some of the most common AR verbs in Spanish and learn the meaning of the verbs in English. Copy this to my account 880 Realidades 2 - 2A Vocabulario Madame Young Challenge Board
Repaso del capítulo, Realidades 2, 2A, p. 96 Copy this to my account 881 Capítulo 7a Prueba #2 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 882 "ar" verbs A. Candia Columns
Match the verbs in Spanish to their English counterpart. Copy this to my account 883 AR verbs in Spanish Aileen O'Suilleabhain Java Game
Learn the English meanings of common AR verbs in Spanish Copy this to my account 884 Gusta / Gustan Sra. Wilson Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 885 Tú Affirmative Commands Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
un repaso de los tiempos ¿Puedes identificarlos? Escoge el impérativo informal - tú form
Test!!!!! Copy this to my account 886 Adjectives Profe D4 Quiz
Modify the adjectives to match the noun. This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 887 Double object pronoun questions Señora Janet Tan Quiz
Answer the questions using pronouns for the direct and indirect objects. If the subject is stated in the question, use it in the answer. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 888 Adjetivos 1 Aileen O'Suilleabhain Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 889 Muy Bien B - Mi Casa Kim Hukari Hangman
Can you name the parts of the house? Copy this to my account 890 cuartos y muebles Señor Johnson Java Game
Identify rooms and furniture Copy this to my account 891 El Verbo Poder Kim Hukari Quiz
Escribe la forma correcta del verbo poder. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 892 Stem-Change/Boot Verbs - Present Tense I Srta. Clower Java Game
Definitions Copy this to my account 893 En Espanol 1, Etapa preliminar: El Calendario y la fecha Sra. Moling Quiz
Decide whether the phrases are true or false and choose the best answer for the Multiple Choice questions. ¡Buena suerte! This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 894 Ser vs Estar Sra. Hays Pop-ups
Choose the correct verb to fit the sentence.
If there are 2 blanks in a sentence it will be the same verb. :) Copy this to my account 895 Reflexive Verbs Mademoiselle Stone Battleship
Practice conjugating Reflexive Verbs. (Be careful! Some verbs might be stem-changing.) Copy this to my account 896 Direcciones con el Mapa Profesora Jennifer Quiz This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 897 II Realidades - 2A Ser vs. Estar Madame Young Hangman
Translating sentences that use "ser" or "estar" - Do you know which to use? Copy this to my account 898 Bienvenidos Capítulo 9 El verbo DECIR Señor Fields Cloze
Completen con decir. Copy this to my account 899 Las tiendas y los lugares 6 Dianne Guest Java Game
Strengthen your ability to find your way around places in a town or city. Copy this to my account 900 Irregular Preterite Verbs Dra. C Java Game
Practice these irregular preterite verb forms. SPECIAL MEANINGS are included! Copy this to my account 901 Buen Viaje I 3 Ms. Call Columns
Copy this to my account 902 2-U1E2 Irregular Preterite Verbs Dra. C Java Game
Practice these irregular preterite verb forms. SPECIAL MEANINGS are included! Watch out for CONOCER- regular preterite with special meaning! Copy this to my account 903 El Tiempo / The Weather Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 904 Forms of ser RR Spanish Mini Quiz
Match pronoun with the correct form of ser Copy this to my account 905 I Capítulo 3A Vocabulary Madame Young Java Game
Realidades I, Capítulo 3A Vocabulary, p. 144 Copy this to my account 906 Reflexives Ms. Acocella Cloze
Verbos reflexivos Paragrahps Copy this to my account 907 El calendario with hints Señora F. Hangman
Do you know your days of the week and months of the year? Can you tell what day it is? Try your skills against HANGMAN! Copy this to my account 908 Avancemos Unidad 1, Lección 2 Sra. Withers Rags to Riches
Grammar concept from unit 1 Copy this to my account 909 Acentos para palabras Esdrújulas, Llanas, Agudas Señora Smith Rags to Riches
Escoge la respuesta correcta--ten cuidado y repasa los apuntes antes de responder. Copy this to my account 910 Realidades A - Capítulo 1A - activities & likes/dislikes Mrs. Lester Java Game
Review vocabulary and phrases to describe various activities and likes/dislikes with these matching, flash card, and word search actitivies. Copy this to my account 911 Gustar Dianne Guest Pop-ups
Practice gustar - to be pleasing.
Add the missing indirect pronoun (me, te, le, nos, les)
OR Add the correct conjugation of the verb gustar to these sentences. Copy this to my account 912 Emotions Spanish 2 A. Martell Java Game
Spanish 2 Emotions
Intermediate Copy this to my account 913 el tiempo y las estaciones Mrs. Ansted Java Game
What's the weather like? Identify the pictures... Copy this to my account 914 SP 2/3--Negative tú commands Mrs C Cloze
Completen con un mandato informal negativo.... Copy this to my account 915 El preterito de los verbos del capítulo 10 -- Rags to Riches
Escojan la forma correcta del imperfecto. Copy this to my account 916 Capítulo 3A Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 917 Days, Months in Spanish Mrs.Vazquez Java Game
Days and months in Spanish for beginners Copy this to my account 918 Realidades 2 - Capítulo 4A Vocabulario Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Match the Spanish vocabulary words with their English meanings. Copy this to my account 919 Unidad 1 - Los pronombres personales David Montero Columns
Copy this to my account 920 Las materiales Señorita Brady Columns
Copy this to my account 921 Spanish Time Vocabulary -- Hangman
Time Vocabulary Copy this to my account 922 Una Carta a Dios - comprensión -- Picture Perfect
Pon las oraciones en orden cronológico según el cuento Una Carta a Dios de Gregorio López y Fuentes.t Copy this to my account 923 Match colors and four shapes with images. Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 924 Avancemos 2 Unit 1 Lesson 1 Vocabulary Mrs. Tarka Java Game
discuss travel preparations
ask for information
around... Copy this to my account 925 Practice the preterite tense of -ar verbs Sra. Hays Patterns
study these regular preterit verbs
remember -car, -gar, and -zar change in the first person so that the verbs sound is consistent Copy this to my account 926 Feliz Cinco de Mayo Mr. Peter Di Marco Rags to Riches
Celebrating Cinco de Mayo and Mexican Culture Copy this to my account 927 2 U0LP Two Verbs go Walking Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
¿Vas a ganar? Sea lógico.
á = Alt + 0225
é = Alt +... Copy this to my account 928 Repaso de colores Profe Vernon Rags to Riches
Want to play "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"? This is the game for you. Using basic questions about colors and color mixing, your students will succeed. Copy this to my account 929 Advice - Sp 2 ch 4 jonathan Java Game
Spanish vocabulary words and definitions from the Advice section of chapter 4 of Level 2 of Holt's Ven Conmigo Spanish textbook Copy this to my account 930 Conjugation of ser Mrs. Shields Cloze
Conjugate the verb ser in 9 tenses Copy this to my account 931 1-1 Making introductions Lakota Spanish Teachers Ordered List
Put the following sentences in the correct order. Two people are conversing....alternating lines. Copy this to my account 932 IR verbs in Spanish, Present Tense. Aileen O'Suilleabhain Patterns
Practise the Present Tense of some of the most common regular IR verbs in Spanish and learn the meanings of the verbs in English. Copy this to my account 933 4th Grade Breakfast Mrs. McChesney Jumbled Words
food Copy this to my account 934 Reflexives memory -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 935 2.3.1 Mandatos formales afirmativos y negativos -- Quiz This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 936 Realidades 2 Chapter 1A Vocabulary and stem-changing Verbs Mrs. Jagus Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 937 1 U3L2 practice with possessive adjectives Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 938 Numbers (1-20) / Picture Perfect Señora Milheiro Picture Perfect
Copy this to my account 939 Adivina que es...Sp2.2.1 Señora Pamela Quiz This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 940 04 - Food - Jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 941 U1E2-6 Adjective Agreement Señor Wojnar Quiz
Write the form of the adjective in parenthesis so that it agrees with the noun in gender & number This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 942 Actividades Señor Hawley Columns
Copy this to my account 943 2 U0LP Idioms with tener Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
idioms using the verb tener Copy this to my account 944 Making Questions Señor Beatty Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 945 School subjects and adjectives Señora McMahon Rags to Riches
Listos 1 chapter 4 "La historia es interesante", etc Copy this to my account 946 Tener & Venir Mademoiselle Stone Java Game
Work with the present tense forms of Tener & Venir. Copy this to my account 947 Los Números 0 - 100 (CONCENTRACION) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 948 El cuerpo Señor Hymes Hangman
Copy this to my account 949 Adjetivos Posesivos Sra. Bishop Battleship
Remember the CHEER! "ADJETIVOS POSESIVOS - MI, TU, SU, NUESTRO". This is an easy way to remember possesive adjectives. Just match the noun in gender and number. Good luck - buena suerte. Copy this to my account 950 1 U0LP Days of the Week Columns Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Can you match the English and Spanish words for the days of the week? Copy this to my account 951 LAS ACTIVIDADES DE LA NIÑEZ -- Rags to Riches
Escoge la respuesta correcta Copy this to my account 952 Realidades I - Capítulo 1A -- Java Game
Play games to practice the vocabulary from Chapter 1A. Copy this to my account 953 Ser y Estar Sra. Scheetz Battleship
Práctica con los dos verbos. (hecho para Español II) Copy this to my account 954 Sp 1 ch2.2 Prepositions Monsieur Marcantel Columns
Prepositions of p. 115 Copy this to my account 955 Unit 4 Lesson 1 Stem-changing verbs Señora Kuonen Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 956 Tener Expressions Lesson #8 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 957 Subject Pronouns and -ar Verbs Mrs. Creekmore Pop-ups
Rename your subject with a pronoun and conjugate the given infinitive. Noun and infinitive are in parenthesis. Copy this to my account 958 Unit 2 - Battleship: La Familia -- Battleship
Repaso del vocabulario asociado con la familia - p. 34 en tu cuaderno Copy this to my account 959 AR verbs in Spanish, Present Tense. meg morrissey Patterns
Practise the Present Tense of some of the most common AR verbs in Spanish and learn the meaning of the verbs in English. Copy this to my account 960 Chapter 9 Adjective Practice Sra. Beasley Rags to Riches
Matching number and gender. Choose the sentence or sentences that best accomodate the given words into a healthy Spanish sentence. Copy this to my account 961 Avancemos Vocabulario Unidad 2 Lección 2 Señora Berg Java Game
Classroom objects, places in school Copy this to my account 962 1 U4L2 Present tense e-ie; o-ue and e-i stem changing verbs Challenge Board Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Unidad 1 - Etapa 2 Copy this to my account 963 Los números 1-10 mr turnbull Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 964 Hangman with present progressive verbs Ms. Peters Hangman
Copy this to my account 965 Adjetivos-En Espanol U1-E2- Srta. Asa Quiz
Adjective/noun agreement This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 966 Avancemos 2 Preliminar quiz pg 25 Stem changing verbs 9-18-2013 Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Choose the correct stem change for and also conjugate the 3 verbs in all 6 forms of the present tense. This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 967 Buen Viaje 1 - Preliminary to Chapter 2 señor Tocino Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 968 Family Vocabulary Practice Sra. Durante Java Game
¡Practiquén el vocabulario de la familia! Copy this to my account 969 3.2.2 El presente perfecto del subjuntivo -- Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 970 AR VERBS VOCABULARY Sra. Durante Java Game
PRACTICE AR VERBS VOCABULARY Copy this to my account 971 Numeros del 1-20 a Java Game
Copy this to my account 972 AR Verb Battleship Ms. Butler Battleship
Copy this to my account 973 1 U1L1 ¡ME GUSTA EL VERBO "GUSTAR!" Patterns Sra Durante de Stroup Patterns
Copy this to my account 974 Avancemos 2 U2-L2 Grammar 1 Reflexives Modified B 2-27-2014 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 975 Verbos iregulares de Capítulo 4 Sra. Campbell Cloze
Verb practice for Chapter 4 in Bienvenidos, with DAR, ESTAR, and IR. Copy this to my account 976 Choose the negative tú command Mrs. Cushing Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 977 A bordo Cap. 14 Imperfecto del Subjuntivo Señor Fields Cloze
completen con el imperfecto del subjuntivo Copy this to my account 978 Realidades I - Capítulo 7A -- Picture Perfect
Copy this to my account 979 1 U0LP Weather Expressions Columns Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
This activity is for Chapter 1 of Ya verás Nivel 2. It includes weather expressions and seasons. Copy this to my account 980 Days of the Week Mr. Powell Jumbled Words
Unscramble the words or the sentences. Copy this to my account 981 Los Números -- Quiz
Type the number that you hear. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 982 Double Object Pronouns #1 Señor Fernandes Quiz
You have already learned that direct and indirect object pronouns replace nouns. You will now learn how to use these pronouns together.
Indirect Object Pronouns Direct Object Pronouns
me nos ... This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 983 Familia GR2 (IF) Señora Klebba Java Game
Teach Them Spanish Grade 2
Familia Vocabulary Copy this to my account 984 En español U5 E1 Reflexive Verbs Srta. Hicks Java Game
Matching reflexive verb forms Copy this to my account 985 2 U0DOP Direct Object pronouns Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Select the appropriate answer using direct object pronouns. Select 'none' (the last answer) if no correct choice if presented. Copy this to my account 986 1Ch2 School Subjects Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Copy this to my account 987 Possessives-mi, tu, su, nuestro, etc Profa Kurtz Quiz
Can you say that these things belong to the people in the sentence. Be sure to make the ending of the word agree with what they own. This quiz contains 8 questions chosen from a bank of 16. Copy this to my account 988 Español II - El pretérito Rostek Pop-ups
¿Me puedes responder de acciones del pasado? Copy this to my account 989 ser/estar folder - Ser/estar fill-in Señor Wojnar Quiz
Fill in with ser/estar. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 990 Unit 2-1 Conjugate these AR verbs Mrs. Shields Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 991 Muy Bien A - Los Numeros Kim Hukari Hangman
How well do you know your Spanish Numbers? Give it a try! ¡Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 992 1 U3L1 Gustar singular and plural Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Practice gustar - to be pleasing.
Add the missing indirect pronoun (me, te, le, nos, les)
OR Add the correct conjugation of the verb gustar to these sentences. Copy this to my account 993 commands señora Terry Challenge Board
Translate the English commands to Spanish. Copy this to my account 994 Capítulo 5: Possessive Adjectives Ken J. Zeoli Pop-ups
Can you tell when you need to use mi or mis, tu or tus, or su or sus? Let's see how good you are at this skill! Copy this to my account 995 Numbers Quiz Scott Battey Mini Quiz
Numbers Quiz Copy this to my account 996 Avancemos 2 U1-L2 Prueba de gramatica 3 [irregular preterite] 12-05-2013 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 997 Realidades A - Capítulo 2B Vocabulario Mrs. Lester Hangman
Copy this to my account 998 Avancemos I 3.1 Mi Comida Vocabulary Joy Jenkins Quenga Java Game
Flash Cards, Matching, Word Search and Concentration Copy this to my account 999 A bordo Capítulo 12 El Subjuntivo Señor Fields Cloze
¡Práctica del subjuntivo! Copy this to my account 1000 Cap. PE Tarea 3 (números 0-100) Sra. Klooster Quiz
Please fill in each blank by spelling the given number. Spelling counts toward your score so double check your work. You must earn an 70% or above for me to enter the grade in the grade book. Please complete this assignment as many times as... This quiz contains 33 questions. Copy this to my account 1001 Avancemos 2 - preterite vs. imperfect Marion Fague Battleship
Copy this to my account 1002 1 U1L2 Nouns, Articles, Singular and Plural Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Grammar concept from unit 1 Copy this to my account 1003 Realidades I - Capítulo 4B -- Java Game
Practice Chapter 4B vocabulary. Copy this to my account 1004 2- 6B Los mandatos afirmativos y familiares Profesora Stone Quiz
Escribe la forma correcta del mandato. Recuerda que hay 8 irregulares. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1005 Les Numéros 0-100 Sra. Min Battleship
Copy this to my account 1006 I Realidades-Capítulo 1B Vocabulary Madame Young Java Game
Realidades 1, Capítulo 1B Vocabulary Copy this to my account 1007 2 U4L0 imperfecto practice quiz Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the imperfect tense. You must use accents when needed. Capitalize the first word in a sentence! This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1008 2 U1L2 Preterite, Preterite of Ir, Ser, Hacer and verbs ending in -gar, -car, -zar Challenge Board Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Practice with rPreterite, Preterite of Ir, Ser, Hacer and verbs ending in -gar, -car, -zar Copy this to my account 1009 2 U0LP Las frases con tener Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Copy this to my account 1010 Unidad 4, Etapa 1 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Hangman
Copy this to my account 1011 Avancemos: Unidad 2 Lección 1 -- Hangman
Vocabulary from Avancemos: Unidad 2 Lección 1 Copy this to my account 1012 Challenge Board Avancemos Unidad 1 Lección 2 Grammar and Vocabulary -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1013 "GOING TO" QUIZ Mr Cosgrove Quiz
Revision of "voy a" (I'm going to) and "va a" (you are going to/he is going to/she is going to/it is going to). This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 1014 Possessive Adjectives Shelly Plaster Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1015 Chapter 4-3 Love and Hate with direct object pronouns Señora Shaffer Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1016 Idiomatic Expressions with tener Sra. Frayre Battleship
Copy this to my account 1017 Los partes del cuerpo Mrs. Nishi Java Game
Students will identify parts of the body. Copy this to my account 1018 Preterite Practice -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1019 Capítulo 13: Affirmative Tú Commands Ken J. Zeoli Cloze
Aquí se puede practicar los mandatos afirmativos con la forma «tú». ¡Diviértanse bien! Copy this to my account 1020 El cuerpo practice 3 Dianne Guest Quiz
Here is the 3rd chance to check out how well you know the parts of the body. This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 1021 Los Quehaceres y los verbos Señora Faucher Quiz
Escribe la palabra correcta en español. This quiz contains 17 questions. Copy this to my account 1022 DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS -- Span 1/2 Ms. J Battleship
Copy this to my account 1023 Avancemos 2 - 4.1 - imperfect Marion Fague Hangman
Copy this to my account 1024 Muy Bien A - Los colores Kim Hukari Hangman
How well do you know your colors in Spanish? Give it a try!! Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 1025 Los mandatos reflexivos - informales Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Informal Commands with Reflexive Verbs. Copy this to my account 1026 Direct Object Pronouns Sra. Domally Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1027 Numbers in the "Hundreds" Julie Reinshagen Java Game
How well do you know your numbers in the "hundreds" place? Match the Spanish words to the correct numerals. Copy this to my account 1028 Reflexives- Rutina Diaria -- Picture Perfect
Put these events in chronological order. Copy this to my account 1029 El Calendario--Actividad 2 Dianne Guest Quiz
Decide whether the phrases are true or false. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1030 Numbers 0 - 100 Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 1031 Realidades 1, Chapter 1B JG Dr. Parra Java Game
Copy this to my account 1032 1 U0LP Spanish numbers 0-30 Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
How well do you know your numbers 0-30?
A ver!!! Copy this to my account 1033 En Espanol I Vocabulario 3-2 Mrs. Shields Battleship
Answer these questions to sink the enemy´s battleship. Copy this to my account 1034 AVHS SP1 U4 estar forms (Eng. & Sp.)(columns) Señora Columns
Can you match the forms of "estar" in Spanish and English? Copy this to my account 1035 SUBJECT PRONOUNS Sra. Stephens Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 1036 Chapter 4-2, 4-2 Practice quiz Señora Shaffer Quiz
Ser/estar, comparisons, new adjectives, making plans, love and hate with direct object pronouns This quiz contains 48 questions. Copy this to my account 1037 1st year weather expressions Mademoiselle Stone Java Game
1st year Spanish weather expressions. Copy this to my account 1038 El Dia de los Muertos Señora Baumann Scavenger Hunt
Copy this to my account 1039 ¿ Qué hay en la casa? Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
¿Qué hay en los cuartos? ¿Dónde se hace estas cosas? Copy this to my account 1040 SER AND ESTAR Ms. Steinman Pop-ups
choose between the correct form of ser or estar Copy this to my account 1041 I Realidades-Capítulo 1A Vocabulary Madame Young Java Game
Realidades 1, Capítulo 1A Vocubulary Copy this to my account 1042 Buen Viaje I Chapter 9 Señora Terranova Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1043 Los Artistas Españoles Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Scavenger Hunt
Informe/PowerPoint Copy this to my account 1044 Capítulo 3: el verbo IR Sra. Koenig Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1045 8 question words Carol Hamilton Hangman
focus is on the 8 question words in a Spanish sentence. ¿ Puedes leer y entender el español? Copy this to my account 1046 4 El desayuno (pictures) Profesora Noble Java Game
Match the food and drink items with the pictures. Copy this to my account 1047 U3E3-7 - Present Progressive Señor Wojnar Quiz
Practice forming the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE tense.
1) Use a conjugated form of the verb ESTAR: estoy, estás, está, estamos, estáis, están, corresponding to the PERSON and NUMBER of the subject.
2) form the gerund (-AR verbs = "-ando", ER/IR verbs... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1048 LA FAMILIA Mrs.Vazquez Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1049 Numbers 1-20 in Spanish: make a picture! Señorita Pelican Picture Perfect
Copy this to my account 1050 Numbers 1-100 Quiz Sra. Zitsch Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1051 Animales del bosque Señora Nadeau Rags to Riches
Match the forest animals from Spanish to English Copy this to my account 1052 Present tense e-ie; o-ue and e-i stem changing verbs Amy Shoemaker Challenge Board
Unidad 1 - Etapa 2 Copy this to my account 1053 Chapter 3 - Childhood Activities Señora Davis Java Game
Copy this to my account 1054 FORMAS (SHAPES) Señora Rodriguez Java Game
Copy this to my account 1055 Capítulo 14: El Presente Progresivo, El Verbo DAR, Y Las Construcciones Negativas Ken J. Zeoli Cloze
Bueno, aquí hay un poco de toda la gramática del capítulo 14. En estas actividades, tienes que escojer la forma correcta de cada frase. ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 1056 Challenge Board/Jepardy Spanish greetings & questions Mrs. Sandie Wright Challenge Board
Challenge Board/Jepardy Spanish greetings & questions Copy this to my account 1057 Bienvenidos Capítulo 8 yo/-go verbs Señor Fields Cloze
Completen con la forma correcta del verbo entre paréntesis.... Copy this to my account 1058 Capitulo 4B Vocabulario Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 1059 numbers1-15/colors Mrs.Soledad Jaramillo Villagomez Java Game
search basic numbers and colors Copy this to my account 1060 El pretérito irregular Señora Rader Pop-ups
Choose the pretérito that replaces the conjugated present tense verb. Copy this to my account 1061 Class objects, greetings, shapes--answer correctly and win $1,000,000 (not really, but it's fun to try)! Señorita Pelican Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1062 Realidades 1 - Cap 3A - Vocab Dottie Java Game
¿Desayuno o almuerzo?pizza Copy this to my account 1063 Conversacíon Sra. Szabo Cloze
Copy this to my account 1064 Subjuntivo:Formas y más formas-Versión fácil Señor Raschio Patterns
Copy this to my account 1065 Complementos directos Señora Phillips Pop-ups
Answer the questions using the correct direct object pronoun. Copy this to my account 1066 1 U2L1 Conjugate This! (-ar verbs, present tense) Challenge Board Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Correctly conjugate the verbs in each category using the subject (Yo, Tú, Él, Ella, Usted, Nosotros, Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes) and try the bonus category: Vosotros (you: informal/plural) with the ending -áis! Copy this to my account 1067 Clothing Mrs. Lester Battleship
How well do you know your clothing vocabulary? You are bound to learn something new here! Copy this to my account 1068 3A La comida Sra. Judilee Hays Java Game
Copy this to my account 1069 Español 1 para empezar - el cuerpo Señora Baumann Java Game
Copy this to my account 1070 1 U1L1 Ser Conjugations Picture Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Place the conjugations of 'ser' in the correct order. Copy this to my account 1071 Irregular affirmative tú commands Carol Hamilton Columns
Copy this to my account 1072 Practice with -ar verbs in preterite -- Pop-ups
Choose the correct verb and conjugation for the verb in each sentence. Copy this to my account 1073 Muy Bien C - Los verbos enseñar, estudiar y mirar. Kim Hukari Rags to Riches
How well do you know your -ar verbs enseñar, estudiar and mirar. Give it a try! ¡Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 1074 SER matching CHART PRACTICE FOR 7RS QUIZ Sra. Durante Columns
Make the matches and you'll know this for the quiz. Copy this to my account 1075 Bienvenidos Capítulo 1 Artículos definidos Señor Fields Columns
Match the noun to the correct definite article. Copy this to my account 1076 Escribe el singular -Verbos irregulares -- Rags to Riches
Escribe el singular de cada oración.
Por ejemplo:
Nosotros... Copy this to my account 1077 AP - HW24 Direct Object Pronouns Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
Fill in the blank with the direct object pronoun based on the statments provided. (me, te, lo, la, nos, los, las) This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 1078 Español 1, Unidad 5, Lección 3: las frases con tener -- Columns
Copy this to my account 1079 3-U3E1 subjunctive phrases Sra. DeHart Java Game
Learning vocabulary of phrases of wishing, wanting, etc.; conjunctions; indefinite or non-existence that cause the subjunctive Copy this to my account 1080 Affirmative tú commands with Reflexives Shelly Plaster Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1081 Subject pronouns Sra. Brown Columns
Match the Spanish and English subject pronouns. Copy this to my account 1082 Aventura 1 Lesson 26 - Spanish verbs Carol Hunter Java Game
Copy this to my account 1083 5-17 - Telling time Señor Wojnar Quiz
¿Qué hora es? Write down the numbers tha correspond to the time shown. Example: Son las dos y cinco = 1:05 This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 1084 Spanish 2 2B Test Señora Storrs Quiz
regular preterite, gar, car, & -zar, demonstrative adjectives This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 1085 Los números en español Señor Fields Quiz
práctica de números de 0-1000 This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 80. Copy this to my account 1086 Verbos Irregulares AR -- Patterns
Escoge el verbo correcto. Copy this to my account 1087 Las Partes del Cuerpo -- Java Game
Practice the parts of the body in Spanish Copy this to my account 1088 1 U4L2 Stem-changing verbs Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 1089 Time--¿Qué hora es?--match time shown on clocks with correct expressions. Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 1090 1 U2L2 The verb 'estar' Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
The forms of the verb 'estar' Copy this to my account 1091 La familia 5A Sra. Judilee Hays Quiz
Realidades Capítilo 5A
Por Josué This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 1092 Cinco de Mayo Señorita Brady Quiz
Decide whether the following statements are True or False. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1093 Realidades 2A possessive adjectives - long form pam satterfield Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1094 Formal Commands 1 Sra. Caballos Quiz
Includes the difference between Ud. and Uds. commands, as well as the use of commands w/ reflexive pronouns. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1095 Exprésate 1 Capítulo 3: vocabulary and AR verb conjugations Debbie Mensinger Challenge Board
Exprésate 1 Capítulo 3: vocabulary and AR verb conjugations. Translates English to Spanish using AR verbs fromvocabulary 3-1 and 3-2. Copy this to my account 1096 5th Grade Greetings (Chapter 1-1) Sra Boddy Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 1097 Demostrativos Señora Janet Tan Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 1098 AVHS SP1 U3 Days of the Week (matching) Señora Columns
Can you match the English and Spanish words for the days of the week? Copy this to my account 1099 Spanish 2 - Irregular Preterite Verbs Señora Sadowski Challenge Board
Tener, Andar, Dar, Ver, Venir, Ir, Hacer Copy this to my account 1100 Colors & Clothing Señora Desaulniers Java Game
Copy this to my account 1101 Affirmative and Negative Words -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1102 Verbo SER -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1103 avancemos ...unidad 2 lección 1 vocab part 1 Sra. Withers Java Game
This material matches Avancemos Level1, Unidad 2, lección 1
telling time and discusing daily schedule; describing frequnecy Copy this to my account 1104 ESPAÑOL I - BUEN VIAJE - NUMBERS 0-30 -PRACTICE QUIZ SEÑORITA DRISKILL Quiz
PRACTICE THE NUMBERS FROM 0-30 AND THE MATH WORDS. THIS IS A VERY GOOD EXERCISE FOR PRACTICING YOUR SPELLING OF THE NUMBERS!! This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 1105 DIME 6-2 verbos Sra. Karen Patzelt Kupinse Challenge Board
el pretérito de ser, ir, dar, hacer y ver Copy this to my account 1106 Indirect Object Pronouns and Gustar and Encantar Mrs. Chisholm Hangman
Play hangman to perfect your skills with gustar.
Write the phrase in Spanish. Remember one thing gusta or encanta, two things gustan or encantan. You cannot say,"No me encanta." Copy this to my account 1107 El Cuerpo Ms. B-V Quiz This quiz contains 17 questions. Copy this to my account 1108 Patricia Va a California Ms. Rogers Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1109 AVHS SP1 U3 Numbers 0-39 (Jumble) Señora Jumbled Words
Do you know what numbers these are? Copy this to my account 1110 capítulo 1A Realidades II Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 1111 Para hacer preguntas Angela Enderberg Java Game
Copy this to my account 1112 Preterite tense in Spanish Aileen O'Suilleabhain Hangman
Copy this to my account 1113 Artículos Definidos (I) Sra. Domally Columns
Match the subject with the correct definite article. Copy this to my account 1114 Agreement w/nouns and adjectives -- Rags to Riches
Ch. 4 - practicing recognizing correct agreement of nouns and adjectives with chapter vocab Copy this to my account 1115 Preterito de HACER y DAR 8B Verbs Sra. Judilee Hays Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1116 Cap5Vocab_Mosaicos_arquit_casa_muebles_electro_cama Profesora Jiménez-Biles Java Game
Copy this to my account 1117 Bienvenidos Capítulo 8 yo/-go verbs Dana Bolluyt Cloze
Completen con la forma correcta del verbo entre paréntesis.... Copy this to my account 1118 Útiles escolares Iraida C. Peinado Battleship
Ven conmigo Level 1 - Chapter 2: Paso 1 Copy this to my account 1119 NO TU COMMANDS HANGMAN -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 1120 Identify the Indirect Object Pronouns Sra. Paz Columns
You use the I D P with verbs suchs as gustar, encantar, importar, interesar, molestar and others. Copy this to my account 1121 Adjetivos a Java Game
Copy this to my account 1122 00 - PP - Numbers 0-31 -- Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 1123 Los mandatos - affirmativos Señora Desaulniers Rags to Riches
Create affirmative commands in the tú, usted, nosotros, vosotros and ustedes forms. Copy this to my account 1124 VC2-2.2 El Pretérito Sra. Acosta Quiz
Verbos regulares de AR, ER, IR y el verbo irregular IR This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 1125 Bienvenidos Capítulo 6 Adjetivos Posesivos Señor Fields Pop-ups
mi/mis, tu/tus, su/sus, nuestro(a)(s)
Tienes que saberlos.... Copy this to my account 1126 I Realidades 2B Vocabulary Madame Young Java Game
Realidades 1, Capítulo 2B Vocabulary Copy this to my account 1127 Comparatives and Superlatives Temple Moor High School Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1128 4-3 Spelling Practice Señora Terndrup Hangman
Play this hangman game to help you master the spelling of the Ven Conmigo vocabulary words for Chapter 4 Tercer Paso. Remember, accents count! Copy this to my account 1129 Mi pueblo Mrs. Hileman Java Game
Focus on places around the town Copy this to my account 1130 Future Practice Mr. Boemio Java Game
Matching games with one word in English or the compound future and one in Spanish. Find the two that are the same. Copy this to my account 1131 Family Members Application Maestra Phelps Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 1132 Adj/noun agreement (I) Sra. Domally Columns
Copy this to my account 1133 Jumbled numbers 1-30 Profa Kurtz Jumbled Words
Practice correct number spelling Copy this to my account 1134 Realidades 2 7A test Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 1135 Realidades A - Para Empezar - En la escuela Mrs. Lester Challenge Board
Review vocabulary and phrases from the first section of Para Empezar with this 1 or 2 player "Jeopardy" style game. Copy this to my account 1136 Capitulo 1 B Adjectives Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 1137 AVHS SP2 U6 "las profesiones" Señora Java Game
Practice with your "las profesiones" vocabulary.(4 basic activities) Copy this to my account 1138 Esprésate III (2.1 Hangman) Señorita Psket Hangman
Copy this to my account 1139 Avancemos: Unidad 2 Lección 1 -- Java Game
Vocabulary practice from Avancemos Unidad 2 Lección 1 Copy this to my account 1140 Spanish-Speaking Countries Señorita Brady Quiz
Decide whether the listed countries are Spanish-speaking or not. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1141 Spanish 3 affirmative tú commands quiz -- Quiz
regular and irregular affirmative commands, some with pronouns This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 30. Copy this to my account 1142 10 - Body - Jeopardy Señora Ramos Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1143 Exprésate- Chapter 1 Vocab 1B -- Java Game
Vocabulario 1B- Introductions, Where are you from? Copy this to my account 1144 Exprésate 5.2 - Tocar & Parecer Practice DeLue Pop-ups
A pop-up exercise covering expressions with the verbs "tocar" and "parecer". Copy this to my account 1145 venir Joe Barile Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 1146 1 U4L2 All Stem Changing Verbs Challenge Board Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Jeopardy-like practice of stem changing verbs Copy this to my account 1147 Los números 1-40 Sra. Wilson Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 1148 Bienvenidos Capítulo 1 Adjetivos Señor Fields Cloze
Completen con la forma correcta. Copy this to my account 1149 Present Tense Verbs-Stem-changing Boot Verbs Flash Card Practice Mrs. Chisholm Java Game
Boot verbs have stem changes in the present tense. The changes are e-i, e-ie, and o-ue. If you need practice on the boot verb translations, try these 37 verbs. You will get 15 randomly selected verbs each time. Keep on until you know all the... Copy this to my account 1150 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 3 names of shops Mrs Flannery Jumbled Words
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 3 names of shops Copy this to my account 1151 El imperfecto del subjuntivo Tracey Kyle Java Game
Aquí se usa solamente la forma de -ra. NO se usa la forma de -se aunque se permite en la prueba. La única forma que lleva tilde es la forma de NOSOTROS. Copy this to my account 1152 ALL PRESENT TENSE -- Quiz
Fill in the space with the correct form of the PRESENT TENSE. Just provide form of verb not put subject pronoun(yo,tú,él,ella,ud. etc...). Provide accents as needed! This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1153 Articles & Gender Mary Grace Conlan Quiz
Determine if the words are masculine or feminine and singular or plural by looking at the article. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1154 C 10 Futuro y condicional Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz
Conjugate all verbs in the future or conditional tense. DON'T FORGET ACCENT MARKS! This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 1155 verbos reflexivos Cristina Sanchez Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1156 Unidad 2, Etapa 2 Grammar Quiz Mrs. Lester Quiz
This is the actual grammar quiz for Unidad 2, Etapa 2. It covers interrogatives, estar, ir, and telling time. This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 71. Copy this to my account 1157 Patricia Va a California, Capítulo 4 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1158 Los Números / Numbers (1-20) / Picture Perfect Señora Milheiro Picture Perfect
Practice the numbers (1-20) in Spanish by putting the numbers in order! Copy this to my account 1159 Regular Preterite Conjugations -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1160 AP Spanish Lit/Abriendo puertas: Identificar estas frases claves de "Lazarillo de Tormes" Bonnie T. Bowen Java Game
Identifica los trozos siguientes emparejándolos con la descripción más adecuada.
Busca quién habla, o quién actúa, y la importancia del trozo para el relato. Cada trozo es decisivo, de una forma u otra. Copy this to my account 1161 SG: 2.2 ¿Qué hora es? Professoressa Marchesi Java Game
¿Qué hora es? Copy this to my account 1162 Realidades 1, Chapter 5B - Exam Mrs. Cynthia Head Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 1163 A bordo Capítulo 10 Palabras Mezcladas Señor Fields Jumbled Words
Jumbled words... Copy this to my account 1164 Exprésate C. 7.2 Tú Commands Sra. Beasley Challenge Board
Write the correct conjugations for the verbs. Copy this to my account 1165 Los Paises de América Latina Patti Coveny Quiz
Match the names of the Latin American countries with the map pictures. This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 28. Copy this to my account 1166 Capítulo 6: Direct Object Pronouns A P Cloze
Use direct object pronouns to say who is going to help or do today Copy this to my account 1167 Weather & Seasons Señora Hangman
Copy this to my account 1168 1 U2L2 Vocabulary Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Vocabulary from Avancemos: Unidad 2 Lección 2 Copy this to my account 1169 La Mañana de Filomena Señora Rader Cloze
Copy this to my account 1170 La comida (the food) -- Java Game
Practice words for food in spanish Copy this to my account 1171 Las Expresiones de Cortesía Señora Java Game
Greetings, farewells, and common phrases of courtesy Copy this to my account 1172 doña Di's vocabulario sobre el calendario Dianne Guest Java Game
Playing this game will help you achieve mastery with the vocabulary used with "el calendario." Copy this to my account 1173 cajas de carton vocab Profesora Pittman Java Game
terminos del cuento cajas de carton Copy this to my account 1174 Greetings- Middle School/High School lev.1 Mrs. Sandie Wright Rags to Riches
Matches the McGraw-Hill Spanish Homework book Copy this to my account 1175 Mexico's Independence Natalia Rags to Riches
Choose the correct answer for each question Copy this to my account 1176 The rules of SER and ESTAR Profesora Jennifer Cloze
Practice the rules of SER and ESTAR with TOPIC and PLACE. Copy this to my account 1177 Los Verbos Reflexivos -- Java Game
Traduzcan al español Copy this to my account 1178 1B Prueba 5 Señora Cowell Quiz
Word order: Placement of adjectives
Use each set of words below to write a correct Spanish sentence. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1179 Querer and Preferir Srta. Wachlin Pop-ups
Practice with e-ie stem changing verbs. Copy this to my account 1180 LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 1 ser Mrs Flannery Java Game
LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 1 ser Copy this to my account 1181 2 U0LP Quiz 1: Gustar Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
Choosing indirect object pronouns and conjugating gustar and encantar This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 1182 Saber o conocer, you decide Sra. Hays Battleship
choose the correct verbs to fill the blanks Copy this to my account 1183 Exprésate 1 chapter 2 Vocabulario 1 adjectives and some adverbs Sra. Beasley Java Game
Copy this to my account 1184 Preterit Jeopardy Mrs. Hogan-Flowers (aka Mrs. Brett Favre) Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1185 5-1 Writing Practice Lakota Spanish Teachers Quiz
Practice translating from English to Spanish for Ven Conmigo Chapter 5 Primer Paso. This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 1186 Realidades 2 Chapter 2A Reflexive Verbs Mrs. Jagus Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1187 Ser SRA. BEITZINGER Java Game
Copy this to my account 1188 1 U2L1 -ar verbs Battleship 2 Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Practice using ar verbs Copy this to my account 1189 Avancemos: Unidad 3 Lección 1 -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 1190 Shapes - Las Formas Mrs. Perez Hangman
Copy this to my account 1191 Realidades 1, Chapter 3B JG Dr. Parra Java Game
Copy this to my account 1192 C 7 Practice Quiz regular and irregular preterites Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1193 Present Subjunctive Battleship -- Battleship
Practice with forms of the Present Subjunctive Copy this to my account 1194 Realidades 1, Chapter 2A JG Dr. Parra Java Game
Copy this to my account 1195 SER / ESTAR -- Challenge Board
Escribe la respuesta correcta. Las respuestas están sin acentos. Copy this to my account 1196 Practice regular -ar verbs Sra. Hays Patterns
Practice conjugating the regular -ar verbs and learning their meanings Copy this to my account 1197 LAS DIRECCIONES -- Java Game
Vocabulary related to giving directions and asking for directions. Copy this to my account 1198 Ser/ Estar Battleship -- Battleship
Choose the correct translation in Spanish. Copy this to my account 1199 El Dia de los Muertos Mrs. Kessler Scavenger Hunt
Copy this to my account 1200 Classes and places with pictures Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 1201 Español 1: 1.3.1 (Family Vocabulary list) Lindquist/Turner Java Game
Copy this to my account 1202 Chapter 1 Gramática Adjetivos Ms. Pereira Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1203 Adjectives / Fill in the blanks A P Cloze
Completen con la forma correcta. Copy this to my account 1204 Primero de Secundaria Sra. Ekblad Java Game
De Gary Soto Copy this to my account 1205 Prepositions en español-- match 8 common prepositions with IMAGES Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 1206 3.2.1 El condicional -- Quiz
¿Qué harías de vacaciones en México? This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1207 LISTOS BOOK 3 MODULE 5 hotel vocabulary Mrs Flannery Columns
LISTOS BOOK 3 MODULE 5 hotel vocabulary Copy this to my account 1208 Realidades 1, Chapter 6B JG Dr. Parra Java Game
Copy this to my account 1209 Picture Order Days of Week -- Picture Perfect
Try to put the days of the week in order in Spanish to see the picture! (Remember Monday is first after the title.) Copy this to my account 1210 Subjunctive or Indicative You choose. The DeLuccia's Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1211 5-02-2 Numbers 1-100 Quiz Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1212 Así se dice 1 Capítulo 11 Juego de repaso Mrs. Gross Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1213 En español U5 E3 numbers battleship game Srta. Hicks Battleship
Practice numbers 0 - 10,000,000 Copy this to my account 1214 Buen Viaje 1 Chap 2 - The verb SER (English>Spanish) señor Tocino Java Game
Match the correct conjugation Copy this to my account 1215 00 - PP - Days & Months -- Ordered List
Copy this to my account 1216 3-U3E2 subjunctive Sra. DeHart Quiz
Practice with subjunctive after disagreement & denial and nonexistent and indefinite expressions This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 39. Copy this to my account 1217 Español I y II Meses, días, horas, minutos Rostek Java Game
Escojan uds. las tarjetas que corresponde Copy this to my account 1218 El Verbo Tener -- Java Game
¿Te acuerdas de cómo formar el verbo tener? A ver si tienes razón y buena suerte. Copy this to my account 1219 Adjective Agreement 1B Sra. Judilee Hays Java Game
STUDY THE DAYS, MONTHS, AND CALENDAR VOCABULARY. Copy this to my account 1221 5-27 - Gusta/Gustan Señor Wojnar Quiz
Translate to Spanish. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1222 Realidades 1: 3A Exam Mrs. Cynthia Head Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 1223 Middle America Mr. Bowerman Mini Quiz
Chapter Nine Practice Test. Take this 20 question test. Click "Start Over" for new questions. There are a total of 39 questions. Use your "back" button to return to Lakeland Geography Online. Copy this to my account 1224 ser vs. estar Michelle Marnicio Pop-ups
Un ejercicio para repasar los usos y formas de ser y estar, los dos verbos "to be". Copy this to my account 1225 FAMILIA Sra. Frayre Java Game
Vocabulario de la familia Copy this to my account 1226 Spanish Countries & Capitals Jessica Marshall Quiz
The purpose of this quiz is to assess your basic geography knowledge of Spanish speaking countries & their capitals. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 1227 Doña Di's Greetings & Farewells & Courtesies #4 Dianne Guest Battleship
Check out your skills with this vocabulary. Copy this to my account 1228 3.2.1 Mandatos informales afirmativos -- Quiz
Los irregulares This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1229 En español 2 - U1E2: los pretéritos irregulares Sra. Hilbert Quiz
Escoge o escribe la forma correcta del verbo irregular en el pretérito. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 1230 Capítulo 4A Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 1231 ¿PRETÉRITO O IMPERFECTO? Sra. Frayre Quiz
Use the preterite or the imperfect to conjugate the verbs in parenthesis. This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 1232 Lugares: Places -- Java Game
Review of Spanish vocabulary related to places Copy this to my account 1233 Preferir and Querer, Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Activiies to practice preferir and querer in the present tense. Copy this to my account 1234 (5-1) los verbos e-->ie y o-->ue Madame Guiard / Señora Guiard Battleship
Copy this to my account 1235 Capítulo 6: Direct Object Pronouns LO, LA, LOS, and LAS Ken J. Zeoli Pop-ups
Determine which direct object pronoun is needed by selecting the correct one seen within the context of a Spanish sentence. ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 1236 Español 1b - Repaso de los verbos regulares -AR Señora Schott Patterns
Match the verbs to their subjects. Copy this to my account 1237 avancemos ...unidad 1 lección 1 Sra. Withers Hangman
Vocab practice for the verbs presented in Unit 1 lesson 1 of Avancemos level 1 Copy this to my account 1238 Examen - Preliminar Señora Kottas Quiz
Please read all questions carefully and thoroughly! Double-check all of your answers before submitting! This quiz contains 45 questions. Copy this to my account 1239 Vocabulario del Aula - Word Jumble -- Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 1240 Ser, Ir, Dar, Estar, and -AR Verbs Sra. Lindsay Marshall Challenge Board
practice conjugating these verbs! Copy this to my account 1241 Los números Mary Lynne DeMarinis Picture Perfect
Put the numbers in order from smallest to largest. Copy this to my account 1242 Cosas para la mesa (5B) Sra. Bishop Java Game
Can you identify the items that need to be on the table when you go to a restaurant? Copy this to my account 1243 U5E1 Reflexive Verb Vocabulary Sra. Alpert Battleship
Copy this to my account 1244 Español Esencial 1 Unit 1 AR Verb (infinitive translation) A. Martell Java Game
Copy this to my account 1245 Time (1)(O4) A P Java Game
Match the clock with the time expressed in Spanish. Copy this to my account 1246 Realidades 2, Repaso del Capitulo 2A Madame/Senora Galvez Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1247 Negative tú commands Señor Stuber Battleship
Copy this to my account 1248 Muy Bien A - Los Saludos Ch 1 Kim Hukari Hangman
How well do you know your Spanish Greetings? Play hang-man and give it a try! Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 1249 DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS Sra. Frayre Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1250 3) -er/-ir verbs, pg. 150 - DUE 3/11 Señora Marina Quiz
Select the correct conjugation of the verb given in the pop-up list. This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 1251 Exprésate 3: presente perfecto del indicativo Señorita Gerhart Challenge Board
Escribe la forma correcta del presente perfecto del indicativo, incluso los pronombres Copy this to my account 1252 Capítulo 2: Verbo "Gustar" A P Battleship
Copy this to my account 1253 Tener Idioms completion Profa Kurtz Columns
Choose the correct end of the sentence to make sense of the tener idiom Copy this to my account 1254 SPANISH COUNTRIES AND CAPITALS Mlle. Java Game
Copy this to my account 1256 BV1: Ch1: Interrogatives (Question words) Sra. Barganz Battleship
Copy this to my account 1257 Cap 2B, Sp1 Las Preposiciones Sra. Hoover Pop-ups
practice words of location Copy this to my account 1258 Numbers 1-10 in Spanish Calico Spanish Java Game
Copy this to my account 1259 Spanish question words and meanings. Amy Shoemaker Columns
Learn question words. Copy this to my account 1260 Verbos Irregulares-Practice Quiz Sra. Min Quiz
Fill in the blank with the correct form of each irregular verb. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1261 2 U2L2 Present Progressive Tense -ING / -NDO Challenge Board Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1262 U6E3-2 - EXTRA CREDIT: SER -vs- ESTAR Señor Wojnar Quiz
Practicing the uses of ser and estar. Choose the correct form to complete the sentence. Remember: ser (to describe or define the subject) and estar (to express the subject's well-being or to tell the location of the subject) This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 1263 Family Members in Spanish -- Columns
Columns activity - match them up Copy this to my account 1264 1 U3L1 Quiz 1: Encantar Y Gustar Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
Choosing indirect object pronouns and conjugating gustar and encantar This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 1265 AR Verbs and Subject Pronouns Ken J. Zeoli Hangman
Copy this to my account 1266 6 Artistas Sra. W. Rags to Riches
Review of the 6 artists in Cuadro Uno, Galería de Arte y Vida. Copy this to my account 1267 Adjective Battleship -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 1268 Verbos -ir y Concordancia de Adjetivos ysidore perez Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1269 Indefinite Articles - Cloze Activity -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 1270 A bordo Capítulo 12 ¿Subjuntivo o Indicativo? Señor Fields Cloze
¿Subjuntivo o indicativo? Uds. deciden.... Copy this to my account 1271 El futuro y el condicional Señor Stuber Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1272 Los días de la semana Sra. Hays Pop-ups
Test your knowledge of the days of the week using hoy, mañana, pasado mañana( day after tomorrow), ayer y anteayer (day before yesterday; also fill-in the missing day
si=if Copy this to my account 1273 Central America and South America physical features - practice quiz -- Quiz This quiz contains 4 questions. Copy this to my account 1274 El verbo TENER meg morrissey Battleship
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb tener. Copy this to my account 1275 Present tense verbs in Spanish. Aileen O'Suilleabhain Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1276 La ropa, colores, posesivos, llevar Amy Alarcon-van der Meer Rags to Riches
Clothing unit Copy this to my account 1277 Practice using ir, tener, ser, and estar Sra. Hays Pop-ups
Choose which verb best completes the sentence. Copy this to my account 1278 Places in the City - Columns Thomas F. Strotman Columns
Copy this to my account 1279 BV1: Ch1: Subject pronouns Sra. Barganz Quiz
Please test your knowledge of subject pronouns with this graded quiz. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1280 2-1 Estar and Emotion Practice Level 2 Ven conmigo A. Martell Pop-ups
Spanish 2 Chapter 2-1 Ven conmigo. Practice with emotions and the verb estar in the Present tense Copy this to my account 1281 La Casa y Los Muebles Jeopardy Mrs. McCleary Challenge Board
Test your vocabulary skills with this Jeopardy game! Copy this to my account 1282 Reflexive verbs in the preterite in Spanish. Aileen O'Suilleabhain Patterns
Copy this to my account 1283 Preterite Pot of Gold Sra. Bishop Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1284 Las Tiendas Mrs. Hogan-Flowers (aka Mrs. Brett Favre) Java Game
This is practice for the shopping vocabulary Copy this to my account 1285 La Comida Brenda Renczykowski Java Game
Capítulo 8, Voces y Vistas Copy this to my account 1286 LA FAMILIA RAGS TO RICHES GAME - 3RD GRADE Señora Aldridge Rags to Riches
Working with vocabulario de la familia and how family members are related to one another. Copy this to my account 1287 AR Verb Formative Quiz -- Quiz
This is a test of your knowledge of conjugating AR verbs. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1288 Capitulo 1 B Hang Man Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 1289 IR A & TENER QUE sentences Profa Kurtz Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1290 Classes and Time - Rags to Riches -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1291 Affirmative Ud. commands and chores Carol Hamilton Ordered List
Mamá dijo: Copy this to my account 1292 12 - Restaurant - Concentration and Flashcards -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 1293 los quehaceres Señor Johnson Java Game
Identify chores Copy this to my account 1294 Spanish 1 grammar Profesora Khan Challenge Board
Paso a Paso 1 challenge board Copy this to my account 1295 Unidad 3, Etapa 2 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Hangman
Copy this to my account 1296 Forming the Present Subjunctive Karen Katz Rags to Riches
From Spanish III De Viaje, Chapter 1 Copy this to my account 1297 Adjectives -- Java Game
Can you find the Spanish adjectives (descriptive words) in this wordsearch? (Includes Animales y Opuestos) Copy this to my account 1298 Bravo Level 2 Unidad 4 Lección 2 -- Java Game
Vocabulary practice stores Copy this to my account 1299 Realidades 2 Cap. 2A Tarea #2 Elizabeth DeJesus Quiz
This is your homework assignment. You may complete it as many times as needed to score a 100. This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 1300 Ven Conmigo Español -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 1301 PE1 - Greetings & Numbers Profe Higgins Battleship
Copy this to my account 1302 1 U2L1 -ar verbs Conjugation Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Practice the forms of the -ar verbs Copy this to my account 1303 The 8 question words Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
Choose the correct question word based on the sentence. Copy this to my account 1304 The conjugations of ESTAR & SER Mrs. Payne Rags to Riches
Conjugate the irregular verbs SER & ESTAR based upon the following pronombres. Copy this to my account 1305 Muy Bien A - Los Saludos Ch 1 Kim Hukari Columns
How well do you know your Spanish Greetings? Give it a try! Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 1306 1 U0LP Countries & Capitals (Países & Capitales) Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 1307 Realidades 2 - Capítulo 3B Vocabulario Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Match the Spanish vocabulary words with their English meanings. Copy this to my account 1308 Adjetivos -- Cloze
La concordancia es MUY importante. ¿Puedes cumplir éste párafo correctamente? Copy this to my account 1309 Saludos y Despedidas - Jumble -- Jumbled Words
Spanish 12 Copy this to my account 1310 doña Di's Numbers 100-1,000,000 Dianne Guest Java Game
Review your knowledge of the numbers through one million and more. Copy this to my account 1311 Forms of the verb SER Mademoiselle Stone Hangman
Practice matching the forms of the verb SER with various subject pronouns. Copy this to my account 1312 Prepositions en español -- Rags to Riches Señorita Pelican Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1313 ER-VERBS (Span 1/2 -- Jacobson) Ms. J Hangman
Copy this to my account 1314 regular imperfect Carol Hamilton Patterns
Copy this to my account 1315 Saludos y Despedidas - Hangman -- Hangman
Spanish 12 Copy this to my account 1316 Paso 3 Cap. 6 - el futuro - regular e irregular Mrs. Hicks Quiz
Conjugate all verbs in the future tense. DON'T FORGET ACCENT MARKS! This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1317 Using DE to show possession Señora Terndrup Pop-ups
There is no such thing as 's to show possession in Spanish. Choose the correct phrases or contraction with DE to show possession. Copy this to my account 1318 Unidad 5 Lección 1 - Vocabulario Nuevo - Números Mr. Friedrich Java Game
Practice your Ordinal numbers here Copy this to my account 1319 Family Mr Cosgrove Quiz
Revision of the GCSE topic of Family.
See page 8 of your revision guide for vocabulary if you need to, but I would suggest trying your best without looking at the book first. You can always go back and correct your answers if you wish.
Some of the... This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 1320 La Escuela -- Java Game
Unit 4: Let's Go to School Copy this to my account 1321 PASO ER IRREGULARES -- Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 30. Copy this to my account 1322 Present tense verb conjugations -ar verbs Sra. Sparks Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1323 La Granja . Ms Voves Maria M Rojas Java Game
Copy this to my account 1324 present perfect subjunctive señora Terry Rags to Riches
Translate the sentence from English to Spanish. Copy this to my account 1325 AVHS SP1 U4 ser forms (matching-columns) Señora Columns
Test yourself on the forms of "ser" and their English equivalents! Copy this to my account 1326 1-2B-1 School room items Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 1327 Los Días de la Semana (Days of the Week) -- Picture Perfect
Write the days of the week in order as they would appear on a Spanish calendar. Copy this to my account 1328 Avancemos ...Lección Preliminar Sra. Withers Battleship
Practice vocabulary the useful classroom phrases Copy this to my account 1329 preterito de verbos -AR Sra. Scott Java Game
Copy this to my account 1330 2 U2L2 Reflexive Verbs Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Practice conjugating Reflexive Verbs. (Be careful! Some verbs might be stem-changing.) Copy this to my account 1331 Irregular verbs in Spanish Sra. Bishop Patterns
Practice conjugating 16 common irregular verbs in the present tense.
Earn coins for each correct answer. How much can you earn?
(hacer, poner, traer, decir, salir, tener, venir, oír,... Copy this to my account 1332 Exprésate 2 Chapter 6b Preterite Verbs with a Y plus 2 Don Lorenzo Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1333 AVHS SP1 Subject Pronouns (columns) Señora Columns
Can you match the English and Spanish subjsct pronouns? Copy this to my account 1334 En la escuela Señora Rader Java Game
Match the vocabulary Copy this to my account 1335 PASO III CAPITULO 3 La pintura en el siglo XX pp. 103 2nd vocab Mlle. Java Game
más palabras e ideas para hablar sobre arte Copy this to my account 1336 6-02-3 LA ROPA Señor Wojnar Quiz
BASIC VOCABULARY FOR CLOTHING This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 1337 Stem-Changing Verbs in the Present Tense Señora Janet Tan Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 53. Copy this to my account 1338 Comparatives and Superlatives Sra. Regge Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1339 IR Present Tense Verbs barbara king Rags to Riches
Match the IR Present Tense Verb to its English meaning Copy this to my account 1340 11 - TV/Movie - Concentration and Flashcards -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 1341 R1 Cap. PE Tarea 5 (el calendario) Sra. Klooster Quiz
For #'s 1 -5: Fill in the blanks with the correct date written as Spanish words. Remember to refer to the date format when writing out the dates because their system is backwards from ours. Be sure to put a capital letter at the beginning of each... This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 1342 Sp. 4+, LIST, Ch. 5b (Por Acciones) -- Java Game
Works on those words primarily learned by actions. Copy this to my account 1343 1 U4L1 tener expressions Games 1 Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Uses tener expressions form Exprésate 1 Capítulo 4 Copy this to my account 1344 Los animales, los colores, "color combos", los números 1-15, y las formas--BATTLESHIP! Señorita Pelican Battleship
Copy this to my account 1345 El Calendario Sra. Min Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1346 AR Verbs Sra. Mitchell Java Game
Regular AR verbs Copy this to my account 1347 Espanol vocabulario hangman -- Hangman
Present tense verbs Copy this to my account 1348 Avancemos I 1.2 Vocabulary Joy Jenkins Quenga Java Game
Flash Cards, Matching, Word Search, Concentration Copy this to my account 1349 Capitulo 5A Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 1350 el capítulo 5 - verb match -- Columns
match the verb conjugation to the translation Copy this to my account 1351 Telling Time -- Columns
Copy this to my account 1352 Double Object Pronouns Ms. J Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1353 1Et.Prelim. 0-30 Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Copy this to my account 1354 Los oficios de mi vecindario Señora Mar Rags to Riches
Exprésate2, Capítulo 2, Vocabulario 1 Copy this to my account 1355 Spanish 1 Unit 3 Step 3 seasons Señora Schott Columns
Match months with season they usually belong to. Copy this to my account 1356 4th Grade Spanish-Classroom Objects Señora Reid Java Game
Copy this to my account 1357 09 - Body - Concentration and Flashcards -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 1358 Indirect Object Pronoun quiz señor Glaze Quiz
choose the correct I.O. pronoun. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1359 La Ropa en la Tienda Old Navy Sra. Bishop Java Game
- To help you learn the new articles of clothing, find the correct combo.
- Para ayudarte aprender los artículos nuevos de ropa,
busca la combo correcta. Copy this to my account 1360 Deportes-Deportes/U3-E2 Srta. Asa Hangman
Sports vocab & equipment Copy this to my account 1361 Spanish 2 4B Señora Storrs Quiz
From computer test bank This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 1362 Repaso A - La ropa Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para aprender los artículos o prendas de la ropa Copy this to my account 1363 Present tense Q & A with direct object pronouns Señora Shaffer Battleship
Chore vocabulary and direct object pronouns Copy this to my account 1364 Venir Conjugation - Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Place the conjugated verb venir in order to a typical verb chart.
1 - yo 4 - nosotros
2 - tú 5 -... Copy this to my account 1365 Pasito: En la ciudad Señor Raschio Quiz This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 1366 Realidades 4A vocabulario y verbo ir Janine Hakanson Rags to Riches
í A ver si puedes ganar! Copy this to my account 1367 El verbo pedir -- Columns
Match up the pronouns with the correct form of the verb pedir. Copy this to my account 1368 Reflexive Verbs and Vocabulary Chapter 3-1 Señora Shaffer Rags to Riches
Answer the multiple choice questions about reflexive verbs and chapter 3-1 vocab. Copy this to my account 1369 Unidad 2 Leccion 1 y 2 Espanol 3 Avancemos Cultura Mrs. Luz Marina Rainer Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1370 Capítulo 3a Prueba #1 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1371 1st yr. ch 6 vocab review shopping clothing games Sra. Regge Java Game
Copy this to my account 1372 El uso de los acentos (GRAVES) Mrs. Terry Quiz
Each of the words listed here is stressed on the next to last syllable. Rewrite the word, using accent marks if necessary. This lesson is all about spelling, which means if the word needs an accent mark, you MUST put in on. (HINT: to help you out,... This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 1373 Sports--Match thirty sports with pictures. Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 1374 Realidades 3A Er/Ir Verbs Srta Castellanos Rags to Riches
Choose the correct verb form to go in the blank. Your options are the verbs correr, comer, ver, leer, beber, compartir, and escribir. !Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 1375 Sports and Activities/Deportes y Pasatiempos gloria Java Game
Copy this to my account 1376 1 U3L1 Regular AR, ER, IR Verbs - Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Practice correct agreement of regular verbs and their subjects. Copy this to my account 1377 ¿Qué hora es? Señora Zarria Quiz
Do you have the time? If so, prove it in this activity. You may have to 1) type in the correct time or 2) correct the incorrect time given. ¡Buena suerte! P.S. You may take this test multiple times and get different questions. Try it! This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 26. Copy this to my account 1378 Days of the week Señora Owen Hangman
Copy this to my account 1379 Ch 11 Comparativos - English to Spanish Mr. Tim Fisher Quiz
In this activity you will read a comparative statement written in English and determine which Spanish statement means the same thing. This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 26. Copy this to my account 1380 Exploring Spanish - AR Regular Verb Conjugations Sra. Mallaber Java Game
Practice conjugating regular ....AR Spanish verbs Copy this to my account 1381 4.3 ¿Adónde vas? -- Pop-ups
The verb ir (to go) along with places you go and why you go there. Copy this to my account 1382 p 11-13, practica - Describing People Using SER Crystal Carlson Battleship
Students choose the correct form of the verb "ser" to fill in the blank describing someone. Copy this to my account 1383 Comparisons - Sp 2 Ch 4 jonathan Java Game
Spanish vocabulary words from the Comparisons section of chapter 4 of Holt's Ven Conmigo Level 2 Spanish Textbook. Copy this to my account 1384 La Casa Aileen O'Suilleabhain Java Game
Copy this to my account 1385 irregular present tense subjunctive verbs Sra. Brown Columns
Copy this to my account 1386 I Cap 4 Infinitives -- Java Game
Memoriza los infinitivos Copy this to my account 1387 U3E2 Chore Vocabulary (Hangman) Sra. Alpert Hangman
Copy this to my account 1388 Realidades 1 -To ask and tell how someone is -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 1389 Actividades Ms. Ruzicka Hangman
Play hangman and review the vocab from this chapter! Copy this to my account 1390 Exprésate 2 - Capítulo 2 Vocab A -- Java Game
Los oficios en el Vecindario -
Las profesiones. Copy this to my account 1391 Bienvenidos Capítulo 12 El pretérito (-er/-ir) Señor Fields Cloze
Práctica del pretérito de los verbos en -er e -ir....buena suerte.... Copy this to my account 1392 Cap 3A, Sp 1 Los verbos Sra. Hoover Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1393 Saber y Conocer: Remember: Saber uses = FISH! Dra. C Cloze
Copy this to my account 1394 BATTLESHIP FOR LA ROPA Señora Aldridge Battleship
Working with vocabulary for the clothes Copy this to my account 1395 1 U4L2 All Stem changing verbs Definitions Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Practice the definitions for the various stem changing verbs. Copy this to my account 1396 Simple Conversation Señora Marvin Cloze
Fill in blanks to complete a simple conversational exchange Copy this to my account 1397 Weather--match expressions with pictures Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 1398 Verbs like "gustar" Sra. Vonesh Cloze
Verbs like gustar, based on p. 27 of Imagina Copy this to my account 1399 EXPRÉSATE II - Stem- changing, reflexives, and other irregular verbs in the present tense review Srta. Lewis Battleship
How well do you remember the conjugations of these irregular verbs? See how many ships you can sink. Watch out- there's at least 1 regular verb mixed in here somewhere. Copy this to my account 1400 1 U3L2 Comparisons of Inequality Rags To Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Practice the use of comparisons of inequality while you try to win the million. Copy this to my account 1401 El futuro - regular e irregular Señora Rader Quiz
Find the verb and change it to future tense. Questions employ present and preterite tense verbs. This quiz contains 12 questions chosen from a bank of 31. Copy this to my account 1402 POR / PARA Sra. Ekblad Cloze
Un viaje a Los Ángeles Copy this to my account 1403 Realidades II - Chapter 2A vocabulary Lauren Graves Java Game
Como te preparas Copy this to my account 1404 AR verbs in Spanish, Present Tense. Elizabeth John Patterns
Practise the Present Tense of some of the most common AR verbs in Spanish and learn the meaning of the verbs in English. Copy this to my account 1405 Ser contra Estar Sr. Murdock Quiz
Decide which form of ser or estar fits best in each sentence. This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 1406 Español 1, Unidad 3, Lección 1: los verbos gustar y encantar -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1407 Verb conjugation - present tense Señor Hymes Battleship
Primarily regular -ar verbs, some -er verbs, a few with stem changes, and Ir, Estar, Ser, Tener & Querer. All conjugated for present tense, vosotros form omitted. Copy this to my account 1408 Present tense verb conjugations -ar verbs Sra. Shanabrook Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1409 Realidades 1, Chapter 3A JG Dr. Parra Java Game
Copy this to my account 1410 2 U2L1 Preterite Verbs - irregular, stem-change and spelling change Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Preterite Verbs - irregular, stem-change and spelling change - definitions Copy this to my account 1411 Adjetivos para describir a las personas y las cosas Michelle Marnicio Hangman
Un juego para practicar los adjetivos Copy this to my account 1412 AR Verb Hablar Sra. Margheim Columns
Exprésate 3.2 practice. Column match verb conjugation to English equivalent. Copy this to my account 1413 Adjectives Jeopardy Srta. Badynee Challenge Board
Type all answers in lowercase only!
All adjectives need to end with an O unless it says it's for a girl! Copy this to my account 1414 Spanish Nouns and Adjectives Senorita Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1415 Jeopardy Challenge Ven Conmigo 3 Subjuntivo y Mandatos -- Challenge Board
A review of the uses of the subjunctive and formal and informal commands. Copy this to my account 1416 Spanish parts of the body Mrs. Savitt Hangman
Spanish body parts Copy this to my account 1417 2-U3E2 Vocabulario -- Hangman
Play Hangman to solve the vocabulary. Copy this to my account 1418 Adjetivos 1 Señora Baumann Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1419 1 U2L1 Regular - ar Conjugation Patterns Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Place the endings for regular - ar verb conjugations in order to a typical verb chart.
1 - yo 4 - nosotros
2 - tú 5 -... Copy this to my account 1420 PE Days of the Week Señora McKnight Jumbled Words
Unscramble the letters to make days of the week in Spanish. Copy this to my account 1421 Unit 4 Lesson 1 Vocabulary Señora Kuonen Java Game
Colors, seasons, clothing Copy this to my account 1422 Avancemos 1 ch2.2 ir al Monsieur Marcantel Java Game
The verb IR and the expressions of "to the" Copy this to my account 1423 Repaso D - El fútbol Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para repasar el vocabulario del fútbol Copy this to my account 1424 2.3.1 Mandatos #2 (con negativos) -- Quiz
This quiz tests the difference between Ud./Uds commands, and affirmative/negative commands. Be careful where you place your pronouns (if necessary!) This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1425 ¿Qué te gusta hacer? -- Cloze
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate dialogue. Copy this to my account 1426 Capítulo 1A Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 1427 Práctica con verbos reflexivos Mademoiselle Stone Hangman
Practice with reflexive verbs. Copy this to my account 1428 El cuerpo Señorita Brady Java Game
Copy this to my account 1429 Unidad 1, Etapa 1 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1430 Sports (Los Deportes) Rags to Riches Señorita Pelican Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1431 clothing ysidore perez Rags to Riches
tie clothing to the body, weather, seasons, months, etc. Copy this to my account 1432 Ch 11 Juntos Uno: irregular informal commands Mrs. Shelton Columns
Copy this to my account 1433 El pretérito del Indicativo Sra. Pérez Challenge Board
Conjuga los verbos en el pretérito del Indicativo, según el sujeto que se indica. Copy this to my account 1434 ¡Ven conmigo! Level 2, Capítulo 12, Segundo Paso SenyorM Java Game
Copy this to my account 1435 Chapter 7 Do and Don't irregular commands Mrs. Cushing Java Game
This game is not translated. You are practicing the do and don't form of the command. Do this vx. don't do this Copy this to my account 1436 4.1 Stem-Changing Verbs Matching Sra. Obrecht Java Game
Copy this to my account 1437 2 U4L0 Listening Quiz Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
This test is based on vocabulary and grammar concepts found mainly on Realidades 2 chapter 5A, however, vocabulary from chapter 4A and 4B is also found on this test.
In order to pass this test with a high mark, YOU should have a strong... This quiz contains 39 questions. Copy this to my account 1438 Los días de la semana y los meses del año. Aileen O'Suilleabhain Java Game
Learn the days of the week and the months of the year in Spanish. Remember-no capital letters needed in Spanish. Copy this to my account 1439 U2E1-4 Expressing Obligation- Tener que and Hay que Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1440 #5 Objective Review Señora Hinkley Quiz
Objective Review for #5 Objective Activities This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 1441 El Tiempo y Las Estaciones -- Quiz
El Tiempo y Las Estaciones
The weather and the seasons This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1442 AVHS SP1 U5 colors Señora Java Game
Use these to see if you know your basic colors in Spanish. Copy this to my account 1443 Indirect Object Practice Sra. Schultz Rags to Riches
From Chapter 9 of En Camino textbook Copy this to my account 1444 Español 2, Unidad 4, Lección 1: imperfecto vs. pretérito (hábitos, hora, edad) -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1445 Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives Mrs. Leininger Quiz
Students will demonstrate correct understanding and usage of subject pronouns, reflexive pronouns, and possessive adjectives in Spanish. This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 1446 DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS -- Span 1/2 Srta. Lewis Battleship
Copy this to my account 1447 Capítulo 3B Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 1448 Los Baker Van a Peru - Ch. 1-3 Sarah Bowers Battleship
Unfamiliar vocabulary Copy this to my account 1449 Present tense -vs- ir a + infinitive Sra. Frayre Columns
Knowing the difference between present tense and 'near future' Copy this to my account 1450 2.1 Present tense of -er & -ir verbs Dimelo Dr. Eneida Pugh Patterns
Learn to conjugate simple verbs Copy this to my account 1451 Los Bakers van a Peru Ch. 5-7 Sarah Bowers Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1452 (S) La cocina Mary Kuchlenz Java Game
From The Usborne First Thousand Spanish Words Copy this to my account 1453 El vocabulario - capítulo 1A -- Java Game
Try these activities to help you review the chapter 1A vocabulary! Copy this to my account 1454 2 U2L1 Demonstrative Adjectives Columns Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Demonstrative Adjectives and Vocab Copy this to my account 1455 1 U2L1 El verbo TENER Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb tener. Copy this to my account 1456 Present progressive practice Ms. Peters Java Game
Allows students to practice using progressive endings with estar Copy this to my account 1457 Numbers in the "Tens" Julie Reinshagen Java Game
How well do you know your numbers for the "tens" place? Match the Spanish words with the correct numerals. Copy this to my account 1458 Nuevas Vistas - Colección 1 (a) -- Java Game
Vocabulario (p3) Mis primeros versos Copy this to my account 1459 gustar ysidore perez Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1460 Prueba - Pretérito (Español II) Sr. Daylor Quiz
Regulares, stem-changers, verbos -car/-gar/-zar). This quiz contains 19 questions. Copy this to my account 1461 Spanish-speaking countries & capitals Sra. Alpert Columns
Copy this to my account 1462 25 States and Capitals Matching Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Copy this to my account 1463 1 U1L1 Using "gusta" Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 1464 Preterite of Regular Verbs -- Columns
Copy this to my account 1465 Capitulo 4B Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 1466 De Viaje: Capítulo 1: El Tiempo -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 1467 En español I Unidad 4 Etapa 2 stem changing verbs Sra. Withers Challenge Board
Practice stem changing verbs O to UE
almorzar, contar, costar devolver, dormir, encontrar, poder, recordar, volver and jugar. Copy this to my account 1468 1 U3L1 GUSTAR Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Do YOU know how to conjugate GUSTAR? Try it out and let's see! Fill in the blanks in these sentences: Copy this to my account 1469 Irregular Preterit - Ir and Ser Senora Asmus Hangman
Copy this to my account 1470 U5E1 Reflexive Verbs Vocabulary Sra. Alpert Java Game
Copy this to my account 1471 2 U2L2 Present progressive practice Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Allows students to practice using progressive endings with estar Copy this to my account 1472 La Familia Macky Mitma Hangman
Copy this to my account 1473 Stem-changer or not? Señora Zarria Columns
How well can you identify stem-changing verbs? The verbs below may be stem-changing, "yo-go", both or nothing at all. Can you put them in their proper categories? Copy this to my account 1474 Dime Uno - U 2 L 3 Ir / To go Mary Lynne DeMarinis Columns
Copy this to my account 1475 -AR -ER -IR Sentences and questions Adriana Persin Challenge Board
Write the equivalent in Spanish to the following sentences and questions. Copy this to my account 1476 Plazas 5.136 - verbos reflexivos de las actividades diarias y la higiene personal -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 1477 Avancemos Unidad 5 Leccion 2 Go Verbs Woodland Spanish Java Game
Copy this to my account 1478 Chapter 3-1 Daily Routine Señora Shaffer Battleship
Vocabulary and Grammar Copy this to my account 1479 Verb Conjugations -- Java Game
Games to practice the present tense of -ar, -er, -ir verbs as well as ser, estar and tener. Copy this to my account 1480 PE Introductory Conversation Señora McKnight Cloze
Choose the correct phrases from the list according to the context of the conversation. Copy this to my account 1481 PASO III CAPITULO 3 ¿Qué tipo de arte prefieres? pp. 96/97 Mlle. Java Game
be able to interpret and give a message about a work of art Copy this to my account 1482 Reflexive verbs, can you conjugate? Sra. Hays Patterns
1. The reflexive verb directs the action back upon the subject
2. Learn the meanings, and how to conjugate these reflexive verbs in the present tense
3. Instead of the subject pronoun, you use the reflexive pronoun. Copy this to my account 1483 El verbo almorzar -- Columns
Find the appropriate matches for the verb almorzar. Copy this to my account 1484 beginners practicar/jugar millionaire game -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1485 El verbo ser Paula Smith Quiz
Conjuga el verbo ser. This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 1486 Spanish Speaking Countries Sra. Frayre Java Game
Match the country name with the country map. Copy this to my account 1487 Definite(ly) Articles Mrs. McChesney Pop-ups
Choose the correct definite article based on gender and number. Copy this to my account 1488 1A vocabualry -- Java Game
vocabulary for Realidades I, ca. 1A Copy this to my account 1489 Avancemos 1: Pronouns and verb Ser Monsieur Marcantel Java Game
Subject Pronouns and the verb SER- to be Copy this to my account 1490 Cap 5 Realidades - La Familia Repaso Profe Breinig Challenge Board
Review all the concepts of chapter 5A&B Copy this to my account 1491 A bordo Capítulo 10 mandatos con tú Señor Fields Cloze
Llenen con un mandato familiar. Copy this to my account 1492 Stem Changing Verbs O to UE - Hangman Mary Lynne DeMarinis Hangman
Copy this to my account 1493 Antonyms Groups #1 / #2/ #3 Test PRETERITE AR VERBS A. Martell Quiz
Amsco Two Years
AR PRETERITE VERBS This quiz contains 43 questions. Copy this to my account 1494 Patricia Va a California, Capítulo 5 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 1495 Realidades 3: Cap 1: Camping and Nature Patti Coveny Java Game
Match the English and Spanish words about camping and nature. Copy this to my account 1496 Etapa Preliminar Y Etapa 1 -- Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1497 El Día de los muertos Dra. C Scavenger Hunt
Go on an internet Scavenger hunt. Use the on-line sites listed below to find the answers to the questions. Copy this to my account 1498 Spanish number practice Senorita Picture Perfect
Put the following Spanish numbers in order from smallest to greatest. Copy this to my account 1499 5B Prueba #2 Janine Hakanson Quiz
Escribe la forma correcta de uno de los siguientes verbos en cada frase: venir, traer, estar o ser. ¡Cada frase debe ser lógica! (Write the correct form of one of the verbs in each sentence. Make sure the sentence make sense!) If you get less than... This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 1500 classes and classroom objects Señor Kellem Java Game
Copy this to my account 1501 ACENTOS HOMEWORK Mrs. Payne Quiz
Ortographic Accent.
Division of Syllables and classification of words according to the location of the "tilde".
Application of REGLAS DE ACENTOS. This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 1502 practica de verbos Mrs. Arnold Rags to Riches
You need to choose the correct verb conjugation, fix the incorrect sentence or answer the question Copy this to my account 1503 Formal commands 2 (con negativos) Sra. Caballos Quiz
This quiz tests the difference between Ud./Uds commands, and affirmative/negative commands. Be careful where you place your pronouns (if necessary!) This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1504 Q & A with direct object pronouns in Spanish. Señora Shaffer Rags to Riches
Practices chore vocabulary, past tense and direct object pronouns in a Q & A format. Copy this to my account 1505 ESPAÑOL I - BUEN VIAJE - PRACTICE QUIZ - PRELIMINAR A,B & C - GREETINGS SEÑORITA DRISKILL Quiz
GREETINGS AND EXPRESSIONS OF COURTESY ... A PRACTICE QUIZ FOR SPELLING This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 1506 doña Di's Calendario 1 Dianne Guest Java Game
Based on Realidades 1, Para Empezar Copy this to my account 1507 LA RUTINA DIARIA Señora Kuhlman Quiz This quiz contains 24 questions. Copy this to my account 1508 Deportes - Sports Battleship-Batalla de Naves -- Battleship
Battleship with sports words Copy this to my account 1509 2A- Rags to Riches Señora Mohr Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1510 Paso a Paso A Ch. 2, Sec. 1 Las Clases/Ordinal #'s -- Ordered List
¡Ayuda! ¡La Sra. Crefeld es desordenada! A new student has arrived in her class and needs his schedule. But Sra. C. accidently dropped it in the paper shredder! Help the new student put the shreds of his schedule in the correct order. Copy this to my account 1511 +/- Matching Señorita Kendrick Java Game
Match the affirmative and negative words in Spanish with their meaning in English Copy this to my account 1512 Rojo Ch. 11 - Present Progressive Dana Bolluyt Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1513 Avancemos 1 ir estar hangman Monsieur Marcantel Hangman
Copy this to my account 1514 AR VERBS Chapter 4 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 1515 Review En Camino Mrs. Brooks Mini Quiz
Review of Intro Lesson of Voces y Vistas Copy this to my account 1516 Antonyms Groups #1/#2/#3 ER/IR Preterite A. Martell Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 1517 How well do you know your numbers? Mrs. Ansted Battleship
Numbers 0-15 Copy this to my account 1518 Realidades I - Capítulo 2A -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 1519 Capítulo 6, Pretérito y Paso 3 Sra. Schultz Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1520 En español 1 - U1E2: los artículos definidos Sra. Hilbert Quiz
Choose the correct article that corresponds to the noun. Be careful! This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 1521 Mandatos Sra. Sparks Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1522 REPASO D:Stem changing Verbs - Conjugations Marcy Webb Rags to Riches
Conjugation practice in the present tense. Copy this to my account 1523 Putting Emilia's School Schedule in Order Ken J. Zeoli Ordered List
Copy this to my account 1524 Realidades 1A Challenge Board Jota Mr. Jasinski Challenge Board
Vocabulary words Realidades 1A Copy this to my account 1525 7A Stem-Changing Verbs E to IE Sra. Judilee Hays Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1526 Present tense of e>i stem-chamging verbs for Dimelo tu Chapter 7 Paso 2 Dr. Eneida Pugh Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1527 Frequency adverbs Angela Enderberg Java Game
Copy this to my account 1528 Para Empezar: Saludos -- Java Game
Spanish greetings Copy this to my account 1529 C4 AR verb conjugation Ms. Ruzicka Mini Quiz
Copy this to my account 1530 2-U1E3 "y" , "" preterites, and saber/conocer in preterite Dra. C Quiz
Practice this activity SEVERAL times because it will be different each time! WATCH! There are a few "" and "" stem changers included. Remember that they do not stem change in the preterite. Watch for the special preterite meanings for... This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 31. Copy this to my account 1531 Avancemos I--2-1 ar verbs Mrs. Tarka Battleship
Practice using ar verbs Copy this to my account 1532 La Catrina 1-7 Challenge Board -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1533 AR ER IR Challenge Board Correcto Senor Correcto Challenge Board
Who knows their Spanish? Copy this to my account 1534 02 Regular Subjunctive Verbs Sr. Weidner Quiz
Fill in the blank with the correct subjunctive form of the verb in parentheses. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1535 Unit 2 Lesson 4 Calendar Activity 2 Todd Maggi Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 1536 Estar Sra. Klooster Quiz
¿Dónde están ellos? Use the verb estar to tell where these people are. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 1537 Realidades I - Capítulo 2B -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 1538 El Vocabulario de Capítulo 1 (Segundo Paso) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 1539 LA ROPA HANGMAN Señora Aldridge Hangman
Clothing Vocabulary incorporating numbers and colors Copy this to my account 1540 Verb infinitives Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 1541 Juntos Dos: Chapter 1 E-IE Verbs Señora Mahoney Cloze
Chapter 1, page 52. Copy this to my account 1542 SPANISH - CLASSROOM OBJECTS BY PAMELA SUE KIRKWOOD Pamela Sue Java Game
EXPLORING SPANISH 8TH GRADE, CHAPTER 2 Copy this to my account 1543 e->ie Verbs Ms. Butler Challenge Board
Conjugate the verbs to match the subject listed.
Careful! These are all stem-changing verbs. Copy this to my account 1544 El Tiempo -- Java Game
Practice weather and seasons vocabulary. Copy this to my account 1545 Complemento Indirecto Señora Mar Pop-ups
Práctica Copy this to my account 1546 Greetings and Goodbyes Joe Barile Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 1547 ciudad - amarte duele doctora hudson Java Game
Copy this to my account 1548 A bordo Capítulo 13 Verbos en el pretérito Señor Fields Quiz
Llenen el espacio con la forma correcta del pretérito. This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 41. Copy this to my account 1549 2-U2E3 question practice Dra. C Pop-ups
Select the best response for each question. THINK! Copy this to my account 1550 Tener Expressiones Sra. Judilee Hays Java Game
Realidades 5A
Por Elena Copy this to my account 1551 Los meses del año Kim Hukari Hangman
¿Conoces los meses del año? ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 1552 Days, Months in Spanish sarah matos Java Game
Days and months in Spanish for beginners Copy this to my account 1553 Chapter 4 vocab from Paso a Paso 1 Sra. Hughes Java Game
Copy this to my account 1554 Español 1, Unidad 1, Lección preliminar: ¿Qué hay? -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1555 El Calendario (Dra. Grande's Class) Sra. Moling Quiz
Decide whether the phrases are true or false and choose the best answer for the Multiple Choice questions. ¡Buena suerte! This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 1556 House and Colors -- Viva el Español Sistema C Unit 1 Señora Pinette Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1557 AVHS SP1 U2 Vocabulario ¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás? Señora Java Game
Use this game to practice the vocabulary used in basic conversations. Copy this to my account 1558 Cap 3B (R2) Tú Commands Sra. Hoover Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1559 Sp3 Pre-Assessment: Reading Profesora Aldrich Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 1560 4 La cocina (pictures) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 1561 3.1.3 Verbos reflexivos II -- Cloze
Practice with reflexives from p. 97 Copy this to my account 1562 Future Tense Quiz Mr Cosgrove Quiz
Revise the future tense with this quiz. You must include the correct accented letters or it will be marked incorrect. Use the floating keyboard to help you. This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 1563 Realidades 2: Cap 2A ¿Cómo te preparas? Patti Coveny Java Game
Match the English and the Spanish. Copy this to my account 1564 SP 3--El imperfecto progresivo Mrs C Cloze
Llenen el espacio con el tiempo progresivo apropiado. Copy this to my account 1565 Capitulo 2B Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 1566 Me gusta vocabulary Maestra Phelps Quiz
Practice "me gusta", "me encanta", "odio", and "estoy loco por" This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 1567 1B-Examen, page 1 part B Señora Cowell Quiz
Two students are discussing a friend. Choose a word from the word bank that best completes their thoughts.
-¿Cómo se llama tu amigo?
-(1)... This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 1568 Avancemos ...unidad 1 lección 1 vocab Sra. Withers Jumbled Words
Vocabulary practice for Unit 1 lesson 1 Avancemos Copy this to my account 1569 La Puerta: capítulo 1/ Los números -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 1570 Adjetivos y Concordancia Srita. Vargas Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1571 Realidades 2 6B irregular past participles pam satterfield Java Game
Copy this to my account 1572 Español 1, Unidad 4, Lección 1: los adjetivos posesivos (2) -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1573 Parts of the House (N4) A P Java Game
Copy this to my account 1574 La Ropa -- Java Game
Clothes- Find the words in Spanish! Copy this to my account 1575 Unidad 4-2: O->UE Shoe verbs Mrs. McCleary Challenge Board
Play Jeopardy to test your knowledge of stem-changing (shoe verbs) and how they are conjugated. You do not have to write the subject pronoun for each verb but you can include them if you want. Copy this to my account 1576 Celebraciones Ms. Ruzicka Columns
Match the terms to practice your vocab skills. Copy this to my account 1577 Realidades 1, Chapter 7A JG Dr. Parra Java Game
Copy this to my account 1578 Spanish numbers 1 to 14 Sra. Sparks Picture Perfect
Copy this to my account 1579 Four Perfect Tenses Jaime Huerta Challenge Board
Conjugate the verbs in the appropriate form and tense. Copy this to my account 1580 Spanish is Fun - Lección 2 - La familia Sra. Bachi Java Game
vocabulario Copy this to my account 1581 1 U3L2 Articles and Possessive Adjectives Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
ms=masculine singular
fs=feminine singular
mp=masculine... Copy this to my account 1582 5-03 - Numbers Quiz Señor Wojnar Quiz
Type in the numeral for the number shown in Spanish.
1 -uno
2 -... This quiz contains 100 questions. Copy this to my account 1583 Exploring Spanish, Unit 2 Sra. Pelicano Java Game
Los objetos y los mandatos de la clase Copy this to my account 1584 ESPAÑOL I - LECCIÓN 1 - LOS NÚMEROS 0-30 SEÑORITA DRISKILL Hangman
Copy this to my account 1585 Direct Object pronouns Señora Rader Pop-ups
Select the appropriate answer using direct object pronouns. Select 'none' (the last answer) if no correct choice if presented. Copy this to my account 1586 Spanish verbs Mrs. Sandie Wright Java Game
Match the Spanish 'ar' verbs to their English counterparts. Copy this to my account 1587 2A pronombres y verbos Janine Hakanson Quiz
Type the correct pronoun and verb in each sentence. Do not use vosotros/vosotras or the vosotros/vosotras verb forms. Use the correct form of one of the following verbs for each: hablar, bailar, practicar, patinar, usar, necesitar, dibujar, enseñar. This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 1588 1 U4L2 Conjugation of Jugar and Ir Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Learn the forms of Jugar and Ir. Copy this to my account 1589 El calendario 4 Dianne Guest Ordered List
Can you put the months of the year, the seasons and the days on the week in order? Use this order: months, seasons, days. Copy this to my account 1590 Subject Pronouns in Spanish Señora Faucher Quiz This quiz contains 19 questions. Copy this to my account 1591 5th Grade hangman for Chapter 2-3, Numbers Sra Boddy Hangman
guess the numbers for each problem. Copy this to my account 1592 Capítulo 12: Practicamos El Pretérito Ken J. Zeoli Columns
Get some more practice with your preterit ER & IR verb forms. Surprise yourself and see how much you have learned! ¡Olé! Copy this to my account 1593 Realidades I - Capítulo 9A -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 1594 Adjetivos 2 Aileen O'Suilleabhain Hangman
Copy this to my account 1595 Class objects--draw lines to match the class objects in Spanish and English. Señorita Pelican Columns
Copy this to my account 1596 Hispanic Jeopardy Señora Perez Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1597 Exprésate 1 Chapter 7a Reflexive Verbs Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1598 Los fracasados: regular ar/er/ ir verbs kate twit Java Game
Copy this to my account 1599 Colores y cosas de la escuela -- Battleship
learning correct word order and gender/number agreement Copy this to my account 1600 ESPAÑOL I - PRELIMINAR A,B,C - GREETINGS REVIEW SEÑORITA DRISKILL Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1601 Capítulo 1b Prueba #3 (days and months) Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 1602 El calendario Señorita Tiwari Jumbled Words
Adelante página 13 Copy this to my account 1603 Avancemos: Unidad 1 Lección 2 -- Java Game
Vocabulary practice from Avancemos: Unidad 1 Lección 2 Copy this to my account 1604 El medio ambiente Señora Flood Hangman
Copy this to my account 1605 R1 Cap. PE Tarea 6: el calendario y la fecha Sra. Klooster Quiz
Decide whether the phrases are true or false and choose the best answer for the multiple choice questions. ¡Buena suerte! This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 1606 Avancemos 1 3.1 Questions and Verbs Monsieur Marcantel Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1607 ¡A escuchar!(2) -- Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1608 Avancemos III - Leccion 3.1 Future Tense Battleship Señor Long Battleship
Copy this to my account 1609 Las aventuras de Isabela, Ch 1 Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Questions Copy this to my account 1610 Capítulo 7 Things to do on vacation -- Java Game
Give this a spin! Copy this to my account 1611 Bloque A Prueba Para Empezar Realidades 1 Mrs. Cordero Quiz
In this test you will have an opportunity to demonstrate how much you have learned about this section of the book. This quiz contains 42 questions. Copy this to my account 1612 1 El verbo ESTAR Quiz Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1613 1.1 Parts of Speech Sra. Leszczynski Quiz
State whether the word(s) in CAPS are a subject, direct object, or indirect object. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1614 Direct Object Pronouns - Rags to Riches -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1615 La comida - CARDONA Sra. Cardona Java Game
Basic Foods - Level I, Theme 8 Copy this to my account 1616 Los verbos AR- 33 verbs barbara king Battleship
The 33 AR Verbs to know are found in this game Copy this to my account 1617 1. CLOTHING HANGMAN Mr. Powell Hangman
1. Chapter 9 Spanish II Ven Conmigo Copy this to my account 1618 Los números 1-10 mr turnbull Java Game
Copy this to my account 1619 Dime Uno - Unidad 1 Lección 3 - Physical Description Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 1620 Weather & Seasons Señora Java Game
El tiempo y las estaciones Copy this to my account 1621 chapter 1B -- Java Game
Vocabulary for Realidades I, chapter 1B Copy this to my account 1622 ER verbs in Spanish, infinitives. Aileen O'Suilleabhain Java Game
Learn the meaning in English of some of the most common regular ER verbs in Spanish. Copy this to my account 1623 Position of Spanish Adjectives Ken J. Zeoli Jumbled Words
Refine your understanding of how to position Spanish adjectives in a phrase or sentence. Have fun! Copy this to my account 1624 #1 - Objective Review Señora Hinkley Quiz
Week #1 - Objective Review Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 1625 Realidades I - Capítulo 9A -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1626 Practice with the present tense of the verb SER Mademoiselle Stone Battleship
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb SER. Copy this to my account 1627 AVHS SP1 U3 Numbers 0-39 (Match-Columns) Señora Columns
Do you know all these numbers? Copy this to my account 1628 Present Progressive Mrs C Hangman
¿Necesitas practicar el presente progresivo? Bueno, estás en el lugar perfecto. Cada expresión aquí contiene una forma del presente progresivo. Copy this to my account 1629 PRACTICE WITH SER Maestra Phelps Quiz This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 1630 Los mandatos reflexivos - formales Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Formal Commands with Reflexive Verbs. Copy this to my account 1631 practice with gustar and encantar Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 1632 Everyday activities Mrs. Hileman Java Game
Focus on basic activities in Spanish Copy this to my account 1633 2 U1L1 Direct and Indirect Objects Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Practice mainly with questions using direct and indirect object pronouns both alone and together. Also practices preterite tense. Copy this to my account 1634 Unidad 2 Etapa 2 - TEST - En la Escuela Adriana Persin Quiz
Choose the letter of the answer that best completes each sentence. This quiz contains 77 questions. Copy this to my account 1635 Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Sra. Mezo Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1636 Deportes y Actividades -- Java Game
Sports and Activities-
Find the words in Spanish in the Wordsearch! Copy this to my account 1637 Concentración de colores Profe Vernon Java Game
A concentration game to practice colors. Copy this to my account 1638 Mexico & Central American Countries and Leaders Christopher Riofta Java Game
Do you know who is the President or Prime Minister of a country in Mexico or Central America? Test your knowledge by playing these games. Copy this to my account 1639 Español II - Preterite Verbs - Irregular Verbs Srta. Clower Java Game
Find the correct match of the irregular verbs Copy this to my account 1640 (AP) Present Subjunctive or Imperfect Subjunctive Sra. Frayre Cloze
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the present or imperfect subjunctive. Be sure to use accents correctly. Good Luck!! Copy this to my account 1641 La familia Señor Hymes Rags to Riches
Un juego para repasar el vocabulario de la familia Copy this to my account 1642 +/- Rags to Riches Señorita Kendrick Rags to Riches
Choose the correct definition of each affirmative and negative word Copy this to my account 1643 Verbos e>ie - presente Mrs. Siqueira Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 1644 Spanish verbs with irregular YO forms Mademoiselle Stone Columns
Practice with the YO forms of Poner, Tener, Estar, Ser, Ver, Salir, Saber, Traer, Hacer & Venir Copy this to my account 1645 1 U0LP Subject Pronouns Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Do you know the English and Spanish subject pronouns? Copy this to my account 1646 Quiz--weather and seasons with IMAGES! Señorita Pelican Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1647 Practice Test Regular Preterit (CAR, GAR, ZAR) (LEER,CAER,DESTRUIR) Señor Fernandes Quiz
This is a practice test for the actual in class test this Friday September 28th, 2012.
*You can earn up to 2 extra credit points in your "real test" if you get all 20 questions right!
*This will be accomplished on the "honor basis" since no charts... This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 90. Copy this to my account 1648 Exprésate 3 Capítulo 3 Vocabulario 3-1 Debbie Mensinger Java Game
Exprésate 3 Capítulo 3 Vocabulario 3-1
Translaes Spanish to English Copy this to my account 1649 2 U4L0 Imperfect Tense Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
There are only three irregular verbs in the imperfect tense, ver, ir, and ser. All others follow the examples given. Copy this to my account 1650 LOS QUEHACERES -- Cloze
Usa la forma correcta del verbo. Copy this to my account 1651 2 U0LP Idioms with tener Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
idioms using the verb tener Copy this to my account 1652 Spanish 3/4 II 2006 Las partes del cuerpo español-inglés Profe. Java Game
Copy this to my account 1653 Capítulo 2B Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 1654 Avancemos 2 U1L2 Vocabulary Stacy Tukloff-Vansant Java Game
vacation gifts and souvenirs lodging Copy this to my account 1655 Year 10 - El señor Marqués Carol Hunter Quiz
Imagine that YOU are Mr Marqués, your answers will use either the present, preterite or imperfect. This quiz contains 26 questions. Copy this to my account 1656 El presente del progresivo (-ing sentences) -- Rags to Riches
Can you change from present tense to present progressive (someone DOES it to someone IS DOING it?) Copy this to my account 1657 Cap 5A (R2) El Pretérito de leer, oír, creer y destruir Sra. Hoover Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1658 Buen Viaje I Chapter 10 Vocab 2 -- Java Game
En el museo, en el teatro Copy this to my account 1659 Learnables 11 Columns Lakota Spanish Teachers Columns
Practice the vocabulary from Learnables 11. Play the games several times to include all terms. Copy this to my account 1660 U5E2-3 Irregular Present Participles Señor Wojnar Quiz
Change the verb from the present to the present progressive by inserting the correct form of the present participle. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1661 Unidad 2 Etapa 1 adverbs of frequency -- Quiz
Rewrite each sentence including the adverb in parentheses. This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 1662 Paso a Paso A - Regular -ar Verbs (Capítulo 1-2) Mrs. Lester Java Game
Practice your knowledge of regular -ar verbs in the infinitive form with these activities. Copy this to my account 1663 !Cancionero! #1 Sie7e, Simone, Cuarteto de Nos Señor Fernandes Quiz
You have listened to many songs in your Spanish class this year. Hopefully you will remember what the songs were all about!
Respond to the questions about the songs. Listen to the songs again if necessary!
Grammar: Present, Saber vs Conocer, and... This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 1664 Las Capitales de América Latina Patti Coveny Quiz
Match the names of capitals of the Latin American countries with the map pictures of the countries. This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 23. Copy this to my account 1665 Cinco de Mayo Señoras Kline y Navarro Scavenger Hunt
Use the links below to find the answers to the questions. All answers are in English unless otherwise noted. Copy this to my account 1666 2-1 Balloons Game Lakota Spanish Teachers Hangman
Copy this to my account 1667 el presente Diane la maestra Quiz This quiz contains 86 questions. Copy this to my account 1668 2 U2L2 Reflexive verbs in Spanish Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 1669 Expresate 1: Cap 5 Stem changing verbs Elizabeth Whittaker Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1670 E>IE: Verbos en el Presente Señor Raschio Patterns
Copy this to my account 1671 Lección 18: Grammar study quiz #1 -- Quiz This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 1672 Capítulo 5: TENER Ken J. Zeoli Columns
Need help with the verb TENER? Give it a go! ¡Vaya! Copy this to my account 1673 Paso 2 - Cap. 3, voc Mrs. Ross Java Game
p. 123 Copy this to my account 1674 Class Objects with IMAGES Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 1675 Feelings/Las Emociones gloria Java Game
Copy this to my account 1676 Por v Para - Reglas Sra. Araya Battleship
Identify the reason for using por or para Copy this to my account 1677 Unidad 1, Etapa 2 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Hangman
Copy this to my account 1678 Regular Familiar and Formal Commands Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Practice regular tú and Ud. commands to accompany ¡Ya Verás! Niveles 1 and 2. Copy this to my account 1679 Capítulo 4 Ms. Ruzicka Columns
Match the Spanish word or phrase in the left column with its English equivalent in the right column. Copy this to my account 1680 Avancemos 1 unit 4 lesson 1 ROPA Profesora Columns
Copy this to my account 1681 Learning Goal 8 Sp 1b (Gustar) Señora Walker Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1682 Capítulo 5: Adjectives Ken J. Zeoli Cloze
Determine how well you know your rules for adjective endings in Spanish. Give it a go! Copy this to my account 1683 I Capítulo 3B Vocabulario Madame Young Hangman
p. 168, Capítulo 3B Vocabulario, food and health Copy this to my account 1684 Unidad 4-Etapa 1>> Direcciones Srta. Asa Java Game
Practice directions--how to get somewhere using commands, prepositions of locationaR Copy this to my account 1685 Destinos Episodio 8 Señora Orsi Quiz
Responde This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 1686 Chapter 8, Un viaje en avión Señora Martín Java Game
Vocabulary games! Copy this to my account 1687 Español 1, Unidad 2, Lección 1: la hora -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1688 Realidades 1 4A vocabulario y Ir Sra. Melero Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 1689 Stem-Changing Verbs Señora Baumann Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1690 KR Spanish 1.4 vocab. Señora Adams Java Game
singular forms of gustar with sports, food, music (Ven Conmigo vocab. 1.4) Copy this to my account 1691 Saber o Conocer Mademoiselle Stone Pop-ups
See how much you know about the difference between Saber and Conocer. Remember to use the correct form of the verb! Copy this to my account 1692 Colores-jumbled Profa Kurtz Jumbled Words
Color spelling practice with jumbled words Copy this to my account 1693 Demonstrative Pronouns Dr. Eneida Pugh Battleship
Exercise for improving your skills with demonstrative pronouns. OJO! A written accent on the stressed vowel is required. Copy this to my account 1694 Greetings Quiz 1st 25 Dianne Guest Quiz
Check out your knowledge. This quiz contains 26 questions. Copy this to my account 1695 3.2.1 Mandatos informales negativos -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1696 Conjugation Folder -er and -ir present tense practice Señor Wojnar Quiz
comer, beber, correr, escribir, compartir, comprender & deber This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 1697 Cenicienta Sra. Cutter Sullivan Cloze
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the preterite or the imperfect. Copy this to my account 1698 1 U3L1 Regular -ER and -IR Verbs Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 1699 Indirect object pronouns -- Hangman
Each item contains indirect object pronouns. This works best in HTML version. Copy this to my account 1700 La familia Mr. Powell Rags to Riches
Un juego para repasar el vocabulario de la familia Copy this to my account 1701 En español U5E2 present progressive Srta. Hicks Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1702 LISTOS BOOK 2 modulo 3 demonstrative adjectives Mrs Flannery Pop-ups
demonstrative adjectives Copy this to my account 1703 Hangman- irregular preterite- ALL irregulars - with infinitives given- easier Srta Connors Hangman
irregular preterite hangman- Avancemos 3 1-1 Copy this to my account 1704 LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 1 ser Mrs Flannery Columns
LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 1 ser Copy this to my account 1705 La Familia Señorita Jones Java Game
Family Vocabulary Words Practice Copy this to my account 1706 Verbos 2 - infinitivos Senora Frazier Java Game
Copy this to my account 1707 Cajas de Cartón - Expresiones -- Java Game
Expressions from the reading "Cajas de Cartón." Quiz/test next week. Copy this to my account 1708 Realidades I, pp. 14-17 (El calendario y la fecha) -- Java Game
Practice the days of the week and the months of the year in Spanish. Copy this to my account 1709 Vocabulario 7-2 Lakota Spanish Teachers Java Game
Practice vocabulary for Ven Conmigo Chapter 7 Primer Paso. List of terms includes audio files. Copy this to my account 1710 Mi rutina diaria Carol Hamilton Ordered List
the focus is on reflexive verbs and ordinal numbers
¿ Qué hago yo primero, etc.? Copy this to my account 1711 Expressing obligation (have to) UN2 Et1 Ms Chabot Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1712 personal info - basic questions and answers Mr REY Picture Perfect
personal info - questions and answers Copy this to my account 1713 2 U3L2 Preterit Jeopardy Challenge Board Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1714 2. Battleship (e-ie stem-changing verbs) stephanie riessen Battleship
Practice the e-ie stem-changing verbs Unidad 4 Lección 1 Copy this to my account 1715 Positive Tú Commands Sra. Judilee Hays Java Game
Realidades 6B
Por Shelby Copy this to my account 1716 Regular -ar Verb Practice 1 Dianne Guest Quiz
Write the correct form of the indicated verb. Spelling and capitalization must be correct. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1717 18) Ser y Estar Renee Koeneman Battleship
Práctica con los dos verbos. (hecho para Español II) Copy this to my account 1718 Verbos regulares en el presente Señora Janet Tan Quiz This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 1719 Exprésate Cap 3 Espa I- lugares, ir, a, al, verbos Amy Alarcon-van der Meer Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1720 Prueba de verbos reflexivos (práctica) Srita. Vargas Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 1721 Los colores Señorita Brady Columns
Copy this to my account 1722 Realidades: páginas 5-6 Señora Miller Java Game
Practice your greetings vocabulary. Pay close attention if it is vocabulary used with a buddy or in a polite situation. Copy this to my account 1723 Adjectives with Plurals 2B Sra. Judilee Hays Battleship
Realidades 2B
Por ? Copy this to my account 1724 Los Deportes -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 1725 Capítulo 3b Prueba #2 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1726 Conjugate the Irregular verbs Challenge Version Sra Durante de Stroup Patterns
Practice conjugating Spanish I irregular verbs in the present tense. Earn coins for each correct answer. How much can you earn? Copy this to my account 1727 Realidades 1 6B Test Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 1728 Spanish -er verbs Lizz Caplan-Carbin Java Game
Copy this to my account 1729 Los Colores - Battleship Mrs. Perez Battleship
Copy this to my account 1730 Parts of the head in Spanish Patsy Stevens Java Game
Copy this to my account 1731 Basic vocabulary in Spanish - Check how much you know!! Sandra Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1732 Adjectives -- Cloze
Fill in the blank with the correct translation for the demonstrative or descriptive adjective. Copy this to my account 1733 Los Países y Los Capitales de Centroamérica, México y el Caribe Señora Java Game
Copy this to my account 1734 Irregular preterite verbs Senora Patterns
Copy this to my account 1735 La familia Hangman Diego D. Esquibel Hangman
Copy this to my account 1736 En Español 1: Unidad 2, Etapa 3: Vocabulario: Plans & Sequencing Words SRA. PAHL Java Game
Practice Vocabulary for talking about leisure activities, making plans, and using sequencing words. Copy this to my account 1737 La Casa-Quehaceres Señora Moore (Señorita Greene) Rags to Riches
Conjuega los quehaceres. Copy this to my account 1738 Los verbos en el presente Angela Enderberg Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1739 Spanish numbers, 1-29 - arithmetic problems Señora Rader Ordered List
You may need a pencil and paper as you do this one. Solve each problem and then put the answers in order from smallest to largest. Copy this to my account 1740 Realidades 2 Chapter 1A affirmative and negative words Mrs. Jagus Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1741 Mañana de sol Señora Flood Java Game
Nuevas vistas 1 -- Colección 4 Copy this to my account 1742 Español 1, Unidad 1, Lección 2: "¿De dónde?" y "ser de" -- Patterns
Copy this to my account 1743 Fruits and Vegetables/Frutas y Vegetales gloria Java Game
Copy this to my account 1744 La Familia Sra. Mendoza Rags to Riches
review of family vocabulary Copy this to my account 1745 Realidades Vocabulario 1A J. Russum Columns
Copy this to my account 1746 Direct and Indirect Objects barbara king Rags to Riches
answer the questions to try and earn the 1,000,000 gold stars. Copy this to my account 1747 2 U1L1 Indirect Object Pronouns Quiz 1 Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
Select the indirect object pronoun based on the statements and questions asked. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1748 Chap5A - Extended Family Vocab Profe Breinig Java Game
practice with all extended family vocab Copy this to my account 1749 Places around town--match with pictures Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 1750 Realidades 2 - 3B - vocabulario Señora Rader Java Game
Practica el vocabulario nuevo de esta unidad. Copy this to my account 1751 2 U2L2 Reflexives Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Give the Spanish translation of the following reflexive verbs. Copy this to my account 1752 2 U4L0 Regular Imperfect Tense Verbs Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Practice conjugating verbs in the imperfect. Copy this to my account 1753 Doña Di's Greetings, Farewells, & Courtesies #1 Dianne Guest Java Game
Gain strength in using this set of vocabulary. Copy this to my account 1754 Food Battleship- La Comida en el Restaurante -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 1755 Module 1 Lesson 1.03 Saludos y despedidas Mrs. Corson Java Game
Copy this to my account 1756 La comida: Exprésate 1 - cap. 6 Miss Bias Challenge Board
Food, stem changing verbs, affirmative tú commands, direct object pronouns Copy this to my account 1757 Exprésate 1 Chapter 8a Numbers 0 thru 1000000 (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 1758 SP 3--Present perfect (pretérito perfecto) Mrs C Quiz
Write the past participle or the correct form of haber, as indicated. This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 30. Copy this to my account 1759 Ser o estar Señora Bui Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1760 Estructura 6.2 - Indirect Object Pronouns Sra. Fite Quiz
Fill in or choose the missing indirect object pronouns. Answer questions using indirect object pronouns. This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 1761 Frutas y verduras Señora Nadeau Java Game
Fruits and vegetables! Practice makes perfect. Copy this to my account 1762 El Alfabeto-Práctica 2 Sra. Min Quiz
Type the word you hear spelled. This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 1763 1. Unidad 1.2 Rags to Riches stephanie riessen Rags to Riches
1.2 vocab, preterite tense -ar verbs, 5 irregular verbs Copy this to my account 1764 Avancemos: Unidad 4 Lección 1 e-ie stem-changing verbs -- Battleship
Practice the e-ie stem-changing verbs Unidad 4 Lección 1 Copy this to my account 1765 III Futuro Madame Young Java Game
Regular and Irregular Future Tense Verbs Copy this to my account 1766 Los Meses / Months / Battleship Señora Milheiro Battleship
Practice the months of the year in Spanish! Copy this to my account 1767 (AP) Present Subjunctive or Imperfect Subjunctive Señora Davis Cloze
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the present or imperfect subjunctive. Be sure to use accents correctly. Good Luck!! Copy this to my account 1768 Chapter 2 - Possessive Adjectives Mr. Stellato Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1769 Repaso A - Los colores Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para aprender los colores Copy this to my account 1770 2.1 Expansión de Vocabulario - Columns Sra. Obrecht Columns
Copy this to my account 1771 Regular Verb Review 1 Dianne Guest Java Game
Build your skill. These are a mix of the regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs that you have been required to learn. Copy this to my account 1772 Descubre 1 - Capítulo 1 Greetings Danielle Holsapple Java Game
Copy this to my account 1773 Subjuntivo:Formas y más formas: Versión más difícil Señor Raschio Patterns
Copy this to my account 1774 La negación Señor Turf Cloze
Fill in each space with the opposite word of what's given in the prior part of sentence. Think of the "double negative" words. Copy this to my account 1775 Module 2 Lesson 2.03 Pronombres Plurales y Ser Mrs. Corson Java Game
Here are four ways to study your vocabulary. Copy this to my account 1776 U2E1 Present Tense -AR verb practice Sra. Szabo Patterns
Practice conjugating verbs. Copy this to my account 1777 Definiciones de Verbos Reflexivos Profe D4 Quiz
Choose the translation of the verb. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1778 Realidades A - Para Empezar - En la clase Mrs. Lester Hangman
Try playing Hangman to see how well you know your classroom objects! Copy this to my account 1779 Saber y Conocer Señora Mar Pop-ups
Two ways to say you "know"
Use SABER for Facts and skills
Use Conocer for people and places. Copy this to my account 1780 Rutina diaria - Sp 2 ch 3 jonathan Java Game
Spanish vocabulary words from Rutina diaria section of chapter 3 of Holt's Ven Conmigo Level 2 Spanish Textbook. Copy this to my account 1781 Capítulo 11: Direct Object Pronouns Attached To Infinitives Ken J. Zeoli Cloze
Let's see if you can work with direct object pronouns LO, LA, LOS, and LAS when it comes to putting them together with verb infinitives. Be sure to review your notes or consult PASO A PASO 1 with regard to construction rules. ¡Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 1782 Lugares -- Quiz
Places - review of Spanish vocabulary This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1783 La Casa -- Java Game
Learn household objects and rooms in Spanish. Copy this to my account 1784 Las Frutas Señora Rivera Java Game
Copy this to my account 1785 Adjetivos 1 Aileen O'Suilleabhain Java Game
Copy this to my account 1786 IR verbs in Spanish, infinitives. Aileen O'Suilleabhain Java Game
Learn the meaning in English of some of the most common regular IR verbs in Spanish. Copy this to my account 1787 Unidad 3: Antónimos -- Java Game
Practica el vocabulario de la unidad 3, usando solamente el español. Copy this to my account 1788 Antonyms Groups #1/#2/ #3 Verb Review --AR verbs A. Martell Java Game
This is Spanish Two Years Amsco Antonym Review
--AR verbs in the infinitive form (green form) Copy this to my account 1789 2 U0LP Mas Adjetivos Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 1790 2 U1L2 Preterite Endings -AR Verbs Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Do you know which -AR verb ending goes with which subject in the preterite tense? Match the subject with the correct preterite verb ending! Copy this to my account 1791 6B Vocabulary EN<>ES Señora Zabala Java Game
Practica el vocabulario del capítulo 6B. Los términos están en inglés y en español. Copy this to my account 1792 Reflexive Verbs Quiz Catherine Giraldo Quiz
Present and Preterite Tenses This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1793 Adjetivos opuestos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 1794 Los Meses (the months) -- Picture Perfect
Put the months in chronological order. Copy this to my account 1795 Los días de la semana / Days of the Week # 1 Maria Esteves Java Game
Copy this to my account 1796 Realidades 2 - Capítulo 2B Vocabulario Sra. Scheetz Java Game
¿Qué ropa compraste? Match the Spanish with the English. Copy this to my account 1797 Cuando usar el imperfecto del subjuntivo -- Pop-ups
forms and uses of the past subjunctive Copy this to my account 1798 AR verbs 2 in Spanish, Present Tense Patterns Dianne Guest Java Game
Match the correct form of these regular -ar verbs to their English translation. Copy this to my account 1799 El calendario Actividad 1 Dianne Guest Quiz
Answer each of the following questions. This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 1800 Irregular Preterite Practice -- Pop-ups
select correct verb form Copy this to my account 1801 1 U3L1 Los Verbos -ER / -IR Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 1802 Antonyms Groups #1/#2/#3 ER Preterite Verbs TEST A. Martell Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1803 imperfecto jeopardy Sra. Ekblad Challenge Board
El imperfecto: repaso Copy this to my account 1804 Colores 1 Dianne Guest Java Game
Play one of these 4 games to help you gain mastery in recognition and use of the vocabulary for colors. Copy this to my account 1805 Preterit Verbs Sra. Sparks Java Game
Copy this to my account 1806 Weather Expressions Señora Phillips Columns
This activity is for Chapter 1 of Ya verás Nivel 2. It includes weather expressions and seasons. Copy this to my account 1807 Avancemos: Unidad 4 Lección 1 -- Hangman
Vocabulary from Avancemos: Unidad 4 Lección 1 Copy this to my account 1808 #2 - Objective Review Señora Hinkley Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 1809 Animals Lesson #7 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 1810 2A tarea #1 Janine Hakanson Quiz
Escribe las palabras que faltan. (Type the missing words. Be sure to use the correct forms.) Refer to pp. 74, 75, 82 & 96 in your text. You must get at least 50% correct on your best attempt to receive HW credit. This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 1811 VERSION #2: Using the verb "ir" + "a" + an infinitive Ms Chabot Rags to Riches
(saying that somebody IS GOING to do something) Copy this to my account 1812 2 U1L2 Preterite -ar verbs including -car, -gar & -zar Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 1813 Jepardy- animals, sports, colors, months, numbers Mrs. Sandie Wright Challenge Board
Jepardy- animals, sports, colors, months, numbers Copy this to my account 1814 Year 8 Spanish - It hurts! Carol Hunter Quiz
Different people with different ailments This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 1815 Spanish interrogatives Profe Baumgartner Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1816 Sp 1 3.1 Gustar Monsieur Marcantel Rags to Riches
Tests knowledge of gustar pronouns (indirect objects) Copy this to my account 1817 La hora (15 minutos) -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1818 Capitulo 5 B Vocabulario Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 1819 ¿Què tiempo hace hoy? Señorita Brady Java Game
Practicamos el tiempo. Copy this to my account 1820 Realidades 5A vocabulario -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1821 Nacionalidades Europeas -- Java Game
Aprende los nombres de los países y las nacionalidades de Europea Copy this to my account 1822 Stem Changing Verbs Present Tense pag 58 -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1823 Demonstrative Adjectives Señora Phillips Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1824 Beginning Vocabulary Sra. Al-Salim Challenge Board
In this Jeopardy like game you will find various beginning vocabulary words including greetings, numbers, colors, classroom objects and polite words. Copy this to my account 1825 Sp 2 Etapa 2.3 Verbs Like Gustar Sentence Practice Mlle/Srta. Read Quiz
Make sentences in Spanish using the elements given. Remember that in some cases you may have to change the subject slightly because these verbs use indirect objects. This quiz contains 5 questions chosen from a bank of 15. Copy this to my account 1826 Realidades 1, Chapter 4A JG Dr. Parra Java Game
Copy this to my account 1827 Conjugation of Jugar and Ir Mademoiselle Stone Battleship
Learn the forms of Jugar and Ir. Copy this to my account 1828 C4: Battleship Vocab -- Battleship style... a little guess work involved... and you have to know your stuff! All questions are based on information presented solely in Chapter Four of Paso A Paso. How closely have you read the chapter? Have you been studying it ALL? ... Copy this to my account 1829 Para Empezar I Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 1830 CLOTHING SRA. BEITZINGER Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1831 Doña Di's Basic Time Dianne Guest Java Game
Basic telling time, including What time is it?. Copy this to my account 1832 Juntos Dos: Chapter 2 Preterite Verbs Señora Mahoney Patterns
Choose the accurate form of the verb in the preterite (page 70). Copy this to my account 1833 Realidades 3A: ¿Desayuno o Almuerzo? Señor W Java Game
Copy this to my account 1834 #6 Objective Review Señora Hinkley Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 1835 Body Parts - Health - Claudia Villamizar Java Game
Read and Match.
Identify each picture, and Match it with the correct statement. All the sentences answer the questions: ¿Qué te duele? and ¿Cómo te sientes? Copy this to my account 1836 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 6 parts of the body Mrs Flannery Columns
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 6 parts of the body Copy this to my account 1837 carne y pescado Melle Corrignan Java Game
Match Spanish words for meat and fish with their English equivalent Copy this to my account 1838 La Comida Vocabulario Ms. J Java Game
Copy this to my account 1839 C 11 Spanish affirmative tú commands quiz Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz
regular and irregular affirmative commands, some with pronouns This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 26. Copy this to my account 1840 Chapter 2 Gramática Quiz El Verbo Tener Ms. Pereira Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1841 Parts of the Body - Las Partes del Cuerpo Ms. Mason Java Game
Matching for parts of the body and related verbs Copy this to my account 1842 Hace + time Profe Challenge Board
from En Español 2 (Unidad 3, Etapa 3): use 'hace + time + que + present tense' to express how long an activity has been going on; or use 'hace + time + que + past' to express how long ago an event happened. Copy this to my account 1843 1 U4L2 Vocabulary Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Vocabulary practice for Avancemos: Unidad 4 Lección 2 Copy this to my account 1844 Adverbs St Marys Spanish Java Game
Match the adjective with the adverb or the adverb with its English equivalent Copy this to my account 1845 preterito e imperfecto historia de la playa Senora Hernandez Cloze
Correctly choose the form of the preterite or the imperfect. Remember preterite is completed action and imperfect is continued actions or background information. Copy this to my account 1846 II Realidades - La escuela - 1A Madame Young Challenge Board
Review of school vocabulary from Realidades 2, 1A, pp. 22, 23, 27, 28, 31, 40 Copy this to my account 1847 * Fotos de Verbos #1 Pamela Callahan Java Game
Match the Picture with the Action Word Copy this to my account 1848 Preparación Para el Examen 1A Janine Hakanson Quiz
Choose the most logical answer for the multiple-choice questions. For the fill-in questions, replace the English words with the equivalent Spanish words or phrases. Use your book! You must get at least 60% correct on your best attempt to receive HW... This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 1849 To Talk about activities -- Java Game
Page 52 Copy this to my account 1850 #4 Lista de Vocabulario Kassandra T. Brenot, Ph.D. Java Game
Frases útiles para composiciones y algunos números ordinales Copy this to my account 1851 Avancemos Unidad 1, Lección 2 Sra. Withers Challenge Board
vocab practice from the text Avancemos level 1 Copy this to my account 1852 Realidades I Chapter 5A practice with possessive adjectives Mrs. Jagus Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1853 2-U2E2 BASIC Preterite and Imperfect uses Dra. C Pop-ups
Try this activity to focus on the CONCEPT of how to use the Preterite and Imperfect. Copy this to my account 1854 SER y ESTAR Sr. Murdock Quiz
Respond to the following items with appropriate choices. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1855 A Simple Conversation Señora Marvin Cloze
Fill in the blanks with the missing words to complete this conversation. Make sure you use the correct accent marks. Copy this to my account 1856 Profesiones Sra. Sachar Java Game
Copy this to my account 1857 Bienvenidos Capítulo 6--tener que / ir a + infinitives Señor Fields Cloze
¿Sabes cuándo se usa un infinitivo?
Debes saberlo..... Copy this to my account 1858 Battleship- Spanish irregular preterite translations Srta Connors Battleship
Avancemos 3 Unidad 1-1 Copy this to my account 1859 øvelse til 01 hilsner mikkel Java Game
Copy this to my account 1860 El arte (palabras revueltas) Megan Flinchbaugh Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 1861 Balloons 1-3 Lakota Spanish Teachers Hangman
Play balloons to practice spelling correctly the vocabulary words from Ven conmigo Chapter 1 Tercer Paso. Don't forget to include definite articles with nouns! Copy this to my account 1862 ESPAÑOL I - LECCIÓN 2 - LOS NÚMEROS 0-100 SEÑORITA DRISKILL Java Game
PRACTICE YOUR NUMBERS FROM 0 TO 100 Copy this to my account 1863 2-3 Los Números 1-199 A. Martell Java Game
Play these games and listen to these audio files to help you learn your Spanish numbers. Copy this to my account 1864 Regular/Irregular Present Tense Verbs -- Challenge Board
Here you will practice all verbs that you have learned thus far in Spanish. From regular verbs to tener expressions. Copy this to my account 1865 Clothes/la ropa -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 1866 La Comida - Food - Mr. Bonhomme-Isaiah Java Game
Practice Spanish vocabulary for foods›R Copy this to my account 1867 Stem-changing Verbs Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 1868 Affirmative and Negative words -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 1869 Los Colores - Hangman Mrs. Perez Hangman
Hangman Copy this to my account 1870 Conjugation of ir Mrs. Shields Cloze
Conjugate the verb ir in 9 tenses Copy this to my account 1871 Jeopardy Game for Capítulo 4 Vocabulary Ken J. Zeoli Challenge Board
A 1 or 2 player question and answer game dealing with vocabulary and phrases from capítulo 4. Dare yourself and see how much you know! Copy this to my account 1872 Exprésate - Capítulo 3 - Vocabulario 1 Timothy Corcoran Java Game
Copy this to my account 1873 Los Reflexivos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 1874 Capítulo 1A Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 1875 Paso 2 - Cap. 2 - Verbos reflexivos April Schneider Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1876 AP - HW15 Present Perfect Subjunctive Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
haya, hayas , haya, hayamos, hayan + -ado/-ido This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1877 AR VERB CONJUGATION PRACTICE meg morrissey Java Game
The verbs are in the infinitive next to the subject. You need to " conjugate it" correctly for the answer. GOOD LUCK Copy this to my account 1878 Hangman 1-2 Lakota Spanish Teachers Hangman
Practice spelling words from Ven conmigo Chapter 1 Segundo Paso. Copy this to my account 1879 Buen Viaje 2 Chapter 5 Vocab 2 Mrs. Hicks Java Game
El parque Copy this to my account 1880 Stem Changing Verbs - E to IE / Hangman Mary Lynne DeMarinis Hangman
Copy this to my account 1881 En Español 1 - U1E1 - Gustar y Los Verbos Greg Knowles Hangman
You are working on who likes to do certain activities and what people like to do. Use the rest of the sentence to spell out the missing verb or pronoun. Copy this to my account 1882 El Tiempo -- Jumbled Words
practice weather expressions Copy this to my account 1883 AP Spanish Lit/Abriendo puertas: Identificar estas citas de "El burlador de Sevilla y convidado de piedra" Bonnie T. Bowen Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1884 Exprésate 1 capitulo 4 Debbie Mensinger Battleship
cuanto, mucho y poco Copy this to my account 1885 Realidades 2 - Capítulo 1A Vocabulario Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Match the Spanish vocabulary word with its English meaning Copy this to my account 1886 Paso a paso 1 Capitulo 5 Challange Ms. Acocella Challenge Board
Ser, tener, possessives, vocab and numbers! Copy this to my account 1887 Las Compras Para Comestibles Elizabeth Manian Columns
Copy this to my account 1888 What kind of stem-changing verb is it? Señora Phillips Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1889 Direct Object Nouns and Pronouns #1 Señor Fernandes Quiz
A direct object receives the action of the verb DIRECTLY and generally follows the verb.
When the direct object is a PERSON or a PET, it is preceded by the "personal a". When the DIRECT OBJECT is NOT a PERSON or a PET, but a PLACE, the "personal... This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 1890 R2 1B-3 Making Comparisons Señora Borges Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 1891 Frutas y Verduras Señora Rivera Java Game
Copy this to my account 1892 I give you, I tell you: Indirect object pronouns Mrs. Cushing Battleship
Do you know how to say "someone says to someone, or someone gives to someone?" Test your skills.... but remember... It's all backwards! Copy this to my account 1893 Bienvenidos Capítulo 6 La Familia Señor Fields Pop-ups
¡Práctica de vocabulario!
¿Quién es la persona? Copy this to my account 1894 Spanish Math Battleships Señora Zarria Battleship
Copy this to my account 1895 Los meses del año Señorita Brady Hangman
Copy this to my account 1896 Direct Object Pronouns -- Java Game
Para repasar los pronombres y sus usos. Give the sentence again with the proper direct object pronoun in its appropriate place. (me, te, lo, la, nos, os, los, las) Copy this to my account 1897 2 U1L2 Vocabulary Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Travel Vocabulary Copy this to my account 1898 Unidad 2, Etapa 3 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Java Game
Copy this to my account 1899 Making Comparisons Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1900 Exprésate Spanish 1 Chapter 1 Voc1A -- Java Game
Vocabulario 1A- Greetings Copy this to my account 1901 4 El desayuno (pictures) -- Java Game
Match the food and drink items with the pictures. Copy this to my account 1902 (SP 2-3-2) Los quehaceres. Mrs. Speeker Java Game
Vocabulary for chores around the home. Copy this to my account 1903 Vocabulario, Capitulo 3A, Realidades 2 Madame/Senora Galvez Java Game
Copy this to my account 1904 Conjugation of querer Mrs. Shields Cloze
Conjugate the verb querer in 9 tenses Copy this to my account 1905 7A Test Review Miss Marshall Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1906 El Verbo Estar -- Java Game
¿Sabes como formar el verbo estar? Muestramelo. Copy this to my account 1907 Realidades 2: Capítulo 2A Vocabulario Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Match the English and the Spanish. Copy this to my account 1908 Test Yourself 5-3 Lakota Spanish Teachers Quiz
Practice the vocabulary from Chapter 5 Tercer Paso by translating the following sentences into Spanish. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1909 Capítulo 8: Vocabulario -La casa Sra. M. Hernández Java Game
Vocabulary and phrases from capítulo 8 of Paso a Paso Spanish II. Try practicing in a variety of formats (flash, memory, matching or word search). ¡Diviértanse bien y buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 1910 ¡FELIZ DIA DE LAS BRUJAS!/HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Mrs. Segovia Java Game
This lesson will give a vocabulary list and familiar expressions related with Halloween.
Esta lección dará una lista de vocabulario y expresiones familiares que se relacionan con el Día de las brujas. Copy this to my account 1911 Classroom Nouns A. Candia Battleship
Copy this to my account 1912 Buen Viaje 1 Chap 3 - Palabras 2 -LA ROPA Y LOS COLORES señor Tocino Java Game
Copy this to my account 1913 Buen Viaje 1 Chap 2 - LA HORA señor Tocino Java Game
Copy this to my account 1914 Meats and Seafood/Carnes y Comida del Mar gloria Java Game
Copy this to my account 1915 2-3 Los Números 1-199 Lakota Spanish Teachers Java Game
Play these games and listen to these audio files to help you learn your Spanish numbers. Copy this to my account 1916 BAJO LA MISMA LUNA Profe Sievert Challenge Board
Play Jeopardy with information and vocabulary from the movie Copy this to my account 1917 Realidades I Para Empezar Greetings and Intros matching Mrs. Jagus Java Game
Copy this to my account 1918 Classroom Objects B - En la clase - Dime Uno - Lección Preliminar Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 1919 Verbs 'ar' Mrs. Sandie Wright Hangman
Find the correct verb. Copy this to my account 1920 Months of the Year Mrs. Silbert Java Game
Spanish - los meses, realidades Copy this to my account 1921 Yo form of Irregular present Tense Sra. Lari Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 1922 Adjetivos Posesivos--Sexto Grado Señor Turf Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1923 Questions using direct objects Señora Berg Pop-ups
See if you can answer these questions correctly using direct object pronouns. Copy this to my account 1924 ¿Qué pasó en Mensajero de San Martín? Maestra Ordered List
Esta actividad pide que tu pongas las acciones en orden cronológico en el cuento. Copy this to my account 1925 ser quiz señor Glaze Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 1926 Present Tense and Present Progressive Tense -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1927 La hora -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1928 Vocabulary Chapter 5 toys and playground equipment Señora Berg Java Game
Chapter 5 Paso a paso II Copy this to my account 1929 Touring Mexico Mrs. Speeker Cloze
Copy this to my account 1930 El Salón de Clase (Hola) Señora Klebba Java Game
Classroom Objects
¡Viva el español!
Unidad 1 Copy this to my account 1931 Capítulo 4a Prueba #1 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1932 COMIDA Y BEBIDA (FOOD AND BEVERAGE, INCLUDING THANKSGIVING FOOD) M K Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 1933 3A Present tense verbs (-ar/-er/-ir) & foods/beverages Sra. Frayre Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1934 Bienvenidos Capítulo 6--Tener que + inf Señor Fields Cloze
Fill in the first blank with the correct form of tener and the second with an appropriate infinitive! Copy this to my account 1935 2 U1L2Practice the preterite tense of -ar verbs Patterns Sra Durante de Stroup Patterns
study these regular preterit verbs
remember -car, -gar, and -zar change in the first person so that the verbs sound is consistent Copy this to my account 1936 Pobre Ana, Capítulo 1 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 1937 Buen Viaje 1 Chap 3 - -AR verbs Questions & Answers señor Tocino Java Game
Copy this to my account 1938 listos 2 module 5 revision Mr REY Java Game
Copy this to my account 1939 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 2b, La chica social -- Java Game
Ch. 2 vocab (the rest) Copy this to my account 1940 EL VIAJE PERDIDO-2 Señora Mellet Rags to Riches
Capitulo 2- contenido y vocabulario Copy this to my account 1941 Avancemos ...unidad 1 lección 1 Sra. Withers Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1942 Reflexive verbs in Spanish Aileen O'Suilleabhain Java Game
Copy this to my account 1943 Spanish-speaking countries & capitals Sra. Alpert Java Game
Copy this to my account 1944 Dime uno 1-3 Personalidad, descripción física Jessie Kerr-Halls Java Game
adjectives for personality and physical description Copy this to my account 1945 Animals Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 1946 Capítulo 12: TRAER, PEDIR Y SERVIR Ken J. Zeoli Hangman
Unscramble these sentences that contain present tense forms of TRAER, SERVIR and PEDIR. ¡Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 1947 EL PRESENTE DEL SUBJUNTIVO Mr. Herrera Cloze
Complete las frases con la forma presente del subjuntivo. Preste atencion si es necesario en algunos casos el indicativo. Copy this to my account 1948 Realidades 1: 1A-1B Exam Mrs. Cynthia Head Quiz
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the questions. This quiz contains 32 questions. Copy this to my account 1949 Capítulo 8-2 voc Prueba #1 practice Renee Koeneman Quiz This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 1950 Dime Uno Unidad 4 Lecciónes 1 y 2 - La familia - Jumbled Words Mary Lynne DeMarinis Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 1951 1 U2L3 Muchos Pocos Cuantos Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
cuanto, mucho y poco Copy this to my account 1952 Chapter 6 Indirect & Direct Object Pronouns Dr. Eneida Pugh Quiz
TAKE THIS QUIZ UNAIDED. Rplace the indirect objects with pronouns. Choose correct replacement or answer questions. This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 15. Copy this to my account 1953 Avancemos 2 U1-L2 Prueba de gramatica 2 (regular preterite) 11-25-2013 Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Use regular -ar, -er and -ir verbs and conjugate them according to the subject pronoun. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1954 08 - House - Rooms -- Columns
Copy this to my account 1955 ¿Quieres ser un millonario? Señora Galloway Rags to Riches
Correctly complete the sentences with the correct form of comer or beber and become a virtual EURO millionaire! Copy this to my account 1956 Weather and Seasons- El Tiempo y las Estaciones -- Java Game
Find the hidden Spanish words. Copy this to my account 1957 Subjuntivo Dr. Yosálida C. Rivero-Zaritzky Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1958 Acentuación Debbie Mensinger Rags to Riches
rules and uses of accents Copy this to my account 1959 Sp 1 3.1 Jeopardy Practice Monsieur Marcantel Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1960 Capítulo 7b Prueba #2 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 1961 Reflexive Pronouns Señora Phillips Pop-ups
Choose the correct reflexive pronoun. Copy this to my account 1962 Question Words Battleship -- Battleship
Try to say the question word in Spanish.
Or, try to complete the Question in Spanish by choosing the correct question word to fill in the blank. Copy this to my account 1963 Thanksgiving Vocabulary Sra. Mallaber Hangman
El día de acción de gracias Copy this to my account 1964 Realidades 2 Chapter 3A Vocabulary Mrs. Jagus Java Game
Copy this to my account 1965 1 U1L2 Spanish Nouns and Adjectives Challenged Board Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 1966 Chapter 1 -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1967 2 U2L2 Reflexive Verbs Ordered Lists Sra Durante de Stroup Ordered List
Put these reflexive activies in logical order. Copy this to my account 1968 Spanish parts of the body Mrs. Savitt Java Game
Body parts Copy this to my account 1969 sujunctive challenge c. townsend Challenge Board
play a jeopardy-like game which drills the formation and use of subjunctive of reg and irreg verbs Copy this to my account 1970 Capitulo 4 A Word Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 1971 Avancemos ...unidad 2 lección 1 vocab part 2 Señora Berg Java Game
The vocabulary matches Avancemos Level 1
School subjects, classroom activities, other words and phrases Copy this to my account 1972 LA CASA Sra. Wilson Java Game
Practice the vocabulary of the house Copy this to my account 1973 U1E1-5 Verb Sets - Gustar Señor Wojnar Quiz
Answer the question with the proper form, as in the examples.
Q: ¿Te gusta correr? (Do you like to run?)
A: Sí, me gusta correr. (Yes, I like to... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 1974 SG: 2.2 La Hora Professoressa Marchesi Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1975 la familia Michelle Marnicio Rags to Riches
Students review family vocabulary. Copy this to my account 1976 Sp.3 Ch.3 Less.1-4 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 1977 Capítulo 1B Adjectives Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 1978 Warm Up! -- Quiz
Today is the best day of your life! You have been asked out on a date by the celebrity that you have had a crush on for the last few months (Linzie Lohen, Jessie McCartney, or another celebrity of your choice). The only problem is that the date... This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 1979 Nacionalidades Hispánicas -- Java Game
Aprende las Nacionalidades del Mundo Hispano Copy this to my account 1980 Pobre Ana Ch 1-3 Señoras Kline y Navarro Challenge Board
Accents must match exactly! Copy this to my account 1981 Capitals of Spanish Speaking Countries Mr. Hawkins Quiz
You will have two minutes to choose the correct capitals for the Spanish-speaking countries. You should use the easier activities to prepare for this assignment before you start. This quiz contains 24 questions. Copy this to my account 1982 Numbers 1 to 100 Sra. Hays Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1983 Realidades I - Capítulo 5A -- Hangman
Practice vocabulary from Chapter 5A. Copy this to my account 1984 Los pronombres relativos Señor Turf Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 1985 1 U1L1 Gusta Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Gustar Copy this to my account 1986 Quiz--Sports with images Señorita Pelican Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 1987 All continents, Europe, Africa, Central America, South America and the Carribean - practice map quiz -- Quiz This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 1988 Repaso A Amigos, Alumnos y Parientes Profesora Mallén Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 1989 Actividades, Preposiciones y Días de la semana Ms. Ruzicka Challenge Board
Ch. 4 of level 1, Ven Conmigo Copy this to my account 1990 Avancemos 2 1.1 Jeopardy Challenge Monsieur Marcantel Challenge Board
A challenging game for improving your knowledge of direct objects and the vocabulary in Unit 1, Lesson 1. Copy this to my account 1991 YV3-C3-Las comidas (Tp70-71) Mr. Mark Orsatti (Mr. O) Quiz
Algunas preguntas sobre lo que vimos en páginas 70-71, sobre la comida mexicana. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 1992 El Calendario Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 1993 Bienvenidos Capítulo 7 Verbos e>ie & o>ue Señor Fields Quiz
Verbos que tienen el cambio e>ie & o>ue. This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 55. Copy this to my account 1994 Countries and Capitals of South America -- Columns
Copy this to my account 1995 En el mercado- capítulo 5 parte 2 Mrs. Meyers Java Game
have fun practicing vocabulary about shoppingÆ Copy this to my account 1996 AVHS SP2 U1 Vocabulary 1b Infinitives (Verbs) Señora Java Game
Review the meanings of these verbs from Spanish 1! Copy this to my account 1997 Realidades I - Capítulo 4A -- Java Game
Play games with Chapter 4A vocabulary. Copy this to my account 1998 El décimo Señora Misir Quiz
Prueba de vocabulario y comprensión This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 1999 ¿Yo, director(a)? Sra. Frayre Cloze
¿Qué sería diferente? Copy this to my account 2000 My Family - Mi Familia Sra. Min Pop-ups
A short simple list of family members. Enjoy Copy this to my account 2001 3-FERP1 present & preterite Sra. DeHart Quiz
Translate the verbs in either the present, preterite or the infinitive. This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 60. Copy this to my account 2002 Adjective Warm-Up -- Quiz
Take this quick quiz to see how you are progressing with adjectives. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2003 Realidades 1 set 1 Sra. Chamberlain Java Game
pp. 16-39 (76 cards) Copy this to my account 2004 La Salud - Health Madame Neale/ Señora Neale Challenge Board
El cuerpo y las enfermedades. Copy this to my account 2005 Numbers from 1 to 59 !! Señora Ortega Rags to Riches
What number is it? Copy this to my account 2006 Español 1, Unidad 2, Lección 2: los pronombres -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 2007 Los reflexivos -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 2008 Vocabulario 7-1 Lakota Spanish Teachers Java Game
Practice the vocabulary from Chapter 7 Primer Paso. Play games multiple times to include all vocabulary words. Audio files are included. Copy this to my account 2009 Transporation Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 2010 Tener and Number Questions World Languages Cloze
Copy this to my account 2011 Directions- Las direcciones Aileen O'Suilleabhain Java Game
Copy this to my account 2012 1 U2L1 Telling Time Columns Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Copy this to my account 2013 Exprésate 1: Geocultura-Puerto Rico Mme Dimick Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2014 ¿Qué te gusta hacer? AMPARO WENG Hangman
Copy this to my account 2015 Box #1 e>i Señor Fernandes Quiz
seguir/follow repetir/repete medir/measure conseguir/achieve servir/serve dormirse/fall asleep morirse/die impedir/stop despedir/farewell vestirse/get dressed This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 2016 Spanish 1 Quiz Chapter 1A Mrs. Shavchuk Quiz This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 2017 Los países y capitales de la América Central y el Caribe Sra. Karen Patzelt Kupinse Java Game
Identify the capital of each country. Copy this to my account 2018 Capítulo 8: HACER, PONER, PREFERIR, and VIVIR Ken J. Zeoli Columns
Practice your verb forms and meanings of HACER, PONER, PREFERIR, and VIVIR. ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 2019 Quiz--days, months, and numbers 1-30 Señorita Pelican Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 2020 A bordo Capítulo 4 El futuro Señor Fields Cloze
Completen con el futuro Copy this to my account 2021 Realidades 3, Cap 4 Vocab 2 -- Java Game
Para practicar el vocabulario antes del examen Copy this to my account 2022 Sp.1 #1 -Basic Conversation Questions -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2023 Unidad 1, Etapa 2 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Java Game
Copy this to my account 2024 2 U1L1 Navidad: indirect object pronouns Cloze Sra Durante de Stroup Cloze
indirect object pronouns Copy this to my account 2025 Test Yourself 5-2 Lakota Spanish Teachers Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2026 Making Words Plural Ken J. Zeoli Java Game
These activities offer practice with making adjectives and nouns plural in Spanish. Copy this to my account 2027 El Tiempo- The Weather Maria Esteves Java Game
Copy this to my account 2028 2nd / 3rd Grade Classroom Objects Señora Reid Java Game
Copy this to my account 2029 ER verbs in Spanish, infinitives. Aileen O'Suilleabhain Hangman
Copy this to my account 2030 Venir in the present tense Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Grammar to accompany ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 1 Copy this to my account 2031 El preterito y el imperfecto con cuando -- Pop-ups
Escojan el verbo correcto. Copy this to my account 2032 Verbos Reflexivos Jamie Kenny Quiz
Conjuga los verbos reflexivos en el presente. This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 2033 El Tiempo Borra Profesora Fritz Java Game
Vocab de El Tiempo Borra Copy this to my account 2034 EL TIEMPO, LA HORA, LOS VERBOS, LOS COLORES M K Challenge Board
WEATHER, TIME, VERBS, COLORS. Copy this to my account 2035 Unidad I: La escuela: Las materias Sra. Anderson Java Game
Use estas actividades para practicar el vocabulario de esta unidad. Copy this to my account 2036 10.1 Vocabulary Ven Conmigo: Celebraciones Sra. Beasley Java Game
Copy this to my account 2037 ¿¿¿¿¿¿Cómo?????? Carn Java Game
Learn question words the easy way! Copy this to my account 2038 C 11 Usted and Ustedes Commands Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz
Includes the difference between Ud. and Uds. commands, as well as the use of commands w/ reflexive pronouns and direct/indirect object pronouns. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2039 08 - House - Jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2040 Realidades 2 Vocabulario 5B -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2041 Reflexive Verb Practice - 2/ post drill / PRESENT TENSE Señora Pamela Quiz This quiz contains 36 questions. Copy this to my account 2042 Realidades A - Capítulo 2B Vocabulario Mrs. Lester Java Game
Practice your vocabulary of classroom objects and directions with these activities. Copy this to my account 2043 R2 1A Quiz/Prueba 1A-1 Recognition Quiz Señora Borges Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 2044 Realidades 2 2B vocabulario English/Spanish pam satterfield Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2045 1st yr. ch 4 vocab food Jumbled Words Sra. Regge Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 2046 seasons and weather Sra. Pennisi Quiz
Months, Seasons, Weather, activities and irregular verbs This quiz contains 33 questions. Copy this to my account 2047 3.1.1.A Práctica con vocabulario -- Jumbled Words
Unscramble the words. Copy this to my account 2048 Rojo Ch. 10 - Vocabulario 1 Dana Bolluyt Java Game
Copy this to my account 2049 Adjectives Matching Srta. Badynee Columns
Match the Spanish to the English. Copy this to my account 2050 Las contracciones al y del Señor Fields Pop-ups
Llenen el espacio con la palabra apropiada... Copy this to my account 2051 Realidades I, pp. 2-5 - greetings and polite expressions -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2052 00 - PP - Jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2053 regular -ar, -er, -ir verb conjugation -- Battleship
This verb was conjugated with the folllowing pronoun Copy this to my account 2054 Realidades Para Empezar 1: Greetings, Introductions, Goodbyes Señor W Java Game
Copy this to my account 2055 Exprésate 9-1/Rags to Riches/El Pretérito Señora Boyd Rags to Riches
Preterite of ar, er, ir verbs and the verb ir Copy this to my account 2056 Adjectives Srta. Badynee Java Game
Adjectives flash cards, matching, concentration, and word search. Copy this to my account 2057 Direct and Indirect Object Review Señora McMahan Java Game
You have flashcard activities of different types and other games to help you review usage and placement of direct and indirect object pronouns for your exam. For sentences in Spanish, replace the objects with pronouns. For sentences in English,... Copy this to my account 2058 Chap 1 Millonario Mrs. Ansted Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2059 Ven conmigo 1 Verb Review Chris Brown Java Game
Review the infinitives presented in Ven conmigo 1, chapters 1-7. Copy this to my account 2060 CAPITULO II Sr. Ojeda Java Game
ACTIVIDADES CAPITULO II Copy this to my account 2061 Los Números 10-1.000 Señora Orr Quiz This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 2062 Las Expresiones de Cortesía Señora Hangman
Greetings, farewells, and expressions of courtesy. Copy this to my account 2063 el tiempo, la ropa, el cuerpo y las estaciones Carol Hamilton Challenge Board
the weather and seasons and how they effect our choice of clothes Copy this to my account 2064 Spanish Past Perfect Concentration Sr. D Java Game
Copy this to my account 2065 LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 1 physical descriptions Mrs Flannery Java Game
LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 1 physical descriptions Copy this to my account 2066 Español 1 -- tener & ser - Capítulo 5 - PAP 1 Profe Pop-ups
Choose the verb that fits best in expressions about what people look like. Copy this to my account 2067 1 U1L1 "ar" verbs Columns Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Match the verbs in Spanish to their English counterpart. Copy this to my account 2068 Antonyms Salir ALL TENSE (Battleship) A. Martell Battleship
PRETERITE AND... Copy this to my account 2069 Países y capitales de Latinoamérica Señora Java Game
Match the country with its capital. Copy this to my account 2070 A bordo Capítulo 6 Presente Perfecto Señor Fields Cloze
Llenen el espacio con la forma correcta del presente perfecto..... Copy this to my account 2071 2-U3E2 Pret/imp story BEACH Dra. C Cloze
Complete this story using the Preterite or Imperfect of each verb as needed. USE YOUR RULES and NOTES to help! Copy this to my account 2072 School subjects -- Las asignaturas Isabel Galvez Java Game
Match the Spanish to the pictures Copy this to my account 2073 Buen Viaje 1--Capitulo 3 Madame Frissen Java Game
All vocab for Chapter 3 Copy this to my account 2074 Lugares de la ciudad - Muy Bien Capitulo 5 Kim Hukari Columns
Identify these places in the city. Copy this to my account 2075 El cuerpo 4 Dianne Guest Java Game
Playing these games should help you gain the use of the vocabulary naming parts of the body. Copy this to my account 2076 "Tener" expressions Mrs. Speeker Java Game
Copy this to my account 2077 1 U5L1 Ordinal numbers Columns Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Matching English to Spanish Copy this to my account 2078 La Casa y otras cosas Carol Hamilton Challenge Board
vocabulario de los cuartos de la casa, los quehaceres y las cosas en la casa ¡Qué se divierta! Copy this to my account 2079 Passive sentence translation J R Taylor Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2080 Ser and Estar Sra. Sparks Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 2081 Realidades I - Capítulo 2B -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2082 Capítulo 1a Prueba #2 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2083 Practice of verbs "SER & ESTAR" Sra. Paz Cloze
Copy this to my account 2084 SP 1 Final Review -- Quiz
This is a thorough ONLINE REVIEW that will allow you unlimited attempts, unlimited time, and ability to save and continue at a later time. You have a bank of over 300 questions that the computer will randomly draw 100 for each attempt. I encourage... This quiz contains 100 questions chosen from a bank of 253. Copy this to my account 2085 LOS MESES Y LAS ESTACIONES Mrs.Vazquez Hangman
Copy this to my account 2086 Realidades 1A Jota Mr. Jasinski Java Game
Vocabulary Games Copy this to my account 2087 ¿Quieres ir? Unit 2 SRA. BEITZINGER Java Game
Test your knowledge of invitations Copy this to my account 2088 LAS PREPOSICIONES -- Java Game
Review prepositions of place Copy this to my account 2089 Chap 5 Vocab Mar y Sol Señora Aliahmady y Señora Eberhardt Java Game
Copy this to my account 2090 I Capítulo 2A Madame Young Hangman
Realidades I, Capítulo 2A vocabulario Copy this to my account 2091 los deportes - ¿Cuál no pertenece? Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
Which does not belong? Copy this to my account 2092 4B Vocabulario- Jumbled Words Señora Mohr Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 2093 El Alfabeto-Práctica 1 Sra. Min Quiz
Type the word you hear spelled. This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 2094 Me gusta, no me gusta Isabel Galvez Java Game
Copy this to my account 2095 1 U2L2 Ir a Infinitive Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
¿Vas a ganar? Sea lógico.
á = Alt + 0225
é = Alt +... Copy this to my account 2096 2-U3E1 verbs: EL INVIERNO Dra. C Cloze
Complete this story using the correct form of the verb in the PRETERITE, IMPERFECT, PRESENT TENSE or INFINITVE as needed. THINK! Follow the ideas of the story to be sure you know when the action is "now" or in the "past'. Copy this to my account 2097 5A Tener and its idioms Sra. Bishop Pop-ups
The verb tener means "to have", but it can also be used to express:
cold, hot, thirst, hungry, sleepy, have to+infinitive, # yrs. old Copy this to my account 2098 Hola Unit 5 Review: Me Gusta. ¿Te gusta? Señora Pinette Rags to Riches
Expressing likes and dislikes Copy this to my account 2099 Verbo SER -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2100 IR verbs, infinitives Aileen O'Suilleabhain Hangman
Copy this to my account 2101 Spanish 3 U1E2 irregular preterite -- Quiz
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the irregular preterite verbs. This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 23. Copy this to my account 2102 Winter Sports Jumbled Word Game. Ch. 9, Bienvenidos Señora Martín Jumbled Words
UNSCRAMBLE THE WINTER SPORTS WORDS FROM BIENVENIDOS CHAPTER 9. ENJOY! Copy this to my account 2103 Unidad 2 Etapa 2 La hora y el tiempo. 12-17 Adriana Persin Quiz
Look at the times and write them in Spanish. You need to spell numbers appropriately. Use de la tarde for PM until 6:00 P.M. and de la noche between 7:00 and 11:59 P.M., de la mañana for AM times if necessary. Don't use anything if it does not... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2104 Weather & Seasons Mrs. Ansted Java Game
Do you know the more difficult weather expressions and the seasons? Let's see... Copy this to my account 2105 3-3 Hangman Señora Terndrup Hangman
Describing People and Things Copy this to my account 2106 Questions and Answers (7th grade) Ms. Mason Java Game
Match the question to the answer Copy this to my account 2107 09 - Body - Matching -- Columns
Copy this to my account 2108 Animales en espanol A. Candia Java Game
Copy this to my account 2109 pidiendo una habitacion - un dialogo MmeZedd Cloze
Complete the blanks in the dialog to obtain a hotel room.
If teaching w/ Ya Veras2 go to
for activites for the entire chapter. Copy this to my account 2110 LOS DÍAS DE LA SEMANA Y LOS MESES DEL AÑO Sra. Frayre Java Game
Days of the week and months of the year. **Remember, in Spanish days of the week and months of the year are not capitalized unless they are at the beginning of a sentence. Copy this to my account 2111 La mochila Iraida C. Peinado Java Game
Ven conmigo - Level 1 - Capitulo 2:1
¿Qué hay en la mochila? Copy this to my account 2112 Los verbos -- Quiz
Review of regular present tense verbs in Spanish This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2113 La Puerta: capítulo 1 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2114 Unidad 3 Etapa 2 Vocabulary and Stem Changing Verbs Mrs. Shields Battleship
Answer these questions to sink the enemy´s battleship. Copy this to my account 2115 Pobre Ana Ch 4 Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Questions Copy this to my account 2116 Español 1, Unidad 3, Lección 3: las palabras indefinidas y negativas -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 2117 Present tense of verb TO GO: IR -- Mini Quiz
Review of forms of the verb TO GO - ir- in the present tense Copy this to my account 2118 A bordo Capítulo 6 presente perfecto Señor Fields Quiz
Examencito sobre el presente perfecto. This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 21. Copy this to my account 2119 2ndo Grado La Familia -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2120 Verbos Sra. Sachar Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2121 2 U2L1 Preterite -er, and -ir verb endings Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 2122 AR verb challenge #4 Stephanie Sheridan Quiz
Conjugate the verb CANTAR for the subject below. You must get 100% before you can be done with this challenge. When you finish, you will have beaten all the levels!!! This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2123 Imperfect Subjunctive - conjugation Sra. Regge Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2124 Body Parts Battleship -- Battleship
Guess the body part in Spanish then try to find the enemy ship and sink it! Or guess the injury. Copy this to my account 2125 Prueba - Los verbos de 'bota" BREDA M. WHITE Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 2126 Examen U1E2: Las bellas artes y la comida A Profe Unsworth Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 2127 2-U3E2 pret/imp : LA LUNA DE MIEL Dra. C Cloze
Complete this story about using the appropriate verbs in the PRETERITE, IMPERFECT or INFINITVE as need. THINK! USE your notes. Copy this to my account 2128 Adjectives of Feelings 1 Dianne Guest Java Game
An opportunity to expand your ability to talk about how you and others feel. Copy this to my account 2129 Capitulo 2B Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 2130 Cuerpo y Salud Ms. Ruzicka Hangman
Copy this to my account 2131 Avancemos 2 U2-L1 Prueba de vocabulario 1 Jan. 15-2014 Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Select the phrase that best completes each sentence This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2132 2 U0LP Verbos Irregulares Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
¡Practica ir, ser, estar, tener hasta que sean fáciles! Copy this to my account 2133 ¿Qué hora es? Sra. Hays Columns
What time is it? you tell me; page 24 in your book Copy this to my account 2134 Realidades 1 - Capítulo 4A Vocabulario Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Match the English with its Spanish meaning. Copy this to my account 2135 Spanish 2 Chapter 6 Test Señor Beebe Quiz This quiz contains 34 questions. Copy this to my account 2136 preterito challenge c. townsend Challenge Board
Play a jeopardy game drilling the preterite of -reg. ar,, stem changing, irreg.hacer,poder,tener,dar,ser,ir,estar Copy this to my account 2137 Verbos -ar, -er, -ir, boot Profe Breinig Patterns
Practice with -ar, -er, -ir, boot verb forms Copy this to my account 2138 LICT Ch. 1 "El Cuento del Gato" Spanish 1 Vocabulary-Ferguson -- Java Game
The first list of vocabulary from stories. Copy this to my account 2139 Examen Capítulo 1A ¿Que haces en la escuela? Señora Mayo Quiz This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 2140 Practice Quiz Avancemos: Unidad 2, Lección 2 The Grizzly Team Quiz
Practice quiz for taking an English to Spanish translation vocabulary quiz. Textbook = Avancemos, Unidad 2 Lección 2
Include the accents and el/la. This quiz contains 46 questions. Copy this to my account 2141 Actividades para practicar el tiempo Yvonne McArthur Java Game
Copy this to my account 2142 Quiz--places with images; 10 true/false questions Señorita Pelican Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2143 Poder en el presnte y el pretérito Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Grammar activity to accompany ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 2. Copy this to my account 2144 Animales del Zoológico Sra. Kennedy Java Game
Practice zoo animals by matching picture to spanish words. Copy this to my account 2145 Español 1B adjetivos y colores 1-34 Señora Baumann Java Game
Copy this to my account 2146 Gustar/Encantar Dianne Guest Pop-ups
Practice expressing likes and dislikes. Copy this to my account 2147 Los meses y las estaciones Mrs. Creekmore Java Game
Vocabulary review. Copy this to my account 2148 Casi se muere Ch. 1-3 Questions Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Questions pertaining to chapters 1-3 of Casi se muere Copy this to my account 2149 Realidades I, pp. 10-13, (classroom objects) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2150 A bordo Capítulo 11 El Subjuntivo Señor Fields Cloze
Completen con el subjuntivo... Copy this to my account 2151 Numbers from 0 to 20 -Audio Sandra Java Game
Listen and practice these numbers in Spanish. Copy this to my account 2152 doña Di's Los números 0-100 Dianne Guest Java Game
Numbers are reviewed based on the following:
0-31 by one's
10-100 by... Copy this to my account 2153 1 U2L1 Telling Time Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Practice distinguishing between telling what time it is, and at what time something occurs. Copy this to my account 2154 Tu vs. Ud Mrs. Cushing Pop-ups
Activity allows students to practice you familiar vs. you formal Copy this to my account 2155 Exprésate 1 Chapter 4b -ER & -IR verbs (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 2156 Capítulo 3-2 Vocabulario Señorita Nafis Quiz
Students identify and produce vocabulary words from Chapter 3-2 of Exprésate. This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 2157 Español 1, Unidad 3, Lección 2: el tiempo -- Scavenger Hunt
Copy this to my account 2158 La familia 1 Aileen O'Suilleabhain Java Game
Copy this to my account 2159 Realidades 1 - Ch. PE Weather & Seasons Mrs. Hicks Java Game
Copy this to my account 2160 Sp 2 U6E1 Sra. Brown Java Game
describing city buildings, talking about professions, making suggestions to a group, etc. Copy this to my account 2161 EXAMEN FINAL - SPANISH 003 -- Quiz
This test contains the listening and reading comprehension parts of your final exam. This test has a total of 20 points, and it is 5% of your final grade. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 2162 Exprésate 9-2/Rags to Riches Señora Boyd Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2163 Verbos Reflexivos Sra. Ekblad Java Game
me, te, se, nos, os, se Copy this to my account 2164 R1 Lección 1A-¿Qué te gusta hacer? -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2165 Buen Viaje I 6 A Ms. Call Java Game
Vocabulary Copy this to my account 2166 Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns (Exploraciones C8-A) -- Mini Quiz
Object pronouns are used to substitute other words to avoid repetition.
Practice with this activity to make sure you know the difference between direct and indirect objects. Copy this to my account 2167 Realidades I - Capítulo 4B -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2168 Los adjetivos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2169 doña Di's "Verbo tener y sus idiomas" Dianne Guest Java Game
Playing this set of games should increase your mastery of and skill in recognizing and using the idioms associated with the verb "tener." Copy this to my account 2170 Los Pasatiempos Cap. 3 Linda Radke Java Game
Copy this to my account 2171 Capítulo 8b Prueba (quiz) Preterite -ar Verbs Sra. Johnstone Quiz
Write the Preterite form for the following verbs
You do not need to write subject pronouns for these, but remember that reflexive pronouns are necessary for reflexive verbs. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2172 Avancemos 2 - 3.2 vocabulario Marion Fague Java Game
Copy this to my account 2173 AR VERB CONJUGATION PRACTICE -- Java Game
The verbs are in the infinitive next to the subject. You need to " conjugate it" correctly for the answer. GOOD LUCK Copy this to my account 2174 Realidades 2 7B test Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 32 questions. Copy this to my account 2175 Quiz--definite and indefinite articles Señorita Pelican Quiz This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 2176 Vocabulario activo: Lección 2.3 -- Java Game
Actividades-verbos Copy this to my account 2177 Spanish I Unit 2 Vocabulary Matching: Family and Friends The Teacher Quiz
2009-2010 PGMS Kent This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 2178 3.1.1 Los tiempos perfectos Senora Cigal Cloze
Copy this to my account 2179 Spanish 2 4A test Señora Storrs Quiz
From computer test bank This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 2180 AVANCEMOS 1-CHAPTER 1-LESSON 2 COACH PREAUS Java Game
VOCABULARY AND GRAMMER Copy this to my account 2181 Eventos y Ceremonias -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2182 Subject Pronouns - Java Games Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 2183 1 U2L2 Vocabulary Games 2 Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Vocabulary practice from Avancemos Unidad 2 Lección 2 Copy this to my account 2184 1 U4L1 E-IE Verbs Cloze Sra Durante de Stroup Cloze
Copy this to my account 2185 A04 McPeak Java Games Señora McPeak Java Game
Copy this to my account 2186 Expresate 1, Capitulo 8, Repaso de Vocabulario 2 Profesora Jiménez-Biles Java Game
Copy this to my account 2187 Sp. Weather Quiz Scott Battey Mini Quiz
Weather Quiz Copy this to my account 2188 La Playa Senor Correcto Hangman
Practica el vocabulario de La Playa con Hangman Copy this to my account 2189 Vocabulario 4-2 Lakota Spanish Teachers Columns
Ven conmigo vocabulary Chapter 4 Segundo Paso Copy this to my account 2190 Realidades I Chapter 5A practice with tener Mrs. Jagus Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 2191 DIME UNO (Lección Preliminar)) Señor Bright Java Game
Copy this to my account 2192 Español 2, Unidad 4, Lección 2: el pretérito en una serie de acciones terminadas -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2193 Conversation Review Mrs. McChesney Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2194 CM5 - El pelo de Pepe -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2195 3-U1E2 Por/Para Dra. C Pop-ups
Select POR or PARA based on the information on page 61 of En Español 3. Copy this to my account 2196 Realidades 1 - Capítulo 6A Vocabulario Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Match the Spanish vocabulary words with their English meanings. Copy this to my account 2197 VC2 CH3-3 Hobbies & Pastimes -- Java Game
Talking a/b Hobbies and Pastimes. Saying HOW LONG somehting has been going on. Copy this to my account 2198 Los números grandes Señorita Brady Battleship
¡Practicamos los números grandes con matemáticas! Copy this to my account 2199 Spanish 1 Vocabulario 3B -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2200 cap 6 - tener que/ir a -- Battleship
change these from the English to the Spanish: Copy this to my account 2201 El Pretérito (Conjugaciones) Sr. Gordon Patterns
Conjugations of both regular and irregular preterite verbs. Copy this to my account 2202 Greeting - Battleship Thomas F. Strotman Battleship
From Survival Booklet Copy this to my account 2203 10 - Places - Jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2204 2 U0LP Regular -ar -er -ir Verb Conjugation Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Verb Review Copy this to my account 2205 Pobre Ana Ch 3 Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Can you answer these questions about Chapter 3? Copy this to my account 2206 2 U1L1 Quiz Indirect Object Pronouns with gustar and similar verbs Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
choose the correct I.O. pronoun. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2207 en mi instituto Mr REY Java Game
describing your school facilities, based on listos 1 p52 Copy this to my account 2208 Los numeros del dies (10) hasta mil Sra. Gale Quiz
Chapter # 8 (P. 276) This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 2209 Verbos reflexivos Mademoiselle Stone Java Game
Practice with reflexive verbs. Copy this to my account 2210 Las Clases Señora Kelley Java Game
Capítulo 2A Copy this to my account 2211 Present or impefect subjunctive? Verb sequence practice Sra. Regge Hangman
Copy this to my account 2212 ¿Qué hora es?--match time shown on clocks with correct expressions. Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 2213 Capitulo 6 Primer Paso -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2214 Prueba 6A-3 Señora Storrs Quiz
Preterite of -ir stem -changing verbs This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 2215 Por / Para párrafo Sra. Ekblad Cloze
¡El tío Ramón! Copy this to my account 2216 La clase Aileen O'Suilleabhain Hangman
Copy this to my account 2217 Greetings and more señor Glaze Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2218 ¿A qué hora es? (4BR) Alejandro Saravia Battleship
Copy this to my account 2219 Unidad 8: cláusulas de si -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 2220 Realidades I Chapter 5A vocab practice Mrs. Jagus Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2221 -ar reg - pres/pret/imp/fut Mrs. Ross Java Game
practice for -ar verbs Copy this to my account 2222 Classroom Objects C - En la clase - Dime Uno - Lección Preliminar Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 2223 Gusta/Gustan -- Ordered List
Put the following in order to form grammatically correct sentences. Copy this to my account 2224 Les Numéros 0-100 Sra. Min Hangman
Copy this to my account 2225 Learning Goal 7 (ser, estar, dar, ir & tener) Sp2 Señora Walker Quiz
Mastery of conjugation of ser, estar, dar & tener. This quiz contains 36 questions. Copy this to my account 2226 #3 Objective Review Señora Hinkley Quiz
#3 Objective Review - You need to score 70% or higher! This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2227 Avancemos 2 U2 - L1 Prueba de gramatica 2 Demonstrative Adjectives 2-3-2014 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2228 Nosotros commands Señora Johnson Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2229 doña Di's Adjetivos ilustrados y cognatos, etc. Dianne Guest Java Game
Playing this game will increase your skill in recognizing, responding to, and using your first sets of adjectives for description. Copy this to my account 2230 Preposiciones de posición Dianne Guest Java Game
Copy this to my account 2231 Saber y conocer Señora Phillips Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 2232 Pretérito/imperfecto Michelle Marnicio Cloze
Una historia para practicar los dos tiempos pasados Copy this to my account 2233 LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 1 physical descriptions Mrs Flannery Hangman
LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 1 physical descriptions Copy this to my account 2234 1.1 vocab Challenge Board Joe Barile Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2235 Who's Doing What? Señor Raschio Pop-ups
Choose the correct subject word that goes with the verb you see in each sentence. Copy this to my account 2236 U5E1 Reflexive Verbs with Personal Care Items Sra. Alpert Columns
Match the Reflexive Verb Action with the Personal Care Item one would use in the situations. Copy this to my account 2237 Days of the Week & Months of the Year Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 2238 7B Test Review Miss Marshall Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2239 1 U1L2 Making Words Plural Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
These activities offer practice with making adjectives and nouns plural in Spanish. Copy this to my account 2240 Realidades 6A Poder, Dormir, and Ser Srta Castellanos Battleship
Sink your opponents by conjugating these verbs correctly. See p.112 or 345 if you need help. Copy this to my account 2241 Todos tipos de verbos en el pretérito -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2242 los meses, las estaciones y los días -- Ordered List
Can you put the months of the year, the seasons and the days on the week in order?? Use this order: months, seasons, days Copy this to my account 2243 Ven Conmigo 1:Capitulo 4 PRIMER PASO p135 C. Hughes Java Game
Talking about what you like to do. Review the vocabulary using the flashcards, then practice by playing the games. Copy this to my account 2244 Realidades I - Capítulo 4A -- Hangman
Play "Hangman" with Chapter 4A vocabulary. Copy this to my account 2245 Unit 3, Lesson 2 -- Challenge Board
Practice with boot verbs in Unit 3, Lesson 2 Copy this to my account 2246 Subject Pronouns-Practice Quiz #2 Sra. Min Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 2247 Por vs. Para profe Lemon (drlemon®) Battleship
Can you sink the enemy battleships before he sinks yours? How well do you know Por and Para? Copy this to my account 2248 1B Preparación Para El Examen Señora Storrs Quiz
Choose the most logical answer for each multiple-choice question. Type in the Spanish word for each fill-in question. Look at p. 70 in your text. You must get at least 50% correct on your best attempt to receive HW credit. This quiz contains 17 questions. Copy this to my account 2249 Realidades I - Capítulo 3B -- Hangman
Play Hangman with Chapter 3B foods and beverages vocabulary. Copy this to my account 2250 Realidades II - Chapter 2A Lauren Graves Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 2251 Realidades 2 - Capítulo 4B Vocabulario Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Match the English words with the Spanish vocabulary words Copy this to my account 2252 6A Prueba #1 Janine Hakanson Quiz
Escribe las palabras que faltan. (Write the missing words.) Remember, adjectives generally come after the nouns they modify, and they must agree in gender and number. Modelo: Las puertas rojas son más bonitas que las puertas marrones. You must get... This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 2253 Avancemos 2 U2-L1 Prueba de vocabulario 1 Modified Jan. 15-2015 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 2254 Preterite of Regular Verbs -- Patterns
Choose the form that matches the subject. Copy this to my account 2255 Sp. 1, LICT, Ch. 5, Jewel Thief, a story -- Picture Perfect
Number the story parts logically. Copy this to my account 2256 El Subjuntivo -- Cloze
You are going to review the concept of the subjunctive by doing the following activity. Copy this to my account 2257 Reflexive pronouns - Which one do I use? Where do I put it? Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
Choose the correct reflexive pronoun. Notice the placement of the reflexive pronoun given the verb tense. Copy this to my account 2258 Bienvenidos Capítulo 7--verbos o>ue Señor Fields Cloze
¡Práctica de verbos con el cambio o>ue! Copy this to my account 2259 el tiempo señor Glaze Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2260 Español 2, Unidad 6, Lección 3: el pretérito vs. el imperfecto -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 2261 Unidad 1 Lección Dos - Repaso / Review Mary Lynne DeMarinis Challenge Board
Play this game at least twice as there are more questions that what appear in only one game.
How well do you know the material covered in Unit 1 Lesson 2 of the Dime text? Let's see and good luck! Copy this to my account 2262 Unidad 4 -- Java Game
Directions/prepositions/town Copy this to my account 2263 Capítulo 7a Prueba #1 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2264 Do you know the family member? Sra. Hays Battleship
Choose the correct family member Copy this to my account 2265 R2 5B-3 Irregular Preterite Verbs Quiz Señora Borges Quiz This quiz contains 17 questions. Copy this to my account 2266 El Norte Profe Sayler Java Game
Practique Ud. el vocabulario Copy this to my account 2267 La Ropa Señora Ringhofer Java Game
Copy this to my account 2268 Juntos Dos: Chapter 1 Direct Object Pronouns Señora Mahoney Pop-ups
Select the answer that includes the correct direct object pronoun (page 50). Copy this to my account 2269 Capítulo 12 - ¿una gira económica o qué pones en la mochilla? Mrs. Meyers Java Game
¡Vamos a una gira y práticamos el vocabulario! Copy this to my account 2270 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 5c (By Stories) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2271 LOS ADJETIVOS Señora Hangman
¿CÓmo eres tú? Copy this to my account 2272 Colors (lesson 4) -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 2273 Bienvenidos Capítulo 4 verbos en -ar Señor Fields Mini Quiz
¡Práctica de verbos en -ar!
Formas Plurales Copy this to my account 2274 La Ropa Kim Hukari Columns
Can you match these items of clothing? Copy this to my account 2275 U5E2-4 Verb sets: deber Señor Wojnar Quiz
Answer the question by choosing the correct form of deber.
EXAMPLE: ¿Debes limpiar la sala de estar?
Sí, debo limpiar la sala de estar. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2276 El dormitorio Aileen O'Suilleabhain Hangman
Copy this to my account 2277 LISTOS BOOK 1- Module 5 the weather Mrs Flannery Java Game
LISTOS BOOK 1- Module 5 The Weather Copy this to my account 2278 Unidad 2 Etapa 1 - AR verbs -- Quiz
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the -AR verb. This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 2279 Chapter 3-3 Hobbies Señora Shaffer Battleship
Copy this to my account 2280 Buen Viaje Capítulo 4 En la escuela Carol Hamilton Java Game
la escuela, la hora Copy this to my account 2281 El pretérito -- Pop-ups
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the preterite. Be sure to use your accents. Copy this to my account 2282 De vacaciones 8A Sra. Judilee Hays Quiz
Realidades Cap 8A
Por Erica This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 2283 Spanish 2 3A test Señora Storrs Quiz
From the computer test bank This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 2284 Actividades, Lugares y Días Ms. Ruzicka Columns
Match the Spanish word or phrase in the left column with its English equivalent in the right column. Copy this to my account 2285 Colores y los días de la semana South St. Paul Spanish Java Game
System A, Lesson 4 Copy this to my account 2286 4-2/4-3 Quiz Practice Señora Hopkins Quiz
Check invidivual vocabulary items. Write in the correct word or phrase. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2287 LISTOS BOOK 3 module 1 Members of the family Mrs Flannery Java Game
LISTOS BOOK 3 module 1 Members of the family Copy this to my account 2288 Los cuartos de la casa Señorita Brady Quiz This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 2289 1B Prueba 1 Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 2290 1 U0LP Para Empezar 1 Hang Man Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 2291 Realidades 1 8B Vocab Señora Billings Java Game
Review Ch. 8B vocabulary Copy this to my account 2292 español 2 para empezar 1-23 Señora Baumann Java Game
Copy this to my account 2293 ¿Qué haces todos los días? Sra. Pérez Challenge Board
Los verbos reflexivos. Capítulo 2, Paso a paso Copy this to my account 2294 Classroom objects -- Mini Quiz
classroom object vocabulary Copy this to my account 2295 p 51, practica - Regular -ar verb conjugation Crystal Carlson Patterns
Students select the appropriate verb form for the given subject. Copy this to my account 2296 Verbos reflexivos Señor Gómez Java Game
Ven Conmigo 3, Chapter 2 Copy this to my account 2297 Vistas Lección 2 Vocabulario Sra. Smiekel Java Game
Copy this to my account 2298 1 U1L1 Ser Quiz Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
Practice the forms of Ser: This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2299 Imperfecto y Pretérito Mrs. W Battleship
Copy this to my account 2300 La mesa Señorita Brady Hangman
Copy this to my account 2301 Hola, ¿qué tal? and Mucho Gusto Práctica A Sra. Dovale Quiz
Unit 1 Resource Book, lección preliminar This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 2302 Chapter 1 - TEST Mr. Stellato Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 2303 1A Vocabulario, Español 2 Willowbrook High School Java Game
Copy this to my account 2304 Bravo 1 Unidad 5, lección 3 -- Java Game
vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 2305 Short Possessive pronoun -- Cloze
While Esperanza and her friends were playing basketball in the gym, their personal belongings got mixed up in the locker room. Complete what each girl says by writing another form of the possessive adjective. Copy this to my account 2306 Present/past Perfect Tenses Maestras Schario and Bell Java Game
en español III () Copy this to my account 2307 A bordo Capítulo 14 Palabras 2 Señor Fields Java Game
¡Práctica de vocabulario! p. 369-370 Copy this to my account 2308 Repaso de las preguntas. -- Columns
Match the question to the correct answer. Copy this to my account 2309 Casi Se Muere, Capítulo 6 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 2310 Capítulo 2: Definite Articles A P Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 2311 09 - Body - Put in Order -- Picture Perfect
Copy this to my account 2312 ser and estar forms Mrs. Shold Java Game
Copy this to my account 2313 Avancemos 2 Unidad 1.1 Indirect Object Pronouns Sra. Leszczynski Quiz
Select the indirect object pronoun based on the statements and questions asked. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2314 Chapter 2-4 Sp3 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Refiérese a las páginas 16-24 en el libro para repasar los datos que necesita para este ejercicio. This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 2315 Greetings and Polite Expressions Ms. Betsy Quiz
See how many of these you can spell correctly! This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 2316 Repaso A - La escuela Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para practicar el vocabulario de la escuela Copy this to my account 2317 Objetos de la clase 1 South St. Paul Spanish Java Game
System A, Lesson 2 Copy this to my account 2318 Los colores y las cosas de la escuela -- Rags to Riches
practice vocabulary and gender/number agreement Copy this to my account 2319 3B Vocab Janine Hakanson Java Game
Realidades 3B vocabulario Copy this to my account 2320 Unit 2 Lesson 3 Listening Activities Todd Maggi Quiz This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 2321 Saludos y Despedidas - Flashcards, matching -- Java Game
Hellos and Goodbyes - Spanish 12 Copy this to my account 2322 doña Di's Verbos regulares que terminan en -ir en el tiempo presente Dianne Guest Patterns
Use this activity to build your knowledge and skill in using regular -ir verbs in the present tense. Copy this to my account 2323 2-U3E3 Vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2324 Cap. 5/ Paso 2 Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Español 2- Vocabulario y Pretérito Copy this to my account 2325 O-UE verbs (Forms- PRACTICE)- grammar Sra. Roselle Java Game
Learn the different forms (conjugations) of o-ue verbs Copy this to my account 2326 R1--PE1--Números 0-100 Sra Durante de Stroup Ordered List
What a mess! Your stack of flashcards fell on the floor and are now all out of order! Put the following list in order.
****Play this game several times, you'll get different numbers to practice each time. Copy this to my account 2327 Avancemos 2 Preliminar quiz pg 12 The verb gustar 9-5-2013 Modified Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Choosing indirect object pronouns and conjugating gustar and encantar This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 2328 Destinos.- Episodios 1-6 Señora Bui Rags to Riches
Repaso para el quiz Copy this to my account 2329 Español 1, Unidad 2, Lección 2: ser vs. estar -- Columns
Copy this to my account 2330 Números 100-1000 Practice 1 Dianne Guest Quiz
Follow the directions for each type of question. This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 2331 Pretérito -- Java Game
Use these tools to help you study. Copy this to my account 2332 Práctica del subjuntivo--presente, imperfecto, cláusula de sí Señor Turf Cloze
Copy this to my account 2333 Muy Bien C -Nuevas Acciónes - Los verbos caminar, comprar, cruzar y visitar Kim Hukari Pop-ups
How well do you know your new -AR verbs? Give it a try! ¡Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 2334 2A Reflexive Pronouns and Verb forms pam satterfield Pop-ups
choose the correct answer Copy this to my account 2335 Ch 6 & 7 clothing vocabulary Paso a Paso Señora Berg Java Game
Copy this to my account 2336 Casa #1 (Flashcards, Word Search, Matching, Memory) Señora Brouwer Java Game
See if you know these house-related words! Copy this to my account 2337 Juntos Dos: Chapter 3 Reaction Verbs Señora Mahoney Pop-ups
Choose the accurate form of the reflexive verbs in the preterite (page 107). Copy this to my account 2338 El centro Alice DeVane Java Game
Vocabulario del capítulo 8,Paso a Paso 2 Copy this to my account 2339 2. Battleship: Preterite vs. Imperfect stephanie riessen Battleship
Copy this to my account 2340 Figuras y Números 11-20 South St. Paul Spanish Java Game
System A, Lesson 5 Copy this to my account 2341 Capítulo 5a Prueba #1 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2342 Realidades 1 - Capítulo 5A Vocabulario Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Match the Spanish vocabulary word with its English meaning Copy this to my account 2343 Paso Rápido de verbos irregulares IR -- Quiz
Escoge la respuesta correcta. This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 2344 Spanish 2 Final Exam Monsieur Marcantel Quiz This quiz contains 43 questions. Copy this to my account 2345 VERSION #3: Ir + a + infinitivo Ms Chabot Pop-ups
How well do you know the present progressive tense IR + a + infinitivo? Copy this to my account 2346 verbs of instruction, etc Carol Hamilton Java Game
verbs used in the Spanish classroom - verbs of direction and instruction Copy this to my account 2347 1 U2L2 Vocabulary Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Classroom objects, places in school Copy this to my account 2348 Bienvenidos Capítulo 14 Vocabulario Señor Fields Columns
¡Práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 2349 4 juegos - actividades Señora Sherrow Java Game
Flashcards, Matching, Concentration, and Word Search Copy this to my account 2350 Exprésate 1 Chapter 6a Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 2351 Preterite of verb IR Jaime Huerta Battleship
Copy this to my account 2352 Spanish 1B Practice Final Mrs. Wade Quiz This quiz contains 75 questions. Copy this to my account 2353 Foods 1 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2354 Avancemos 2 U1-L2 Recognition Quiz 11-18-2013 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 2355 AVHS SP1 U3 Months of the Year (Put in Order) Señora Ordered List
See if you can put the months of the year in Spanish in the correct order. Copy this to my account 2356 5 Tener expression -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 2357 1 U2L2 Vocabulary Practice Quiz Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
Practice quiz for taking an English to Spanish translation vocabulary quiz. Textbook = Avancemos, Unidad 2 Lección 2
Include the accents and el/la. This quiz contains 46 questions. Copy this to my account 2358 ¿Cómo es tu escuela? Sra. Pérez Java Game
El vocabulario del Capítulo 1, Paso a paso 2 Copy this to my account 2359 U6E1-4 - Preterite of IR-SER-HACER Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2360 Realidades 2 Chapter 4A Vocabulary Practice Mrs. Jagus Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2361 Sp2 6.1 Gramática A - imperativos informales Señora Pamela Quiz
Practica con los imperativos informales. This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 2362 Juntos Dos: Chapter 2 Formal Commands Señora Mahoney Pop-ups
Find the SINGULAR formal command of the following verbs (page 68). Copy this to my account 2363 Unidad 8-los pronombres Sra. Durante Java Game
Descripción Los Pronombres Copy this to my account 2364 Paso 3 Capítulo 2 Vocabulario en contexto Mr. Tim Fisher Cloze
Copy this to my account 2365 Words from Page 47 Opposites Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Descriptive Adjectives are words that describe nouns. Copy this to my account 2366 Practice with the Articles "Un/Una" and "El/La" and AR Verbs Ken J. Zeoli Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 2367 II 3B Vocabulario Madame Young Java Game
Realidades II, p. 180 Copy this to my account 2368 K / 1st Grade Classrom Objects Señora Reid Java Game
Classroom Objects-include audio and visual files Copy this to my account 2369 Alasitas A. Candia Quiz
Please answer if the sentences are true or false This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2370 Irregular Preterite Señor Stuber Battleship
Copy this to my account 2371 1 U2L3 Las preposiciones - Prepositions Muy Bien Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Can you match these prepositions related to position? Copy this to my account 2372 Buen Viaje II Chapter 13 Vocab 1 -- Java Game
El cumpleaños, la boda Copy this to my account 2373 Avancemos, Level 1, Unidad 3 Leccion 1 Betty Lotterman Java Game
Games to practice the vocabulary for Unit 3, Lesson 1 Copy this to my account 2374 Avancemos 3 - Cap. 1.1 - Acampar (parte 1) Chase Dedmon Hangman
Copy this to my account 2375 Unidad 1, Etapa 1 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2376 Expresiones idiomáticas- AP Profe Grana Columns
Expresiones idiomáticas necesarias para el examen de AP Spanish Copy this to my account 2377 Cuerpo/Body GR3 (IF) Señora Klebba Java Game
Teach Them Spanish! GR 3
Body Parts, Lesson 1 Copy this to my account 2378 Childhood vocab Señora Johnson Java Game
Copy this to my account 2379 ASD1 Capítulo 7 Juego de repaso Mrs. Gross Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2380 Antonyms Group #2 Quiz A. Martell Quiz
Amsco Spanish Two Years
Vocabulary Building
pgs. 236-242 This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 2381 En Espanol 3-Preliminar-vocabulario p. 27 -- Columns
Daily routine and reflexive verbs Copy this to my account 2382 ¿Reflexivo o no? Señor Fernandes Quiz
Is the reflexive required or not? This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 2383 2-U3E1 student story Dra. C Cloze
Complete this story written by a Spn 2 student at Carmel. You will may need PRESENT, PRETERITE, IMPERFECT or INFINITIVES! THINK! Copy this to my account 2384 Expresate 2 - vocab 4.2 Miss Bias Java Game
illness, injuries, body parts. Corresponds to Exprésate 2 - 4.2 Copy this to my account 2385 Spanish 2 - Chapter 1 - Quiz Mr. Edgar Roca Quiz This quiz contains 24 questions. Copy this to my account 2386 VERBOS IRREGULARES -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2387 Colors -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2388 Los numeros ordinales 3 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2389 1st Person Irregulars (Definitions) jonathan Java Game
Practice the meanings of Spanish verbs that have irregular first person conjugations in the present tense. Copy this to my account 2390 Vocabulary columns 7B Ms. Robinson Columns
vocab practice from Realidades 1 7B Copy this to my account 2391 U4E2-4 Indirect Object Pronouns Señor Wojnar Quiz
Fill in the correct Indirect Object Pronoun to replace the English in Parenthesis. (me, te, le, nos, les) This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2392 11 - TV/Movie Jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2393 Por vs. para Michelle Marnicio Cloze
Un ejercicio para repasar por vs. para basado en Cap. 1 de Un grabado de Goya. Copy this to my account 2394 Exprésate - Capítulo 2 - Vocabulario 1 Timothy Corcoran Java Game
Copy this to my account 2395 Irregular Preterite Verbs Carol Hamilton Challenge Board
¿ listos ? Vamos a ver. Comenzamos. Copy this to my account 2396 1.1 - #2 Objective Reveiw Señora Hinkley Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 2397 Body Parts A. Pagui Quiz
Identify body parts in Spanish. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2398 Me gusta, me interesa, me importa Mrs Foster Ordered List
Try and unscramble the phrases Copy this to my account 2399 Adjective Agreement 1 Mary Grace Conlan Quiz
Select the correct adjective to match the noun. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2400 4B Vocabulario Battleship Señora Mohr Battleship
Use the new vocabulary to beat the computer! Copy this to my account 2401 I give you, I say to you Indirect Object Pronoun Quiz Mrs. Cushing Quiz
Test on Dar and Decir with Indirect Object Pronouns. It also contains some vocabulary form "Mala Gente" and "A Dios le Pido" This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 35. Copy this to my account 2402 ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? Señora Miller Java Game
Copy this to my account 2403 lección 8c Mark Mitchell Java Game
los condimentos, los postres(desert), las bebidas(drinks, beverages), adjetivos Copy this to my account 2404 II Realidades - 2B Vocabulary Madame Young Java Game
Vocabulary from Realidades 2, p. 124 Copy this to my account 2405 Module 1 Lesson 1.04 Introducciones 1.05 Pronombres 1.06 Ser Mrs. Corson Java Game
Copy this to my account 2406 Exprésate 1: Capítulo 1: Vocabulario 1 Debbie Mensinger Challenge Board
Translate the English expressions to Spanish. Don't forget your question marks and accents! Copy this to my account 2407 I 4A Vocabulario Madame Young Columns
Realidades I, p. 194, vocabulario Copy this to my account 2408 Viva el Toro Capítulo 1 Vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2409 Identifying Family Members Linda Radke Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 2410 2 U0DOP Direct Object Pronouns Cloze Sra Durante de Stroup Cloze
Use direct object pronouns to say who is going to help or do today Copy this to my account 2411 Buen Viaje I 6 B Ms. Call Java Game
Vocabulary Copy this to my account 2412 Spanish Numbers (by tens) Mrs. Lester Ordered List
Can you count by tens in Spanish? Try putting these in the correct order. Copy this to my account 2413 4B Rags to Riches #2 Janine Hakanson Rags to Riches
¿Vas a ganar? Sea lógico.
á = Alt + 0225
é = Alt +... Copy this to my account 2414 Exprésate 10-2/Preterite-Challenge Board Señora Boyd Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2415 Capítulo 2b Prueba (gusta/gustan) Sra. Johnstone Quiz
Translate to Spanish. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2416 Verbos -er ysidore perez Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2417 Primero de secundaria Profesora Pittman Java Game
vocabulario para el cuento Primer de secundaria Copy this to my account 2418 Formal Assessment Unit 1 Vocabulary Quiz 1 Ms. Pereira Quiz
Translate from Spanish to English or English to Spanish. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2419 numbers battleship Ms Gwen Nelson Battleship
Copy this to my account 2420 stem-changing verbs and frequency Mrs. Holland Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2421 NYS Spanish Proficiency - Family Life Senora Roberts Java Game
Practice for the New York State Proficiency Exam - Topic - Family Life Copy this to my account 2422 Food and Drinks Mrs. Speeker Challenge Board
Name in English the different foods and drinks. Copy this to my account 2423 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 4 Tourist places Mrs Flannery Java Game
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 4 Tourist places Copy this to my account 2424 Ser y Estar Srta. Lewis Battleship
Práctica con los dos verbos. (hecho para Español II) Copy this to my account 2425 Los utensilios y Los dias -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2426 El uso de los acentos (AGUDAS) Mrs. Terry Quiz
Each of the words listed here is stressed the last syllable. Rewrite the word, using accent marks if necessary. This lesson is all about spelling, which means if the word needs an accent mark, you MUST put in on. (HINT: to help you out, I wrote... This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 2427 06 - Clothing - Concentration and Flashcards -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2428 Lección 1.1: ¿SER o ESTAR? -- Pop-ups
¿Sabes cuándo se usa SER en vez de ESTAR? Vamos a ver. Copy this to my account 2429 1 U2L2 Estar Quiz Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
¿Dónde están las siguientes personas? Use the verb estar to tell where these persons are. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 2430 FOOD: Spn II Repaso p. 20 (Table/foods) Dra. C Java Game
Practice the food vocab found under AT THE TABLE and FOODS AND DRINK in your repaso p. 20 Copy this to my account 2431 Unidad 2 Leccion 1 Avancemos Espanol 3 Mrs. Luz Marina Rainer Java Game
Copy this to my account 2432 Chapter 1 - Articles / Nouns / Adjectives Mr. Stellato Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2433 Food and drink Miguel Lechuga Challenge Board
Name in English the different foods and drinks. Copy this to my account 2434 3.1.1 Los tensos perfectos -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 2435 LAS ESTACIONES Y EL TIEMPO - escuchar Sra. Frayre Java Game
Listen to the seasons and weather expressions in Spanish to see if you understand them. Copy this to my account 2436 La Comunidad -- Java Game
Find the Spanish words hidden in the word search! Copy this to my account 2437 Capitals of Spanish Speaking Countries a Mini Quiz
Copy this to my account 2438 CAPITULO 2 PASO II ¿Te despiertas temprano? Mlle. Java Game
practice games to learn basic vocabulary for 1st vocab section of reflexive verbs chapter 2 Paso II Copy this to my account 2439 Situaciones- Unidad 1- ¿Quién soy yo? Amina Yassine Java Game
Copy this to my account 2440 06 - Clothing - Jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2441 Colores Battle Rattle! Sra. Palac Battleship
Use your knowledge of el vocabulario de los colores to answer the following questions! Copy this to my account 2442 Pretérito (Verbos Regulares) -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 2443 Antonyms Group #3 Quiz A. Martell Quiz
Amsco Spanish Two Years
Vocabulary Building
pgs. 236-242 This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 2444 Practice the present tense of the -ir verbs Sra. Hays Patterns
Copy this to my account 2445 4 El desayuno (pictures) -- Java Game
Match the food and drink items with the pictures. Copy this to my account 2446 Unidad 1-1 JEOPARDY Vocab practice Mrs. McCleary Challenge Board
Test your knowlege of your Unidad 1-1 vocab by playing jeopardy. This can be a 2-player game so you can play with a partner. Have fun! Copy this to my account 2447 2 U2L2 Mi rutina diaria Ordered List Sra Durante de Stroup Ordered List
the focus is on reflexive verbs and ordinal numbers
¿ Qué hago yo primero, etc.? Copy this to my account 2448 Realidades I - Capítulo 6A -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2449 Irregular "yo" verbs (Realidades 2, 1A, p. 15) Madame Young Pop-ups
tener, hacer, poner, traer, venir and salir Copy this to my account 2450 Reflexivos: ¿Cuándo se usa el infinitivo? Sra. Domally Pop-ups
A good practice to accompany the review on page 71 in Realidades II. Copy this to my account 2451 Diaz Voc 1: Los animales doméstico y los salvajes p. 267 Profesora Jiménez-Biles Java Game
Copy this to my account 2452 Paso a Paso A - Ch. 6, Sección 1 - LA ROPA -- Java Game
A vocab drill of clothing Copy this to my account 2453 Unidad 3 Leccion 1 Avancemos Nivel 3 Mrs. Luz Marina Rainer Java Game
Copy this to my account 2454 Los Verbos -AR Señora Java Game
Copy this to my account 2455 Capítulo 3. El Caballero de la Armadura Oxidada Adriana Persin Quiz
Lee las preguntas y escribe la respuesta apropiada según lo que leímos en el capítulo 3 del Libro El Caballero de la Armadura Oxidada. This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 2456 Sp LICT p. 02 Capítulo 1 Lección 1 Lectura Extendida 1 Mlle/Srta. Read Java Game
These words are additional words found in the extended reading on page 2 of the mini-stories for Look, I Can Talk book. Copy this to my account 2457 En el hotel -- Java Game
Situaciones Unidad 11 Copy this to my account 2458 Realidades 2 7A vocabulario pam satterfield Java Game
Copy this to my account 2459 Clothes 5. MAESTRA Quiz
I can recognize numbers in Spanish both written and aurally. This quiz contains 29 questions. Copy this to my account 2460 3.2 Jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2461 Commands -- Challenge Board
Write the correct command form based on the infinitive given. Be sure to add accent marks where needed. Copy this to my account 2462 A Bordo Chapter 3. Futuro. Mrs. Cuevas'Johnson Cloze
Copy this to my account 2463 El imperfecto -- Challenge Board
Answer with the appropriate form of the imperfecto. Accents must match exactly. Copy this to my account 2464 Capítulo 2 - los alumnos y los cursos Carol Hamilton Java Game
A continuation of the verb "to be" in Spanish Copy this to my account 2465 1-3 Me Too! Lakota Spanish Teachers Pop-ups
Play this game to practice the appropriate times to use "yo también" and "a mí también". Copy this to my account 2466 Celebraciones, Pretérito, Presente Progresivo, Mandatos Ms. Ruzicka Challenge Board
Play Jeopardy to review the vocabulary, culture and grammar for Chapter 10 of level 1 Ven Conmigo! Copy this to my account 2467 cocina y baño -- Java Game
vocabulario Copy this to my account 2468 Repaso A - Vocabulario de la escuela Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para practicar el vocabulario de Repaso A Copy this to my account 2469 Los números 0 - 30 Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 2470 No oyes ladrar los perros! -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 2471 ¿cómo estás? Elisabeth Butler Java Game
how are you? Copy this to my account 2472 Realidades 3, Cap 4 Vocab 1 -- Java Game
Para practicar el vocabulario antes del examen Copy this to my account 2473 Triángulo: La Sociedad III Sra. Chamberlain Java Game
p. 243 Copy this to my account 2474 En español 1 - U1E2: ¡Más artículos indefinidos! Sra. Pelicano Quiz
Choose or write in the correct indefinite article for the nouns shown. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2475 Do you know the family member? Sra. Min Battleship
Choose the correct family member Copy this to my account 2476 Possessive Pronoun -- Cloze
A friend is helping you and your family unpack after moving to a new home. Answer your friend's questions by writing down the correct form of teh possessive pronoun. Do not write the noun as part of your answer. Copy this to my account 2477 Preterite of Irregular Verbs Sra. Scheetz Battleship
ir, ser, hacer, tener, poder, dar, estar Copy this to my account 2478 3:1--Las Clases Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Copy this to my account 2479 Expresate I- Chapter 3A Vocabulary -- Java Game
Chapter 3A Vocabulary- Que te gusta hacer?
Gustar and verbs Copy this to my account 2480 BV3 Capítulo 1 preterite practice Sra. DeHart Java Game
Practice for Capítulo 1 quiz over present and preterite tense. Copy this to my account 2481 Capítulo 7 Places to visit on vacation -- Jumbled Words
Give these a whirl! Note: When you click on an accented letter, the cursor flips back to the beginning of the word. Not to worry...just click at the end of the word and you're back in business. Copy this to my account 2482 Affirmative and Negative Words -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2483 Avancemos Unidad 4. lección 1 Betty Lotterman Java Game
Use games to practice clothing vocabulary Copy this to my account 2484 Espanol II - Preterite Verbs - irregular, stem-change and spelling change Srta. Clower Java Game
Preterite Verbs - irregular, stem-change and spelling change - definitions Copy this to my account 2485 1B Preparación Para El Examen Janine Hakanson Quiz
Choose the most logical answer for each multiple-choice question. Type in the Spanish word for each fill-in question. Look at p. 70 in your text. You must get at least 50% correct on your best attempt to receive HW credit. This quiz contains 17 questions. Copy this to my account 2486 Mandatos (tú, ud., uds., vosotros) Amy Alarcon-van der Meer Rags to Riches
Commands of all types Copy this to my account 2487 Antonyms ER-IR Imperfect A. Martell Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 2488 1Ch.3 Verb Practice Srta. Gutzwiler Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 2489 A bordo cap. 1 imperfecto -- Quiz
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the imperfect tense. You must use accents when needed. Capitalize the first word in a sentence! This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2490 3B Direct Objects Battleship Señorita Kendrick Battleship
For each sentence, choose the correct Spanish direct object. Copy this to my account 2491 doña Di's Countries and Capitals Dianne Guest Java Game
Spanish speaking countries and their capitals Copy this to my account 2492 Numbers 1-100 A. Pagui Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 2493 Find the opposites of the these words. -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 2494 ¿Qué te gusta hacer? Srta Connors Battleship
Avancemos 1 Unidad 1-1 práctica de vocabulario Copy this to my account 2495 Español 1 1B - articles Señora Baumann Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 2496 Buen Viaje 1 Chap 3 - AR Conjugations señor Tocino Java Game
Copy this to my account 2497 Verbos que cambian raíz Dianne Guest Java Game
Copy this to my account 2498 Español 2, Unidad 6, Lección 2: las oraciones con pronombres del objeto directo e indirecto -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2499 Expresate Cap 5 Espa I Amy Alarcon-van der Meer Rags to Riches
casa, boot verbs Copy this to my account 2500 Realidades I - Capítulo 3A -- Jumbled Words
Unscramble the following foods vocabulary. Copy this to my account 2501 gustar and similar verbs -- Quiz
choose the correct form of the verb needed This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2502 Qué materias estudias? maria towers Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 2503 1 U3L1 Spanish interrogatives Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 2504 3-U2E1 future/conditional Sra. DeHart Quiz
Practice with future and conditional forms as well as use with probability and wonder. This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 47. Copy this to my account 2505 Realidades 1 pre Sra. Chamberlain Java Game
pp. 16-19 (86 cards)
Chamberlain Copy this to my account 2506 Unidad 2, Etapa 1 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Java Game
Copy this to my account 2507 Nuevas Vistas Introducción Capítulo 3 Vocabulario p.98 Debbie Mensinger Java Game
Uses Nuevas Vistas Vocabulary p.98 Spanish word and Spanish definition Copy this to my account 2508 AR verbs 3 in Spanish, Present Tense Patterns Dianne Guest Java Game
Match the correct form of the Spanish verb with its English translation. Copy this to my account 2509 Capítulo 8-2 voc Prueba #2 practice Renee Koeneman Quiz This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 2510 Realidades I - Capítulo 3B -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2511 Cultura Lección 10 Sabías que Angela Enderberg Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2512 El cuerpo con tener y doler Dianne Guest Battleship
Respond to each question and defeat the enemy known as "Lack of Knowledge!" Copy this to my account 2513 I Capítulo 3B Vocabulario Madame Young Java Game
p. 168, Realidades 1, 3B Vocabulario Copy this to my account 2514 Negative and Indefinite Words and Expressions:Pronouns -- Quiz
There are some usage and translation questions, but the rest are to practice replacing an adjective and noun with the correct pronoun. This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 2515 ¿CUANTO SABES DEL SUBJUNTIVO? Marisol M. Battleship
Students must complete sentences with the right form of subjunctive Copy this to my account 2516 Paso a Paso 1 Capítulo 2 Vocabulary Ken J. Zeoli Java Game
Copy this to my account 2517 2 U0LP Tener Idioms Battleship 2 Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
review of tener idioms & other things like computers Copy this to my account 2518 Reflexive Verbs Ms. J Java Game
Copy this to my account 2519 ¡PRETÉRITO O IMPERFECTO! Sra. Frayre Cloze
Read the paragraph carefully and use either the preterite or the imperfect to fill in the blanks. Copy this to my account 2520 Flags of Spanish-speaking countries -- Quiz This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 2521 Capítulo 2a Prueba #1 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2522 R2 1A Negative and Affirmatives QUIZ Señora Borges Quiz This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 2523 Family Lesson #10 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2524 Spanish is Fun - Lección 6 - ¿Qué hora es? Sra. Bachi Java Game
vocabulario Copy this to my account 2525 C7.1 - Vocabulario -- Java Game
Expressing, emotions, friendship and comforting someone, etc. Ven Conmigo 3 Copy this to my account 2526 Bienvenidos Capítulo 5--El presente de los verbos en -er/-ir Señor Fields Challenge Board
¡Práctica de verbos en -er/-ir!
¡Hay que saber las terminaciones! Copy this to my account 2527 PAISES Y CAPITALES Marisol M. Java Game
Paises hispanohablantes y capitales Copy this to my account 2528 Unidad 3, Etapa 1 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Hangman
Copy this to my account 2529 Present/past Perfect Tenses Maestras Schario and Bell Pop-ups
en español III ()
Choose the present or past perfect tense form of the verb to complete the sentence Copy this to my account 2530 U2E1-8 - Comprehension Check - U2-E1 Señor Wojnar Quiz
There may be multiple answers to each question. This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 2531 La Familia Señora Java Game
Review your Family Members vocabulary with these activities! Copy this to my account 2532 Buen Viaje II 1 Ms. Call Pop-ups
Irregular Verbs Copy this to my account 2533 Etapa Preliminar Part 1 Written Assessment Takiyah Myers Quiz
- Greeting and Saying Goodbye
- Introducing... This quiz contains 27 questions. Copy this to my account 2534 Los colores Mrs. Fonken Hangman
Spell the vocabulary words in Spanish that name the colors. Copy this to my account 2535 6B - Commands & Chores Profe Higgins Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2536 Avancemos 2 Preliminar Quiz pgs 2-5 Definite/Indefinite articles and Ser. 8-27-2012 Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Covers Definite/Indefinite articles, subject pronouns and Ser. This quiz contains 26 questions. Copy this to my account 2537 vocabulary Cartoon - lesson 7 Ms. Wanda Java Game
Copy this to my account 2538 Estar and adjectives of emotion Mrs. Creekmore Pop-ups
Review of the forms of estar and adjective meaning. Copy this to my account 2539 2.4.2 El subjuntivo vs. el infinitivo -- Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2540 ¿Saber o conocer? Paso 2, Capítulo 4 April Schneider Cloze
Copy this to my account 2541 BSBA- lec. 3 - Presente perfecto y pluscuamperfecto. Sr. Rando-el capitán Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 2542 Vocabulary 4 Practice Ken J. Zeoli Hangman
This is a hang man game which deals with vocabulary and phrases from capítulo 4. Copy this to my account 2543 Months / Battleship Señora Milheiro Battleship
Practice the months of the year in Spanish! Copy this to my account 2544 1 U3L1 Interrogatives (Question words) Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 2545 Somos Así 1- Lección A Vocabulario -- Java Game
Introductory vocabulary from Lección A of textbook Copy this to my account 2546 Stem Changing Verbs E to IE # 1 - U1 L2 Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 2547 La Familia -- Java Game
Vocabulary dealing with family members Copy this to my account 2548 Unscramble La Ropa Señorita Tiwari Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 2549 Spanish America Patti Coveny Java Game
Match the capitals with the countries. Copy this to my account 2550 El cuerpo 1 Dianne Guest Java Game
Name various parts of the body. Copy this to my account 2551 2- 6B Vocabulario parte 2 los quehaceres Profesora Stone Quiz
Escribe la palabra correcta en español. This quiz contains 17 questions. Copy this to my account 2552 Spanish 1 (PP) -- sección 2-3 Ms. Troub Java Game
¿Cómo te llamas? & ¿De dónde eres? Copy this to my account 2553 doña Di's vocabulario de ¿Qué hora es?, Ir, y los números ordinales Dianne Guest Java Game
This activity provides you with an opportunity to strengthen your knowledge and mastery of vocabulary associated with telling time, the verb "ir," and the ordinal numbers. Copy this to my account 2554 U2E1-5 adverbs of frequency Señor Wojnar Quiz
Rewrite each sentence including the adverb in parentheses. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2555 Holidays; Past Tenses -- Java Game
Yo & Nosotros forms only Copy this to my account 2556 En español, Unidad 1, Etapa 1 Subject Pro. and verb Ser Sra. Pelicano Java Game
Subject Pronouns and the verb SER- to be Copy this to my account 2557 Números 0-30 Señor Hymes Battleship
Numbers 1-30 Copy this to my account 2558 U4E3-7 - Irregular and stem change PRESENT TENSE Señor Wojnar Quiz
Fill in the space with the correct form of the PRESENT TENSE. Just provide form of verb not put subject pronoun(yo,tú,él,ella,ud. etc...). Provide accents as needed! This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2559 Los verbos reflexivos en el presente Mrs. Siqueira Quiz
Conjuga el verbo en el presente. This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 2560 1 U4L2 Jugar Conjugation Puzzle Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Place the conjugated verb jugar in order to a typical verb chart.
1 - yo 4 - nosotros
2 - tú 5 -... Copy this to my account 2561 El Calendario Sra. Min Hangman
Copy this to my account 2562 Body Parts/El cuerpo gloria Java Game
Copy this to my account 2563 CAPITULO 2 PASO II ¿Qué haces después de las clases? Señora Oberdorfer Java Game
practice word games to master second part of vocab in chapter 2 PASO II Copy this to my account 2564 Sp. 3, LIST Ch. 1, El viaje mundial -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2565 Los tacos: comida y cultura Profesora Jennifer Quiz
La comida mexicana es Patrimonio de la Humanidad This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 2566 ER Verbs to know barbara king Battleship
Match the meaning of these ER verbs in Spanish to their meanings in English. Copy this to my account 2567 Unidad 3: Vocabulario para el subjuntivo: español-inglés -- Java Game
Practica el vocabulario de Spanish For Mastery 3, páginas 79 y 82. Cuando 2 palabras tienen la misma definición, una tiene *. Copy this to my account 2568 1st yr. ch 3 vocab review hobbies and invitations games Sra. Regge Java Game
Copy this to my account 2569 La casa - Chap. 8-Español I -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2570 El Día de Gracias Carol Hamilton Java Game
Vamos a comer. ¡Feliz Día de Gracias! Copy this to my account 2571 Using "gusta" expressions to say what you like and don't like to do -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 2572 Paso a Paso A - Ch 2 - AR Regular Verb Conjugations -- Java Game
Practice conjugating regular ....AR Spanish verbs Copy this to my account 2573 Los Colores Señora Milheiro Java Game
Practice the colors is Spanish! Copy this to my account 2574 Ven conmigo - Capitulo 5 Segundo Paso Sra. Webb Java Game
Copy this to my account 2575 Los meses del año Leticia Johnston Picture Perfect
Put the months in chronological order. Copy this to my account 2576 Spanish 2 Semester 2 Final 8-14 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 96 questions. Copy this to my account 2577 Antonyms --AR Imperfect A. Martell Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2578 ¿Qué tengo que hacer? Carol Hamilton Columns
verbs - daily chores and the corresponding nouns Copy this to my account 2579 05 - Family - Jeopardy Dianne Guest Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2580 Top 100 Words in Spanish Anne from No-Work Spanish Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 32. Copy this to my account 2581 2 U0DOP Direct Object Pronouns Attached To Infinitives Cloze Sra Durante de Stroup Cloze
Let's see if you can work with direct object pronouns LO, LA, LOS, and LAS when it comes to putting them together with verb infinitives. Be sure to review your notes or consult PASO A PASO 1 with regard to construction rules. ¡Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 2582 AVHS SP1 U3 Days of the Week Señora Ordered List
Put these in the correct order. **Remember that the traditional Hispanic week begins on Monday! Copy this to my account 2583 Español 2, Unidad 1, Lección 2: los verbos irregulares, presente de indicativo -- Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 2584 Vocabulary 5-2 Señora Goldstein Java Game
Vocabulary Games for Ven Conmigo Level I 5-2 Copy this to my account 2585 A bordo Cap 3 Comparativos Dusti Mini Quiz
Translate the comparative phrases. Copy this to my account 2586 adjectives to describe a person. columns -- Columns
adjectives to describe a person. columns Copy this to my account 2587 ¡Qué chévere! Unidad 4 - Lección B Le Professeur Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2588 VEN CONMIGO LEVEL 1 2-1 VOCABULARY A. Martell Java Game
Copy this to my account 2589 YV3-C6-Participios pasados Mr. Mark Orsatti (Mr. O) Quiz
Escriba el participio pasado del infinitivo o la forma apropiado de HABER, según las indicaciones. This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 30. Copy this to my account 2590 Avancemos 2 - 3.2 Marion Fague Hangman
Copy this to my account 2591 vocab from level 2 text; etapa preliminar part 2 Sra. Brown Java Game
the new school year; talk re. school life; ask for/give info. *=o-ue; **=e-ie Copy this to my account 2592 LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 4 pupil book page 74 Cuba Mrs Flannery Cloze
LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 4 pupil book page 74 Cuba Copy this to my account 2593 Exprésate 1 Capítulo 2 Review Debbie Mensinger Challenge Board
Reviews vocabulary, gustar, adjective agreement, and questions based on chapter 2 of the Exprésate 1 book. Copy this to my account 2594 Poner in the present and preterit tense Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Grammar to accompany ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 2 Copy this to my account 2595 PE Class Commands Señora McKnight Patterns
Match the English to the Spanish. If you get stuck, sound it out and look for cognates. Copy this to my account 2596 Capítulo 7A Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 2597 Dime Uno 1-2 Presentaciones, paises sudamericanos Jessie Kerr-Halls Java Game
Presentaciones, Paises sudamericanos Copy this to my account 2598 El Verbo Ser Sra. Min Quiz
Practice conjugating the verb ser This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 2599 QUIZ CHAPTER 4 Stem Changing Verbs Dr. Eneida Pugh Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 2600 Verbos -ER / -IR Games Dianne Guest Java Game
Copy this to my account 2601 2 U2L2 Reflexive verbs Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2602 Los días de la semana -- Java Game
(The Days of the week) Copy this to my account 2603 ill and accident -- Java Game
tengo, me duele(n), past tense verbs Copy this to my account 2604 Vocabulario 7.1 Señor Stuber Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2605 Señorita Vento - querer World Languages Java Game
Practice the verb querer Copy this to my account 2606 1Ch8 Direct Object Pronouns Srta. Gutzwiler Quiz
Fill in the pronoun to replace the word(s) in parenthesis. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2607 La ropa ¡una oprtunidad! Mr. Mark Orsatti (Mr. O) Quiz
¡Ya verás! Nivel 3 Capítulo 1 La ropa This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 41. Copy this to my account 2608 La familia Sandra Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 2609 La familia 8 Dianne Guest Rags to Riches
Un juego para repasar el vocabulario de la familia Copy this to my account 2610 español dos: 2,2 vocabulary Trina Godwin Java Game
Copy this to my account 2611 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 5b-1 (By Actions) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2612 ESTAR & IR Sra. Frayre Cloze
Using estar and ir in paragraphs. Write in the correct form of the verb in the paragraph. Don't forget the accents on the conjugated forms of estar. Copy this to my account 2613 Tener Idioms Ms. J Battleship
review of tener idioms & other things like computers Copy this to my account 2614 Repaso : Lección 6, Vista Mlle Way, Srta Way Battleship
La ropa; saber-conocer; indirect object pronouns; preterite; demonstrative adjectives/pronouns; los mercados (cultura) Copy this to my account 2615 Matching Chapter 21 -- Columns
Demonstrative Adjectives and Vocab Copy this to my account 2616 opiniones y asignaturas -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2617 Who's on first, what's on second, don't know, third base... Sra. Hilbert Java Game
Getting to know interrogative words and phrases en español Copy this to my account 2618 Me gusta Ms. Acocella Pop-ups
paso a paso 1 Ch. 1 Copy this to my account 2619 ¿Qué hora es? #2 Dianne Guest Java Game
Copy this to my account 2620 capítulo 2 (A primera vista 1) Realidades 3 Señora Savage Battleship
vocabulario y cultura Copy this to my account 2621 LA CASA DE BERNARDA ALBA Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Java Game
Acto Primero
páginas 51 a 54
(suenan las campanas) Copy this to my account 2622 Paso a Paso 2, Chapter 7 Betty Lotterman Java Game
Copy this to my account 2623 2-U5E2 - animal activity Dra. C Ordered List
Put these animals in order according to SIZE starting with the SMALLEST! Just put them in order based on "normal" size...not extroardinary exceptions. Copy this to my account 2624 Days of the week scramble A. Pagui Picture Perfect
Put the days of the week in the correct order. Be sure to consider how the days of the week appear on a French calendar. Copy this to my account 2625 Realidades 2 -A Ver Si Recuerdas . . .1A Señora Smith Java Game
Preparación para 1A La Escuela Copy this to my account 2626 Present tense of tener Sra. Sparks Picture Perfect
Spanish 1 Put the forms of tener in the right order. Copy this to my account 2627 1 U0LP Tú y Usted Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
There are two ways to say "YOU" in Spanish. Do you know the difference between "tú" and "usted"? Copy this to my account 2628 1 U4L2 Stem Changing Verbs O to UE Columns Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Copy this to my account 2629 ¡Vamos a comer algo! Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Vocabulary activities for lesson 1.3 of ¡Ya Veras! Nivel 1. Copy this to my account 2630 Conexiones 5.2 Vocabulario Profesora Duronio Java Game
Copy this to my account 2631 El verbo estar Sra. Wilson Quiz
Conjuga el verbo estar This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 2632 Ropa II - con imágenes Sra. Frayre Java Game
Copy this to my account 2633 Exprésate 1 Chapter 1a Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 2634 Situaciones- Unidad 1- Nacionalidades Amina Yassine Java Game
Copy this to my account 2635 La Biodiversidad World Lang. Harwood Java Game
Copy this to my account 2636 110 High Frequency Verbs Señor Fernandes Java Game
You should know what all these verbs mean! If you don't spend some time practicing!!! Copy this to my account 2637 Triángulo: La Sociedad II Sra. Chamberlain Java Game
p. 242 Copy this to my account 2638 2-U1E2 Cultura Dra. C Columns
Copy this to my account 2639 3.1 VOCABULARY -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2640 1-2 Hangman Lakota Spanish Teachers Hangman
Practice spelling words from Ven conmigo Chapter 1 Segundo Paso. Copy this to my account 2641 A07 McPeak Java Games Señora McPeak Java Game
Copy this to my account 2642 Pasajes Vocab Cap. 1 -2 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2643 Prueba de los verbos que cambian (Stem changers) Señor Potoka Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 24. Copy this to my account 2644 Cap. 3 /Paso 2- El Tiempo Futuro Sra. Biscaia Pop-ups
Irregular Verbs in the Future Tense Copy this to my account 2645 Verbos Irregulares Ar, ER, IR -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2646 Capítulo 9: Trace María's Journey From Sickness Back to Good Health Ken J. Zeoli Ordered List
María had the flu last week and was not feeling her best. Can you trace the progress of her health from when her sickness started to when it ended? Go for it, Sherlock! ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 2647 VC3 CH10-2b -- Java Game
Expressing intention and purpose. Copy this to my account 2648 Capítulo 2b Prueba (gusta/gustan) #2 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2649 Infinitivos - Dime Uno - Unidad 2 Lección 3 Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 2650 Español 3: el cuerpo humano y la salud Sara Johnson Java Game
Copy this to my account 2651 columns -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2652 VC2-2.2 El Pretérito Sr. Davis Quiz
Verbos regulares de AR, ER, IR y el verbo irregular IR This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 2653 Bienvenidos Ch 3 vocab Señora Java Game
Copy this to my account 2654 Realidades B - Capítulo 6B Vocabulario Mrs. Lester Java Game
This activity will help you review vocabulary related to household chores and rooms of the house. Copy this to my account 2655 Vocabulary for the house, bedroom, clothes, body. Aileen O'Suilleabhain Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2656 SP 1 Final Review #2 -- Quiz
Singular articles and adjectives. Gender agreement and word order. This quiz contains 36 questions. Copy this to my account 2657 Las direcciones Señor Turf Java Game
Copy this to my account 2658 1st yr. ch. 2 review - School supplies and classes games Sra. Regge Java Game
Copy this to my account 2659 2 U4L0 Imperfect tense Challenge Boards Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Challenge yourself to conjugate regular verbs in the imperfect! Copy this to my account 2660 1 U4L1 e->ie Verbs Challenge Board Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Conjugate the verbs to match the subject listed.
Careful! These are all stem-changing verbs. Copy this to my account 2661 2.4.1 El Subjuntivo con Deseos y Esperanzas -- Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2662 Cajas de Cartón - Substantivos -- Java Game
Nouns from the story "Cajas de Carton." Expect a quiz/test some time next week. Copy this to my account 2663 classes and classroom objects Señor Kellem Hangman
Copy this to my account 2664 demonstrative adjective or demonstrative pronoun, you decide Sra. Hays Pop-ups
That's right you decide which to use, then check to see if you're right! Copy this to my account 2665 Capítulo 2b Prueba (gusta/gustan) #1 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 9. Copy this to my account 2666 Realidades I - Capítulo 7A -- Battleship
Practice Chapter 7A vocabulary and conjugating e-ie stem-changing verbs. Copy this to my account 2667 La historia de María Lakota Spanish Teachers Cloze
Un párrafo para repasar los verbos SER y ESTAR Copy this to my account 2668 Realidades 1, Chapter 2B JG Dr. Parra Java Game
Copy this to my account 2669 Reflexive Verbs -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 2670 En Español II - U1E2 Vocabulario -- Java Game
Practice the vocabulary from the chapter. Copy this to my account 2671 2 U0DOP Q & A with direct object pronouns in Spanish Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Practices chore vocabulary, past tense and direct object pronouns in a Q & A format. Copy this to my account 2672 Vocabulario Capítulo 5--El Café Madame Frissen Java Game
Copy this to my account 2673 Irregular verbs in Spanish Sra Durante de Stroup Patterns
Practice conjugating 16 common irregular verbs in the present tense. Earn coins for each correct answer. How much can you earn? Copy this to my account 2674 LOS COLORES 2 Isabel Galvez Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2675 I 4A Vocabulario Madame Young Java Game
Realidades I, p. 194, vocabulario Copy this to my account 2676 Las nacionalidades Sra. Frayre Cloze
Copy this to my account 2677 MS Sp1A: Adelante Ch 1: Primer Paso p57 C. Hughes Java Game
Use the flashcards to makes sure you know the vocabulary. Then enjoy playing the games. Copy this to my account 2678 Realidades I - Capítulo 8A -- Columns
Copy this to my account 2679 nutid konjunktiv presente de subjuntivo OG Spansk Java Game
regelmæssige verber
alle verber er bøjet i 3. person ental
I skal selv forestille jer, at de indgår i en sammenhæng, f.eks.: "El protagonista quiere que alguien BEBA el vino" Copy this to my account 2680 Irregular verbs in Spanish Barbara Englebert Patterns
Practice conjugating 16 common irregular verbs in the present tense. Earn coins for each correct answer. How much can you earn? Copy this to my account 2681 5 Regular verbs -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2682 7A Ropa- la frase correcta en la estructura y los adjetivos Sra. Bishop Cloze
Copy this to my account 2683 Pobre Ana, Capítulo 8 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2684 Professions Battle Ship Mrs. Cushing Battleship
Copy this to my account 2685 Ch. 11 Juntos Uno: viajes de intercambio Mrs. Shelton Java Game
Copy this to my account 2686 Chapter 2 Section 2 Vocabulary World Languages Java Game
Copy this to my account 2687 Sp. 1, LICT, Ch. 2, La vaca y ... -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2688 Verbos de la naturaleza Señora Johnson Java Game
Copy this to my account 2689 Lotería -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2690 Hacer & El Tiempo -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2691 Exprésate 3 Capítulo 4 El Examen Debbie Mensinger Challenge Board
Reviews for the Exprésate chapter 4 unit test. Includes family and food vocabulary, present and imperfect progressive, present perfect, present perfect subjunctive, se + Indirect object pronoun. Copy this to my account 2692 Box #2 Irregular "yo" Señor Fernandes Quiz
salir/go out venir/come decir/say predecir/predict poner/put hacer/do tener/have ser/be estar/be ir/go saber/know valer/be worth This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2693 10 - Body - Jeopardy Dianne Guest Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2694 Cap 3B (R2) Irregular Tú Commands Sra. Hoover Hangman
Copy this to my account 2695 U3E2 Chore Vocabulary Sra. Alpert Java Game
Copy this to my account 2696 ¡Exprésate! Chapter 7 Vocabulary 2 Mademoiselle Stone Hangman
Practice with vocabulary on giving advice & saying how you feel. Copy this to my account 2697 Adjetivos-Descripción física de cosas Rosa Steinbrecher Java Game
Copy this to my account 2698 Capitulo 4 A Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 2699 La Carta Señora Smith Java Game
Copy this to my account 2700 Exprésate I Cap. 4 Vocab. 1 Señora Orr Java Game
Copy this to my account 2701 Aeropuerto - Vocabulario (4, 5, repasar) R2R Miss Goss Rags to Riches
Rags to Riches Aeropuerto 4up Copy this to my account 2702 Español II - Commands - Formal - Singular/Plural - Affirmative/Negative Srta. Clower Java Game
Formal - Singular/Plural - Affirmative/Negative Copy this to my account 2703 Avancemos 1 3.2 Su--1 Monsieur Marcantel Cloze
Copy this to my account 2704 ¡La familia es grandísima! -- Java Game
Terminology for today's family including step relatives and in-laws. Copy this to my account 2705 Spanish 2 unit 1 classroom objects Señor Beebe Java Game
Copy this to my account 2706 ANIMALS--Rags to Riches (Win a safari trip!) Señorita Pelican Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2707 Verbos Reflexivos Ken J. Zeoli Battleship
Practiquemos los verbos reflexivos. Copy this to my account 2708 Capitulo 4 primer paso -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2709 Repaso: Las compras para la escuela Carol Hamilton Challenge Board
a review of things needed for school - clothing, school supplies, etc. + instructional vocabulary Copy this to my account 2710 Español 1b - Repaso de los verbos regulares -AR, -ER, -IR Señora Schott Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 2711 II 5A Review Vocabulary Madame Young Hangman
Realidades II, pp. 236-237 Copy this to my account 2712 Kindergarten and 1st grade JC Hsudeyin Rags to Riches
level one vocabulary , select the correct english word(s) listed Copy this to my account 2713 8-6 preterito practice Renee Koeneman Quiz This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 2714 Sp 1 Etapa 4.3 Affirmative and Negative words Mlle/Srta. Read Columns
Match the appropriate affirmative word with the corresponding negative word. Copy this to my account 2715 Capítulo 3 Ya Verás Nivel 1 Ann Giese Java Game
nationalities and professions Copy this to my account 2716 Unidad 3: Vocabulario: Para Conversar (español-inglés) -- Java Game
Practica el vocabulario de la página 70 de Spanish For Mastery 3. Copy this to my account 2717 La historia sigue marchando... Señora Zarria Columns
How good are you at history? Each year written out below matches one of the important historical events listed. Can you match them up correctly? Each choice is used once and only once. Copy this to my account 2718 Question words -- Java Game
Learn question words the easy way! Copy this to my account 2719 2 U1L1 Vocab Challenge Board Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2720 Expresiones con preposiciones Dr. Yosálida C. Rivero-Zaritzky Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 2721 Unidad 3: Para conversar: Sinónimos -- Java Game
Practica el vocabulario de la página 70 de Spanish for Mastery 3. Copy this to my account 2722 Cap 5B (R1) Traer Sra. Hoover Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2723 05 - Family - Jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2724 CLOTHING- LA ROPA SP3-4 Sra. Raught Java Game
Practice this for basic clothing vocabulary. Copy this to my account 2725 Realidades 1, Chapter 8A JG Dr. Parra Java Game
Copy this to my account 2726 Cap 9B (R2) El futuro-verbos irregulares Sra. Hoover Hangman
Copy this to my account 2727 SER CHART PRACTICE FOR 7RS QUIZ Sra. Durante Ordered List
If you can chant the song, you can complete the chart! Copy this to my account 2728 Vocabulario 6B Señora Zabala Battleship
Responde correctamente usando el vocabulario del capítulo 6B: "La televisión y el cine" Copy this to my account 2729 1 U3L2 Vocabulary Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Family/Dates/Numbers Copy this to my account 2730 Stem-Changing Verbs Quiz Señor Kellem Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 2731 AP - HW4 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto? Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
Fill in the blank with the either the preterite or imperfect form of the verb in parenthesis. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 2732 Español 2 1-A Verbos que cambian raíz Señora Baumann Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 2733 Avancemos unidad 5 lección 2 level 1 Sra. Withers Java Game
These words match the text Avancemos level 1 Unidad 5, Lección 2. There are 33 verbs in this activity, play it more than 3 or 4 times. Copy this to my account 2734 Words associated with food/ cooking Sra. Hays Java Game
words associated with food (food items is on a different activity) Copy this to my account 2735 Exprésate 3 subjunctive review chapters 1 & 2 Debbie Mensinger Battleship
Reviews subjunctive with the unknown, nonexistent, and expression of feelings. Read the sentence and select the correct subjunctive or indicative conjugation. Copy this to my account 2736 Quiz 2.19.10 ir + a + inf / Puerto Rico Star Senora Loeb Quiz
Choose the correct form of ir + A + inf. voy / vas/va/vamos/vais/van + a + a verb. Remember that the "ir" verb needs to change to the correct form to fit hte sentence, and then "a" and then a verb that is unchanged. This quiz contains 19 questions chosen from a bank of 24. Copy this to my account 2737 Conocemos a Viviana Sra. Scott Battleship
Copy this to my account 2738 R2-7A Vocabulary practice Señora Zabala Java Game
Copy this to my account 2739 El verano, la playa y el tenis Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para practicar el vocabulario del verano de Cap. 9 de Buen Viaje 1B Copy this to my account 2740 Adverbs Sra. Hays Battleship
Check your knowledge of adverbs
I will list the adverb in English and you select the correct spelling for the adverb in Spanish Copy this to my account 2741 1a THE CLASSROOM 1 -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2742 4. COTHING WORD SEARCH Mr. Powell Java Game
Clothing Spanish II Ven Conmigo Copy this to my account 2743 Aventura 1 Lesson 13 - Food & Drink Carol Hunter Hangman
Copy this to my account 2744 Español 3, Unidad 7, Lección 3: el vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2745 2017 Spanish 2 Final Exam Monsieur Marcantel Quiz This quiz contains 43 questions. Copy this to my account 2746 Avancemos 2 2.1 Quiz Monsieur Marcantel Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 2747 Antonyms Group #2 A. Martell Java Game
Amsco Spanish Two Years
Vocabulary Building
pgs. 236-242 Copy this to my account 2748 Chapter 1 Gramática el verbo ser Ms. Pereira Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2749 Capitulo 12 - Concentration and Flashcards -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2750 Regular -IR verbs 3 Dianne Guest Java Game
Strengthen your knowledge and skill with the following regular -ir verbs. Copy this to my account 2751 CAPITULO 7 ¿Qué tiempo hace? pp.224/225 (second vocab) Mlle. Java Game
game practice to learn basic terms to talk about the weather Copy this to my account 2752 ¡Avancemos! 1 Preliminary Unit Señora Java Game
vocabulary Copy this to my account 2753 Ven Conmigo II 6-3 vocabulario -- Java Game
Practice ordering in a restaurant Copy this to my account 2754 Modos de Transportación Sra. Hart Challenge Board
Have fun testing your travel and transportation IQ with these "challenging" questions! Copy this to my account 2755 1B-Examen, page 1 part A Señora Cowell Quiz
Write the opposite of the following words. This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 2756 Buen Viaje I 3 Ms. Call Java Game
Copy this to my account 2757 En español 2 Unidad 1 Etapa 1 vocabulario Mrs. Hicks Java Game
verbs and leisure activities Copy this to my account 2758 Formal Commands Karen Katz Rags to Riches
Ven Conmigo, capítulo 9. Copy this to my account 2759 Vocabulario del invierno, Cap.9 Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para practicar el vocabulario del invierno Copy this to my account 2760 Español 1 - U1, E2, La ropa, los colores Señora Schott Java Game
Copy this to my account 2761 Basic elementary review Señora Owings Challenge Board
colors, body parts, numbers, phrases, days & months Copy this to my account 2762 Lección Preliminar-Mis Amigos y yo (424 & 426) nora kinney Java Game
Copy this to my account 2763 Restaurant & Place prepositions Practice Profe Breinig Quiz
practice with restaurant vocab and place pronouns in a visual setting This quiz contains 21 questions chosen from a bank of 20. Copy this to my account 2764 La comida: Exprésate 1 cap. 6 Miss Bias Java Game
Copy this to my account 2765 Unos planes / Plans Mary Lynne DeMarinis Hangman
Copy this to my account 2766 PASO I CAPITULO 6 ¿Cuánto pagaste por el suéter? pp.190/191 2nd vocab Mlle. Java Game
Stores and shopping Copy this to my account 2767 Realidades 2 Ch. 7A vocabulary Barbara Englebert Java Game
Copy this to my account 2768 VC3 CH11-2 -- Java Game
Talking about hypothetical situations. Copy this to my account 2769 3B - la cena y a salud Sra. Frayre Java Game
Copy this to my account 2770 AVHS SP 2 U1Quiz for review (Sp. 1) verbs "yo" forms Señora Quiz
Choose the correct "yo" form for these irregular and/or stem-changing verbs from Spanish 1. This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 2771 Los números - Matching, flashcards, concentration, word search -- Java Game
Spanish 12 Copy this to my account 2772 6th Grade CH. 3 TEST REVIEW: CHALLENGE BOARD (JEOPARDY) Sra Boddy Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2773 Expresiones de Cortesia = Courtesy Expressions -- Java Game
Practice your good maners saying it in Spanish. Copy this to my account 2774 Pobre Ana Ch. 1 Questions Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Pobre Ana Ch. 1 Questions Copy this to my account 2775 Countries & Capitals (Países & Capitales) Ms. J Battleship
Copy this to my account 2776 Sp. 4+, LIST Ch. 4a (Viejos/Fáciles) -- Java Game
Old goodies and new easies. Copy this to my account 2777 Ven Conmigo - Capitulo 1 Primer Paso Sra. Webb Java Game
Copy this to my account 2778 ¿ gusta o gustan? ¿Cuál es? Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
¿ el, la, los las gusta(n)? Something ???singular or plural is pleasing to ______. Copy this to my account 2779 EXPRESATE 1:VERSION #1: Ir + a Infinitivo Elizabeth Whittaker Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2780 Ser o estar: La historia de Angel Michelle Marnicio Cloze
Un párrafo para repasar ser o estar Copy this to my account 2781 Avancemos 2 Preliminar quiz pgs 8-9 Adjectives & tener 9-08-2014 - Modified Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 2782 Triangulo 2, col 3-6 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2783 El Camino de Santiago Barbara S. Andrews Quiz This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 2784 Capítulo 3 Exprésate Level ! Amy Alarcon-van der Meer Rags to Riches
Weather, ar/er/ir verbs, places, ir Copy this to my account 2785 Los Valores -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2786 Español 2, Unidad 1, Lección 2: los verbos con cambios en el radical, presente de indicativo -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2787 1. Millionaire stephanie riessen Rags to Riches
Reflexive verbs, vocabulary, and body parts Copy this to my account 2788 Bravo 1 Unidad 1 lección 2 -- Java Game
Vocabulary games Copy this to my account 2789 1Ch7RegularVerbConjugation Srta. Gutzwiler Quiz
Write the correct form of the verb according to the subject given. This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 2790 Capítulo 9: Repaso de Gramática (Grammar Review) Ken J. Zeoli Pop-ups
This pop-up activity goes over stem changers (dormir and doler), indirect object pronouns me, te and le, and expressions with hace....que. See how well you do! A ver... Copy this to my account 2791 Computer and fax vocabulary Sra. Cardillo Java Game
Chapter 3 of Buen Viaje 2 txtbook Copy this to my account 2792 1 U2L2 Estar and adjectives of emotion Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Review of the forms of estar and adjective meaning. Copy this to my account 2793 Exprésate 1 Chapter 6a SER/ESTAR, PODER, E-I Verbs (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 2794 los deportes - hangman Carol Hamilton Hangman
¿Te fascinan o te aburren los deportes? Copy this to my account 2795 3.1.1 El imperfecto -- Challenge Board
Answer with the appropriate form of the imperfecto. Accents must match exactly. Copy this to my account 2796 I 6B Vocabulario Madame Young Java Game
Realidades I, p. 318, vocabulario Copy this to my account 2797 AVHS SP1 U6 forms of "querer" (Columns) Señora Columns
Can you match the English and Spanish forms of "to want"? Copy this to my account 2798 KR Spanish 3 - Chapter 6 Review Señora Adams Challenge Board
Review of vocabulary "El Robo Loco" y "La Alfombra Roja", subjunctive with hopes & wishes, negative words Copy this to my account 2799 preterito challenge Suzan Desezar Challenge Board
Spil jeopardy med pretérito af regelmæssige ar-verber, regelmæssige -er/ir, og uregelmæssige verber: hacer,poder,tener,dar,ser,ir,estar, saber Copy this to my account 2800 ¿Cómo estás? (Matching and Concentration) Señorita Tammy Java Game
Look at the list of terms to see which pictures go with which sentences. Then you can match each picture with the correct Spanish sentence and play Concentration. Copy this to my account 2801 Los verbos reflexivos Angela Enderberg Columns
Match the correct English translation to the Spanish sentence. Copy this to my account 2802 Examen de Escuchar Julie TeWinkle Quiz
Espanol 8 listening proficiency goal 2013-2014 This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2803 Carta a Dios l 31 - 68 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2804 Unidad 5 Lección 2 - Vocabulario Nuevo - Vocabulario para Fiestas y Regalos Mr. Friedrich Java Game
Practice your new vocabulary here. Copy this to my account 2805 SPANISH COUNTRIES Mrs.Vazquez Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 2806 Bravo Level 1 Unidad 3 Lección 3 -- Java Game
Vocabulary Games Copy this to my account 2807 REPASO D: Stem changing verbs Definitions Marcy Webb Java Game
Practice the definitions for the various stem changing verbs. Copy this to my account 2808 Todos los verbos doctora hudson Java Game
Copy this to my account 2809 1 U1L1 Ser Conjugations Battleship (simple version) Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Decide which form of ser is correct. Copy this to my account 2810 Buen Viaje 1.6 -- Hangman
La familia y la casa Copy this to my account 2811 El ahorcado del tiempo Yvonne McArthur Hangman
Copy this to my account 2812 Los reflexivos -- Jumbled Words
Unscramble the following reflexive verbs.
Don't forget their pronouns! Copy this to my account 2813 Ch 1: Physical Descriptions 4, Rags to Riches Joe Barile Rags to Riches
Describe the famous people/characters.
Multiple choice. Copy this to my account 2814 Exprésate 1 Chapter 1b Numbers 1 thru 31 (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 2815 Buen Viaje 1--AR Verbs in Present/Singular Madame Frissen Cloze
Fill in with the VERB ONLY! Copy this to my account 2816 Viva el toro capítulo 1 Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 2817 doña Di's El tiempo #1 Dianne Guest Java Game
Playing these activities will you provide you with increased skill in recognizing, understanding, and using vocabulary associated with the weather. Copy this to my account 2818 Present of regular verbs & some irregular verbs Sra. Cuevas de Taranto Columns
Identify the correct conjugation for each subject-verb pair. (all in Spanish) Copy this to my account 2819 En la Universidad - Vocabulary/Agreement R. Vacchio Pop-ups
Vocabulario - Capítulo 1
Grammar - Agreement: Noun/Adjective, Subject/Verb
¿Qué tal? / Puntos de Partida Copy this to my account 2820 Los pronombres del sujeto (actividad) Megan Flinchbaugh Quiz This quiz contains 41 questions. Copy this to my account 2821 Chapter 9 vocab from Paso a Paso 1 Sra. Hughes Java Game
Copy this to my account 2822 DIME UNO (Unidad 1, Lección 2): Latin America Señor Bright Pop-ups
Lat.AM Countries/Caps/facts Copy this to my account 2823 Pobre Ana, Capítulo 4 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 2824 Present perfect Sra. Hays Battleship
choose the correct answers to the words in parenthesis! Copy this to my account 2825 Cap 2 de Ven Conmigo Profesora Fritz Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2826 De Viaje: capítulo 3 Gustar y más Karen Katz Battleship
Supply the correct pronoun and verb to complete the sentence to sink your opponents battleships. Copy this to my account 2827 El verbo ir Marcy Webb Java Game
Can you correctly match the English with the Spanish? Let's see! Copy this to my account 2828 irregular verbs all tenses Carol Hamilton Challenge Board
¡Listos! A good review for Spanish 2 students Copy this to my account 2829 El calendario 2 Dianne Guest Java Game
Copy this to my account 2830 Pobre Ana, Capítulo 6 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 2831 1 U0LP Los días de la semana Puzzle # 2 Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Copy this to my account 2832 Cap 3 la ropa -- Java Game
Practice with colors and clothes. Copy this to my account 2833 Los animales del zoologico Señorita Brady Java Game
Match the Spanish zoo animals to their English meanings! Copy this to my account 2834 Question Word Jeopardy Sra. Beasley Challenge Board
Translate the question. Remember to use question marks! Copy this to my account 2835 Using the telephone -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2836 Vocabulario 7 A La Ropa y De Compras Realidades 1 Judy Schulte Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2837 Present Tense Verb-Stem-changing Boot Verbs (Set 2) Mrs. Chisholm Hangman
See Set 1. As in Set 1, you will have a total of 18 boot verbs (different verbs). For each game, you will have 10 randomly sorted verbs to play with. Pick the proper Spanish verb conjugation. Copy this to my account 2838 Adjetivos Sra. Frizzell Java Game
Learn adjectives to describe personalities from Paso A Paso 1, Ch. 1. Copy this to my account 2839 Adelante Chapter 4-3 Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Copy this to my account 2840 ¿Qué hora es? #5 Dianne Guest Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2841 El Pasado Señora Johnson Columns
Copy this to my account 2842 Preliminary Map Quiz Sra. Zitsch Quiz This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 2843 LOS DEPORTES Sra. Frayre Java Game
Sports vocabulary Copy this to my account 2844 II Realidades-A ver si recuerdas-La ropa y el cuerpo Madame Young Java Game
Review vocabulary for Capítulo 2A, Realidades 2 Copy this to my account 2845 Español 1 - U2 E2 - La hora Señora Schott Columns
Copy this to my account 2846 Class objects and colors -- Battleship Señorita Pelican Battleship
Copy this to my account 2847 I give you, Indirect Object Pronouns Mrs. Cushing Battleship
Copy this to my account 2848 Español II September review A Rostek Java Game
Do some or all of the different activities. Matching, Flash Cards or Word Find Copy this to my account 2849 ¿Cómo estás? Calico Spanish Java Game
Match the image to the phrase. Answer the question, "¿Cómo estás? (How are you?)" Copy this to my account 2850 Por o Para -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 2851 Casi se muere Cap 2 Señoras Kline y Navarro Battleship
Copy this to my account 2852 Español 2 3A ¿Qué hiciste ayer? 20-29 Señora Baumann Java Game
Copy this to my account 2853 A bordo Capítulo 15 Palabras 2 Señor Fields Java Game
¡Práctica de vocabulario! p. 394-395 Copy this to my account 2854 Abriendo Paso, Lectura: Cap. 9 El árbol de oro (review all) Sra. Chamberlain Java Game
Copy this to my account 2855 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 3 adjectives in this unit Mrs Flannery Java Game
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 3 adjectives in this unit Copy this to my account 2856 Avancemos vocab Cap IV Sra. Taraborelli Java Game
Copy this to my account 2857 ¿Una bolsa? Dos Pesos Profesora Jennifer Quiz
Listening Activity This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 2858 doña Di's En la clase - part 2 Dianne Guest Java Game
An opportunity to increase your vocabulary for talking about your classroom and your school. Copy this to my account 2859 II 4A Review Vocabulario Madame Young Java Game
Realidades II, p. 182 Copy this to my account 2860 Conexiones 5.1 Relaciones personales vocabulario Profesora Duronio Java Game
Copy this to my account 2861 Exprésate - Capítulo 1 - Completo Timothy Corcoran Java Game
Copy this to my account 2862 1Ch3 "ar" Verb Conjugation Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
This activity will allow you to practice subjects and verbs. Copy this to my account 2863 Los colores- the colors Maria Esteves Java Game
Copy this to my account 2864 Greetings en español Señor E. Java Game
Copy this to my account 2865 Chapter 8 Sports -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2866 Celebraciones Ms. Ruzicka Hangman
Hangman...what a cool way to practice vocab! :-) Copy this to my account 2867 Colección 6 - Vocabulario del "Valle del Fuego" Ms. Flores Java Game
Practica el vocabulario. Copy this to my account 2868 Cap 9A (R2) Las Profesiones Sra. Hoover Java Game
Copy this to my account 2869 Buen Viaje 1 Chap 3 - Palabras 1 - LOS MATERIALES ESCOLARES señor Tocino Java Game
Copy this to my account 2870 Sp 4 Chap 11 imperfect subjunctive Señora Faunt Java Game
Copy this to my account 2871 Nacionalidades # 2 Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 2872 INSECTOS Y BICHOS Sra. Ekblad Java Game
Copy this to my account 2873 Español I & II Ser Rostek Java Game
Escojan uds la forma correcta del verbo Copy this to my account 2874 AVANCEMOS 1-LECCION PRELIMINAR COACH PREAUS Java Game
Copy this to my account 2875 El Calendario Señorita Brady Quiz
Decide whether the phrases are true or false. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 2876 ¡Me encantan los deportes! Carol Hamilton Challenge Board
the who, what where and when about sports??? Copy this to my account 2877 Exprésate 1 Capítulo 4 Vocabulario 4-2 Debbie Mensinger Java Game
Exprésate 1 Capítulo 4 Vocabulario 4-2. Matches Spanish to English p.132-4 Copy this to my account 2878 7A Demonstrative Adjectives Sra. Judilee Hays Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 2879 Vocabulary 6-1 Señora Goldstein Java Game
Vocabulary 6-1 for Ven Conmigo Level 1 Copy this to my account 2880 Paso a Paso review 7th grade Ms. Acocella Java Game
Vocabulario Copy this to my account 2881 Animal Battleship Mrs. Ansted Battleship
Copy this to my account 2882 Body Parts Hangman -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 2883 Sp 1 Ch 1.2 Opposites Monsieur Marcantel Rags to Riches
FIND THE OPPOSITES Copy this to my account 2884 Hangman-- La Casa y Los Colores -- Viva el Español C Unit 1 Señora Pinette Hangman
Copy this to my account 2885 Spanish -ir verbs Lizz Caplan-Carbin Java Game
Copy this to my account 2886 Paso a Paso A - Ch. 2, Sección 1 - Las clases -- Java Game
¿Qué clases tienes? Copy this to my account 2887 De pequeño..... -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2888 1 U4L1 Preferir and Querer Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Activiies to practice preferir and querer in the present tense. Copy this to my account 2889 Class battleship Mrs. Ansted Battleship
Copy this to my account 2890 1st yr. ch 2 vocab review - school supplies and classes Pop-ups Sra. Regge Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 2891 Exprésate 2, Capítulo 1, Vocabulario 1 Señora Mar Java Game
Describing people, routines and activities Copy this to my account 2892 Exprésate 1 chapter 2 Vocabulario 2 nouns Sra. Beasley Java Game
Copy this to my account 2893 Regular -ar Verb Mini-Quiz Mrs. Lester Mini Quiz
Can you conjugate regular -ar verbs? Try choosing the appropriate verb conjugation for each question. Copy this to my account 2894 EL CUERPO - Frases Sra. Ekblad Java Game
El cuerpo en las frases Copy this to my account 2895 Verber -absolut nødvendige Suzan Desezar Java Game
Copy this to my account 2896 La Casa de Bernarda Alba - 7 Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Columns
Los personajes Copy this to my account 2897 Las tiendas y los lugares 1 Dianne Guest Java Game
Strengthen your skill with this area of vocabulary. Copy this to my account 2898 Bvdo verbs Lecciones 1-5 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2899 La comida - HTMS Sra. Cardona Hangman
Basic foods - Level 1, Theme 8 Copy this to my account 2900 Stem Changing Verbs E to I Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 2901 Capítulo 6: Direct Object Pronouns LO, LA, LOS, and LAS Sra. Koenig Pop-ups
Determine which direct object pronoun is needed by selecting the correct one seen within the context of a Spanish sentence. ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 2902 Capítulo 1B Tarea #1 Elizabeth DeJesus Quiz
Realidades 1 1B Adjectives This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 2903 Sp 1 Possessive Adjectives Monsieur Marcantel Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 2904 Use of ser with adjectives -- Battleship
Practice sentences with ser and adjectives with Battleship Copy this to my account 2905 La geografía de América Latina -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2906 Cap. 8/Paso 1- Ven Conmigo 3 Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Copy this to my account 2907 La ropa y los colores Señora Phillips Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 2908 El cuerpo Señora Nadeau Hangman
Find the body parts vocabulary and say what they mean. Copy this to my account 2909 Spanish 3/4 II 2006 La clase español - inglés Profe. Java Game
Aquí están muchas cosas que usamos en la clase de español. Copy this to my account 2910 Las Frutas Language Arts Teachers Java Game
Copy this to my account 2911 MUEBLES Y ACCESORIOS DE LA CASA I Sra. Frayre Java Game
Estudiar el vocabulario de los muebles Copy this to my account 2912 Vocabulario del capítulo 9/listo 1 Mr./Señor Gergerich Java Game
Copy this to my account 2913 ¿Dónde te gustaría vivir? cápitulo 2 Paso III Mlle. Java Game
practice games to memorize basic vocab list for 1st part of vocabulary in chapter 2 Paso III Copy this to my account 2914 Chapter 14 vocab from Paso a Paso 1 Sra. Hughes Java Game
Copy this to my account 2915 La familia 4 Dianne Guest Battleship
Challenge your knowledge of "La familia" vocabulary! Copy this to my account 2916 Doña Di's Greetings, Farewells, & Courtesies #2 Dianne Guest Java Game
Strengthen your knowledge of this vocabulary. Copy this to my account 2917 ¿ A Qué hora es? AT What Time is...? Matching/Wordsearch -- Java Game
Telling time in Spanish.
Can you tell
AT WHAT time something takes... Copy this to my account 2918 Bravo Level 3 Unidad 3 Lección 1 -- Java Game
Vocabulary Practice Copy this to my account 2919 2 U0DOP Present tense Q & A with direct object pronouns Battle Ship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Chore vocabulary and direct object pronouns Copy this to my account 2920 Bienvenidos-Lección 13-Vocabulario Señor Marlow Java Game
Práctica de vocabulario Copy this to my account 2921 4B Rags to Riches Janine Hakanson Rags to Riches
Escoge la respuesta lógica. Copy this to my account 2922 Numbers 1 to 100 Señor Hymes Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2923 Realidades 2 Chapter 2A Vocabulary Mrs. Jagus Java Game
Copy this to my account 2924 1 U5L1 Ordinal Numbers Order Sra Durante de Stroup Ordered List
See if you can put these ordinal numbers (first, second, etc.) in order. Copy this to my account 2925 Exprésate - Capítulo 6 - Vocabulario 1 Timothy Corcoran Java Game
Copy this to my account 2926 Deportes-La Horca - Sports Hangman -- Hangman
Sports vocabulary Copy this to my account 2927 Realidades 1 Chapter 7B Vocabulary Practice Mrs. Jagus Java Game
Copy this to my account 2928 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 2 Señoras Kline y Navarro Battleship
Copy this to my account 2929 Lugares GR3 (IF) Señora Klebba Java Game
Teach Them Spanish GR3 Copy this to my account 2930 MI CUERPO Mrs. Bowling Battleship
Parts of the body practice Copy this to my account 2931 R1 Cap. 1A Examen Sra. Klooster Quiz
- This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 2932 Preterite -- Challenge Board
-AR, -ER, and Stem changes and Spelling Changes
in the Preterite Copy this to my account 2933 El cuerpo Aileen O'Suilleabhain Java Game
Copy this to my account 2934 Esp.4H- lección 5: los sustantivos linda forman Java Game
Practique Ud. este vocabulario. Hay MUCHAS palabras para aprender de memoria. Copy this to my account 2935 Indefinite & Negative Words Señor Gómez Battleship
Give the opposite word Copy this to my account 2936 El cuerpo 3 Dianne Guest Rags to Riches
How strong is your skill with this vocabulary set? Copy this to my account 2937 Body Parts Profe Breinig Java Game
learn body part words through pictures Copy this to my account 2938 3-3 Quiz Practice Señora Hopkins Cloze
Fill in the correct form of ser or gustar with me, te, le. Copy this to my account 2939 En la universidad Deana Alonso Java Game
Vocabulario del Episodio Dos para el libro de INVITACIONES WORKTEXT, Vista Higher Learning. Copy this to my account 2940 doña Di's las asignaturas o cursos Dianne Guest Java Game
This game gives you an opportunity to master the vocabulary for names of subjects or courses. Copy this to my account 2941 Classroom Objects Rags To Riches Todd Maggi Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2942 Geography: Famous Places Mrs Flannery Patterns
Are these places continents, countries, cities, rivers, lakes, or mountains? Match each name to the appropriate category. Copy this to my account 2943 En Espanol II Reflexives 2-3 Mrs. Shields Columns
Match the reflexive vocabulary verbs from Etapa 2-3 Copy this to my account 2944 Spanske tal Eva Høeg Java Game
Spanske tal 1 -100 Copy this to my account 2945 Verbos Reflexivos -vocabulario Sra. Frayre Java Game
Vocabulario de verbos reflexivos Copy this to my account 2946 2-U3E2 verbs Dra. C Rags to Riches
How well can you use the verbs in this unit in the present, preterite, and imperfect forms? There are also review verbs included.Try this one! Copy this to my account 2947 Un picnic en el parque. Señor Raschio Columns
Copy this to my account 2948 BRAVO 1, Lección 2, Unidad 4 Mrs. Tuthill Java Game
Weekend activities, IR A + Infinitive, demonstrative adjectives (este, esta, estos, estas) Copy this to my account 2949 1Ch3Clothing and Colors Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
These activities are designed to help you practice your vocabulary from Chapter 3. Copy this to my account 2950 1 U4L1 Idiomatic Expressions with tener Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 2951 1 U2L2 El verbo ir (practice quiz) Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 2952 2-UprelimEb Repaso Prepositions and places Dra. C Java Game
Copy this to my account 2953 Capítulo 1A Elizabeth John Battleship
Copy this to my account 2954 El béisbol Michelle Marnicio Challenge Board
Un juego para practicar el vocabulario de béisbol. Copy this to my account 2955 Realidades 1 - Capítulo 4B Vocabulario Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Match the Spanish word with its English meaning. Copy this to my account 2956 Affirmative and Negative words Sra. Roldan Java Game
Copy this to my account 2957 2 U2L1 Demonstrative Adjectives Points Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 2958 AVHS SP1 ar, er,ir verb conjugations (columns) Señora Columns
Can you match the English and Spanish for "comprar" (to buy), "comer" (to eat) and "vivir" (to live"? Copy this to my account 2959 Lugares GR2 (IF) Señora Klebba Java Game
Teach Them Spanish! GR 2 Copy this to my account 2960 Expresate: Chapter 5.2 review Mme Dimick Challenge Board
Prepositions, estar, rooms of the house & chores are tested Copy this to my account 2961 El Vocabulario de Capítulo 2 (Segundo Paso) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2962 AR verbs 5 in Spanish, Present Tense Patterns Dianne Guest Columns
Match the Spanish item in the first column to its correct English translation in the second column. Be careful! There are more English items than there are Spanish items. Copy this to my account 2963 ch 8 verbs with the subjunctive -- Pop-ups
ch. 8: those annoying verbs and how they work with the subjuntctive Copy this to my account 2964 Realidades 4A: ¿Adónde Vas? Señor W Java Game
Copy this to my account 2965 1 U1L1 Jumble Vocabulary Sra Durante de Stroup Jumbled Words
Vocabulary practice for Unit 1 lesson 1 Avancemos Copy this to my account 2966 7A Clothing Realidades Sra. Judilee Hays Java Game
Copy this to my account 2967 LA ROPA Señora Aldridge Java Game
Working with vocabulary for the clothing and incorporating our colors and numbers vocabulary with it. Copy this to my account 2968 EL TIEMPO Y LA CIUDAD--LOTERIA Y VEN CONMIGO 2.3 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2969 La casa Aileen O'Suilleabhain Hangman
Copy this to my account 2970 Irregular Preterite Verb Matching Activity -- Columns
Por favor, match the left column with the right column by clicking on the spanish verb first. Copy this to my account 2971 QUIZ Nuestro Mundo Capitulo 4 Dr. Eneida Pugh Quiz
This quiz includes information about Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras. Number 11 is a bonus. This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 2972 Sp3 FINAL: Listening Profesora Aldrich Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 2973 Regular - ir Conjugation Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Place the endings for regular - ir verb conjugations in order to a typical verb chart.
1 - yo 4 - nosotros
2 - tú 5 -... Copy this to my account 2974 -ar verbs Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 2975 CLASSROOM OBJECTS Maria Lago Quiz
Listen to the words and write them in Spanish This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 2976 2 Avancemos 3.1 B Sra. Núñez Quiz This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 2977 Realidades 2-1B Vocabulario Sra. Guzmán Java Game
Match Spanish with English Copy this to my account 2978 Vistas 10 Vocabulario - Adjetivos & Adverbios -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 2979 Capítulo 14: EL PRESENTE PROGRESIVO Ken J. Zeoli Hangman
¿Necesitas practicar el presente progresivo? Bueno, estás en el lugar perfecto. Cada expresión aquí contiene una forma del presente progresivo. Copy this to my account 2980 2-UprelimEb Challenge Board: odds and ends Dra. C Challenge Board
reviews material in the second part of Etapa Preliminar: EN Español 2 AND additional material covered in class. INCLUDES: countries, capitals, nationalities, -zco verbs, stem changers, question words, and class vocab Copy this to my account 2981 Buen Viaje II Chapter 5 Vocab 2 -- Java Game
El parque Copy this to my account 2982 Who are you related to Sra. Hays Hangman
decipher the family members Copy this to my account 2983 Avancemos, 4 U1 L2 Vocabulario p. 46 Sra. Coutu Java Game
*talking and writing about work Copy this to my account 2984 Spanish I Unit 4 Vocabulary Matching: Weather and Geography The Teacher Quiz
2009-2010 PGMS Kent This quiz contains 26 questions. Copy this to my account 2985 Exprésate 2 Chapter 1b Present Tense Review Don Lorenzo Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2986 Realidades 3: Cap 1: Sports and Competitions Patti Coveny Java Game
Match the English and Spanish words. Copy this to my account 2987 5. CLOTHING FLASHCARDS Mr. Powell Java Game
clothing flashcards Spanish II Ven Conmigo Copy this to my account 2988 Español 2 3A Preterit Jeopardy Señora Baumann Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 2989 Animals and their colors' Battleship Señorita Pelican Battleship
Copy this to my account 2990 Realidades 1-PE Examen Mrs. Cynthia Head Quiz
Choose the best answer for the following questions. This quiz contains 38 questions. Copy this to my account 2991 La Ropa I - con imágenes Sra. Frayre Java Game
Copy this to my account 2992 Dos mundos-Capítulo 8 Sra. Brown Java Game
Practice with vocab from Chapter 8. Copy this to my account 2993 PASO III CAPITULO 1 TEMA ¿Cuál es tu papel? pp. 36/37 Mlle. Java Game
various activities to master basic vocabulary to describe one's role in society Copy this to my account 2994 El Pretérito Señor Fields Quiz
Tienes que saber los verbos en el pretérito....¿los sabes? Espero que sí.... This quiz contains 50 questions chosen from a bank of 153. Copy this to my account 2995 learn the prepositions Sra. Hays Java Game
learn the prepositions commonly used with the verb estar Copy this to my account 2996 09 - Body - Millionaire Senora Hudson Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 2997 Blow Me Away page 95 Mr. Powell Battleship
Use the vocabulary to sink the enemy ships. If you hit a ship you must get the question right before the enemy will be damaged. Copy this to my account 2998 "Paso A Paso" - Capítulo 6 - Ropa Timothy Corcoran Java Game
Copy this to my account 2999 Capítulo 6B Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 3000 2 U1L1 Direct and Indirect Object Review Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
You have flashcard activities of different types and other games to help you review usage and placement of direct and indirect object pronouns for your exam. For sentences in Spanish, replace the objects with pronouns. For sentences in English,... Copy this to my account 3001 Etapa 1 Unit 3 - En español -- Java Game
Vocabulary Practice Copy this to my account 3002 Adjectivos Hangman Sra. Frizzell Hangman
Adjectives from Paso A Paso 1, Ch. 1 Copy this to my account 3003 1 U4L2 Stem changing verbs Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 3004 Location Prepositions and Verbs Señora Shaw Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 3005 4B El Verbo Jugar/Ir + a + verb infinitive Janine Hakanson Java Game
Inglés y Español Copy this to my account 3006 Stem Changing Verbs 4.2 Señor Matt Rags to Riches
Práctica y repaso de los verbos "stem changing" Copy this to my account 3007 Quiz -Estructura 5.1 Señora Ruiz Quiz
Estar with conditions and emotions This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 3008 Realidades 3 ch6-1 -- Jumbled Words
vocab practice Copy this to my account 3009 ¡A su salud! - to your health Carol Hamilton Java Game
Copy this to my account 3010 Formal Assessment Unit 1 Vocabulary Quiz 6 Ms. Pereira Quiz
Translate from Spanish to English or English to Spanish This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 3011 Paso a paso A - Ch.1, Sec. 2 ¿Cómo eres? Brookside 6th grade Java Game
Copy this to my account 3012 Capítulo 10: Vocabulario Ken J. Zeoli Java Game
¿Necesitas practicar el vocabulario del capítulo 10? ¡Pues, estás bien aquí! Puedes jugar lo que quieres. ¡Diviértate bien! :-) Copy this to my account 3013 ¿Singular o Plural? Sandra Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 3014 Las partes del cuerpo Mademoiselle Stone Java Game
Body parts. Copy this to my account 3015 Español Verbs -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3016 Chapter 2.2 Vocabulary -- Hangman
School subjects Copy this to my account 3017 Capítulo 10: Prepositional Phrases Of Location Ken J. Zeoli Hangman
Practice using cerca de/lejos de/al lado de/enfrente de/a la izquierda de/a la derecha de/detrás de/bajo de/sobre/entre by unscrambling these phrases. Copy this to my account 3018 Verbos imperfectos Ms. J Rags to Riches
Haz lo mejor que puedes. Copy this to my account 3019 1 U2L1 Vocabulary Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Vocabulary from Avancemos: Unidad 2 Lección 1 Copy this to my account 3020 Capítulo 10: De + the article; A + the article Ken J. Zeoli Pop-ups
Need help figuring out which to use-del, de la, de los, de las, al, a la, a los or a las? Try this out for some practice. Copy this to my account 3021 Basic Spanish Vocabulary Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Greetings, numbers, colors, family members,
directions, days and months, eating terms, etc. Copy this to my account 3022 2.3.2 Mandatos informales afirmativos 2 -- Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 3023 Sp. 1, LICT, Ch. 3, El libro perdido -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3024 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 4c (Actions #2) -- Java Game
Second half those we are learning by actions. Copy this to my account 3025 Irregular verbs in Spanish Señora Baumann Patterns
Copy this to my account 3026 Español 2, Unidad 6, Lección 2: el vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3027 Professions/Las Profesiones gloria Java Game
Copy this to my account 3028 Unidad 5 Lección 1 - Vocabulario Nuevo - La Casa y Los Muebles -Hangman Mr. Friedrich Hangman
Can your figure out these words before you get hung? Copy this to my account 3029 Semester 1 Final Exam Review--Realidades 1 Janine Hakanson Quiz
Choose the most logical answer. This quiz contains 69 questions. Copy this to my account 3030 Past tense (preterite) conjugations AR verbs Señora Shaffer Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 3031 Muy Bien A - El circo -ch 15 Kim Hukari Columns
Can you match your circus vocabulary? give it a try!! Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 3032 En Camino 11-3 Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Copy this to my account 3033 1 U3L2 La familia: la "posesión" Cloze Sra Durante de Stroup Cloze
Family "possession" - saying how everyone relates to each other (without "'s") Copy this to my account 3034 Avenidas Capítulo 2 - Expresiones con tener -- Java Game
Expressions with tener, from page 85 vocab list Copy this to my account 3035 El salon de clases- The classroom Maria Esteves Java Game
Copy this to my account 3036 Lehmberg 7th grade Challenge Board colors commands numbers classroom other -- Challenge Board
Challenge yourself or another player to this challenge board. Good luck! Copy this to my account 3037 Para Empezar: Repaso del Capítulo MS. THRUSH Rags to Riches
REALIDADES 1- Review of beginning Unit Copy this to my account 3038 Calender/Weather Quiz Sra. Zitsch Quiz This quiz contains 19 questions. Copy this to my account 3039 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 1a (Old & Easy) -- Java Game
Easy (look like English) or you had them before. Copy this to my account 3040 Realidades 3, Cap 3 Vocab 1 -- Java Game
Para practicar el vocabulario antes del examen Copy this to my account 3041 U6E2-4 Irregular Preterite Verbs Señor Wojnar Quiz
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the irregular preterite verbs. This quiz contains 12 questions chosen from a bank of 23. Copy this to my account 3042 3.1.1 Práctica con vocabulario II -- Java Game
Practice the words to make comparisons and interact. Copy this to my account 3043 C 11 Commands Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz
Translate the sentences using the Usted command unless otherwise indicated. This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 40. Copy this to my account 3044 Realidades 2 Chapter 1A Vocabulary Mrs. Jagus Java Game
Copy this to my account 3045 Vocabulario para la computadora Sra. Dana Java Game
Jugue Ud. estas actividades para practicar con las palabras que tienen que ver con la tecnología y las computadoras. Copy this to my account 3046 Antonyms Groups #1/#2/#3 ER verbs conjugations PRETERITE A. Martell Java Game
Amsco Two Years Verbs Copy this to my account 3047 ESPAÑOL I - PRELIMINAR A,B y C - GREETINGS SEÑORITA DRISKILL Java Game
Practice your greetings vocabulary. Copy this to my account 3048 Avancemos, 4 U4 L1 Vocabulario p. 204 Sra. Coutu Java Game
*talking about art and music
*talking about events that will have happened at a certain time in the future Copy this to my account 3049 Spanish Speaking World -- Hangman
Can you figure out these Spanish speaking countries? Copy this to my account 3050 La casa y los cuartos Carol Hamilton Java Game
¿Qué hay en los cuarttos de la casa? Copy this to my account 3051 Me gusta...grammar correct? Sra. Daniel Rags to Riches
You will need to tell me which answer is the correctly translated sentence. Copy this to my account 3052 REFLEXIVOS Verbos Reflexivos en el presente del indicativo MmeZedd Patterns
Complete the verb forms in the present indicative.
You earn coins as you write the correct answers. Copy this to my account 3053 Adjectives of Feelings, Estar, & Subject Pronouns 2 Dianne Guest Battleship
Provides a review and reinforcement of the vocabulary and associated grammar patterns. Copy this to my account 3054 España Señora Flood Rags to Riches
Nuevas vistas 1 páginas 198-201 Copy this to my account 3055 Las preposiciones - Prepositions Muy Bien C 4&5 Kim Hukari Java Game
Can you match these prepositions related to position? Copy this to my account 3056 5 Regular verbs -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3057 Expresate Capitulo 4: Escuela y Salimos Sra. Bethel Rags to Riches
School vocab. Going out with friends. Copy this to my account 3058 Boriquén Patty Silvey Java Game
That warm, lush, tropical island! Copy this to my account 3059 Nationalities and jobs. Verbs. Aitana Mateo Domenech Cloze
Complete using the following: to work (in the right form), to be(in the right form), negative expression, name of some countries in spanish, nationalities, I, you, he or she. Copy this to my account 3060 Así se dice 1 Capítulo 10 Juego de repaso Mrs. Gross Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3061 CHAPTER 5 Reflexive Verbs (2nd Parte) Arriba Dr. Eneida Pugh Quiz
You must write the correct verb form in the blank. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 3062 Hacer in the present tense Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Grammar to accompany ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 1 and 2 Copy this to my account 3063 CM6 - Los hipos de la llama -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3064 2 U0DOP La "a" personal Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 3065 Pretérito (regular, irregular, stem-changing) (Exploraciones C7-A) -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3066 Capítulo 4- Espa. III Amy Alarcon-van der Meer Rags to Riches
body injuries
body parts
pp used as... Copy this to my account 3067 Los Números 0 - 100 (Flashcards) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3068 La familia 2 Dianne Guest Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 3069 1B Prueba 2, page 1 Señora Cowell Quiz
Answer the questions about the people standing in line. Answer in complete sentences. This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 3070 Quehaceres y pasatiempos Deana Alonso Java Game
Usa esta actividad para practicar el vocabulario Episodio 18 del texto Invitaciones, Segunda Parte de Vista Hier Learning. Copy this to my account 3071 VERBOS AR -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3072 Number #1-30 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3073 U1-E2-3 Adjetivos-En Español Señor Wojnar Quiz
Adjective/noun agreement This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3074 doña Di's Me gusta y más Dianne Guest Java Game
Practice vocabulary of "gustar, et al." Based on your vocabulary list "Me gusta y más." Copy this to my account 3075 CAPITULO 11 - SENTIR Mrs.Vazquez Battleship
Copy this to my account 3076 Descripciones -- Java Game
SpI, Cap 3-2 Copy this to my account 3077 Adjetivos de personalidad Sra. Frayre Java Game
Copy this to my account 3078 Spanish I-Chapter 1 Battleship Joy Jenkins Quenga Battleship
Sink or swim! Copy this to my account 3079 ¿Cómo vas al colegio? -- Java Game
Arriba 1 Chapter 2 Copy this to my account 3080 capítulo 2 (A primera vista 2) Realidades 3 Señora Savage Battleship
vocabulario y cultura Copy this to my account 3081 Verbos en el Presente: One Verb Form with Several Verbs Señor Raschio Patterns
Match the Subject and the correct verb form. Do this exercise many times until you can do it without thinking. Copy this to my account 3082 NuevasVistas - Coleccion 2 (c) -- Java Game
Vocabulario (p100) Mejora tu vocabulario Copy this to my account 3083 Chapter 9 Weather -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3084 ¿Qué hora es? #1 Dianne Guest Pop-ups
¿Sabes qué hora es? Ojalá que sí.... Copy this to my account 3085 Lesson 9 Paso a Paso 3 BTW FL Java Game
Copy this to my account 3086 Nuevas Vistas, Col. 2 "La Guerra de los Yacarés" Vocab Sra. Lindsay Alessandrini Java Game
Copy this to my account 3087 Repaso : Lección 4, Vistas Mlle Way, Srta Way Battleship
Vocabulario, verbos, y conjugaciones de la lección 4 Copy this to my account 3088 9. Semester 1 Final Practice (Numbers 0-100) Heidi Beller Java Game
Copy this to my account 3089 Spanish for Mastery 3- Unit 6 Señora Van Prooyen Java Game
Practice your new words from pages 156-157 Copy this to my account 3090 1 U4L2 Stem Changing Verbs E to I Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 3091 "DUH" WORDS -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 3092 Sp 1 4.2 Vocab 2 Monsieur Marcantel Columns
Copy this to my account 3093 1 U1L2 Adjectives Battleship Spanish English Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Describe people, places and things Copy this to my account 3094 Preterite of Irregular Verbs -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 3095 Buen Viaje Cap. 2, el verbo "ser" -- Pop-ups
Write the correct form of "ser" in the sentence. Copy this to my account 3096 Realidades 1 sem2 review part 1 verbs Sra. Terry Quiz This quiz contains 45 questions. Copy this to my account 3097 Chapter 1 Vocabulary -- Java Game
The verbs from chapter one in the Amsco. There are alot of verbs we already know, but I included them anyway. Happy studying. Copy this to my account 3098 Ordinal numbers Sra. Karen Patzelt Kupinse Columns
Matching English to Spanish Copy this to my account 3099 4.2 los lugares/estar Sra. Durante Java Game
Copy this to my account 3100 SOMOS ASI 1 - Lección 14 - La Comida -- Java Game
These games practice the words associated with foods found in Lección 14. Copy this to my account 3101 Realidades I - Capítulo 4B -- Columns
Match Chapter 4B vocabulary words to their correct definitions. Copy this to my account 3102 "Bienvenidos" Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8, Verbos terminados -er y -ir,adjetivos posesivos, verbo "tener",verbos con cambio e>ie, tener que y presente progresivo. Señora Harris Hangman
"Bienvenidos" cahpters 5, 6, 7, and 8. Copy this to my account 3103 5-25 Gustar Sets Señor Wojnar Quiz
Answer the question with the proper form, as in the examples.
Q: ¿Te gusta correr? (Do you like to run?)
A: Sí, me gusta correr. (Yes, I like to... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3104 Los Verbos -er/-ir Señora Rags to Riches
Translate the infinitive Copy this to my account 3105 1 U3L1 Verbos -ar/-er/-ir Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Cloze
Un poco de práctica de verbos -ar, -er, -ir Copy this to my account 3106 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 5 imperfect tense Mrs Flannery Patterns
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 5 imperfect tense Copy this to my account 3107 #4 Objective Review Señora Hinkley Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 3108 1 U3L1 Palabras interrogativas: Question words Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 3109 Bug's Life la vida de un bicho A. Candia Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 3110 Hablando de arte Señora Mar Rags to Riches
Practica las definiciones de terminos del arte Copy this to my account 3111 Los Animales Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Copy this to my account 3112 1 U1L1 Rags to Riches Vocabulary Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 3113 Palabras de Enlace -- Java Game
These are words we'd commonly use in essays -- words that specify time, place, importance, facilitate comparison and contrast, and portray cause and effect. Copy this to my account 3114 Preterite Jumble Ms. Robinson Jumbled Words
Try and unscramble the preterite verbs and words that indicate the past. Copy this to my account 3115 Demonstratives Señora Phillips Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 3116 Conjugation of querer Señora Baumann Cloze
Conjugate the verb querer in 9 tenses Copy this to my account 3117 Ser -- Cloze
Please complete each sentence with the correct form of "ser". Copy this to my account 3118 Adelante Chap.1 vocabulary Sra. Marhefka-Chapman Java Game
Practice the "primer paso" vocabulary and expressions here! (pp.22-33) Copy this to my account 3119 los animales Elisabeth Butler Hangman
Animals in Spanish Copy this to my account 3120 Vocabulario de Capítulo 4 de Ven Conmigo Sra. Beasley Java Game
Copy this to my account 3121 BSBA- lec. 3 - Todos los tiempos compuestos Sr. Rando-el capitán Quiz
futuro, condicional, probabilidad This quiz contains 41 questions. Copy this to my account 3122 2 U0DOP Direct object quiz #1 Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
Practice using direct object pronouns in these sentences This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 3123 Partes del Cuerpo a Battleship
Copy this to my account 3124 Para Empezar 2 Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 3125 LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 6 - parts of the body Mrs Flannery Java Game
LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 6 Parts of the Body Copy this to my account 3126 Bienvenidos Capítulo 14 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3127 Ch 1: Physical Descriptions 2 Joe Barile Java Game
Copy this to my account 3128 2 Capítulo, Los Ojos de Carmen Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3129 Places in the city (4 games) Thomas F. Strotman Java Game
Copy this to my account 3130 Realidades I Para Empezar Greetings and Intros vocab Mrs. Jagus Java Game
Copy this to my account 3131 Asi Se Dice 4 ch 4 Grammar Review Angela Fisher Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3132 Chapter 4-1 Sp3 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Regular Preterit Endings:
-AR: -é, -aste, -ó, -amos, -asteis, -aron
-ER/-IR: -í, -iste, -ió, -imos, isteis, -ieron This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 3133 * Airport - Flashcards Sra. Crane Java Game
Copy this to my account 3134 Frases para escuchar Iraida C. Peinado Java Game
Phrases you'll hear regularly in Spanish class. Copy this to my account 3135 EL VIAJE PERDIDO-1 Señora Mellet Battleship
Chapter 1 Battleship Copy this to my account 3136 ¿Dónde está Eduardo?, capítulo 4 Señora Clem Columns
Match the questions with their answers. There is only one correct answer for each question. Copy this to my account 3137 Juanita y su ex novio Señor Raschio Battleship
Destruya los buques de Juanita o de su ex novio para practicar la formación de los verbos que terminan en -AR en el presente.
Una lista de los verbos acompaña cada pregunta. Copy this to my account 3138 Español 1, Unidad 6, Lección 2: el vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3139 PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS I Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Reviewing interrogatives. Copy this to my account 3140 Realidades 1 - Cap 3A - Vocab Dottie Hangman
¿Desayuno o almuerzo?pizza Copy this to my account 3141 Imperfect Subjunctive/Future/Condicional Sra. Schultz Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3142 2-U3E1-verbs Dra. C Cloze
Copy this to my account 3143 Continuemos - Leccion 2 - algunas facultades, profesiones y mas Sra. G Java Game
Copy this to my account 3144 The House 1 -- Java Game
Spanish words from the house Copy this to my account 3145 2-U2E3 REPASO Dra. C Rags to Riches
Do this activity at the END of the unit prior to the test. It reviews a little of everything! Do it several times until you can answer all 15 questions correctly. It will be different each time since there are a total of 25 questions. Copy this to my account 3146 Casa--el mobiliario Dianne Guest Java Game
Do you know your household furnishing vocabulary from ch. 7. Give it a try!! Buena suerta!! Copy this to my account 3147 Español 2 1-A del 23 al 53 Señora Baumann Java Game
Copy this to my account 3148 III Vocabulario de repaso del Capítulo 7 Madame Young Java Game
Realidades III, Capítulo 7, pp. 292 & 294 Copy this to my account 3149 ¿Qué tiempo hace? María E. Valenzuela-Williams Java Game
Hablemos del clima Copy this to my account 3150 SP 3--¿Con a or sin a? Mrs C Pop-ups
Use this to practice "a" phrases. Choose an X if you don't need an a, or "a" if you do. Copy this to my account 3151 Más Países y Capitales Sra. Hoover Columns
Ten countries were Spanish is spoken. Match them up. Copy this to my account 3152 00 - PP - More Jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3153 avancemos unidad 5 lección 1 Sra. Withers Battleship
These words match Avancemos level 1 Unidad 5 lección 1 Copy this to my account 3154 Repaso - Las compras para la escuela -- Java Game
Review of vocabulary for school supplies Copy this to my account 3155 Capítulo Dos - Práctica de Vocab. Linda Radke Picture Perfect
Put these words in order. Copy this to my account 3156 Ven Conmigo 3 - C5.1 -- Java Game
expessing agreement, qualified agreement, disagreement, and reporting what others think. Copy this to my account 3157 3A.AVSR: categorías Señor Robie Columns
los quehaceres, lugares en la ciudad y el reciclaje Copy this to my account 3158 Muy Bien C - Un paseo por la ciudad Kim Hukari Java Game
How well do you know your new vocabulary? Give it a try! ¡Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 3159 5-01-2 Body Parts Señor Wojnar Quiz
Identify body parts in Spanish. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3160 Avancemos 1 4.1 Test Monsieur Marcantel Quiz This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 3161 Necesito ayuda Señor Raschio Cloze
Copy this to my account 3162 PASO I CAPITULO 1 ¿Cómo eres? pp.34/35 1st vocab Mlle. Java Game
games to master adjectives for describing oneself Copy this to my account 3163 Versión Más Difícil: Subjuntivo:Formas y más formas Señor Raschio Patterns
Copy this to my account 3164 Spanish Months Amuchou Yumnam Picture Perfect
Put the months in chronological order. Copy this to my account 3165 learn the colors Sra. Hays Java Game
Copy this to my account 3166 Expressions with Hacer Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 3167 1 U1L1 Me Gusta Cloze Paragraph Sra Durante de Stroup Cloze
Read the paragraph María wrote about things she likes to do. Select the words that best fit. Copy this to my account 3168 Regular Verb Conjugations -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 3169 3.2.2 Subjuntivo con expresiones impersonales -- Quiz
Incluye verbos regulares y regulares This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 3170 Year 7 Spanish - Christmas vocab Carol Hunter Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3171 Repaso de El Principito - Capítulos 6-9 Señora McMahan Java Game
Usa las preguntas para repasar por el examen de los capítulos 6-9. Buena suerte. Copy this to my account 3172 Avancemos 2 Unidad 3 Lección 1 Stacy Tukloff-Vansant Java Game
Avancemos Vocabulary Copy this to my account 3173 II 3B Review Vocabulary Madame Young Java Game
Realidades, p. 154 Copy this to my account 3174 Las aventuras de Isabela, Ch 2 Señoras Kline y Navarro Battleship
Questions Copy this to my account 3175 AP Spanish Lit/Abriendo puertas: ¿Quién habla? Frases claves de "La casa de Bernarda Alba" Bonnie T. Bowen Java Game
Copy this to my account 3176 Sp 1: Pronouns and verb Ser Monsieur Marcantel Java Game
Subject Pronouns and the verb SER- to be Copy this to my account 3177 El imperativo (mandatos informales), Capítulos 1 - 12, Puntos de Partida & ¿Qué tal? R. Vacchio Hangman
Copy this to my account 3178 Stem-changing verbs in the present tense Carol Hamilton Patterns
Escoge el verbo correcto. Copy this to my account 3179 1Ch8DirectObjectPronouns Srta. Gutzwiler Quiz
Replace the direct object with a pronoun and rewrite the sentence. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3180 Países y capitales de Latinoamérica -- Java Game
Match the country with its capital. Copy this to my account 3181 Pretérito ysidore perez Challenge Board
practice regular and irregular preterites Copy this to my account 3182 Sp 2 U5E1 Sra. Brown Java Game
describing daily routine, talking about grooming, discussing daily chores, & miscellaneous Copy this to my account 3183 Avancemos 2 - 3.2 - irregular and stem-changing preterite verbs Marion Fague Battleship
Copy this to my account 3184 Fuentes: Capítulo 2 Vocabulario Sra. Smiekel Java Game
Copy this to my account 3185 Gender of nouns -- Sometimes you need to look them up! -- Patterns
Match the articles with the nouns. You may (and probably should) use your dictionary and grammar books.
Hint: You will have to convert the plural nouns to their singular before locating them in your dictionary.
There are twelve sets of questions. Copy this to my account 3186 El Vocabulario 9-1 (Ven Conmigo) Mlle Seiler Hangman
Copy this to my account 3187 Chpt. 1 Vocabulario Ms. Delio Java Game
Copy this to my account 3188 Vocabulario #6: En la ciudad Señora Daniel Java Game
Copy this to my account 3189 2 U1L2 Challenge board Preterite Ir/Ser/Ver/Dar/Hacer/Venir -car -gar -zar Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Play the board or another player to see how well you know your conjugations. Be careful to pay attention to which category you are in! Copy this to my account 3190 Capítulo 3B Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 3191 z-FC#2 Futuro Y Condicional - Tense change Señora Pamela Quiz
Find the verb in the sentence then conjugate it in the future. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3192 Spanish 3-4 Señora Lara Java Game
Irregular Preterite Copy this to my account 3193 Vocabulario Unidad 3 Etapa 2 -En Español 1 Ms Chabot Java Game
Practice with vocabulary Unidad 3 Etapa 2 Copy this to my account 3194 Ven Conmigo 1:Capitulo 2 PRIMER PASO p73 C. Hughes Java Game
Talking about what you want and need. Review the vocabulary using the flashcards, then practice by playing the games. Copy this to my account 3195 Exprésate 1: Capítulo 1 Vocabulario 1 Debbie Mensinger Java Game
Copy this to my account 3196 Los objetos de la clase Mrs. Savitt Java Game
Classroom objects Copy this to my account 3197 Year 7 Spanish - Asking questions Carol Hunter Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 3198 2-U3E3 Le duele el oído Dra. C Cloze
Complete this story with the appropriate verb forms. You may need present tense, infinitives, progressives, preterites, or imperfects. This story was written by a Carmel Spanish 2 student. Copy this to my account 3199 VC3 CH6-2 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3200 Chapter 7B Vocabulary Barbara Englebert Java Game
Copy this to my account 3201 Un encuentro feliz Sean Cook Cloze
Lee la siguiente selección sobre dos hermanos que se encuentran en la calle después de no verse por mucho tiempo, luego complétala con la forma correcta de los verbos entre paréntesis en el pasado. Los verbos marcados con un asterisco necesitan el... Copy this to my account 3202 Español 2, Unidad 2, Lección 2: las nacionalidades -- Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 3203 Gusta/Gustan: Battleship -- Battleship
Created by Jacob Copy this to my account 3204 Capítulo 3a Prueba #2 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3205 Avancemos 1 3.1 Vocabulario 1 Monsieur Marcantel Java Game
Vocabulary of Unit 3, Lesson 1 Copy this to my account 3206 La salud y el bienestar -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3207 AP - HW6 El condicional Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
Fill in the blanks.
Infinitive + -ía, -ías, -ía, -íamos, -ían
Plus irregulars This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 3208 Indefinite Articles -- Java Game
Match the indefinite article to the noun that corresponds. Copy this to my account 3209 Exprésate 1 Chapter 7a Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 3210 Realidades I - Capítulo 9A -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3211 Animales Millonario Mrs. Ansted Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 3212 VC3 CH8-1b -- Java Game
Expressing certainty. Talking about what you know. Copy this to my account 3213 Nuestra casa Mrs. Hileman Java Game
focus on vocab around the home such as chores, rooms in the house, and more Copy this to my account 3214 Mastery 3, Unit 3: Subjunctive, Indicative or Infinitive? M. Van Camp Battleship
Choose the right mood and form. Copy this to my account 3215 Capítulo 4a Prueba #3 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3216 Sp. 4+, LIST, Ch. 6b (Por Acciones) -- Java Game
Learn these mostly by getting up and moving! Copy this to my account 3217 vocab: orange U4E2 Sra. Brown Java Game
getting around in a city Copy this to my account 3218 Vocabulary personality traits Adriana Persin Quiz
Unscramble the words about personality traits. This quiz contains 65 questions. Copy this to my account 3219 1-2 Answer questions: age/where from Señora Hopkins Challenge Board
Practice writing responses to friends questions about age and where people are from. Use accents, capital letters, punctuation! Copy this to my account 3220 Unidad 3, Etapa 3 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Hangman
Copy this to my account 3221 Conjugated Verbs (REDS) Quiz A. Martell Quiz
All singular forms This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 3222 Avancemos 3 - Cap. 1.1 - Acampar (parte 3) Otras expresiones Chase Dedmon Hangman
Copy this to my account 3223 Los números - Sandra Java Game
Practica los números del 1 al 20 Copy this to my account 3224 LOS ANIMALES Sra. Ekblad Java Game
Copy this to my account 3225 PASO I CAPITULO 3 ¿Te gustaría ir conmigo? pp. 94/95 2nd vocab Mlle. Java Game
more leisure time activities Copy this to my account 3226 Grade 4 - Desde la cabeza hasta los pies -- Picture Perfect
Put these body parts in order, beginning with the top of the head, and ending with the tips of the toes. Copy this to my account 3227 VERBOS IRREGULARES CON CAMBIO DE RAIZ -- Challenge Board
CONJUGA EL VERBO CORRECTAMENTE. Copy this to my account 3228 Chapter 9b Sra. Johnstone Java Game
Copy this to my account 3229 Subjunctive or not? 1 J R Taylor Quiz
Write the infinitive in brackets correctly. Be careful, the subjunctive is not required in every case. This quiz contains 3 questions chosen from a bank of 30. Copy this to my account 3230 Adjetivos-Para describir rasgos personales Rosa Steinbrecher Java Game
Copy this to my account 3231 Bravo Level 3 Unidad 3 Lección 2 -- Jumbled Words
vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 3232 Exprésate 1 Chapter 5a Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 3233 El imperfecto - Práctica Dana Bolluyt Cloze
Copy this to my account 3234 Paso 2 - Cap. 6, voc Mrs. Ross Java Game
p. 221 Copy this to my account 3235 Chapter 8 Vocabulary Srta. Martin Battleship
Copy this to my account 3236 Stem-changing verbs Señor Stuber Battleship
Copy this to my account 3237 1.1 Using the vocabulary Sra. Leszczynski Quiz
Avancemos 2 Unit 1 Lesson 1
Use the Spanish crossword descriptions of vocabulary to fill in the blank with the Spanish word/phrase. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3238 Español 3, Unidad 6, Lección 3: las oraciones con si -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 3239 Vocabulario. ¡Dímelo tú! Capítulo 1: Bienvenidos a la universidad. Dr. Yosálida C. Rivero-Zaritzky Challenge Board
Practice your vocabulary. Translate the word in English to Spanish. This activity was created by Yosálida C. Rivero-Moreno. Copy this to my account 3240 Rosa Leyes Señora Van Prooyen Quiz
Comprehension questions for Rosa Leyes, el Indio This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 3241 ¿Indicativo o Subjuntivo? Sra. Frayre Battleship
Lee la frase y escoge el verbo en el indicativo o el subjuntivo según el sentido que tenga. Copy this to my account 3242 A01 Vocabulario Señora McPeak Java Game
Copy this to my account 3243 Esprésate - Capítulo Puente - Vocab impt Timothy Corcoran Java Game
Copy this to my account 3244 Sp.3 Ch.3 Less.8-10 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3245 Saludo y Despedida Natalia Battleship
Read the paragraph. Choose the correct answer to the questions below the paragraph by clicking the answer bubble. Copy this to my account 3246 1 U11 Gustar Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Tell what you like or ask what someone else likes using the correct form of the verb gustar. Copy this to my account 3247 El Imperfecto - IRREGULAR Sra. Ekblad Java Game
IR, SER, VER Copy this to my account 3248 Español Para Mi Sra. Al-Salim Rags to Riches
This game contains segments from greetings, numbers, colors, classroom objects, days of the week, clothing, and weather. Please choose the answer that is most correct. Have fun and good luck. Copy this to my account 3249 lugar de trabajo -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3250 Ch 11 Juntos Uno: irregular informal commands Mrs. Shelton Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3251 Realidades 3, Cap. 3 - A ver si recuerdas 1 Srita. Vargas Java Game
Copy this to my account 3252 Español 3, Unidad 6, Lección 3: el vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3253 PASO I CAPITULO 2 ¿Qué clases tienes? pp. 58/59 1st vocab Mlle. Java Game
school, classes and materials to practice Copy this to my account 3254 ¿Qué hora es? Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 3255 la familia y los animales Señora Miller Java Game
Copy this to my account 3256 Mastery 3:Unit 3 La Vida Domestica verbs pp65-66 C. Hughes Java Game
Use the flashcards and then play the games to improve your verbs Copy this to my account 3257 Avancemos 2 2.2 Hangman Vocab Monsieur Marcantel Hangman
Copy this to my account 3258 Realidades 3, Cap 5 Vocab 1 -- Java Game
Para practicar el vocabulario antes del examen. Copy this to my account 3259 Una Carta a Dios - vocabulario -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 3260 La familia Macky Mitma Java Game
Pupiletras / Tarjetas / Concentración / Parejas - Dibujos Copy this to my account 3261 Muy Bien B - Lugares de la escuela Kim Hukari Java Game
How well do you know your new school vocabulary? give it a try! ¡Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 3262 Capítulo 2: Gusta/Gustan A P Quiz
Translate to Spanish. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3263 Querer and Preferir Ms Chabot Pop-ups
Practice with e-ie stem changing verbs. Copy this to my account 3264 Pobre Ana, Capítulo 3 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 3265 doña Di's el tiempo 3 Dianne Guest Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 3266 Warm-Up -- Quiz
Practice your listening skills by answering the following questions. This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 3267 1st yr. ch 1 vocab review Games Sra. Regge Java Game
Copy this to my account 3268 More Verbs/Más verbos gloria Java Game
Copy this to my account 3269 II 3A Vocabulario Madame Young Java Game
p. 152, Realidades 2, 3A Vocabulario Copy this to my account 3270 Sp 1 Ch2.2 Millionnaire's Verbs Monsieur Marcantel Rags to Riches
Spanish One Verbs of Unit 2, Lesson 2 Copy this to my account 3271 Bienvenidos Capítulo 4 verbos Señor Fields Cloze
Tienes que completar con el verbo correcto.... Copy this to my account 3272 AR verb challenge #2 Stephanie Sheridan Quiz
Conjugate the verb ESTUDIAR for the subject below. You must get 100% before you can move on to the next level! This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3273 Ven Conmigo 9-1 Señora Goldstein Java Game
Ven Conmigo 9-1 Level I
Gift suggestions
Giving directions downtown Copy this to my account 3274 Prueba los quehaceres y la casa jami dixon Quiz
capítulo 5.2 This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3275 2-U3E2 Affirmative tú Commands -- Pop-ups
Choose the correct present tense in the command form for the following 5 verbs. Copy this to my account 3276 1Ch1 Nouns and Nationalities Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Copy this to my account 3277 Spanish -er verb conjugations Lizz Caplan-Carbin Java Game
Copy this to my account 3278 1 U2L1 Regular -ar verb conjugation Challenge Board Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3279 means of transportation Sra. Wilson Hangman
Copy this to my account 3280 Shapes - Formas Señorita Saavedra Java Game
Copy this to my account 3281 Spanish ll 4/12/02 Preterite and Time With Hacer Senora Novosel Hangman
Copy this to my account 3282 Using GUSTAR correctly Mrs Foster Java Game
Match the two halves of the sentences Copy this to my account 3283 Subject Pronoun Mini-Quiz Mrs. Lester Mini Quiz
For each subject pronoun in English, select the correct subject pronoun in Spanish. Copy this to my account 3284 Exprésate 1 Chapter 2a Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 3285 Buen Viaje: Capítulo 6--La Familia y su Casa Madame Frissen Java Game
All vocabulary for Chapter 6 Copy this to my account 3286 Unas Mascotas -- Java Game
Practice Spanish words for some pets. Copy this to my account 3287 1 U5L1: ser vs. estar Columns Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Copy this to my account 3288 1 U1L1Using "gusta" expressions to say what you like and don't like to do Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 3289 Español 3--Los adjetivos y la concordancia Señor Turf Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 3290 capitulo 5- vocabulario MmeZedd Java Game
Use this page to practice the chapter five vocabulary from YaVeras2 p 179.
There are extra ones from the list given in class.
I did not use the accents. Copy this to my account 3291 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 3b, El Resturante -- Java Game
Vocab. Ch. 3 (the rest) Copy this to my account 3292 Sp 2 Cap 2 formative sobre vocabulario Profe (Berry) Uritus Quiz
Tell the profession of each person based on the description. Be sure to pay attention to the gender (whether each person is male or female). This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3293 El cuerpo practice 2 Dianne Guest Quiz
Once again, check out your knowledge of the parts of the body. This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 3294 II-1B-Después de las clases Madame Young Java Game
Realidades 2, Capítulo 1B, Vocabulario Copy this to my account 3295 2 U2L2 El presente del progresivo (-ing sentences) Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Can you change from present tense to present progressive (someone DOES it to someone IS DOING it?) Copy this to my account 3296 Adjectives Agreement Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 3297 R1 to describe people and things (5B) colores (6A) Señora Storrs Java Game
Copy this to my account 3298 Galeria Cuadro 4 - Manuel Sra. Araya Columns
Match the clues to the appropriate character. Copy this to my account 3299 Números ordinales Senora Hernandez Columns
Match the ordinal numbers Copy this to my account 3300 4A #3 Janine Hakanson Quiz
Escribe las palabras que faltan. Type the missing question words. Be logical. You must get at least 60% on your best attempt to receive HW credit. You may do this quiz as many times as you wish. This quiz contains 28 questions. Copy this to my account 3301 Realidades 1 Para Empezar & Tema 1 Review Miss Marshall Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3302 2-U3E3 Health vocab Dra. C Java Game
Practice the HEALTH and SOLUTIONS vocab from p. 239 of En Español 2. The EXTRA words we added in class are also included! Copy this to my account 3303 Exprésate 1 Chapter 2b Practicre use of DE Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 3304 Práctica del pretérito irregular y regular--Español 3 Señor Turf Cloze
Copy this to my account 3305 Vocabulario: Palabras claves (Spanish For Mastery 3) -- Java Game
(Español-inglés) Practica el vocabulario para el cuento a fines de la unidad 3 de Spanish For Mastery 3, El arco de Balam-Acab. Copy this to my account 3306 1 U0LP Days of the Week & Months of the Year Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 3307 Key Word for Preterite or Imperfect -- Hangman
Activity for Spanish II or III Copy this to my account 3308 Classroom Objects Vocab Profe Breinig Java Game
learn class object words through pictures Copy this to my account 3309 los adjetivos -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 3310 Capítulo 6A-Realidades I Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 3311 Battleship- At What Time is Your Class? -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 3312 Regular -er verbs 6 Dianne Guest Patterns
Practise the Present tense of some of the most common regular ER verbs in Spanish and learn the meaning of the verbs in English. Copy this to my account 3313 Chapter 3 vocab from Paso a Paso 1 Sra. Hughes Java Game
Copy this to my account 3314 Juntos Uno Chap. 3 vocab - Celebrations Señora Aliahmady y Señora Eberhardt Java Game
Celebrations Copy this to my account 3315 El arte Galeria de arte y vida Sra. Vonesh Java Game
El Greco, Goya y Velásquez Copy this to my account 3316 -Car, -Gar, -Zar Familiar and Formal Commands Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Practice -car, -gar, -zar tú and Ud. commands to accompany ¡Ya Verás! Niveles 1 and 2. Copy this to my account 3317 Preterite -er, and -ir verb endings St Marys Spanish Java Game
Copy this to my account 3318 Mini cuento 8-1 Senor Java Game
Copy this to my account 3319 Body Parts Sra. Gilane Picture Perfect
Arrange the parts of the body Copy this to my account 3320 De Viaje Cap 1 Vocabulario Dusti Rags to Riches
Vocabulario de cultura, conversación y lenguaje Copy this to my account 3321 Realidades 1 - el cuerpo -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3322 Realidades 2 Reflexive verbs pam satterfield Picture Perfect
put the sentences in order of your daily routine Copy this to my account 3323 Avancemos: Unidad 4 Lección 1 -- Java Game
Vocabulary practice from Avancemos: Unidad 4 Lección 1 Copy this to my account 3324 LISTOS BOOK 2 modulo 2 vocabulary food Mrs Flannery Java Game
vocabulary food Copy this to my account 3325 2 U1L1 Using the vocabulary Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
Avancemos 2 Unit 1 Lesson 1
Use the Spanish crossword descriptions of vocabulary to fill in the blank with the Spanish word/phrase. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3326 2- 6B El progresivo Profesora Stone Quiz
Escribe la forma del progresivo. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 3327 Ven conmigo - Capitulo 6 Primer Paso Sra. Webb Java Game
Copy this to my account 3328 La ciudad -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3329 II Realidades - 2B - Review Vocabulary Madame Young Battleship
Realidades 2, Capítulo 2B, Review Vocabulary, p. 98 Copy this to my account 3330 Vocabulario útil (useful vocabulary) -- Columns
Copy this to my account 3331 ¿Reflexivo o No? Sra. Domally Columns
Copy this to my account 3332 Spanish 2 - Capítulos 2 y 3 el Pretéritio Señora Sadowski Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3333 3-U2E3 CULTURA Dra. C Columns
Practice the culture from Unidad 2 Etapa 3. Copy this to my account 3334 Muy Bien C - Los verbos enseñar, estudiar, y mirar Kim Hukari Columns
How well do you know your -ar verbs enseñar, estudiar and mirar? Give it a try! ¡Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 3335 Exprésate III (1.2 Vocab) Señorita Psket Java Game
Copy this to my account 3336 II Avancemos 1-2 Vocabulary Amy Jo Gaebe Hangman
Travel Vocabulary Copy this to my account 3337 La ropa Señorita Brady Java Game
Copy this to my account 3338 Listen and Practice: Colors Sandra Java Game
Listen and Repeat. Copy this to my account 3339 Etapa preliminar vocabulary Mrs. Lester Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3340 Ven Conmigo 1:Capitulo 3 PRIMER PASO p107 C. Hughes Java Game
Talking about classes and sequencing events. Review the vocabulary using the flashcards, then practice by playing the games. Copy this to my account 3341 Realidades 3 - Capítulo 4 (all chapter!) Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Match the Spanish words with their English meanings. Copy this to my account 3342 What you and others look like Rene Candia Java Game
Copy this to my account 3343 Doña Di's Basic Time Plus Dianne Guest Java Game
Telling time, including What time is it?, a.m./p.m., noon, midnight, at what time?. Copy this to my account 3344 Realidades 3, Cap 2 Vocab 1 -- Java Game
Para practicar el vocabulario antes del examen. Copy this to my account 3345 La Ropa Señora Java Game
Copy this to my account 3346 Realidades 3, Cap 8 Vocab 2 -- Java Game
Para practicar el vocabulario antes del examen. Copy this to my account 3347 Stem Changing Verbs -- Java Game
O to ue: dormir, almorzar, llover, volver
U to ue: jugar
E to ie: empezar, merendar, entender, querer Copy this to my account 3348 CKS 8th Grade Midyear Exam Review 12/09 Paula Smith Challenge Board
Play this challenge board to review for our test on 12/10/09 Copy this to my account 3349 Adjectives Agreement realidades uno 1B MmeZedd Java Game
vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 3350 Learnables 9 Vocabulary Games Lakota Spanish Teachers Java Game
Print the list of vocabulary you need to study and play the games that do not require Java script. Copy this to my account 3351 Transportation Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 3352 AP - HW20 Familiar Commands Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
Third person singular of indicative verb for affirmative.
No + "tú" form of subjunctive
8 irregulars: di, haz, ve, pon, sal, sé, ten, ven This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3353 Vocab."El origen del Nopal" -- Java Game
Vocabulario de "El origen del Nopal" Copy this to my account 3354 2-U1E3 demonstratives Dra. C Pop-ups
Select the best answer from the pop ups. Use yout T. p 82 or the NOTES you took in class to help you. THINK and watch the accents! Copy this to my account 3355 Exprésate 1, Capitulo 1, Repaso de Vocabulario 1 Profesora Jiménez-Biles Java Game
greetings & asking how someone is Copy this to my account 3356 Preliminar Evaluation- Profe Mejía Quiz
This is an evaluation of the concepts and skills from the preliminary unit. This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 3357 Paso a Paso Ch. 10 - 2nd section of vocab Ms. B-V Java Game
Copy this to my account 3358 Conjugation of Jugar and Ir Mademoiselle Stone Jumbled Words
Practice unscrambling the forms of the verbs Jugar and Ir and their subject pronouns. Copy this to my account 3359 ¿Qué llevas a la escuela? Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Vocabulary to accompany Week 4 Srta. Wachlin's Upward Bound class. Copy this to my account 3360 2-U3E2 Irregular Negative tú Commands -- Pop-ups
Remember that in negative commands, the pronoun comes before the verb. Also remember that some verbs will required spelling changes to keep the pronunciation consistent. (ex. llego becomes llegues)
Choose the correct answer that corresponds with the... Copy this to my account 3361 DIME 3.2 vocabulary quiz Profa Kurtz Quiz
Use this to practice your vocabulary before retesting if you did poorly on the quiz. Be sure to take this quiz at least twice, as the questions will change. This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 29. Copy this to my account 3362 el machismo -- Java Game
Centrale gloser til emnet el machismo Copy this to my account 3363 Spanish I Chapter 4 Battleship Joy Jenkins Quenga Battleship
¿Qué prefieres comer? Copy this to my account 3364 Hola Unit 2 Review: Animales y formas de varios colores Señora Pinette Rags to Riches
Describir los animales y las formas por sus colores, y otras características Copy this to my account 3365 Español Uno: Unidad 2 Etapa 1 Vocabulario Trina Godwin Java Game
Copy this to my account 3366 03 - Leisure Jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3367 4,2 - 4,3 Ven Conmigo 2 Profesora Fritz Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3368 U6E1-5 More Preterite Señor Wojnar Quiz
Change the verb to the past tense by affixing the correct ending. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3369 Capetalo 1 review partial Señora Boulton Java Game
Copy this to my account 3370 La Ropa y los Artículos Personales -- Java Game
You will use the activities in this section to review clothing and accessories. Copy this to my account 3371 Spanish for Mastery 3: Unidad 5 Señora Van Prooyen Java Game
Vocabulary words for unit 5 Copy this to my account 3372 1B Prueba 1, page 2 part A Señora Cowell Quiz
Students are getting to know one another in their classes. Read the following conversation and select the word that best completes their thoughts.
- Yo soy muy deportista. Y tú, ¿(1) eres?
- Soy deportista, (2) también soy... This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 3373 Realidades 2 Ch. 3a & b Señora Billings Challenge Board
review of vocab Copy this to my account 3374 Sp 2 U4E1 Sra. Brown Java Game
ID'ing places, giving addresses; choosing transportation, requesting/giving directions Copy this to my account 3375 VC 2 CH 6-1 -- Hangman
Asking for/giving information Copy this to my account 3376 Weekly Vocabulary 4-1 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3377 Realidades:página 6 expresiónes Señora Miller Java Game
Practice your classroom expressions. Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 3378 Países y Capitales a Battleship
Copy this to my account 3379 1 U2L2 El verbo estar Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
Conjuga el verbo estar This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 3380 Los Españoles en la América del Norte -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3381 El Calendario Sra. Min Battleship
Copy this to my account 3382 Los deportes Señora Phillips Java Game
Match the verb with the noun for each sport. Copy this to my account 3383 ADJETIVOS y SER -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3384 Unit 2 Etapa 1 -ar verbs - 20 preguntas Adriana Persin Quiz
Type in the correct form of the verb for the subject you see in each sentence. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3385 Day of the Dead Scavenger Hunt / WebQuest Ms Gwen Nelson Scavenger Hunt
Explore the "Day of the Dead" history and traditions Copy this to my account 3386 demonstratives and present perfect subjunctive señora Terry Challenge Board
pick the correct demonstrative and translate the sentences to present perfect subjunctive Copy this to my account 3387 Food, Glorious Food! Señora Balsamà / Madame Balsamà Java Game
Copy this to my account 3388 El Principito Vocabulario Caps. 1-5 Señora McMahan Java Game
Repasa su vocabulario del Principito por los capítulos 1 a 5. Buena suerte. Copy this to my account 3389 Do you know your numbers to 1000? Sra. Hays Java Game
Copy this to my account 3390 estar and places around town Ms. Ruzicka Hangman
Translate these sentences into Spanish to play hangman. Watch accents! Copy this to my account 3391 A bordo Capítulo 1 Vocabulario Señor Fields Jumbled Words
¡Prácitca de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 3392 Repaso -- Lección #5 Ms. J Battleship
IR, PLACES, question words,TRANSPORTATION, etc. Copy this to my account 3393 A08 McPeak Java Games Señora McPeak Java Game
Copy this to my account 3394 Mi familia Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 3395 La Familia a Battleship
Copy this to my account 3396 Artículos definidos Sra. Judilee Hays Java Game
Realidades 1B
Por Angela Copy this to my account 3397 Buen Viaje II Chapter 6 Vocab 2 -- Java Game
En el cuarto Copy this to my account 3398 Expresate Cap. 3 Amy Alarcon-van der Meer Challenge Board
lugares, ir, querer, verbos Copy this to my account 3399 Realidades 3 - Cap. 1A Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Match the Spanish vocabulary words with their English meanings. Copy this to my account 3400 Capítulo 2b Prueba #2 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3401 Unit 2 Lesson 2 Review -- Rags to Riches
Activity to review all vocabulary and grammar from Unit 2, Lesson 2 Copy this to my account 3402 La Guerra Sucia--Repaso para el examen Señor Turf Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3403 Preterite or Imperfect -- Battleship
Which tense is the correct one to use? Copy this to my account 3404 Adjetivos Sra. Gifun Java Game
Match the Spanish adjectives to the English word with the same meaning. Copy this to my account 3405 Album : El beso de la Patria Sra. Balson Java Game
Vocabulario de Santa Fe Copy this to my account 3406 2A- Challenge Board Señora Mohr Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3407 Regular -er verbs 1 Dianne Guest Java Game
Copy this to my account 3408 Bienvenidos Chapter 6B Voc. Sra. Marhefka-Chapman Java Game
If you want to practice the vocabulary for Chapter 6B pp. 157-158, this is the place to be! Copy this to my account 3409 Pasatiempos Ms. Ruzicka Hangman
Copy this to my account 3410 ¿Qué tiempo hace? Carol Hamilton Java Game
Practice weather espressions using hace, hay and está Copy this to my account 3411 U3E1-4 - Practice: acabar de Señor Wojnar Quiz
Fill in the correct conjugated form of "acabar" This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3412 En Español 2: Prelim A: Ser, Estar, Tener, Ir Dra. C Pop-ups
Select the best choice to complete the given sentence. Copy this to my account 3413 Las capitales de los paises latino americanos Mrs. Fonken Hangman
Copy this to my account 3414 Chapter 10a Sra. Johnstone Java Game
Copy this to my account 3415 Los Verbos Irregulares Señor E. Java Game
Iregular verbs Copy this to my account 3416 Spanish/Español 3/4 II 2006 Las preposiciones ¿Dónde está? español - inglés Profe. Java Game
Copy this to my account 3417 Basic Spanish Vocabulary Señora Owings Java Game
Greetings, numbers, colors, family members, directions, days and months, all in Spanish. Copy this to my account 3418 EXP 2 Capítulo 5 Gramática 1 Pretérito Irregular Señora Mar Cloze
Preterit of poder, traer, estar and tener Copy this to my account 3419 Un Crimen -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3420 Preliminary Units- Post_Test Lizzette Nixon Quiz
IMPORTANT: Please enter your name and type one of the following codes BEFORE your LAST NAME:
8.1 if you are in my 1st period
8.2 if you are in my 2nd... This quiz contains 36 questions. Copy this to my account 3421 Armas Y Aves Ms. Acocella Java Game
Thematic Vocabulary # 3 Copy this to my account 3422 The preterite Señor Stuber Battleship
Copy this to my account 3423 Sp 1 Etapa 5.1 Reflexive verbs Mlle/Srta. Read Java Game
Copy this to my account 3424 Quiz--Los Números 1-10 with images (some numbers may be used more than once.) Señorita Pelican Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3425 Capítulo 14: El Juego De Jeopardy Ken J. Zeoli Challenge Board
Bueno, vamos a ver si comprendes bien todo que está en este último capítulo del libro Paso a Paso I. Es mejor jugar con un compañero o una compañera, pero puedes jugar sólo si quieres. ¡Buena suerte, estudiante! Copy this to my account 3426 U3E1-6 - Gusta/Gustan Señor Wojnar Quiz
Translate to Spanish. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3427 Español 1 1A del 1-23 Señora Baumann Java Game
Copy this to my account 3428 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 1 Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 3429 Español I Lo que hacemos por el día. Rostek Ordered List
¡Qué pasa primero! y luego. Pongan Uds las frases en orden del día. Copy this to my account 3430 Paso a Paso - Chapter 1 - Voc. 1 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3431 Avancemos, 4 U3 L1 Vocabulario pp. 144 Sra. Coutu Java Game
*making plans for a trip
*talking about your vacation Copy this to my account 3432 Bienvenidos - Lección 10 - Vocabulario Señor Marlow Java Game
Práctica de Vocabulario Copy this to my account 3433 Las profesiones Hangman Carol Hamilton Hangman
Me gusta(n) ... y por eso yo voy a hacer ... Copy this to my account 3434 Por vs. para Michelle Marnicio Pop-ups
Un ejercicio para repasar por y para. Copy this to my account 3435 Unidad 1 Avancemos -- Hangman
Practice w/ Unit 1 Vocab from Avancemos Copy this to my account 3436 Capítulo 8-2 Vocabulario Señorita Nafis Quiz
Students will demonstrate knowledge of chapter 8-2 vocabulary from Exprésate 1B. This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 3437 Las Vacaciones Ms. Ruzicka Hangman
Copy this to my account 3438 REALIDADES 3 C4 Repaso -- Challenge Board
Jeopardy practice for the entire chapter Copy this to my account 3439 Paso a Paso A - Capítulo 3 - Sección 1 "Blue Box" Mrs. Lester Java Game
Practice your vocabulary skills with these activities. Copy this to my account 3440 nexos lógicos - ¿quién quiere ser millonario? Señor Robie Rags to Riches
ya corregí el error que encontraron en clase. Copy this to my account 3441 Saxe Unit 1 Vocabulary List Profesora Aldrich Java Game
Copy this to my account 3442 Ven Conmigo 2: Ch. 3 La vida contidiana, PRIMER PASO pg93 C. Hughes Java Game
Talking about your daily routine.
Practice with the flashcards, then play the games. Copy this to my account 3443 camping - vocab. -- Java Game
vocabulario del camping Copy this to my account 3444 6A preposiciones Sra. Bishop Picture Perfect
Copy this to my account 3445 Capítulo 3 Ken J. Zeoli Mini Quiz
See how many questions you can answer correctly and surprise yourself with your awesome intelligence! ¡Qué estudiante inteligente! ¡Vaya! Copy this to my account 3446 2- 6B Vocabulario parte 1 Profesora Stone Quiz
Escribe la palabra correcta. Usa los artículos definidos con los nombres. Usa las formas masculinas con los adjetivos. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3447 Places around town--Hangman Señorita Pelican Hangman
Copy this to my account 3448 Vision y Voz: Capitulo 16 Vocabulario - Ciudadanos del mundo: ?Que' nos reserva el futuro? gtdmouse . Java Game
Vocabulary from chapter 16 of Vision y Voz Spanish book by Galloway/Labarca Copy this to my account 3449 Stem Changing Verbs E to IE # 2 - U1 L2 Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 3450 LOS VERBOS BOTAS-2 -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 3451 ¿Te gusta o te encanta? Sra. Paz Pop-ups
Practice the uses of gustar encantar and Indirect Object Pronouns. Copy this to my account 3452 Prueba 4B número 1 Janine Hakanson Quiz
Pon las palabras que faltan. (Supply the missing words.) Mira la p. 218. If you don't get at least 50% correct, redo the quiz. This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 3453 Passive Reflexive J R Taylor Quiz
Rre-write these sentences so that they contain a passive notion expressed with a reflexive construction This quiz contains 24 questions. Copy this to my account 3454 II 4A Review Vocabulary Madame Young Hangman
Realidades II, p. 182 Copy this to my account 3455 Weather and Seasons Hangman- La Horca del Tiempo y Estaciones -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 3456 Spanish I Chapter 4 Hangman Joy Jenkins Quenga Hangman
¿Qué prefieres comer? Copy this to my account 3457 Culture Quiz Señorita Brady Quiz
Choose the correct answers to the following culture questions. This quiz contains 17 questions. Copy this to my account 3458 AP - HW8 La forma continua (Pres. Progressive) Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
Fill in the blanks. Use the present tense of seguir, continuar, andar, ir, venir or estar + the present participle. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 3459 02 - School - Concentration and Flashcards -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3460 Buen Viaje 1.5 -- Hangman
En el Café y la Comida Copy this to my account 3461 U2E2-4 - the verb IR Señor Wojnar Quiz
IR is an irregular verb, meaning "to go." It is conjugated:
(yo) voy
(tú)... This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3462 Exprésate I Cap. 2 Vocab. 1 Señora Orr Java Game
Copy this to my account 3463 Places around town--match the translations (Columns) Señorita Pelican Columns
Copy this to my account 3464 Avancemos 2 Prelim Practice Test Monsieur Marcantel Quiz
Practice test on Leccion Preliminar This quiz contains 28 questions. Copy this to my account 3465 Preterit vs Imperfect -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3466 Sp 1 Unidad 2 Lección 1 Monsieur Marcantel Hangman
Vocabulary from Avancemos: Unidad 2 Lección 1 Copy this to my account 3467 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 1 Señoras Kline y Navarro Columns
Copy this to my account 3468 3-U3E3 all subjunctive Sra. DeHart Quiz
Practice using subjunctive with all of the rules learned so far. This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 38. Copy this to my account 3469 Classroom Objects Vocabulary Todd Maggi Java Game
Copy this to my account 3470 4th 6 weeks Final AP Senora Loeb Quiz
Usa la informacion de la 4th 6 weeks. Tambien usa informaion del primero semestre. Buena suerte. the questions from this 4th 6 weeks will be weighted more heavily than the questions pertaining to the previous semester. For every test, study vocab. This quiz contains 140 questions chosen from a bank of 438. Copy this to my account 3471 Chapter Two A Bordo Vocabulary Paola Nilsen Quiz
A review of Vocabulary for the Midterm This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3472 Calendar Battleship Ms Gwen Nelson Battleship
Copy this to my account 3473 2 U0LP Adjetivos Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 3474 Exprésate 1 Chapter 5a E-IE, 0-UE Stem-changing Verbs (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 3475 Capítulo 1a and 1b Prueba Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3476 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 1, Sancho Eats! a story -- Picture Perfect
NUMBER THE BOXES IN LOGICAL ORDER. YOU GET THREE HINTS. CHECK ANSWERS AS YOU GO BY CLICKING ON THE BOX AT THE BOTTOM. Copy this to my account 3477 ¡Ven conmigo! Level 2, Capí­tulo 12, Primer Paso SenyorM Java Game
Copy this to my account 3478 4th 6 weeks Final Star Senora Loeb Quiz
Use the informacion you studied from the 4th 6 weeks. Keep in mind that you will see questions from first semester, but they will not weigh as much. Good Luck. You may pull up my power points to use as notes. Please be discrete and keep them... This quiz contains 79 questions chosen from a bank of 194. Copy this to my account 3479 Español 2 2A el cuerpo Señora Baumann Hangman
Copy this to my account 3480 Chapter 4 Vocabulary -- Java Game
chapter four vocab Copy this to my account 3481 Español 1 - U2, E1 Las materias en la escuela Señora Schott Java Game
Copy this to my account 3482 Capítulo 11 Ya Verás Gold Nivel 1 Ann Giese Java Game
Vamos al centro Copy this to my account 3483 11 - TV/Movie Multiple Choice -- Mini Quiz
Copy this to my account 3484 Avancemos 2 U2-L2 Grammar 2 Present Progressive 3-6-2014 - Modified Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 3485 Capítulo 2 Vocabulary Summary List (This is a GOOD THING!) Ken J. Zeoli Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3486 Conexiones-The flow of financial documents Profesora Pérez Java Game
Making a purchase on credit Copy this to my account 3487 Patricia Va a California Capítulos 4 - 6 Ms. Rogers Java Game
Copy this to my account 3488 1. Hangman: Imperfect stephanie riessen Hangman
Copy this to my account 3489 En Espanol 3-Preliminar-Vocabulario p. 27 -- Java Game
Stem changing verb definitions Copy this to my account 3490 5-2 review Sra. Cortes Markle Battleship
gustar and er/ir verbs. Copy this to my account 3491 Amsco, 3 Part 3 L 1: Idioms with tener p. 238 Sra. Coutu Java Game
idioms using the verb tener Copy this to my account 3492 Adjetivos de descripción--revised Dianne Guest Java Game
Use these activities to help you increase your mastery of this vocabulary. Copy this to my account 3493 La Novia...novela de Deb Navarre-Capítulos 1-4 Sra. Hoover Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3494 En la ciudad Sra. Pérez Challenge Board
Capítulo 8 de Interacciones Copy this to my account 3495 2A- Battleship Señora Mohr Battleship
Copy this to my account 3496 Muy Bien C - ¿Cómo Se Sienten? Kim Hukari Pop-ups
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate adjective. Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 3497 Doña Di's Countries & Capitals (in Spanish) Dianne Guest Java Game
Copy this to my account 3498 Exprésate 3 Capítulo 4 Vocabulario 4-2 Debbie Mensinger Hangman
Exprésate 3 reviews vocabulary 4-1 English to Spanish Copy this to my account 3499 Así Somos Debbie Mensinger Rags to Riches
Nuevas Vistas Introducción vocabulary p.2. Choose the correct vocabulary word for each definition. Copy this to my account 3500 1 U5L1 Ordinal Numbers Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Practice your Ordinal numbers here Copy this to my account 3501 Food and drink -- Challenge Board
Name in English the different foods and drinks. Copy this to my account 3502 Buen Viaje II Chapter 1 Vocab.2 -- Java Game
En el tren Copy this to my account 3503 Las aventuras de Isabela, Ch 5 Señoras Kline y Navarro Battleship
Copy this to my account 3504 SPANISH COUNTRIES Mrs.Vazquez Hangman
Copy this to my account 3505 Padre Nuestro Señora Miller Ordered List
Ordena esta oración. Copy this to my account 3506 Unit 7 Vocabulary M. Van Camp Java Game
Copy this to my account 3507 5.3 use of iops with gerund and IR -- Java Game
ir +A+inf,and present progressive with iops Copy this to my account 3508 SUBJECT PRONOUNS Profesora Jennifer Java Game
Match the pictures with the appropriate subject pronouns! Copy this to my account 3509 Exprésate 1 Chapter 1b Time & the Seasons (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 3510 Vocabulario, Lección 2 - "Con ganas de triunfar" Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para practicar el vocabulario Copy this to my account 3511 Español III - En Español - Unidad 1 Etapa 2 (Voc.) -- Java Game
Repaso de Vocabulario Copy this to my account 3512 Los objetos en la clase -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3513 Spanish 1 Capitulo 1 -- Java Game
"un amigo o una amiga" - nouns, adjectives, numbers Copy this to my account 3514 El Cuerpo Ms. B-V Java Game
Copy this to my account 3515 U1E1-3 Subject pronouns Señor Wojnar Quiz
Test your knowledge of subject pronouns. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3516 Etapa 3 Unit 2 - En español -- Java Game
Vocabulary Practice Copy this to my account 3517 1 U4L1 Vocabulary Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Vocabulary from Avancemos: Unidad 4 Lección 1 Copy this to my account 3518 La Salud y Las Enfermedades (Health and Illnesses) Ms. Mason Java Game
Health and Illnesses
Matching Game Copy this to my account 3519 Las Noticias #3 C Period Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Quiz on Friday Copy this to my account 3520 2 U1L2 Preterit (irregular verbs) Columns Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Match the subject and verb with the right form. Copy this to my account 3521 Capítulo 12: El pretérito de los Verbos ER e IR Ken J. Zeoli Jumbled Words
Unscramble these preterite verb forms. Each one is from an ER or IR verb. ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 3522 Capítulo 3: Prueba el verbo IR Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3523 La momia desaparece: Capítulos 1-8 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching for Chapters 1-8 Copy this to my account 3524 Formal Assessment ASD 1 Unit 4 Vocabulary 1 Ms. Pereira Quiz This quiz contains 17 questions. Copy this to my account 3525 Rosas de Casilda Sra. Cutter Sullivan Quiz
Fill in each blank with the correct preterite or imperfect form of the verb given in parenthesis. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3526 What kind of irregular verb is it Sra. Hays Columns
choose between e:ie, e:i, o:ue, irregular yo, etc.
some of the choices will be used will be used several times, others may not be used at all! Copy this to my account 3527 Spanish I: Objective 8 - Summative -- Quiz This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 3528 Avancemos, 4 U 5 L2 Vocabulario p. 290 Sra. Coutu Java Game
*talking about primary, secondary and post-secondary education
*talking about finances Copy this to my account 3529 El viaje perdido Carn Rags to Riches
Review Carlos' trip to Puerto Rico Copy this to my account 3530 III- 6.1 & 6.2 vocabulario -- Columns
MHow fast can you match the columns Copy this to my account 3531 Las aventuras de Isabela, Ch 5-6 Señoras Kline y Navarro Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3532 ESTAR, VENIR DE..., SENTIMIENTOS Sra. Frayre Cloze
Fill in each blank with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis. Don't forget the accents if necessary! Copy this to my account 3533 2B realidades clothing -- Java Game
Discuss and describe clothing Copy this to my account 3534 Capítulo 15, La vida social ..., Puntos de Partida y ¿Qué tal? R. Vacchio Java Game
Vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 3535 Sp 1 Preliminar Los días de la semana Mlle/Srta. Read Columns
Practice matching up the days of the week with their meanings. From the Etapa Preliminar of En Español 1. Copy this to my account 3536 Sp 2 U6E2 Sra. Brown Java Game
indicating which one, ordinal #s, people, at the farm, telling where things are located, etc. Copy this to my account 3537 Realidades 1- To Greet Someone -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3538 U2E1-6 AR Verb Formative Quiz Señor Wojnar Quiz
This is a test of your knowledge of conjugating AR verbs. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3539 Avancemos 2 1.1 Dir Obj Vocab Monsieur Marcantel Java Game
Copy this to my account 3540 Vocabulario Primer Paso Capitulo 9 -- Columns
Giving Directions Copy this to my account 3541 Buen Viaje cap.12 Señor Fields Battleship
Palabras 1 Copy this to my account 3542 04 - Food - Hangman -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 3543 Estar, Subject Pronouns, & Adjectives of Feelings Dianne Guest Hangman
Spelling will count! Use the language key pad included. You may also use any of your notes to help you with this. Copy this to my account 3544 Vocabulary 5.1 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3545 Pretérito o Imperfecto gramática #1 Señor Fernandes Quiz
Decide whether to use the preterit or the imperfect. This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 3546 Repaso para Navegando I Mrs. Corban Rags to Riches
Review for the Navegando I final exam
Ch. 1-4 Copy this to my account 3547 Batalla de adjectivos -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 3548 Triángulo: La escuela I Sra. Chamberlain Java Game
p. 159 Copy this to my account 3549 Capítulo 7: Las vacaciones (preguntas y respuestas) Sra. Koenig Battleship
Copy this to my account 3550 -ER verbs (span 1/2) Jacobson Ms. J Patterns
Copy this to my account 3551 Bravo Level 2 Unidad 4 Lección 1 -- Jumbled Words
Jumbled vocabulary Copy this to my account 3552 Etapa 1 Unit 2 - En español -- Java Game
Vocabulary Practice Copy this to my account 3553 Un amigo o una amiga - Challenge Board Carol Hamilton Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3554 R1--1A--Los Cognados Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
For each list of words, decide which one is NOT a cognate. Copy this to my account 3555 3-1 Spelling Practice Señora Terndrup Hangman
Practice spelling the vocabulary words from Ven Conmigo Chapter 3 Primer Paso. With nouns, include the definite articles. With interrogative words, include the Spanish question marks. Copy this to my account 3556 Verbos -ar ysidore perez Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3557 Español 3: un viaje al extranjero, parte 2 Sara Johnson Java Game
Copy this to my account 3558 Español 3 "ser y estar" Señora Baumann Java Game
Copy this to my account 3559 Celebraciones del Mundo Hispanohablante Sra. Pundsack Scavenger Hunt
How DO Spanish speaking cultures celebrate their holidays? Copy this to my account 3560 Celebraciones con la familia Sra. Bishop Quiz This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 3561 En Espanol II Vocabulario 2-3 Mrs. Shields Java Game
Copy this to my account 3562 Chapter Four ABordo Vocabulary Paola Nilsen Quiz
Review of vocabulary for the Midterm This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3563 Lección Preliminar- Nueva York ¡Hola! (414) nora kinney Java Game
Copy this to my account 3564 SPANISH COUNTRY CAPITALS Mrs.Vazquez Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 3565 ¡Exprésate! 3 - Capítulo 1 - Vocabulario 2 Sra. Kelly Java Game
Flashcards Copy this to my account 3566 Unidad 4 etapa 1 addresses, transportation and other words Señora Fuller Java Game
Copy this to my account 3567 Unidad 5 lección 2 - Los mandatos Mr. Friedrich Pop-ups
Can you select the correct command for the sentences given?
¡Ojo! I added direct object pronouns to some of the commands. Copy this to my account 3568 Ven Conmigo II 2.1 Sentirse Profesora Duronio Cloze
Copy this to my account 3569 La Computadora Señora Java Game
Copy this to my account 3570 Vocab, Lección 1 - "Con ganas de triunfar" Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para practicar el vocabulario Copy this to my account 3571 Adivina que es...Sp3.2.1 Señora Pamela Quiz This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 3572 Para Empezar 2 Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 3573 Avancemos ...unidad 1 lección 1 Sra. Withers Patterns
Put the following vocab words in the correct categories. Copy this to my account 3574 Capítulo 2 ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 2 Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Vocabulario para acompañar al Capítulo 2 ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 2. Copy this to my account 3575 Mini cuento 2-2 Senor Java Game
Copy this to my account 3576 El Presente Perfecto - Indicativo Sra. Frayre Cloze
Llena los espacios con la forma correcta del presente perfecto y (o) del participio pasado. Copy this to my account 3577 Exprésate 1 capitulo 4 Debbie Mensinger Rags to Riches
Uses Exprésate 1 vocabulary 4-1. Copy this to my account 3578 Menudo Lección 11 Cathy Wiley Java Game
Copy this to my account 3579 Prueba los quehaceres y la casa Señora Faucher Quiz
capítulo 5.2 This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3580 Buildings/Los edificios gloria Java Game
Copy this to my account 3581 Realidades B: 6A Superlatives (Pop-Ups) Jennifer Noonan Pop-ups
Use your Superlatives notes to help you to translate the phrase to Spanish or to finish the phrase. Copy this to my account 3582 Capitulo 5 B Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 3583 Los Deportes Mr. Malva Java Game
Copy this to my account 3584 "Destinos" vocab. Episodios 42-44 Doña Kay Hartsock Java Game
Copy this to my account 3585 Diaz Vocab 1 Animales Sra. Benton Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3586 Reflexives 1 Linda Akwa Java Game
Copy this to my account 3587 En mi estuche tengo -- Battleship
Battleships Copy this to my account 3588 paso a paso 1: capítulo 1.1 Sara Johnson Java Game
¿Qué te gusta hacer? Copy this to my account 3589 Commands 1 - 20 Thomas F. Strotman Battleship
Commands 1-20 from Survival Booklet Copy this to my account 3590 I 5A Vocabulario Madame Young Java Game
Realidades I, p. 244, vocabulario Copy this to my account 3591 Spanish 1 Cap 3 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 3592 01 - Friends - Matching -- Columns
Copy this to my account 3593 Numbers in the "Hundreds" Julie Reinshagen Columns
How well do you know the numbers in the "hundreds" place? Match the Spanish word with the correct numeral! Copy this to my account 3594 Realidades 3 - Cap. 3 A primera vista 1 Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Match the Spanish with the English to practice the vocabulary from pages 114-115. Copy this to my account 3595 REPASO DE 2o. GRADO Sra. Kacmarik Rags to Riches
Unidades: Saludos, objetos de clase, partes del cuerpo, números y ropa. Copy this to my account 3596 por para -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3597 SP 1--Lesson 14 Vocab Mrs C Java Game
Copy this to my account 3598 Las Aventuras de Isabela Capítulos 1-3 Elizabeth DeJesus Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 3599 Vocabulario, Cap. 11 y 12 de Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para practicar el vocabulario Copy this to my account 3600 Esp3 Un1Et2 vocabulary Sra. DeHart Java Game
Practice of 1st 2 columns of vocabulary Unidad 1 Etapa 2 p. 73 Copy this to my account 3601 El muralismo méxicano -- Rags to Riches
Answer the questions about the Mexican Muralists. Copy this to my account 3602 Paso a paso A - Chapter 2, TPRS Vocab Part I Brookside 6th grade Java Game
Copy this to my account 3603 Chapter 3-1 Quiz review Sra Boddy Battleship
A challenging game of battleship reviewing classes, time and definite articles Copy this to my account 3604 Exprésate I Cap. 6 Vocab. 1 Señora Orr Java Game
Copy this to my account 3605 Tecnología Ms. J Battleship
Span 3/4 -- Technology vocab Copy this to my account 3606 Buen Viaje II Ch 4-7 Corrine Morton-Greiner Java Game
Final Exam Review Ch 4-7 & supplementary vocabulary Copy this to my account 3607 2 Avancemos 3.1 A Sra. Núñez Quiz This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 3608 A bordo Capítulo 9 Mandatos formales Señor Fields Cloze
¡Completen con un mandato formal! Copy this to my account 3609 Vocabulario #3: Los deportes Señora Daniel Java Game
Copy this to my account 3610 Spanish 3 Test on Command Forms Mr. Edgar Roca Quiz
Repaso de Imperativo Formal e Informal This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 3611 adverbs Listos 2 rojo p8 Mr REY Java Game
Copy this to my account 3612 Almost a woman by Esmeralda Santaigo Sra. Cutter Sullivan Quiz
Fill in the blanks with the preterite form of the verb given in parenthesis. This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 3613 Los adjetivos 2 Señora Clem Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 3614 Ven Conmigo - Capitulo 3 Primer paso Sra. Webb Java Game
Copy this to my account 3615 La familia Castillo Saavedra -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 3616 Spanish 3/4 II 2006 Las descripciones de las personas Profe. Java Game
Copy this to my account 3617 Realidades 7-set II Sra. Chamberlain Java Game
pp295-305; 73 words Copy this to my account 3618 Tener, Venir, Querer & Time Mademoiselle Stone Challenge Board
Practice conjugating verbs & working with time. Copy this to my account 3619 español uno: 2,2 vocabulary Trina Godwin Java Game
Copy this to my account 3620 500 palabras -- Battleship
pages 1-8 Copy this to my account 3621 Comparisons of inequality Capt 5 Paso 3 Dimelo tu Dr. Eneida Pugh Rags to Riches
Practice the use of comparisons of inequality in Dimelo tu. Dr. Pugh WAIT FOR PLUG IN Copy this to my account 3622 U5E1 Personal Care Items & Body Parts Sra. Alpert Hangman
Copy this to my account 3623 Classroom objects (5N) Lake Highland Preparatory School Java Game
Los objetos escolares Copy this to my account 3624 2 U3L2 Todos tipos de verbos en el pretérito Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 3625 Bienvenidos Capítulo 7--Verbos e>ie Señor Fields Challenge Board
Práctica de verbos que tienen el cambio
e>ie Copy this to my account 3626 1Ch6Family Vocabulary Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Say the Spanish word for the family member. Copy this to my account 3627 Adjectives hangman A P Hangman
Un juego para practicar los adjetivos Copy this to my account 3628 Español 1, Unidad 4, Lección 2: las palabras interrogativas -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 3629 1A U2E2 Vocab. Check 1 Quiz Señor Bain Quiz
Take this quiz to determine which vocabulary you know and what you need to practice. Take this as many times as it is necessary until you have mastered everything! This quiz contains 37 questions. Copy this to my account 3630 Sp 3 Etapa 1.1 Vocab Opposites Mlle/Srta. Read Columns
Match up the opposite adjectives. Copy this to my account 3631 Spanish -ar verbs Lizz Caplan-Carbin Java Game
Copy this to my account 3632 I: Ch. 6.1 Vocab Activities Señora Clarke Java Game
Copy this to my account 3633 17 Personajes en Mango Street Adriana Persin Quiz
Escribe el nombre de la persona que se describe. (son 17 personajes). This quiz contains 17 questions. Copy this to my account 3634 FEELINGS Mrs.Vazquez Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 3635 CAPITULO 2 PASO II ¿Te despiertas temprano? Señora Oberdorfer Java Game
practice games to learn basic vocabulary for 1st vocab section of reflexive verbs chapter 2 Paso II Copy this to my account 3636 El pretérito / Verbos regulares en -ar Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 3637 Capítulo 7: Las vacaciones (Paso a Paso 1) Sra. Koenig Hangman
Copy this to my account 3638 Unidad 1, Etapa 1 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Java Game
Copy this to my account 3639 Vocabulario, Cap. 7 y 8 de Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para practicar el vocabulario de Capítulos 7 y 8 Copy this to my account 3640 II Realidades -El tiempo libre - 1B Madame Young Challenge Board
Review vocabulary for II Realidades-1B Copy this to my account 3641 12 Personajes y algunas más de Mango Street Adriana Persin Quiz
Escoge la respuesta que mejor describe a los personajes. This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 3642 Paso 3 Picture Challenge Mr. Tim Fisher Scavenger Hunt
Copy this to my account 3643 31) Capítulo 4 Vocabulario 1 Exprésate II Señora Negrón Java Game
Study this vocabulary and practice. Copy this to my account 3644 La Casa -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3645 1 U3L2 Expressing Equality Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 3646 adverbios Sarah Bougos Java Game
adding -mente to creat an adverb Copy this to my account 3647 La ropa en español Aileen O'Suilleabhain Java Game
Copy this to my account 3648 vocab: orange U4E3 Sra. Brown Java Game
shopping Copy this to my account 3649 05 - Family - Concentration and Flashcards -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3650 U3E1-9 - Preparation for Test - U3-E1 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Unit 3 Chapter 2 Test Prep This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3651 Spanish for Mastery 3 Pre-Chapter 1 Sra. Sparks Java Game
Copy this to my account 3652 2-U3E3 - Una visita al médico Dra. C Cloze
Complete this story with the appropriate verb forms. WATCH for Preterite and Imperfects! This story was written by a Carmel Spn II student. Copy this to my account 3653 Ordinal Numbers Señora Phillips Ordered List
See if you can put these ordinal numbers (first, second, etc.) in order. Copy this to my account 3654 En Espanol Dos Señora Fernández de Dunn Java Game
Unidad 1:3 Copy this to my account 3655 2 U1L1 Navidad: indirect object pronouns Cloze Monsieur Marcantel Cloze
indirect object pronouns Copy this to my account 3656 3:1--Las Clases -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3657 Chapter 8-Spell-changing Subjunctive J F Cardona Quiz
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3658 Realidades 6A: ¡En Mi Dormitorio! Señor W Java Game
Copy this to my account 3659 2-U1E3: La cultura Dra. C Columns
Review the culture (including nationalities) from this unit. Be sure to do this BEFORE the unit test. Do it several times because only 10 will appear each time. Copy this to my account 3660 Vocabulario Clave (Verbos, Sustantivos & Ampliación) -- Java Game
Las artes culinarias y la nutrición
Capítulo 8
Conexiones Copy this to my account 3661 La Familia a Java Game
Copy this to my account 3662 Question Word Practice World Languages Columns
Copy this to my account 3663 Spanish 3/4 II 2006 El mapa y la geografia, España Profe. Java Game
Copy this to my account 3664 Para Empezar 1 Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 3665 Paso 2 Capítulo 13 Vocabulario w/ images Mr. Tim Fisher Java Game
Copy this to my account 3666 Las presiones de la vida estudiantil -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 3667 Bravo level 1 Unidad 4 lección 2 -- Java Game
vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 3668 Deportes Sra. Hays Hangman
All manner of sports for you to decipher. Unless otherwise noted all words begin with a form of the word "the" Copy this to my account 3669 -ar infinitives, Cap. 4 Señora Siefert Java Game
Match each Spanish verb with the correct English meaning. Copy this to my account 3670 Imagen y Salud -- Java Game
Vocabulary for this section. Synonyms are given separately. Copy this to my account 3671 Chapter 2 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3672 Quiz P-1: Classroom Commands & Communication Sra. Rivera-Yanko Quiz
Match the Spanish terms to the English terms. This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 3673 FINAL EXAM - SPANISH 1 -- Quiz This quiz contains 100 questions chosen from a bank of 360. Copy this to my account 3674 A01 McPeak Vocabulary Games Señora McPeak Java Game
Copy this to my account 3675 Nuevas Vistas Introducción 3-2 Review Debbie Mensinger Challenge Board
Categories: vocabulary 3-2, imperative, two pronouns, S, C, & Z, Culture p.140-1 Copy this to my account 3676 FINAL REVIEW QUESTIONS Senora Loeb Quiz
THis is your final review. THis review coveres almost everything from the beginning of the year through today. Some or all of the questions on this review came directly form other quizzes, and could possible be on tomorrow's final. You may use... This quiz contains 90 questions. Copy this to my account 3677 Si fuera: Práctica con la expresión hipotética Señor Raschio Battleship
Change the verb in the Si clause to reflect the subject in parentheses, then finish the sentence with the most logical thought from the list. Copy this to my account 3678 Los verbos reflexivos -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 3679 Thematic Vocabulary # 2 Arboles Ms. Acocella Java Game
Please remember that I am unable to add accents to this activiyt- disculpeme! Copy this to my account 3680 te presento a mi familia Mr REY Java Game
based on listos 3 rojo unit 1 Copy this to my account 3681 SP 2/3: Direct object pronouns Mrs C Pop-ups
Determine which direct object pronoun is needed by selecting the correct one seen within the context of a Spanish sentence. ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 3682 Los secretos de familia - capitulo 03 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 3683 Exprésate 1 Chapter 8b Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 3684 9. Semester 1 Final Practice (Ir + a + infinitive) Heidi Beller Battleship
Copy this to my account 3685 1 U3L2 Making Comparisons Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 3686 Panorama chapter 4 vocabulary -- Java Game
Pasatiempos, p. 120. All 101 words are here! Keep playing to see new words! Copy this to my account 3687 SP 2H Pre-Assessment - Listening Profe Quiz This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 3688 Capítulo 7b Prueba #1 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3689 Avancemos 1 Semester1 Monsieur Marcantel Quiz
Unit 2, Lesson 1 and recycled previous questions This quiz contains 37 questions chosen from a bank of 36. Copy this to my account 3690 Fruits and Veggies A. Martell Java Game
Copy this to my account 3691 6-7 grammar 6-2 Renee Koeneman Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3692 Expresate I Monsieur Frazier Java Game
Chapter 6-2 Copy this to my account 3693 en vivo substantiver kap. 4-9 OG Spansk Java Game
Copy this to my account 3694 SPANISH CULTURE Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Columns
SPAIN Copy this to my account 3695 Dimelo tú VOCABULARIO ParaEmpezar Dr. Eneida Pugh Rags to Riches
VOCABULARIO ParaEmpezar Pugh (Dimelo tá)
Rags to Riches Copy this to my account 3696 Mi Adorado Juan -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3697 Capítulo 7 - vocab. temático Profa Cooper Java Game
school and preterite tense Copy this to my account 3698 Capítulo 5A Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 3699 En la clase- Lección Preliminar Avancemos 1 Srta Connors Hangman
useful phrases used by teachers, students, and textbooks Copy this to my account 3700 Sp 1 Ch1 Forms matching game Monsieur Marcantel Columns
DO THIS ACTIVITY 3 TIMES Copy this to my account 3701 ¿DÓNDE? and ESTAR Sra. Frayre Quiz
Using dónde and estar to ask where the subject is. This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 3702 3-1, 3-2 Ven Conmigo Señora Hopkins Rags to Riches
A practice of various phrases on time, hurry, and whose it is. Copy this to my account 3703 Pamplona y Los Verbos Karen Finnance Rags to Riches
Practice AR ER and IR verbs plus Pamplona Vocabulary Copy this to my account 3704 numbers 1-15 - Battleship Thomas F. Strotman Battleship
Copy this to my account 3705 Bravo 1 Unidad 4 lección 1 Mrs. Sanchez-Bell Java Game
Copy this to my account 3706 Los animales de varios colores María E. Valenzuela-Williams Java Game
Copy this to my account 3707 School, Sports, Music and Food Hangman Señor Morejón Hangman
Guess the correct Spanish word by selecting a letter. Use the clues (if you get some)to guess the answer for each. Be sure not to become a victim of the mahngna! Copy this to my account 3708 E►IE stem changing verbs Mr Izard Java Game
When you conjugate these verbs in the present tense the E changes to IE with al pronouns except NOSOTROS (and vosotros).
Note the similarities and differences betwees SENTIR (to feel) and SENTARSE (to sit down) Copy this to my account 3709 Ropa/Clothes GR1 (IF) Señora Klebba Java Game
Ropa/Clothes (IF)
Teach Them Spanish GR1 Copy this to my account 3710 En Español U3Etapa3 -- Java Game
Practice with vocabulary Copy this to my account 3711 Reflexives -- Rags to Riches
¿Quién quiere ser un millonario?
Try to choose the correct answer to win a million pesos...NP$!!! Copy this to my account 3712 7-2 Writing Practice Lakota Spanish Teachers Quiz
Practice your writing skills by putting it all together. This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 3713 capítulo 2A Realidades II Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 3714 personal info - questions and answers Mr REY Java Game
Copy this to my account 3715 doña Di's Doler y el cuerpo Dianne Guest Jumbled Words
Build your skill with this verb and the associated vocabulary. Copy this to my account 3716 Buen Viaje Cap 1, question words & questions -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3717 Verbs 1 Linda Akwa Battleship
Use your knowledge of verbs to choose the correct form and win the game! Copy this to my account 3718 Leccion 16 Cathy Wiley Java Game
Copy this to my account 3719 Español 2, Unidad 1, Lección 1: las palabras interrogativas -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 3720 En Español LEVEL 1 Final exam review Mrs. Hicks Challenge Board
This is like Jeopardy. Use letters with accent marks where needed or the answer will be incorrect. If you see the word "the" with a noun, you need the definite article (el, la, los, las) Copy this to my account 3721 El presente de los verbos regulares en -ir Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 3722 Patricia Va a California, Capítulo 7 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3723 Feelings-Sentimientos Señora Nadeau Java Game
Match feelings from Spanish to English. ¡Buena suerte! :) Copy this to my account 3724 Vocabulario, Repaso B - La nacionalidad Michelle Marnicio Hangman
Un juego para practicar los adjetivos de nacionalidad Copy this to my account 3725 BUEN VIAJE REPASO A VOCABULARIO Sra. Aguirre Java Game
Copy this to my account 3726 Negative tú commands - Paragraph fill in. Sra. Frayre Cloze
¿Qué consejos le das a tu primo cuando va a una nueva escuela? Llena el espacio con el mandato correcto. / What advice do you give your cousing when he goes to a new school? Fill in the space with the correct command. Copy this to my account 3727 Los Animales 2 Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Copy this to my account 3728 Paso 3 Capítulo 3 Vocabulario en contexto Mr. Tim Fisher Cloze
Copy this to my account 3729 The Body Parts - Las partes del cuerpo Señorita Saavedra Java Game
Copy this to my account 3730 Restaurante vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3731 Vocabulary Chapter 6A - Navegando 1 Mme Snyder Quiz
Spanish 1, Navegando 1, Vocabulary Ch. 6, Lesson A This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 3732 Sports Spanish 2 Mrs. Cushing Java Game
Chapter 4 of Expresate Level 2 book Copy this to my account 3733 El modo imperativo (mandatos) (Exploraciones C10-B) -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3734 Sp. 3, LIST Ch. 2a, Ofelia Meets E.T., a story -- Picture Perfect
HINTS AT BOTTOM. CHECK ANSWERS AS YOU GO. Copy this to my account 3735 I Cap 4 Interrogative Words -- Java Game
Practice and memorize the question words. Copy this to my account 3736 Avancemos 2 Ch2 Semester 1 Test Monsieur Marcantel Quiz This quiz contains 37 questions chosen from a bank of 32. Copy this to my account 3737 Ven Conmigo, Level 2, Ch. 5 Tercer Paso Sra. Mitchell Java Game
Vocabulario del tercer paso de Capítulo 5 de Ven Conmigo, nivel 2 Copy this to my account 3738 Español 3, Unidad 7, Lección 2: el vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3739 A bordo Capítulo 10 mandatos negativos Señor Fields Cloze
Completen con un mandato informal negativo.... Copy this to my account 3740 2:U1L3: Foods, etc. PROFE Hangman
Copy this to my account 3741 Capitulo 4A Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 3742 Buen Viaje 1 Chap 1 - Palabras 1 UN AMIGO O UNA AMIGA señor Tocino Java Game
Practice your vocabulary from text pp. 14-15 & 25 Copy this to my account 3743 Sp 2 Beauty and the Beast Song La Bella y la Bestia Mlle/Srta. Read Jumbled Words
Using the words to the song, La Bella y la Bestia, unscramble these words. You only need to type in the scrambled part. Copy this to my account 3744 Adelante Chapter 2 Primer Paso Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Copy this to my account 3745 Realidades I - Capítulo 9B -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3746 AVANCEMOS 1-CHAPTER 4 LESSON 2 COACH PREAUS Java Game
VOCABULARY AND GRAMMER Copy this to my account 3747 Buen Viaje 1 Chap 3 - AR verbs (E>S) señor Tocino Java Game
Copy this to my account 3748 Vocabulario Capitulo 5 Sr. Castellanos Java Game
Juega este juego de vocabulario antes de la prueba del Capítulo 5 Copy this to my account 3749 Las emociones Señora Kuhlman Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 3750 SP 1--Lesson 1 Mrs C Java Game
Introductory vocabulary from Lección A of textbook Copy this to my account 3751 Your posessions Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 3752 TPR Practice #1 (for TPRS Supplement to Paso a Paso 1) el cuerpo Dianne Guest Java Game
Copy this to my account 3753 Spanish 1 U1E2 review of unit -- Challenge Board
How well do you know unit one, lesson two? Challenge yourself or challenge a partner - this game covers vivir vs. ser, regular verbs, colors, clothing, and culture (cultural opener, pg 23 and la musica tejana)! Copy this to my account 3754 Classroom Objects Señora Moore Hangman
Copy this to my account 3755 9. Semester 1 Final Practice (Adjectives) Heidi Beller Java Game
Copy this to my account 3756 DIME UNO; 7.2 sentences -- Java Game
Sentences with pronouns using the verbs from Dime Uno, unit 7, lesson 2 Copy this to my account 3757 La comunidad-Chap. 10-Español I -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3758 Los países y sus capitales Sra. Frayre Java Game
Copy this to my account 3759 Capítulo 4a Prueba #2 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3760 Realidades 2 Chapter 6B vocabulary Barbara Englebert Java Game
Copy this to my account 3761 Costumbres y tradiciones Srita. Vargas Java Game
Continuemos Lección 4 Copy this to my account 3762 El Cuerpo -- Jumbled Words
Unscramble the Spanish words for the parts of the body. Copy this to my account 3763 LOS PERSONAJES DE 'HARRY POTTER Y LA PIEDRA FILOSOFAL' Ramon Barlam Hangman
A través de este juego del ahorcado debes recordar los nombres de los personajes que aparecen en el libro 'Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal', de J.K. Rowling. Copy this to my account 3764 ¡Ven conmigo! Level 2, Capí­tulo 8, Tercer Paso SenyorM Java Game
Copy this to my account 3765 Las Frutas -- Pop-ups
Test your knowledge of Spanish fruit names with this pop-up game. Copy this to my account 3766 chap 5 - letter writing MmeZedd Picture Perfect
Put the letter back in to a logical order. Copy this to my account 3767 1 U4L2 Vocabulary Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Vocabulary from Avancemos: Unidad 4 Lección 2 Copy this to my account 3768 El Arte vocabulario Sra. Lari Rags to Riches
to practice the vocabulary for the art unit Copy this to my account 3769 Exprésate I Cap. 5 Vocab. 2 Señora Orr Java Game
Copy this to my account 3770 the 8 question words Carol Hamilton Columns
Match the words in Spanish with the corresponding word in English Copy this to my account 3771 Ven Conmigo 8-3 Señora Goldstein Java Game
Ven Conmigo 8-3 Level I
Making polite requests
Ordering in a... Copy this to my account 3772 Ir de cámping Srta. Wilmus Rags to Riches
Capítulo 1 Realidades 3 - Test your knowledge of the first section of vocabulary. Copy this to my account 3773 el capítulo 5 - verb match Marcy Webb Columns
match the verb conjugation to the translation Copy this to my account 3774 GCSE Spanish - conversation practice Carol Hunter Quiz
Be careful - the ones where you have to type in an answer must be spelt correctly and accents must match This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3775 la rutina diaria Miss McMurray Java Game
Copy this to my account 3776 Realidades 2-1A Vocabulario Sra. Guzmán Java Game
Match Spanish with English Copy this to my account 3777 Español 1+: Animales Lindquist/Turner Java Game
Copy this to my account 3778 Al Partir Vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3779 III-7.1 -- Columns
Copy this to my account 3780 Capítulo 2a Prueba #2 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3781 Mini cuento 2-6 Senor Java Game
Copy this to my account 3782 Cap. 9/ Paso 1 Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Ven Conmigo 2- Vocabulario Copy this to my account 3783 Viva el toro 1-4- -- Java Game
Preguntas sobre el cuento Copy this to my account 3784 CFA: Los verbos irregolares en el futuro y en el condicional Mark V. Foster, Ph.D. Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3785 Español III -- Semester 1 Vocabulary Review Señorita Psket Java Game
Copy this to my account 3786 LICT vocab capítulo 7 Diane la maestra Columns
Copy this to my account 3787 Spanish 1 Cap 9 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 3788 Exprésate I, Ch. 4-2 Vocabulary Sra. Calise Java Game
Basic vocabulary from Chapter 4-2 Copy this to my account 3789 Español 1 2B La Escuela 25-37 Señora Baumann Hangman
Copy this to my account 3790 Animales en espanol A. Candia Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 3791 En contacto [¡Vaya! nuevo 1 Unidad 5] Jonathan Rowlands Java Game
All you need to know about staying in touch from Spain, asking for postcards, stamps, etc. Copy this to my account 3792 1 U2L3 Places and Prepositions Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Students will practice de conjugation of the ver estar. Learn about basic places and prepositions. Copy this to my account 3793 Verbos en presente Sandra Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 3794 Greetings, Questions & Answers GR3 (IF) Señora Klebba Java Game
Teach Them Spanish! GR3 Copy this to my account 3795 2 U2L1 - irregular and stem-changing preterite verbs Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 3796 Reciprocidad MmeZedd Cloze
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to show that these people are both doing this action. Copy this to my account 3797 Realidades 3, Chapter 1A JG Dr. Parra Java Game
Copy this to my account 3798 SG: 2.1 Las Materias - Hangman Professoressa Marchesi Hangman
Copy this to my account 3799 el capítulo 5 - verb agreement -- Java Game
match the English and Spanish translations Copy this to my account 3800 Lección 10 de Puente 1 -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 3801 BV3 capitulo 1 present practice Sra. DeHart Java Game
Practice for 1st quiz over present tense in Buen Viaje level 3 Capitulo 1 Copy this to my account 3802 ¡Ojo con estas palabras! -- "to ask" Señora Zarria Columns
Copy this to my account 3803 Exprésate 3: Jeopardy to review chapter 1 for unit test. Debbie Mensinger Challenge Board
Exprésate 3: Jeopardy to review chapter 1 for unit test. Categories include: Vocabulary, Preterite and Imperfect, Subjunctive and Indicative, Ser and Estar, and Comparisons. Copy this to my account 3804 doña Di's Gustar, et al Dianne Guest Pop-ups
Strengthen your skills in using gustar and verbs like it and the grammatical patterns that are used with those verbs. You will choose the answer that most correctly completes the expression or that most correctly translates the expression. Copy this to my account 3805 Ropa Sra. Geer Columns
Copy this to my account 3806 Chapter 5 1ra Parte, Verbs DECIR, DAR, & Indirect Object Pronouns Arriba Dr. Eneida Pugh Quiz
Write correct verb form for Decir and Dar. Write correct Indirect object pronoun in the blank. REMEMBER to add accent marks where needed-they count toward correct answer. This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 15. Copy this to my account 3807 Primer Paso - P1,2,3 Sra. Shelly Krueger Java Game
Copy this to my account 3808 Vocabulario de la casa #1 Sra. Szabo Jumbled Words
Unscrable the words and practice your vocabulary Copy this to my account 3809 A bordo Capítulo 6 palabras 2 Señor Fields Java Game
¡más práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 3810 1 U4L1 Querer Conjugation Puzzle Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Place the conjugated verb querer in order to a typical verb chart.
1 - yo 4 - nosotros
2 - tú 5 -... Copy this to my account 3811 Unidad 1- Etapa3 Vocabulario Srta. Asa Java Game
Vocab practice Copy this to my account 3812 Comprensión Auditiva 1 La Hora Cesar Robalino Quiz
Escuche y conteste las preguntas This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 3813 Las nacionalidades 2 Sra. Frayre Cloze
Copy this to my account 3814 El arte Sra. Vonesh Rags to Riches
Tomado de "Galeria de arte y vida" c. 1 Copy this to my account 3815 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 2 Señorita Cox Hangman
Copy this to my account 3816 Spanish-Speaking Nationalities -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3817 3B Vocab Sra. Castro Java Game
Realidades 3B vocabulario Copy this to my account 3818 Expresate 1, Capitulo 2, Repaso de Vocabulario 2 Profesora Jiménez-Biles Java Game
Copy this to my account 3819 Realidades 2 - Capítulo 5B Vocabulario Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Match the Spanish vocabulary word with its English meaning. Copy this to my account 3820 En Espanol II Vocabulario 2-1 Mrs. Shields Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3821 Realidades 2 6B practice with present perfect pam satterfield Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 3822 Mastery 3 Unidad 13 Vocabulario pp386, pp388-389 C. Hughes Java Game
Aqui se arregla; trabajos de casa, el equipo audiovisual y de sonido, y para conversar. Copy this to my account 3823 guatemalaintro adjektiver OG Spansk Java Game
Copy this to my account 3824 ¡Exprésate! 3 - Capítulo 1 - Vocabulario 1 Mary Louise Chillington Java Game
Copy this to my account 3825 More Spanish Subject Pronoun Practice -- Java Game
Practice fiugring out the correct Subject Pronoun in Spanish.
Be careful! The ones with a COMMA after are talking directly TO the person or persons. (Example: "John, are YOU going to the soccer game?" "Juan, ¿tú vas al partido de fútbol?"
"Paco y... Copy this to my account 3826 Spanish I Unit 5 Vocabulary Matching: Food and Restaurant The Teacher Quiz
2009-2010 PGMS Kent This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 3827 ¡Exprésate 1! Examen del capítulo 1 (REG) Sra. Josephine Morales Rodríguez Quiz This quiz contains 36 questions. Copy this to my account 3828 reflaxive verbs Pam Friedenbach Java Game
Yankton High School Spanish II reflexive verbs in Spanish Copy this to my account 3829 español uno: 3,1 vocabulary Trina Godwin Java Game
Copy this to my account 3830 5-01-9 - Preparation for Test - Hola - Unit 2 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Unit 2 Test This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3831 Buen Viaje I 5 B Marcy Webb Java Game
Copy this to my account 3832 Ch12- #3 - Dialogos en el Restaurante - El Millonario Sra. Shanabrook Rags to Riches
Practice with mini dialogs in the restaurant Copy this to my account 3833 III Capítulo 3-La comida Madame Young Java Game
Use p. 108 and your glossary to assist with this activity. Copy this to my account 3834 10 - Past Tense Verbs Sra. DeRosa Cloze
Copy this to my account 3835 Avancemos, Level 1- Basic Questions Chase Dedmon Battleship
Copy this to my account 3836 Exprésate 2 Verbos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3837 Los Animales Sra. Ekblad Java Game
Vocabulario Útil Copy this to my account 3838 Conversational Fillers jonathan Java Game
Spanish vocabulary words from Conversational Fillers section of chapter 3 of Holt's Ven Conmigo Level 3 Spanish Textbook. Copy this to my account 3839 Ven Conmigo 1:Capitulo 2 TERCER PASO p73 C. Hughes Java Game
Talking about what you need and want to do. Review the vocabulary using the flashcards, then practice by playing the games. Copy this to my account 3840 Chapter 3 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3841 La Puerta: capítulo 10 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3842 Etapa preliminar vocabulary Mrs. Lester Java Game
Copy this to my account 3843 Adjetivos:los contrarios Aileen O'Suilleabhain Java Game
Copy this to my account 3844 A Bordo Chapter 3-1 Señora Java Game
Copy this to my account 3845 R2:PE:Vocabulary Review pp.2-4 SRA. PAHL Java Game
Review the vocabulary, mostly adjectives, to descrbe what you and other people are like. Copy this to my account 3846 PASO A PASO capitulo 9 vocabulario 1 Dusty Rhodes Rags to Riches
Choose the correct English term for the Spanish term. Copy this to my account 3847 Animales list 1 Holly Little Java Game
Spanish voc for animals - list 1 Copy this to my account 3848 Mid SpII Voc 1 Ch 2 -- Java Game
Vocabulary Copy this to my account 3849 Spanish 1 Chapter 9 Hangman -- Hangman
Created by Anne Martin Copy this to my account 3850 Nature/La naturaleza gloria Java Game
Copy this to my account 3851 Opposites Mrs. Ansted Java Game
Can you name the opposites in Spanish? Copy this to my account 3852 Buen Viaje II Chapter 4 Vocab 1 -- Java Game
En la tienda de ropa Copy this to my account 3853 Palabras 8 I, La Comida Brenda Renczykowski Hangman
Capítulo 8, Voces y Vistas Copy this to my account 3854 Ven Conmigo 2: 1-1 La Ropa Sra. Scott Java Game
Copy this to my account 3855 Adelante Capítulo 1 páginas 44-46 Señorita Tiwari Pop-ups
Definite articles el, la, los, las,...all mean "the" Copy this to my account 3856 Español II - Repaso 1-9 y el futuro Rostek Columns
Bueno. Hoy debes probarme lo aue sepas. Copy this to my account 3857 Adjectivos con estar Mr. Mark Orsatti (Mr. O) Quiz
Escriba la forma apropiada de cada adjectivo. This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 28. Copy this to my account 3858 Double Object Pronouns y el futuro - Verde Cap. 6 Dana Bolluyt Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 3859 3A - breakfast and lunch Sra. Frayre Java Game
Copy this to my account 3860 Los mandatos y los quehaceres -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3861 Holidays -- Picture Perfect
Put the following holidays in correct chronological order starting with January 1. Copy this to my account 3862 la computadora - ordered list Carol Hamilton Ordered List
¿Qué haces primero, segundo, tercero, etc.? Copy this to my account 3863 El Cuerpo Ms. J Battleship
Partes del Cuerpo, Vocabulario. Copy this to my account 3864 Realidades I - Capítulo 8B -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3865 Misterios 4 - Vocabulario The DeLuccia's Java Game
Copy this to my account 3866 110 verbs Challenge Board Carol Hamilton Challenge Board
Vocabulary review of Spanish One verbs - both regular and irregular verbs Copy this to my account 3867 verduras y frutas Melle Corrignan Java Game
How well do you know your Spanish fruit and vegetables? Copy this to my account 3868 Sp. 4+, LIST, Ch. 6c (Por Cuentos) -- Java Game
Put these into far-out stories! Copy this to my account 3869 Regular -er verbs practice 1 Dianne Guest Quiz
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the indicated verb. Remember that you must capitalize and spell correctly. Quia grades very strictly. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3870 Avancemos II Unit 1.1 Practice Lesson Exam Sra. Leszczynski Quiz
25 Fill in the blank & multiple choice questions This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 3871 Exprésate 2 Chapter 2a Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 3872 School Vocabulary - Paso a Paso 1 CH 2 -- Rags to Riches
Practices vocabulary & some cultural knowledge from Paso a Paso 1 CH 2 - School Copy this to my account 3873 Español III Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Challenge Board
Capítulo 2
El imperfecto: repaso Copy this to my account 3874 Capítulo 7 Hangman Ken J. Zeoli Hangman
See if you have an eye for recognizing your Capítulo 7 vocabulary. Go for it! Copy this to my account 3875 Unidad 3, Etapa 2 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Java Game
Copy this to my account 3876 NEGATIVE COMMANDS FILL-IN -- Cloze
Fill in the blanks with the correct response Copy this to my account 3877 Realidades 2 Para Empezar J. Russum Java Game
Adjectives Review Copy this to my account 3878 Preposición Martine Savary Hangman
Copy this to my account 3879 BV3 Capítulo 1 vocabulario ps. 22-31 Sra. DeHart Java Game
Practice of vocabulary on pages 22, 26, and 30-31 Copy this to my account 3880 ¿ Sabes la cultura? -- Challenge Board
Ven Conmigo 1 Cultural review, Chapters 1-6 Copy this to my account 3881 capítulo 4A Realidades II Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 3882 Unidad 5 Lección 2 - Verbos Irregulares Mr. Friedrich Pop-ups
Do you know the forms of the six irregular verbs in the lesson? Copy this to my account 3883 Capítulo 3A Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 3884 VC1 CH3-3 Describing people -- Hangman
Adjectives to describe people and things Copy this to my account 3885 4 El Hogar (battleship) -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 3886 Unidad 3, Etapa 1 Grammar Quiz Practice Mrs. Lester Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 26. Copy this to my account 3887 Mandatos Señora Herrera Hangman
Copy this to my account 3888 Avancemos: Unidad 2 Lección 2 -- Java Game
Vocabulary practice from Avancemos Unidad 2 Lección 2 Copy this to my account 3889 El presente de los verbos en -er Mary Lynne DeMarinis Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 3890 Participios pasados como adjetivos Señora Daniel Columns
Match the past participle with its English equivalent. Copy this to my account 3891 Cap 5A R1 La Familia Sra. Hoover Jumbled Words
Family vocabulary words Copy this to my account 3892 ¿Qué animal es? Sra. Gilbert Java Game
Identify the animal in Spanish. Copy this to my account 3893 SFM III Unit 14 Vocabulary p.418-21 M. Van Camp Java Game
Remember: ♂= male, ♀= female Copy this to my account 3894 AR conjugations Pam Connell Java Game
Copy this to my account 3895 08 - House - Concentration and Flashcards -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3896 Español 3, Unidad 8, Lección 2: el vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3897 Las Comidas, Las Frutas, Los Vegetales, La Carne, Las Aves y Productos Lácteos Ms. Mason Java Game
Meals, fruits , vegetables, meat and dairy (milk) products
Matching Game, Concentration and Flash Cards Copy this to my account 3898 Realidades I - Capítulo 6A -- Columns
Practice Chapter 6A vocabulary with the following activity. Copy this to my account 3899 Can I...? Can you (usted)...? -- Java Game
For requests, eg restaurants Copy this to my account 3900 The Preterite of Hacer and Ir Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Grammar to accompany Ch. 13 of ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 1 Copy this to my account 3901 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 5b (Por Acciones) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3902 La comida Carol Hamilton Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3903 Buen Viaje Level 2 Chapter 7 Review Sra Pinter Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 3904 Preterit (irregular verbs) Señora Baumann Columns
Match the subject and verb with the right form. Copy this to my account 3905 ¿Quieres jugar? Mrs. Meyers Java Game
Practice sports vocabulary from Buen Viaje 1A
primera parte Copy this to my account 3906 Regular -ir verbs 2 Dianne Guest Patterns
Practise the present tense of some of the most common regular -ir verbs in Spanish and learn the meanings of the verbs in English. Copy this to my account 3907 Spanish is Fun - Lección 7 - Otras actividades Sra. Bachi Java Game
vocabulario Copy this to my account 3908 Battleship - Preguntas Básicas y Respuestas from the Adelante and Ven Conmigo texts Sr. Sprague Battleship
Here are a list of questions and possible answers that you can practice. They are all questions from your book. Choose the answer that makes the most sense. This is a great way to review your general Spanish knowledge. Copy this to my account 3909 Avancemos 2 U3-L1 Prueba de gramatica 1 extended 4/15/2014 - modified Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3910 ¿Qué hora es? Ms. Periman Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 3911 II 4B Vocabulario Madame Young Java Game
Realidades II, p. 234 Copy this to my account 3912 Capítulo 4 P & R QUIZ -- Quiz
Multiple choice quiz. This quiz contains 4 questions. Copy this to my account 3913 Etapa 3 Unit 1 Hangman En español -- Hangman
Vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 3914 Spanish IA - 6th. Grade - September 11 y 12 (2017) Pre-Assessment Señora Piedrahita Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 3915 Chap 6 Vocab El Tiempo Señora Aliahmady y Señora Eberhardt Java Game
Copy this to my account 3916 AP - HW29 Verbs used in Conversation Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3917 Expresate I Geocultura - Costa Rica Señora Terndrup Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 3918 Regular -ir verbs 1 Dianne Guest Java Game
Strengthen your knowledge of regular -ir verbs. Copy this to my account 3919 Aventura 1 Lesson 09 - animals & colours Carol Hunter Java Game
Copy this to my account 3920 Los días de la semana y los números ordinales Iraida C. Peinado Java Game
Practice the days of the week and the ordinal numbers. Copy this to my account 3921 2-U5E2 weather Dra. C Java Game
This activity works with the weather expressions from En Español 2 page 359 PLUS basic expressions from the REPASO p. 16. Copy this to my account 3922 Stem-Changing Verbs -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 3923 Casi Se Muere, Capítulo 3 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3924 Los objetos de la clase Señorita Brady Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 3925 Don Quixote Review Game Señor Morejón Rags to Riches
Earn Spanish gold coins (escudos) as you correctly answer questions regarding the adventures of Spain's most famous knight errant, "Don Quixote de La Mancha".
If you are unsure about a choice, you may use up to three hints per game but don't waste... Copy this to my account 3926 CAPITULO 7A - REPASO DEL VOCABULARIO Sra. Bishop Challenge Board
DO YOU KNOW THE PIECES AND PARTS IN ORDER TO GO SHOPPING FOR CLOTHES? TEST YOURSELF AGAINST A PARTNER Copy this to my account 3927 vocab from level 2 text; etapa preliminar part 1 Sra. Brown Java Game
discuss likes/dislikes; describe people/places; exchange greetings Copy this to my account 3928 3-U1E2 por vs para Señora Baumann Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 3929 A bordo Capítulo 11 palabras mezcladas Señor Fields Jumbled Words
¡Hay que practicar el vocabulario! Copy this to my account 3930 El Cuerpo -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3931 Me gusta... te gusta... etc. Mrs Foster Challenge Board
Challenge yourself to translate these tricky sentences! Copy this to my account 3932 Buen Viaje II Chapter 7 Vocab 1 -- Java Game
En el avión Copy this to my account 3933 capítulo 2 Dos Mundos Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 3934 ¡Hola! ¿Qué tal? Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Vocabulary activities for ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 1 lección 1.1 Copy this to my account 3935 Avancemos 2 Preliminar quiz pg 29 Vocabulario 9-20-2013 Form B Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Write the word in Spanish and include definite articles. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 3936 1B-Examen, page 1 part B Señora Storrs Quiz
Two students are discussing a friend. Choose a word from the word bank that best completes their thoughts.
-¿Cómo se llama tu amigo?
-(1)... This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 3937 La Puerta: capítulo 9 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3938 LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 1 estar Mrs Flannery Java Game
LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 1 estar Copy this to my account 3939 Unidad 5 Lección 1 - Vocabulario Nuevo - Los Muebles Mr. Friedrich Java Game
Use the activities here to practice your furniture vocablary Copy this to my account 3940 Español 3: capítulo 3.1 Sara Johnson Java Game
¿Qué tipo de arte prefieres? Copy this to my account 3941 En Vivo, stk. 1 - 9, repetition: Sænke slagskibe Eva Høeg Battleship
Copy this to my account 3942 Paso a Paso 3: Chapter 2 ¿Qué prefieres, vivir en la ciudad o en el campo? Lori Wilson Rags to Riches
Chapter 2 of Paso a Paso 3 Copy this to my account 3943 Buen Viaje 2 cap 10 formal commands Katie Jacobs Cloze
Letter to students Copy this to my account 3944 Cómo te va - A: Chapter 1 paso 2 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3945 La Navidad Srta. Wachlin Pop-ups
Christmas traditions in Spain and Mexico. Copy this to my account 3946 1 U1L2 Definite and Indefinte Articles in Sentences Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Choose the best option available! Copy this to my account 3947 BRAVO 1, Lección 2, Unidad 3 Mrs. Tuthill Quiz
Places in the school, tener que + infinitive, ir, and estar This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3948 VC3 CH7-2b -- Java Game
Describing an ideal relationship. Copy this to my account 3949 ¿Vas de camping? Brenda Renczykowski Java Game
Vocabulario, Capítulo 4 (Pasos y Puentes) Copy this to my account 3950 Paso a Paso 3 Jill Plucinski Java Game
chapter 5 vocabulary Copy this to my account 3951 Classroom Objects Señora Morley Java Game
Copy this to my account 3952 AR verbs 4 in Spanish, Present Tense Patterns Dianne Guest Java Game
Match the correct form of the Spanish verb with its English translation. Copy this to my account 3953 NYS Spanish Proficiency - Education Senora Roberts Java Game
Practice the Education Vocabulary for the NYS Proficiency test in Spanish Copy this to my account 3954 Chac Mool Hangman Iago Vazquez Hangman
Hangman with a few of the words for the vocabulary for Chac Mool Copy this to my account 3955 Present Tense stem changers Dra. C Java Game
Practice the present tense forms of the stem changers from En Español II: Etapa Preliminar. REMEMBER! There are 3 translations for most present tense verbs such as: hablo: I speak, I do speak, I am speaking Copy this to my account 3956 ESPAÑOL I - LECCIÓN 1 - VOCABULARIO SEÑORITA DRISKILL Java Game
Copy this to my account 3957 Conexiones Leccion 3.2 Vocabulario Profesora Duronio Java Game
Copy this to my account 3958 1-2a Vocabulary (pix) Exprésate Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 3959 Numbers and items Expresate 1 pg. 277 Shelly Plaster Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 3960 U3E3-1 - Vocabulary Practice Señor Wojnar Quiz
Use Vocabulary on Page 235. This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 3961 Geography Test Mrs. Ansted Quiz
Geography Test This quiz contains 29 questions. Copy this to my account 3962 Avancemos unidad 5 lección 2 level 1 Sra. Withers Battleship
"GO" verbs and other words and and phrase from the lesson. Copy this to my account 3963 HispanoHablantes - Cosas Interesantes Rostek Challenge Board
Para estudiantes advanzados Copy this to my account 3964 Hispanic Flags of North Central, South America and Spain -- Scavenger Hunt
Flags of Hispanic Countries
in Central, South America and Europe Copy this to my account 3965 Abriendo Paso - El delantal blanco 1 (cap.27) -- Java Game
Vocabulario útil para entender la obra y para prepararte para el examen de AP Copy this to my account 3966 Destinos Directions Puerto Rico -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3967 Paso a Paso A - 1er paso, Sección 4 -- Java Game
"La sala de clases" Copy this to my account 3968 U3E3-7-1 Present Progressive Señor Wojnar Quiz
Escribe la forma del progresivo. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 3969 1 U1L2 Adjectives Agreement Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 3970 Capítulo 1B Word Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 3971 South America Mr. Bowerman Mini Quiz
Chapter Ten Practice Test. Take this 20 question test. Click "Start Over" for new questions. There are a total of 42 questions. Use your "back" button to return to Lakeland Geography Online. Copy this to my account 3972 La profesora Martínez se levantó con el pie izquierdo -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3973 2nd 6 weeks Exam Final Senora Loeb Quiz
Please identify the verb meanings, and conjugate them appropriatly. ALl of these questions involve verbs. This quiz contains 24 questions. Copy this to my account 3974 Álbum: Una carta a Dios - Vocabulary Games Profe. Butcher Java Game
Here are some games to practice your vocabulary. Enjoy! [Caution - these may be addicting...] Copy this to my account 3975 La televisión y las películas. Aileen O'Suilleabhain Hangman
Copy this to my account 3976 Preterite Verbs--57 Sra. Ekblad Java Game
Inlgés/Español Copy this to my account 3977 Avancemos 2 U3-L1 Prueba de vocabulario 1 - 4/4/2014 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 3978 Unidad 3: Vocabulario (Español-Inglés) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3979 Las formas Señorita Brady Java Game
Copy this to my account 3980 Sp. 3, LIST Ch. 3a (Los Fáciles) -- Java Game
They may be new but are soooo easy. Copy this to my account 3981 Numbers 1-10 (lesson 2) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3982 Patricia Va a California, Capítulo 3 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 3983 Prepositional Phrases Of Location 1 Dianne Guest Hangman
Practice using prepositional phrases of location from Chapter 4 Segundo Paso. Copy this to my account 3984 la ropa María E. Valenzuela-Williams Java Game
Match the word in Spanish with the corresponding picture. Copy this to my account 3985 Ven Conmigo - Capitulo 1 Segundo Paso Sra. Webb Java Game
Copy this to my account 3986 La Ropa OG Spansk Java Game
Copy this to my account 3987 LAS ESTACIONES Y EL TIEMPO Sra. Frayre Java Game
The seasons & weather expressions and other vocabulary from Unidad 3 Etapa 3 Copy this to my account 3988 Avancemos 3.1 future/conditional -- Quiz
Practice with future and conditional forms. This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 45. Copy this to my account 3989 UN 3 Et 2 e --> ie verbs Ms Chabot Challenge Board
Practice with "boot" verbs (e --> ie) Copy this to my account 3990 RAGS TO RICHES: LOS ADJETIVOS -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 3991 2 U2L1 irregular and stem-changing preterite verbs Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 3992 Antonyms Group #3 Hangman A. Martell Hangman
The hint is the antonym of the word.
Amsco Spanish Two Years
Vocabulary... Copy this to my account 3993 Subjuntivo : Adivina 1 J R Taylor Quiz
Change the infinitive in the answer box to its correct Subjunctive form This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 3994 doña Di's En la clase--part 1 Dianne Guest Java Game
An opportunity to increase your vocabulary for talking about your classroom and your school. Copy this to my account 3995 120 Common Verbs Mr. Powell Java Game
Copy this to my account 3996 Street Spanish 3 with various tenses -- Pop-ups
The subjunctive, present perfect indicative and subjunctive, 'If' clauses with future,conditional,and imperfect sunjunctive. Copy this to my account 3997 Capítulo 2b Prueba #1 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 3998 Infinitivos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 3999 Navidad Señor Marlow Java Game
Vocabulario Navideño Copy this to my account 4000 Formas Pics -- Java Game
Picture Match Forms Copy this to my account 4001 Los deportes and pasatiempos -- Hangman
Sports and pastimes Copy this to my account 4002 Basic Spanish Vocabulary A. Candia Java Game
Greetings, numbers, colors, family members,
directions, days and months, eating terms, etc. Copy this to my account 4003 Español I - Juntos - Capítulo 1 - Descubre la ciudad Srta. Clower Java Game
City vocabulary and verbs Copy this to my account 4004 Realidades B - Capítulo 6A - bedroom & electronics Mrs. Lester Java Game
Use this matching, flash card, and word search activity to review vocabulary relating to the bedroom and electronic equipment. Copy this to my account 4005 Avancemos 2 U1-L1 Prueba de gramatica 1 10-22-2013 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 4006 Describing Clothing/Other Words and Phrases ana luisa heully Java Game
Copy this to my account 4007 Verbos de -car, -gar,-zar Sra. Szabo Java Game
Vocabulary practice for already familiar verbs and new ones too! Copy this to my account 4008 Avancemos 2 U2-L1 Prueba de vocabulario 1 Modified Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 4009 1B-2 Vocabulary Quiz version 2 Sra. Flores /Mme Assi Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 4010 * Fotos de Verbos #1 Señorita Mann Java Game
Match the Picture with the Action Word Copy this to my account 4011 Sp 2 Beauty and the Beast Vocab 1 Mlle/Srta. Read Quiz
This is a quiz over vocab 1 of Beauty and the Beast. This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 18. Copy this to my account 4012 Cap 5A (R2) El Pretérito de leer, oír, creer y destruir Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4013 Animales GR2 (IF) Señora Klebba Java Game
Animales GR 2
Teach Them Spanish! Copy this to my account 4014 Learnables Review 11-15 Lakota Spanish Teachers Challenge Board
Translate the following short phrases. Copy this to my account 4015 En Español 2 Unidad 2 Etapa 3 Mrs. Hicks Java Game
Restaurant & food vocabulary Copy this to my account 4016 spanish jobs -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4017 Expresate 2 - vocab 4.1 Miss Bias Java Game
activities and past-times, correspond to Exprésate 2 - 4.1 Copy this to my account 4018 8.2 Dimelo Dr. Eneida Pugh Quiz
This QUIZ is OVER THE INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS. This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 4019 a bordo cap 15 Señor Fields Quiz
examencito This quiz contains 24 questions. Copy this to my account 4020 Preterite vs. Imperfect Senora Hernandez Battleship
Remember what conditions use each tense! Copy this to my account 4021 hacer, conocer & oír- verbs with irregular "yo" Mrs. Hicks Mini Quiz
practice conjugating the above verbs Copy this to my account 4022 CM7 - El monstruo en el refrigerador -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4023 Chapter 13 vocab from Paso a Paso 1 Sra. Hughes Java Game
Copy this to my account 4024 Chapter 10, Bienvenidos, Health vocabulary games. Señora Martín Java Game
Practice Ch. 10 vocabulary with these fun vocabulary games! :) Copy this to my account 4025 Conexiones 8.2 El condicional perfecto (WB 8-11) Profesora Duronio Cloze
Si hubiéramos ido a otro restaurante. Sofía está en un restaurante de comida rápida y está pensando en qué habría hecho si hubiera ido a un restaurante de cuatro tenedores. Completa las oraciones con el condicional perfecto de los verbos. Copy this to my account 4026 Repaso G, Jeopardy B Tamberli Dixon Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4027 Etapa Preliminar - Frases útiles Sra. Pelicano Java Game
Practice these classroom expressions from the Etapa Preliminar of En Español 1. Copy this to my account 4028 Aventura 2 Lesson 07 - lots of food & drink Carol Hunter Columns
Copy this to my account 4029 1PA - Module 1 Prep Activity -- Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 4030 Chapter 4 quiz ALL PRESENT TENSE Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz
Fill in the space with the correct form of the PRESENT TENSE. Just provide form of verb not put subject pronoun(yo,tú,él,ella,ud. etc...). Provide accents as needed! This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4031 Dos Mundos Chapter3 Pages 138-139 Part-1 Doña Kay Hartsock Java Game
Copy this to my account 4032 Paso a Paso 2 Capitulo 1 - Student created vocab list Sr. D Java Game
Copy this to my account 4033 Adjetivos de sentirse 2 Dianne Guest Quiz
Check out your knowledge. This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 4034 Capítulo 5a Prueba #1 Señor Foster Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4035 San Ángel vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4036 Vocabulary 6-2 Señora Goldstein Java Game
Vocabulary 6-2 for Ven Conmigo Level I Copy this to my account 4037 Un amigo o una amiga Carol Hamilton Java Game
Buen Viaje - Chapter 1 - an introduction of the verb "ser" to express nationality, physicality, personality type, etc. Copy this to my account 4038 2 U2L1 Demonstrative adjective pronoun, you decide Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
That's right you decide which to use, then check to see if you're right! Copy this to my account 4039 Países y Capitales en el Mundo Hispano Señor Fields Java Game
¿Sabes tú todos los capitales de estos países?
¡Vamos a ver! Copy this to my account 4040 Buen Viaje II Chapter 12 Vocab 2 -- Java Game
El correo, El banco, La casa de cambio Copy this to my account 4041 En español 3 - ¿Ser o estar? ¿Presente, pretérito o imperfecto? Sra. Hilbert Quiz
Llena el blanco con la forma correcta de SER o ESTAR. ¡Ojo! ¡Cuidado on los tensos. Lee con cuidado para determinar si el tiempo es el presente o el pasado. This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 4042 Capítulo 9a Prueba (Pretérito -ar /-er /-ir verbs) Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4043 Practice Future tense - - Shelly Plaster Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4044 Capítulo 4 Ms. Ruzicka Hangman
Play hangman and review the vocab from this chapter! Copy this to my account 4045 Chapter 1-2 practice quiz Señora Shaffer Quiz This quiz contains 34 questions. Copy this to my account 4046 El Tango -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4047 Realidades 1 - Ch. PE Match the Spanish Months Mrs. Hicks Columns
Copy this to my account 4048 In the Time of the Butterflies Final Quiz Señora Brouwer Quiz This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 4049 Las Noticias #3- D period Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Copy this to my account 4050 Paso 1- Primer Paso, Sección 2 Señorita Tiwari Columns
Los saludos Copy this to my account 4051 Realidades 3, Cap 7 Vocab 1 -- Java Game
Para practicar el vocabulario antes del examen. Copy this to my account 4052 Verbs/Los verbos gloria Java Game
Copy this to my account 4053 ¿Cuál pronombre indirecto es? jamie wilson Quiz
What indirect object pronoun is it? Write down on your white board which pronoun you think correctly fits the sentences with "gustar." This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4054 Avancemos 2 2.2 Vocab Quiz Monsieur Marcantel Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4055 Bravo Level 2 Unidad 4 Lección 3 -- Java Game
Vocabulary Bank Copy this to my account 4056 Geography and Culture of Spain and Mexico Sra. Mallaber Challenge Board
Exploring Spanish Unit 4 Copy this to my account 4057 Español 2, Unidad 2, Lección 1: los pronombres del objeto directo -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 4058 La tecnología - la computadora Carol Hamilton Java Game
Copy this to my account 4059 expressing "TO the" vs. "IN the" Ms Chabot Pop-ups
Remember that
"a" means "to"
and ... Copy this to my account 4060 Ch. 4- #1-20 (spanish) Mme Greer Jumbled Words
Practice #1-20 Copy this to my account 4061 Español III EXAMEN FINAL - Parte 4 - Viviana / Cultura Sr. Daylor Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 4062 Ven Conmigo 2: Ch. 2 Un viaje al extranjero, PRIMER PASO pg61 C. Hughes Java Game
Talking about how you're feeling/Making suggestions and responding to them.
Practice with the flashcards, then play the games. Copy this to my account 4063 La Familia -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 4064 2.4.1 Verbos irregulares del subjuntivo -- Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4065 El Indicativo y el Subjuntivo: dos sujetos Sra. Frayre Cloze
Conjuga los verbos. Decide si debes usar el Indicativo o el Subjuntivo. Copy this to my account 4066 Christmas in Spanish -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 4067 Isla -- Rags to Riches
Based on Arthur Dorros' delightful children's story, Isla, the following questions will review our unit vocabulary. Copy this to my account 4068 Mastery 3 Unit 9 p250-252: La Ropa C. Hughes Java Game
NO PICS! Do you know the name of every item in your wardrobe?
This list of vocabulary has no pics - just the English translation, Copy this to my account 4069 Español 3, Unidad 2, Lección 1: los pronombres del objeto directo e indirecto -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 4070 Put the Days of the week in order! Señora Marvin Picture Perfect
Put the days of the week into correct order. Remember the Spanish calendar start day! Copy this to my account 4071 SP 1--Lesson 3 Mrs C Java Game
Play this game to review the vocabulary! Copy this to my account 4072 Capitulo 11 - Concentration and Flashcards -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4073 Irregular verbs in Spanish -- Patterns
Practice conjugating 16 common irregular verbs in the present tense. Earn coins for each correct answer. How much can you earn? Copy this to my account 4074 Avancemos 2 Verbos de Repaso Preliminar Parte 1 10-30-2013 Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Write the following verbs in Spanish. This quiz contains 31 questions. Copy this to my account 4075 Vocabulario. ¡Dímelo tú! Capítulo 8: ¡A comer! Dr. Yosálida C. Rivero-Zaritzky Java Game
Practice your vocabulary using all these activities. Copy this to my account 4076 Cuerpo/Cara GR2 (IF) Señora Klebba Java Game
Body and Face Vocabulary
Teach Them Spanish--Grade 2 Copy this to my account 4077 Exprésate 3 Capítulo 3 Vocabulario 3-1 Debbie Mensinger Battleship
Exprésate 3 Capítulo 3 Vocabulario 3-1
Select the correct word or expression to complete each sentence. Copy this to my account 4078 VC3 CH5-2 Vocab -- Java Game
Telling a legend. Talking about hopes and wishes. Copy this to my account 4079 Exprésate 2 Chapter 1b Present Tense Review Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4080 3.2.3 Repaso de gramática -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 4081 Bienvenidos Capítulo 8 pop-ups Señor Fields Pop-ups
Práctica de vocabulario.... Copy this to my account 4082 ¡Los deportes me fascinan! Carol Hamilton Rags to Riches
¡Juguemos quién quiere ser un millionario! Copy this to my account 4083 Repaso Actividad - Ser, Intros, Numeros, Fechas Senora Loeb Challenge Board
Do your best- we'll play in teams. The team with the best score, wins!!! Copy this to my account 4084 UNA CARTA A DIOS (VOCABULARIO) Sra. W. Java Game
Copy this to my account 4085 U1E3 Numbers 11-100 erin melo Columns
Copy this to my account 4086 Los Quehaceres de Cenicienta Profesora Del Rosario Jumbled Words
Unscramble Cinderella's Chores. Copy this to my account 4087 ESPAÑOL III: EXAMEN DEL CAPITULO 5A Mr. Muñoz Quiz
This test is based on vocabulary and grammar concepts found mainly on Realidades 2 chapter 5A, however, vocabulary from chapter 4A and 4B is also found on this test.
In order to pass this test with a high mark, YOU should have a strong... This quiz contains 39 questions. Copy this to my account 4088 2:U1E3 Foods, etc. JEOPARDY PROFE Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4089 AVHS SP2 U3 Irregular verbs (Practice 18)(pop-ups) Señora Pop-ups
Do you know the forms of these irregular verbs? (decir, hacer, oír, poner, salir, tener, traer, valer, venir, conocer, saber) Copy this to my account 4090 SPANISH III Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Challenge Board
FUTURE, COMMAND TENSES Copy this to my account 4091 Vocabulario 7A Pt 2 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4092 Preterit (irregular verbs) Sra. Ausin-Dodge Columns
Match the subject and verb with the right form. Copy this to my account 4093 Bienvenidos Capítulo 3 verbos en -ar Señor Fields Mini Quiz
¡Práctica de verbos en -ar!
Formas singulares Copy this to my account 4094 Imperfect & House Vocabulary Rebecca Wildrick Challenge Board
Practice imperfect verb conjugations with our house vocabulary! Copy this to my account 4095 Spanish places/events Sra.Reed Scavenger Hunt
Copy this to my account 4096 En español 1 - U1E2: los artículos definidos Sra. Pelicano Quiz
Choose the correct article that corresponds to the noun. Be careful! This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 4097 Los mandatos - negativos Señora Desaulniers Rags to Riches
Create negative commands in the tú, usted, nosotros, vosotros and ustedes forms. Copy this to my account 4098 U3E3ex1 Direct Object Pronouns 1 EXTRA CREDIT Señor Wojnar Quiz
Fill in the blank with the direct object pronoun based on the statments provided. (me, te, lo, la, nos, los, las) This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 4099 2.3.3 Vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4100 Presente de Subjuntivo -- Rags to Riches
Present tense subjunctive verbs (regular and irregular). Copy this to my account 4101 1 U2L1 Vocabulary Games 2 Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
The vocabulary matches Avancemos Level 1
School subjects, classroom activities, other words and phrases Copy this to my account 4102 Vehicles/Los vehículos gloria Java Game
Copy this to my account 4103 Capítulo 2 - sección 1 Profe Schueler Java Game
La tecnología y el progreso Copy this to my account 4104 U2E1-2 Vocabulary Practice - Part 2 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Chapter U2-E1 Vocab Part 2 page 117 This quiz contains 44 questions. Copy this to my account 4105 Avancemos III - Leccion 3.1 (Como sera el futuro?) Señor Long Java Game
Copy this to my account 4106 ¡Así Se Dice! - Capítulo 1- SER Quiz - Segunda Parte Sra. Baldwin Quiz
Choose the most appropriate answer. This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 4107 Avancemos 2 Preliminar quiz pgs 8-9 Adjectives & tener 8-30-2013 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 4108 R1 4A Tarea de práctica para el examen Sra. Klooster Quiz
IR and question word practice
If the question is written in English, translate it into Spanish. If a subject pronoun or name is given, conjugate the verb IR to match the given subject. You can complete this as many times as you would like to get... This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 4109 Capitulo 2 A Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 4110 La Cocina Mrs. Cushing Java Game
Copy this to my account 4111 Personality Traits Sra. Frayre Java Game
Adjectives that describe a person's personality Copy this to my account 4112 Paso 2 - Cap. 9, voc. Mrs. Ross Java Game
vocabulario de la p.325 Copy this to my account 4113 Expresiones para la clase -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4114 Body 1 Holly Little Java Game
Body list 1 of body parts in Spanish Copy this to my account 4115 Indirect Object Pronoun Practice World Languages Pop-ups
Complete the sentence by filling in the correct i.o.p. Copy this to my account 4116 Vocabulario, Cap. 3, Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Hangman
Un juego para practicar el vocabulario de Cap. 3. Copy this to my account 4117 Classes and actions in Spanish--BATTLESHIP--Please choose the most logical answer from the verbs and their meanings at top. Señorita Pelican Battleship
cantar-to sing
dibujar-to draw
pintar-to... Copy this to my account 4118 Everyday Classroom Spanish Sr. Brant Java Game
Copy this to my account 4119 Más comida - los pasteles, las bebidas, comidas Hispanas y verbos Ms. Mason Java Game
More food- desserts, drinks, Spanish food and verbs
Match them! Copy this to my account 4120 Querer en el presente y el pretérito Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Copy this to my account 4121 C 12 Subjunctive or not? 2 Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz
write the verb in brackets correctly. Be careful, the subjunctive is not required in every case This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 30. Copy this to my account 4122 Buen Viaje Dos La cocina Carol Hamilton Java Game
vocabulario de capítulo 10 - preparación de la comida en la cocina Copy this to my account 4123 En Español 2: Cultura Un1Et1 Dra. C Columns
Be sure to review all the culture sin this etapa of your book. Play the game several times so that you practice all of the culture! Copy this to my account 4124 Exprésate - Capítulo 3 - Vocabulario 2 Timothy Corcoran Java Game
Copy this to my account 4125 Los Adjetivos Señora Java Game
Copy this to my account 4126 A bordo Capítulo 11 pareo Señor Fields Columns
¡Pareen las palabras! Copy this to my account 4127 Buen Viaje Level 3 Capitulo 1 Leccion 2 Katie Jacobs Java Game
Vocabulario Copy this to my account 4128 Chapter 10b Sra. Johnstone Java Game
Copy this to my account 4129 Capítulo 6A Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 4130 Chapter 12 - Paso a Paso 1 Señorita Tiwari Java Game
Copy this to my account 4131 Sabías que 4 vocab p. 116-117 La familia Nuclear Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Columns
Copy this to my account 4132 Vocabulario, Cap. 4, Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para practicar el vocabulario de Cap. 4. Copy this to my account 4133 Spanish II Readiness Exam Erik Zavasnik Quiz This quiz contains 68 questions. Copy this to my account 4134 Clothing (5N) Lake Highland Preparatory School Java Game
La Ropa Copy this to my account 4135 2B #1 Janine Hakanson Quiz
Escribe lo que falta en español. (Write what's missing in Spanish. Make sure there is only one "de" or "del" after the prepositions.) Mira las pp. 100, 101 y 120. You must get at least 60% on your best attempt to receive HW credit. This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 4136 Imperfecto - fill in Sra. Frayre Cloze
David le escribe una carta a su amigo. ¿Qué le dice de su niñez? Completa la carta con la forma correcta del verbo entre paréntesis. Copy this to my account 4137 En Español 2: Un1Et1 VERBS p. 49 Dra. C Java Game
Practice the verbs from page 49 in both the PRESENT and the PRETERITE. Copy this to my account 4138 U5E1 Personal Care Items & Body Parts Sra. Alpert Java Game
Copy this to my account 4139 Capítulo 1 Ann Giese Java Game
Vocabulary for 1.1 greetings and likes and dislikes of Ya Verás Nivel 1 Copy this to my account 4140 Ch. 9 grammatical structures -- Java Game
Ch. 9 grammatical structures Copy this to my account 4141 Avancemos 2 Preliminar quiz pg 20 Ser vs Estar & Tener Expressions 9-13-2013 - Modified Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 4142 20 Verbs to Know Mr. Powell Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 4143 Unidad 2, Etapa 2 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 4144 Chapter 2-3 Sp3 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Verbs ending in -UIR, IAR, -UAR (Textbook, pp. 22-24)
HUIR (to flee) - huyo, huyes, huye, huímos, huís, huyen
ENVIAR (to send) envío, envías, envía, enviamos, enviás,... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4145 Realidades 3, Cap 3 Vocab 2 -- Java Game
Para practicar el vocabulario antes del examen Copy this to my account 4146 U1E3-ex1 Possessive Pronouns, Long Forms EXTRA CREDIT Señor Wojnar Quiz
Here are the long forms of possessive pronouns. They follow the noun.
(yo) - mío, mía, míos, mías = mine
(tú) - tuyo, tuya, tuyos, tuyas =... This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 4147 Realidades A - Capítulo 2B Vocabulario Mrs. Lester Battleship
See if you know your Spanish vocabulary and can sink your partners ships! Copy this to my account 4148 09 - Body - Jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4149 La Puerta: capítulo 6 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4150 Vocabulario de Capítulo 6B emily tuohey Java Game
Copy this to my account 4151 La Clase -- Java Game
Can you find the matches in Spanish for the Classroom objects or find them hidden in the Wordsearch? Copy this to my account 4152 Mandatos formales y plurales Sra. Caballos Columns
Lean los mandatos en inglés y busquen los mandatos correspondientes en español. ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 4153 Exprésate I Cap. 5 Vocab. 1 Señora Orr Java Game
Copy this to my account 4154 Cláusulas de "sí" Señor Turf Cloze
Copy this to my account 4155 Juan Bobo Señora Van Prooyen Java Game
Spanish for Mastery 4- Juan Bobo Copy this to my account 4156 Pretérito de verbos irregulares April Schneider Cloze
Paso 2, Cáp. 9 Copy this to my account 4157 Capítulo 16, ¿Trabajar para vivir ...?, Puntos de Partida & ¿Qué tal? R. Vacchio Java Game
Copy this to my account 4158 Navidad -- Java Game
Nouns associated with christmas. Copy this to my account 4159 Realidades 2 Chapter 1B Vocabulary Mrs. Jagus Java Game
Copy this to my account 4160 Spanish Speaking Crib Sheet Vocab Señora Billings Java Game
Copy this to my account 4161 Formas del Pretérito: Varios sujetos y verbos Señor Raschio Patterns
Seleccione la forma correcta del verbo en el pretérito. Copy this to my account 4162 Dime Uno - Unidad 1 Lección 3 - Adjectives of Personality Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 4163 Ven Conmigo 1:Capitulo 2 SEGUNDO PASO p73 C. Hughes Java Game
Describing the contents of your room. Review the vocabulary using the flashcards, then practice by playing the games. Copy this to my account 4164 Clothing Frances Lake Highland Preparatory School Java Game
La Ropa Copy this to my account 4165 1 U1L1 Challenge Board Vocabulary Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4166 Body Parts Claudia Villamizar Java Game
Read and Match. Copy this to my account 4167 1 U4L1 e-->ie verbs #1 Rags to riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Remember to pay attention to whether or not you need simply an "e" or an "ie" on the stem-changing verbs... or even sometimes leave it in the infinitivo! Copy this to my account 4168 2 U2L2 Expansión de Vocabulario - Matching, Wordsearch Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 4169 jumbled numbers 0-11 Profa Kurtz Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 4170 PALABRAS INTERROGATIVAS Sra. Frayre Java Game
Review question words Copy this to my account 4171 Chapter 3-school supplies Sra. Lindsay Marshall Java Game
School Shopping words Copy this to my account 4172 Capítulo 7: Las vacaciones Sra. Koenig Java Game
Copy this to my account 4173 Unidad 1-- Lección 1 Practice Quiz Señora Shaffer Quiz This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 4174 ¡Ven conmigo! Level 2, Capítulo 5, Tercer Paso SenyorM Java Game
Copy this to my account 4175 2 U3L2 Preterit Jeopardy Challenge Board 2 Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4176 Capítulo 6, ¿Qué le gusta comer?, Puntos de Partida & ¿Qué tal? R. Vacchio Java Game
Vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 4177 2 U2L2 Present Progressive Quiz Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
Don't forget you need both the correct conjugation of estar plus the gerund (-ando/iendo)! This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 4178 Supplemental Vocab for -er Verbs Dianne Guest Java Game
Increase your mastery of this vocabulary set. Copy this to my account 4179 Descubre 3 Ch 5 Subjunctive in relative/adjective clauses Sra. Araya Battleship
Copy this to my account 4180 1Ch4 Verb practice Srta. Gutzwiler Quiz
Conjugate the verb to correctly complete the sentence. This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 4181 Buenos modales Cathy Wiley Java Game
Copy this to my account 4182 BR 1 Direct Object Pronouns Señora Pamela Quiz
Students will learn to replace the Direct Object of the sentence by the corresponding pronoun This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4183 Unit 2 Lesson 4 Calendar Activity 1 Todd Maggi Quiz This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 4184 Realidades 7- set III Sra. Chamberlain Java Game
pp. 306-334; 80 palabras Copy this to my account 4185 Ven Conmigo, Level 2, Chapter 1 Segundo Paso Sra. Mitchell Java Game
Vocabulario de Capítulo 1 Segundo Paso Copy this to my account 4186 Avancemos 3 - Cap. 1.1 - Animales y Paisajes Chase Dedmon Columns
Copy this to my account 4187 U5E1-6 Correct Pronoun Placement with Commands Señor Wojnar Quiz
Page 325 - Use the correct pronoun to replace the noun and put it in the proper order. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4188 2.4.1 Verbos irregulares del subjuntivo Señora Baumann Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4189 Adjective Agreement Review Sra. Min Quiz
Fill in the blank with the correct Spanish adjective for each English adjective in parentheses. Make sure to make proper adjective agreement! This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 4190 Spanish is Fun - Lección 12 - ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? Sra. Bachi Java Game
vocabulario Copy this to my account 4191 La Computadora Senora Roberts Java Game
Learn the words associated with computers and the internet Copy this to my account 4192 todo sobre 1: sustantivos OG Spansk Java Game
Copy this to my account 4193 La comida - HTMS Sra. Cardona Java Game
Copy this to my account 4194 Conversación Telefónica Sra. Frayre Ordered List
Put the conversation in a logical order. Copy this to my account 4195 verbos OG Spansk Java Game
almindelige verber med tegninger Copy this to my account 4196 Repaso Verano 2 a Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4197 Capítulo 8: un repaso Srta. Sobel Battleship
Un repaso de capítulo 8 para el examen Copy this to my account 4198 Vocabulario. ¡Dímelo tú! Capítulo 9: Un día común y corriente. Dr. Yosálida C. Rivero-Zaritzky Java Game
Practice your vocabulary using all these activities. Copy this to my account 4199 Ch 11 Comparativos - Spanish to English Mr. Tim Fisher Quiz
With each of the following Spanish sentences, choose the correct English translation. This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 25. Copy this to my account 4200 Ven Conmigo Capítulo 2 - La librería Señorita Tiwari Jumbled Words
¿Qué necesitas para el colegio? Copy this to my account 4201 My School ( people-places and objects at school) Claudia Villamizar Java Game
Read and Match the picture with its correspondig word. Copy this to my account 4202 Capítulo 7B Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 4203 En español 2 Unidad 1 Etapa 1 Plane vocabulary Mrs. Hicks Pop-ups
Choose the best vocabulary word to complete each phrase. Copy this to my account 4204 Adjectives of emotion Sra. Hart Java Game
Copy this to my account 4205 Exprésate 1, Capitulo 2, Repaso de Vocabulario 1 Profesora Jiménez-Biles Java Game
Describing yourself--
¿Cómo eres? What are you like? Copy this to my account 4206 1050/1060- Chapter Para Comenzar Karina Clarke Java Game
Copy this to my account 4207 Furniture and more (Los Muebles y más) Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 4208 SP 2--Lesson 4 Vocab Mrs C Java Game
Copy this to my account 4209 adjectives Mercedes Drake Hangman
Copy this to my account 4210 Spanish 2 Cap 5 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 34 questions. Copy this to my account 4211 Las Formas y Expresiones del Subjuntivo -- Java Game
Practice the forms of the subjunctive by doing this activity. Fill out a yellow slip in order to receive credit. Copy this to my account 4212 6-04-1 - Unit 4 Vocabulary Señor Wojnar Quiz
Write the Spanish word for the English word listed. Be sure to use the special characters above.
the roof = el... This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 4213 Los Ayudantes de la Comunidad - Muy Bien C Kim Hukari Java Game
Do you know your vocabulary from lesson 6 - los ayudantes de la comunidad - community helpers? give it a try!! Buena Suerte!! Copy this to my account 4214 1 U4L1 Stem Changing Verbs - E to IE / Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 4215 Piratas del Caribe y El Mapa Secreto -- Rags to Riches
Ch. 1-6 Copy this to my account 4216 Win the "ESTAR" battle. Señora Camp Battleship
Practice the use of the verb ESTAR in the first and third persons. Copy this to my account 4217 1 U2L2 El Verbo Estar Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
¿Sabes como formar el verbo estar? Muestramelo. Copy this to my account 4218 III Capítulo 2, p. 62 Madame Young Columns
Realidades 3, Capítulo 2 Review Vocabulary, p. 62 Copy this to my account 4219 Buen Viaje, Preliminar -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4220 Spanish 5A Review Miss Marshall Rags to Riches
Grammar, Vocabulary and Culture Review Copy this to my account 4221 Capítulo 10 Vamos al centro Ann Giese Java Game
Chapter 10 of Ya Verás Nivel I Copy this to my account 4222 Sports Jonathan Tosh Java Game
Copy this to my account 4223 capítulo 3A Realidades 2 Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 4224 Opinions - Sp 2 ch 4 jonathan Java Game
Spanish vocabulary words from the Opinions section of chapter 4 of Holt's Ven Conmigo Level 2 Spanish Textbook. Copy this to my account 4225 Las clases Sra. Meyer Java Game
Practice your "las clases" vocabulary. Copy this to my account 4226 Muy Bien A - Los Animales de la Granja Kim Hukari Java Game
How well do you know the animals on the farm? Copy this to my account 4227 Los Verbos -ER / -IR Señora Hangman
Translation practice Copy this to my account 4228 ¿Cómo vas al colegio? -- Hangman
Arriba 1 Chapter 2 Copy this to my account 4229 Common Expressions with Verbs - Part II -- Java Game
These are some frequent idioms and expressions. Quiz over these Tuesday. Learn them. (Some newer ones) Copy this to my account 4230 Cpt 6 Rigoberta Menchú Dímelo tú Dr. Eneida Pugh Quiz This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 4231 Realidades I Chapter 1A Vocabulary Mrs. Jagus Java Game
Copy this to my account 4232 El Día Especial de Morris Ottavio Balena Java Game
Copy this to my account 4233 Preterite Verbs NOSOTROS -- Java Game
Preterite Verbs NOSOTROS for Directed Writing Copy this to my account 4234 Para Empezar 1 Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 4235 Capítulo 8 Vocabulario 2 Ms. Flores Java Game
Practica el vocabulario Copy this to my account 4236 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 4b (Actions #1) -- Java Game
First half of those we are learning by actions. Copy this to my account 4237 Chapter 6 Battleship Verbs -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 4238 PARA practicar POR jugar -- Challenge Board
Comprueba tu progreso en el campo de "por" y "para" Copy this to my account 4239 U4E1-1 -Understanding directions Señor Wojnar Quiz
Refer to the map and choose the location of destination. This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 4240 AR verb quiz U2 L3 Señora Oberdorfer Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4241 CM1 - El muchacho pastor -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4242 Chapter 12 - Vocabulary -Paso a Paso 1 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4243 Capítulo 7 Verb Jumble Ken J. Zeoli Jumbled Words
Practice your stem changing verbs by unscrambling the forms and making them correct. Good luck! ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 4244 Números 10 al 100 (S4) A P Java Game
Copy this to my account 4245 Bienvenidos Capítulo 6--Tener que / Ir a Señor Fields Challenge Board
¡Práctica de grámatica! Copy this to my account 4246 All Spanish vocab for final Chapters 7-11 Debbie Hubschman Java Game
Copy this to my account 4247 Para Empezar 2 Realidades I Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 4248 Quantities Chapter 17 Ann Giese Hangman
Copy this to my account 4249 Andalucía Ven Conmigo 2 1.1 -- Java Game
Identifica los siguientes elementos culturales sobre Andalucía. Copy this to my account 4250 vocab 1-1 Buffy Brummett Java Game
page 4 vocab practice Copy this to my account 4251 Saludos y expresiones de cortesía Sr. Brant Java Game
Greetings and polite expressions Copy this to my account 4252 Capitulo 4B Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 4253 Vocabulary 2-2 Señora Goldstein Java Game
Vocabulary Games for Ven Conmigo Level I 2-2 Copy this to my account 4254 Busco un apartamento Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Vocabulary to accompany chapter 6 of ¡Ya Verás¡ Nivel 2. Copy this to my account 4255 U1E3 La familia: la "posesión" Ms. Erin Parris Cloze
Family "possession" - saying how everyone relates to each other (without "'s") Copy this to my account 4256 Las aventuras de Isabela, Ch 4 Señoras Kline y Navarro Battleship
Questions Copy this to my account 4257 Realidades 3 Ch 5 set 1 Carn Java Game
Copy this to my account 4258 Quiz--places (with images) Señorita Pelican Quiz This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 4259 Pobre Ana Ch 1 Señoras Kline y Navarro Ordered List
Put the following sentences in the order they occur in Chapter 1 of Pobre Ana. Copy this to my account 4260 Bienvenidos Chap.7A Vocab. Sra. Marhefka-Chapman Java Game
Practice the vocabulary from pages 180-181 here! Copy this to my account 4261 Paso a Paso 1-Capítulo 1 Señorita Puckett Rags to Riches
¿Qué te gusta hacer? y ¿Cómo eres?
Game for group play. Copy this to my account 4262 En español 2 Unidad 2 Etapa 1 vocabulario (games & verbs) Mrs. Hicks Java Game
Vocabulary of the chapter from text page 121 Copy this to my account 4263 Sp 3 U2E2 Sra. Brown Java Game
narrating in the past, transitional words, ordinal #s, discussing family celebrations, etc. Copy this to my account 4264 Geografía: América del Sur - Capitales y Países Señora Taha Java Game
Copy this to my account 4265 La Communidad 1 a Battleship
Copy this to my account 4266 Unidad 8-personalidad Sra. Durante Java Game
descripción de la personalidad Copy this to my account 4267 BSBA Lec. 3 final Sr. Rando-el capitán Quiz
presente perfecto, pluscuam perfecto, condicional perfecto, Futuro perfecto, Condicional, Futuro, Y probablildad. This quiz contains 24 questions. Copy this to my account 4268 III 1 Vocabulario-Acampar Madame Young Hangman
Realidades III, p. 58 Copy this to my account 4269 ¿Eres tú, María? Episodios 1- 5 Señora Quiz This quiz contains 26 questions. Copy this to my account 4270 Capitulos 1-4 Paso a Paso 2---el Examen del Medio Ano -- Challenge Board
This will help you study various parts of the chapters for the Mid Term exam on January 29th at 7:45 a.m. Buena Suerte! Estudien mucho. Copy this to my account 4271 Vocabulario de la lección 8 de Puente 1 -- Java Game
Encuentre las equivalencias de vocabulario jugando.
(¡Es muy fácil!) Copy this to my account 4272 LAS MATERIAS DE UN HORARIO Señora Hangman
Copy this to my account 4273 Dime Uno - Unidad 1 Lección 1 - A Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 4274 Verb Review #1 from Spanish 1 Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 4275 la hora - telling time #2 -- Java Game
Match the clock with the time expressed in Spanish. Copy this to my account 4276 Ven Conmigo 7-2 Señora Goldstein Java Game
Ven Conmigo 7-2 Level I Copy this to my account 4277 Paso 3 Cap. 3 pg. 103 Mrs. Hicks Java Game
Chapter 3 vocabulary p. 103 Copy this to my account 4278 CM3 - El Ratoncito del campo -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4279 Avancemos 2 2.1 Test Monsieur Marcantel Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4280 Capitulo 1 Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 4281 Mastery 3 Unit 9 pg.252-253: La Ropa C. Hughes Java Game
How well can you describe the clothes you wear? Copy this to my account 4282 Exprésate 1 Chapter 7a Reflexive Verbs (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 4283 En español 2 Unidad 1 Etapa 1 Jackie Taylor Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4284 ¿Qué hora es? #4 Dianne Guest Columns
Copy this to my account 4285 La familia 2 Dianne Guest Java Game
Check out your skill with the next level of vocabulary for "la familia." Copy this to my account 4286 The 5 senses JC Hsudeyin Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 4287 La Isla Boriquén Patty Silvey Columns
Copy this to my account 4288 Realidades 2 2B translate the words pam satterfield Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4289 La ropa Señora Phillips Columns
Copy this to my account 4290 Class 3 homework Professor Báez Quiz
Asking questions This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 4291 Dime ch. 5 la comida -- Java Game
Food vocabulary from DIME UNO, chapter 5 Copy this to my account 4292 Pasito - El medio ambiente: Vocabulario Señor Raschio Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 4293 Vocabulario #5: profesiones Señora Daniel Java Game
los profesiones y verbos irregulares de "yo" Copy this to my account 4294 Spanish I :"Ven Conmigo"-Chapter 9- Expressing Preferences (Tercer Paso) Mr. Escurra Java Game
To find out which item a friend prefers, ask:
¿Cual de estos trajes prefieres?
Which of these suits do you... Copy this to my account 4295 02 - School - Jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4296 Realidades 2 - Capítulo 3A Vocabulario Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Match the Spanish with the English to practice your vocabulary. Copy this to my account 4297 prepostions MmeZedd Columns
Draw a line to the meaning. Copy this to my account 4298 3.1.2 Vocabulario Parte II -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 4299 Chapter 6 vocab from Paso a Paso 1 Sra. Hughes Java Game
Copy this to my account 4300 Buen Viaje I 5 A Ms. Call Java Game
Copy this to my account 4301 U4E1 Decir - to say Ms. Erin Parris Java Game
Copy this to my account 4302 por y para Uses Maestras Schario and Bell Pop-ups
en español III (1.2) Copy this to my account 4303 La familia1 Aileen O'Suilleabhain Hangman
Copy this to my account 4304 Capítulo Dos Millionario -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 4305 R2:PE:Vocabulary Review pp.8-9 SRA. PAHL Java Game
Review vocabulary, mostly verb infinitives, from pp.8-9. Copy this to my account 4306 Articles and Possessive Adjectives Profe Unsworth Java Game
ms=masculine singular
fs=feminine singular
mp=masculine... Copy this to my account 4307 Los Animales: ANIMATED flash cards! See and say words in Spanish; guess image on other side--and vice-versa. Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 4308 Unidad 1 - Las nacionalidades David Montero Java Game
Copy this to my account 4309 Demonstrative adjective pratice Mrs C Cloze
Completen con la forma correcta.... Copy this to my account 4310 EXPRESIONES CON TENER -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4311 ¿Qué va bien con este chaleco? Paso a Paso 2 Capítulo 3 Señorita Gray Java Game
Copy this to my account 4312 ¿Cómo te va? Leccion 1,2 a Battleship
Copy this to my account 4313 1Ch4VerbPop-ups Srta. Gutzwiler Quiz
Select the correct answer to translate the verb to Spanish. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4314 U2E2-9-1 - Test Prep Señor Wojnar Quiz
Chapter Test Prep U2E2 This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4315 Spanish 1 Cap 1 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 4316 La ropa y los colores Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Vocabulary for clothing and colors. Copy this to my account 4317 Todo de los deportes Sra. Hays Java Game
This is an extensive list of sports and how to say them in Spanish Copy this to my account 4318 Buen Viaje 1 Chap 2 - Palabras 1 ALUMNOS Y CURSOS señor Tocino Java Game
Copy this to my account 4319 Antonyms Group #3 Columns 1st game A. Martell Columns
first set of words from Group #3
Amsco Spanish Two Years
Vocabulary... Copy this to my account 4320 Adelante: Cap. 1 Paso 3 Sra. Marhefka-Chapman Java Game
Practice sports, class, music and foods vocabulary here. Pages 44-45. Copy this to my account 4321 Cap 9B (R2) El Futuro/ El Medio Ambiente Sra. Hoover Java Game
Copy this to my account 4322 Spanish II: Semester 2 Test Mrs. Shultz Quiz This quiz contains 71 questions. Copy this to my account 4323 REFLEXIVOS Chap 7 reflexive vocabulary p230 MmeZedd Jumbled Words
Unscramble the refelxive verbs from the vocabulary list page 230 Copy this to my account 4324 Exprésate I Ch. 4-1 Vocabulary Sra. Calise Java Game
Basic vocabulary and phrases from Chapter 4-1 Vocabulary Copy this to my account 4325 Ven Conmigo, Level 2 Chapter 1 Tercer Paso Sra. Mitchell Java Game
Vocabulario, Capítulo 1 Tercer Paso Copy this to my account 4326 Unidad 1 Etapa 2 REVIEW Profesora Cashion Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4327 Las Professiones Sra. Szabo Java Game
study professions vocab Spanish 2 Copy this to my account 4328 C 8 ¿PRETÉRITO O IMPERFECTO? Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz
Use the preterite or the imperfect to conjugate the verbs in parenthesis. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 4329 1 U0LP Los días de la semana Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 4330 Realidades B: 6A Comparisons (Pop-Ups) Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 4331 Ven Conmigo 9-3 Señora Goldstein Java Game
Ven Conmigo 9-3 Level I
Expressing preferences
Asking about prices and paying for something Copy this to my account 4332 Eres tu Maria Practice Quiz (episodes 6-10) Mrs. Jagus Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 4333 cine, musica, teatro Sra. Shelly Krueger Java Game
Copy this to my account 4334 doña Di's En la clase Dianne Guest Java Game
An opportunity to increase your vocabulary for talking about your classroom and your school. Copy this to my account 4335 Unidad 1, Etapa 1 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Hangman
Copy this to my account 4336 Mariachi Susanne Galsøe Java Game
Vocabulario Copy this to my account 4337 Exprésate 2 Chapter 3b Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 4338 VC3 CH9-2b -- Java Game
Talking about stereotypes. Copy this to my account 4339 Clothing/La ropa gloria Java Game
Copy this to my account 4340 Spanish 6 - Preparing for the Final Exam - A review of the tenses Sr. Tristan Bodle Quiz
A quiz on verb conjugations for Spanish 6 Students This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 4341 Exprésate 1 chapter 2 Vocabulario 1 & 2 Phrases and Questions Sra. Beasley Java Game
Copy this to my account 4342 El Condicional Señora Janet Tan Cloze
Copy this to my account 4343 ¡Ahorcado! Capitulo 2 Paso 2 Sra. Jensen Hangman
Copy this to my account 4344 Capitulo 1 - vocabulario #1 Sra. DeHart Java Game
Vocabulary practice before 1st quiz over pages 3, 8, & 14. Copy this to my account 4345 El imperfecto del subjuntivo Señor Turf Pop-ups
Práctica de usos y conjugaciones Copy this to my account 4346 AP - HW17 Past Subjunctive Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
Take the third person plural of the preterite, drop -ron, add -ra, -ras, -ra, -ramos, -ran This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4347 Aventura 2 Lesson 07 - Food Hangman Carol Hunter Hangman
Copy this to my account 4348 Mandatos negativos de TU Señora Kyle / Madame Kyle Java Game
What is the correct negative TU command? Copy this to my account 4349 Una carta electrónica Dra. C Cloze
Copy this to my account 4350 Los números - Challenge Board Carol Hamilton Challenge Board
Focus: numbers from 1- 2,000 including the ordinal numbers Copy this to my account 4351 U1E3 Chapter Test Señor Wojnar Quiz
Chapter U1-E3 This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 4352 Avancemos: Unidad 4 Lección 2 -- Java Game
Vocabulary practice for Avancemos: Unidad 4 Lección 2 Copy this to my account 4353 doña Di's Los números 0-1,000,000 Dianne Guest Java Game
0-100 by 10's
200-1000 by 100's plus more Copy this to my account 4354 Somos Así 1- Lección B- Vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4355 A ver si recuerdas 1B Señora Zabala Hangman
Write the vocabulary words for the review terms in chapter 1B(page 42). Remember the tildes and the articles please! Copy this to my account 4356 Clothing Lessons #14-15 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4357 Irregular Affirmative Commands Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 4358 Clothes/ Clothing -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4359 La salud de Julia Carol Hamilton Ordered List
Determine the order in which things occur as it relates to Julia's sickness. Copy this to my account 4360 2-UprelimEb Prepositional Phrases Dra. C Cloze
Copy this to my account 4361 REALIDADES 3A - VOCABULARIO Sra. Romero Java Game
Copy this to my account 4362 Realidades - Examen Final-1A,1B, y 2A Senora Smith Quiz This quiz contains 80 questions chosen from a bank of 124. Copy this to my account 4363 Buen Viaje Level 2 Chapter 7 Hangman Sra Pinter Hangman
Copy this to my account 4364 2-U3E2: cultura Dra. C Rags to Riches
How well did you learn the culture for this etapa? Try this one! Copy this to my account 4365 Preterite or Future -- Java Game
Distinguish first person singular Preterite / Future Copy this to my account 4366 U3E2-3- Stem-Changers Señor Wojnar Quiz
Practice using stem-changing verbs
Verb list:
jugar (ue) - to... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4367 1. Spanish 1 Communication Etapa Preliminar Heidi Beller Java Game
Copy this to my account 4368 Hace With Time Senora Novosel Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 4369 Los regalos 7B Vocab. Sra. Judilee Hays Quiz
Realidades Cap. 7B
Por Pepe This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 4370 Los números 0 - 19 (Aventura 1 Unidad A Lección 2) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4371 A Bordo: Chapter 4 Randy Smith Java Game
Copy this to my account 4372 Expresiónes para la clase de español Señora Miller Java Game
Practice the Spanish classroom commands. Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 4373 Adjectives -- Battleship
Describe people, places and things Copy this to my account 4374 Spanish I Chapter 4 Test Joy Jenkins Quenga Quiz
¿Qué prefieres comer? This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 4375 La casa - ¿Cuál no pertenece? Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
Which item does not belong in the room? Copy this to my account 4376 Feelings and Emotions -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 4377 Sp. 4+, LIST, Ch. 5a (Fáciles y Viejos) -- Java Game
The easy and old words and phrases of Chapter 5. Copy this to my account 4378 2 U3L2 - irregular and stem-changing preterite verbs Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 4379 Adelante Chap 3 Sr. Hernández Rags to Riches
Talk about things you like and describe people and things Copy this to my account 4380 commands Señora Owings Java Game
coordinates with 3rd-4th book and 5th-6th book Copy this to my account 4381 Chapter 4 -- Java Game
Classroom objects and subjects Copy this to my account 4382 En Camino 1B Ch. 10 Celebraciones... Primer Paso [pg. 201] C. Hughes Java Game
Talking about what you're doing right now; Asking for and giving an opinion. - Use the flashcards to makes sure you know the vocabulary. Then enjoy playing the games. Copy this to my account 4383 Clothes - Part 2 - Battleship Thomas F. Strotman Battleship
From the Survival Booklet Copy this to my account 4384 4-C4 future; conditional; DO/IO pronouns Sra. DeHart Quiz
Practice with the future and conditional: forms and uses with wonder & probability and indirect discourse; practice with direct and indirect object prouns. This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 48. Copy this to my account 4385 Nacionalidades # 1 Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 4386 Doña Di's Greetings, Farewells, & Courtesies #3 Dianne Guest Java Game
Strengthen your knowledge of this vocabulary. Copy this to my account 4387 AVHS SP2 U1 Vocablary 1a A Bit of Everything Señora Java Game
Practice with these words from Spanish 1, including: colors, days of the week, months, classroom terms, family members, clothing, food/dishes. Copy this to my account 4388 Ven Conmigo 2: Ch. 1 Mis amigos y yo, PRIMER PASO pg33 C. Hughes Java Game
Introducing yourself and others/describing people/nationalities. Practice with the flashcards, then play the games. Copy this to my account 4389 Exprésate 2 - vocab 5.2 Miss Bias Java Game
Copy this to my account 4390 Subjunctive formation Srta. Lewis Quiz
Test your knowledge of subjunctive formation in the present tense. This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 4391 Realidades 7B vocab Ms. Robinson Java Game
Copy this to my account 4392 U3E3-6 - Direct Object Pronouns Señor Wojnar Quiz
Fill in the pronoun to replace the word(s) in parenthesis.
Choices: me, te, lo, la, nos, os, los, las This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4393 Prepositional Phrases Of Location Lakota Spanish Teachers Hangman
Practice using prepositional phrases of location from Chapter 4 Segundo Paso. Copy this to my account 4394 Buen Viaje II Chapter 10 Vocab.2 -- Java Game
A preparar la comida Copy this to my account 4395 Español II September review B Rostek Challenge Board
Try this with a friend. Copy this to my account 4396 Adjectives Agreement 2012-13 Dianne Guest Java Game
Copy this to my account 4397 C6-1 - expressing opinions & adjectives -- Java Game
Ven Conmigo 3- C6 Expressing an opinion and describing the arts. page 145 Copy this to my account 4398 REFELEXIVOS chap 7 vocabulario reflexivo p230 MmeZedd Java Game
Utilice esta activadad para repetir el vocabulario de la lección Copy this to my account 4399 1 U4L1 tener expressions Games 2 Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 4400 lugares del colegio -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4401 Para Empezar Vocabulario 1-26 Señora Baumann Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4402 Spanish 1 review #4 Kim Secoda Quiz
This quiz will help you review for your Spanish 1 final exam. Please disregard the missing accent marks in questions and answers. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4403 Il Postino - Jeopardy The DeLuccia's Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4404 Sala de Clase - Fifth Grade a Quiz
Vocabulary for this activity includes prepositions, classroom items and some verbs used by teachers This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4405 1 U2L1 Vocabulary Games 1 Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
This material matches Avancemos Level1, Unidad 2, lección 1
telling time and discusing daily schedule; describing frequnecy Copy this to my account 4406 Adjectives to Describe People Profesora Jennifer Java Game
Match the pictures to their corresponding adjective! Copy this to my account 4407 2-U3E3 el cuerpo vocab Dra. C Java Game
Copy this to my account 4408 Pasatiempos, diversiones y aficiones -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4409 1 U0LP Weather Game Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Weather Game Copy this to my account 4410 Capítulo 1a Prueba #1 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4411 Avancemos,4 U5 L1 Vocabulario p. 266-267 Sra. Coutu Java Game
*talking about family relationships, courtship and marriage
*talking about social problems and solutions
*expressing desires, doubts, disbelief, denial Copy this to my account 4412 Conexiones 8.1 Cuidado Profesora Duronio Cloze
Un poco de, pocos/as, poco/a, pequeño/a Copy this to my account 4413 Español 3, Unidad 8, Lección 1: el vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4414 Spanish 3 -- U2E2 Vocabulario -- Battleship
Play battleship and practice the new vocab at the same time! Copy this to my account 4415 Capítulo 8a Prueba #4 (numbers to 1 million) Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4416 Pretérito Special Conjugations Ms. J Java Game
Copy this to my account 4417 Prepositions Capt 5 Dímelo tú Dr. Eneida Pugh Columns
Practice with Spanish prepositions Copy this to my account 4418 1a THE CLASSROOM -- Java Game
Classroom objects in Spanish Copy this to my account 4419 interrogatives quiz -- Realidades 4A Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
Pon las palabras interogativas que faltan en cada pregunta. (Supply the missing interrogative words.) This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 4420 L2.2B ¡Jeopardy! El pretérito Señor Robie Challenge Board
capítulo 2B Copy this to my account 4421 2-2 Writing Practice Lakota Spanish Teachers Cloze
Try this activity to practice writing correctly in Spanish about the contents of someone's room. Copy this to my account 4422 2-U5E2-camping/animal vocab Dra. C Java Game
This activity practices the camping vocab from En Español 2 p.359 AND the additional animals and verbs on your etapa handout. Copy this to my account 4423 La Casa de Bernarda Alba - 8 Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Columns
El carácter simbólico de los nombres Copy this to my account 4424 travel: preparation Rita Petrucci Java Game
Copy this to my account 4425 U2E1-3 - AR verbs Señor Wojnar Quiz
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the -AR verb. This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 4426 Likes and Dislikes Mrs. Hileman Java Game
Focus on vocabulary using the verb "gustar" Copy this to my account 4427 PE- test Prepositions -- Quiz
Look at the picture, then describe what you see by filling in the blanks in the sentences below with the appropriate WORDS to indicate location. This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 4428 Mid Sp II Voc 1 Ch3 -- Java Game
Vocabulary Copy this to my account 4429 Cap. 3- Primer Paso Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Primer Paso de Cap. 3 de Ven Comigo 3 Copy this to my account 4430 Exprésate I Cap. 2 Preguntas Señora Orr Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4431 mis primeros versos profesor Quiroz Java Game
Copy this to my account 4432 El cuerpo Aileen O'Suilleabhain Hangman
Copy this to my account 4433 Capítulo 2A Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 4434 Word scramble - calendar, greetings Ms Gwen Nelson Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 4435 1 U1L2 Adjectives with Plurals Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 4436 Expresate 1, Chapter 5.2 chores & prepostitions Mme Dimick Java Game
Copy this to my account 4437 Mastery 3: Unit 1 Vocabulary-hangman C. Hughes Hangman
Check your spelling! Copy this to my account 4438 Christmas Carols 2 -- Quiz
Choose the correct word to test your knowledge of your listening skills and christmas carol wordings. This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 4439 Bienvenidos, Vocab 2.2 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4440 Match pronoun to action to conjugate the verb Mrs. Sandie Wright Columns
Copy this to my account 4441 Capítulo 5: SER Ken J. Zeoli Columns
Get this verb down pat-it will be a great help in being able to use Spanish with ease. Check this out to see how well you know this ireegular verb. Copy this to my account 4442 vocab 2-1 Buffy Brummett Java Game
p.16 vocab practice Copy this to my account 4443 Exprésate 2 Chapter 3b Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 4444 1 U3L2 Comparatives Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Read this general description of Juan and Ana. Then decide which comparatives seem more likely to be true.
Juan tiene 48 años. Ana tiene 27 años. Juan trabaja para IBM once horas por día. Ana es estudiante y trabaja en la biblioteca ocho horas... Copy this to my account 4445 ME GUSTA, NO ME GUSTA, SOY, NO SOY Isabel Galvez Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 4446 Exprésate 1 Chapter 8b Reflexive Verbs in the preterite Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4447 Ven conmigo 2 cap 1 paso 2 David Boxwell Java Game
1-2 Copy this to my account 4448 Vistazos 1 -- Java Game
End-of-chapter vocabulary, page 44-45. Copy this to my account 4449 Ir vs Ser preterit practice #1 Señor Fernandes Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 31. Copy this to my account 4450 3.2.1 Mandatos formales Sra. Caballos Rags to Riches
Afirmativos y negativos Copy this to my account 4451 3-U2E1 Country Project Culture Dra. C Pop-ups
Use this to review the culture from the country project research and class presentations. Only 15 questions come up each time, so do the activity several times to practice all 34 questions. Do BEFORE the unit test! Copy this to my account 4452 Shopping Verbs Julie Reinshagen Java Game
How well do you know the Spanish verbs associated with going shopping? Match the Spanish infinitives to the correct English translation. Copy this to my account 4453 VC2 CH3-2A Talking a/b rsponsibilities. Household chores. -- Java Game
Talking a/b responsibilities. Household chores. Copy this to my account 4454 U5E1-3 los verbos reflexivos Señor Wojnar Quiz
Page 320 This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4455 Verb Challenge - TO BE or TO BE or TO BE Señora Desaulniers Battleship
ser, estar & tener Copy this to my account 4456 3.2 Vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4457 Aventura 1 Lesson 26 - Reflexive Verbs Carol Hunter Java Game
Copy this to my account 4458 Body Parts -- Hangman
I know my body! Copy this to my account 4459 Dime Uno - U2 L3 - Actividades - Jumbled Words Mary Lynne DeMarinis Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 4460 1-PE Examen Profesora Stone Quiz
Choose the best answer for the following questions. This quiz contains 71 questions. Copy this to my account 4461 Greetings -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4462 el hotel Carol Hamilton Java Game
Copy this to my account 4463 Los fracasados: present perfect kate twit Java Game
Copy this to my account 4464 Muy Bien A - El Circo - ch 15 Kim Hukari Hangman
Copy this to my account 4465 N1 C7 LB Juego de repaso Mrs. Gross Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4466 Conexiones Lección 3.1 Vocabulario Profesora Duronio Java Game
Vocabualario de Lección 3.1 Copy this to my account 4467 vocab practice -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4468 Pobre Ana Vocabulary Pages 3-5 -- Java Game
Practice Vocabulary to prepare for Friday reading. Copy this to my account 4469 Spanish I :"Ven Conmigo"-Chapter 9- Asking for and giving directions downtown (Segundo Paso) Mr. Escurra Java Game
To find out where a shop is located, ask:
"Perdon, ¿Dónde está el almacen?
Excuse me, where is the department store? Copy this to my account 4470 Buen Viaje Cap 2 true-false vocab -- Quiz This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 4471 La salud- Chap. 9-Español I -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4472 II 3A Vocabulario Madame Young Hangman
p. 152, Realidades 2, 3A Vocabulario Copy this to my account 4473 Review Marzo 5th grade a Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4474 R1 Lección 2B - Tu sala de clases -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4475 Paso a Paso A - Capítulo 3 - Sección 1 Vocabulario Mrs. Lester Java Game
Practice vocabulary from Section 1 of Chapter 3 with these activities. Copy this to my account 4476 Patricia Va a California Capítulo 12 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4477 6-16-Test Prep - Units 6-7 Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 4478 Avancemos 2 U1 - L1 Vocab quiz 1 10-15-2013 Modified Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Write each word in Spanish and include the definite articles with the nouns. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4479 Viva el Toro Capítulo 6-7 Vocabulario Señora Storrs Java Game
Copy this to my account 4480 Chapter 8 Vocabulary Srta. Martin Java Game
Copy this to my account 4481 1 U1L2 singular/plural Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Nombres y Adjetivos Copy this to my account 4482 A Bordo: Chapter 4 - Vocabulario Mrs. Cuevas'Johnson Java Game
Copy this to my account 4483 El cuerpo humano -- Java Game
Dime Uno; 7.2; body parts vocabulary Copy this to my account 4484 U1E1-2 Greetings and Commands Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 4485 Dos mundos Ch.12: Health & Emergencies Sra. Brown Java Game
pp428-30: "Symptoms & Physical States," "Health, Medicines, & Remedies," "Accidents & Emergencies," and "Accidents & Unforseen Occurences" Copy this to my account 4486 Commands 21 - 40 Battleship Thomas F. Strotman Battleship
Commands 21 - 40 from Survival Booklet Copy this to my account 4487 Política, historia y gobierno R. Guzman Java Game
Copy this to my account 4488 1 U1L2 ¿Singular o Plural? Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 4489 Sp. 4+, LIST Ch. 4b (Por Acciones) -- Java Game
Review of those learned by actions.
46 items! Keep playing to see them all! Copy this to my account 4490 6-02-9 - Preparation for Test - QUE TAL - Unit 2 Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4491 Spanish Days Mrs.Vazquez Picture Perfect
Put these days of the week in order. Copy this to my account 4492 Nuevos Amigos-ch. 9 A Robin Scharak Java Game
ch. 9A vocabulary Copy this to my account 4493 ESPAÑOL I - BUEN VIAJE - LECCIÓN 1 - RAGS TO RICHES REVIEW FOR UNIT TEST SEÑORITA DRISKILL Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 4494 La momia desaparece: Capítulo 7 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 4495 Español I ¿Qué hacen los estudiantes en la clase de español? Rostek Pop-ups
Escojan Uds. el verbo mejor para practicar más tu español Copy this to my account 4496 VC3 CH11-1b -- Java Game
Talking about how you would solve a problem. Copy this to my account 4497 BravoI2/1 -- Java Game
Vocabulary of the face, body and personal adjectives Copy this to my account 4498 SP 1 Final Review #1 -- Quiz This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 4499 1Ch1 Adjectives Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Copy this to my account 4500 ¡Cancún! Sra. Cutter Sullivan Cloze
Fill in each blank with the correct form of the preterite. Remember accents! Use the accent bar. Copy this to my account 4501 El Mariachi gloser (o.3) Suzan Desezar Java Game
Copy this to my account 4502 1Et.Prelim.Greeting/Goodbye Vocab. Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Copy this to my account 4503 Voces y Vistas, Cap. 9-2 -- Java Game
Vocabulary game, LA PLAYA Copy this to my account 4504 EL CUERPO Sra. Ekblad Java Game
Vocabulario Copy this to my account 4505 Street Spanish 3 -- Java Game
With very basic conjugations - mostly preterit
also,ver and venir in various forms - Copy this to my account 4506 Family Matching Quiz Señora Swider Quiz
Please match the Spanish words to their English equivalent This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 4507 6-09-Vocabulary Practice Unit 6 Señor Wojnar Quiz
abrir - to open
cocinar - to... This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 4508 Bravo 1: Unidad 3; Leccion 3 Krista Krohn Java Game
This lesson contains a list of vocabulary for activivites done in the school. Copy this to my account 4509 Continuemos - Lesson 2 - vocabulario basico Sra. G Java Game
Copy this to my account 4510 La noche de las brujas o Halloween Sra. Ausin-Dodge Java Game
Vocabulary over Halloween Copy this to my account 4511 Clasificacion de Palabras Señora Smith Pop-ups
Clasifica estas palabras como Esdrújulas, Llanas o Agudas Copy this to my account 4512 Capítulo 5b Prueba #1 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4513 Capítulo 9 Ann Giese Java Game
Vocabulary for pages 203-219 Copy this to my account 4514 Capítulo 2 Alumnos y cursos Señora Fuller Java Game
Vocabulary review for Capítulo 2 Alumnos y cursos Copy this to my account 4515 Realidades 2 Capitulo 1A Quiz Senora Smith Quiz
las reglas en la escuela This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 4516 Dímelo tú, capítulo 7, vocabulario -- Java Game
end of chapter vocabulary Copy this to my account 4517 Realidades 3 - Cap. 2 A primera vista 1 Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Match the Spanish with the English. Copy this to my account 4518 Exploring Spanish, Unit 1 Sra. Pelicano Java Game
Los saludos y las expresiones de cortesía Copy this to my account 4519 Mastery Unit 2: La rutina diaria C. Hughes Java Game
Flashcards, games and activities to enable you to practice the vocabulary in this unit. Copy this to my account 4520 La comida Kim Hukari Hangman
Can you figure out these Spanish foods? Copy this to my account 4521 ¿Qué comiste para el desayuno? Rosemarie Bartholomew Columns
Match the Spanish breakfast items with their English meanings. Copy this to my account 4522 Day of the Dead Vocabulary 1 Dianne Guest Java Game
Copy this to my account 4523 3.1.1 El imperfecto Senora Cigal Challenge Board
Answer with the appropriate form of the imperfecto. Accents must match exactly. Copy this to my account 4524 Spanish I -ar verbs 1 Linda Akwa Quiz
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 4525 Sp. 1, LICT, Ch. 5, La lotería -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4526 Prepositons used with ESTAR Mademoiselle Stone Java Game
Prepositions: on top of, far from, in front of, next to, underneath, close to & behind. Copy this to my account 4527 en vivo substantiver kap. 1-4 OG Spansk Java Game
ordforråd navneord kapitel 1-4 Copy this to my account 4528 3.2.2 El subjuntivo -- Quiz
Presta atención a los verbos -car, -gar, y -zar This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4529 Las Nacionalidades Profesora Fritz Java Game
Ven Conmigo II Copy this to my account 4530 Etapa 3 Unit 1 - En español -- Java Game
Vocabulary Practice Copy this to my account 4531 Juntos Dos: Chapter 6 Vocabulary Señora Mahoney Java Game
Chapter 6, page 173. Copy this to my account 4532 VC3 CH9-1b -- Java Game
Expressing disagreement. Adjectives that describe people. Copy this to my account 4533 L2.3A.AVSR - multiple choice vocab Señor Robie Pop-ups
Multiple choice vocab Copy this to my account 4534 Español 1, Unidad 6, Lección 3: el vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4535 Colores y las cosas de la escuela -- Pop-ups
practice vocabulary and gender/number agreement Copy this to my account 4536 Naturaleza Matching Señora Johnson Columns
Match the following verbs with their objects. Copy this to my account 4537 ¡Ven conmigo! Level 2, Capí­tulo 8, Segundo Paso SenyorM Java Game
Copy this to my account 4538 Realidades 2 2B vocabulario pam satterfield Jumbled Words
unscramble the vocabulary words Copy this to my account 4539 IR + A + INFINITIVE Señora Shaffer Battleship
Copy this to my account 4540 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 2 matching numbers Mrs Flannery Columns
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 2 matching numbers Copy this to my account 4541 En español 2 Unidad 1 Etapa 1 Jackie Taylor Hangman
Copy this to my account 4542 La familia, Profesiones y vocaciones CPT 3 Dr. Eneida Pugh Challenge Board
This exercise is for partners to do. Type in correct one word answer. Copy this to my account 4543 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 1c (Por Cuentos) -- Java Game
These we learn mostly by storytelling. Copy this to my account 4544 Exprésate I Cap. 2 Vocab. 2 Señora Orr Java Game
Copy this to my account 4545 Sp. III Review - Pretérito Regular Dana Bolluyt Columns
Match the verb forms in each column. Copy this to my account 4546 3A realidades 2 errands/expressions -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4547 Paso 1 Chap. 1: ¿Cómo eres? Señorita Tiwari Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 4548 Capítulo 6: Affirmative informal commands with pronouns A P Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 4549 Bravo Level 3 Unidad 6 Lección 1 -- Jumbled Words
vocabulary Jumbled Copy this to my account 4550 Paso a Paso A - Ch.2, Sección 1 - ¿Qué necesitas para las clases? -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 4551 VC3 CH10-1b -- Java Game
Los raíces. Talking about future plans. Copy this to my account 4552 Ven Conmigo 1:Capitulo 1 TERCER PASO p45 C. Hughes Java Game
Talking about likes and dislikes. Review the vocabulary using the flashcards, then practice by playing the games. Copy this to my account 4553 En Espanol II Vocabulario 4-1 Mrs. Shields Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 4554 5A Celebrate: Party items, decorations, and things to do (5A) Sra. Bishop Jumbled Words
How many things do you have to buy for the party?
¿Cuántas cosas tienes que comprar por la fiesta?
What are you going to do? ¿Qué vas a hacer? Copy this to my account 4555 Vocabulario de Cap. 6 de Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para practicar el vocabulario de Cap. 6. Copy this to my account 4556 Realidades I - Capítulo 5B -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4557 Numbers In Spanish 70-89 Miss McMurray Columns
Copy this to my account 4558 Casa Vocab -- JEOPARDY (Span 3/4) Ms. J Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4559 Tiempos perfectos Dr. Yosálida C. Rivero-Zaritzky Challenge Board
Conjuga los verbos en paréntesis en el tiempo correcto. Ten cuidado con los acentos, si no los colocas, pierdes. Copy this to my account 4560 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 2, Drop That Bird! a story -- Picture Perfect
Put these events in logical order to tell a story. To see the picture as you go, click on Check Answers each time you enter a number. (There are three hints available at the bottom if you need them.) ¡Es divertido! Copy this to my account 4561 AVHS SP2 U4 Irregular verbs (Practice 18)(pop-ups) Señora Pop-ups
Do you know the forms of these irregular verbs? (decir, hacer, oír, poner, salir, tener, traer, valer, venir, conocer, saber) Copy this to my account 4562 PASO I CAPITULO 3 ¿Cuándo vas el parque? pp. 90/91 1st vocab Mlle. Java Game
words and expressions to talk about your leisure-time activities Copy this to my account 4563 a bordo cap 13 Señor Fields Quiz
examencito This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 44. Copy this to my account 4564 Picture Perfect Numbers -- Picture Perfect
Copy this to my account 4565 LA CASA Sra. Wilson Hangman
Copy this to my account 4566 MASTERY 3: UNIT 8 La salud (2) C. Hughes Java Game
Can you match the Spanish definitions to the vocabulary items that appear in Unit 8? Copy this to my account 4567 El ojo en la nuca y La tortilla Sra. Taraborelli Challenge Board
vocabulario e interpretación del corto y del cuento Copy this to my account 4568 Repaso del vocabulario (7A) Sra. Bishop Challenge Board
TPRS 1 "New ¡Cuéntame más!" Cap1 vocabulary review Copy this to my account 4570 Los animales de la granja Señorita Brady Hangman
Spell out the different animal names in Spanish! Use the hint for help. Copy this to my account 4571 Prueba de vocabulario - los verbos reflexivos Madame Gross Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4572 Exprésate 3: Review chapters 1 & 2 Debbie Mensinger Rags to Riches
Exprésate 3: Review chapters 1 & 2: preterite vs imperfect, negative words, subjunctive vs indicative Copy this to my account 4573 ADJETIVOS Y PRONOMBRES DEMOSTRATIVOS (AVANCEMOS NIVEL 2) nora kinney Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4574 Jobs Profe Grana Java Game
Copy this to my account 4575 Juntos Dos: Chapter 3 Vocabulary Lists Señora Mahoney Columns
Chapter 3, page 107. Copy this to my account 4576 Hangman -- Hangman
Practice review vocabulary while playing hangman Copy this to my account 4577 Examen del tiempo (para practicar) Yvonne McArthur Quiz This quiz contains 34 questions. Copy this to my account 4578 Classroom vocabulary, Paso a Paso Ms. Marvin Java Game
Copy this to my account 4579 Buen Viaje I 5 A Marcy Webb Java Game
Copy this to my account 4580 Hace + time Profe Quiz
Quiz over the use of 'hace + time + que + present / past'. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 4581 3.2.3 Vocabulario Parte 1 -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 4582 Para Quinto en cuarentena Claudia Mendez Java Game
Copy this to my account 4583 La Casa-QUIZ Señora Moore (Señorita Greene) Quiz
Practice verb conjugations. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 4584 CAPITULO III Sr. Ojeda Java Game
ACTIVIDADES CAPITULO III Copy this to my account 4585 Capítulo 3 Las Compras para la escuela - Vocabulario Señora Fuller Java Game
Review of Capítulo 3 vocabulary from the Buen Viaje text Level 1 Copy this to my account 4586 Adjetivos 1 Aileen O'Suilleabhain Hangman
Copy this to my account 4587 El Día de Acción de Gracias Señorita Brady Columns
¡Practicamos las frases! Copy this to my account 4588 Exprésate 2 Chapter 2a Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 4589 La Hora y la escuela -- Challenge Board
Choose the correct time Copy this to my account 4590 Subject pronouns Sra. Brown Java Game
Match the English subject pronouns to their Spanish equivalents. Copy this to my account 4591 C 9 Double Object Pronouns Practice Test 1 Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz
Complete the sentence with the correct double object pronouns. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4592 Spanish III: "Ven Conmigo"-Chapter 1. - !Que bien lo pase este verano ! Mr. Escurra Java Game
In this chapter you will review and practice:
*expressing interest, indifference and displeasure
*asking for information; describing yourself and others Copy this to my account 4593 Avancemos 2 Preliminar quiz pg 20 Ser vs Estar & Tener Expressions 9-13-2013 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 4594 Police Spanish -- Java Game
Practice basic Spanish commands for police officers. Copy this to my account 4595 -er and -ir present tense practice Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 4596 Ven conmigo II 5.1 El pretérito: verbos con "y" Profesora Duronio Java Game
leer, caerse, oír, creer Copy this to my account 4597 I 4B Vocabulario Madame Young Columns
Realidades I, p. 218, vocabulario Copy this to my account 4598 1.2 vocab Joe Barile Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 4599 ¿Qué tal estás? Miss McMurray Java Game
Copy this to my account 4600 Paso 3- Cap. 4 vocabulario Mrs. Hicks Java Game
Copy this to my account 4601 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 5c (Por Cuentos) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4602 3-U1E2 por vs para 7 gustar-type verbs Sra. DeHart Cloze
Use your text p. 61 to help decide if you need POR or PARA to complete each sentence. The last 10 refer to the "gustar"expressions on p. 60 of your text. Copy this to my account 4603 adjectives to describe a person. hangman -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 4604 1A Conjugation Battleship Señorita Kendrick Battleship
Copy this to my account 4605 ¿En qué orden? -- Ordered List
Put the sentences in order Copy this to my account 4606 Los días festivos y las fiestas -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4607 beginning questions -- Pop-ups
created by Helen Stevenson Copy this to my account 4608 1A U2E2 Hangman Señor Bain Hangman
Vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 4609 ¿Qué hora es? #3 Dianne Guest Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 4610 IR + A + the INFINITIVE (to be going to ___) Ken J. Zeoli Jumbled Words
Unscramble the phrases to form structures that include a form of IR + A + the infinitive. Have fun! Copy this to my account 4611 name the season, days, or months Sra. Hays Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 4612 Latin America geography practice Mme McKenna Java Game
Copy this to my account 4613 Ropa/Clothes GR2 (IF) Señora Klebba Java Game
Teach Them Spanish!
Ropa/Clothing Grade 2 Copy this to my account 4614 Sp 1 SER Monsieur Marcantel Java Game
Practice the forms of the verb SER = to be Copy this to my account 4615 Los quehaceres ¡Tengo mucho que hacer! Carol Hamilton Hangman
Practice verbs related to household chores Copy this to my account 4616 Rojo Ch. 11 - Vocabulario 1 Dana Bolluyt Java Game
Copy this to my account 4617 Ven Conmigo Capitulo 5 Señora Ferguson Java Game
Practice vocabulary presented in Fotonovela Copy this to my account 4618 En español U5 E3 superlatives Srta. Hicks Rags to Riches
Choose the correct superlative phrase to finish each sentence. Copy this to my account 4619 Las Noticias #2- D Period Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Copy this to my account 4620 Conexiones 8.2 Actividad 8-28 El condicional perfecto Profesora Duronio Quiz
Di lo que habrías hecho tú en estos casos incorporando el vocabulario de Lección 8-2. This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 4621 1 U2L3 Location Prepositions and Verbs Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 4622 La familia 2 Aileen O'Suilleabhain Java Game
Copy this to my account 4623 U4 L3 ER verbs Señora Oberdorfer Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4624 U3E3-8-2 Direct Object Pronouns: Step Two Señor Wojnar Quiz
Students will master the placement of the direct object pronoun in the sentence This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 4625 Presente de Subjuntivo - párrafo Sra. Frayre Cloze
Unos parientes tuyos acaban de llegar de Quito. ¿Qué les dices a tus amigos? Copy this to my account 4626 Antonyms Group #3 Test (words only) A. Martell Quiz
Amsco Spanish Two Years
Antonym Chapter
Vocabulary Test only This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4627 Perú Ms. Flores Battleship
Practice the cultural information related to Perú. Copy this to my account 4628 Lecciones Preliminares Vocabulario Profesora Mallén Java Game
Copy this to my account 4629 Verb conjugation -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4630 Realidades 2 Chapter 2B Vocabulary Mrs. Jagus Java Game
Copy this to my account 4631 El Alfabeto-Práctica 3 Sra. Min Quiz
Type the word you hear spelled. This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 4632 Cajas de Cartón - Adjetivos -- Java Game
Adjectives from the reading "Cajas de Cartón." Quiz/test next week. Copy this to my account 4633 2ndo Grado (Los Animales) -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 4634 ¡Vamos a comer! Sra. Jensen Java Game
Expresiones utiles para el restaurante. Copy this to my account 4635 AP Spanish Lit/Abriendo puertas: Autores y títulos de la narrativa de la Nueva Lista Karen Katz Columns
Traza una raya que ligue el título con su autor. ¡Ojo! Cada vez que juegas, habrá un autor que no se empareja con ningún título presente. Copy this to my account 4636 Expresiones chicanas Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para repasar las expresiones chicanas de "Con ganas de triunfar" Copy this to my account 4637 1 U0LP Salutations Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Realidades: páginas 5-6
Practice your greetings vocabulary. Pay close attention if it is vocabulary used with a buddy or in a polite situation. Copy this to my account 4638 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 2 fruit and vegetables Mrs Flannery Java Game
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 2 fruit and vegetables Copy this to my account 4639 2 Conjugation of ser in different tenses Sra Durante de Stroup Cloze
Conjugate the verb ser in 9 tenses Copy this to my account 4640 Capítulo 2-1 (Realidades 2) -- Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4641 ANIMAL FACTS: Learn how HUMANE animals are while winning $1,000,000! Señorita Pelican Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 4642 Avancemos 2 U1-L1 Prueba de gramatica 2 10-28-2013 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 4643 CM2 - Coyote y cuervo -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4644 La Familia Hangman Sra. Min Hangman
Copy this to my account 4645 Pronombres (Pronouns) barbara king Hangman
Copy this to my account 4646 Capítulo 6a Prueba #2 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4647 Exprésate I Cap. 2 Peligro Señora Orr Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4648 Spanish -- Challenge Board
for beginners Copy this to my account 4649 R2 1B-3 Making Comparisons Tan or Tantos Señora Borges Quiz
2 questions will be manually graded therefore your grade is not finalized until these two questions are graded. This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 4650 Realidades 1, Chapter 7B JG Dr. Parra Java Game
Copy this to my account 4651 Catrina 6: imperfect & preterite Michael Noricks Cloze
Copy this to my account 4652 SPANISH 2 REVIEW -- Challenge Board
jeopardy-like review game Copy this to my account 4653 Dime uno capítulo 5 ¡a comer! -- Java Game
Dime Uno capítulo cinco, lección tres; vocabulario Copy this to my account 4654 Buen Viaje - Capítulo Tres - las compras para la escuela Carol Hamilton Java Game
Copy this to my account 4655 Realidades I Para Empezar Numbers 0-100 Mrs. Jagus Java Game
Copy this to my account 4656 Capítulo 3, De Compras, Puntos de Partida & ¿Qué tal? R. Vacchio Java Game
Vocabulary Practice Copy this to my account 4657 Etapa Preliminar - gramática, epañol 3 -- Challenge Board
review of present/preterite/stem-changing/reflexives Copy this to my account 4658 La familia Sra. Bishop Columns
Families in Hispanic countries include all the extended family members, not just the immediate family living under one roof. See if you can match these appropriately. There are more choices than you need. Copy this to my account 4659 1B-WB-1 Señora Cowell Quiz
¿Cómo es?
At school you see many different types of people. Describe each person you see in the picture by writing the appropriate adjective. HINT: just one word per description. This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 4660 A bordo Capítulo 13 Vocabulario Señor Fields Columns
¡Más práctica de vocabulario!
¡Hay que saber el vocabulario! ¿no? Copy this to my account 4661 Capitals of Central and South America -- Java Game
This game includes the 35 countries and capitals of Central and South America. Copy this to my account 4662 Somos Así 1- Lección C- Vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4663 Sp. 4+, LIST, Ch. 6, Strong Joe, a story -- Picture Perfect
Straighten out Joe's story!
PRACTICE at Copy this to my account 4664 Vistas 9 Vocabulario - Las Etapas de la Vida, Verbos, Palabras Adicionales -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4665 Spanish: Places in Spain Barbara S. Andrews Quiz
Spelling counts! Use your notes! (Accent marks optional) This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 4666 Conjugation of sentirse Mrs. Shields Cloze
Conjugate the verb sentirse in 9 tenses Copy this to my account 4667 p 40-41, practica - ¿Usas el, la, los, o las? Crystal Carlson Pop-ups
Students choose the correct definite article (el, la, los, or las) for the given classroom vocabulary terms from p 34-35 Copy this to my account 4668 a bordo cap 11 Señor Fields Quiz
examencito This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 50. Copy this to my account 4669 Repaso del Semestre a Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4670 1 U1L1 Infinitives Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 4671 Los Exploradores Señora Java Game
Copy this to my account 4672 Realidades 3, Cap 5 Vocab 2 -- Java Game
Para practicar el vocabulario antes del examen. Copy this to my account 4673 Realidades 1 - Atencion pagina 6 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4674 6-04-5 Subject Pronouns-Practice Señor Wojnar Quiz
Choose the correct Spanish subejct pronoun that would replace each subject. This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 4675 Buen Viaje I Chapter 11 Vocab.1 -- Java Game
En el Aeropuerto Copy this to my account 4676 occupations Alvaro Munoz Hangman
Copy this to my account 4677 Vocabulario de Capitulo 3 de Ven Conmigo Sra. Beasley Java Game
Ven Conmigo Level 1 Chapter 3 Vocabulary Copy this to my account 4678 los verbos y los quehaceres -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4679 1 Capítulo, Los Ojos de Carmen Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4680 los números en español (10's) Señora Miller Java Game
Copy this to my account 4681 U3E2-7 - Comparativos - Spanish to English Señor Wojnar Quiz
With each of the following Spanish sentences, choose the correct English translation. This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 25. Copy this to my account 4682 Modifiers 1 Susan Vestal Hangman
Copy this to my account 4683 Adelante Chapter 2: TERCER PASO p97 C. Hughes Java Game
Talking about what you need and want to do
Review the vocsbulary and play the games Copy this to my account 4684 Spanish 2 Cap 12 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 4685 vocabulario para la clase Señora Miller Java Game
Practice the objects found in Señora Miller's classroom! Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 4686 In the house/En la casa gloria Java Game
Copy this to my account 4687 Colores - Matching, flashcards, concentration, word search -- Java Game
Spanish 12 Copy this to my account 4688 El cuerpo--Spanish 3/4 Dianne Guest Java Game
Copy this to my account 4689 Somos Así 1 Vocab.lección 2 Cap. 1 -- Java Game
Vocabulario Lección 2 Capítulo 1 Copy this to my account 4690 Epañol I - SPANISH PRONOUNS Señor E. Java Game
Spanish Pronouns Copy this to my account 4691 Buen Viaje 1 Chap 2 - SER / Pronouns señor Tocino Java Game
Copy this to my account 4692 Comparativos avanzados Señor Turf Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 4693 Unidad 5 Lección 2 - Verbos Irregulares Mr. Friedrich Java Game
Practice the meanings of the verbs. Copy this to my account 4694 Avancemos 2 U3-L2 Vocabulario & expansión quiz 4-30-2014 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 4695 Ven Conmigo capítulo 2-1 Sra. DeRosa Java Game
El primer paso del segundo capítulo en el tercer nivel de Ven Conmigo Copy this to my account 4696 La Casa Señora Moore (Señorita Greene) Pop-ups
En la casa... Copy this to my account 4697 ¿A dónde van de compras? Señorita Tiwari Columns
Paso a Paso 2 Chapter 7 Copy this to my account 4698 Capítulo 6: Vocabulario Ken J. Zeoli Java Game
OK, now it's time to master the palabras of capítulo 6. See how many of them you know! Copy this to my account 4699 El Regateo -- Ordered List
You are shopping at El Mercado for a gift for your dad. Put the conversation with the vendedor in the correct chronological order. Copy this to my account 4700 Capítulo 3 días 3-4 Señora Fuller Hangman
Copy this to my account 4701 S1 Cap 2B Chp Review #2 Elizabeth John Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 84. Copy this to my account 4702 TPR EPISODIO 1- III Señora Rodriguez Hangman
Que palabra es? Copy this to my account 4703 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 5a (Old and Easy) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4704 Nationalities # 1 Hangman Mary Lynne DeMarinis Hangman
Copy this to my account 4705 Los participios pasados Señor Turf Cloze
Copy this to my account 4706 Indirect Object Pronouns and Food - AP Senora Loeb Quiz This quiz contains 40 questions chosen from a bank of 48. Copy this to my account 4707 La Clase de Español Sra. Al-Salim Challenge Board
A collection of beginning Spanish words that every student should find easy to answer. Careful though, spelling counts! Copy this to my account 4708 Pobre Ana Ch. 2 Señoras Kline y Navarro Columns
Match the Spanish to the English Copy this to my account 4709 Realidades 1, 4A-5B Herr Wegner Quiz This quiz contains 104 questions. Copy this to my account 4710 Realidades 7A: ¿Cuánto Cuesta? Señor W Java Game
Copy this to my account 4711 Tener idioms Profa Kurtz Jumbled Words
unscramble the word to fit the clue Copy this to my account 4712 Chapter 2-Numbers 0-199 Señora Williams Columns
Match the numbers with their Spanish spelling Copy this to my account 4713 Spanish 2 Cap 3 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 29 questions. Copy this to my account 4714 Como describir la ropa -- Java Game
You are going to review the vocabulary used in describing clothing:fabrics,colors and designs. Copy this to my account 4715 Months Señora Owen Ordered List
Put the months in order. Copy this to my account 4716 Test #2 stem changing present (easy version) Señor Fernandes Quiz
You have TWO TRIES.
To prepare for this test study worksheet 4.2 and 4.3
Due Sunday the 16th at midnight. This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 42. Copy this to my account 4717 6th grade entrance Examen de Español Señorita Lange Quiz This quiz contains 34 questions. Copy this to my account 4718 5.2 Hangman -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 4719 LISTOS BOOK 1 -Irregular Verbs Mrs Flannery Challenge Board
ser, estar, tener, ir, hacer Copy this to my account 4720 1Ch7Regular Verbs Srta. Gutzwiler Quiz
Write the correct form of the verb. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 4721 A bordo Cap. 1 vocab -- Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4722 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 6 Saying what is wrong Mrs Flannery Columns
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 6 Saying what is wrong Copy this to my account 4723 Vocabulary. Places in a town Aitana Mateo Domenech Java Game
A list of places in a town like the grocer's, the cathedral, the chemist's Copy this to my account 4724 Exprésate 1: Geocultura-España Mme Dimick Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 4725 Chapter 1-1 Sp3 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Present Tense Verb Conjugation:
(yo)... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4726 Avancemos, 4 U2 L2 Vocabulario p. 106 Sra. Coutu Java Game
*talking about leisure activities Copy this to my account 4727 Buen Viaje II - Capítulo 9 - Más práctica con vocabulario Sr. Shannon Jumbled Words
Escribe las palabras correctamente. Copy this to my account 4728 Los fracasados: reflexive forms kate twit Java Game
Copy this to my account 4729 AP CARACTERISTCAS PERSONALES Ms. Acocella Java Game
* means that word needs an accent Copy this to my account 4730 Vocabulario, Cap. 2 de Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Hangman
Un juego para repasar el vocabulario de Cap. 2. Copy this to my account 4731 Ven Conmigo 3, capítulo 1 -- Java Game
Contiene todo el vocabulario en el 1er capítulo en Ven Conmigo nivel 3. Copy this to my account 4732 Sp 1 ch2.2 ir al Monsieur Marcantel Java Game
The verb IR and the expressions of "to the" Copy this to my account 4733 04 - Food - Matching -- Columns
Copy this to my account 4734 Español 3 - U3 E1 - Repaso sobre los mandatos y el subjuntivo Señora Schott Challenge Board
Trabajen en grupos de dos, por favor. Copy this to my account 4735 Sp 1 Los verbos ser, tener, ir and hacer (en el presente) Mlle/Srta. Read Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 4736 AVHS SP1 U6 forms of "estudiar" (Columns) Señora Columns
Can you match the English and Spanish forms of "to study"? Copy this to my account 4737 1 U2L3 Prepositions Columns Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Copy this to my account 4738 01 - Friends - Hangman -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 4739 Capitulo 5B Mme Yutzy Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4740 ¡Exprésate!3 Capítulo 3 Vocabulario 2 Mary Louise Chillington Java Game
Copy this to my account 4741 new terms for leccion 8 Mark Mitchell Java Game
Copy this to my account 4742 Reading Comprehension Quiz 2 Señora Desaulniers Quiz
"Soledades, II", "Galerías, XXV" and "Proverbios y cantares, XXIX" This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4743 Las preguntas para los pacientes M. Gabriela Muralles-Ball Hangman
These are questions that you might ask your patients. Copy this to my account 4744 En Español 2: Un1Et1 NOUNS p. 49 and some additional nouns Dra. C Java Game
Practice the NOUNS from p. 49 plus some additional nouns for the unit. Copy this to my account 4745 Spanish 1 Cap 12 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 4746 Tema 6 Review Miss Marshall Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4747 2 U1l1 Hace + time Challenge Board Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
from En Español 2 (Unidad 3, Etapa 3): use 'hace + time + que + present tense' to express how long an activity has been going on; or use 'hace + time + que + past' to express how long ago an event happened. Copy this to my account 4748 Navegando I Capitulo 2 Review Mrs. Corban Challenge Board
Review for Navegando I Ch. 2 Exam Copy this to my account 4749 ailments on the body -- Pop-ups
multiple choice on parts of the body Copy this to my account 4750 RECETA POST ASSESSMENT Mario Camargo Quiz This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 4751 ¿Eres tú, María? Episodios 1-10 Señora Quiz This quiz contains 31 questions. Copy this to my account 4752 Las Direcciones Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Vocabulary activities to accompany Ch.8 of ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 1. Copy this to my account 4753 Conjugation of responder Mrs. Shields Cloze
Conjugate the verb responder in 9 tenses Copy this to my account 4754 Ven Conmigo 9-2 Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Ven Conmigo 9-2 Level I
Commenting on clothing
Making comparisons Copy this to my account 4755 Spanish 2 Cap 8 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 37 questions. Copy this to my account 4756 Cap 5B (R1) Vocabulario (word scramble) Sra. Hoover Jumbled Words
restaurant vocab and physical descriptions Copy this to my account 4757 Animales de Norteamérica -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 4758 Chapter 8-Spell changing Subjunctive J F Cardona Quiz
Translate the sentences. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4759 HACE QUE/HACÍA QUE -- Pop-ups
Puedes practicar como usar hace que y hacía que en esta activicad. Copy this to my account 4760 "Rayando el Sol" vocabulary Profe Sievert Java Game
practice 40 vocabulary items from the song by Maná. Copy this to my account 4761 Paso a Paso I Ch. #6 Past Tense Quiz Review Mr. Jason Hank Java Game
Match the present tense conjugation with the preterit tense conjugation. Copy this to my account 4762 1.1 DO/IO Understanding Sra. Leszczynski Quiz
Avancemos 2 Unidad 1.1 This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4763 Ven conmigo - Capítulo 8 Primer Paso Sra. Webb Java Game
Copy this to my account 4764 Casi se muere Cap 7 Señoras Kline y Navarro Battleship
Copy this to my account 4765 Pobre Ana, Capítulo 1 Ms. Rogers Columns
Copy this to my account 4766 Span 2 PRE-ASSESSMENT past tenses Thomas Porter Quiz This quiz contains 26 questions. Copy this to my account 4767 Realidades 2 8A test Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 4768 Sp 1 4.1 Million Vocab Monsieur Marcantel Rags to Riches
Unit 4, Leson 1 vocabulary Copy this to my account 4769 "U" Group Preterite Srta. Wachlin Java Game
The preterite tense of verbs in the "U" group. Copy this to my account 4770 perfect tenses señora Terry Challenge Board
practice with present perfect, pluperfect, and present perfect subjunctive Copy this to my account 4771 El pretérito Capítulo 13 Buen Viaje Mrs. Siqueira Rags to Riches
questions using the past tense of irregular verbs such as anduve, tuve, quise, estuve, vine, hide Copy this to my account 4772 El subjuntivo o no -- Rags to Riches
use of the subjunctive or infinitive Copy this to my account 4773 <B>Exprésate 2: Repaso del capítulo 1</B> Sra. Josephine Morales Rodríguez Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 4774 El Cuerpo Humano Sra. Frayre Battleship
Parts of the body vocabulary. Copy this to my account 4775 Clothing (more challenging) Mrs. Lester Battleship
Some of these words may not be part of your chapter vocabulary, but they will be very useful in your study of Spanish. Copy this to my account 4776 La noche de las Brujas Sra. Ausin-Dodge Battleship
Questions about Halloween vocabulary Copy this to my account 4777 Amor forjado en el cielo PT 1 Vocab. -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4778 Exprésate 2 Chapter 3b Commands sing/plur aff/neg Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Battleship
Copy this to my account 4779 En mis ratos libres -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 4780 2-2B Chapter Test Sr. Brady Quiz This quiz contains 56 questions chosen from a bank of 91. Copy this to my account 4781 Almodóvar -- Java Game
Vocabulario para Todo sobre mi madre Copy this to my account 4782 El voseo de la Argentina Megan Flinchbaugh Patterns
Escoge el presente del indicativo que se corresponde a cada pronombre. Copy this to my account 4783 Mid SpII Voc 1 Ch I -- Java Game
Vocabulary words Copy this to my account 4784 Sp LICT p. 01 Capítulo 1 Lección 1 Translating Words English => Spanish Mlle/Srta. Read Challenge Board
Can you translate these words from English into Spanish? It's a challenge! Copy this to my account 4785 Classroom Objects Columns Todd Maggi Columns
Copy this to my account 4786 Buen Viaje II Chapter 1 Vocab.1 -- Java Game
La Estación del Tren Copy this to my account 4787 SP 1 Final Review #15 -- Quiz
Salir; Venir; Decir; Poner; Hacer; Tener; Ser; Estar; Ir; Saber This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4788 Origami terms for Spanish Mrs. Norell Java Game
match up the origami expressions in English to the Spanish counterparts. GOOD LUCK! Copy this to my account 4789 U3E1-2 - Vocabulary Practice -Pt2 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Page 189 in textbook. PLEASE NOTE: COPY THE ANSWERS DIRECTLY FROM THE TEXTBOOK ON PAGE 189--DO NOT ADD ANYTHING This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 4790 Destinos 1-5 La geografía y la cultura de EspaÑa Sra. Webb Java Game
Copy this to my account 4791 Prueba 5B-3 Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 4792 Vocabulario #3: Un viaje Señora Daniel Java Game
Copy this to my account 4793 2-U3E1 Cultura Dra. C Rags to Riches
How well did you learn the culture from Unidad 3 Etapa 1? Do this activity several will be different each time! Copy this to my account 4794 III 6-3 Cyberspace Sra. Lari Rags to Riches
From En Espanol purple book Copy this to my account 4795 Learnables 12 Lakota Spanish Teachers Hangman
Practice your Learnables 12 vocabulary by guessing the word or phrases. Copy this to my account 4796 Bienvenidos-Lección 11- Vocabulario Señor Marlow Java Game
Práctica de Vocabulario Copy this to my account 4797 Verb "ser" practice 2 Dianne Guest Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 4798 LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 6 -saying what is wrong Mrs Flannery Jumbled Words
LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 6 Saying What is Wrong Copy this to my account 4799 Pasajes Lengua 1 Vocabulario p. 7 Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Java Game
Copy this to my account 4800 1Et.Prelim.los días,los meses Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Copy this to my account 4801 La herencia Capítulo 14 La culebra muerde Profe. Java Game
Copy this to my account 4802 1 U2L2 estar forms (Eng. & Sp.)(columns) Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Can you match the forms of "estar" in Spanish and English? Copy this to my account 4803 1Ch1 Countries and Capitals Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Match the country with its capital. Copy this to my account 4804 Pretérito Patterns – uregelmæssige verber Eva Høeg Patterns
Hvor mange Euro kan du samle? Copy this to my account 4805 Chapter 1 - The verb SER Mr. Stellato Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4806 Avancemos 6,2: el pretérito Señor Matt Battleship
General preterite practice of lesson 2, Unit 6 Copy this to my account 4807 Benchmark Reading GHS 2014 Profe Marrison Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4808 future perfect señora Terry Java Game
Translate the English to Spanish. Copy this to my account 4809 Reading Comprehension Quiz 1 Señora Desaulniers Quiz
"Tú me quieres blanca" and "Peso ancestral" This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4810 2 U0LP Quiz ir + a +infinitive Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 4811 Avancemos 2 Preliminar quiz pg 29 Vocabulario 9-20-2013 Form A Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Write the words in Spanish and include definite articles. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 4812 I give you, I tell you Mrs. Cushing Java Game
Match the following phrases Copy this to my account 4813 What color is it? Sra. Hays Jumbled Words
unscramble these words to study the color, some colors have more than one way to say them Copy this to my account 4814 Exprésate - Capítulo 6 - Expresate p.41 Timothy Corcoran Java Game
Copy this to my account 4815 A bordo Capítulo 3 Vocabulario Señor Fields Columns
¡Práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 4816 El subjuntivo con conjunciones Señora Rader Java Game
Copy this to my account 4817 Preguntas Alejandro Saravia Columns
Match the information you get as an answer with the most likely question word. Copy this to my account 4818 Bravo 1 Unidad 6 Leccíon 1 -- Java Game
vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 4819 Ciudades, Países y Lenguas Rostek Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 4820 adverbios Sra. Chamberlain Java Game
Copy this to my account 4821 Midterm Exam Practice: Sink your partner's midterm battleship! -- Battleship
You should do this activity several times until you answer everything correctly! Ask your teacher WHY if you don't understand something! Copy this to my account 4822 1.1-1.3 Dimelo Dr. Eneida Pugh Cloze
Vocabulary and grammar 1.1-1.3 Dimelo Copy this to my account 4823 Body Parts Lesson #6 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4824 Exprésate 2 Chapter 3a Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 4825 ¡Así Se Dice! Capítulo 1 - Sustantivos, artículos, verbos y adjetivos en el plural. Sra. Baldwin Quiz
Change the phrases and sentences to singular or plural as needed. This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 4826 Repaso del subjuntivo (o...¡sin subjuntivo!) Señor Turf Pop-ups
Continuemos...cap. 8 (Repaso) Copy this to my account 4827 2:U2E2 cultura Dra. C Columns
Matching activity based on the culture in Unidad 2 etapa 2 and class discussions. Draw a line from column 1 to its match in column 2. You may want to do this several times. The questions will change. Copy this to my account 4828 1B Preparación Para El Examen Sra. Klooster Quiz
Choose the most logical answer for each multiple-choice question. Type in the Spanish word for each fill-in question. This quiz contains 17 questions. Copy this to my account 4829 2.1 vocabulary quiz Profa Kurtz Quiz This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 4830 4Q - Module 4 Quiz -- Quiz
Quiz contents:
Commands (p. 130), Demonstrative Adjectives (p. 143 ), Possessive Adjectives (p. 103), Number 0-100 (p. 79 and 80). This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 4831 1-1.1 y 1.2 - (09192010 ECB) Profesora Berman Quiz This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 4832 Español 2, Unidad 1, Lección 3: los adjetivos -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 4833 4th quarter verb review meg morrissey Java Game
Copy this to my account 4834 U1E1-4 - Using the Verb Ser Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4835 2-U3E3 - Juan estaba enfermo Dra. C Cloze
Complete this story by providing the appropriate verb forms. WATCH! You may need present, preterite, imperfect, infinitive etc. This story was written by a Carmel Spn II student. Copy this to my account 4836 Buen Viaje 2 - Quiz Cap. 4 Dane Carter Quiz
This is a two-part chapter quiz on Buen Viaje 2, Cap. 4. The first part is a fill-in with the appropriate verb form in either the preterite or the imperfect tense. Part two is a True or False portion, with 10 questions based on vocabulary and... This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 4837 Unidad 3 Etapa 2 Vocabulary and Stem Changing Verbs Señor Potoka Battleship
Answer these questions to sink the enemy´s battleship. Copy this to my account 4838 A bordo Capítulo 8 El verdugo Señor Fields Hangman
¡No lo ahorques! por favor.... Copy this to my account 4839 Español 2, Unidad 3, Lección 3: los verbos reflexivos (2) -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 4840 Buen Viaje Cap 1 vocab-hangman -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 4841 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 3 clothes for certain occasions Mrs Flannery Columns
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 3 clothes for certain occasions Copy this to my account 4842 C4.L1 Capitales de centroamérica Señora Bui Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 4843 Capítulo 8: Stem Changers and Possessive Adjectives "SU" and "NUESTRO" Ken J. Zeoli Jumbled Words
Get your feet wet with the possessive adjectives SU, SUS, NUESTRO, NUESTRA, NUESTROS and NUESTRAS as well as some stem changing verbs, such as pensar, poder, querer and preferir. Copy this to my account 4844 CH1: Flashitos -- Java Game
Flashitos Copy this to my account 4845 U1E3-6 Tener Practice 1 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Conjugate the form of tener that agrees with the subject. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 4846 Special Preterite Conjugations Ms. J Patterns
Copy this to my account 4847 Buen Viaje 1 - Capítulo 4 -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 4848 SP 1 Final Review #8 -- Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4849 R1--PE3--El Tiempo y Las Estaciones Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
Choose the correct answer(s) for each question. Some may require multiple answers, and some may only require one. Let's find out whether you know your weather!! This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4850 El Vocabulario de Capítulo 2 (Primer Paso) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4851 I Capítulo 4 Voc 1 -- Java Game
Practice the new vocabulary. For bouns points, go to the word search section, print, complete the search and submit it to you teacher before class by el 25 de noviembre Copy this to my account 4852 Capítulo 12: Jeopardy Challenge Ken J. Zeoli Challenge Board
Try Your Hand At Jeopardy! See How Well you Can Do! Get A Friend And Compete For Victory! ¡Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 4853 A Bordo Cap. 3 Comparativos Mrs. Cuevas'Johnson Cloze
Copy this to my account 4854 Casi se muere Cap 1 Señoras Kline y Navarro Columns
Vocabulary Copy this to my account 4855 U3E1-7 - Conjugation Practice Señor Wojnar Quiz
Choose the correct ending for the verbs, using the following chart for reference
…………………………….. AR ….. ER ….. IR
yo………………………... -o …... -o …... -o... This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 4856 ALIMENTOS -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4857 Spanish ar-verbs II Lizz Caplan-Carbin Java Game
Copy this to my account 4858 Quiz for Spanish practice - random questions for beginners Señorita Pelican Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4859 Test Yourself 5-1 Lakota Spanish Teachers Quiz
Practice translating from English to Spanish. This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 4860 Quiz 2.8.10 Preposiciones y Espana Senora Loeb Quiz
Haz la prueba. Buna Suerte!! This quiz contains 39 questions chosen from a bank of 203. Copy this to my account 4861 Colegio ysidore perez Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 4862 3. Clothing Matching Mr. Powell Java Game
Chapter 9 Spanish II Ven Conmigo Copy this to my account 4863 Conjugated Verbs (REDS) A. Martell Java Game
YO and Tu and EL/Ella Forms Copy this to my account 4864 2 U1L1 Hace + time expression Rags to Riches Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
It is March of 2004. Choose the best answer to the question by figuring out how long something the different activities have been occurring. Copy this to my account 4865 Vocabulario 5-2 Mrs. Shields Java Game
Camping Vocabulary from En Espanol Level 2. Copy this to my account 4866 Gustar--avanzado Señor Turf Cloze
Copy this to my account 4867 09 - Body - Sleep -- Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 4868 Spanish Days Senora Roberts Picture Perfect
Put these days of the week in order. Copy this to my account 4869 El Vocabulario de Capítulo 1 (Primer Paso) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4870 La vida es un tango (verber) OG Spansk Java Game
Centrale verber fra emne om Argentina og La vida es un tango Copy this to my account 4871 Chile Ms. Flores Rags to Riches
Practice the cultural information about Chile Copy this to my account 4872 ESPAÑOL I - LECCIÓN 1 - Vocabulario SEÑORITA DRISKILL Hangman
Copy this to my account 4873 La Familia - Espanol 1 Sra. Shelly Krueger Java Game
Family vocab for Spanish 1 Copy this to my account 4874 Español III EXAMEN FINAL - Parte 1 - Traducciones Sr. Daylor Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 4875 Er/Ir Imperfect Columns Señorita Kendrick Columns
Copy this to my account 4876 Vocabulario. ¡Dímelo tú! En preparación. Dr. Yosálida C. Rivero-Zaritzky Challenge Board
Welcome to Spanish 101. Translate de following words or phrases from English to Spanish. Use the floating accent bar to use the appropriate letter or sign. (The activity is provided with a sensitive punctuation system, so please insert a period... Copy this to my account 4877 Dime I 2.2 Sra. Vonesh Java Game
en el colegio,computadoras, pronombres, descripción de clases, ser, estar Copy this to my account 4878 ch 10 -- ser and estar -- conjugating -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4879 En español 1 - U1E2: ¡Más artículos indefinidos! Sra. Hilbert Quiz
Choose or write in the correct indefinite article for the nouns shown. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4880 Bienvenidos Verbos 1-11 Señor Fields Java Game
¡Hay que practicar los verbos! Copy this to my account 4881 Ven Conmigo 6-1 Vocabulary -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4882 Casi se muere, Ch. 1-8 Challenge Board Señoras Kline y Navarro Challenge Board
Review topics/vocabulary from the whole book. Copy this to my account 4883 Common Expressions with Verbs -- Java Game
These are some frequent idioms and expressions. Quiz over these tomorrow. Learn them. Copy this to my account 4884 Español III (Vocabulary 3.2) Señorita Psket Java Game
Copy this to my account 4885 Bravo Level 2 Unidad 6 Lección 2 -- Jumbled Words
Jumbled Vocabulary Copy this to my account 4886 descripciones Sarah Bougos Java Game
descripción física Copy this to my account 4887 Sp 1 Comparatives of Lesson 3.2 Monsieur Marcantel Cloze
Copy this to my account 4888 Ven Conmigo 1:Capitulo 4 TERCER PASO p135 C. Hughes Java Game
Talking about where you and others go during free time. Review the vocabulary using the flashcards, then practice by playing the games. Copy this to my account 4889 Bienvenidos Capítulo 7 Vocabulario Señor Fields Jumbled Words
¡Más práctica de vocabulario!
(hay que practicar mucho, ¿no?) Copy this to my account 4890 Culture of Lección 9 Angela Enderberg Rags to Riches
Choose the most appropriate answer to each question. Copy this to my account 4891 Etapa Preliminar Vocab Srta. Asa Java Game
Review vocab from Etapa Preliminar Copy this to my account 4892 Etapa 2.3 Comidas, frutas, verduras y otras cosas Profe Cooper Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4893 El NORTE Sra. Ekblad Java Game
Parte 1 Copy this to my account 4894 2 U4L0 Regular Imperfect Tense Patterns Sra Durante de Stroup Patterns
Copy this to my account 4895 Navegando 2 Capítulo 2 Lección B Vacabulario II Mrs. Gross Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4896 De Viaje: Capítulo 1: Sustantivos sorprendentes -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 4897 ar verbs to know señor Glaze Java Game
Learn the English meanings of common AR verbs in Spanish Copy this to my account 4898 Galeria de Arte: Unidad 5: palabras clave Señora Van Prooyen Java Game
Palabras nuevas de las leyendas; El Lago Encantado, La Vieja, La Camisa de Margarita Copy this to my account 4899 Preposition Practice Sra. Hays Java Game
study the 53 prepositions Copy this to my account 4900 Twilight Sra. Hoover Hangman
personajes y eventos del primer libro de la saga Twilight (Crepúsculo) Copy this to my account 4901 U4E1-6 - The verb "decir" Señor Wojnar Quiz
(ÉL, ELLA, USTED) DICE... This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4902 Imperfecto del subjuntivo (pluscuamperfecto del subjuntivo) Imperfect subjunctive Sra. Vonesh Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4903 Animales de la granja Señora Nadeau Java Game
Pair up the animals from Spanish to English. ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 4904 Quiz Chapter 3 Vocabulary and Grammar Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 4905 Avancemos 2 - Lección Preliminar Amy Jo Gaebe Java Game
Copy this to my account 4906 1 U1L1 Gusta question answers Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Gustar Copy this to my account 4907 La herencia Capítulo 7 secuencia de eventos Profe. Java Game
Aquí están los verbos que te va a ayudar en recontar la historia - en el pasado. Todos los verbos aparecen aquí en el pretérito porque se pueden incluir en la secuencia de eventos. Copy this to my account 4908 U4E2-7-2 Indirect Object Pronouns 2 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Select the indirect object pronoun based on the statements and questions asked. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4909 carwords -- Java Game
car vocabulary Copy this to my account 4910 III Vocabulario de repaso del Capítulo 3, p. 108 Madame Young Hangman
Realidades 3, Capítulo 3, Review Vocabulary, p. 108 Copy this to my account 4911 1 U0LP Más 0-30 Place in Order Sra Durante de Stroup Ordered List
Think you know your numbers? Put the following numbers in order to see how well you know them.
Play this game several get a different list every time you play! Copy this to my account 4912 LISTOS BOOK 2 modulo 3 clothes Mrs Flannery Java Game
clothes Copy this to my account 4913 Los fracasados: ver/ ir/ dar kate twit Java Game
Copy this to my account 4914 R3 - Cap. 3 Vocab part 2 Sra. Araya Java Game
Spanish - English Copy this to my account 4915 Repaso - Amigos y Alumnos -- Java Game
Review of vocabulary for friends and students Copy this to my account 4916 Aeropuerto -- Quiz
Todas las partes. Desde salir de la casa hasta tomar el taxi para el hotel. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4917 Vistas 9 Vocabulario - Postres/Comidas -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4918 Cómo ta va - Chapter 2 Paso 2 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4919 Presente de Subjuntivo - Consejos Sra. Frayre Columns
¿Qué consejos les da la consejera a los estudiantes? Escoge el consejo que tenga más sentido para cada problema. Copy this to my account 4920 Los Verbos -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4921 El Paso del Norte I Sra. Fox Cloze
This exercise matches Tu Mundo Unidad 1 Tú y tus amigos after reading El Paso del Norte pages 12 and 13 Copy this to my account 4922 The Preposition CON Ken J. Zeoli Columns
How well do you know your preposition "con" and its use with pronouns? Give it a try and be pleasantly surprised! ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 4923 Nuevas Vistas, Col. 1 "Mis Primeros Versos" Vocab Sra. Lindsay Alessandrini Java Game
Copy this to my account 4924 Bullfight vocabulary Sra. Calise Columns
Match the Spanish term with its English description. Copy this to my account 4925 Cpt 3 Vocabulario (familia y profesiones) Dicho y Hecho 3ed Dr. Eneida Pugh Java Game
There are many activities to do. Choose your favorites. Copy this to my account 4926 LICT vocab capítulo 6 Diane la maestra Columns
Copy this to my account 4927 U2E3-4 -er and -ir present tense practice Señor Wojnar Quiz
abrir, comer, beber, correr, escribir, compartir, comprender, vivir, recibir, ver & vender This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4928 Sp 1 4.1 Jeopardy Challenge Monsieur Marcantel Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4929 A bordo Capítulo 3. El Correo Mrs. Cuevas'Johnson Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 4930 Patricia Va a California, Capítulo 10 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 4931 Exchange Greetings En Espanol 2 p. 25 -- Java Game
En Espanol 2
Etapa Preliminar
p. 25 Copy this to my account 4932 Errores en las composiciones de AP Profe Grana Quiz
Corrige tus propios errores. This quiz contains 31 questions. Copy this to my account 4933 Spanish 2NS Unidad 3 Etapa 1 Sra. Vela Hangman
Copy this to my account 4934 El lago encantado Ms. Cardona Columns
Copy this to my account 4935 Uregelmæssige Præteritum Suzan Desezar Java Game
Copy this to my account 4936 Realidades 9 - 1 Sra. Chamberlain Java Game
pp 390-400 Copy this to my account 4937 ¿Que? asking questions Mrs. Sandie Wright Rags to Riches
Answer the question or translate as indicated. Copy this to my account 4938 Cap 1A Elizabeth John Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 45. Copy this to my account 4939 Literatura Hispanoamericana. Aparear la obra y su contenido con el autor y su contexto. -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4940 Español I Frases Útiles Rostek Java Game
Here you will match the English with the Spanish Copy this to my account 4941 Exprésate 3 C 2-1 Vocabulario Señora Amos Java Game
Copy this to my account 4942 2PA - Module 2 Prep Activity -- Quiz
Structure: AR, ER, IR verbs
Vocab: Basic Body Parts, Basic Clothes, In the Office, Key ar/er/ir Verbs This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 4943 A bordo Capítulo 2 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto? Señor Fields Cloze
Tienen que saber cuando se usa el pretérito o el imperfecto....¡Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 4944 12 - Restaurant - Jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4945 R1 Cap. 4B Tarea de vocabulario 1 Sra. Klooster Quiz
You can complete this as many times as you'd like to get the grade you'd like. You must get above a 70% to receive credit. It is due on the day of the quiz. This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 4946 Primer Paso McPeak Vocabulary Games Señora McPeak Java Game
Copy this to my account 4947 Avancemos 2 U2 - L1 Prueba de gramatica 2 Demonstrative Adjectives Modified 2-3-2014 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4948 Buen Viaje 2 - Quiz Cap. 4 Mr. Edgar Roca Quiz
This is a two-part chapter quiz on Buen Viaje 2, Cap. 4. The first part is a fill-in with the appropriate verb form in either the preterite or the imperfect tense. Part two is a True or False portion, with 10 questions based on vocabulary and... This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 4949 2-U3E3 Cultura Dra. C Rags to Riches
How well did you learn the culture for Unidad 3 Etapa 3 of En Español? Try this one! Copy this to my account 4950 Paso a Paso Chapter #6 Past Tense Expressions Mr. Jason Hank Battleship
Copy this to my account 4951 Page 47 Opposites Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Descriptive Adjectives are words that describe nouns. Copy this to my account 4952 Unidad 2-Etapa 1-Vocabulario Señorita Gama Java Game
Copy this to my account 4953 La Cena de Chato Sra. Benton Quiz This quiz contains 17 questions. Copy this to my account 4954 1Ch7GustarTypes Srta. Gutzwiler Quiz
Write the correct pronoun and verb. This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 4955 Conversation Practice for Ven Conmigo 8-2 Mlle Seiler Ordered List
Reconstruct the conversation by puttling the following sentences in the correct order. Copy this to my account 4956 Activades escolares isabel perez-cano Java Game
Buscar el verbo que le corresponde al dibujo Copy this to my account 4957 1 U4L2 All stem changing verbs Jumble Sra Durante de Stroup Jumbled Words
expresate Copy this to my account 4958 R1 Lección 1B - ¿Cómo eres? -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4959 1 U0LP Games Vocabulary Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Vocabulary practice from Avancemos: Lección Preliminar Copy this to my account 4960 Biografia de Antonio Flores Escola Lestonnac Columns
Exercici d'ajuntar paraules sobre la seva biografia Copy this to my account 4961 Paso 2 - Cap. 5, voc Mrs. Ross Java Game
p. 189 Copy this to my account 4962 adverbs of frequency Carol Hamilton Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 4963 Avancemos III - 5.1 ¿Cómo te entretienes? Señor Long Java Game
Copy this to my account 4964 Challenge Board Preterito -- Challenge Board
Irregulares, Cambios de ortografia (car/gar/zar), Cambios radicales (i,u) Copy this to my account 4965 Gaturro_RC examen CPA2 -- Quiz
U1 familia y amigos CPA2 This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 4966 Mastery 3 Unidad 14 Vocabulario pp422-423 C. Hughes Java Game
Ganándose la vida: Use the flashcards to review the vocabulary for Buscando trabajo. Then play the games. Copy this to my account 4967 2-U3E2 Sunburnt man story Dra. C Cloze
Complete this story with the appropriate verb forms. WATCH for preterites and imperfects. This story was written by one of Dra. C's Spanish 2 students at Carmel. Copy this to my account 4968 Paso a Paso A - Capítulo 3 - Sección 2 "Blue Box" Mrs. Lester Java Game
Practice your vocabulary skills with these activities. Copy this to my account 4969 Pronouns - impersonal, D.O., I.O., reflexive Señora Rader Cloze
Treat each number in the paragraph as a separate item. You will need to provide one of the following pronouns: me, te, nos, la, lo, las, los, le, les, se. Copy this to my account 4970 Los números 11-20 mr turnbull Java Game
Copy this to my account 4971 el vuelo - De otra manera Carol Hamilton Columns
¿Cómo se dice de otra manera? Copy this to my account 4972 Letra A Tina Mesi Quiz
Type in the correct Spanish word or phrase. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4973 Avancemos 2 U1 - L1 Vocab quiz 1 10-15-2014 Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Write the word in Spanish and include the definite article. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4974 The Garden 1 in Spanish -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 4975 PASO I CAPITULO 8 HANGMAN Mlle. Hangman
words to tell where you live, describe your house, and list household chores Copy this to my account 4976 VERBOS Y MAS VERBOS Señor Raschio Rags to Riches
Match ther Correct form of the verb with the Subject Word. Copy this to my account 4977 Mid Sp II Voc 2 ch 3 -- Java Game
Vocabulary Copy this to my account 4978 Conocemos a Viviana--vocabulario nuevo Sra. Scott Java Game
Copy this to my account 4979 Casi Se Muere, La Cultura Ms. Rogers Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 4980 Bravo Level 2 Unidad 5 Lección 2 -- Jumbled Words
Jumbled words written media Copy this to my account 4981 SP 1 Final Review #9 -- Quiz
Mastery of meanings and when to use subject pronouns. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4982 Capitulo Preliminar - Pre-Assessment Señora Acevedo Quiz
Pre-Assessment This quiz contains 24 questions. Copy this to my account 4983 Capítulo 1b Prueba #4 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4984 doña Di's En la clase Dianne Guest Hangman
Practice with the vocabulary items for classroom. Copy this to my account 4985 Realidades Para Empezar 3: The Weather Señor W Java Game
Copy this to my account 4986 Midterm Un examen de verbos Profesora Stone Quiz
Escribe la forma correcta de los verbos. This quiz contains 68 questions. Copy this to my account 4987 Vocabulary Practice - Expresate 5:1:1 Madame Leatherman Java Game
Telling someone to hurry and reminding someone to do something. Copy this to my account 4988 10 - Places - Concentration and Flashcards -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4989 Capítulo 8B-Realidades I Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 4990 Juntos 2 Chapter 1A vocabulary Barbara Englebert Java Game
Copy this to my account 4991 Destinos Episodio 9: Las estaciones Señora Orsi Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 4992 Vistas 10 Vocabulario - Verbos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 4993 Match the verbs with their meaning. St Marys Spanish Java Game
Copy this to my account 4994 12 - Restaurant - Hangman -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 4995 Capítulo 1b Prueba #5 (Days, Time) Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 4996 Realidades 3, Cap 7 Vocab 2 -- Java Game
Para practicar el vocabulario antes del examen. Copy this to my account 4997 1 Quiz Estar 2 Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 4998 6.1 Test review Señor Stuber Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 4999 Unidad 2 Etapa 2 Grammar Quiz Practice Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
This quiz covers interrogatives, estar, ir, and telling time. This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 71. Copy this to my account 5000 R2:PE:Nationalities pp.8-9 SRA. PAHL Hangman
Practice spelling the adjectives for nationalities. Copy this to my account 5001 Bravo II p 23 -- Java Game
vocabulary adjectives Copy this to my account 5002 R1 Cap. PE Tarea 2 Sra. Klooster Quiz
Complete this assignment by typing the Spanish translation for each. You can complete this as many times as you'd like until you get the grade you want. I will take your best score. It is due before each class on Friday. The quiz over this exact... This quiz contains 26 questions. Copy this to my account 5003 Paso 2 - Cap.10, voc. Mrs. Ross Java Game
Vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 5004 REFLEXIVOS-vocabulario Un dia ordinario MmeZedd Picture Perfect
Put Miguel's daily routine back into logical order. You have three tries to find the order that works for this particular activity. Copy this to my account 5005 Adjetivos-Características físicas-personas Rosa Steinbrecher Java Game
Copy this to my account 5006 La momia desaparece: Capítulo 4 Profe. Butcher Rags to Riches
Rags to Riches Copy this to my account 5007 ¿Quién es quién? Señor Raschio Java Game
Match the Subject Words to their meaning. Copy this to my account 5008 En Espanol 1, U4 E3 Las comidas, restaurante Señora Schott Columns
Copy this to my account 5009 Bravo II p 12 -- Java Game
review vocabulary, clothing,colors, adjectives Copy this to my account 5010 Ab Initio Vocab Las Invitaciones y las Cartas -- Patterns
Categorize key vocabulary for letter writing and invitations Copy this to my account 5011 vocabulario de los deportes Carol Hamilton Java Game
Copy this to my account 5012 Aventura 2 Lesson 07 - Fruit & Veg Carol Hunter Java Game
Copy this to my account 5013 Vocabulario Viñetas 24 -29 de La casa en Mango Street Adriana Persin Hangman
Responde las preguntas, según las viñetas 24 "Elenita, Barajas, Palma, Agua a 29 "Cuatro Arboles Flaquititos", del libro La Casa en Mango Street. Escribe la palabra que se describe. Muchas son palabras que se usan en una metáfora. Copy this to my account 5014 Introductions (Aventura 1 Unidad A Lección 1) -- Picture Perfect
Copy this to my account 5015 Números 100-1000 Practice 1 Accommodated Dianne Guest Quiz
Follow the directions for each type of question. This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 5016 Repaso D - El béisbol Michelle Marnicio Challenge Board
Un juego para practicar el vocabulario de béisbol Copy this to my account 5017 Repaso D - El baloncesto Michelle Marnicio Hangman
Un juego para practicar el vocabulario del baloncesto. Copy this to my account 5018 Sp. 3, LIST Ch. 3c (Por Acciones) -- Java Game
You can act these out... so do it! Copy this to my account 5019 Asking for things Mr Izard Java Game
To say "Can I have?"
"¿Me da?" and "Dame" asking for something in a shop or hotel
and to ask someone to pass something to... Copy this to my account 5020 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 2 Reading taken from pupil book page 34 Mrs Flannery Columns
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 2 Reading taken from pupil book page 34 Copy this to my account 5021 Buen Viaje Cap 1 Estructura 1 -- Quiz
singular articles and adjectives. Gender agreement and word order. This quiz contains 36 questions. Copy this to my account 5022 Verb phrases -- Quiz
Choose the correct ending for each verb This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5023 Capítulo 7: Las vacaciones (vocabulario) Sra. Koenig Quiz
Take this quiz, score a 100 & bring me the results for a 5-point bonus on the vocabulary quiz. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5024 En Camino 1B Ch. 11 Para vivir bien... Segundo Paso [pg. 243] C. Hughes Java Game
Talking about moods and physical condition - Use the flashcards to makes sure you know the vocabulary. Then enjoy playing the games. Copy this to my account 5025 Mid SpI Voc 1 Ch2 -- Java Game
vocabulary words Copy this to my account 5026 La Catrina - Episodio 3 Señora Espinel Picture Perfect
Put in order of the events that happened in Episodio 3. Copy this to my account 5027 1-1.1 - Exprésate 1: Capítulo 1 - Vocabulario 1.1 - pgs. 14 083010 ECB Profesora Berman Columns
Subject pronouns - You need to play this game a few times to rotate through all of the subject pronouns. Copy this to my account 5028 3-1 Sequencing words Señora Bossard Ordered List
Put this conversation in the correct order. Copy this to my account 5029 CAPITULO IV Sr. Ojeda Java Game
ACTIVIDADES CAPITULO IV Copy this to my account 5030 El cuerpo--la cabeza y más Dianne Guest Java Game
Copy this to my account 5031 Bienvenidos Capítulo 9 Vocabulario Palabras 1 Señor Fields Java Game
¡Práctica de vocabulario! p.244-245 Copy this to my account 5032 Unidad 1, Etapa 2: Describing Others Ms. Erin Parris Quiz This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 5033 SP 2 Final Review #3 -- Quiz
How well can you use this, these, that, and those? Check your knowledge of the demonstrative adjectives with the clothing and shopping words from Realidades. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5034 ¡Exprésate! 3 - Capítulo 1 - Vocabulario 2 Mary Louise Chillington Java Game
Flashcards Copy this to my account 5035 Buen Viaje II Chapter 6 Vocab 1 -- Java Game
La llegada al hotel Copy this to my account 5036 Capítulo 2 Quiz Ken J. Zeoli Quiz This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 5037 El examen final Caro Spring Quiz
¡Relájate! ¡No te estreses! This test is to remind you and me how much Spanish you learned this year. Answer: A lot! Eliminate wrong answers, take your best guess, and look for the answers with THE CORRECT GRAMMAR and FAMILIAR WORDING, not just... This quiz contains 100 questions. Copy this to my account 5038 Nuevas Vistas, Col. 2 "La Guerra de los Yacarés" Vocab 2 Sra. Lindsay Alessandrini Hangman
Copy this to my account 5039 Vocabulario, Cap. 10, Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para repasar el vocabulario de Cap. 10 Copy this to my account 5040 1 U2L1 time expressions Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Use this activity to parctice the time expressions Copy this to my account 5041 El Individuo y la personalidad Sra. Domally Java Game
Copy this to my account 5042 3.1.3 Hangman con vocabulario parte 1 -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 5043 April Jr. High test 4/28/05 Mrs. Sandie Wright Quiz This quiz contains 37 questions. Copy this to my account 5044 1 U2L2 Ir Conjugation Picture Puzzle Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Place the conjugated verb ir in order to a typical verb chart.
1 - yo 4 - nosotros
2 - tú 5 -... Copy this to my account 5045 Capítulo 7A Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 5046 Descriptive adjectives Mrs Isherwood Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5047 5-19 Basic Adjectives Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5048 Sætninger med spanske hitverber. Mark Chytraeus Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 5049 Conexiones 6.1 Vocabulario: Conjunciones Profesora Duronio Java Game
Copy this to my account 5050 Baseball / El Béisbol gloria Java Game
Copy this to my account 5051 Cap 8A (R2) Un Viaje Sra. Hoover Java Game
Copy this to my account 5052 1.1 - #4 Objective Review Señora Hinkley Quiz This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 5053 Mastery 3 Unit 10: Buen Viaje! pp285-286 (español) C. Hughes Java Game
Click here for flashcards to review vocabulary for En la agencia de viajes (285) and En la estacion de trenes (286) Copy this to my account 5054 Capítulo 13: Vocabulario Ken J. Zeoli Java Game
Aquí se puede practicar el vocabulario y las expresiones del capítulo 13. Como saben bien ahora, hay una variedad de juegos que pueden gustarles a Uds. ¡Diviértense bien y aprendan Uds. mucho sobre la naturaleza! Copy this to my account 5055 5-16 Test Prep Units 6-7 Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 5056 Antonyms Group #2 Battleship A. Martell Battleship
Amsco Spanish Two Years
Vocabulary Building
pgs. 236-242 Copy this to my account 5057 Pero,ni, o, sino Srta. Lewis Rags to Riches
Do you know how to use these words correctly in Spanish?
Chapter 5 of Exprésate II, second set of grammar topics Copy this to my account 5058 Sp 2 U5E2 Sra. Brown Java Game
persuading others, describing a house & furniture, what people are doing, etc. Copy this to my account 5059 El subjuntivo con conjunciones de tiempo y lo indefinido Señor Turf Cloze
Copy this to my account 5060 A bordo Capítulo 7 Los tiempos progresivos Señor Fields Cloze
Llenen el espacio con el tiempo progresivo apropiado. Copy this to my account 5061 8.2 conditional perfect again Sra. Hays Columns
Match the subject and verb to the Spanish verb Copy this to my account 5062 La política Tracey Kyle Java Game
Copy this to my account 5063 INSTRUMENTOS MUSICALES Señora Rodriguez Jumbled Words
Encuentra los instrumentos musicales. Copy this to my account 5064 ¿Dónde está? -- Columns
Practice geography and the verb ESTAR. Copy this to my account 5065 capítulo 2 Realidades 3: Pretérito vs. Imperfecto Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 5066 Buen Viaje Level 2 Chapter 3 Hangman -- Hangman
Created by Anne Martin Copy this to my account 5067 1B-Examen, page 1 part A Señora Storrs Quiz
Write the opposite of the following words. This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 5068 Unidad 6 Lección 1 - Vocabulario Nuevo - Vocabulario de Deportes Mr. Friedrich Java Game
Study these vocabulary words on a regular basis and you'll do well on your quiz and test. Copy this to my account 5069 Exprésate I Cap. 3 Vocab. 1 Señora Orr Java Game
Copy this to my account 5070 La Familia Battleship -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 5071 Quiz--prepositions Señorita Pelican Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 5072 Mastery 3: Unidad 12 Vocabulario pp350-351 C. Hughes Java Game
Cuartos y partes de la casa; Muebles y otras cosas. Practice with the flashcards, then play the games. Copy this to my account 5073 Basic Verb Infinitives Profe Breinig Java Game
Copy this to my account 5074 Exprésate 2 Cap 1 Vocab A -- Java Game
Describing people, routines, and activities Copy this to my account 5075 Ven Conmigo 1:Capitulo 3 TERCER PASO p107 C. Hughes Java Game
Describing people and things. Review the vocabulary using the flashcards, then practice by playing the games. Copy this to my account 5076 Bvdo adjetivos, Lecciones 1-5 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5077 Paso A Paso Ch. 4 Cultura Ms. CJ Jonasen Rags to Riches
Prueba "Rags to Riches" sobre el arte mexicano. Copy this to my account 5078 D3, L6 Adverbial Clauses -- Battleship
Practice with indicative or subjunctive or infinitive in adverbial clauses. Copy this to my account 5079 R2 U1 5A-2/3 vocabulary and imperfect/preterite Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 46 questions. Copy this to my account 5080 Capitals of Spanish Speaking Countries Mr. Hawkins Mini Quiz
Copy this to my account 5081 El Pasado -- Columns
Copy this to my account 5082 Spanish classes --match 8 common prepositions with IMAGES Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 5083 4B Vocabulario Señora Mohr Hangman
Copy this to my account 5084 2-2b Vocabulary (pix) Exprésate Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 5085 Capítulo 6b Prueba #2 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 5086 Questions primer paso. Señora Berg Pop-ups
Use this to practice answering questions from primer paso. Copy this to my account 5087 Tener idioms Megan McLaulin Pop-ups
Choose the correct expression with tener to complete each sentence. Copy this to my account 5088 Sp 1 3.1 Verbs Monsieur Marcantel Columns
ER/IR Conjugation Matching Copy this to my account 5089 Arte y Comida vocabulario -- Hangman
Spanish 2 Copy this to my account 5090 U1E1-9 Preparation for Test Señor Wojnar Quiz
This is to prepare for the chapter test. This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 5091 8th grade pretest Señora McCollum Quiz This quiz contains 60 questions. Copy this to my account 5092 las direcciones -- Java Game
by Ms Pruemer Copy this to my account 5093 Repaso de gramatica y vocabulario U2/ L2 -- Challenge Board
Preterito vs. Imperfecto, presente progresivo, imperfecto progresivo y vocabulario. BE SURE TO PUT COMMAS BETWEEN MULTIPLE ANSWERS Copy this to my account 5094 Adjetivos y Ser- 7th grade Señora Faucher Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 5095 PP Países y Capitales Linda Radke Columns
A matching exercise. Copy this to my account 5096 Español II EXAMEN FINAL - PARTE 2 - Selección Múltiple Sr. Daylor Quiz This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 5097 SFM III Unit 7 Challenge Board M. Van Camp Challenge Board
Grammar review Copy this to my account 5098 AP - HW28 Demonstrative Adjectives Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
"This and These have T's"
este, esta = this
ese, esa =... This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 5099 Imigration Vocab. a Java Game
Copy this to my account 5100 Buen Viaje 1.1 -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 5101 6-01-2 Body Parts Señor Wojnar Quiz
Identify body parts in Spanish. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 5102 Ven conmigo a la Argentina Lionel Jean César Java Game
Empareja Copy this to my account 5103 Adjetivos y SER Sra. Gifun Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5104 N1 C5 LB Juego de repaso Mrs. Gross Challenge Board
Repaso de Navegando 1 Capítulo 5 Lección B Copy this to my account 5105 Avenidas Capítulo 2 - Sustantivos -- Java Game
Review nouns from page 85 Copy this to my account 5106 ESPAÑOL I - LECCIÓN 4 - VOCAB PGS. 104-105 SEÑORITA DRISKILL Battleship
Copy this to my account 5107 La familia 3 Dianne Guest Java Game
Check out your skill with the highest level of vocabulary for "la familia." Copy this to my account 5108 Casi se muere Cap 6 Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 5109 Spanish 1 Chapter 9 Vocabulary Activities -- Java Game
Created by Anne Martin Copy this to my account 5110 caminos peligrosos Amy Alarcon-van der Meer Rags to Riches
vocabulario nuevo Copy this to my account 5111 Sp 2 U4E3 Sra. Brown Java Game
¿Qué hacer en Oaxaca? pp284-307
Ordering, talking about, & paying for food Copy this to my account 5112 Presente Progresivo Capítulo 6 B Realidades I Judy Schulte Pop-ups
Describe what chores they are doing right now. Copy this to my account 5113 Un grabado de Goya, Capítulos 1 y 2 Michelle Marnicio Rags to Riches
Es un juego para repasar el vocabulario y gramática. Copy this to my account 5114 Reflexive Verbs-match with pictures Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 5115 Pretetite Tense of Stem-changing Verbs for ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 2 Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Verbs to accompany Ch.1 Etapa 2 Copy this to my account 5116 Buen Viaje I Chapter 9 Vocab 1 -- Java Game
El verano Copy this to my account 5117 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 6 Señoras Kline y Navarro Battleship
Copy this to my account 5118 Etapa preliminar -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5119 Cap. 5- Segundo Paso Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Vocabulario del Cap. 5/Paso 2 de Ven Conmigo III Copy this to my account 5120 La casa embrujada - Capítulo 6 Profe. Butcher Rags to Riches
Rags to Riches Copy this to my account 5121 Repaso de la gramática del Capítulo 5 en Buen Viaje nivel 3. Sra. Roldan Challenge Board
Review of negatives, affirmatives, sino/pero, apocopados and the suffix ísimo. Copy this to my account 5122 C4P2 vocab matching Ms. Ruzicka Columns
Copy this to my account 5123 Avancemos 2 1.1 Test Monsieur Marcantel Quiz This quiz contains 33 questions. Copy this to my account 5124 PASO II CAPITULO 3 ¿Quétalla usas? pp.98/99 1st vocab Mlle. Java Game
Various practices to learn vocab words for chapter 3 second vocab Copy this to my account 5125 R1 2A-4 Quiz Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 5126 Realidades 2 Para Empezar J. Russum Battleship
Verb Review Copy this to my account 5127 Buen Viaje 1 Chap 2 - Palabras 2 LOS CURSOS ESCOLARES señor Tocino Java Game
Copy this to my account 5128 Situaciones ch.7 PRONOUNS, PRONOUNS, PRONOUNS -- Pop-ups
the use of dops and iops in chapter 7 Copy this to my account 5129 Bienvenidos Cap 5 -- Java Game
Vocabulary and grammar drills Copy this to my account 5130 capítulo dos hangman -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 5131 Spanish 1 Cap 14 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 5132 Los colores mr turnbull Java Game
Copy this to my account 5133 Viva el toro cap 1 Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 5134 LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 1 estar and ser Mrs Flannery Patterns
LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 1 estar and ser Copy this to my account 5135 Descripciones 1 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5136 Grade 7 - Deportes - Flash Cards with Pictures -- Java Game
General seventh grade vocabulary relative to sports.
Please note: The flash card activity is designed to have a picture on one side of the card and the Spanish word on the other side. This works only on Internet Explorer, and cannot be used on... Copy this to my account 5137 Chapter 1 Preterite Battleship Señorita Kendrick Battleship
Copy this to my account 5138 Español 7 - 3B - ¿Es sano o no? Señora Schott Columns
Copy this to my account 5139 Sp 2 Etapa 2.3 Two Object Pronouns Sentence Practice Mlle/Srta. Read Quiz
Translate these English sentences into Spanish. Remember to use object pronouns where needed. This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 5140 Telling what people do in traveling Mrs. Meyers Pop-ups
choose the correct form of the verbs traer,poner,hacer,venir and salir in this fun exercise. ¡sigue! Capítulo 11 Buen Viaje Copy this to my account 5141 chapter 2 exam: ¿Qué clases tienes? Sr. Ru Quiz This quiz contains 24 questions. Copy this to my account 5142 5.2 Challenge Board: DOPs, el Presente, y los mandatos Señor Matt Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5143 The Perfects Señora Desaulniers Challenge Board
present perfect, pluperfect, future perfect & past participles Copy this to my account 5144 U3E3-5 -Weather Expressions Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5145 Chapter 7, Bienvenidos Team Sports Vocabulary Señora Martín Java Game
Click here to practice vocabulary for Bienvenidos Chapter 7B. Copy this to my account 5146 Chpt. 2 Vocabulario, Palabras 1 y 2 Ms. Delio Java Game
Practice the vocabulary in Chapter 2 Copy this to my account 5147 ¡Voy a Buenos Aires! Señora Brouwer Cloze
Copy this to my account 5148 Conjugation of poder Mrs. Shields Cloze
Conjugate the verb tener in 9 tenses Copy this to my account 5149 Classroom Vocab -- Span 3/4 Ms. J Battleship
Copy this to my account 5150 6-2 Writing Practice Lakota Spanish Teachers Quiz
Practice translating from English to Spanish. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5151 LOS LUGARES Y LOS EDIFICIOS -- Java Game
Places and Buildings vocabulary in Spanish Copy this to my account 5152 Tema 6A irregular preterite verb forms pam satterfield Challenge Board
write the correct form of the given verb Copy this to my account 5153 U2E3-9 Preparation for Test - U2-E3 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Test Prep This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 5154 Español 1 "de/del/de la/de las/de los" Señora Baumann Columns
Copy this to my account 5155 Sp3 Pre-Assessment: Achievement Profesora Aldrich Quiz This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 5156 Map Quiz Anne Marie DeFrain Quiz This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 5157 Unidad 3, Etapa 3 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Java Game
Copy this to my account 5158 Sp I Questions Ch 3 -- Battleship
all questions Copy this to my account 5159 Las Capitales de la América del Sur -- Columns
Match these capitals to the correct country Copy this to my account 5160 1B Prueba 4 part A Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 5161 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 5 Señoras Kline y Navarro Battleship
Copy this to my account 5162 Numeros, dias, meses, hora y tiempo Sra. Wilson Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5163 Sp 3 Etapa 1.1 Vocab Describe People Mlle/Srta. Read Java Game
Practice the vocab to describe people's personalities and physical appearances from Unidad 1 Etapa 1 of En Español 3. Copy this to my account 5164 R2 C2 Apv1 Hangman -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 5165 Ven Conmigo 2, Chapter 2 Tercer Paso Sra. Mitchell Java Game
Vocabulario de Capítulo 2, Tercer Paso Ven Conmigo 2 Copy this to my account 5166 Situaciones- Unidad 1- Ciudades Capitales de la América Latina Amina Yassine Java Game
Copy this to my account 5167 Capítulo 7 (Exprésate 1) Señora M Quiz This quiz contains 47 questions. Copy this to my account 5168 ¡Qué chévere! El calendario Le Professeur Java Game
Copy this to my account 5169 verbs matching -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5170 Realidades 2 8B test Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 5171 Hacer Conjugation Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Place the conjugated verb hacer in order to a typical verb chart.
1 - yo 4 - nosotros
2 - tú 5 -... Copy this to my account 5172 El Cuento Sr. Sprague Cloze
Here is a story that some of my students worked on. It's great review. Copy this to my account 5173 Spanish Placement Exam for entering level II or III Sr. Rando-el capitán Quiz
For students hoping to place in level TWO or THREE.
No study aids, dictionaries or electronic devices allowed.
We are not expecting perfection, but we do want to make sure that we get you in the best course for you. Let us see your best... This quiz contains 99 questions. Copy this to my account 5174 Adjetivos -- Java Game
Practica los adjetivos (hasta capítulo 16) Copy this to my account 5175 Sp.1- 3-2 Vocabulario Ms Chabot Java Game
Copy this to my account 5176 Números 30-100 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5177 ¡Salta Ranita Salta! Señora Pilla Quiz
A story about a very persistent frog. This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 5178 a bordo cap 10 Señor Fields Quiz
examencito This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 59. Copy this to my account 5179 The Bathroom Mrs. Cushing Java Game
The Items in the Bathroom Copy this to my account 5180 Spanish I-Chapter 3-Rags to Riches Joy Jenkins Quenga Rags to Riches
How well do you know the information in chapter 3? Copy this to my account 5181 Exprésate 1 Chapter 5a Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 5182 Bvdo Ch5 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5183 Querer y venir Dianne Guest Java Game
Advance your knowledge of these two verbs. Copy this to my account 5184 Regular Regular Señor Raschio Pop-ups
Completen las frases con la forma correcta del verbo para leer lo que hacen estas personas en los fines de semana. Copy this to my account 5185 Sp 2 Beauty and the Beast Vocab 1 and 2 Mlle/Srta. Read Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5186 Assessment Exam Study Challenge Sr. Sprague Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5187 R2 1B-2 Vocabulary Production Señora Borges Quiz This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 5188 Question word hangman Profa Kurtz Hangman
Figure out the question word that these phrases answer. Copy this to my account 5189 Exprésate 2 - cap. 5 WWAM!! Miss Bias Rags to Riches
WWAM for spanish made by Pedro, Catalina, Rafael, Trenice Copy this to my account 5190 Cuba - ventajas e inconvenientes Suzan Desezar Java Game
I øvelsen er opremset en række fordele og ulemper ved det cubanske system. Øv dem og lær mindst 5 argumenter udenad Copy this to my account 5191 Actividades y Eventos Cusigch 2 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5192 Final Michele Señora Murray Quiz This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 5193 Vocabulary 3-1 Señora Goldstein Java Game
Vocabulary 3-1 for Ven Conmigo Level I Copy this to my account 5194 Quiz --review-- for Spanish 1 or 2 (with images) Señorita Pelican Quiz This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 5195 AP Spanish Lit/Abriendo puertas: Citas claves de la narrativa peninsular Bonnie T. Bowen Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 5196 Sabías que 4 vocab p. 123-4 La Familia extendida Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Hangman
Pratica el vocabulario aquí :) Copy this to my account 5197 Realidades I - Capítulo 6B -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5198 capítulo 1 Realidades 3 Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 5199 7-2 Hangman Lakota Spanish Teachers Hangman
Practice spelling vocabulary words from 7-2. Copy this to my account 5200 Avancemos, 4 U4 L2 Vocabulario p. 226 Sra. Coutu Java Game
*talking about sculpture
*talking about literature
*using idiomatic expressions Copy this to my account 5201 Verb Review #3 from Spanish 1 Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 5202 ITTOTB Chap. 1 and 2 Señora Brouwer Quiz This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 5203 U4E1-9 Test Prep U4E1 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Refer to your map to answer direction/position questions. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 5204 Preterite Tense Review Mr. Boemio Challenge Board
Conjugate the verb in caps for the correct answer. Accents count and if there are two verbs in the sentence, separate your answers by a single space. Copy this to my account 5205 Así Somos Debbie Mensinger Challenge Board
Nuevas Vistas Introducción Vocabulario p.2. Read the clue and guess the vocabulary word that begins with one of the letters in the title of the category. Copy this to my account 5206 Expresiones Diarias A Profe Sayler Java Game
Practica esta expresiones que ya debes saber de antes! Copy this to my account 5207 Adelante 5-2 Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Copy this to my account 5208 Spanish 2 Paso a Paso First Semester Review - GRAMMAR Mrs. Hicks Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5209 Food/Eating/Resturant Vocabulary Señor Blocker Java Game
These excerises/activities will help you memorize this weeks vocabulary words. Copy this to my account 5210 Español II - U1 E2, El arte y la comida en Chicago Señora Schott Hangman
Use the hints to help you figure out the words! Copy this to my account 5211 Paso a Paso A - 1er paso, Sección 3 -- Jumbled Words
Vocabulario para conversar Copy this to my account 5212 Buen Viaje 1 Chap 1 Review señor Tocino Java Game
Copy this to my account 5213 Latinoamérica - ¿Dónde están los países ubicados? Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 5214 mini cuentos 2-1 Senor Hangman
Copy this to my account 5215 Capitulo 3B Para Mantener la Salud Elizabeth John Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 5216 Opuestos Macky Mitma Hangman
Copy this to my account 5217 Formal Commands Sra. Hutsell Hangman
Copy this to my account 5218 Verde Ch. 5 - Vocabulario 1 Dana Bolluyt Java Game
Copy this to my account 5219 Amsco, 3 Part 3 L 1: Idioms with hacer pp. 237 Sra. Coutu Java Game
idioms using the verb hacer Copy this to my account 5220 Espana--del pasado al presente Señor Turf Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 5221 Realidades 3, Cap 1 Vocab. 2 -- Java Game
Para practicar el vocabulario de la segunda parte del capítulo Copy this to my account 5222 En Camino 10-2 Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Copy this to my account 5223 Sp 1 Etapa 1.2 Vocab practice Appearance Mlle/Srta. Read Java Game
Here is some vocab practice on Etapa 2 of Unidad 1 of En Español 1. This is the vocab having to do with describing someone's appearance. Copy this to my account 5224 Los Reyes Magos Sra. Pérez Java Game
Parea el concepto en espanol con el concepto en ingles. Copy this to my account 5225 5-21 Random Vocabulary Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 60 questions. Copy this to my account 5226 El cuarto de baño - vocabulario Sra. Frayre Java Game
Vocabulario Copy this to my account 5227 Conjugation Folder - Verbs Fill-in Señor Wojnar Quiz
Write the verb which correctly completes the sentence. This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 5228 Chapter 1 -- Quiz
Review for Test 1 This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 5229 Vegetables Profesora Noble Java Game
Copy this to my account 5230 Verbs Sra. Minetti Java Game
To learn verbs using images and audio Copy this to my account 5231 Patricia va a California, Cap 1 Vocabulario Señoras Kline y Navarro Columns
Copy this to my account 5232 Multiplication 1-49 a Java Game
Copy this to my account 5233 Clothes - Part 1 - Battleship Thomas F. Strotman Battleship
From Survival Booklet Copy this to my account 5234 Alasitas Vocab A. Candia Java Game
Some of the things from our wish lists. Copy this to my account 5235 Capítulo 5A Vocabulario Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 5236 episodio 5 Señoras Kline y Navarro Java Game
Copy this to my account 5237 El Mariachi Vocabulario para la primera traducción Suzan Desezar Java Game
Copy this to my account 5238 Don Quijote: Escenas Señora Schaefer Ordered List
Escenas Copy this to my account 5239 3-U3E2 Fiestas Dra. C Ordered List
Put the following celebrations in their correct calendar order beginning with ENERO. Copy this to my account 5240 Adjectives--match with pictures Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 5241 Doler, lastimar y dolor -- Pop-ups
Doler and lastimar. The verb doler and the noun dolor. Use the indirect object pronoun (me, te, le, nos, les) with doler Copy this to my account 5242 Repaso: 2nd grade and 3rd grade! Mrs. Sonya Wright Battleship
Review of last year's vocabulary! Try and sink your enemy's ships before they sink yours! Copy this to my account 5243 Body Parts Dianne Guest Quiz
Identify body parts in Spanish. This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 5244 Capítulo 5 Ya Verás Nivel 1 Ann Giese Java Game
Copy this to my account 5245 la ninez 2 Holly Little Java Game
childhood voc. part 2 Copy this to my account 5246 I Cap 4 En la sala de clase -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 5247 Sp. 4+, LIST, Ch. 6a (Fáciles y Viejos) -- Java Game
The super easies and some old timers, too! Copy this to my account 5248 III Vocabulario del Capítulo 7 Madame Young Hangman
Vocabulario de capítulo 7. p. 334, Realidades III Copy this to my account 5249 Frases importantes del restaurante Señor Turf Java Game
Copy this to my account 5250 El imperfecto Mr. Boemio Challenge Board
Answer with the appropriate form of the imperfecto. Accents must match exactly. Copy this to my account 5251 U2E1: Vocabulario 1 Ms. Erin Parris Quiz
Subject: describing classes and describing class objects. This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 5252 Ch 1: Physical Descriptions 3, Pop-Ups Joe Barile Pop-ups
Choose the best answer. Copy this to my account 5253 Grades K-6: Family vocabulary (word to picture) (Sept. 24-28) Señora KB Java Game
Copy this to my account 5254 Sp 1 Preliminar Vocab Practice 2 Mlle/Srta. Read Java Game
Here is more practice on the vocab from the Etapa Preliminar of En Español 1. Copy this to my account 5255 A trip around the Spanish-Speaking World -- Java Game
Spanish-Speaking Countries Copy this to my account 5256 AP - HW30 Adverbial Expressions Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz This quiz contains 2 questions. Copy this to my account 5257 R3 C1 A ver si recuerdas: session r3 c1 a ver si recuerdas Mr. Mark Orsatti (Mr. O) Quiz
Esriba la expresión apropiada en español. This quiz contains 35 questions chosen from a bank of 50. Copy this to my account 5258 Sp. 3, LIST Ch. 3.1, La clase salvaje -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5259 Vocabulario PE Pugh Dr. Eneida Pugh Challenge Board
Vocabulary for Para Empezar, Pugh Copy this to my account 5260 A bordo Capítulo 6 palabras 1 Señor Fields Java Game
¡hay que practicar el vocabulario! Copy this to my account 5261 Places around town- Battleship Señorita Pelican Battleship
Copy this to my account 5262 Avancemos 1 Ch1.2 Test Monsieur Marcantel Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 5263 2.2 Expansión de Vocabulario - Columns Sra. Obrecht Columns
Copy this to my account 5264 Professions Chapter 2 Expresate Mrs. Cushing Java Game
Copy this to my account 5265 ¡La Forma Justa! Señor Raschio Challenge Board
Escriba la forma correcta del verbo indicado para ganar puntos. Copy this to my account 5266 A ver si recuerdas, Realidades 2 - p. 14 Madame Young Challenge Board
Review of vocabulary from last year about "La escuela." Copy this to my account 5267 Spanish 2 Cap 7 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 31 questions. Copy this to my account 5268 Match Animals/Sports to pictures Mrs. Sandie Wright Java Game
Match Animals/Sports to pictures Copy this to my account 5269 ¿Dónde está Eduardo? El imperfecto del subjuntivo Señora Clem Patterns
Copy this to my account 5270 2_v1.1a Señor Fields Java Game
Copy this to my account 5271 Muy Bien A - Los Saludos ch 1 Kim Hukari Java Game
How well do you know your Spanish greetings? Let's give it a try! ¡Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 5272 Cap. 9/ Paso 1 Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Ven Conmigo 2- Vocabulario Copy this to my account 5273 the irregular verb to go in the present tense Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
Choose the correct form of the verb ir. Copy this to my account 5274 Unidad 4, Etapa 1 Señora Good-Bollinger Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5275 BHS Spanish2 alternate final Senor Brush Quiz This quiz contains 28 questions. Copy this to my account 5276 Geografía de LA PRUEBA -Paises - TODOS Sr. Rando-el capitán Quiz This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 5277 VenConmigo PrimerPaso Chapter 3 Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Vocabulary, Telling time, subjects, sequence words Copy this to my account 5278 SP 1 Final Review #14 -- Quiz
Mastery of conjugation of ser, estar, dar & tener. This quiz contains 36 questions. Copy this to my account 5279 Salsa es para todo el mundo - vocabulario 1 -- Hangman
Spil "hangman" med gloser fra "Salsa es..." Copy this to my account 5280 Casi se muere Cap 8 Vocab Señoras Kline y Navarro Java Game
Copy this to my account 5281 Mid SpI Questions Ch 2 -- Battleship
questions for all chapter 2 Copy this to my account 5282 Capíitulo Uno - Vocab. Review Linda Radke Columns
Copy this to my account 5283 Abriendo Paso - El delantal blanco 3 (cap.27) -- Java Game
vovabulario de la obra más palabras necesarias para discutir y escribir Copy this to my account 5284 La Comunidad #2 -- Java Game
More matching games!
Find the Spanish words in the word search! Copy this to my account 5285 E-IE Stem Changer Practice SPA1 UN3ET1 Heidi Beller Quiz
Conjugate and Define the e to ie stem changing verbs. This quiz contains 47 questions. Copy this to my account 5286 Avancemos 2 1.1 Direct O Column Monsieur Marcantel Columns
Direct objects matching column for Spanish 2's Chapter 1. Copy this to my account 5287 Sp 2 Beauty and the Beast Vocab 1 Mlle/Srta. Read Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 5288 Los secretos de familia - capitulo 09 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5289 El Imperfecto Sra. Frayre Cloze
Llena los espacios con la forma correcta de los verbos en paréntesis. Copy this to my account 5290 Span 1 Cap 8 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 37 questions. Copy this to my account 5291 Spanish 1 Vocabulario 2B -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5292 sujunctive review c. townsend Java Game
using the present subjunctive, present indicative or infinitive in a dependent clause Copy this to my account 5293 Realidades 3, Chapter 2A Dr. Parra Java Game
Match the Spanish with the English. Copy this to my account 5294 Etapa 1 Unit 2 -ar verbs -- Quiz
Type in the correct form of the verb for the subject you see in each sentence. This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 5295 Exploring Spanish Unit 7 - Animales de la granja Sra. Mallaber Java Game
Animales en español y ingles Copy this to my account 5296 Ven conmigo II 6.3 En el restaurante Profesora Duronio Columns
Copy this to my account 5297 El niño que se le murió el amigo -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5298 A bordo Capítulo 10 Palabras 1 Señor Fields Java Game
Práctica de vocabularion p. 252-253 Copy this to my account 5299 Chapter 2 vocab from Paso a Paso 1 Sra. Hughes Java Game
Copy this to my account 5300 Prefieres vivir en la ciudad o el campo... Maestra Java Game
This is a matching game to learn vocabulary Copy this to my account 5301 Regular Subjunctive Verbs J F Cardona Quiz
Translate the sentences. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5302 2-2a Vocabulary (pix) Exprésate Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 5303 Las Estaciónes y Los Feriados -- Challenge Board
Vocabulary for Unidad 4 Lección 3 en Bravo1. Seasons, clothing, weather and holidays. Copy this to my account 5304 Capítulo 3A Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 5305 En español - Unidad 1 - Etapa 3-expressing possession/asking and telling ages -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5306 Esp3C1 ¿Quién soy yo en realidad? Doctora Flom Challenge Board
Jugar para repasar Español 3 Capítulo 1. Copy this to my account 5307 Ven Conmigo 8-1 Señora Goldstein Java Game
Ven Conmigo 8-1 Level I Copy this to my account 5308 Examen U1E2: Las bellas artes y la comida B Profe Unsworth Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 5309 Realidades B: 6A Comparisons 2 (Pop-Ups) Jennifer Noonan Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 5310 Cartas de relación-el español en Tenochtitlán and others. -- Java Game
This is the vocabulary she gave us from a different quia activity plus the rest of the vocabulary that will be on the quiz, which is from the green Horizontes p. 72 Copy this to my account 5311 How Food Tastes - Sp 3 ch 4 jonathan Java Game
Spanish vocabulary words and definitions from the How Food Tastes section of chapter 4 of Level 3 of Holt's Ven Conmigo Spanish textbook. Copy this to my account 5312 El Cuerpo Elizabeth Manian Java Game
Names of body parts in Spanish Copy this to my account 5313 2. Unidad 1.2 Challenge Board stephanie riessen Challenge Board
Write the Engish equivalents. Copy this to my account 5314 La ropa-Chap. 6-Español I -- Java Game
Chapter 6 vocabulary Copy this to my account 5315 Chapter 7 vocab -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5316 Bienvenidos Capítulo 14 Vocabulario Señor Fields Java Game
¡Práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 5317 Capitulo 2-2 Stephanie Werner Columns
Copy this to my account 5318 SP 1-Lesson 4 Vocab Mrs C Java Game
Copy this to my account 5319 10 - Body - Jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5320 1 U0LP To Say Goodbye Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 5321 Access 3 Spanish section 5 places in town Miss McMurray Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 5322 U5E2-2 Vocabulary 2 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Vocabulary, page 355 This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 5323 español2 para empezar 24-55 Señora Baumann Java Game
Copy this to my account 5324 Realidades 3 - Capítulo 3 A primera vista 2 (Estar en forma) Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Match the Spanish vocabulary with the English words. Copy this to my account 5325 Tarea del Verano Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Vocabulario del Verano (2004) Copy this to my account 5326 En la ciudad -- Java Game
Practica el vocabulario de sitios en la ciudad Copy this to my account 5327 NYS Spanish Proficiency - House and Home Senora Roberts Java Game
Practice the vocabulary for the New York State Spanish Proficiency topic House and Home Copy this to my account 5328 La Busequeda de los Familiares -- Java Game
You will search for types of family members.
They can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal or even backwards. Copy this to my account 5329 S3 examen 5AB Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 66 questions. Copy this to my account 5330 Buen Viaje II Chapter 8 Vocab 1 -- Java Game
Un accidente Copy this to my account 5331 Paso a Paso 3 Chapter 10.2 Vocabulary Mr. Jason Hank Java Game
Copy this to my account 5332 Latinoamérica - los capitales Carol Hamilton Hangman
Copy this to my account 5333 Capítulo 3: La ropa Sra. Jensen Columns
Copy this to my account 5334 Capítulo 3: Vocabulario Ken J. Zeoli Java Game
Vocabulary activities for capítulo 3 of Paso a Paso 1st year: practice them through flash cards, memory game, matching and/or word search. These are great for increasing flexibility with Spanish words and phrases. Copy this to my account 5335 Realidades 1, Chapter 6A JG Dr. Parra Java Game
Copy this to my account 5336 Bienvenidos Capítulo 5 Vocabulario Señor Fields Cloze
¡Llenen los espacios con una palabra apropidad! Copy this to my account 5337 Aventuras de Gabi. Episodio 18 Eloisa Pulaski Hangman
Practica el vocabulario. Copy this to my account 5338 Classroom Nouns A. Candia Java Game
Copy this to my account 5339 Realidades 1 Tema 4 Review Miss Marshall Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5340 1_examen_semestre_spring2019_1 Señor Fields Quiz This quiz contains 75 questions chosen from a bank of 244. Copy this to my account 5341 03 - Leisure - Matching -- Columns
Copy this to my account 5342 Driving voc. Holly Little Java Game
Spanish Voc. used with giving directions Copy this to my account 5343 Irregular Preterites Sp. ll and Adv. Spanish Senora Novosel Java Game
Copy this to my account 5344 the very irregular verb ser Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 5345 1-2b Vocabulary (pix) Exprésate Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 5346 VOCABULARIO Capt 5 Paso 2 Dímelo Dr. Eneida Pugh Hangman
Practice of vocabulary in Paso 2 Copy this to my account 5347 La casa -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5348 Avancemos 1 Ch2.2 Millionnaire's Verbs Monsieur Marcantel Rags to Riches
Spanish One Verbs of Unit 2, Lesson 2 Copy this to my account 5349 Colocación de pronombres - Cap. 9 Dana Bolluyt Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 5350 Buen Viaje I 8 B Ms. Call Java Game
Copy this to my account 5351 Buen Viaje Level 2 Chapter 3 Activities -- Java Game
Created by Anne Martin Copy this to my account 5352 6th Final - Part I Sr. Brinks Quiz
Final exam for sixth grade, year one, students. Covering weather, community places, time and selected verb conjugation of ar, er, ir verbs and ir and estar. This quiz contains 66 questions. Copy this to my account 5353 Vocabulario-Lugares en la ciudad Mr. Edgar Roca Mini Quiz
Lugares, tiendas, instrucciones, etc. Copy this to my account 5354 SG: 2.2 VOCABULARIO Professoressa Marchesi Java Game
Vocabulary from Unidad 2 Etapa 2 Copy this to my account 5355 ¿Porqué el "a"? Ms Chabot Pop-ups
Figure out whether the "a" in the sentence is serving as "at", "to", or "personal 'a'" Copy this to my account 5356 3rd quarter verb review meg morrissey Java Game
Copy this to my account 5357 Buen Viaje, Cápitulo 1, Palabras 1 -- Java Game
Practice your vocabulary from text pp. 14-15 & 25 Copy this to my account 5358 La casa embrujada: ¿Qué pasó primero? -- Ordered List
Put the sentences in chronological order according to what happened in the story. Copy this to my account 5359 Navidad Carol Hunter Java Game
Copy this to my account 5360 2 U4L0 imperfect Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 5361 ¿Dónde está Eduardo?, capítulo 6 Señora Clem Java Game
Copy this to my account 5362 Buen Viaje 1.9 -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 5363 AP - HW31 Prepositions that follow some verbs Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5364 Realidades 2B: Tu Sala de Clases Señor W Java Game
Copy this to my account 5365 Spanish -ar verbs III Lizz Caplan-Carbin Java Game
Copy this to my account 5366 Sp4 - Unidad 9 Sra. Bernhjelm Java Game
Copy this to my account 5367 PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS I Sra. Frayre Columns
Reviewing interrogatives. Copy this to my account 5368 Avancemos, 4 U3 L2 p. 168 Sra. Coutu Java Game
*checking in at the airport
*talking about traveling on a plane
*talking about wishes and concerns related to traveling Copy this to my account 5369 Small talk 4th (2) a Ordered List
Order to form a dialog Copy this to my account 5370 Adjective Agreement -- Pop-ups
This practice will review adjective agreement based on the text Ven Conmigo chapter 8. Copy this to my account 5371 Patricia Va a California, Capítulo 9 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5372 las tiendas Hangman Carol Hamilton Hangman
¿Qué se vende en la tienda? Copy this to my account 5373 1 U0LP Weather & Seasons Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 5374 Patricia va a California, Cap 2 Señoras Kline y Navarro Ordered List
Put these sentences in the order that they occur in Chapter 2. Copy this to my account 5375 Avancemos 2 U3-L2 Prueba de vocabulario 2 5/6/2014 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 5376 Vocabulario #8: Comida Señora Daniel Java Game
Copy this to my account 5377 ¿Qué significa el verbo?/Verbos que Cambian -- Java Game
Empareje el verbo con el significado en inglés. Copy this to my account 5378 Practice for -Ir Stem changing Verbs/Shoe verbs Señora Borges Quiz This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 5379 Reading Comprehension Quiz 3 Señora Desaulniers Quiz
"Poema 15", "Walking Around" y "Oda a la alcachofa" This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5380 Capítulo 6a Prueba #1 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 5381 Chapter 4 -AR verb conjugations -- Patterns
Copy this to my account 5382 Vocabulario--los verbos regulares -ar, -er, -ir Señora Zarria Java Game
Copy this to my account 5383 I Voc Prelininar C/D -- Java Game
Memoriza el vocabulario. Copy this to my account 5384 En Esp 3 Un1 Et3 future tense Sra. DeHart Cloze
Practice of the future tense using chapter vocabulary, old vocabulary and irregulars Copy this to my account 5385 3A Regular -ER and -IR Verbs Sra. Judilee Hays Java Game
Copy this to my account 5386 Español I - Encuentros - Pre-Chapter 1 Srta. Clower Java Game
Copy this to my account 5387 Oso Pardo -- Brown Bear Señora Java Game
Copy this to my account 5388 Brandon Brown vs. Yucatan hasta capítulo 6 Sra. Gaviria Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 5389 Patricia Va a California, Capítulo 11 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 5390 R1--PE3--La Cultura Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 5391 ¿Qué hora es? #1 Dianne Guest Java Game
Provides opportunity to master vocabulary associated with this unit. Enjoy! Copy this to my account 5392 Spanish 2 U6E1 vocabulary -- Columns
Copy this to my account 5393 La momia desaparece: Capítulos 1-4 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & matching Copy this to my account 5394 Buen Viaje nivel 3 Vocab. pp. 246-250 Sra. Roldan Java Game
Practice with vocabulary from Los Valores Culturales Copy this to my account 5395 Blow Me Away: Page 227 Mr. Powell Battleship
Answer the questions correctly to score a hit on your enemy ship. Sink all the enemy ships before they sink you. Copy this to my account 5396 Conexiones-Lección 3 Parte 1-A Profesora Pérez Java Game
Los derechos humanos- ¡Así lo decimos! Copy this to my account 5397 La Comida Profesora Jennifer Java Game
Copy this to my account 5398 Sp 2 Beauty and the Beast Vocab 1 practice Mlle/Srta. Read Java Game
Copy this to my account 5399 07 - Vacation Millionaire -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 5400 1Ch6TenerPractice Srta. Gutzwiler Quiz
Conjugate the form of tener that agrees with the subject. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 5401 AVHS SP1 U2 Vocabulario ¿Tienes una pluma? Señora Java Game
Use these activities to review basic classroom vocavulary. Copy this to my account 5402 C6 - las artes -- Hangman
Ven Conmigo 3 - vocabulary of the Arts Copy this to my account 5403 Buen Viaje 3 Ch4 A Sra. Vonesh Java Game
Copy this to my account 5404 la vida es un tango Trine Challenge Board
profesiones, verbos, perifrasis verbales, perfecto, datos sobre Argentina Copy this to my account 5405 Capítulo 13: Verbos SABER Y DECIR Ken J. Zeoli Hangman
Practiquen Uds. los verbos SABER y DECIR con este juego de Hangman. ¡Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 5406 Spanish 2 U4E3 vocabulary . . . still more practice -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 5407 chap 5- time expressions MmeZedd Pop-ups
Use this activity to parctice the time expressions Copy this to my account 5408 Mis Primeros Versos Sra. Ekblad Java Game
Vocabulario Copy this to my account 5409 Realidades 2 Chapter 2A possessive adjectives pam satterfield Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 5410 1st yr. ch 5 vocab review family games Sra. Regge Java Game
Copy this to my account 5411 Countries and nationalities -- Hangman
Read the clue and write the answer! Copy this to my account 5412 Regular Verb Conjugation Señor Stuber Battleship
Copy this to my account 5413 El Gato de Sevres - vocabulario -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 5414 Capítulo 5 Vocabulario Parte 2 George Villa Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 5415 5-11 - Unit 5 Test Prep Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 5416 Viva el Toro Capítulo 6-7 Vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5417 Ch 6 repaso Señor Battleship
Repasa antes del examen Copy this to my account 5418 The Human Body 2(MR5) A P Battleship
Parts of the body vocabulary. Copy this to my account 5419 APL Cajas de cartón vocabulario Mr. Mark Orsatti (Mr. O) Quiz
Escriba la palabra o expresión en castellano. This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 31. Copy this to my account 5420 VC3 CH11-1a -- Java Game
Pointing out problems and their consequences. Problemas sociales vocabulary. Copy this to my account 5421 objects -- Java Game
classroom objects Copy this to my account 5422 Unidad 1-Etapa 1--Vocabulario Srta. Asa Java Game
Vocab review Copy this to my account 5423 Capítulo 10, La salud, Puntos de Partida & ¿Qué tal? R. Vacchio Java Game
A randomly chosen group of the new vocabulary from this chapter (25 of 51 words) will appear in any given exercise that you choose. To be sure that you are exercising all the new vocabulary, be sure to do the exercises several times. Copy this to my account 5424 Español 1 2B Verbos Señora Baumann Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 5425 Realidades 3 ch6-2 -- Hangman
vocab practice Copy this to my account 5426 2 U0DOP ¿Porqué el "a"? Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Figure out whether the "a" in the sentence is serving as "at", "to", or "personal 'a'" Copy this to my account 5427 The Verb IR Sra. Mendoza Picture Perfect
Put these conjugations in the following order - yo, tú, él, nosotros, vosotros, ellos Copy this to my account 5428 1Ch4 Posession with "de" Srta. Gutzwiler Quiz
Practice with Posession with "de". This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5429 capítulo 3 - vocabulario -- Java Game
This game is designed to accompany the vocabulary from the Paso a Paso series, level 3, chapter 3. Copy this to my account 5430 Uruguay Ms. Flores Battleship
Copy this to my account 5431 1-1.1 -Exprésate 1: Capítulo 1 - Vocabulario 1.1 - pgs. 6-11 083010 ECB Profesora Berman Rags to Riches
Rags to Riches game using vocabulary 1-1 from Exprésate 1. Copy this to my account 5432 imperfecto practice quiz Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the imperfect tense. You must use accents when needed. Capitalize the first word in a sentence! This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 5433 Realidades 2 7A unscramble the words pam satterfield Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 5434 Patricia Va a California, Vocab Capítulos 1 y 2 Ms. Rogers Hangman
Copy this to my account 5435 Chapter 1 vocab from Paso a Paso 1 Sra. Hughes Java Game
Copy this to my account 5436 Household Vocab Ms. J Battleship
Copy this to my account 5437 Examen de Massachusetts (para practicar) Yvonne McArthur Quiz This quiz contains 38 questions. Copy this to my account 5438 Everything in the House! Mrs. Cushing Java Game
Try your skill at how much your really know! Copy this to my account 5439 Ven Conmigo 2, Capitulo 7 Segundo Paso Sra. Mitchell Java Game
Vocabulary from Ven Conmigo 2, Segundo Paso of Chapter 7 Copy this to my account 5440 Feliz Navidad -- Rags to Riches
Use Christmas vocabulary to answer the multiple choice questions. See how rich you can become! Copy this to my account 5441 Paso a Paso 1, Chapter 8 Vocabulary Jeopardy Mrs. Montich Challenge Board
Test your vocabulary skills with this Jeopardy game! Copy this to my account 5442 BENCHMARK TEST FIRST NINE WEEKS - third period Alvaro Munoz Quiz This quiz contains 49 questions. Copy this to my account 5443 REFLEXIVOS opposites - la rutina diaria MmeZedd Columns
Match up these verbs to practice your vocabulary Copy this to my account 5444 Adelante Chapter 2: SEGUNDO PASO p97 C. Hughes Java Game
Saying what's in your room.
Review the vocsbulary and play the games. Copy this to my account 5445 1 U3L2 Possessive Adjectives 3 Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 5446 Para Empezar: En la clase -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 5447 Casi Se Muere, Capítulo 2 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 5448 Irregular Comparisons Señora Phillips Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 5449 Avancemos 2 Unidad 1 - Lección 1 Vocab quiz 1 10-11-2013 Modified Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Write each word in Spanish and include the definite articles with the nouns. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 5450 A bordo Capítulo 11 El verdugo Señor Fields Hangman
¡No lo ahorques, por favor! Copy this to my account 5451 Ven conmigo II 5.1 El pretérito Profesora Duronio Cloze
Completa la carta de Leticia con las formas correctas de estos verbos en el pretérito:
comer, ganar, dar, sorprender, asisitir, correr, salir, inscribirse Copy this to my account 5452 Exprésate - Capítulo 6 - Vocabulario 2 Timothy Corcoran Java Game
Copy this to my account 5453 1 U5L1 Vocabulary Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Can your figure out these words before you get hung? Copy this to my account 5454 Muy Bien C - Un paseo por la ciudad Kim Hukari Columns
Can you match up these places? Give it a try! ¡Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 5455 Buen Viaje Level 3 Ch.2-2 vocab Katie Jacobs Java Game
Copy this to my account 5456 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 1 Correo Revista Mega Pop page 20 Mrs Flannery Columns
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 1 Correo Revista Mega Pop page 20 Copy this to my account 5457 Avancemos ...unidad 1 lección 1 Joe Barile Patterns
Put the following vocab words in the correct categories. Copy this to my account 5458 Juntos Dos: Chapter 3 vocabulary Señora Mahoney Java Game
Chapter 3, page 107. Copy this to my account 5459 Don Quijote: Vocabulario I Señora Schaefer Hangman
Copy this to my account 5460 1 U0LP To ask and tell how someone is Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 5461 El anillo del general Macías Señora Flood Java Game
Nuevas vistas 2 -- Colección 4 Copy this to my account 5462 Challenge game for unit 5 lesson 3! -- Challenge Board
Dime Uno; unidt 5,lesson 3, all topics Copy this to my account 5463 Sp 3 U1E1 Sra. Brown Java Game
Pasatiempos: Los Angeles con Francisco Copy this to my account 5464 Avancemos 2 U1-L1 Grammar quiz 1 - Personal A Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 5465 Números 100-1000 - Fifth Grade a Java Game
Copy this to my account 5466 Capítulo 8a Prueba #3 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 5467 Capítulo 6-2 Prueba #2 test Renee Koeneman Quiz This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 5468 camping - frases -- Java Game
Campsite - useful phrases Copy this to my account 5469 ¿Quién es? La familia Mrs. Meyers Java Game
Buen Viaje 1A parte 1 Copy this to my account 5470 Verb Final Practice 2 Sra Satterstrom, Miss Dill Quiz
Type in the correct form of the verb. NO CAPITALIZING LETTERS EXCEPT Ud. AND Uds. ! The subject pronoun is optional! This quiz contains 36 questions. Copy this to my account 5471 PASO I CHAPTER 9 ¿Qué tienes? Mlle. Java Game
PRACTICE OF VOCABULARY TO DESCRIBE HOW ONE FEELS Copy this to my account 5472 Mastery 3 Unidad 14 Vocabulario pp419 + pp421 C. Hughes Java Game
Ganándose la vida: Use the flashcards to review the vocabulary for Lugares de trabajo y Máquinas que hay en una oficina. Then play the games. Copy this to my account 5473 07 - Vacation Jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5474 El futuro de los verbos regulares e irregulares Karen Katz Battleship
Sink your opponents battleship by supplying the correct future tense form of the verb. Copy this to my account 5475 Greetings Quiz 1st 25 Accom Dianne Guest Quiz
Check out your knowledge. This quiz contains 26 questions. Copy this to my account 5476 Buen Viaje 3 Ch3A Corrine Morton-Greiner Java Game
Copy this to my account 5477 Exprésate 2, capítulo 2 Sra. Josephine Morales Rodríguez Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 113. Copy this to my account 5478 History of Spain 2 Señora Flood Hangman
Copy this to my account 5479 Capítulo 3B Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 5480 Cap. 1/Primero Paso Sra. Biscaia Java Game
All Vocabulario del primer paso de Cap. 1 Copy this to my account 5481 Final Exam Level 1 - 7th Grade Profe Tucker Quiz This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 5482 los animales Maestra Phelps Java Game
Copy this to my account 5483 1Ch8 body vocab. Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Copy this to my account 5484 Special Verbs Folder - "GOING TO" QUIZ Señor Wojnar Quiz
Revision of "voy a" (I'm going to) and "va a" (you are going to/he is going to/she is going to/it is going to). This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 5485 History of Spain 2 Señora Flood Java Game
Copy this to my account 5486 N1 C4 LB Juego de repaso Mrs. Gross Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5487 Places in the City - Battleship Thomas F. Strotman Battleship
Copy this to my account 5488 Chapter2Primergramatica Stephanie Werner Hangman
Copy this to my account 5489 Vocabulario #4: Las estaciones y actividades Señora Daniel Java Game
Copy this to my account 5490 El verbo estar Señora Baumann Quiz
Conjuga el verbo estar This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 5491 Animales y sus hábitats Maria Silva Battleship
How do you say these animals in Spanish?
Where do they live?
Find the right answer and have fun! Copy this to my account 5492 Test Prep (animal 1) Mr. Fritz Hangman
Copy this to my account 5493 La Bamba,Vocabulario de Lecciones 1 y 2 Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Juegos para practicar el vocabulario de La Bamba Copy this to my account 5494 Español 1 Capítulo 4 Vocabulario 2 Prueba Señor Contreras Quiz This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 5495 Preliminary Vocabulary -- Hangman
Using the hints provided in English, find the word in Spanish Copy this to my account 5496 El Pretérito de DAR -- Columns
Copy this to my account 5497 Spanish Computer Vocabulary Steve Arbuckle Java Game
Learn common computer terms in Spanish Copy this to my account 5498 U3E2 Chore Vocabulary Matching (Verb + Noun) Sra. Alpert Columns
Match the verb with the noun to create the correct chore vocabulary phrase Copy this to my account 5499 1Q - Module 1 Quiz -- Quiz
Chapter 1, Quiz 1, SPA 125--You can use your notes and book, but no other outside sources for this short quiz. The use of any other source is a violation of the College's honor code and will be treated accordingly. This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 5500 cria cuervos, adjetivos OG Spansk Java Game
gloserne er især knyttet til kapitel 1-12 Copy this to my account 5501 Vocab. El árbol de oro -- Columns
Vocab. El árbol de oro Copy this to my account 5502 Quiz--definite articles Señorita Pelican Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 5503 chapter 12 -- Paso a paso B Sra. P Java Game
Vocabulary associated with food, table settings, eating out, expressing needs and to indicate position of things Copy this to my account 5504 Lugares y personas Señora Baumann Java Game
basic place and people vocabulary Copy this to my account 5505 Imperative Practice (commands) Mr. Boemio Java Game
Practice conjugating verbs into the imperative tense. (Go from english to spanish) Copy this to my account 5506 El Pasado Señora Ramos Columns
Copy this to my account 5507 Final Review 1 Janine Hakanson Quiz This quiz contains 28 questions. Copy this to my account 5508 decir - pres/pret/imp/fut Mrs. Ross Java Game
Copy this to my account 5509 La Familia - Muy Bien B Kim Hukari Java Game
Can you match the members of the family? Copy this to my account 5510 Repaso por Lección C -- Mini Quiz
Answer these questions to help you on the test and for the oral quiz Copy this to my account 5511 Avancemos 2 Verbos de Repaso Preliminar Parte 2 11-06-2013 - Modified Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 31 questions. Copy this to my account 5512 Module 1 Lesson 1.07 Adjetivos Descriptivos 1.09 Preguntas Mrs. Corson Java Game
Here are four ways to study your vocabulary. Copy this to my account 5513 Chapter 1-2 Sp3 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Follow the model:
Yo VOY al cine. I am going to the movies.
¿VA Alicia al cine contigo? Is Alice going with... This quiz contains 37 questions. Copy this to my account 5514 Sp 3 Etapa 1.1 Vocab Physical Appearance Mlle/Srta. Read Jumbled Words
Here is some practice on the physical appearance descriptive words. Unscramble the words. Copy this to my account 5515 Verb Quiz - saber, conocer, decir Señora Orr Quiz This quiz contains 3 questions. Copy this to my account 5516 El Subjuntivo - ¿Presente o Imperfecto? Sra. Frayre Cloze
LLena los espacios con la forma correcta del subjuntivo. Lee bien las oraciones para saber si debes usar el presente de subjuntivo o el imperfecto de subjuntivo. Copy this to my account 5517 LISTOS BOOK 3 MODULE 5 hotel vocabulary Mrs Flannery Java Game
LISTOS BOOK 3 MODULE 5 hotel vocabulary Copy this to my account 5518 Practice for Ven Conmigo 8-2 Mlle Seiler Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 5519 ASD2Vocabulario3 Profesora Pittman Java Game
Vocabulary practice for Así se dice 2 chapter 3. Copy this to my account 5520 Exprésate 1 Vocabulario 4-1 p.120-123 Debbie Mensinger Java Game
Exprésate 1 Vocabulario 4-1 p.120-123. Matches Spanish to English Copy this to my account 5521 III Vocabulario del Capítulo 7 Madame Young Java Game
Realidades III, Vocabulario, Capítulo 7 Copy this to my account 5522 Capítulo 4 Leisure Activities Vocab -- Java Game
vocabulary to discuss leisure activities Copy this to my account 5523 Comunidad A Vocab -- Java Game
Copy the words on the back of this sheet in Spanish.
Try to find the Spanish words hidden in the word search! Copy this to my account 5524 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 4 Señoras Kline y Navarro Java Game
Copy this to my account 5525 La clase Aileen O'Suilleabhain Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 5526 El periódico Profesus Quiz
Los artículos periodísticos estudiados en este semestre se refieren únicamente a los que pertenecen al periódico. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 5527 Español 1 - U2, E2 Verbos Irregulares Señora Schott Battleship
¡Practica ir, ser, estar, tener hasta que sean fáciles! Copy this to my account 5528 Double Ohject Pronoun (D.O. & I.O) Quiz practice Sra. Raught Mini Quiz
Practice for extra credit for Spanish 3-4. Copy this to my account 5529 Exprésate 2-vocab 6.1 Miss Bias Java Game
childhood activities Copy this to my account 5530 Conversion of Noun to verb and questions. -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5531 2-U3E3 la gripe Dra. C Cloze
Complete this story with the appropriate verbs forms. You may need to use any verb forms we have learned. This story was written by a Carmel Spn 2 student. Copy this to my account 5532 Chapter 3 Vocabulary -- Java Game
Chapter 3 Vocab. Copy this to my account 5533 a bordo cap 12 Señor Fields Quiz
examencito This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 59. Copy this to my account 5534 Sp. 1 Physical Action Commands! -- Columns
There are tons! Keep playing to do them all! Copy this to my account 5535 Capítulo 5: ¡Practicamos el español! Ken J. Zeoli Jumbled Words
How good are you at unscrambling words? Give it a try! Surprise yourself! Copy this to my account 5536 Ven conmigo II 6.3 Comida adicional R17 Profesora Duronio Java Game
Copy this to my account 5537 Frutos Ms. Acocella Java Game
Vocabulario para la clase de AP Copy this to my account 5538 Avancemos 2 Verbos de repaso preliminar Parte 3 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 5539 IIA - BSB2 lección 1 Sr. Rando-el capitán Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 5540 Navegando 2 Capítulo 2 Lección B Vocabulario II Mrs. Gross Java Game
Copy this to my account 5541 Spanish For Mastery 3: Unidad 2 Antónimos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5542 Capítulos 01 y 02, Verbos, Puntos de Partida & ¿Qué tal? R. Vacchio Hangman
Copy this to my account 5543 Cuba a Battleship
Copy this to my account 5544 El día de San Valentín -- Cloze
Review vocab from chapter six (Spanish 2) with a letter to your significant other about a romantic dinner for Valentine's Day! Copy this to my account 5545 Rosetta Stone Spanish Level I Rags to Riches Sra. Roth and Mme. Ward Rags to Riches
¿Qué Pasa? Copy this to my account 5546 1-PE Examen Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 71 questions. Copy this to my account 5547 Los secretos de familia - capitulo 14 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 5548 Grade 5 - Millionnaire - Actividades de la clase -- Rags to Riches
Answer questions about school activities and win $1,000,000! (What do you think!) Copy this to my account 5549 U3E2 - Chapter Test Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 5550 Vision y Voz: Capitulo 13 Vocabulario - Vida sana: El fi'sico es muy importante gtdmouse . Java Game
Vocabulary from chapter 13 of Vision y Voz Spanish book by Galloway/Labarca Copy this to my account 5551 Midterm RAGS TO RICHES! Ms. Erin Parris Rags to Riches
Can you win?? Copy this to my account 5552 U3E2-4 - Comparisons Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 5553 ¿Qué país es este? Sr. Dabén Columns
Conecta las descripciones con los países que describen.
Cuidado!, hay más países que descripciones! Copy this to my account 5554 Juntos Dos: Chapter 1 Vocabulary Señora Mahoney Java Game
Chapter 1, page 59. Copy this to my account 5555 La hora -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 5556 6-01-1 ¿Qué tal? - Unit2 Vocab Practice Señor Wojnar Quiz
Vocabulary from Unit 2 - Pages 44-59 This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 5557 Question words and sentences - Matching. Ms. Mason Java Game
Review all your question words and sentences that we have learned so far. Copy this to my account 5558 Dime I 2.2 Sra. Vonesh Hangman
Vocabulario y verbos ser, estar Copy this to my account 5559 Capítulo 9a Prueba #1 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 5560 PASO A PASO capítulo 10 el vocabilario 2 Dusty Rhodes Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 5561 Opposite Adjectives Señora Phillips Java Game
See how well you know opposites. Copy this to my account 5562 Español 2 Semester 2 Final 2015 Verbos de expansión __________/50 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 5563 Continentes -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 5564 Bienvenidos Chap.12 voc.B Sra. Marhefka-Chapman Java Game
See how well you know the vocabulary from pages 325-326. Copy this to my account 5565 Los Numeros Ross Webster-Salter Java Game
Numbers 1-10 By James Bacon Copy this to my account 5566 De otra manera - la salud Carol Hamilton Columns
¿Cómo lo digo? Copy this to my account 5567 Tener expressions with PICTURES Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 5568 1 U4L1 Stem-changing verbs Challenge Board Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5569 Capítulo 2, días 1-2 hangman Señora Fuller Hangman
Days 1-2 hangman Copy this to my account 5570 Chapter 5 Vocabulary Paso 1 Dr. Eneida Pugh Ordered List
Dimelo tu exercise for vocabulary Chapter 5 Dimelo tu Copy this to my account 5571 Capítulo 5, Las estaciones, el tiempo ... Puntos de Partida & ¿Qué tal? R. Vacchio Java Game
Vocabulary exercises Copy this to my account 5572 Avancemos 2 U3-L1 Prueba de gramatica 1 extended 4/15/2014 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 5573 ¿Cómo te diviertes? Sra. Pérez Java Game
Vocabulario del capítulo 4 de Paso a paso 2 Copy this to my account 5574 El Día de San Valentín y La Familia (primer grado) a Java Game
Copy this to my account 5575 Aeropuerto - Vocabulario 3 Miss Goss Columns
Columns Copy this to my account 5576 Vocabulario del Capítulo 4 Ken J. Zeoli Java Game
Your standard games relating to vocabulary from capítulo 4: flashcards, memory (concentration), matching and word search. This is an excellent opportunity to reinforce your recognition and spelling of words and phrases from this unit. Go for the... Copy this to my account 5577 países hispanos y sus gobiernos Señor Saylor Challenge Board
Hay preguntas acerca de los tipos de gobiernos de países hispanos por las Américas, África y Europa. Copy this to my account 5578 Los secretos de familia - capitulo 13 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 5579 El Palacio imaginado OG Spansk Hangman
Intenta adivinar palabras clave de "El palacio imaginado" Copy this to my account 5580 J-verb various tenses MmeZedd Challenge Board
Practice the present and preterite of the verbs that use a J to form the preterite, as well as the commands and present progressive: decir, traer, traducir, producir and conducir.I didn't use accent marks. Copy this to my account 5581 En Camino 10-3 Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Copy this to my account 5582 capitulo 2 Realidades 3: estar + participio Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 5583 Exprésate 2 - cap. 1.2 grammar Miss Bias Challenge Board
present progressive, simple future, affirmative and negative informal (tú) commands Copy this to my account 5584 Spanish II-Chapter 4 Vocabulary Joy Jenkins Quenga Java Game
It's time to learn about hobbies! Copy this to my account 5585 Spanish 1NS Unidad 3 Etapa 1 Sra. Vela Hangman
Copy this to my account 5586 Spanish 2 PE part 1 (IPA) Señor Grantham / Sra. Z Hernandez Quiz This quiz contains 99 questions. Copy this to my account 5587 What "time" is it?? Señora Zarria Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 5588 ¿Dónde quedan los lugares? (actividad) Megan Flinchbaugh Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 5589 Destinos - EPISODIO 30 - "Preocupaciones" (Worries) Doña Kay Hartsock Java Game
Copy this to my account 5590 1Ch3 Infinitives Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Copy this to my account 5591 Términos literarios AMPARO WENG Rags to Riches
Ejemplos de los términos literarios Copy this to my account 5592 ESTOS/ESTAS Mrs.Vazquez Cloze
Copy this to my account 5593 SG: Los Números 11-100 Professoressa Marchesi Java Game
Copy this to my account 5594 Juntos- Capitulo 4- ¿Dónde vives? -- Java Game
vocabulary-page 125-1st column Copy this to my account 5595 Capitulo 10 - Concentration and Flashcards -- Java Game
Paso a Paso - Chapter 10 Copy this to my account 5596 La herencia Capítulo 4 Profe. Java Game
Copy this to my account 5597 R1 Lección 3B-Para mantener la salud -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5598 Realidades 3, Cap 6 Vocab 1 -- Java Game
Para practicar el vocabulario antes del examen. Copy this to my account 5599 Ch 12.2 vocabulario spanish 2 Mrs. Ard Java Game
Copy this to my account 5600 Spanish is Fun - Lección 8 - La descripción Sra. Bachi Java Game
vocabulario Copy this to my account 5601 IR or ESTAR Quiz Colin M. Dailey Quiz
Decide whether to use a form of ir(to go) or estar(to be) to complete the following sentences. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5602 Cap 9 primer paso vocabulario Sra. Pundsack Hangman
Review vocabulary from chapter 9, primer paso - pero, cuidado-no te cuelgues (don't hang yourself) Copy this to my account 5603 Buen Viaje II Chapter 11 Vocab.1 -- Java Game
El coche Copy this to my account 5604 Learnables and Basic Structures Lesson 13 Lakota Spanish Teachers Pop-ups
Choose the best word or phrase from the pop-up window. Copy this to my account 5605 Abriendo Puertas, Tomo I; los autores y su país Karen Katz Columns
Empareja el autor con su país de origen. Copy this to my account 5606 La moda-vocabulario -- Hangman
Spanish 3 H Copy this to my account 5607 Yaqui Hermosa, Rosa Leyes, Manuel Señora Van Prooyen Java Game
Vocabulary Galeria de Arte y Vida Cuadro 4 Copy this to my account 5608 Unidad 1 Etapa 3 Jeopardy Profa Kurtz Challenge Board
Play at least 2 times, AND until you reach a minimum of 4500 points. Copy this to my account 5609 Mi familia y mis amigos-CPA2 -- Quiz
El uso del infinitivo, el presente de los verbos regulares e irregulares. This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 5610 Adelante Capitulo 2 primer paso Stephanie Werner Java Game
practice school supply vocabuary Copy this to my account 5611 Spanish 2 Tener & Expressions Señora Reid Java Game
Copy this to my account 5612 1 U5L2 Ser versus Estar Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Learn the difference between Ser and estar Copy this to my account 5613 2-U2E2:review Dra. C Challenge Board
Try this Challenge Board to review vocab, formation of the imperfect, special meaning preterites, and uses of the Preterite and the Imperfect. Copy this to my account 5614 WEDDING vocabulary: When you need the subjunctive -- Java Game
Practice vocabulary that will aide you in knowing when the subjunctive mood is needed. Copy this to my account 5615 Realidades 3, Chapter 4 JG Dr. Parra Java Game
Copy this to my account 5616 Spanish III Exam Review 5 -- Battleship
More multiple choice questions from the exam! Copy this to my account 5617 Español II - Reflexive Verbs Srta. Clower Java Game
Practicing Use of Reflexive Verbs Copy this to my account 5618 Episodio 5 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Copy this to my account 5619 Capitulo 3B Word Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 5620 12-2 Vocabulary Mlle Seiler Java Game
Copy this to my account 5621 Todo tiene solución - Cap 3 Vocab 2 Sra. Kelly Java Game
Copy this to my account 5622 Bienvenidos Vocabulary Chapter 3 -- Java Game
Practice with vocabulary chapter 3 Copy this to my account 5623 Casi Se Muere Ms. Rogers Patterns
Copy this to my account 5624 Exprésate Textbook chapter 4 part 1 vocabulary Mademoiselle Stone Hangman
Chapter 4 Part 1 vocabulary Copy this to my account 5625 La Novia...novela de Deb Navarre-Capítulo 9 Sra. Hoover Java Game
Copy this to my account 5626 AP Spanish Lit/Abriendo puertas: Citas claves de la narrativa hispanoamericana Bonnie T. Bowen Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 5627 1 U4L2 Poder Conjugation Puzzle Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Place the conjugated verb poder in order to a typical verb chart.
1 - yo 4 - nosotros
2 - tú 5 -... Copy this to my account 5628 En Español II Un. 1 Et. 2 Challenge -- Challenge Board
Try your hand at this Challenge Board for a good review! Copy this to my account 5629 R1 lección 3A- ¿Desayuno o almuerzo? -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5630 Adelante Chapter 2: PRIMER PASO p97 C. Hughes Java Game
Talking about what you want and need.
Review the vocsbulary and play the games Copy this to my account 5631 Adjetivos-Descripción física y rasgos personales Rosa Steinbrecher Hangman
Copy this to my account 5632 1 U5L1 Vocabulary Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 5633 CH1: Adjectives -- Java Game
Describing a person: opposites Copy this to my account 5634 Casi se muere Cap 7 Vocab Señoras Kline y Navarro Java Game
Copy this to my account 5635 Cría cuervos escena 12 - 53 (substantiver) OG Spansk Java Game
Copy this to my account 5636 ¿COMO TE SIENTES? Mrs.Vazquez Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 5637 FIFA: '¡Rusia, el país ganador!' Profesora Jennifer Quiz
Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks. Accents are not necessary. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5638 Capítulo 4 Word Scramble -- Jumbled Words
Unscramble the letters of each word or phrase Copy this to my account 5639 Carta - Paso a Paso 1 Ms. Acocella Cloze
Carta a una Amiga Copy this to my account 5640 FORMAL COMMANDS REVIEW -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5641 Clothes - Part 1 Thomas F. Strotman Hangman
Column 1 of Clothes from Survival Booklet pg. 3 Copy this to my account 5642 I 4B Vocabulario Madame Young Java Game
Realidades I, p. 218, vocabulario Copy this to my account 5643 Lección 5 -- Java Game
Play Concentration (Memory) as you practice Lesson 5 vocabulary! Or, if you prefer, you can play the "Matching" game or practice vocab. using the "Flashcards" option.
Either way, you'll be reinforcing your vocabulario from this chapter! ... Copy this to my account 5644 Etapa 1 Unit 1 - En español -- Java Game
Vocabulary Practice Copy this to my account 5645 En Camino 1B Ch. 12 Las vacaciones ideales... Tercer Paso [pg. 281] C. Hughes Java Game
Saying where you went and what you did on vacation - Use the flashcards to makes sure you know the vocabulary. Then enjoy playing the games. Copy this to my account 5646 Poder in the Present Tense Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Grammar activity to accompany ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 1. Copy this to my account 5647 Pronombres a Java Game
Copy this to my account 5648 Dime Uno - U2 L3 - Actividades Hangman Mary Lynne DeMarinis Hangman
Copy this to my account 5649 * adjectives - Flashcards Sra. Crane Java Game
Copy this to my account 5650 9. Semester 1 Final Practice (Colors and Clothing) Heidi Beller Java Game
Copy this to my account 5651 BUEN VIAJE 2 REPASO B VOCABULARY Sra. Aguirre Java Game
vocabulario de REPASO B - AMIGOS Y ALUMNOS Copy this to my account 5652 Ropa/Clothes GR3 (IF) Señora Klebba Java Game
Clothing Vocabulary
Teach Them Spanish! Grade 3 Copy this to my account 5653 capítulo dos battleship -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 5654 Plazas 5.140 - verbos relacionados con la salud -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5655 Verbos irregulares en pretérito Señora Westphal Hangman
Copy this to my account 5656 Avancemos 2 1.1--A Test Monsieur Marcantel Quiz This quiz contains 26 questions. Copy this to my account 5657 Ch 6 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5658 Mid Sp I Voc 1 Cha 1 -- Java Game
nouns - single expressions Copy this to my account 5659 2 U1L1 Identify the IOP Columns Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
You use the I D P with verbs suchs as gustar, encantar, importar, interesar, molestar and others. Copy this to my account 5660 Capítulo 4B Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 5661 salir, conocer, traer -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 5662 Hispanic Flags of North Central, South America and Spain Mr. Tim Fisher Scavenger Hunt
Copy this to my account 5663 REPASO DE ESPAÑOL 3 -- Challenge Board
Enter the correct answer and win points for your team. Accents count. Copy this to my account 5664 lesson 4 - vocabulary -- Java Game
These activities are designed to accompany the textbook series Paso a Paso 3. Copy this to my account 5665 español dos: 2,3 vocabulary Trina Godwin Java Game
Copy this to my account 5666 Realidades 1 Tema 3 Review Miss Marshall Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5667 Span Lit AP: Recursos técnicos de la poesía Kassandra T. Brenot, Ph.D. Java Game
Recursos técnicos más vistos en la poesía hispánica (estos ejercicios han sido adaptados de las hojas "Recursos técnicos de la poesía" del Teachers Resource Manual que acompaña el libro de texto "Jorge Luis Borges", McDougal Littell, pp. xx-xxi. Copy this to my account 5668 Bienvenidos-Lección 9-Vocabulario Señor Marlow Java Game
Práctica de Vocabulario Copy this to my account 5669 Vocabulario Unidad 3 Etapa 2 -En Español 1 Mrs. Hicks Java Game
Practice with vocabulary Unidad 3 Etapa 2 Copy this to my account 5670 2 U0LP El verbo TENER /Tener Idioms/ estar Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb tener. Copy this to my account 5671 Ven Conmigo Level 1 Chapter 6-1 Battleship Vocabulary A. Martell Battleship
Copy this to my account 5672 Adelante 4-2 Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Copy this to my account 5673 Christmas in Spain Mr. Powell Scavenger Hunt
Find the answers to the quesions by searching the websites. Copy this to my account 5674 Exprésate 1 Ch04 Review Señoras Kline y Navarro Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5675 02 - School - Pen Pal -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 5676 Capítulo 4, La casa, ¿Qué tal? & Puntos de Partida R. Vacchio Java Game
Copy this to my account 5677 Vocabulario 7-3 Lakota Spanish Teachers Java Game
Ven Conmigo Level I Chapter 7 Tercer Paso Copy this to my account 5678 Avancemos 2 2.1 This and That Monsieur Marcantel Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5679 AFTER SCHOOL PLANS Sra. Frayre Java Game
Match the Spanish plans with the correct English translation Copy this to my account 5680 U1 L2 Pretérito y Vocabulario Stacy Tukloff-Vansant Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5681 2 U4L0 El Imperfecto - los usos Quiz Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
This quiz will help you review the uses of the Imperfect tense. This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 5682 Dime 5.3 IOPS -- Pop-ups
practice using iops in 5.3. This activity includes G81A Copy this to my account 5683 El baloncesto Michelle Marnicio Hangman
Un juego para practicar el vocabulario del baloncesto. Copy this to my account 5684 Español 3 - U3 E1 Vocabulario, Verbos Señora Schott Rags to Riches
¡Practiquen! Copy this to my account 5685 LICTM Ch. 3 "El Restaurante Elegante" pt. 5 Spanish 2 Vocabulary--Ferguson -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5686 Díaz: Expressions for Informal Speaking Sra. Benton Java Game
Copy this to my account 5687 El regalo / Los regalos Señorita Brady Pop-ups
Look at the word to figure out if it is singular or plural. Choose which form of "the" goes with it. Copy this to my account 5688 Unit 1 Lesson 2 Avancemos Level 3 Mrs. Luz Marina Rainer Java Game
Copy this to my account 5689 Números 10 al 100 a Java Game
Copy this to my account 5690 emociones caroline Jumbled Words
speaking about how we feel Copy this to my account 5691 Hace + time expressions (ago) -- Rags to Riches
Es el año 2020. Choose the answer that best tells how long ago certain events happened. Copy this to my account 5692 Juanito: Comparaciones: Actividad Aural Señor Raschio Columns
Copy this to my account 5693 Repaso 4to grado - Mayo a Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5694 Los pasatiempos Jeopardy Carol Hamilton Challenge Board
¿Sabes mucho? Vamos a ver!! Copy this to my account 5695 Spanish 2 Ch 13 Test Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 33 questions. Copy this to my account 5696 ¡Los deportes me interesan! Carol Hamilton Rags to Riches
¡Juguemos quién quiere ser un millionario! Copy this to my account 5697 Etapa 3 Unit 3 - En español -- Java Game
Vocabulary Practice Copy this to my account 5698 Arcos y Alamedas Bridging Vocabulary Amy Shoemaker Java Game
Copy this to my account 5699 Technology jonathan Java Game
Spanish vocabulary words from Technology section of chapter 3 of Holt's Ven Conmigo Level 3 Spanish Textbook. Copy this to my account 5700 Los verbos - Capítulos 1-7- presente del indicativo - Puntos de Partida & ¿Qué tal? R. Vacchio Java Game
Copy this to my account 5701 Spanish I Exam Review -- Rags to Riches
Vocabulary and verb review Copy this to my account 5702 Examen 1.1 Señora Kottas Quiz
This exam is worth 100 points. Please read through each section carefully. Review your work before submitting. ¡Buena suerte! This quiz contains 47 questions. Copy this to my account 5703 Avancemos 2 U1-L2 Prueba de vocabulario 2 Form A 11-22-2013 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5704 Clothing Mrs. McChesney Java Game
Correctly match the Spanish and English terms. Copy this to my account 5705 Comparativos y superlativos - una prueba breva Carol Hamilton Mini Quiz
Translate the comparative and superlative phrases. Copy this to my account 5706 listos 2 module 6 vida sana no.2 Mr REY Java Game
advanced compare personal lifestyle with what you should do Copy this to my account 5707 Reading Benchmark 2014 Profe Marrison Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5708 Tiendas Especiales Ms. J Java Game
Copy this to my account 5709 SPANISH 2 ETAPA 4.1 -- Rags to Riches
How much do you know? Copy this to my account 5710 Buen Viaje 1 Chap 3 - Palabras 2 - Phrases señor Tocino Java Game
Copy this to my account 5711 Bravo Level 3 Unidad 4 Lección 1 -- Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Jumbled Copy this to my account 5712 capítulo 3 Realidades 3 Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 5713 VERBOS Y MAS VERBOS Mrs.Vazquez Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 5714 Avancemos 2 - Unidad 3 Lección 2 Stacy Tukloff-Vansant Java Game
Copy this to my account 5715 Avancemos 2 Prelim Test Monsieur Marcantel Quiz This quiz contains 48 questions. Copy this to my account 5716 Unidad 3, Etapa 2 Verbs (in infinitive conjugating!!!) Mrs. Terry Hangman
Copy this to my account 5717 Los Quehaceres: Conjugations and Sentences Carol Hamilton Challenge Board
ir a. gustar and tener que expressions + simple translation of English sentences to Spanish
¡Sí, se puede! Copy this to my account 5718 A02 McPeak Java Games Señora McPeak Java Game
Copy this to my account 5719 La Salud - Health Mrs. McCleary Challenge Board
El cuerpo y las enfermedades. Copy this to my account 5720 Español 1 - U1, E2, Definite and Indefinte Articles Señora Schott Pop-ups
Choose the best option available! Copy this to my account 5721 Household Chores - Sp 2 Ch 3 jonathan Java Game
Spanish vocabulary words from the Household Chores section of chapter 3 of Holt's Ven Conmigo Level 2 Spanish Textbook. Copy this to my account 5722 Spanish 31 práctica de la gramática (acts. 20 y 22 de las páginas 22,23) Eugene Hellmann Quiz
Actividad 20 es (1 a 5) y la actividad 22 es (6 a 11). This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 5723 Repaso - Tercer grado a Challenge Board
Review - Third grade Copy this to my account 5724 R3 C1 Camping and Nature Mr. Mark Orsatti (Mr. O) Java Game
Match the English and Spanish words about camping and nature. Copy this to my account 5725 3-U3E2 REPASO Dra. C Challenge Board
Play this Challenge Board to review vocab, culture, verbs from this etapa. Copy this to my account 5726 Álbum: Leyenda / Un oso y un amor - Vocabulary Games Profe. Butcher Java Game
Here are some games to practice your vocabulary. Enjoy! [Caution - these may be addicting...] Copy this to my account 5727 Expresate 1 vocabulario 2-1 Debbie Mensinger Java Game
Using vocabulary from p.44, 45, 47 of Expresate 1 Copy this to my account 5728 Geocultura:La Ciudad de México -- Hangman
Look at the hint to name the places in La Ciudad de México. Copy this to my account 5729 Las profesiones Columns Carol Hamilton Columns
Empareja las profesiones y las personas,etc. Copy this to my account 5730 Spanish 2: Midterm Exam Winter 2012 Señora McCollum Quiz
Take your time. Do your best. Make sure that you read over your answer before clicking submit answer. This quiz contains 75 questions. Copy this to my account 5731 Bravo 1 Unidad 4 lección 1 -- Java Game
Vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 5732 Hangman 5A Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 5733 Realidades 3 Ch. 6 vocab. Sra. Sparks Java Game
Copy this to my account 5734 Chapter 1 Vocabulary 2 Quiz Describing Words Ms. Pereira Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5735 Emociones y condiciones -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5736 Capítulo 8: Vocabulario Ken J. Zeoli Java Game
Vocabulary and phrases from capítulo 8 of Paso a Paso level 1. Try practicing in a variety of formats (flash, memory, matching or word search). ¡Diviértanse bien! Copy this to my account 5737 N1 C3 LB Juego de repaso Mrs. Gross Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5738 Vistas 9 Vocabulario - Celebraciones -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5739 La Comunidad Fotos -- Java Game
Find the Spanish words hidden in the word search! Copy this to my account 5740 Vocab Quiz 5.1 Profesora Conway Quiz
vocab quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 5741 LICTM Ch. 3 "El Restaurante Elegante" pt. 3 Spanish 2 Vocabulary--Ferguson -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5742 A bordo Capítulo 6 Pareo Señor Fields Columns
¿Puedes hacer parejas con todas las palabras? Copy this to my account 5743 El subjuntivo vs. el indicativo--todo mezclado Señor Turf Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 5744 Hangman with clothing Sra. Bishop Hangman
CHECK OUT YOUR MEMORY OF WORDS FOR CLOTHING Copy this to my account 5745 ¿Qué pongo en la mesa? Elizabeth Manian Java Game
What items would you find on the table? Copy this to my account 5746 Spanish I-Chapter 3 Vocabulary Hangman Joy Jenkins Quenga Hangman
Play Hangman with the words from chapter 3! Copy this to my account 5747 Español 3, Unidad 8, Lección 3: el vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5748 SPANISH 1 3.3 VOCABULARY -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5749 Unidad 4.1 - Challenge Board Sra. Obrecht Challenge Board
Challenge Board Copy this to my account 5750 Got time? cap. 2 Linda Radke Challenge Board
A fun review of vocab. with a little math and science added in! :-) Copy this to my account 5751 Formal Assessment Unit 1 Vocabulary Quiz 7 Ms. Pereira Quiz
Translate from Spanish to English or English to Spanish This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 5752 What You Know - Sp 2 Ch 4 jonathan Java Game
Spanish vocabulary words from the What You Know section of chapter 4 of Holt's Ven Conmigo Level 2 Spanish Textbook. Copy this to my account 5753 South American countries & capitals Señora Desaulniers Hangman
Copy this to my account 5754 Repaso de las Formas y Expresiones del Subjuntivo -- Java Game
This is a review of the forms and expressions of the present subjunctive and the expressions that use subjunctive Copy this to my account 5755 Exploring Spanish - Los saludos y las expresiones de cortesia Sra. Mallaber Java Game
Exploring Spanish - Unit 1 - Greetings and courteous expressions Copy this to my account 5756 avancemos unidad 5 lección 1 Sra. Withers Java Game
these words match level 1 Avancemos Unidad 5, lección 1 Copy this to my account 5757 SP 1 Final Review #11 -- Quiz
Review of regular present tense verbs in Spanish This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 5758 Midterm Review Grammar L4 (5 tries total) Señor Fernandes Quiz
1-5 present tense
6-10 ser vs estar
11-15 conocer vs... This quiz contains 60 questions chosen from a bank of 382. Copy this to my account 5759 1-U1E3 Vocabulario-Age, Dates, Birthdays and Other phrases Sr. Bachelder Java Game
Copy this to my account 5760 Unidad 1, Etapa 1 Señor Hymes Challenge Board
Vocabulary from the textbook "En español", including the verb SER Copy this to my account 5761 español dos: 3,1 vocabulary Trina Godwin Java Game
Copy this to my account 5762 Tener Expressions with IMAGES ll-NEW (WITH NOTE TO TEACHERS IN DESCRIPTION.) Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 5763 la ropa-flashcards+audio -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5764 NO TU COMMANDS PRACTICE -- Java Game
Match the picture to the correct no command Copy this to my account 5765 LICTM Ch. 3 "El Restaurante Elegante" pt. 2 Spanish 2 Vocabulary--Ferguson -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5766 Encuentros Vocabulary Señora Aliahmady y Señora Eberhardt Java Game
Copy this to my account 5767 ar verbs - amarte duele doctora hudson Java Game
Copy this to my account 5768 Enlaces C4 Mr. Mark Orsatti (Mr. O) Jumbled Words
Palabras mezcladas. Copy this to my account 5769 ER / IR verbs definitions English to Spanish Amy Jo Gaebe Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 5770 Repaso G, Jeopardy A Tamberli Dixon Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5771 Buen Viaje 3 Ch.4 Sra. Vonesh Columns
Vocabulary Spanish/English matching Copy this to my account 5772 Las cosas de la clase Sra. Brooker Hangman
Can you guess the items in the classroom? Copy this to my account 5773 II Realidades - 2A Review Vocabulary Madame Young Hangman
A ver si recuerdas..., p. 70. Clothing vocabulary review before Capítulo 2A of Realidades 2 Copy this to my account 5774 Exprésate 1: CAPITULO 5.1 Elizabeth Whittaker Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5775 Casi Se Muere, Capítulo 1 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 5776 08 - House - Millionaire -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 5777 Repaso de los verbos/U3-E2 Srta. Asa Challenge Board
Using stem-changing, regular AR, ER & IR and irregular verbs. Copy this to my account 5778 Spanish I Chapter 2 Vocabulary Joy Jenkins Quenga Java Game
Copy this to my account 5779 Buen Viaje II Chapter 7 Vocab 2 -- Java Game
En el aeropuerto Copy this to my account 5780 Buen Viaje II Chapter 10 Vocab.1 -- Java Game
A cocinar Copy this to my account 5781 Descubre repaso ch5 a Dr. Larson Java Game
Repaso de vocabulario de capítulo 5, Descubre 2. Copy this to my account 5782 Spanish Mix Señorita Pelican Battleship
Copy this to my account 5783 Capítulo 12 Ya Verás Nivel 1 Ann Giese Java Game
Copy this to my account 5784 Spanish is Fun - Lección 5 - Uno, dos, tres... Sra. Bachi Java Game
vocabulario Copy this to my account 5785 El Cuerpo Sra. Hoover Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 5786 doña Di's En la clase - part 3 Dianne Guest Java Game
An opportunity to increase your vocabulary for talking about your classroom and your school. Copy this to my account 5787 Realidades I - Capítulo 7A -- Jumbled Words
Unscramble the jumbled words. All words are clothing vocabulary. Copy this to my account 5788 instrumentos musicales/ numeros Mrs.Soledad Jaramillo Villagomez Java Game
Copy this to my account 5789 PASO I CAPITULO 6 ¿Cuánto cuesta la camisa? pp. 184/185 1st vocab Mlle. Java Game
new words and expressions to talk about clothes and colors. Good shopping!!! Copy this to my account 5790 Caminante Sr. Brant Picture Perfect
Ordena el poema de Antonio Machado Copy this to my account 5791 Exprésate 1 Vocabulario 4-1 p.120 Debbie Mensinger Rags to Riches
Exprésate 1 Vocabulario 4-1 p.120. Choose the correct answer for each question. Copy this to my account 5792 El Imperfecto Sra. Geer Java Game
Copy this to my account 5793 Los Adjetivos - Estar Señora Java Game
Adjectives commonly used with the verb Estar. Copy this to my account 5794 Capitulo 6: Vocabulario 2 A P Java Game
Copy this to my account 5795 O- UE verbs (MEANINGS) Sra. Roselle Java Game
learn meanings of these verbs Copy this to my account 5796 Capítulo 12: Indirect Objects Ken J. Zeoli Cloze
Practice your use of indirect object pronouns en español. See how well you can do! Copy this to my account 5797 Bienvenidos Capítulo 7--Verbos e>ie Señor Fields Rags to Riches
¿Puedes traducir? ¡Ya veremos! Copy this to my account 5798 Traer Conjugation Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Place the conjugated verb traer in order to a typical verb chart.
1 - yo 4 - nosotros
2 - tú 5 -... Copy this to my account 5799 La vivienda -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 5800 Dos Mundos - Cap. 1 Doña Kay Hartsock Java Game
Copy this to my account 5801 Ave María Amy Shoemaker Ordered List
Put this prayer in the correct order. Copy this to my account 5802 Platero y yo -- Java Game
Nuevas Vistas Coleccion 2 Copy this to my account 5803 5B Prueba #3 Janine Hakanson Quiz
Escoge la mejor respuesta (la respuesta más lógica). Si tienes menos de 50% correctos, haz la prueba otra vez. (Redo if you get less than 50%) This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 5804 <center>PRETÉRITO</center> Sra. Shanabrook Quiz This quiz contains 24 questions. Copy this to my account 5805 Expresate 1: Geocultura 6- México Mme Dimick Java Game
Copy this to my account 5806 QUIEN/QUIENES Sra. DeRosa Cloze
Copy this to my account 5807 el dormitorio-Chap. 8-Español I -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5808 Mastery 3: Unit 11 En el hotel vocabulary pp319-320 C. Hughes Java Game
Review the vocabulary using the flashcards, then play the games. Copy this to my account 5809 Viva Lección 1 Vocabulario Sra. Smiekel Java Game
Practice activities with the vocab from Lesson 1 Copy this to my account 5810 los pasatiempos/hobbies - subject/verb agreement Carol Hamilton Rags to Riches
Choose the correct subject Copy this to my account 5811 Cuéntame Episodio #1 Cuento Maestra Tolisano Cloze
Hay un chico y una gatita. Copy this to my account 5812 VC2-Ch.9-2 Jaime Huerta Java Game
Copy this to my account 5813 Episodio 5 ICA Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
Please complete the following exercises. You may use your notes if you wish. You may not talk to anyone until Mrs. Mullins say it's ok. Raise your hand if you have a question. Press "Done" at the bottom of the page when you are finished. This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 5814 Il Postino The DeLuccia's Hangman
If you do not know these words by now... Copy this to my account 5815 Spanish 4 Ch 11 Vocab #1 Señora Faunt Java Game
vocab practice Copy this to my account 5816 SER o ESTAR? Profa Kurtz Pop-ups
¿Cuándo se usa SER en vez de ESTAR? Vamos a ver. Copy this to my account 5817 Cuadro Uno - Vocabulario Sra. W. Hangman
Vocabulary for Cuadro Uno of Galería de Arte y Vida Copy this to my account 5818 Foods 1 -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 5819 LICTM Ch. 3 "El Restaurante Elegante" pt. 4 Spanish 2 Vocabulary--Ferguson -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5820 Capítulo 2B Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 5821 Spanish for Mastery 3: Unidad 2 Vocabulario -- Java Game
Usa esta actividad para practicar el vocabulario entre las páginas 36 y 40, las secciones tituladas "El español práctico" y "Vocabulario temático". ¡Qué te diviertas y qué aprendas mucho! Copy this to my account 5822 Expresate 2, Capitulo 1: Affirmative and Negative Commands Megan McLaulin Columns
Copy this to my account 5823 Mini cuento 6-1 Senor Java Game
Copy this to my account 5824 Spanish 3/4 II 2006 Los días y la fecha Profe. Java Game
Copy this to my account 5825 Conexiones 8.2 El condicional (WB 8-10) Profesora Duronio Cloze
Teresa va a cenar con unos clientes importantes y le pide consejos a un colega. Completa el diálogo con el condicional de los verbos. Copy this to my account 5826 6A-2 vocab production Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 28 questions. Copy this to my account 5827 Ch12 - #6 - Restaurant & Place prepositions Practice Profe Breinig Quiz
practice with restaurant vocab and place pronouns in a visual setting This quiz contains 21 questions chosen from a bank of 20. Copy this to my account 5828 CAPITULO 2 PASO II ¿Qué haces después de las clases? Mlle. Java Game
practice word games to master second part of vocab in chapter 2 PASO II Copy this to my account 5829 QUESTION WORDS Isabel Galvez Pop-ups
Replace the asterisk by one of the words provided Copy this to my account 5830 1 U4L2 Box #1 e>i Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
seguir/follow repetir/repete medir/measure conseguir/achieve servir/serve dormirse/fall asleep morirse/die impedir/stop despedir/farewell vestirse/get dressed This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 5831 El aeropuerto -- Rags to Riches
Bienvenidos Cap. 8 Copy this to my account 5832 Sp 3 U3E1 Sra. Brown Java Game
discuss ways to stay fit & healthy; diet & exercise; talk about routine & personal care Copy this to my account 5833 Sp.1 #1 -Misc. Vocabulary -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5834 Cajas de carton -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5835 La Ropa Sra. Ekblad Java Game
Parte 3 Copy this to my account 5836 Ven conmigo 3 Verbs (1) Chris Brown Java Game
Review of the infinitives presented in the Ven conmigo 3 book, chapters 1-6. Copy this to my account 5837 A bordo Capítulo 1 Vocabulario Señor Fields Hangman
¡Prácitca de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 5838 Mini cuento 2-3a Senor Java Game
Copy this to my account 5839 Capítulo 10 Ms. Ruzicka Hangman
Hangman...what a cool way to practice vocab! :-) Copy this to my account 5840 1-1.1a A E I O U - 083011 ECB Profesora Berman Java Game
Practice the phonetic sound of Spanish vowels out loud to help you learn how to pronounce words in Spanish.
Remember: the lower case goes with lower case. a = ah
but A = AH Copy this to my account 5841 Capítulo 8 - vocabulario temático Profa Cooper Java Game
verbos reflexivos, ropa, España Copy this to my account 5842 Words from page 56 First Sentences Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
First Sentences Copy this to my account 5843 4B Battleship Janine Hakanson Battleship
Escoge la respuesta más lógica. Copy this to my account 5844 El cuerpo - kroppen Suzan Desezar Hangman
Copy this to my account 5845 Lección 11-hangman Rosa Steinbrecher Hangman
Copy this to my account 5846 Spanish I-Chapter 1 Hangman Joy Jenkins Quenga Hangman
¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 5847 Frases Utiles Señorita Calloway Quiz
Practice useful phrases before your final Quiz. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5848 Spanish II Ch. 10 Buen Viaje Sra. Vonesh Battleship
Comida, la cocina, etc. from both sections of chapter 10. Copy this to my account 5849 Español 1 - U2, E1 - Verbos Regulares en el Presente -AR Señora Schott Patterns
Match the verbs to their subjects. Copy this to my account 5850 Clothes - Part 2 Thomas F. Strotman Hangman
Clothes from pg. 3 of Survival Booklet Copy this to my account 5851 III Capítulo 3 La comida Madame Young Hangman
Use p. 108 and your glossary to assist you. Copy this to my account 5852 Chapter 2-1- Sp3 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Refiérese a las páginas 16-17 en el libro para aprender sobre verbos que cambian de raíz. This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 5853 La fruta Señorita Brady Java Game
Copy this to my account 5854 Los Verbos -ER / -IR Señora Java Game
Copy this to my account 5855 A03 McPeak Java Games Señora McPeak Java Game
Copy this to my account 5856 The Human Body 4 (with pictures)(MR5) A P Java Game
Match the Spanish word with the picture. Copy this to my account 5857 Using Vocabulary and Grammar in Context Ken J. Zeoli Cloze
Copy this to my account 5858 Realidades I - Capítulo 6B -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 5859 Sp. 3, LIST Ch. 3.2, La clase salvaje -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5860 Spanish 1 - Final - 2010 Sr. Tristan Bodle Quiz
Chapter 1, LICT, Pobre Ana, Etc. This quiz contains 75 questions. Copy this to my account 5861 Sp 1 2.1 part 2 Monsieur Marcantel Java Game
The vocabulary matches Avancemos Level 1
School subjects, classroom activities, other words and phrases Copy this to my account 5862 los países -- Hangman
Arriba 1 Chapt 1 Copy this to my account 5863 mariposas: soluciones -- Java Game
plantciones comerciales: maís o árboles Copy this to my account 5864 Listen and Practice - Means of transportation Sandra Java Game
Escucha y practica los "Medios de transportes" Copy this to my account 5865 3-U2E1: text Culture Dra. C Columns
Use this activity to practice the culture from your text. Copy this to my account 5866 Diaz Voc 3: Las armas Profesora Jiménez-Biles Java Game
Copy this to my account 5867 Exprésate 1: Capítulo 1a Mme Dimick Java Game
greetings & asking how someone is Copy this to my account 5868 Países hispanohablantes Señora Billings Java Game
Copy this to my account 5869 Capítulo 4 - preterite or present -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5870 U1E3-9 Preparation for Test - U1-E3 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Preparation for Test - Chapter U1-E3 - pp. 68-91 This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 5871 La peste del insomnio - Práctica con el vocabulario I Señora Peterson Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 5872 Capítulo 9: Vocabulario de la Salud Ken J. Zeoli Jumbled Words
¿Cómo te sientes? Try to unscramble these phrases which describe how someone can feel. Give it a go! ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 5873 La vida de todos los días Sra. Pérez Picture Perfect
Copy this to my account 5874 1A U1E3 Vocabulary Check 2 Quiz Señor Bain Quiz
Complete this quiz to determine which vocabulary you have mastered and which vocabulary you need to study more. This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 5875 Sala de Clase - Quinto Grado a Java Game
Copy this to my account 5876 TPR EPISODIO 1- II Señora Rodriguez Picture Perfect
Ordenar las oraciones (sentences). Copy this to my account 5877 En Espanol II Vocabulario 1-3 Mrs. Shields Battleship
News and communicating information. Copy this to my account 5878 Muy Bien C - Los Oficios - ch 8 Kim Hukari Java Game
How well do you know the workers in the community? Practice your vocabulary and have fun! Buena Suerta! Copy this to my account 5879 Shopping Nouns Julie Reinshagen Java Game
Can you match these common shopping nouns? Do your best! Copy this to my account 5880 Antonyms --AR Imperfect A. Martell Java Game
AMSCO 2 years Copy this to my account 5881 5B #2 Janine Hakanson Quiz
Escribe la forma correcta de uno de los siguientes verbos en cada frase: venir, traer, estar o ser. ¡Cada frase debe ser lógica! (Write the correct form of one of the verbs in each sentence. Make sure the sentences make sense!) If you get less than... This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 5882 Capítulo 5: Jeopardy Game Ken J. Zeoli Challenge Board
Challenge someone you know or yourself at a game of Jeopardy! This is a great way to stimulate the brain waves! Vaya! Copy this to my account 5883 chap6 "u" verbs preterite and mixed tenses Mr. Boemio Challenge Board
Play this game to review the verbs that use "u" in their irregular preterite: estar, tener, andar, poder, poner and saber. There are questions in various tenses as well as commands. I did not use the accents.
Go to my quia "yaverasapt" page for more... Copy this to my account 5884 Unidad 5 Lección 1 - Vocabulario Nuevo - ¿Ser o Estar? Mr. Friedrich Pop-ups
Do you remember when to use Ser and when to use Estar? Copy this to my account 5885 La Casa de Bernarda Alba - Q - A I Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Quiz
Acto Primero
Preguntas This quiz contains 47 questions. Copy this to my account 5886 En Español 3: Cultural Un1 etapas 2 y 3 Dra. C Columns
Match these items from the culture in Unidad 1 etapas 1 & 2. Copy this to my account 5887 Hola, ¿qué tal? Práctica A Sra. Dovale Quiz
Unit 1 Resource Book, lección preliminar This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 5888 Querer y venir 2 Dianne Guest Battleship
Can you defeat your enemy by proving your skills with the verbs "querer" and "venir"? Copy this to my account 5889 En la escuela, capítulo 4 Buen Viaje Mrs. Meyers Java Game
Let's learn about going to school,school activities and how you feel Copy this to my account 5890 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 4 Preterite tense of verbs in the unit Mrs Flannery Patterns
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 4 Preterite tense of verbs in the unit Copy this to my account 5891 3.1.3 Vocabulario Parte II -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5892 Colors (lesson 4) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5893 U2E3-1- Vocabulary Practice pt1 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Vocab-U2-E3 - Textbook, page 163 PLEASE NOTE: JUST COPY THE ANSWERS FROM THE LIST ON PAGE 163 - DO NOT ADD ANYTHING This quiz contains 29 questions. Copy this to my account 5894 Paso a Paso- 2 Capítulo 7- Repaso Sra. M. Hernández Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 5895 A bordo Capítulo 4 Vocabulario Señor Fields Columns
¡Hagan parejas! Copy this to my account 5896 Primer Paso - Months Señora Boulton Java Game
Copy this to my account 5897 Unit 2 Lesson 4 Vocabulary Practice 2 Todd Maggi Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 5898 Adjectives Battleship Srta. Badynee Battleship
Click on a square to guess where the computer's ships are. If you hit a ship, answer the question. Copy this to my account 5899 U5E2-9 Test Prep- U5-E2 Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 5900 Los países hispanos Sra. Pérez Patterns
Copy this to my account 5901 Challenge board for the preterite forms 6th edition profe Lemon (drlemon®) Challenge Board
Play the board or another player to see how well you know your conjugations. Be careful to pay attention to which category you are in! Copy this to my account 5902 Capítulo 6: Matching Ken J. Zeoli Columns
Connect your thoughts by matching the English and Spanish words. ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 5903 ¿Qué ropa llevas? María E. Valenzuela-Williams Java Game
Copy this to my account 5904 Talk about activities -- Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 5905 Realidades 3 1-1 vocabulario pam satterfield Java Game
Copy this to my account 5906 Pobre Ana, Capítulo 5 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 5907 S1 Prueba - Meses, Dias, Introducciones, Subject Pronouns, Shakira Senora Loeb Quiz
Use what you've learned in the past 2 weeks to rock this test. Buena Suerte (good luck!) This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 5908 Chapter 2 Vocabulary -- Java Game
Chapter 2 vocab. Copy this to my account 5909 PRET. VS IMPERFECT -- Challenge Board
TRY THIS ONE! Copy this to my account 5910 Formas del Pretérito: Un verbo con sus varias formas Señor Raschio Patterns
Seleccione la forma correcta del verbo en el pretérito. Copy this to my account 5911 Places Sra. Wilson Hangman
Copy this to my account 5912 Símbolos de Massachusetts Yvonne McArthur Java Game
Copy this to my account 5913 Números 100 - 1,000,000 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5914 Realidades 2 6B vocabulary verbs that use indirect object pronouns pam satterfield Java Game
Copy this to my account 5915 ¿Reflexivo o no? Señora Phillips Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 5916 Buen Viaje I Chapter 10 Vocab 1 -- Java Game
Al cine Copy this to my account 5917 La Gitanilla9-12/True False Profa. Luft Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5918 Ser v. Estar Sra. Mendoza Cloze
Choose the correct verb (Ser or estar) and then conjugate correctly for the subject given. Copy this to my account 5919 En español 2 - U1E1: El pretérito irregular Sra. Hilbert Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 5920 How much do you remember? Mrs. Cushing Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 5921 12 - Restaurant - Pictures -- Quiz This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 5922 Vocab pics Spn 2 chapt 9.1 Shelly Plaster Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 5923 2-U3E2 Irregular Negative tú Commands -- Pop-ups
Remember that in negative commands, the pronoun comes before the verb. Also remember that some verbs will required spelling changes to keep the pronunciation consistent. (ex. llego becomes llegues)
Choose the correct answer that corresponds with the... Copy this to my account 5924 Reflexive Verbs #1 Señor Fernandes Quiz This quiz contains 19 questions. Copy this to my account 5925 A bordo Capítulo 13 Subjuntivo o Infinitivo Señor Fields Pop-ups
¿Sabes cuándo usar el subjuntivo o el infinitivo?
Pues, vamos a ver..... Copy this to my account 5926 6-1 Writing Practice Lakota Spanish Teachers Quiz
Practice translating these sentences to help you prepare for quiz 6-1. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5927 El Primer Viaje al Espacio Profesora Jennifer Quiz
Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks! Take 3 tries to get your best score. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 5928 La Familia Señora Hangman
Copy this to my account 5929 2_v1.2a Señor Fields Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 5930 El Vocabulario de Capítulo 1 (Tercer Paso) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5931 MATCH 48 PICTURES TO SPANISH VOCABULARY! Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 5932 Numeros del 1-10 a Java Game
Copy this to my account 5933 Esp3C2 La ciudad o el campo Doctora Flom Challenge Board
Jugar para practicar Paso a Paso 3 Cap. 2. Copy this to my account 5934 Cap 5-6 - wk 2 - part 1 Madame Stroble Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5935 Realidades 2 -A Ver Si Recuerdas . . .1A Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Preparación para 1A La Escuela Copy this to my account 5936 Paso 3 Capítulo 4 Vocabulario en contexto Mr. Tim Fisher Cloze
Copy this to my account 5937 1. SC1 Etapa Preliminar Emotions Heidi Beller Java Game
Copy this to my account 5938 What do you like to do during your free time Sra. Slavik Java Game
Copy this to my account 5939 LIST - 2-3 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 5940 Buen Viaje Level 3 Capitulo 5 Vocab pp. 202-208 Sra. Roldan Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 5941 Buen Viaje 3 Ch 3B Corrine Morton-Greiner Java Game
Vocabulary prior to literature segments... Copy this to my account 5942 Vamos a comer Carol Hamilton Java Game
Everything one needs to know to begin to talk about food in a Spanish level one classroom Copy this to my account 5943 Ver Conjugation Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Place the conjugated verb ver in order to a typical verb chart.
1 - yo 4 - nosotros
2 - tú 5 -... Copy this to my account 5944 Sp 4 U1E1 Sra. Brown Java Game
¿Cómo soy? pp30-51 Copy this to my account 5945 Álbum: Sala de espera / El tiempo borra - Vocabulary Games - Profe. Butcher Java Game
Here are some games to practice your vocabulary. Enjoy! [Caution - these may be addicting...] Copy this to my account 5946 Small talk a Java Game
Copy this to my account 5947 Unidad 6 Lección 1 - Vocabulario Nuevo - El Vocabulario Sobre Deportes Mr. Friedrich Jumbled Words
Can you figure out the scrambled vocabulary words? Spelling counts! so use the accents. Copy this to my account 5948 School Señora Desaulniers Java Game
Copy this to my account 5949 Conjugation of dar Mrs. Shields Cloze
Conjugate the verb ir in 9 tenses Copy this to my account 5950 AVHS SP2 U2 Verb Review Señora Mini Quiz
Use these to review for your Unit 2 Test. Copy this to my account 5951 Big Max Edward Wilson Quiz This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 5952 Saludos y Despedidas - Columns -- Columns
Copy this to my account 5953 Mandatos con Ud. y Uds. Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 5954 En Español II Un.1 Et. 2 Irregular Preterites -- Pop-ups
Choose the correct conjugated verb to complete each sentence. Copy this to my account 5955 Puerto Rico -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 5956 U1E3-7 Tener Practice 2 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Practice conjugating the verb tener in the present tense. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 5957 Spanish 3 Chapter 2A Vocabulary -- Java Game
Created by Anne Martin Copy this to my account 5958 Español 1b - Repaso, 4B - verbos, vocabulario Señora Schott Cloze
Careful - you might have to read ahead to figure out what makes the most sense! Copy this to my account 5959 El Pretérito de "Ver" y "Ir" Señorita Rice Quiz
This quiz will assess how well you learned the preterite forms of the Spanish verbs "ir" and "ver". Buena Suerte! This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 5960 Irregular formal Commands (usted/Ud. form) Carol Hamilton Java Game
the irregular Ud. command forms Copy this to my account 5961 Práctica con verbos de bota e-ie Sra. Geer Java Game
Practice with stem-changing verbs e to ie, present tense. Copy this to my account 5962 capítulo dos- vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5963 Feliz Navidad Señora Miller Java Game
Practice your vocabulary for the Navidad unit. Copy this to my account 5964 Chapter 2 - The Verb TENER Mr. Stellato Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5965 Español 2 Animales List 1 Parte 1 1/28/2016 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 17 questions. Copy this to my account 5966 5-06 - AR Verbs Señor Wojnar Quiz
Los Verbos "AR" This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 5967 Paso a Paso 1 Chapter #6 Past Tense Verbs Mr. Jason Hank Hangman
Copy this to my account 5968 Avancemos 1 4.1 Jeopardy Challenge Monsieur Marcantel Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5969 ¿Qué te gustaría hacer? Tina Matic Java Game
Capítulo 7-1 de "Ven conmigo", Holt Spanish Level 1.
Functions: Talking on the telephone; extending and accepting invitations. Copy this to my account 5970 Frases Utiles Señorita Calloway Java Game
Practice your classroom vocabulary. Copy this to my account 5971 El Nuevo Mundo Señor Turf Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 5972 Chapter 5B Dr. Parra Quiz This quiz contains 38 questions. Copy this to my account 5973 Spanish Grammar Mrs. McCleary Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 5974 Práctica con los verbos de Capítulo 4 Sra. Campbell Cloze
Do this activity until you can get 100 per cent correct. Copy this to my account 5975 Spanish 1 DCA: Multiple Choice 2016-2017 Ms. Zastrow/ Profe Marshall Quiz This quiz contains 86 questions. Copy this to my account 5976 Exprésate 2 Chapter 8b Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 5977 Episodio 1 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Copy this to my account 5978 Ven Conmigo II 6-2 vocabulario -- Java Game
Practice sequencing words and train vocab. Copy this to my account 5979 Ven Conmigo 6-1 level 1 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 5980 1 U1L2 El regalo / Los regalos Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Look at the word to figure out if it is singular or plural. Choose which form of "the" goes with it. Copy this to my account 5981 SRA. DURANTE'S IRREGULAR VERB PRACTICE Sra. Durante Java Game
Copy this to my account 5982 Particples -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 5983 Unidad I: La escuela: Los verbos Sra. Anderson Java Game
Copy this to my account 5984 Verb Final Practice Sra Satterstrom, Miss Dill Quiz
Type in the correct form of the verb. NO CAPITALIZING LETTERS EXCEPT Ud. AND Uds. ! The subject pronoun is optional! This quiz contains 36 questions. Copy this to my account 5985 Wild Animals of the USA Sr. Griffin Java Game
Copy this to my account 5986 5-02 ¡Hola! Unit 3 Vocab Señor Wojnar Quiz
Write the English word. This quiz contains 27 questions. Copy this to my account 5987 Exprésate Spanish 1 Chapter 2 Vocabulary A -- Java Game
Describing yourself--
¿Cómo eres? What are you like? Copy this to my account 5988 Pocket Spanish Media Lab Mrs. Crane Java Game
Empareje las palabras inglesas a las palabras españolas tocando en las palabras. Copy this to my account 5989 State Symbols Señora Brouwer Hangman
Using the clues (Michigan state symbols), see if you can spell the word in Spanish!
Example: If the clue is "Robin", you need to spell the words "the bird" in Spanish! Copy this to my account 5990 Irregular Present Tense Review -- Patterns
Match the subject to the correct verb form. Copy this to my account 5991 3Q - Module 3 Quiz -- Quiz
Structure: Estar p. 32; Ser vs. Estar p. 39; -ing verbs (ando/iendo) professor's notes
Vocabulary: Food and Drink, Feelings, Where is it? This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 5992 2 U0LP Tener and its idioms Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
The verb tener means "to have", but it can also be used to express:
cold, hot, thirst, hungry, sleepy, have to+infinitive, # yrs. old Copy this to my account 5993 6-17-VocabuluaryUnit8 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Use your vocabulary sheet. This quiz contains 32 questions. Copy this to my account 5994 Vocabulario para el ordenador Sra. Dana Columns
Este juego sirve para ayudarle aprender las palabras en español que tienen que ver con las computadoras. ¡Buena suerte! :) Copy this to my account 5995 Conexiones-Lección 3 Parte 1-B Profesora Pérez Java Game
Other expressions and vocabulario primordial Copy this to my account 5996 La Comunidad 2 a Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 5997 Buen Viaje Ch 7 Rags to Riches Sra Pinter Rags to Riches
A general review of the chapter using the vocabulary and grammar concepts presented. Copy this to my account 5998 Paso a Paso 2 After Unit 9 Sra. Sparks Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 5999 Vocabulario Unidad 1 - Protocolo Sra. Cordero Java Game
Este es el vocabulario de la unidad 1. Copy this to my account 6000 un viaje en tren Carol Hamilton Java Game
repaso del vocabulario necesario para viajar por el tren Copy this to my account 6001 10 - Places - Millionaire -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6002 Mastery 3: Unit 12 Vocabulario pp354-355 C. Hughes Java Game
Cuartos y partes de la casa; Muebles y otras cosas. Practice with the flashcards, then play the games. Copy this to my account 6003 Numbers 20-100, Verbs, Expressions of frequency, tener expressions Ann Giese Java Game
Capítulo 7 Ya Yeras, Nivel 1 Copy this to my account 6004 Bravo Level 2 Unidad 3 Lección 3 -- Java Game
Vocabulary airport Copy this to my account 6005 El ahorcado -- Hangman
Es para entrenar las palabras del glosario de capítulo uno en Claro, un libro que uso para mis alumnos del sexto. Copy this to my account 6006 Adjectives-En Español 2: Prelim Dra. C Java Game
These adjectives are from En Español 2: Etapa Preliminar Copy this to my account 6007 1 U4L1 Vocabulary Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Use games to practice clothing vocabulary Copy this to my account 6008 03 - Leisure Millionaire -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6009 El Cuerpo Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 6010 Vocabulary 3-2 Señora Goldstein Java Game
Vocabulary 3-2 for Ven Conmigo Level I Copy this to my account 6011 Unidad I La escuela: Los materiales escolares Sra. Anderson Java Game
Use estas actividades para practicar el vocabulario de esta unidad. Copy this to my account 6012 Bravo Level 1 Unidad 6 lección 3 -- Hangman
Hangman vocabulary Copy this to my account 6013 LA COMUNIDAD UNIT 2 SRA. BEITZINGER Java Game
Copy this to my account 6014 La vida de todos los días Sra. Pérez Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 6015 Unidad 2, Etapa 2 -- Java Game
Practice vocabulary from Unidad 2 Etapa 2 Copy this to my account 6016 1Ch12 Reflexive Infinitives Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Copy this to my account 6017 La herencia Capítulo 12 Un museo para Don Rafael Profe. Java Game
Copy this to my account 6018 Buen Viaje 2 cap 10 formal commands w/ pronouns Katie Jacobs Cloze
Letter to teacher Copy this to my account 6019 La peste del insomnio - Práctica con el vocabulario II Señora Peterson Cloze
Copy this to my account 6020 2 U2L2 present progressive Challenge Board Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6021 Juro de Alianza de los Estados Unidos Kari Sullivan Picture Perfect
Put the words of the pledge in Spanish in order Copy this to my account 6022 Las acciones Señorita Brady Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 6023 Sp.IV V.04 preterito Mrs. Troncone Quiz
Conjugate the verbs in the preterit tense. This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 324. Copy this to my account 6024 ¡En español! 2 Unidad 1 Etapa 1 Jackie Taylor Java Game
El tiempo libre Copy this to my account 6025 Nationalities Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 6026 Year 7 Spanish - General Revision Carol Hunter Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6027 LICT C1 L 1 – 5 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6028 ¡Exprésate! 3 - Capítulo 1 - Vocabulario 1 Sra. Kelly Java Game
Copy this to my account 6029 Chapter 10 -- Bienvenidos -- Java Game
Salud y el Médico Copy this to my account 6030 VERBOS: EP-U1E3 Señorita Gama Java Game
Copy this to my account 6031 La salud y el bienestar -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 6032 2 U0LP Tener idioms Jumbled Words Sra Durante de Stroup Jumbled Words
unscramble the word to fit the clue Copy this to my account 6033 Regular Verb Meanings-Spanish 1 Sra. Frataccia Columns
Match Spanish verbs with the appropriate meaning in English. Copy this to my account 6034 Situaciones capítulo 11 -- Challenge Board
All grammar structures and vocabulary Copy this to my account 6035 Pairs/Los Pares gloria Java Game
Two words that mean the same -- depending on which Spanish-speaking country you are in Copy this to my account 6036 U1E3-1 Vocabulary Practice Señor Wojnar Quiz
Chapter Vocabulary - page 91 This quiz contains 85 questions. Copy this to my account 6037 LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 5 types of films Mrs Flannery Java Game
LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 5 types of films Copy this to my account 6038 Buen Viaje 3 Ch4 A Corrine Morton-Greiner Java Game
Copy this to my account 6039 Spanish 2 Cap 2 alternate Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 6040 Chapter 1 Vocabulary 1 Quiz Describing Words Ms. Pereira Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6041 Adjectives to describe people - singular agreement -- Pop-ups
Choose the correct ending to agree with the noun. Copy this to my account 6042 Unidad 1 Etapa 3 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Java Game
Copy this to my account 6043 Pobre Ana, Ch 1 Señoras Kline y Navarro Java Game
Copy this to my account 6044 U5E3-8-Test PrepU5E3 Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6045 A bordo Capítulo 10 El verdugo Señor Fields Hangman
Espero que no lo ahroques.... Copy this to my account 6046 Unidad Uno- Lecciones Uno Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Copy this to my account 6047 Preguntas- Column Matching -- Columns
Can you match the question word in Spanish
with the correct end of the sentence? Copy this to my account 6048 5-14-Verb sets Señor Wojnar Quiz
Write the correct forms of each verb. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6049 Classroom Objects Lessons #1&2 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6050 Comida (Span 1/2) Ms. J Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6051 Spanish people nouns quiz Scott Battey Mini Quiz
Spanish people nouns quiz Copy this to my account 6052 Days of the Week / Picture Perfect Señora Milheiro Picture Perfect
Copy this to my account 6053 Capítulo 18 Ann Giese Java Game
La Ropa y los Colores Copy this to my account 6054 2 U1L1 Order Hace Expression 3 Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Copy this to my account 6055 1 U1L2 Vocabulary Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
More vocab practice Copy this to my account 6056 Bienvenidos Capítulo 13 El Verdugo Señor Fields Hangman
¡Ay, por favor! ¿Lo ahorcarás? Ya veremos..... Copy this to my account 6057 Vision y Voz: Capitulo 15 Vocabulario - Ciudadanos del mundo: Ciudades de ahora y de siempre gtdmouse . Java Game
Vocabulary from chapter 15 of Vision y Voz Spanish book by Galloway/Labarca Copy this to my account 6058 Los animales -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6059 Animales/Lugares GR K/1 (IF) Señora Klebba Java Game
Animales & Lugares GR K & 1 (IF)
Teach Them Spanish! Copy this to my account 6060 Las tiendas y los lugares 2 Dianne Guest Java Game
Build your skill with this vocabulary set. Copy this to my account 6061 Vistas 10 Vocabulario - La salud -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6062 Justo Lamas Vocab Mrs. Cushing Java Game
Copy this to my account 6063 Describing People World Languages Java Game
adjectives Copy this to my account 6064 Los verbos de lección 4 Madame Guiard / Señora Guiard Battleship
Copy this to my account 6065 POBRE ANA Vocab Pages 1-2 -- Java Game
PRACTICE VOCABULARY FROM PAGES 1-2 TO PREPARE FOR READING Copy this to my account 6066 3-U3E1 vocabulary Sra. DeHart Java Game
Practice learning vocabulary p 195 in Unidad 3 Etapa 1 - 1st column Copy this to my account 6067 AR verbs English - Spanish Amy Jo Gaebe Quiz
Unit 2 lesson 1 This quiz contains 24 questions. Copy this to my account 6068 5.1 Rags to Riches Sra. Obrecht Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6069 Unit 2 SRA. BEITZINGER Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6070 Sp 1 Preliminar Números 0-10 Mlle/Srta. Read Jumbled Words
Unscramble these words to find the numbers from 0-10 en español! From the Etapa Preliminar of En Español 1. Copy this to my account 6071 PUERTO RICO: BATTLESHIP Señora Rodriguez Battleship
Can you sink all of the enemy's ships? Your knowledge of PUERTO RICO will help. Copy this to my account 6072 11 - TV /Movie Matching -- Columns
Copy this to my account 6073 Voces y Vistas - Capítulo 1 - Palabras Nuevas I Señorita Zundel Java Game
Games based on vocabulary in Capítulo 1 - Palabras Nuevas I. Copy this to my account 6074 U4E1-3- Vocabulary Practice -Part 2 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Unit 4, Chapter 4 Vocab - PAGE 261 This quiz contains 32 questions. Copy this to my account 6075 VOCABULARY Chapter 5 Pugh Dr. Eneida Pugh Java Game
Copy this to my account 6076 Capítulo 9: Quiz de Cultura Ken J. Zeoli Quiz
How much do you know about Latin American health care? Give it a go and stay healthy! :-) This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 6077 La herencia Capítulo 10 ¿Quién es Lola? Profe. Java Game
Copy this to my account 6078 SG: 2.3 VOCABULARIO Professoressa Marchesi Java Game
Vocabulary from Unidad 2 Etapa 3 Copy this to my account 6079 1 U2L1 -ar verbs Hang Man Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 6080 Mastery 3: Unit 8 Vocabulario Extra: El Cuerpo C. Hughes Hangman
How many parts of the body do you know in Spanish? Copy this to my account 6081 S3 6A-4 other reflexive verbs Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 6082 Ch 4 sentences Señora Ramos Pop-ups
Choose the word that will logically complete the sentence. Copy this to my account 6083 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 1-5 Señoras Kline y Navarro Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6084 Ven Conmigo 1:Capitulo 4 SEGUNDO PASO p135 C. Hughes Java Game
Telling where people and things are. Review the vocabulary using the flashcards, then practice by playing the games. Copy this to my account 6085 Realidades 1A-Examen Final Senora Smith Quiz
There are different types of questions on this exam. On the fill-in, one or two words is required. On the short answer, you must supply a full sentence, subject and verb. The true false and multiple choice are self explanatory. The matching is also... This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 6086 2 U0LP Verb Challenge - TO BE or TO BE or TO BE Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
ser, estar & tener Copy this to my account 6087 2 U0LP Tener Idioms Completion Columns Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Choose the correct end of the sentence to make sense of the tener idiom Copy this to my account 6088 Ven conmigo - Capitulo 5 Primer Paso Sra. Webb Java Game
Copy this to my account 6089 I: Ch 5.1 Vocab Practice Señora Clarke Java Game
El Ritmo de la Vida
Discussing how often you do things Copy this to my account 6090 Viva el Toro Capítulo 2 Vocabulario Señora Storrs Java Game
Copy this to my account 6091 Valentine Greetings Ken J. Zeoli Java Game
Become romantic and express your love Latin-style! Check these out! Copy this to my account 6092 Adelante Capitulo 2 primer paso Sra. DeRosa Hangman
Practice school supply vocabulary Copy this to my account 6093 ¿Reflexivo o no? Señora Pamela Quiz
Is the reflexive required or not? This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6094 Vocabulario general OG Spansk Java Game
Diverse gloser om ting i hjemmet, mad, personer, dyr, legemsdele Copy this to my account 6095 Verbos en el imperfecto y el preterito, futuro and/or Vocabulary Sylvia Romero Java Game
Give Meaning for each verb and/or Vocabulario Copy this to my account 6096 U1-E1 Preparation for Test Señor Wojnar Quiz
This is to prepare for the chapter test. This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 6097 Sp 2 Etapa 2.2 Transitional Words Mlle/Srta. Read Hangman
Can you guess these transitional words? Copy this to my account 6098 Adjetivos-características físicas de personas Rosa Steinbrecher Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 6099 Los Quehaceres Ms. Ruzicka Hangman
Copy this to my account 6100 La ardilla roja - jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Hvad kan du huske om filmen, dens steder og dens personer? Copy this to my account 6101 El cuerpo--parte 2 Dianne Guest Java Game
Copy this to my account 6102 Tarea para capítulo 0 - día 5 - Ser Lana Fuentes Quiz
Escoge (choose) la conjugación correcta para completar la oración (sentence). This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6103 2_examen_semestre_spring2019_1 Señor Fields Quiz This quiz contains 60 questions chosen from a bank of 306. Copy this to my account 6104 Realidades 2 6AB test Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 60 questions. Copy this to my account 6105 Actividades en la Casa Señorita Brady Columns
Copy this to my account 6106 School courses and items 2B Sra. Judilee Hays Hangman
Copy this to my account 6107 Avancemos 2 U2-L2 Grammar 1 Quiz Reflexives 2-27-2014 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6108 El verbo VENIR, IR (5B) Sra. Bishop Pop-ups
Can you chose the correct conjugations of the verbs TO COME and TO GO....VENIR y IR? Copy this to my account 6109 PASO II CAPITULO 8 CHALLENGE GAME Mlle. Challenge Board
5 jeopardy type areas to review chapter 8 LA CIUDAD Copy this to my account 6110 Exprésate 1 Chapter 5b Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 6111 Capítulo 4 - Preguntas y respuestas -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6112 Patricia va a California - vocabulario de capítulo 5 Ms. Erin Parris Cloze
Copy this to my account 6113 Spanish Months Mrs. Lester Ordered List
Practice your vocabulary of the 12 months with this ordering activity. **Start with the month that includes the first day of school each year. Copy this to my account 6114 Carta a Dios - Sætningspar -- Java Game
Sætningspar til l30 -66 Copy this to my account 6115 Avancemos: 4.1 Repaso Señor Matt Challenge Board
Review for 4.1 test Copy this to my account 6116 Exprésate 1 Chapter 2b Practicre use of DE Ω√ Don Lorenzo Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 6117 Familia y animales -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 6118 chap 5- los opuestos MmeZedd Columns
Drill the new vocabulary and review old while matching the opposites. Copy this to my account 6119 11 - TV/Movie Millionaire -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6120 Realidades 1 Set 2 Sra. Chamberlain Java Game
pp. 36-57 (81 cards)
Chamberlain Copy this to my account 6121 la computadora y los verbos Carol Hamilton Java Game
Copy this to my account 6122 En Español 2 Unidad 1 Etapa 2 (art) Mrs. Hicks Java Game
Art vocabulary Copy this to my account 6123 Professionals and what they do Mrs. Cushing Java Game
Gives the name of the profession and job description completely in Spanish! Copy this to my account 6124 Chapter 9a Sra. Johnstone Java Game
Copy this to my account 6125 ¡Exprésate!3 Capítulo 7 Vocabulario 2 Mary Louise Chillington Java Game
Copy this to my account 6126 Realidades:Páginas 10/11 Señora Miller Java Game
Practice phrases and vocabulary used in the classroom. Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 6127 En Espanol 3-Preliminar-Verbs p. 27 -- Java Game
Common -ar -er-ir verbs Copy this to my account 6128 Vocabulario : U2/L2 lista 1 -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 6129 A01 También Necesitas Señora McPeak Java Game
Copy this to my account 6130 Præteritum - En vivo øvelse 19.2 Suzan Desezar Cloze
Indsæt den rigtige form af udsagnsordet i præteritum. Du skal også kunne oversætte sætningerne. Copy this to my account 6131 Avenidas Capítulo 1 - Verbos & Otras Palabras -- Java Game
Review verbs and other words from p. 43 Copy this to my account 6132 U1E3-3 Possession with "de" Señor Wojnar Quiz
Practice with Possession with "de". This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6133 Etapa 3 Unit 2 Hangman En español -- Hangman
Vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 6134 Vocabulario del Aula -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6135 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 2 Señoras Kline y Navarro Hangman
Copy this to my account 6136 VOCABULARIO DE LA CAPERUCITA -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6137 Mandatos informales afirmativos Sra. Frayre Quiz
Los irregulares This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6138 R1 Cap. 1B Examen Sra. Klooster Quiz This quiz contains 33 questions. Copy this to my account 6139 Realidades 2 Capitulo 1A Quiz Señora Mayo Quiz
las reglas en la escuela This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 6140 MIDTERM EXAM - Septimo Periodo Mr Sanchez Quiz
ESPANOL 3 This quiz contains 52 questions. Copy this to my account 6141 07 - Vacation Hangman -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 6142 Indirect Object Pronouns Slash Sentences Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6143 Nacionalities Aitana Mateo Domenech Columns
Match the town or the city with its correspondent nationality. Remember that it can refer to a man or a women and that the name changes with the gender! Copy this to my account 6144 Español Esencial 1 Unit 1 AR verbs: Arreglar A. Martell Battleship
Copy this to my account 6145 Buen Viaje II Chapter 2 Vocab 2 -- Java Game
Más alimentos o comestibles Copy this to my account 6146 Leer Resumenes del Fin de Semana en Caracas Profesora Jennifer Quiz
You may take this more than once. It will only show you the score at the end but not which ones are incorrect! This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 6147 Classroom Vocabulary - En la clase - Dime Uno - Lección Preliminar Mary Lynne DeMarinis Hangman
Copy this to my account 6148 AR-verber Eva Høeg Battleship
En vivo stk. 1 - 4 Copy this to my account 6149 LIST - Chapter 2 - Vocab practice Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 6150 Por y Para Chapter 5 Dr. Eneida Pugh Cloze
This exercise is for students in Dimelo tu Chapter 5 Paso 3 to practice. Copy this to my account 6151 Sp 1 ir estar hangman Monsieur Marcantel Hangman
Copy this to my account 6152 Exprésate 2: Santo Domingo, la República Dominicana (Jeopardy!) Señora Taha Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6153 Are we going somewhere? Sra. Hilbert Hangman
Figure out the hidden means of transportation or places to go to in Spanish. Copy this to my account 6154 TPRS phrases Level 1 -- Battleship
Simple phrases for beginning Spanish in a story telling class-- Translate the Spanish to correct Inglés. Copy this to my account 6155 Capitulo 4A Word Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 6156 Regular -ar verbs Dianne Guest Java Game
Match the Spanish verb with its English translation. Copy this to my account 6157 Numbers 70-100 in Spanish Miss McMurray Hangman
Copy this to my account 6158 U3E2-8-Comprehension Check Señor Wojnar Quiz
Choose as many of the answer choices as apply. This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 6159 2_v1.2a Señor Fields Java Game
Copy this to my account 6160 El Transporte a Battleship
Copy this to my account 6161 1 U0LP Para Empezar 1 Word Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 6162 00 - PP - Jumbled -- Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 6163 En mi comunidad Señorita Gray Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 6164 Países y Capitales (Countries and Capitals) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6165 Nuevas Vistas Introducción Capítulo 3 Debbie Mensinger Rags to Riches
Uses Nuevas Vistas Introducción Capítulo 3 Copy this to my account 6166 Capítulo 7, De vacaciones, Puntos de Partida & ¿Qué tal? R. Vacchio Java Game
Copy this to my account 6167 Realidades 2 Tema 2A vocabulary pam satterfield Java Game
Copy this to my account 6168 Destinos - Episodio 34 "Éxito" (Success) Doña Kay Hartsock Java Game
Copy this to my account 6169 Así fue mi día. Señor Raschio Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 6170 Español 2, Unidad 3, Lección 1: algunos verbos irregulares en el pretérito (2) -- Columns
Copy this to my account 6171 Ya Yerás Nivel II Capítulo 3 Ann Giese Java Game
adjectives that describe the character, personality, and physical type of a person. Copy this to my account 6172 Capitulo 2 Vocabulario 2 A P Java Game
Copy this to my account 6173 Mis actividades favoritas (unos infinitivos en español) Señora Hamilton Java Game
Copy this to my account 6174 Capitulo 10 - Jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Have you finished Chapter 10? Now it's time to see if you can pass this test. Good luck. Copy this to my account 6175 Spanish II Chap 09 Joy Jenkins Quenga Challenge Board
¿Tuviste un accidente? Copy this to my account 6176 El cuerpo 2 Dianne Guest Java Game
How is your skill in recognizing the vocabulary of the face and head as well as other parts of the body? Copy this to my account 6177 4-1 Writing Practice Lakota Spanish Teachers Quiz
Practice translating sentences from Chapter 4 Primer Paso. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6178 Realidades 2 6B present perfect translations pam satterfield Columns
Copy this to my account 6179 Grammar questions Profa Kurtz Battleship
Copy this to my account 6180 Adelante 5-1 Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Copy this to my account 6181 Conexiones Lección 8 Vocab. Sra. Sparks Java Game
Copy this to my account 6182 Cosas de la clase -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6183 Capítulo 11: Preterite of VER and Review of the Present of VER Ken J. Zeoli Columns
Become an expert on VER! Now is the time TO SEE this verb! :-) Show off your knowledge-Don't you want TO SEE how you do? After you SEE how you do, then you can say that you SAW how you did! ¡VAYA! Copy this to my account 6184 ¿CONOCES TU PAÍS? Marisol M. Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6185 What are these students doing, and where? (with images) Señorita Pelican Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6186 Vocabulario de Pobre Ana Srta. Schriver Java Game
Copy this to my account 6187 ¡Muchos euros! Señora Galloway Pop-ups
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the -ar verb to earn euros! Become "un millonario"! Copy this to my account 6188 Paso a Paso Ch. 6 Past Tense Verbs Mr. Jason Hank Battleship
Copy this to my account 6189 II Realidades - 2A Review Vocabulary Madame Young Java Game
More practice for the 2A vocabulary for Realidades 2A. Copy this to my account 6190 U5E3-1 Vocabulary 1 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Food and kitchen vocabulary:
el aceite - the oil
la carne de res -the... This quiz contains 33 questions. Copy this to my account 6191 Irregular afirmative commands Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 6192 Sabías que Lección preliminar vocabulario Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Columns
Practice the new words here! Copy this to my account 6193 Capítulo 7 - ¿Qué haces de costumbre? Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Vocabulary to accompany Ch. 7 fo ¡Y Verás! Copy this to my account 6194 Practice quiz animals, familia, mapa, stem changers Senora Loeb Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions chosen from a bank of 71. Copy this to my account 6195 Chapter 4-4 Sp3 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Refiérese a las páginas 45-49 en el libro.
Please be sure to use accent mark as appropriate. This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 6196 1 U2L2 verbo IR Quiz Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6197 Español II Basic Review -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6198 03 - Leisure - Concentration and Flashcards -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6199 Capítulo 4 Ya Verás Nivel 1 Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Vocabulary activities Copy this to my account 6200 Cosas de la Casa a Java Game
Copy this to my account 6201 Continuemos--Repaso (Capítulo 10) Señor Turf Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6202 Colores - hangman -- Hangman
Spanish 12 Copy this to my account 6203 doña Di's El tiempo #2 Dianne Guest Java Game
Playing these games should give you increased ability to use vocabulary associated with weather. Copy this to my account 6204 ¡Qué chévere! - Unidad 3 - Lección A - Repaso Le Professeur Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6205 Leccion 14 Cathy Wiley Java Game
Pidiendo direcciones vocabulario Copy this to my account 6206 Chapter 7 vocab from Paso a Paso 1 Sra. Hughes Java Game
Copy this to my account 6207 Sp LICT p. 01 Capítulo 1 Lección 1 (present verbs and meanings) Mlle/Srta. Read Columns
Match up the following present tense verbs with their meanings. Copy this to my account 6208 Patricia va a California, Cap 1 Señoras Kline y Navarro Ordered List
Put these sentences in the order that they occur in Chapter 1. Copy this to my account 6209 Adjetivos ilustrados, primeros, y cognatos Dianne Guest Java Game
Use this to practice the first set of adjectives that you can use when you describe people, places, and things. Copy this to my account 6210 Aventura 1 Lesson 03 - Classroom Objects Carol Hunter Java Game
Copy this to my account 6211 Sp 1: 0 to 30 Monsieur Marcantel Rags to Riches
Can you meet the challenge and give the correct answer to these number questions?!
You can win a million new Mexican Pesos!
(NP$ = Nuevos Pesos) Copy this to my account 6212 Vocabulario de la lección 9 de Puente 1 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6213 PE Spanish 2 Señora Storrs Quiz
Para Empezar quiz. This quiz contains 27 questions. Copy this to my account 6214 Avancemos 2 Preliminar quiz pg 16 & 28 Ir + a +place or infinitive 9-10-2013 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 6215 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 3 Señoras Kline y Navarro Java Game
Copy this to my account 6216 Capitales Mrs. Ansted Java Game
Spanish-speaking countries and their capitals Copy this to my account 6217 Vision y Voz: Capitulo 14 Vocabulario - Vida sana: El mejor remedio gtdmouse . Java Game
Vocabulary from chapter 14 of Vision y Voz Spanish book by Galloway/Labarca Copy this to my account 6218 U6-E1-1 Vocabulary Señor Wojnar Quiz
Match the correct translation. Use the list below.
ancho(a) - wide
antiguo(a) - old,... This quiz contains 41 questions. Copy this to my account 6219 Conjunctions y, e, o, u Sra. Webb Mini Quiz
Copy this to my account 6220 vocabulario 1 La dama del alba -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6221 Donde vives/donde trabajas/spanish question words Mrs. Daniels Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6222 Places around town--Rags to Riches Señorita Pelican Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6223 2 U1L1 Indirect Object Pronouns Quiz 2 Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
Fill in the correct Indirect Object Pronoun to replace the English in Parenthesis. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 6224 R1--PE2--En La Clase Sra Durante de Stroup Jumbled Words
This is an EXCELLENT practice to review your spelling and understanding of classroom objects! Be Careful--I have included all DEFINITE ARTICLES. ¡Diviértete Copy this to my account 6225 Avancemos 3 - Cap. 1.1 - Acampar (parte 2) Chase Dedmon Battleship
Copy this to my account 6226 2 U1L1 Order Hace Expression 4 Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Copy this to my account 6227 Chapter 2A Vocab Quiz Mrs. Shavchuk Quiz This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 6228 Más para hacer -- Rags to Riches
Choose the letter the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
This is based on the vocab on textbook pages 153 and 154 Copy this to my account 6229 Chpt. 4 Vocabulario, Palabras 1 y 2 Ms. Delio Java Game
Copy this to my account 6230 Los adjetivos 4 Señora Clem Java Game
Copy this to my account 6231 ¡Exprésate! Chapter 7 Vocabulary 2 Mademoiselle Stone Jumbled Words
Vocabulary dealing with how you feel and giving advice. Copy this to my account 6232 En Espanol I/II Reflexive Verbs (originally in 5-1) Mrs. Shields Battleship
Copy this to my account 6233 Pasajes Lengua Capítulo 4 p. 113 vocabulario Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Java Game
Copy this to my account 6234 11 - TV/Movie Scrambled Words -- Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 6235 Contraseñas para español III Sra. Ausin-Dodge Java Game
Practice useful expressions in Spanish Copy this to my account 6236 Capítulo 7 Making vacation plans -- Pop-ups
Give this your all! Hint: Each item is a short conversation between two people. Every time you see this symbol —, it means there is a new person talking. If you copy down the items and put them in order, they become one long conversation. Copy this to my account 6237 Buen Viaje 1, Capítulo 4, Palabras 1 Marcy Webb Cloze
A short fill-in paragraph using words from Palabras 1. Copy this to my account 6238 AVENTURA 1 - EN MI COLEGIO/EN MI CLASE MISS RODRIGUEZ Java Game
Copy this to my account 6239 Paso a Paso B ch. 8 voc. 1 -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 6240 Chapter 8b Sra. Johnstone Java Game
Copy this to my account 6241 La familia 2014-2015 Dianne Guest Java Game
Choose one of these four activities to help you master the vocabulary associated with "la familia." Copy this to my account 6242 Mastery 3 Unit 10; Buen Viaje! pp285-286 C. Hughes Java Game
Click here for flashcards to review vocabulary for En la agencia de viajes (285) and En la estacion de trenes (286) Copy this to my account 6243 ¡Voy a Santiago! Señora Brouwer Cloze
Copy this to my account 6244 Los números ordinales Sra. Hays Ordered List
Arrange this list, first using the masculine of the ordinal numbers fill-in the following: El ___ piso... Then use the feminine of the ordinal numbers for: La ___ avenida (avenue) ... Copy this to my account 6245 Chp 6A: Prueba 6A-E Sra. Diaz Quiz
This quiz tests you vocabulary recognition and listening skills. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6246 Etapa 1 Unit 2 Hangman En español -- Hangman
Vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 6247 doña Di's ¿Qué hora es? #3 Dianne Guest Challenge Board
Here is an opportunity to practice using your time vocabulary & expressions as well as your regular verbs that end in -ar, -er, & -ir. Accents and tildes (˜)must match exactly. Spelling counts. Copy this to my account 6248 Reflexive Verbs -- Java Game
Capítulo 7 ¡Ya Verás! Gold Nivel 2 Copy this to my account 6249 Ten valor -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6250 Tipos de palabras Adriana Comtois Battleship
¿Recuerdas dónde poner los acentos en las agudas, graves y esdrújulas? Copy this to my account 6251 Antonyms Groups #1/#2/#3 Challenge Board A. Martell Challenge Board
Summative Game
Amsco Spanish Two Years
Vocabulary... Copy this to my account 6252 En español 2 Unidad 1 Etapa 1 (irregular preterite) Jackie Taylor Java Game
Copy this to my account 6253 Cap 8B (R2) Practice quiz-Pres Subjuntive of Stem-Changing Verbs Sra. Hoover Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6254 Chapter 2-3 Practice Quiz Señora Shaffer Quiz This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 6255 Vocabulario 9-2 (Ven Conmigo) Mlle Seiler Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 6256 Los Números Ordinales Sra. Hoover Hangman
Copy this to my account 6257 Español 2, Unidad 1, Lección 2: los usos del verbo estar -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 6258 Cap 9 - Vamos de Compras Sra. Pundsack Pop-ups
Distinguish between ES / SON in this quick activity. Copy this to my account 6259 -AR VERBS, CARDINAL #'S, SUBJECT PRONOUNS, CLASSES Sra. Frayre Challenge Board
Realidades: Chapter 2A Copy this to my account 6260 Sp 1 Etapa 1.2 Adjective practice in sentences Mlle/Srta. Read Quiz
Apply what you've been learning about adjectives by doing this little practice quiz. This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 20. Copy this to my account 6261 U4E1-4 - Spanish affirmative tú commands Señor Wojnar Quiz
regular and irregular affirmative commands, some with pronouns This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 26. Copy this to my account 6262 Español 1, Unidad 2, Lección 3: ir + a + infinitivo -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6263 Día de dar Gracias Maria Silva Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6264 2 U1L2 Pretérito (Regular AR Verbs [-car and -gar included] and VER Cloze Sra Durante de Stroup Cloze
Get some practice with your AR preterites as well as your preterite forms of VER (to see). You also have a few present tenses and infinitive use thrown in-just to make it more challenging! ;-) ¡Vaya! Copy this to my account 6265 Sabías que 15 Vocabulario páginas 394-6 Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Java Game
Copy this to my account 6266 En la agencia de empleos Sra. Pérez Hangman
Copy this to my account 6267 Vocabulario de todo el libro CASI SE MUERE Srta. Lewis Columns
Busca la palabra del vocabulario para estas definiciones en "castellano". A ver si eres un genio o no.... Copy this to my account 6268 Learning Goal 9 (telling time) Sp1 (Sp1b & Sp2) Señora Walker Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 6269 U3E2-8 Comparativos - English to Spanish Señor Wojnar Quiz
In this activity you will read a comparative statement written in English and determine which Spanish statement means the same thing. This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 26. Copy this to my account 6270 Ahorcado de mamíferos Sra. Blumberg Hangman
Copy this to my account 6271 Realidades A - Capítulo 2B Vocabulario Mrs. Lester Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6272 Pobre Ana, Capítulo 2 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 6273 Buen Viaje I Chapter 12- Daily Rutine -- Ordered List
Rutina diaria Copy this to my account 6274 Sp 2 Etapa 2.2 Transitional words Mlle/Srta. Read Quiz
Type in the English meanings for the following transitional words. Spelling counts! This quiz contains 5 questions chosen from a bank of 11. Copy this to my account 6275 1.1 - #1 Objectives Review Señora Hinkley Quiz
You need to score 70% or higher!! This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 6276 Realidades 2 - Capítulo 5B Vocabulario Mrs. Jagus Java Game
Match the Spanish vocabulary word with its English meaning. Copy this to my account 6277 Los secretos de familia - capitulo 12 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6278 AVHS SP2 U6 "las clases" Señora Java Game
Practice with your "las clases" vocabulary. (4 basic acitivities) Copy this to my account 6279 Math.... In Spanish! Sandra Java Game
Find the correct answer. Copy this to my account 6280 04 - Food - Pen Pal -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 6281 Shapes in Spanish 1 -- Columns
Copy this to my account 6282 El calendario 3 Dianne Guest Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 6283 Viva el Toro Capítulo 2 Vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6284 Mid Sp II Voc 2 Ch 1 -- Java Game
Vocabulary words Copy this to my account 6285 Spanish 3: Unit 1 -- Java Game
Vocab for unit one: characteristics Copy this to my account 6286 La Catrina `1-4 quotes test -- Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6287 Aventura 1 - unit A & B revision Carol Hunter Java Game
Copy this to my account 6288 Bravo Level 3 Unidad 5 Lección 2 -- Hangman
vocabulary hangman Copy this to my account 6289 Capítulo 8 Vocabulario 1 Ms. Flores Java Game
Practica el vocabulario Copy this to my account 6290 R2 7A Negative Tú Commands Señora Borges Quiz
Remember car, gar, zar
as well as stem changing This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 6291 Cuéntame Episodio #4 Hangman Señora Campana Hangman
Play hangman with vocabulary words from Cuéntame Episodio #4 Copy this to my account 6292 En Espanol 3-Preliminar Present Tense YO forms -- Columns
Copy this to my account 6293 Unidad 3, Etapa 1 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Java Game
Copy this to my account 6294 6-15 Practice: acabar de Señor Wojnar Quiz
Fill in the correct conjugated form of "acabar" This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6295 Español 7 - Vocabulario del primer semestre Señora Schott Patterns
Copy this to my account 6296 Caminos Peligrosos 1 Prueba de La Trama Profesor Baird Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 6297 Los deportes Señor Turf Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6298 Chapter 1: Paso 2 Sra. Jensen Hangman
Copy this to my account 6299 2_v1.1a Señor Fields Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 6300 ¡Exprésate!3 Capítulo 3 Vocabulario 1 Mary Louise Chillington Java Game
Copy this to my account 6301 Vocabulario para el capitulo 13- segunda parte Ann Giese Java Game
Verbos y otras palabras y expresiones Copy this to my account 6302 03 - Leisure - Hangman -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 6303 CONVERSACIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Sr. Frymerman Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6304 El Vocabulario para Las Aventuras de Isabela - Capítulo 1 Elizabeth DeJesus Quiz This quiz contains 48 questions. Copy this to my account 6305 10 - Prepositions -- Columns
Copy this to my account 6306 Avancemos ...unidad 2 lección 1 vocab part 2 Sra. Withers Java Game
The vocabulary matches Avancemos Level 1
School subjects, classroom activities, other words and phrases Copy this to my account 6307 La casa embrujada - Capítulo 6 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 6308 Dos mundos-Paso C Sra. Brown Java Game
Practice vocab from Paso C. Copy this to my account 6309 U6E2-5 Ordinal Numbers Señor Wojnar Quiz
Page 418 This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6310 Capítulo 2: Adjectives to describe things A P Java Game
Copy this to my account 6311 Ch. 13 Review Dana Bolluyt Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6312 Descubre 1 Lesson 5 TestB Sra. Stowers Quiz This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 6313 Español IIA EXAMEN FINAL - PARTE 5 - Alejandro / Cultura Sr. Daylor Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 6314 AP Spanish Lit/Abriendo puertas: Autores y títulos de la narrativa de la Nueva Lista Bonnie T. Bowen Columns
Traza una raya que ligue el título con su autor. ¡Ojo! Cada vez que juegas, habrá un autor que no se empareja con ningún título presente. Copy this to my account 6315 A bordo Capítulo 13 Vocabulario Señor Fields Hangman
¡Más práctica aún!
¡Hay que practicar mucho! Copy this to my account 6316 VC3 CH10-1a -- Java Game
Talking about accomplishments.
El éxito. Copy this to my account 6317 Unit 2 Battleship -- Battleship
Reviews vocab and verbs from p. 66 in your cuaderno Copy this to my account 6318 U3E3-8-1 Direct Object Pronouns: Step One Señor Wojnar Quiz
Students will learn to replace the Direct Object of the sentence by the corresponding pronoun This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6319 Aventura 1 Lesson 27 - El tiempo Carol Hunter Hangman
All of these are phrases to do with the weather Copy this to my account 6320 Reflexive Verbs Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 6321 Mastery 3 Unidad 8 Vocabulario pp222 C. Hughes Java Game
Copy this to my account 6322 Sp LICT p. 01 Capítulo 1 Lección 1 (present vs. past) Mlle/Srta. Read Columns
Match the following present tenses with their past tense equivalents. Copy this to my account 6323 Palabras 8II, Ir de compras Brenda Renczykowski Java Game
Capítulo 8, Voces y Vistas Copy this to my account 6324 Cereales (cereals) y frutas (Fruits) Señora Ortega Java Game
Copy this to my account 6325 Buen Viaje 1 Chap 3 - More -AR verbs (E>S) señor Tocino Java Game
Copy this to my account 6326 Spanish 3 Paso a Paso First Semester Review -VERBS Mrs. Hicks Challenge Board
Conjugate the verbs for the correct tense Copy this to my account 6327 Español 1, Unidad 4, Lección 1: los meses -- Picture Perfect
Copy this to my account 6328 VERB TENSE REVIEW -- Columns
17 items. Keep playing to see them all! Copy this to my account 6329 Abriendo Paso - El delantal blanco 2 (cap.27) -- Java Game
mås palabras para entender la obra. Copy this to my account 6330 Unidad 3, Etapa 2 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6331 Para empezar - sustantivos Sra. Boone Java Game
Copy this to my account 6332 A bordo Capítulo 1 Vocabulario Señor Fields Java Game
¡Práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 6333 Small talk 4th a Java Game
Copy this to my account 6334 Ven conmigo II 5.1 Pretérito - dar, hacer, ir Profesora Duronio Battleship
Copy this to my account 6335 Cap 1B Grammar Review Elizabeth John Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 44. Copy this to my account 6336 Artistas hispanos famosos Srita. Vargas Quiz This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 6337 El colegio del futuro Temple Moor High School Cloze
Copy this to my account 6338 LA FAMILIA Mrs.Vazquez Battleship
Copy this to my account 6339 Exprésate 2 Chapter 7a Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 6340 6-02-2 CLOTHING I Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6341 Capítulo 3 - Paso a Paso 2 - Vocabulario Señora Negrón Hangman
Copy this to my account 6342 Ven conmigo - Capítulo 7 Segundo Paso Sra. Webb Java Game
Copy this to my account 6343 Buen Viaje 1.4 -- Hangman
School Activities Copy this to my account 6344 Spanish 1 Vocabulary 1A -- Java Game
Review vocabulary and phrases to describe various activities and likes/dislikes with these matching, flash card, and word search actitivies. Copy this to my account 6345 shopping vocab Mrs. Hogan-Flowers (aka Mrs. Brett Favre) Quiz This quiz contains 33 questions. Copy this to my account 6346 Avancemos Vocabulario Lección 2 Señora Berg Java Game
Classroom objects, places in school Copy this to my account 6347 Los sentimientos Señorita Brady Java Game
Copy this to my account 6348 Capitulo 4 voc. pgs. 122/123 Linda Radke Java Game
Copy this to my account 6349 1 U3L1 Me Gustar Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Tell what you like or ask what someone else likes using the correct form of the verb gustar. Copy this to my account 6350 Buen Viaje Level 3 Vocabulary 1B -- Java Game
Created by Anne Martin Copy this to my account 6351 Ven Conmigo level 1 chapter 1 review Señora Adams Challenge Board
Review of vocabulary and grammar topics covered in the level 1 Ven Conmigo book, chapter 1. Copy this to my account 6352 ¡Qué chévere! - Repaso de Lección 4A Le Professeur Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6353 Casi se muere Cap 4 Señoras Kline y Navarro Battleship
Copy this to my account 6354 Numbers 1-15 in Spanish Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 6355 Chapter 5 vocab from Paso a Paso 1 Sra. Hughes Java Game
Copy this to my account 6356 los adjetivos - what kind is it? Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
The definite articles for the noun being described is very important - el, la, los, las Most adjectives end in an "o". Some end in the letter "e". Some end in a consonant. This activity will help you to focus on the differences in adjectives. Copy this to my account 6357 Bienvenidos-Lección 6 - Vocabulario Señor Marlow Java Game
Práctica de vocabulario Copy this to my account 6358 Sp 1 Etapa 2.3 Vocab practice Mlle/Srta. Read Battleship
This is a vocabulary practice for En Español 1, Unidad 2, Etapa 3. Copy this to my account 6359 Pretérito o Imperfecto Sra. Ekblad Java Game
Which is the likely answer? Copy this to my account 6360 Una cena especial Señorita Brady Java Game
Practicamos el cuento con Martha Stewart y el pavo Copy this to my account 6361 Buen Viaje Level 1 Chapter 7 Jeopardy Sra Pinter Challenge Board
A general review of the chapter. Copy this to my account 6362 Juntos Uno Chapter 1 Vocabulary - ACTIVIDADES Sra. Mendoza Hangman
Hangman - try to figure out the word or phrase BEFORE you solve the puzzle! Copy this to my account 6363 16 Personajes de Caramelo Adriana Persin Quiz
Estos son algunos de los personajes del libro Caramelo de Sandra Cisneros. Lee la información y escribe el nombre del personaje que se está describiendo. This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 6364 Chapter 5 Vocabulario 2nd Parte Arriba Dr. Eneida Pugh Mini Quiz
This quiz covers vocabulary presented on page 173
Select correct answer. Copy this to my account 6365 ¿QUÉ HORA ES? M K Picture Perfect
How do you say the time in Spanish. Copy this to my account 6366 Avancemos 2 Verbos de Repaso Preliminar Parte 1 10-30-2013 - Modified Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 31 questions. Copy this to my account 6367 Patricia Va a California, Capítulo 6 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 6368 Avancemos 2 Examen de Dignóstico Parte 1 20 de agosto 2014-15 Amy Shoemaker Quiz
There are 22 questions in this diagnostic test. Do your very best and do not worry about the final score. This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 6369 CHALLENGE BOARD- D.O.P's and TENER expressions -- Challenge Board
Are you chicken???? Copy this to my account 6370 Capítulo 8a Prueba #1 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6371 Vocabulario del Capítulo 5 Ken J. Zeoli Java Game
This is great for general practice and familiarity with Capítulo 5 vocabulary. There is a variety games that will enable you master knowledge of word meanings! Go for it! ¡Vaya! Copy this to my account 6372 Celebrate: Party items, decorations, and things to do Sra. Bishop Jumbled Words
How many things do you have to buy for the party?
¿Cuántas cosas tienes que comprar por la fiesta?
What are you going to do? ¿Qué vas a hacer? Copy this to my account 6373 Sp. 4+, LIST, Ch. 5c (Por Cuentos) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6374 Adjectives Hangman Srta. Badynee Hangman
Click a letter to guess what the word is. Copy this to my account 6375 Antonyms Group #3 Battleship A. Martell Battleship
Amsco Spanish Two Years
Vocabulary Building
pgs. 236-242 Copy this to my account 6376 Ven Conmigo 4-2 Señora Goldstein Java Game
Ven Conmigo 4-2 Level I Copy this to my account 6377 Spanish I :"Ven Conmigo"-Chapter 9- Commenting on Clothes (Primer Paso) Mr. Escurra Java Game
To find out what someone is going to wear, ask:
¿Qué ropa vas a llevar a la fiesta? Copy this to my account 6378 6-04-9 - Test Prep Unit 4 Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6379 Unidad 5 Lección 1 - Vocabulario Nuevo - La Casa Mr. Friedrich Java Game
Use the exercises and games here to become more familiar with your new vocabulary
USE IT OR LOSE IT! Copy this to my account 6380 Las Aventuras de gabi. Episodio 21 Eloisa Pulaski Java Game
Copy this to my account 6381 Days of the week (lesson 4) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6382 QUIZ-- Animals and 1-15 with IMAGES Señorita Pelican Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 6383 Dime Uno - Unidad 1 Lección 3 - Hangman A Mary Lynne DeMarinis Hangman
Copy this to my account 6384 Con ganas de triunfar: Las escenas Señora Schaefer Ordered List
Las escenas Copy this to my account 6385 Nicaragua Ms. Flores Rags to Riches
Nuevas Vistas 1 - Coleccion 1 Copy this to my account 6386 Animales salvajes -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 6387 Español 2 -- Capítulo 5 -- antes y ahora Profe Quiz
Describe tu vida antes y ahora. This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 6388 Países Españoles Ms. Roske Java Game
Practice the 21 Spanish-speaking countries and where they are located! Copy this to my account 6389 Lugar de trabajo -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 6390 Ricitos de Oro y los Tres Osos -- Pop-ups
Choose the correct form of the preterite or the imperfect. Copy this to my account 6391 La Ropa Señora Turner Hangman
Description of where or when you would wear different clothing Copy this to my account 6392 Vocab List #7 Sra. Daniel Java Game
Copy this to my account 6393 Frases útiles - para decir Señorita Tiwari Java Game
Adelante page 11, capítulo preliminar Copy this to my account 6394 2nd paso vocab practice quiz, Ch. 4, Spanish I Susan Edelen Quiz This quiz contains 32 questions. Copy this to my account 6395 unidad 4 etapa 2 other words and phrases Señora Fuller Java Game
Copy this to my account 6396 Avancemos: Unidad 4 Lección 2 -- Hangman
Vocabulary from Avancemos: Unidad 4 Lección 2 Copy this to my account 6397 Ven Conmigo - Capitulo 2 Segundo Paso Sra. Webb Java Game
Copy this to my account 6398 Spanish 1 Basic Vocabulary Words 1-10 Señor Kroff Columns
Copy this to my account 6399 Sp 1 4.2 Vocab 1 Monsieur Marcantel Java Game
Matching vocab Copy this to my account 6400 PERU Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Quiz
Culture Session This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 6401 Verbos irregulares -- Challenge Board
Spil "Jeopardy", hvor kategorierne er uregelmæssige verber!
(Juega al "Jeopardy" con los verbos irregulares como categorías) Copy this to my account 6402 4.2 los lugares/los sitios/estar Sra. Durante Rags to Riches
Practiquen el vocabulario de 4.2 Copy this to my account 6403 palabras 7II Brenda Renczykowski Java Game
Capítulo 7
Voces y Vistas
¿Qué materias tienes hoy? Copy this to my account 6404 Unidad 1, Etapa 1 Vocab y frases Señor Hymes Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6405 R1 Cap. 4B Examen Sra. Klooster Quiz This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 6406 La Navidad a Java Game
Copy this to my account 6407 Buen Viaje 1 Chap 1 - The verb SER (to be) señor Tocino Java Game
Match the correct conjugation Copy this to my account 6408 Nationalities #3 - Battleship Mary Lynne DeMarinis Battleship
How well do you know nationalities in Spanish? ¡Vamos a ver y buena suerte! Copy this to my account 6409 R1 Quiz Chapter 1A Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 6410 Pobre Ana - cap. 1-3 -- Rags to Riches
Chapters 1 - 3 Copy this to my account 6411 1a THE CLASSROOM 1 -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 6412 Chapter 6 Quiz Reflexive Verbs Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz
Translate the words in parentheses and use the correct form of the verb This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6413 Animales de Carolina del Norte -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 6414 2 U1L1 Order Hace Expression 2 - Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Copy this to my account 6415 Mapa de Massachusetts Yvonne McArthur Quiz This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 6416 Chapter 5 Time practice -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 6417 Module 8 Quiz (Phase 1) Mr Cosgrove Quiz
Revision quiz for Module 8. This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 6418 Por o para??? -- Cloze
Lean el parafo y decidan si deben usar POR o PARA. Copy this to my account 6419 VC3 CH9-1a -- Java Game
Talking about emotional reactions. Copy this to my account 6420 Greetings/Farewells Ms. Natalie Weatherman Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 6421 2nd 6 weeks exam final - star Senora Loeb Quiz
Do you best. Take your time. Good luck. This quiz contains 32 questions. Copy this to my account 6422 Aventura 2 Lesson 6 - Shops Carol Hunter Java Game
Copy this to my account 6423 LOS MESES Y LAS ESTACIONES Mrs.Vazquez Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6424 Unidad 2-1, 2-2 Señora Shaffer Quiz
ESPAÑA This quiz contains 53 questions. Copy this to my account 6425 Cap. PE Tarea 4 (El Cuerpo) Sra. Klooster Quiz
Write the Spanish translation for each body part. Remember to include the article with each noun. You can complete it multiple times. I will take your best score. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6426 Casi Se Muere, Capítulo 4 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 6427 Exprésate 1: Capítulo 1: Vocabulario 1-1 Debbie Mensinger Rags to Riches
Rags to Riches game using vocabulary 1-1 from Exprésate 1. Copy this to my account 6428 La ropa Mrs. Fonken Challenge Board
Write the name of the clothing items requested in Spanish. Copy this to my account 6429 Preguntas (cloze) Alejandro Saravia Cloze
Help Juan find the correct question word to ask Pedro some information regarding his classes. Copy this to my account 6430 Comparativos avanzados Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 6431 b2 Señora Johnson Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 6432 Buen Viaje 1.8 Vocabulary -- Java Game
Matching Copy this to my account 6433 AVANCEMOS, 4 U1 L1 p. 26-27 Sra. Coutu Java Game
talking about office equipment; talking about insurance and professions; answerng questions in a job interview Copy this to my account 6434 4A #2 Janine Hakanson Quiz
Escribe las palabras que faltan. Type the missing words. If you see "ir" in parentheses, type the correct form of the verb. You must get at least 60% to receive HW credit. You may do this assignment as many times as you wish. This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 6435 A bordo Cap 4 Palabras 2 Dusti Rags to Riches
Practica del vocabulario Copy this to my account 6436 MS Sp1A: Adelante Ch 1: Segundo Paso p57 C. Hughes Java Game
Use the flashcards to makes sure you know the vocabulary. Then enjoy playing the games. Copy this to my account 6437 Exprésate 2 Chapter 3, GEA 1 Sra. Bathe Hangman
Review of the personal and passive "se"; preterite of -car, -gar, -zar verbs and conocer; irregular preterites: andar, tener, venir, dar, ver Copy this to my account 6438 Bvdo Ch5 -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 6439 Buen Viaje II 10 Irregular Commands Ms. Call Columns
Copy this to my account 6440 Adelante Chapter 2 Segundo Paso Sra. DeRosa Hangman
Copy this to my account 6441 Álbum: (through Un oso y un amor) - Rags to Riches Profe. Butcher Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6442 III Vocabulario 8.1 Madame Young Java Game
Realidades III, Capítulo 8.1, Vocabulario Copy this to my account 6443 U4E2-1 Vocab Pt 1 Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 6444 verbos reflexivos - ¿conjugado o infinitivo? Señor Robie Quiz This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 6445 Español 2, Unidad 7, Lección 3: práctica con para -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6446 AP - HW18 Pluperfect Subjunctive Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
hubiera, hubieras, hubiera, hubiéramos, hubieran + -ado/-ido This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6447 Sp. 3, LIST Ch. 2b, El perro que... -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6448 En español 3: U1E1 - ¡Ay! ¡Esos verbos! Sra. Hilbert Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 6449 Avancemos 5.1 Multiple choice vocab Shelly Plaster Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6450 3rd Grade Parts of the Body Scrambled Words -- Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 6451 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 5 Señorita Cox Battleship
Copy this to my account 6452 Conjugate the Irregular verbs Simple Version Sra Durante de Stroup Patterns
Practice conjugating Spanish I irregular verbs in the present tense. Earn coins for each correct answer. How much can you earn? Copy this to my account 6453 Ven Conmigo vocabulario de 204 y 205 ehresman Rags to Riches
El vocabulario del medio ambiente Copy this to my account 6454 El preterito (saber, querer, poder, traer) Señor Stuber Columns
Copy this to my account 6455 doña Di's los números 0-100 Dianne Guest Battleship
An opportunity to increase mastery and/or review 0-100. You will have to solve the Spanish word problem in order to give the correct answer in numerals. For example, Uno y dos son ___. Your answer would be 3. Copy this to my account 6456 Thematic vocab Animales Ms. Acocella Java Game
Animales domesticos y salvajes Copy this to my account 6457 "BONITO" Profe Sievert Java Game
Vocabulario de la canción Copy this to my account 6458 Los quehaceres ¡Tengo mucho que hacer! -- Hangman
Practice verbs related to household chores Copy this to my account 6459 Realidades 7-set I Sra. Chamberlain Java Game
vocabulario pp. 292-294 Copy this to my account 6460 Vistazos 4 -- Java Game
End-of-chapter vocabulary, page 109. Copy this to my account 6461 5.1 Vocabulario Dimelo [Pugh] Dr. Eneida Pugh Java Game
Hogar dulce hogar
La familia, otras personas, la casa Copy this to my account 6462 La Casa de Bernarda Alba - 3 Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Java Game
Acto Primero
páginas 56 a 61
(Sale la Criada 1a) Copy this to my account 6463 Bravo Level 2 Unidad 5 Lección 3 -- Hangman
Vocabulary hangman newspaper Copy this to my account 6464 bv cap 6 Señor Fields Quiz
examencito This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 86. Copy this to my account 6465 la familia y adjectivos Miss McMurray Hangman
caminos 1 unit 4/arriba uno Copy this to my account 6466 2-U1E2 food Dra. C Java Game
food vocabulary including place settings and restaurant related words Copy this to my account 6467 La ropa 11- MAESTRA Quiz
Practice your numbers. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6468 Greetings/1st & 2nd Grade -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 6469 Reflexives Abordo -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6470 Capítulo 14: Un Poco De Todo (A Little of Everything) Ken J. Zeoli Jumbled Words
Lo que contiene esta actividad: el verbo DAR con complementos indirectos, las construcciones negativas y el presente progresivo. Es un poco de todo. Copy this to my account 6471 Álbum: Un oso y un amor / El nacimiento de la col - Vocabulary Games - Profe. Butcher Java Game
Practice the words you learned in UN OSO Y UN AMOR y EL NACIMIENTO DE LA COL Copy this to my account 6472 Sp.1 #2 -Numbers -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6473 Capítulo 1.2, 1.3 Ya Verás Nivel 1 Ann Giese Java Game
Vocabulary for Chapter 1
Ordering food Copy this to my account 6474 Check how much you know! - From "Exploring Spanish" Sandra Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6475 Vocabulario Cpt 3 Dicho y Hecho 3ed Dr. Eneida Pugh Columns
Match the Spanish word/s with the English. The list is extensive so you may want to do the exercise several times to review all the words. Copy this to my account 6476 Capítulo 2A Word Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 6477 En español U4 E3 vocab hangman Srta. Hicks Hangman
Hangman for vocabulary Unidad 4 Etapa 3 Copy this to my account 6478 capítulo 2B Realidades II Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 6479 Español 1 1A del 24-48 Señora Baumann Battleship
Gustar Copy this to my account 6480 PASO A PASO 1 - REVIEW CHAPTERS 4 - 7 Señor Gómez Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6481 Capítulo 6-2 Prueba #2 practice Renee Koeneman Quiz This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 6482 VC2 5-3 Body Parts -- Hangman
Parts of the body Copy this to my account 6483 EXTRA CREDIT QUIZ !!!! (Need extra credit??) -- Quiz
Hey! Jackpot! You have accessed this website on a good day! There's an extra credit quiz you can take for a maximum of 5 points. (You may find an additional, extra credit quiz on another day you get onto this website.)
100% correct = 5 ex. cr.... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6484 Exprésate - Capítulo 7 - Vocabulario 1 Timothy Corcoran Java Game
Copy this to my account 6485 Clothes 1 MAESTRA Quiz
I can understand simple information when presented with pictures and graphs. This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 6486 Ser eller estar OG Spansk Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 6487 2.3 Vocab - Los Verbos Señora Ringhofer Java Game
Copy this to my account 6488 ¿Comó está el chico o la chica? Calico Spanish Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6489 Capitulo 13 - Los Animales y El Medio Ambiente Catalina Rabon Battleship
Copy this to my account 6490 Prueba de vocab 2A Paso a Paso -- Quiz
Esta prueba es excelente para prepararte para la prueba pp. 62-63. Buena suerte!!! This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 6491 AP - HW14 Subjunctive Mood in Noun Clauses Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
Drop the "o" from the "yo" form and add the opposite ending. If there is no "o" then you have an irregular. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6492 LICT C1 L 2 y 3 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6493 AP - Cartas de amor traicionado - Vocabulario Señora Kyle / Madame Kyle Java Game
AP - Vocabulario para el cuento Cartas de Amor Traicionado Copy this to my account 6494 Capítulo 5 - los verbos er y ir Marcy Webb Pop-ups
Select the correct conjugation that matches the subjects. Copy this to my account 6495 Possesive adjectives Singular Masculine Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Place the singular masculine possesive adjectives in the correct order. Copy this to my account 6496 Unidad 2, Etapa 2 Vocabulario y Gramatica -- Challenge Board
Vocabulary and Grammar practice from Unit 2, Lesson 2 Copy this to my account 6497 Español 1, Unidad 4, Lección 2: la a personal -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 6498 Gramática. (Repaso para el 2do. examen de SPAN 251) Dr. Yosálida C. Rivero-Zaritzky Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6499 Verbos -er, -ir y verbo "ir" Sra. Lescano Java Game
Copy this to my account 6500 Feelings & Location voc. Holly Little Java Game
Voc. to use with the verb Estar - Spanish II Copy this to my account 6501 Realidades 2 6B translate the words pam satterfield Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6502 Afro-Borinquen History of Puerto Rico Rosemarie Bartholomew Scavenger Hunt
This Internet link will take you on a journey into the Black history of Puerto Rico. The mixture of African and Puerto Rican heritage is called Afro-Borinquen. Use this link to answer the questions that follow. When you are done, move to the next... Copy this to my account 6503 Transport & beginning conversation -- Jumbled Words
Jumbled words Copy this to my account 6504 Exprésate I Cap. 1 Peligro Señora Orr Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6505 Nationalities #3 - Hangman Mary Lynne DeMarinis Hangman
Copy this to my account 6506 Carnes (primary) Mrs. Bowling Battleship
Copy this to my account 6507 VC3 CH9-2a -- Java Game
Expressing an assumption. Making hypothetical statements. Copy this to my account 6508 Irregular Preterite Verbs Señor Fernandes Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions chosen from a bank of 23. Copy this to my account 6509 Buen Viaje 1.3 -- Hangman
getting ready for school Copy this to my account 6510 C4P3 vocab Ms. Ruzicka Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 6511 leccion 8 Mark Mitchell Java Game
sustantivos, las comidas, los platos principales, Copy this to my account 6512 ¡Buen Viaje! Spanish 2 Vocabulary Final Review Matthew Lahana Java Game
Copy this to my account 6513 a bordo cap 1 Señor Fields Quiz
examencito This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 50. Copy this to my account 6514 I: Ch 5.2 Vocab practice Señora Clarke Java Game
Talking about what you and your friends like to do together Copy this to my account 6515 POSITION WORDS/prepositions Profa Kurtz Java Game
practice with under, on top of, etc. Copy this to my account 6516 Español 3, Unidad 5, Lección 1: los pronombres relativos -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 6517 las compras Elisabeth Butler Rags to Riches
see can you remember all the words to do with shopping in Spanish: Copy this to my account 6518 Sp. 1, LICT, Ch. 2, Monkey House, a story -- Picture Perfect
¡Qué bonito! Start where you see START HERE. Create a story and see a beautiful picture by numbering the boxes in logical order. Notice the hints available at the bottom. You can check your answers as you go or wait til the end. ¡Que viva el mono! Copy this to my account 6519 2 U1L2 Past tense (preterite) conjugations AR verbs Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 6520 Nationalities # 2 Hangman Mary Lynne DeMarinis Hangman
Copy this to my account 6521 Dimelo 5.1-5.3 Dr. Eneida Pugh Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 6522 Sexto grado repaso Lec. 1,2,3 y 5 a Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6523 Los Taínos Patty Silvey Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 6524 Vocabulario en La Ciudad Salvador Montoya Mini Quiz
Copy this to my account 6525 Ven Conmigo Capitulo 4 Marsha Ferguson Java Game
Vocabulary practice from Chapter 4 of Level 1 Copy this to my account 6526 Preterite Verbs YO -- Java Game
Preterite Verbs YO for Directed Writing Copy this to my account 6527 El verbo SER Iraida C. Peinado Java Game
Ven conmigo - Level 1 - Capítulo 1 Copy this to my account 6528 Common Assessment #1 Ms. Zastrow/ Profe Marshall Quiz This quiz contains 55 questions. Copy this to my account 6529 Hispanoblantes - Frases Utiles y comunes Rostek Hangman
Copy this to my account 6530 I Vocab Prelininar A/B -- Java Game
Use the flash cards to help you memorize your vocabulary. Copy this to my account 6531 Exprésate 1 Chapter 6a Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 6532 ¡Qué viva la cultura! -- Challenge Board
2.2 through 3.3 Cultura and Comparisons Copy this to my account 6533 En Esp 3 Preliminar Cultura Dra. C Columns
Match the item with the appropriate place. All come from the culture in the Etapa Preliminar: En Español 3 Copy this to my account 6534 LISTOS BOOOK 1 MODULO 5 Mrs Flannery Cloze
Mi Ciudad Copy this to my account 6535 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 3 Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6536 Muy Bien A - El circo - Ch. 15 Kim Hukari Java Game
How well do you know your circus vocabulary? Give it a try!!! Buena Suerte!! Copy this to my account 6537 Reflexive verbs -- Java Game
You will learn the meaning of the most common reflexive verbs in Spanish Copy this to my account 6538 Capítulo 7 Ya Verás Nivel 1 Ann Giese Java Game
Los edificios, los lugares publicos, las tiendas Copy this to my account 6539 ¡Qué chévere! Unidad 5A Quiz Review Le Professeur Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions chosen from a bank of 55. Copy this to my account 6540 U6E1-3-More Preterite Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 6541 Películas y programas de televisión Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 6542 usamos la parte del cuerpo para... Profe Dugan Rags to Riches
Realidades 1 to 1B Copy this to my account 6543 R1 Lección 2A - Tu día en la escuela -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6544 Practice Test Chapter 3-1 and 3-2 Señora Shaffer Quiz
Reflexive Verbs, Daily Routine Vocab, Chores and Direct Object Pronouns This quiz contains 31 questions. Copy this to my account 6545 Pronombres de objeto directo, indirecto y los dos juntos Michelle Marnicio Pop-ups
Un ejercicio para practicar los pronombres de objeto Copy this to my account 6546 Comunidades autónomas de España Señora Johnson Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6547 La Revolución mexicana Señora Flood Rags to Riches
Nuevas vistas 2
Colección 4 Copy this to my account 6548 Question words -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 6549 Español 7 - Repaso, 2A Señora Schott Battleship
Copy this to my account 6550 Unidad 4, Etapa 1 Mrs. Lester Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6551 CFA 2016-2017 Achievement Señorita Smith Quiz This quiz contains 50 questions chosen from a bank of 387. Copy this to my account 6552 Había o Era -- Pop-ups
Uds. van a leer las frases y en los blancos escojan (choose) entre había o era. Copy this to my account 6553 Bienvenidos Capítulo 14 Vocabulario Señor Fields Jumbled Words
¡Práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 6554 Avenidas Capítulo 2 - Otras Palabras -- Java Game
Other words from chapter 2, page 85 Copy this to my account 6555 S1 2B-3 Estar Señora Storrs Quiz
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb ESTAR. This quiz contains 19 questions. Copy this to my account 6556 ACTIVIDADES (infinitivos) Sra. Frayre Java Game
Practice infinitives Copy this to my account 6557 Catástrofes naturales Señora Flood Hangman
Copy this to my account 6558 Subject pronouns and verb conjugations Sr. Tristan Bodle Quiz
Please test your knowledge of subject pronouns with this graded quiz. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6559 Repaso 4to grado a Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6560 S2 C8 Battleship Mrs. W Battleship
Copy this to my account 6561 VOCABULARIO-La universidad de hoy Capítulo 2 Dicho y Hecho Dr. Eneida Pugh Java Game
Vocabulary Flashcards for Cpt 2 Dicho y Hecho Copy this to my account 6562 Descubre 1b - Vocab. Lección 5 Señora Ruiz Quiz
Descubre 1b - Lección 5 This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 6563 Artículos definidos -- Java Game
Pair the noun with the definite article that matches it. Copy this to my account 6564 La Puerta: capítulo 3 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6565 Perspectiva Cultural-Chile Sra. M. Hernández Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 6566 El viaje perdido capítulos 8,9 -- Quiz
Choose true or false for the following statements. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6567 R2 1B Recognition Quiz Señora Borges Quiz This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 6568 Vocabulario 1/2 Señora Westphal Columns
En español 2 -El arte/la comida Copy this to my account 6569 Capítulo 4A Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 6570 Hispanohablantes - Vcabulario personal Rostek Java Game
Copy this to my account 6571 los colores y las formas - hangman Mrs. Perez Hangman
Spelling has to perfect! Use the box for the accents! Copy this to my account 6572 A bordo Capítulo 14 Jumbled words Señor Fields Jumbled Words
¿Puedes averiguar las palabras? Copy this to my account 6573 Preposiciones "en" y "con" Dr. Yosálida C. Rivero-Zaritzky Java Game
Los verbos que verás a continuación siempre van seguidos de la preposición "en" y "CON" Copy this to my account 6574 2 U2L2 Vocabulario con verbos reflexivos Columns Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Daily routine and reflexive verbs Copy this to my account 6575 Paso a Paso 1 Ch. 6 Past Tense Verbs Mr. Jason Hank Java Game
Copy this to my account 6576 Spanish 2 Cap 6 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 29 questions. Copy this to my account 6577 Capítulo 6 - adjetivos -- Pop-ups
Ven Conmigo 1 - C6, demonstrative and possessive adjective agreement. Copy this to my account 6578 Cria cuervos escena 12 - 53 (verbos) OG Spansk Java Game
Copy this to my account 6579 A bordo Cap 3 Una carta a Marta Dusti Picture Perfect
Vocbulario de Capítulo 3 Copy this to my account 6580 Imperfecto - Patricia la jinetera -- Quiz
Sæt verberne i parenteserne i imperfektum - i den rigtige person!
Husk eventuelle trykstreger! This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 6581 el préterito er y ir señor Glaze Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6582 Food & Drink matching & concentration -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6583 Spanish 2-Cap.1-4 Senor Hangman
Copy this to my account 6584 Las Frutas with images Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 6585 Ven Conmigo 2, Capitulo 6 Primer Paso Sra. Mitchell Java Game
Asking for and giving information; In the city Copy this to my account 6586 Viva el toro Capítulo 3 Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 6587 Spanish 2 unit 1 adjectives Señor Beebe Java Game
Copy this to my account 6588 Español 1, Unidad 3, Lección 2: los verbos en el presente -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6589 Descubre I -Capítulo I artículos -- Java Game
Los artículos en español
The & a/an /some Copy this to my account 6590 ALL PRESENT TENSE - IIH Sr. Rando-el capitán Quiz
Just provide form of verb not put subject pronoun(yo,tú,él,ella,ud. etc...). Provide accents as needed! This quiz contains 19 questions. Copy this to my account 6591 Español 2, Unidad 1, Lección 2: el vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6592 Adelante Capitulo 2 primer paso Stephanie Werner Hangman
Practice school supply vocabulary Copy this to my account 6593 U1E3-4 Possessives - Basic Señor Wojnar Quiz
Introduction to Possessives This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6594 Adelante, Capítulo 4, Pre-Assessment - 2007 - 08 Señora Acevedo Quiz
DIRECTIONS: SELECT the correct answer for multiple choices and T/F; or TYPE in the correct answer in the boxes provided. This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 6595 SP 1 Final Review #12 -- Quiz
This is a test of your knowledge of conjugating regular verbs in the present tense. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 6596 SP 1--Lección 2 Mrs C Java Game
Copy this to my account 6597 doña Di's Adjetivos ilustrados y cognatos, etc. #2 Dianne Guest Battleship
Here is another opportunity to strengthen your skills with adjectives for description and with the verb "ser." Copy this to my account 6598 Spanish III Chapter 5 Vocabulary Review - Past and Present Sr. D Java Game
Paso a Paso textbook, Spanish III Chapter 5 Copy this to my account 6599 Subjunctive or not? 2 J R Taylor Quiz
write the verb in brackets correctly. Be careful, the subjunctive is not required in every case This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 30. Copy this to my account 6600 Vocabulary Cap11 L3 Señor Fernandes Quiz This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 6601 Spanish play Deborah Ramon Quiz
ramon test This quiz contains 38 questions chosen from a bank of 106. Copy this to my account 6602 el verbo gustar y el pronombre indirecto Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 6603 Diez verbos irregulares Señora Zarria Cloze
Copy this to my account 6604 Saber Conjugation Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Place the conjugated verb querer in order to a typical verb chart.
1 - yo 4 - nosotros
2 - tú 5 -... Copy this to my account 6605 Area, Perimeter, & Circumference -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6606 Los secretos de familia - capitulo 06 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 6607 Quiz--Los Meses Señorita Pelican Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6608 1Ch5VerbsPopup Srta. Gutzwiler Quiz
Select the verb which correctly completes the sentence. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6609 Ch. 1B Homework B Sra. Klooster Quiz
José Luis is explaining things about the school to a new student. Use comparisons with tan...como OR tanto(a)...como to find out what he says. Follow these models.
el karate / ser popular / el ajedrez
El karate es tan popular como el... This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 6610 Vocabulary 6.2 Señor Stuber Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 6611 AP - HW26 Indirect Object Pronouns Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
Fill in the correct Indirect Object Pronoun to replace the English in Parenthesis. (me, te, le, nos, les) This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 6612 Alves: Unit 3 Vocab -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6613 1 U0LP Los Días de la Semana Puzzle #1 Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Write the days of the week in order as they would appear on a Spanish calendar. Copy this to my account 6614 El cuerpo humano 302 -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6615 1.1-1.3 jumbled words Dimelo Dr. Eneida Pugh Jumbled Words
Vocabulario Paso 1 [1.1-1.3] Copy this to my account 6616 SFM III Unit 7 Vocabulary M. Van Camp Java Game
Copy this to my account 6617 Me Gustas Tu Profesora Jennifer Quiz
Listen to the song and choose the correct missing word This quiz contains 24 questions. Copy this to my account 6618 Conexiones 8.2 Vocabulario (WB 8-7 y 8-8) Profesora Duronio Cloze
Copy this to my account 6619 1 U3L1 Conjugacion... -er/-ir Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Choose one of the following verbs to fit the sentence and conjugate it for the subject given: leer, comer, beber, escribir, vivir, compartir Copy this to my account 6620 Classroom Objects Jumble Todd Maggi Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 6621 Sp 2 Beauty and the Beast Songs Mlle/Srta. Read Cloze
In this activity, you will have to fill in the blanks with the correct words from the song lyrics. Careful with the spelling! Copy this to my account 6622 Los números - Picture Perfect -- Picture Perfect
Spanish 12 Copy this to my account 6623 Preposiciones -- Java Game
Do Matching task Copy this to my account 6624 Cap 2A (R2) Los verbos reflexivos en orden Sra. Hoover Ordered List
Order the daily activities in the manner in which they naturally occur or are suggested by clues. Copy this to my account 6625 Module 1 Lesson 1.10 Números 1.11 Sustantivos Mrs. Corson Java Game
Here are four ways to study your vocabulary. Copy this to my account 6626 EPAÑOL I - LECCIÓN 4 - VOCAB PGS. 104-105 SEÑORITA DRISKILL Battleship
Copy this to my account 6627 Mastery 3: Unit 10: Buen Viaje pp287-288 (en español) C. Hughes Java Game
Use the flashcards to review the vocabulary for the En el aeropuerto section of this unit. Copy this to my account 6628 Unidad 1-Etapa 2 Vocabulario Señorita Gama Java Game
Copy this to my account 6629 doña Di's repaso del calendario Dianne Guest Battleship
This allows you the opportunity to increase your skill in recognizing and using the different questions, responses, and phrases associated with the calendar. Copy this to my account 6630 Expresate 1: vocab 5.2-questions & answers Mme Dimick Java Game
Copy this to my account 6631 Colors/Personality -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6632 Ven Conmigo 3- Cap. 4/ Paso 1 Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Copy this to my account 6633 Los Deportes Señora Monnich Java Game
Copy this to my account 6634 La Casa de Bernarda Alba A2-2 Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Java Game
Acto Segundo
páginas 76 a 81
("Se oyen unos campanillos lejanos como a través de varios muros") Copy this to my account 6635 Exprésate 2 Chapter 8a Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 6636 In the Time of the Butterflies (DR Notes) Señora Brouwer Battleship
This activity tests your knowledge of the notes on the DR. Copy this to my account 6637 R3 C4 A ver si recuerdas BYKI Mr. Mark Orsatti (Mr. O) Quiz
Escriba la palabra apropiada en español. This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 31. Copy this to my account 6638 Capítulo Dos - ar verbs Linda Radke Java Game
Match the verbs and translations with the correct forms of the verbs. Copy this to my account 6639 * Airplane - Flashcards Sra. Crane Java Game
Copy this to my account 6640 ASD1 Capítulo 8 Juego de repaso Mrs. Gross Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6641 SG: 2.1 VOCABULARIO Professoressa Marchesi Java Game
Copy this to my account 6642 Battleship - actividades Señora Sherrow Battleship
Practice vocabulary for activities while trying to sink your opponent's ships. Copy this to my account 6643 Sp 1 Preliminar Los días de la semana Mlle/Srta. Read Ordered List
Practice putting the days of the week in order. (Remember, this is according to a SPANISH calendar.) From the Etapa Preliminar of En Español 1. Copy this to my account 6644 Spanish 2 Chapter 3 Imperfect Activities Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Created by Anne Martin Copy this to my account 6645 Bøjning af SER - at være i præsens Eva Høeg Hangman
Copy this to my account 6646 Spanish 2 Cap 14 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 6647 Practice the Prepositions Sra. Hays Pop-ups
choose the preposition that best completes the sentence Copy this to my account 6648 Realidades 2 Chapter 6B vocabulary Mrs. Jagus Java Game
Copy this to my account 6649 Buen Viaje 1 - ch.11 quiz vocab -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6650 Irregular Verbs -- Hangman
Translate the English for the Spanish. Copy this to my account 6651 TPRS 1 Cap 1 MC 1 Dianne Guest Ordered List
Arrange each of these sentences in order to reconstruct Mini-cuento 1 in the correct order. Copy this to my account 6652 Learning Goal 6 (-ir verbs) Sp1 (Sp1b & Sp2) Señora Walker Quiz
Mastery of conjugation of -er verbs. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6653 las clases de la escuela Mrs.Soledad Jaramillo Villagomez Java Game
Copy this to my account 6654 Sp LICT p. 01 Capítulo 1 Lección 1 Mlle/Srta. Read Java Game
Copy this to my account 6655 La hija del Puma -gloseøvelse 1 Suzan Desezar Java Game
Copy this to my account 6656 El mobiliario de la casa - Muy Bien B Kim Hukari Columns
Do you know the Spanish words for the furniture and appliances in your house? Give it a try!! Copy this to my account 6657 Spanish 1 Vocabulario 2A -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6658 Capítulo 11: Indirect Object Pronouns ME, TE, LE, LES, & NOS Ken J. Zeoli Hangman
See if you determine what these phrases are. Each one contains an indirect object pronoun. ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 6659 5A - la familia, la fiesta Sra. Frayre Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6660 A bordo Capítulo 7 Palabras Mezcladas Señor Fields Jumbled Words
¿Puedes adivinar que palabra es? Copy this to my account 6661 La sala de clase PP Linda Radke Java Game
Copy this to my account 6662 Capítulo 2: Question words A P Hangman
Copy this to my account 6663 Daily Routines word scramble - Exprésate 2 - cap. 5 Miss Bias Jumbled Words
Unscramble these everyday things that you would do before you leave the house or in general. Copy this to my account 6664 Capítulo 6b Prueba #1 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6665 Adelante 5-3 Part Two Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Copy this to my account 6666 Exploring Spanish - Los Mandatos Sra. Mallaber Battleship
Pratica el imperativo informal y formal Copy this to my account 6667 6-3 Writing Practice Lakota Spanish Teachers Quiz
Practice putting it all together by translating the following English sentences to Spanish. This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 6668 Choosing the right person. Verbs. Aitana Mateo Domenech Columns
Match the verb with yo/tú/él depending on the ending of the verb. Copy this to my account 6669 Estar y los adjetivos de emoción Mrs. Creekmore Java Game
Review forms of estar and adjective agreement. Copy this to my account 6670 La Navidad en España Michelle Marnicio Rags to Riches
Se puede repasar el vocabulario de Cap. 6. Copy this to my account 6671 Las comidas (C y G pp. 128) -- Patterns
Copy this to my account 6672 AVANCEMOS 1-CHAPTER 1-LESSON 1 COACH PREAUS Java Game
VOCABULARY AND GRAMMER Copy this to my account 6673 Enlcaces C5 - El futuro y los progresivos Mr. Mark Orsatti (Mr. O) Quiz
Llena los espacios en blanco con la forma apropriada del verbo indicado, empleando el futuro, el presente progresivo o el pasado progresivo, según las indicaciones entre paréntesis. This quiz contains 30 questions chosen from a bank of 40. Copy this to my account 6674 Sp 3 U2E1 Sra. Brown Java Game
describing childhood experiences, expressing personal reactions, discussing family relationships Copy this to my account 6675 Bienvenidos Ch 11-1 Señora Java Game
Copy this to my account 6676 Exploring - Unit 1 (Upper El - 4th level) Sandra Java Game
Practice "Greetings and Epressions of courtesy" Copy this to my account 6677 Los Meses del Año - Flashcards, matching, wordsearch, concentration -- Java Game
Spanish 12 Copy this to my account 6678 La Catrina - Episiodios 1-2 Señora Espinel Columns
Copy this to my account 6679 Vocabulary 6-3 Señora Goldstein Java Game
Vocabulary 6-3 for Ven Conmigo Level I Copy this to my account 6680 Body Parts -- Hangman
Paso a Paso - Chapter 9 Copy this to my account 6681 Aeropuerto - Vocabulario 1 and 2 (Java Games) Miss Goss Java Game
with Vocabulario 1 review Copy this to my account 6682 Sabías que Lección 1 vocabulario Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Pop-ups
Practice the new vocabulario here! Copy this to my account 6683 Buen Viaje II Chapter 9 Vocab.1 -- Java Game
En la ciudad Copy this to my account 6684 Guillermo Jorge Manuel Jorge--Preguntas de comprehensión Profesora Angie Battleship
Contesta las preguntas acerca del libro. Copy this to my account 6685 Capítulo 8 Ya Verás Nivel II Ann Giese Java Game
Invitation and Movie Vocabulary Copy this to my account 6686 La Sala y El Dormitorio Mrs. Cushing Java Game
Copy this to my account 6687 Animales acuáticos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6688 Sabías Que Lecciones 16, 17, 18 Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6689 III Capítulo 3 Vocabulario-La salud Madame Young Java Game
Realidades 3 Vocabulary Copy this to my account 6690 bv cap 7 Señor Fields Quiz
examencito This quiz contains 30 questions chosen from a bank of 83. Copy this to my account 6691 Pobre Ana Ch 2 Señoras Kline y Navarro Ordered List
Put the sentences in order Copy this to my account 6692 sports Sra. Hays Jumbled Words
decipher the different sports Copy this to my account 6693 Los Números Pequeños - Hasta 100 cap 5 Linda Radke Ordered List
Put the numbers in order. Copy this to my account 6694 Buen Viaje 1 Chap 0 - Preliminar señor Tocino Java Game
Copy this to my account 6695 Chapter 8a Sra. Johnstone Java Game
Copy this to my account 6696 Realidades 3: Cap 1: Días Inolvidables Patti Coveny Java Game
Match the English and Spanish words. Copy this to my account 6697 Don Quijote y su aventura con el subjuntivo Sra. Mullin Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6698 capítulo I español 3 -- Java Game
vocabulary to be used with lesson 1 of ARCOS Y ALAMEDAS Copy this to my account 6699 Cuzco, Peru y Los Andes Señora Taha Rags to Riches
Take more than once as different questions will appear each time you play. Copy this to my account 6700 I: Ch 5.3 Vocab Practice Señora Clarke Java Game
Giving today's date and Talking about weather Copy this to my account 6701 Dime Dos Unidad 1-2 pp. 22-24 Mrs. Chisholm Mini Quiz
Translate the words and phrases into English. Use the translations that would adapt to the story. Copy this to my account 6702 110 Verbs Pop-ups Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
¿Cuál no pertenece? Copy this to my account 6703 Primer Paso Sra. Shelly Krueger Hangman
Practice your vocab and spelling with this hangman game Copy this to my account 6704 Segundo Año 4.1 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6705 En Espanol 1 - Etapa Preliminar - Los Países que Hablan Español Greg Knowles Jumbled Words
Unscramble the countries using the clues and your knowledge of where in the world people speak Spanish. Copy this to my account 6706 Capítulo 8a Prueba #2 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6707 Bernarda Alba Act 2 ¿Quién lo dijo? Tracey Kyle Java Game
Copy this to my account 6708 El Mariachi (escenas 3-7 - og lidt ekstra gode ord) OG Spansk Java Game
Fik du øvet godt nok på nøgle-ordene til disse scener? Copy this to my account 6709 L1-Fotonovela - Ejercicio 1 Marta Dominguez Quiz
Go to V-Tex, page 8. Read the instruction for EXERCISE 1 and enter your answers here. This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 6710 R1 Cap. 3B Examen Sra. Klooster Quiz This quiz contains 27 questions. Copy this to my account 6711 Domesticated Animals Sr. Griffin Java Game
Copy this to my account 6712 C 9 On-line quiz Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz
Fill in the blank with the Spanish translation of the English word in parenthesis). This is a general quiz that draws from the entire chapter. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6713 Que chevere semester 1 final Vocabulary and Agreement Euclid WL Quiz This quiz contains 41 questions. Copy this to my account 6714 Nuevas Vistas, Col. 1 "Primero de Secundaria" Vocab Sra. Lindsay Alessandrini Java Game
Copy this to my account 6715 Order of adjectivers in Spanish Gabriela Zorca Java Game
Copy this to my account 6716 Ven Conmigo: Capítulo 2 Señor Bright Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6717 Español 3 - U2 E2 Repaso del subjuntivo Señora Schott Cloze
¡Practica muchas veces! Copy this to my account 6718 GCSE Spanish verbs Carol Hunter Quiz
Complete the phrases using the "I" form of each verb, spelling and punctuation have to be exact This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 30. Copy this to my account 6719 Silabificación y acentos. Dr. Yosálida C. Rivero-Zaritzky Challenge Board
Vas a separar en sílabas la palabra que corresponda. En la sección de "Palabras agudas, graves o esdrújulas" debes escribir el acento si la palabra lo necesita.
Activity created by Yosálida Rivero Copy this to my account 6720 Muy Bien B - La Escuela Kim Hukari Columns
How well do you know the items in the classroom? Give it a try! ¡Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 6721 La Casa de Bernarda Alba: ¿Cómo se llama...? Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Quiz
Todos los personajes This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 6722 irregular preterite verbs Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
Can you describe the irregularity? Copy this to my account 6723 Realidades Para Empezar 1: The Body Señor W Java Game
Copy this to my account 6724 1 U3L1 ¡ME GUSTA EL VERBO "GUSTAR!" Patterns Sra Durante de Stroup Patterns
Copy this to my account 6725 Point of View jonathan Java Game
Spanish vocabulary words from Point of View section of chapter 3 of Holt's Ven Conmigo Level 3 Spanish Textbook. Copy this to my account 6726 Ven Conmigo 9-2 Señora Goldstein Java Game
Ven Conmigo 9-2 Level I
Commenting on clothing
Making comparisons Copy this to my account 6727 Bravo Level 1 Unidad 7 lección 1 -- Java Game
vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 6728 More Animals/Más animales gloria Java Game
Copy this to my account 6729 Realidades 2 Chapter 6A Vocabulary Barbara Englebert Java Game
Copy this to my account 6730 Saber in the Present and Preterite tenses Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Copy this to my account 6731 Jeopardy with TV,Movies and Musica - sp 2 -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6732 1 U0LP Países Interesantes Pop Up Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Latin American countries, capitals and other facts. Copy this to my account 6733 QUESTION WORDS 2 Isabel Galvez Columns
Match the columns Copy this to my account 6734 Exprésate 2 Chapter 4b Vocabulary (pix) body parts Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 6735 Más de la familia Castillo Saavedra -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6736 capítulo 1 Dos Mundos Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 6737 El Cuerpo Señorita Tiwari Jumbled Words
Some vocab that's not in Paso a Paso 1... Copy this to my account 6738 Page 47 Opposite Adjectives Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Copy this to my account 6739 UN INCIDENTE ESPANTOSO Señor Raschio Columns
Match the actions with the correct sequence of letters. Copy this to my account 6740 fruit and veggie matching Mrs. Hogan-Flowers (aka Mrs. Brett Favre) Java Game
Copy this to my account 6741 Cajas de cartón I -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6742 Las aventuras de Isabela, Ch 3 Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Questions about chapter 3 Copy this to my account 6743 Vocabulario, Cap. 8 Michelle Marnicio Hangman
Un juego para repasar el vocabulario de Cap. 8 de Un grabado de Goya Copy this to my account 6744 La Puerta: capítulo 5 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6745 Situaciones- Unidad 1- Las ciudadanías, los países y las ciudades capitales Amina Yassine Hangman
Copy this to my account 6746 Ser- 1st quiz Señora Faucher Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6747 Adelante Capítulo 3, Paso 3 - "Ser" Sr. Sprague Java Game
Match the subject pronouns and forms of "ser" with their translations in English. There are other verbs here for review. Copy this to my account 6748 U5E3 Chapter Test Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 6749 Vocabulary in Lección 3 Angela Enderberg Java Game
Copy this to my account 6750 Los Verbos Reflexivos/ Repaso Mrs. Karlsson Quiz This quiz contains 85 questions. Copy this to my account 6751 1 U3L2 Possessive Adjectives 2 Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Can you tell when you need to use mi or mis, tu or tus, or su or sus? Let's see how good you are at this skill! Copy this to my account 6752 History of Spain 2 Señora Flood Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6753 Spanish 1 review #1 Senor Smith Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6754 Capitulo 6A Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 6755 Capítulo 4b Prueba #1 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6756 ¡Exprésate!3 Capítulo 7 Vocabulario 1 Mary Louise Chillington Java Game
Copy this to my account 6757 De todo un poco -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6758 Capítulo 5 Exprésate 1 Amy Alarcon-van der Meer Challenge Board
familia, boot verbs, casa Copy this to my account 6759 1.1 verb phrases Joe Barile Columns
Match the halves of the verb phrases from pp 32-33. Copy this to my account 6760 Spanish3 voc1 Mrs C Java Game
practice vocabulary for lesson 1 Ya! Copy this to my account 6761 Spanish III, Smart Assessment 2016-17 Beatriz Christman Quiz This quiz contains 32 questions. Copy this to my account 6762 2:U1L3: Foods, etc. PROFE Java Game
Copy this to my account 6763 Antonyms Groups #1/#2/#3 ER verbs definitions A. Martell Java Game
Amsco TWO YEARS Copy this to my account 6764 la ropa y los adjetivos Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 6765 Salud Estudiantil; La Dieta -- Java Game
Dos unidades de vocabulario Copy this to my account 6766 Sp. 3, LIST Ch. 2, vocab -- Columns
Action and story words. Copy this to my account 6767 Exprésate 3 El Vocabulario 3-2 Debbie Mensinger Hangman
Guess the words from Exprésate 3 El Vocabulario 3-2. Translate English to Spanish. Copy this to my account 6768 Lecciones 1-2 (45 preguntas/frases) -- Rags to Riches
Practica las profesiones/las nacionalidades/ las palabras interrogativas/ el vocabulario Copy this to my account 6769 U4E2-8-1 Indirect & Direct Object Pronouns Señor Wojnar Quiz
Replace the indirect and direct objects with pronouns. Choose correct replacement or answer questions. This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 15. Copy this to my account 6770 A bordo Capítulo 7 Pareo Señor Fields Columns
Pareen Copy this to my account 6771 Etapa 1 Unit 1 Hangman En español -- Hangman
Vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 6772 Sp. 3, LIST Ch. 3b (Los Viejos) -- Java Game
A review of some oldies. Still important! Copy this to my account 6773 Andar, estar and tener in the preterite Señora Phillips Cloze
Copy this to my account 6774 3PA - Module 3 Prep Activity -- Quiz
Structure: Estar p. 32; Ser vs. Estar p. 39; -ing verbs (ando/iendo) professor's notes
Vocabulary: Food and Drink, Feelings, Where is it? This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 6775 Para Empezar 3 Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 6776 4-1 Vocabulario Lakota Spanish Teachers Java Game
Ven conmigo 1 Capítulo 4 Primer Paso Copy this to my account 6777 Casi Se Muere, Capítulo 5 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 6778 Bienvenidos Chap.7B Vocab. Sra. Marhefka-Chapman Java Game
Click here to practice vocabulary for Bienvenidos Chapter 7B. Copy this to my account 6779 2-U3E3 Vamos a Ver Dra. C Rags to Riches
Try this game to review the characters, plot, vocab and culture from the mystery story Vamos a Ver. Copy this to my account 6780 Test Yourself 4-1 Lakota Spanish Teachers Quiz
Practice translating sentences from Ven conmigo Chapter 4 Primer Paso. This quiz contains 5 questions chosen from a bank of 11. Copy this to my account 6781 Amarte Duele verbos -ar, -er doctora hudson Battleship
Copy this to my account 6782 Dime uno 2-1 La hora, clases, colegio, expresiones Jessie Kerr-Halls Java Game
Dime Uno 2-1 Time, classes, high school and expressions Copy this to my account 6783 Examen del subjuntivo Mr. Capellán Quiz
Identifica el uso apropiado del presente y el pasado del subjuntivo. This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 6784 La Casa de Bernarda Alba A 3 Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Java Game
Acto Tercero
páginas 94 a 97
(¿Lo entiendes?) Copy this to my account 6785 Paso a Paso 3/Cap 1 Vocabulario -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 6786 1Ch2 Opposites Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Select the correct opposites in Spanish. Copy this to my account 6787 3-Pret. Imp. Make-up Sr. Brady Quiz This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 6788 REPASO DE LOS IRREGULARES Y LOS REFLEXIVOS -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6789 Spanish Artists St Marys Spanish Java Game
Copy this to my account 6790 Paso a Paso Ch. 10 1st section of vocab Ms. B-V Java Game
Copy this to my account 6791 Affirmative Ud. Commands Carol Hamilton Ordered List
Affirmative Ud. commands and reflexive verbs Copy this to my account 6792 LEVEL 1: Chapter 6 Ya Verás: family & Descriptions Ms. DeLeón Java Game
March the following vocabulary. This is a good review for any quiz or test in this chapter. Copy this to my account 6793 EL Sistema Solar Escola Lestonnac Rags to Riches
Preguntas sobre los trabajos realizados en este tema Copy this to my account 6794 Irregular past participles Sra. Brown Columns
Copy this to my account 6795 Facebook DUE 12/14 Señor Fernandes Quiz
Write a short sentence in Spanish with each vocabulary word (s) using the following INITIAL CLAUSES (or similar clauses that you already know) for the use of the INDICATIVE or SUBJUNCTIVE):
CREO QUE / ESTOY SEGURO QUE / ES CIERTO QUE + ... This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 6796 CH 7: Flashitos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6797 Hi's & Bye's - Spanish 7 Spanish I Java Game
Use these activities to practice your saludos & despedidas vocabulary. Copy this to my account 6798 Unidad 3, Etapa 2 Verbs (in infinitive conjugating!!!) Señor Potoka Hangman
Copy this to my account 6799 C 9 Indirect & Direct Object Pronouns Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz
Replace the indirect and direct objects with pronouns. Choose correct replacement or answer questions. This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 15. Copy this to my account 6800 El Calendario 1 Dianne Guest Hangman
Copy this to my account 6801 Vocabulario Primordial de comida -- Java Game
Las artes culinarias y la nutrición
Capítulo 8
Conexiones Copy this to my account 6802 Mundos 13 - Hablamos de comida - vocabulario -- Java Game
Øv mad-ordforrådet fra kapitel 13. Copy this to my account 6803 Spanish Artists Challenge Mr. Tim Fisher Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6804 Expresate 2: Chores, Offering Help & complaining about Chores (pop up)) Señora Taha Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 6805 La Ropa Sra. Geer Java Game
Copy this to my account 6806 1a THE CLASSROOM 2 -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6807 Usos de tener señor Glaze Columns
Copy this to my account 6808 La ropa pt. I (situaciones 9) -- Java Game
Situaciones, capítulo 9: vocab. pt. I Copy this to my account 6809 Vistas 10 Vocabulario - El cuerpo -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6810 LA ROPA Sra. Ekblad Java Game
Parte 1 Copy this to my account 6811 Capítulo 5a Prueba #3 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6812 Aventura 1 Lesson 13 - Fruit & Veg Carol Hunter Columns
Copy this to my account 6813 Bravo Level 2 Unidad 6 Lección 3 -- Hangman
Hangman vocabulary Copy this to my account 6814 2-U1E1 Repaso Dra. C Challenge Board
A Challenge Board game for a quick review of some of the vocab, verbs, and culture of Un1Et1 Copy this to my account 6815 El mobiliario de la casa - Muy Bien B Kim Hukari Java Game
Do you know your household furnishing vocabulary from ch. 7. Give it a try!! Buena suerta!! Copy this to my account 6816 La Familia -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6817 Mini cuento 2-4 Senor Java Game
Copy this to my account 6818 R2_7B: Picnic Vocabulary! Señora Zabala Java Game
Copy this to my account 6819 6-01 - Descriptions Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6820 En Español 2--Unidad 2, Etapa 1 -- Java Game
January, 2003 vocab Copy this to my account 6821 5-13 Conjugation Practice Señor Wojnar Quiz
Choose the correct ending for the verbs, using the following chart for reference
…………………………….. AR ….. ER ….. IR
yo………………………... -o …... -o …... -o... This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 6822 1Ch7StemChangersConjugated Srta. Gutzwiler Quiz
Conjugate the stem changer according to the subject given. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6823 A bordo Capítulo 2 Vocabulario Señor Fields Hangman
¡Hay que practicar el vocabulario! ¿no? Copy this to my account 6824 Muy Bien C - Los verbos llevar, apagar, esperar, pasar Kim Hukari Java Game
Practicing conjugating the -AR verbs that you have learned. Copy this to my account 6825 1 U4L1 E►IE stem changing verbs Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
When you conjugate these verbs in the present tense the E changes to IE with al pronouns except NOSOTROS (and vosotros).
Note the similarities and differences betwees SENTIR (to feel) and SENTARSE (to sit down) Copy this to my account 6826 2 U1L2 Pretérito y Vocabulario Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6827 REFLEXIVOS Mandatos reflexivos MmeZedd Battleship
Win the battleship game by using the correct command forms.Do not translate the words in parentheses. Copy this to my account 6828 Ven Conmigo: Capítulo 1 Señor Bright Java Game
Names, greetings, origin, age, likes, sports Copy this to my account 6829 Exprésate 1 Chapter 1b Vocabulary with Colors (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 6830 Sp 1 Unidad 2 Lección 1 Monsieur Marcantel Java Game
Vocabulary practice from Avancemos Unidad 2 Lección 1 Copy this to my account 6831 Antonyms Group 1 A. Martell Java Game
Copy this to my account 6832 ¡Qué Casualidad!Rodolfo lesson 1-2 -- Java Game
LICTM Chapter 1 lesson 1-2 Copy this to my account 6833 ¡Qué chévere! Unidad 8B Repaso Le Professeur Challenge Board
A review of Unit 8, Lección B. Copy this to my account 6834 Exprésate - Capítulo 2 - Vocabulario 2 Timothy Corcoran Java Game
Copy this to my account 6835 Chapter 8-Regular Subjunctive Verbs J F Cardona Quiz
Fill in the blank with the correct subjunctive form of the verb in perenthesis. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6836 U1E2-1 Vocabulary Practice Señor Wojnar Quiz
Vocabulary Practice- Page 67 in textbook. This quiz contains 67 questions. Copy this to my account 6837 Avenidas Capítulo 1 - Sustantivos -- Java Game
Review nouns from page 43 Copy this to my account 6838 5-12 - Units 6-7 - Vocabulary Señor Wojnar Quiz
Fill in the Spanish just as it appears on your Vocabulary list. This quiz contains 33 questions. Copy this to my account 6839 querer, saber, etc. en pretérito María Quiz This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 6840 1 U0LP El tiempo Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Practice your weather vocabulary. Copy this to my account 6841 La Novia...novela de Deb Navarre-Capítulo 2 Sra. Hoover Java Game
Copy this to my account 6842 Ven Conmigo - Capitulo 3 Segundo Paso Sra. Webb Java Game
Copy this to my account 6843 Exprésate 2 Chapter 5b Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 6844 Las direcciones Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 6845 Sp. 3, LIST Ch. 3d (Por Cuentos) -- Java Game
Use these in bizarre stories. Fun! Copy this to my account 6846 Unidad 2, Etapa 3 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Hangman
Copy this to my account 6847 Situaciones- Unidad 1- La descripción física Amina Yassine Java Game
Copy this to my account 6848 Así se dice 1 Capítulo 9 Juego de repaso Mrs. Gross Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6849 01 - Friends - Jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6850 Los Verbos-Jeopardy Señora Camp Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6851 Comunicación - Cpt. 6 Profesora Bowen Java Game
Paso a Paso 3 - Cpt. 6 vocabulario Copy this to my account 6852 Ven conmigo 2 Verbs (1) Chris Brown Java Game
Review of the infinitives presented in the Ven conmigo 2 book. Includes -AR verbs only. Copy this to my account 6853 VC 1 CH 4-2 Locations -- Columns
CH 4-2 Locations Copy this to my account 6854 4.1 English/Spanish -- Columns
Copy this to my account 6855 Los pájaros a Java Game
Copy this to my account 6856 Patricia va a California, Cap 3 Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Questions Copy this to my account 6857 Sp 1 3.1 Questions and Verbs Monsieur Marcantel Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6858 Capítulo 7 Hangman -- Hangman
See if you have an eye for recognizing your Capítulo 7 vocabulary. Go for it! Copy this to my account 6859 Capítulo 5 animals, people, places and things to do Señora Berg Java Game
Copy this to my account 6860 objects of the verbs of instruction Carol Hamilton Java Game
Copy this to my account 6861 Todo es rapido en la ciudad -- Java Game
Vocabulario Copy this to my account 6862 Chapter I Mrs. Cushing Battleship
Copy this to my account 6863 U2E2-7 - ¿Qué hora es? Señor Wojnar Quiz
Do you have the time? If so, prove it in this activity. You may have to 1) type in the correct time or 2) correct the incorrect time given. ¡Buena suerte! P.S. You may take this test multiple times and get different questions. Try it! This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 26. Copy this to my account 6864 Las Clases y La Escuela Profesora Jennifer Java Game
Practice vocabulary for classes and people found in school! Copy this to my account 6865 Holidays:Reflexive Verbs (all tenses) -- Java Game
How to say what you do, usually do, are going to do and did during your holidays Copy this to my account 6866 el verbo estar -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6867 Ven Conmigo 2: Ch. 2 Un viaje al extranjero, TERCER PASO pg61 C. Hughes Java Game
Describing your city or town/Weather expressions.
Practice with the flashcards, then play the games. Copy this to my account 6868 Bienvendios Capítulo 7 Examen Dusti Quiz
Chapter 7 Test This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 6869 Vocabulario 2-3 Señora Goldstein Java Game
Vocabulario 2-3 for Ven Conmigo Level I Copy this to my account 6870 Chapter 1-3 Sp3 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Verbs with Irregular Forms in the Present Tense:
DECIR (to say, to tell) - digo, dices, dice, decimos, decís, dicen
ESTAR (to be) - estoy, estás, está, estamos estáis,... This quiz contains 33 questions. Copy this to my account 6871 Bvdo Ch5, B -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 6872 U3E3-2 - Vocabulary Practice - Pt 2 Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 6873 Avancemos 2 U3-L1 Prueba de gramática 2 Pronouns of Prepositions 4-17-2014 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6874 Mariposas monarcas -- Java Game
La migración Copy this to my account 6875 Unit 2 Lesson 4 Vocabulary Practice Todd Maggi Columns
Copy this to my account 6876 Un picnic en el parque: Actividad AURAL Señor Raschio Columns
Copy this to my account 6877 Catrina 6: imperfect & preterite - Popup Michael Noricks Cloze
Copy this to my account 6878 Español II 6-9 Ven Conmigo Rostek Jumbled Words
Scrabbled Words Copy this to my account 6879 3.2.3 Juego de repaso -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6880 Buen Viaje level 3 Chapter 2-3 vocab Katie Jacobs Java Game
Copy this to my account 6881 Dos mundos-Paso B Sra. Brown Java Game
Practice with vocabulary from Paso B. Copy this to my account 6882 Repaso 2 a Battleship
Copy this to my account 6883 El Tiempo - Vocabulary Bravo Text Page 263 -- Java Game
Practice Expressing phrase about the weather.
Remember if you cannot say something nice, just talk about the weather! Copy this to my account 6884 Lección Preliminar Señora Ruiz Quiz
Lección 1-4 - Descubre 1a This quiz contains 67 questions. Copy this to my account 6885 Avancemos 2 U1-L2 Prueba de vocabulario 2 Form B 11-22-2013 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 6886 5-01 Days of the week Vocabulary Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 6887 Unidad 1-Etapa 1-Vocabulario Señorita Gama Java Game
Copy this to my account 6888 El cine - me gusta, me gustaba, me gustó Mrs Foster Cloze
Practise using GUSTAR in a paragraph talking about the cinema Copy this to my account 6889 Esp 3 Un 1 Et 2 gustar-type verbs Sra. DeHart Cloze
Practice of gustar-type verbs from p. 60 of text, Unidad 1, Etapa 2 Copy this to my account 6890 Fernando Botero Señor Marlow Mini Quiz
Una Prueba de Cultura Copy this to my account 6891 Verbos reflexivos -- Mini Quiz
Fill in the sentence with the best possible response Copy this to my account 6892 Hobbies & Pastimes - Sp 2 Ch 3 jonathan Java Game
Spanish vocabulary words from the Hobbies and Pastimes section of chapter 3 of Holt's Ven Conmigo Level 2 Spanish Textbook. Copy this to my account 6893 Complaining - Sp 2 ch 3 jonathan Java Game
Spanish vocabulary words from the Complaining section of chapter 3 of Holt's Ven Conmigo Level 2 Spanish Textbook. Copy this to my account 6894 Responsibilities jonathan Java Game
Spanish vocabulary words from Responsibilities section of chapter 3 of Holt's Ven Conmigo Level 3 Spanish Textbook. Copy this to my account 6895 Around Town jonathan Java Game
Spanish vocabulary words from Around Town section of chapter 3 of Holt's Ven Conmigo Level 3 Spanish Textbook. Copy this to my account 6896 Modern Life jonathan Java Game
Spanish vocabulary words from Modern Life section of chapter 3 of Holt's Ven Conmigo Level 3 Spanish Textbook. Copy this to my account 6897 Ven Conmigo capítulo 2-1 -- Java Game
El primer paso del segundo capítulo en el tercer nivel de Ven Conmigo Copy this to my account 6898 Bienvenidios - Lección 15- Palabras I - Vocabulario Señor Marlow Java Game
Práctica de Vocabulario Copy this to my account 6899 Palabras II Brenda Renczykowski Java Game
Capítulo 5, Voces y Vistas Copy this to my account 6900 Palabras IB Brenda Renczykowski Java Game
Capítulo 5, Voces y Vistas Copy this to my account 6901 Palabras IA Brenda Renczykowski Java Game
Capítulo 5, Voces y Vistas Copy this to my account 6902 Nuevos Amigos-ch.9B Robin Scharak Java Game
ch.9B vocabulary Copy this to my account 6903 Bienvenidos - Lección 14 - Vocabulario Señor Marlow Java Game
Práctica de Vocabulario Copy this to my account 6904 Ch 6 - Paso a Paso 1 - section 2 vocab Ms. B-V Java Game
Copy this to my account 6905 Paso a Paso 1 - Ch. 6 section 1 vocab Ms. B-V Java Game
Copy this to my account 6906 Paso A Paso 2- Capítulo 1 Sra. Galvis-Cachan Java Game
Cosas en tu escuela. Copy this to my account 6907 Abordo - Lección 3 - Vocabulario Señor Marlow Java Game
Práctica de Vocabulario Copy this to my account 6908 BRAVO 2, Lección 2, Unidad 3 Mrs. Tuthill Java Game
Car vocab & negative tú commands Copy this to my account 6909 Ven Conmigo 2, Capitulo 7 Primer Paso Sra. Mitchell Java Game
Vocabulary from Primer Paso, Chapter 7 Ven Conmigo Level 2 Copy this to my account 6910 Paso a Paso 1 Ms. B-V Java Game
Ch 9 - 2nd set of vocabulary Copy this to my account 6911 Paso a Paso I - ch. 9 section 1 vocab Ms. B-V Java Game
Vocabulary for Chapter 9 of "Paso a Paso I" section 1 Copy this to my account 6912 Ven Conmigo 2, Capitulo 6 Segundo Paso Sra. Mitchell Java Game
Relating a series of events; In the train station Copy this to my account 6913 Bienvenidos-Lección 12-Vocabulario Señor Marlow Java Game
Práctica de Vocabulario Copy this to my account 6914 Adelante Chap. 2 Paso 2 Sra. Marhefka-Chapman Java Game
Click here to practice the vocabulary from Adelante chapter 2, paso 2 found on pages 75, 76, 77 and 80. Copy this to my account 6915 Adelante Chap. 2 Paso 1 Sra. Marhefka-Chapman Java Game
Click here to play vocabulary games for Adelante vocabulary in Chapter 1, Paso 1 on pages 65, 66, 69, 70 and 71. Copy this to my account 6916 Unidad 6 - La gracia latina (Sustantivos y Adjetivos) - Wordsearch Marcela Java Game
Ejercicio de wordsearch para el vocabulario(sustantivos y adjetivos) de la unidad seis Copy this to my account 6917 Unidad 6 - La gracia latina (Sustantivos y Adjetivos) - Juegos I Marcela Java Game
Juegos correspondientes al vocabulario (sustantivos y adjetivos) de la Unidad 6 de Visión y voz. Copy this to my account 6918 Ven Conmigo 8-2 Señora Goldstein Java Game
Ven Conmigo 8-2 Level 1
Commenting on Food Copy this to my account 6919 Abordo- Lección 2- Vocabulario Señor Marlow Java Game
Práctica de Vocabulario Copy this to my account 6920 Bienvenidos Chap.14A Voc. Sra. Marhefka-Chapman Java Game
Practice the Chapter 14 A vocabulary here! Copy this to my account 6921 Voces y Vistas Capitulo 4 George A. Fortin Java Game
Palabras Nuevas I Copy this to my account 6922 Ven Conmigo 5-1 Señora Goldstein Java Game
Ven Conmigo 5-1 Level I Copy this to my account 6923 Voces y Vistas - Capítulo 1 - Palabras Nuevas II Señorita Zundel Java Game
Games for use with vocabulary from Capítulo 2 - palabras II. Copy this to my account 6924 Bienvenidos - Lección 16 - Vocabulario Señor Marlow Java Game
Práctica de vocabulario Copy this to my account 6925 Voces y Vistas - Capítulo 6 Lynn Nuthals Java Game
Games based on vocabulary in Chapter 6. Copy this to my account 6926 Ven Conmigo 2, Chapter 2 Segundo Paso Sra. Mitchell Java Game
Vocabulario de Capítulo 2 Segundo Paso, Ven Conmigo 2 Copy this to my account 6927 Ven Conmigo 2, Chapter 2 Primer Paso Sra. Mitchell Java Game
Vocabulario del Capítulo 2, Primer Paso del nivel 2 Ven Conmigo Copy this to my account 6928 Ven Conmigo 7-3 Señora Goldstein Java Game
Ven Conmigo Level I 7-3 Copy this to my account 6929 Bienvenidos-Lección 7-Vocabulario Señor Marlow Java Game
Práctica de Vocabulario Copy this to my account 6930 Opposites/Los opuestos gloria Java Game
Copy this to my account 6931 Expressions/Las expresiones gloria Java Game
Copy this to my account 6932 Bienvenidos Chap.13B Voc. Sra. Marhefka-Chapman Java Game
To practice the vocabulary from Chap.13 B pp. 364-365, here's where you should click. Copy this to my account 6933 Ven Conmigo, Level 2, Ch. 5 Segundo Paso Sra. Mitchell Java Game
Vocabulario del segundo paso, Capítulo 5 de Ven Conmigo, nivel 2 Copy this to my account 6934 Ven Conmigo, Level 2, Ch. 5 Primer Paso Sra. Mitchell Java Game
Vocabulario del primer paso de Capítulo 5 de Ven Conmigo 2 Copy this to my account 6935 Ven Conmigo Level 2, Chapter 1 Primer Paso Sra. Mitchell Java Game
Vocabulario del Primer Paso, Capítulo 1, Ven Conmigo 2 Copy this to my account 6936 Bienvenidos Cap.13A Vocab. Sra. Marhefka-Chapman Java Game
Practice the Chapter 13A vocabulary here. Copy this to my account 6937 Bienvenidos Chap.5B vocab Sra. Marhefka-Chapman Java Game
If you're looking to practice your Chap.
5B vocabulary, pages 132-133, this is
the place to be! Copy this to my account 6938 Bienvenidos Chap.5A vocab Sra. Marhefka-Chapman Java Game
If you want to practice vocabulary on
pages 128-129, this is where you should
be. Copy this to my account 6939 Bienvenidos - Lección 8 - Vocabulario Señor Marlow Java Game
Práctica de Vocabulario Copy this to my account 6940 Bienvenidos Chap.12 voc.A Sra. Marhefka-Chapman Java Game
Play these games to practice the vocabulary on pp. 322-323 in the text. Copy this to my account 6941 Bienvenidos Chap. 4 voc. Sra. Marhefka-Chapman Java Game
Play these games to help practice your vocabulary from chapter 4. Copy this to my account 6942 Bienvenidos Chap.6 Voc.A Sra. Marhefka-Chapman Java Game
Play these games to help you learn the vocabulary on pages 154-155. Copy this to my account 6943 Bienvenidos- Lección 5 -Palabras II-Vocabulario Señor Marlow Java Game
Elementary Spanish Vocabulary Games Copy this to my account 6944 Bienvenidos- Lección 5 -Palabras I-Vocabulario Señor Marlow Java Game
Práctica de vocabulario Copy this to my account 6945 BravoII3/1 -- Java Game
Travel Vocabulary and Nationalities Copy this to my account 6946 BravoIvocabulary5:2 -- Java Game
Vocabulary of the town/city and transportation Copy this to my account 6947 Vocabulario 5-3 Señora Goldstein Java Game
Vocabulario 5-3 for Ven Conmigo Level I Copy this to my account 6948 En Una ciudad Salvador Montoya Java Game
Copy this to my account 6949 Abordo-Lección 6-Vocabulario Señor Marlow Java Game
Práctica de Vocabulario Copy this to my account 6950 Capítulo 7 Items to take on vacation -- Hangman
Give these your best guess! You will find these easier to figure out if you hunt for a vowel or two first. Hint: Most of the items are something you wear. Copy this to my account 6951 Abordo - Lección 1- Palabras I - Vocabulario Señor Marlow Java Game
Práctica de Vocabulario Copy this to my account 6952 BRAVO 1, Lección 2, Unidad 3 Mrs. Tuthill Java Game
Places in the school, tener que + infinitive, estar, and ir Copy this to my account 6953 La familia-Chap. 5-Español I -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6954 Las vacaciones-Chap. 7-Español I -- Java Game
Chapter 7 Copy this to my account 6955 5A- Spanish Mrs. Dalpé Java Game
Practicing vocabulary from Chapter 5 of Nuevos Amigos. Copy this to my account 6956 Introductions Señora Goldstein Java Game
Saying hello and goodbye, and inquiring about someone in Spanish. Copy this to my account 6957 Verb Tense Practice -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6958 Hacer With Time Senora Novosel Quiz This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 6959 ¿Quieres ser millonario? Carn Challenge Board
Verb and Vocab Review through Ch 7 Copy this to my account 6960 Sp. 1, LICT, Ch. 5, Jewels story -- Picture Perfect
Start where the * is and number the story parts logically. Copy this to my account 6961 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 5a (Viejos y Fáciles) -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6962 Etapa 1 Unit 2 - En español -- Java Game
Vocabulary Practice Copy this to my account 6963 Etapa 2 Unit 1 - En español -- Java Game
Vocabulary Practice Copy this to my account 6964 Etapa 2 Unit 2 - En español -- Java Game
Vocabulary Practice Copy this to my account 6965 Etapa 2 Unit 3 - En español -- Java Game
Vocabulary Practice Copy this to my account 6966 Etapa 1 Unit 3 Hangman En español -- Hangman
Vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 6967 Etapa 2 Unit 1 Hangman En español -- Hangman
Vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 6968 Etapa 2 Unit 2 Hangman En español -- Hangman
Vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 6969 Etapa 2 Unit 3 Hangman En español -- Hangman
Vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 6970 Etapa 3 Unit 3 Hangman En español -- Hangman
Vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 6971 LICT vocab capítulo 8 Diane la maestra Columns
Copy this to my account 6972 Weather - Capitulo 1 Ya Veras Nivel 2 Ann Giese Java Game
Useful weather terms Copy this to my account 6973 lección 8b Mark Mitchell Java Game
las frutas y los vegetales, otra comida. Copy this to my account 6974 lección 8d Mark Mitchell Java Game
verbos, pronombres directos, otras palabras y expresiones Copy this to my account 6975 Decir present and preterit tense. Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Grammar to accompany ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 2 Copy this to my account 6976 Dormir in the present and preterite tenses Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Grammar to accompany ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 2 Copy this to my account 6977 Ir in the present tense Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Flashcards to accompany ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 1 and 2 Copy this to my account 6978 Las tapas españolas Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Vocabulary activities for lesson 2.1 of ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 1 Copy this to my account 6979 Llegar in the present and preterite tenses Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Grammar to accompany ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 2 Copy this to my account 6980 PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Copy this to my account 6981 Vamos a instalarnos. Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Vocabulary for Ch. 4 of ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 2. Copy this to my account 6982 ¡Un refresco, por favor! Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Vocabulary activities for lesson 1.2 of ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 1 Copy this to my account 6983 Vocabulario Capítulo 6 Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Vocabulary to accompany ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 1. Copy this to my account 6984 Los Adjetivos del Capítulo 2 Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Vocabulary activities for ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 2. Copy this to my account 6985 Capítulo 4 Números 1-20 Ya Verás Nivel 1 Ann Giese Java Game
Copy this to my account 6986 Capitulo 11 - Jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Test yourself or play against a friend! Copy this to my account 6987 Capítulo 13 Ann Giese Java Game
Copy this to my account 6988 Capítulo 14 Ann Giese Java Game
Copy this to my account 6989 Capítulo 16 Ann Giese Java Game
Copy this to my account 6990 Capítulo 17 Vocabulary Ann Giese Java Game
Copy this to my account 6991 Jeopardy Review Questions Capitulo 6 Ann Giese Challenge Board
This game will help Spanish I review Chapter 6 of Ya Veras Nivel 1 Copy this to my account 6992 Capítulo 5 Ya Verás Nivel 1 -er -ir present tense conjugations Ann Giese Java Game
Copy this to my account 6993 Ch4-3 VC1 -- Columns
Talking a/b where you and others go during free time. Copy this to my account 6994 La Catrina -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6995 Bvdo otras palabras, Lecciones 1-5 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 6996 Spanish 1 Basic Vocbulary Señor Kroff Java Game
Basic vocabulary for Spanish 1 Copy this to my account 6997 Spanish 1 Basic Vocabulary Words 1-10 Señor Kroff Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 6998 Spanish 1 Vocabulary 1-10 Señor Kroff Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 6999 La increible historia de una novela isabel perez-cano Cloze
Elegir el tiempo correcto del pasado Copy this to my account 7000 Español 1, Unidad 7, Lección 3: los mandatos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7001 Dime Dos - U1 L1 - Page 11 vocabulary Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 7002 Español 2, Unidad 1, Lección 3: otra oración con hace -- Picture Perfect
Copy this to my account 7003 Puente 1, Lección 8 -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 7004 Vocabulario español para la computadora Sra. Dana Challenge Board
¡Practique con el vocabulario para estar más listo! Copy this to my account 7005 Costumbres y Creencias Vocabulary -- Java Game
This is a complete transcript of everything she read off in class on Tuesday for Thursday's test. Please read the articles, because this will not help you with them completely. One more thing -- there seem to be alot more words in this than there... Copy this to my account 7006 Paso 2 - Cap. 1, voc Mrs. Ross Java Game
p. 57 Copy this to my account 7007 Paso 2 - Cap. 2, voc Mrs. Ross Java Game
p. 89 Copy this to my account 7008 Paso 2 - Cap. 4, voc Mrs. Ross Java Game
p. 157 Copy this to my account 7009 Lección A- Repaso -- Mini Quiz
Review for Lesson A test Copy this to my account 7010 Repaso de Lección B -- Mini Quiz
Take this quiz to review for Lección B test Copy this to my account 7011 Somos Así 1- Lección C- Diálogo -- Picture Perfect
Put this dialogue in logical order Copy this to my account 7012 Spanish 1 (PP)- secciones 4-5 Ms. Troub Java Game
La sala de clases & Uno,dos, tres Copy this to my account 7013 Spanish 1 (PP) -- sec. 5 Ms. Troub Columns
uno, dos, tres Copy this to my account 7014 Spanish 1 (PP) secciones 5 etc Ms. Troub Java Game
Uno, dos, tres & expresiones para la clase Copy this to my account 7015 Paso 2 - Cap. 8, voc. Mrs. Ross Java Game
lista de vocabulario de p.291 Copy this to my account 7016 días de la semana - days of the week -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7017 la ropa -- Java Game
Match the word in Spanish with the corresponding picture. Copy this to my account 7018 Colores - Jumble -- Jumbled Words
Spanish 12 Copy this to my account 7019 Colores - Columns -- Columns
Spanish 12 Copy this to my account 7020 Los Números - Columns -- Columns
Spanish 12 Copy this to my account 7021 Los Números - Jumble -- Jumbled Words
Spanish 12 Copy this to my account 7022 Los números - Ordered List -- Ordered List
Spanish 12 Copy this to my account 7023 Sp 1 Preliminar Frases útiles Mlle/Srta. Read Java Game
Practice these classroom expressions from the Etapa Preliminar of En Español 1. Copy this to my account 7024 Fr 4 TDT 2 L'Histoire de France I Mlle/Srta. Read Java Game
Dès l'Empire Romain jusqu'au Moyen Age. Texte: Trésors du Temps, chapitre 2. Copy this to my account 7025 Sp 2 Beauty and the Beast Song Practice Sentences Mlle/Srta. Read Quiz
These sentences are based on the songs from Beauty and the Beast. Using the knowledge given to you in the questions, form grammatically correct Spanish sentences that have the same meaning that is asked for. This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 7026 Sp 2 Beauty and the Beast Songs Vocab Practice Mlle/Srta. Read Rags to Riches
This is your chance to see if you know what the words in the Beauty and the Beast songs mean. Can you reach the stars? Copy this to my account 7027 Sp 2 Beauty and the Beast Vocab 1 Mlle/Srta. Read Hangman
This is vocab practice on the book Beauty and the Beast. Copy this to my account 7028 Sp 2 Beauty and the Beast Vocab 2 Mlle/Srta. Read Java Game
This is vocabulary to go with the Disney movie, "Beauty and the Beast." Copy this to my account 7029 Sp 2 Beauty and the Beast Vocabs 1 and 2 Mlle/Srta. Read Quiz
This is a quiz over vocab 1 and vocab 2 of Beauty and the Beast. This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 41. Copy this to my account 7030 Adjetivos -- Java Game
Learn to use adjectives to describe characteristics of a person, place, or thing. Copy this to my account 7031 El Pasado Señor Raschio Columns
Copy this to my account 7032 En el restaurante Señor Raschio Ordered List
Number the sentences (1-14) to show thier order in the story. Copy this to my account 7033 Buen Viaje Who Wants to Be a Millionare (Cap 1) -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 7034 A bordo Cap. 1b -- Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 7035 el cuerpo -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7036 Capítulo 8.1 - Paso a Paso 2 Sara Johnson Java Game
¿Podría indicarme dónde queda una floristería? Copy this to my account 7037 Español 3: un viaje al extranjero, parte 1 Sara Johnson Java Game
Copy this to my account 7038 QUIZ CHAPTER 4 Dr. Eneida Pugh Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 7039 How Do You Spell That? Señor Raschio Pop-ups
Pick the Correctly Spelled Word to Finish the Sentences. Copy this to my account 7040 Pop goes the answer Señor Raschio Cloze
Choose the right answer to complete the story in the past in Spanish. Copy this to my account 7041 Palabras mareadas Señor Raschio Jumbled Words
The sentences contain words that are all mixed up. You have to put the letters in the correct places so the sentence makes sense. Copy this to my account 7042 Un día típico Señor Raschio Pop-ups
Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo. Luego, lee todas las oraciones para descubrir como los jóvenes pasan su día. Copy this to my account 7043 Sp 1 Etapa 1.2 Vocab Practice Features Mlle/Srta. Read Jumbled Words
Here is some vocab practice on describing someone's features (eye and hair color). You'll have to unscramble the words to find out what they are en español! Copy this to my account 7044 Paso 2 - Cap.11, voc. Mrs. Ross Java Game
vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 7045 Paso 2 - Cap.12, voc. Mrs. Ross Java Game
Copy this to my account 7046 ir/to go - pres/pret/imp/fut Mrs. Ross Java Game
Copy this to my account 7047 Capítulo 5 Bienvenidos Señor Fields Hangman
Capítulo 5 práctica de vocabulario Copy this to my account 7048 Bravo I p16 -- Hangman
beginning vocabulary basic items of clothing and basic colors Copy this to my account 7049 Bienvenidos Capítulo 14 Vocabulario Señor Fields Ordered List
¡Más prácitca aún! Copy this to my account 7050 Bienvenidos Capítulo 14 Vocabulario Señor Fields Pop-ups
¡Más práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7051 Bienvenidos Capítulo 14 Vocabulario Señor Fields Hangman
¡Práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7052 A bordo Capítulo 1 Vocabulario Señor Fields Columns
¡Práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7053 Bienvenidos Capítulo 15 Señor Fields Java Game
Prácitca de Vocabulario Copy this to my account 7054 En Español 1 Unidad 3 Etapa 1 Adjectives with ESTAR Mrs. Hicks Pop-ups
Make the Adjective agree with the person it is describing Copy this to my account 7055 En Español 2 Unidad 2 Etapa 3 Theater & Movie words Mrs. Hicks Columns
There are 2 extra words in the column on the right Copy this to my account 7056 En Español 2 Unidad 1 Etapa 2 (food) Mrs. Hicks Java Game
food vocabulary including place settings and restaurant related words Copy this to my account 7057 En Español 2 Unidad 2 Etapa 3 (food vocabulary) Mrs. Hicks Columns
Copy this to my account 7058 Bienvenidos Capítulo 6 Vocabulario Señor Fields Columns
La familia ¡Prácitca de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7059 singular/plural Margarita Mortimer Java Game
Nombres y Adjetivos Copy this to my account 7060 Mini-cuento 1-1 Senor Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 7061 Bienvenidos Capítulo 7 Vocabulario Señor Fields Pop-ups
¡Práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7062 Bienvenidos Capítulo 7 Vocabulario Señor Fields Columns
¡Más práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7063 Bienvenidos Capítulo 7 Vocabulario Señor Fields Hangman
¡Más práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7064 Mini-cuentos, 1-2 to 1-4 Senor Hangman
Copy this to my account 7065 Bienvenidos Capítulo 8 Vocabulario Señor Fields Hangman
¡Más práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7066 Bienvenidos Capítulo 8 Vocabulario Señor Fields Columns
¡Práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7067 Bienvenidos Capítulo 8 Vocabulario Señor Fields Java Game
¡Práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7068 Bienvenidos Capítulo 15 Vocabluario Señor Fields Hangman
Práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7069 Bravo 1 Unidad 4 lección 3 -- Java Game
vocabulary practice for seasons, weather Copy this to my account 7070 Bravo Level 1 Unidad 5 lección 2 -- Java Game
vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 7071 Bravo Level 1 Unidad 7 lección 2 -- Hangman
Hangman vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 7072 Bravo Level 1 Unidad 7 lección 3 -- Java Game
vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 7073 Bravo Level 2 Primer Repaso Lección 4 -- Jumbled Words
Jumbled Vocabulary Copy this to my account 7074 Bravo Level 2 Unidad 1 Lección 1 -- Hangman
Hangman Vocabulary Copy this to my account 7075 Bravo Level 2 Unidad 6 Lección 1 -- Jumbled Words
Vocabulary Jumbled words Copy this to my account 7076 Bravo Level 2 Unidad 7 Lección 1 -- Java Game
Vocabulary practice food Copy this to my account 7077 Winter Sports vocabulary. Ch. 9, Bienvenidos Señora Martín Java Game
PRACTICE CHAPTER 9 VOCABULARY WITH THESE FUN GAMES! Copy this to my account 7078 Summer Activities, Chapter 11, Bienvenidos. Señora Martín Java Game
Copy this to my account 7079 Bravo Level 2 Unidad Segundo Repaso Lección 1 -- Jumbled Words
Jumbled Vocbabulary Classroom Copy this to my account 7080 Bravo Level 3 Unidad 4 Lección 2 -- Hangman
Hangman vocabulary Copy this to my account 7081 Bravo Level 3 Unidad 6 Lección 2 -- Hangman
vocabulary hangman Copy this to my account 7082 Bravo level 1 Unidad 3 lesson 1 -- Java Game
vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 7083 Bravo level 2 Unidad 3 Lección 1 -- Java Game
Vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 7084 Bienvenidos Capítulo 9 Vocabulario Señor Fields Java Game
¡Práctica de vocabulario! p. 267 Copy this to my account 7085 Dime Uno 1- 1 Salutaciones, personas, el verbo ser. Jessie Kerr-Halls Java Game
Greetings, Persons, to be Copy this to my account 7086 Aventura 1 Lesson 04 - School Subjects Carol Hunter Java Game
Copy this to my account 7087 Aventura 1 Lesson 27 - The weather Carol Hunter Java Game
Copy this to my account 7088 Aventura 4 - Imperfect "v" Present Carol Hunter Java Game
Match the English and Spanish Copy this to my account 7089 Navidad (hangman) Carol Hunter Hangman
Copy this to my account 7090 Verb Practice in 4 Tenses (Spanish ) Carol Hunter Java Game
Practise for GCSE students of the present, future, preterite and imperfect tenses of 9 common verbs Copy this to my account 7091 Mini cuento 8-2 Senor Java Game
Copy this to my account 7092 Mini cuentos 7-1, 7-2 Senor Java Game
Copy this to my account 7093 Mini cuento 2-5 Senor Java Game
Copy this to my account 7094 Destinos 12-18 Sra. W. Challenge Board
Preguntas sobre la búsqueda en la Argentina. Copy this to my account 7095 Verbos que Cambian/Cap 1 -- Java Game
Usando el presente, empareje el infinitivo del verbos con su forma. Copy this to my account 7096 Buen Viaje I Chapter 11 Vocab.2 -- Java Game
Después del Vuelo Copy this to my account 7097 Buen Viaje I Chapter 12 Vocab 1 -- Java Game
La rutina Copy this to my account 7098 Buen Viaje I Chapter 9 Vocab 2 -- Java Game
El invierno Copy this to my account 7099 Buen Viaje II Chapter 11 Vocab.2 -- Java Game
En la carretera Copy this to my account 7100 Buen Viaje II Chapter 9 Vocab.2 -- Java Game
En el campo Copy this to my account 7101 Buen VIaje II Chapter 12 Vocab 1 -- Java Game
En la peluquería, En la tintorería Copy this to my account 7102 Buen Viaje II Chapter 13 Vocab 2 -- Java Game
Navidad, Año Nuevo, Los Reyes Magos, Hanuka Copy this to my account 7103 Buen Viaje II Chapter 14 Vocab 1 -- Java Game
Profesiones y oficios Copy this to my account 7104 Buen Viaje II Chapter 14 Vocab 2 -- Java Game
En busca de un puesto Copy this to my account 7105 Buen Viaje II Chapter 2 Vocab 1 -- Java Game
En el restaurante Copy this to my account 7106 Buen Viaje II Chapter 3 Vocab 1 -- Java Game
La computadora y el fax Copy this to my account 7107 Buen Viaje II Chapter 3 Vocab 2 -- Java Game
El teléfono Copy this to my account 7108 Buen Viaje II Chapter 4 Vocab 2 -- Java Game
La compra de comestibles Copy this to my account 7109 Buen Viaje II Chapter 5 Vocab 1 -- Java Game
Los pasatiempos Copy this to my account 7110 Buen Viaje II Chapter 8 Vocab 2 -- Java Game
En el hospital Copy this to my account 7111 Irregular Familiar and Formal Commands Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Irregular commands to accompany ¡Ya Verás! Niveles 1 and 2. Copy this to my account 7112 Chapter 5 Vocabulary Primera Parte Arriba Dr. Eneida Pugh Quiz
This quiz is True or False over vocabulary in Chapter 5, Primera Parte. This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 30. Copy this to my account 7113 QUIZ Chapters 4 & 5 Arriba Pugh Dr. Eneida Pugh Quiz
This quiz covers vocabulary and grammar in Chapters 4 & 5. Write an answer in the blank. Correct diacritical marks are required. This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 30. Copy this to my account 7114 Paso 1 Chap. 1: actividades/personalidad Señorita Tiwari Java Game
Copy this to my account 7115 Ven conmigo I, Paso 2-1 Sra. Calise Hangman
Be sure to include the correct definite article (el, la, los, las). To type accents, hold down the alt key and the type the following numbers: á = 160, é = 130, í = 161, ó = 162, ú = 63. Copy this to my account 7116 Vocabulario del Aula - Hangman -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7117 Ven Conmigo 1 Chapter 1 Paso1 -- Java Game
Vocabulario: cosas en la clase Copy this to my account 7118 Ven Conmigo, Chapter 2-1 Sra. Calise Java Game
Copy this to my account 7119 Los adjetivos -- Java Game
Help Francisco practice his inglés while you work on your español! Copy this to my account 7120 Los antónimos/Adjectives and antonyms Señora Hamilton Columns
Copy this to my account 7121 Dime Dos - Unidad 1 Lección 2 - Adjetivos + estar Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 7122 Grade 7 - ¡Peligro! -- Challenge Board
Answer questions on a number of topics we have studied this year and in the past. Copy this to my account 7123 1a THE CLASSROOM -- Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 7124 Appearance and Personality Jackie Taylor Java Game
Copy this to my account 7125 Grabado de Goya - La Navidad en España Michelle Marnicio Rags to Riches
Students will review vocab used in Chapter 6 of the reader "Un grabado de Goya" Copy this to my account 7126 El fútbol Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para repasar el vocabulario del fútbol. Copy this to my account 7127 Cap 5 -- Java Game
Ven Conmigo 1-verbs Copy this to my account 7128 Cap. 6 - La Navidad en España Michelle Marnicio Rags to Riches
Aquí se puede repasar el vocabulario de Cap. 6. Copy this to my account 7129 Vocabulario, Cap. 4, Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Hangman
Un juego para practicar el vocabulario de Cap. 4. Copy this to my account 7130 Mini cuento 2-1 Senor Java Game
Copy this to my account 7131 Buen Viaje C1 Estructura 2 -- Quiz
yo, tú, él, ella, Ud.
soy, eres, es This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 7132 Quiz Stem Changers Spanish 3-4 Sra. Raught Quiz
Type in the translations spelled correctly! This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 30. Copy this to my account 7133 Cap. 1 -4, Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Challenge Board
Un juego para repasar el vocabulario, contenido y cultura de Cap. 1-4. Copy this to my account 7134 Vocabulario, Cap. 3, Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para practicar el vocabulario de Cap. 3. Copy this to my account 7135 Paso a Paso Chapter 6 SPI -- Java Game
Clothing and Colors Copy this to my account 7136 Vocabulario, Cap. 1 de Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para practicar el vocabulario de Cap. 1 Copy this to my account 7137 Vocabulario, Cap. 2 de Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para practicar el vocabulario de Cap. 2. Copy this to my account 7138 Vocabulario - Cap. 1 de Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Hangman
Un juego para repasar el vocabulario de Cap. 1 Copy this to my account 7139 La Temperatura (4 Grado) Señora Harris Hangman
Copy this to my account 7140 Paso 3 Cap. 3 -pgs. 96-97 Mrs. Hicks Java Game
CHAPTER 3 vocabulary pages 96-97 Copy this to my account 7141 Vocabulario, Capítulo 5 de Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para aprender y practicar el vocabulario. Copy this to my account 7142 Vocabulario, Cap. 5 de Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Hangman
Un juego para practicar el vocabulario Copy this to my account 7143 Nuevas Vistas - Colección 1 (b) -- Java Game
Vocabulario (p81) Platero y yo Copy this to my account 7144 Nuevas Vistas - Colección 2 (b) -- Java Game
Vocabulario (16) Primero de secundario Copy this to my account 7145 Capítulo 1 - Un amigo o una amiga - Palabras I - el vocabulario Señora Fuller Java Game
Practice Palabras I vocabulary Copy this to my account 7146 Capítulo 1 - Un amigo o una amiga - Palabras II - el vocabulario Señora Fuller Java Game
Pratice Palabras II vocabulary Copy this to my account 7147 Capítulo 1 Palabras II hangman Señora Fuller Hangman
Use this game to help you practice your spelling Copy this to my account 7148 Capítulo 8 - La Salud y el médico - El vocabulario Palabras I Señora Fuller Java Game
Review of Capítulo 8 Palabras I Buen Viaje Level 1 text Copy this to my account 7149 Capítulo 8 La salud y el médico - El vocabulario Palabras II Señora Fuller Java Game
Review of Capítulo 8 vocabulary Buen Viaje Level 1 text Copy this to my account 7150 Esp3C3 ¿Qué nos dicen las obras de arte? Doctora Flom Challenge Board
Jugar para practicar Paso a Paso 3 Capítulo 3. Copy this to my account 7151 Stem-changing Verbs for ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 2 Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Verbs to accompany Ch.1 Etapa 2 Copy this to my account 7152 Vocabulario, Cap. 6 de Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Hangman
Un juego para practicar el vocabulario de Cap. 6 Copy this to my account 7153 pensar en, pensar de, pensar, pensar que -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 7154 Mini-cuentos chapters 1 and 2 Senor Hangman
Copy this to my account 7155 Mini-cuentos chapters 1 and 2 Senor Java Game
Copy this to my account 7156 Jennie's Imperfecto y Preterito Senor Fray Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 7157 Los Sujetos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7158 LICT Ch. 6 "La Tienda de Ropa" Spanish 1 Vocabulary -- Java Game
Vocabulary from chapter 6 of Blaine Ray's Spanish 1 text, "Look, I Can Talk". Copy this to my account 7159 LICTM Ch. 3 "El Restaurante Elegante" pt. 1 Spanish 2 Vocabulary--Ferguson -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7160 LIST Ch. 3 "La Clase Salvaje" Spanish 3 Vocabulary--Ferguson -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7161 Sp 3 Etapa 1.1 Vocab Experiences Mlle/Srta. Read Hangman
Using the list of words to talk about experiences, can you guess the word before you hang? Copy this to my account 7162 Sp 3 Etapa 1.1 Experiences Vocab Mlle/Srta. Read Java Game
Practice the words to make comparisons and interact. Copy this to my account 7163 La cultura de Cap. 5-8 de Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Columns
Un juego para repasar la cultura Copy this to my account 7164 Un resumen de Cap. 5-8 de Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Cloze
Un resumen para repasar el contenido de Cap. 5-8 Copy this to my account 7165 Cap. 5-8 de Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Challenge Board
Un juego para repasar vocabulario, contenido y cultura Copy this to my account 7166 Vocabulario, Cap. 7 Michelle Marnicio Hangman
Un juego para repasar el vocabulario de Cap. 7 de Un grabado de Goya Copy this to my account 7167 Direct object pronouns Mrs. Hogan-Flowers (aka Mrs. Brett Favre) Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 7168 Mandatos - Ud., Uds. (afirmativo y negativo) -- Java Game
Ud., Uds. (afirmativo y negativo)
Book: Horizontes
pgs: 201, 204, 207 Copy this to my account 7169 ser o estar - los dos verbos "to be" en español Michelle Marnicio Pop-ups
Un juego para practicar ser y estar Copy this to my account 7170 La Salud y el medico -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7171 Cap. 9, Vocabulario, Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para repasar el vocabulario Copy this to my account 7172 Album; cuentos uno y dos -- Challenge Board
Questions pertaining to the first two stories in "Album", by Valette and Renjilian-Burgy Copy this to my account 7173 Capítulos once y doce: ¿¿¿¿cuánto saben???? -- Challenge Board
¡Usen las estructuras gramaticales para contestar estas preguntas! Copy this to my account 7174 Dime Uno; 7.2; test your pronouns (and verbs)! -- Pop-ups
Dime Uno; 7.2; pronouns and verbs Copy this to my account 7175 EL INTRUSO: MIDTERM EXAM -- Pop-ups
How well do you know unit one, lesson two? Challenge yourself or challenge a partner - this game covers vivir vs. ser, regular verbs, colors, clothing, and culture (cultural opener, pg 23 and la musica tejana)! Copy this to my account 7177 Situaciones Ch. 7 pg. 207 -- Java Game
¿Qué significan los verbos en página 207? Copy this to my account 7178 Situaciones capítulo 7; vocabulario -- Java Game
Situaciones: vocabulario de capítulo 7 Copy this to my account 7179 Steet Spanish lesson four: vocabulary -- Java Game
Street Spanish lesson four: vocabulary Copy this to my account 7180 Street Spanish lesson Two : vocabulary -- Java Game
Street Spanish lesson two - practice the vocabulary Copy this to my account 7181 Street Spanish lesson three: vocabulary -- Java Game
Street Spanish lesson three: vocabulary Copy this to my account 7182 Unit five, lesson one: dime uno -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7183 Unit five, lesson two: Challenge Board! -- Challenge Board
Practice the vocab and grammar from this unit with a friend! Copy this to my account 7184 Paso a Paso A - Capítulo 3 - Sección 2 Vocabulario Mrs. Lester Java Game
Practice your vocabulary skills of places to go and seasons. Copy this to my account 7185 El vocabulario del Primer Paso (Cap. 8) Mlle Seiler Challenge Board
Write the Spanish meaning of the given words. Don't forget to write "el", "la", "los", or "las" in front of each noun. Copy this to my account 7186 Verb practice for Ven Conmigo 8-2 Mlle Seiler Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7187 El vocabulario del Tercer Paso (Cap. 8) Mlle Seiler Hangman
Copy this to my account 7188 A bordo Capítulo 12 Vocabulario Señor Fields Hangman
¡Más práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7189 A bordo Capítulo 12 Vocabulario Señor Fields Jumbled Words
¡Más práctica de vocbulario!
¡Hay que saber el vocabulario! ¿no? Copy this to my account 7190 Spanish 3 Paso a Paso - First Semester Review - VOCAB Mrs. Hicks Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7191 Spanish 1 Vocabulary Review, Bienvenidos, Chapters 1--4 -- Java Game
These exercises will help you review the vocabulary in chapters 1--4 of the Bienvenidos text. Copy this to my account 7192 Vistas 9 Vocabulario - Relaciones Personales -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7193 Vistazos 2 -- Java Game
End-of-chapter vocabulary, page 64-65. Copy this to my account 7194 Vistazos 3 -- Java Game
End-of-chapter vocabulary, page 82. Copy this to my account 7195 Avenidas Capítulo 2 - Verbos -- Java Game
Verbs from chapter 2, page 85 Copy this to my account 7196 Capítulo 3 días 1-2 Señora Fuller Java Game
Copy this to my account 7197 Capítulo 3 días 3-4 Señora Fuller Java Game
Copy this to my account 7198 Capítulo 3 días 1-2 Señora Fuller Hangman
Copy this to my account 7199 VenConmigo PrimerPaso Chapter 3 -- Java Game
Vocabulary, Telling time, subjects, sequence words Copy this to my account 7200 Dímelo tú, capítulo 8, vocabulario -- Java Game
End of chapter vocabulary Copy this to my account 7201 Plazas 5.140 - los problemas médicos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7202 Vocabulario, Cap. 13 y 14 de Un grabado de Goya Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para practicar el vocabulario Copy this to my account 7203 La salud y el médico Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para practicar el vocabulario de Cap. 8 de Buen Viaje 1B Copy this to my account 7204 Verb Review #2 from Spanish 1 Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 7205 Tener expressions Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 7206 More than and Less than Señora Phillips Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 7207 Locations Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 7208 La casa y los muebles Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 7209 En el hotel Señora Phillips Java Game
Ya verás Nivel 2 - Chapter 4 Copy this to my account 7210 Deportes y partidos Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 7211 Capítulo 4 Word Scramble Ken J. Zeoli Jumbled Words
Unscramble the letters of each word or phrase to form meaningful expressions from capítulo 4. Copy this to my account 7212 Capítulo 5 ¡Ya Verás! Gold Nivel 2 Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Vocabulary to accompany Ch.5 of ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 2. Copy this to my account 7213 U3 E3 game -- Challenge Board
Study for the Unit 3 EXAM Copy this to my account 7214 El cuerpo Señora Phillips Java Game
Copy this to my account 7215 Jeopardy - Repaso de Capítulos 2, 3 Mr. Mark Orsatti (Mr. O) Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7216 Colores en Español Señorita Saavedra Java Game
Copy this to my account 7217 Cajas de Cartón - Verbos -- Java Game
Verbs that appear in the story "Cajas de Cartón." Again, expect a quiz or test sometime next week. Copy this to my account 7218 Aventura 2 Lesson 6 - Things to buy Carol Hunter Java Game
Copy this to my account 7219 Repaso del Capitulo 9 (Ven Conmigo 1) Mlle Seiler Challenge Board
This activity will help you review Chapter 9 in Ven Conmigo. Copy this to my account 7220 Mini-cuentos, chapter 3 Senor Hangman
Copy this to my account 7221 Mini-cuentos, chapter 4 Senor Java Game
Copy this to my account 7222 Aventura 4 Lesson 17 - Al volante Carol Hunter Columns
Copy this to my account 7223 Aventura 4 Lesson 17 - cars and breakdowns Carol Hunter Java Game
Copy this to my account 7224 Paso a Paso A - Ch.4, Sección 2 - ¿Tienes hambre? -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7225 Lección 3, Vocabulario Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para repasar el vocabulario de Lección 3 Copy this to my account 7226 LICT Ch. 4 "La Tienda de Ropa" Spanish 1 Vocabulary -- Java Game
Vocabulary from chapter 6 of Blaine Ray's Spanish 1 text, "Look, I Can Talk". Copy this to my account 7227 LICTM Ch. 2 "La Chica Social" Columns matching Spanish 2 -- Columns
Copy this to my account 7228 Capítulo 6 Busco un apartamento Srta. Wachlin Java Game
Vocabulary to accompany Ch 6. of ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 2. Copy this to my account 7229 Capítulo 10 Ms. Ruzicka Challenge Board
Play Jeopardy to review the vocabulary, culture and grammar for Chapter 10! Copy this to my account 7230 Capítulo 10 Ms. Ruzicka Columns
Match the terms to practice your vocab skills. Copy this to my account 7231 TPR EPISODIO 1- I Señora Rodriguez Jumbled Words
Escribe la palabra correcta. Copy this to my account 7232 A bordo Capítulo 12 Verbos Señor Fields Rags to Riches
¿Puedes ganarlo todo?
¡Vamos! Copy this to my account 7233 Bienvenidos Capítulo 9 Vocabulario Señor Fields Jumbled Words
¡Práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7234 A bordo Capítulo 2 Vocabulario Señor Fields Jumbled Words
¡Más práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7235 A bordo Capítulo 2 Vocabulario Señor Fields Columns
¡Práctica de vocabulario! p. 51 Copy this to my account 7236 A bordo Capítulo 2 Vocabulario Señor Fields Java Game
¡Práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7237 A bordo Capítulo 3 Vocabulario Señor Fields Java Game
¡Práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7238 A bordo Capítulo 3 vocabulario Señor Fields Jumbled Words
¿Sabes lo que dice? Copy this to my account 7239 A bordo Capítulo 3 vocabulario Señor Fields Hangman
¡No lo ahorques por favor! Copy this to my account 7240 A bordo Capítulo 4 Palabras 1 Señor Fields Java Game
¡Práctica de vocabulario p. 78-79! Copy this to my account 7241 A bordo Capítulo 4 Palabras 2 Señor Fields Java Game
¡Práctica de vocabulario p. 82-83! Copy this to my account 7242 A bordo Capítulo 4 Vocabulario Señor Fields Hangman
¡No me ahorques, por favor! Copy this to my account 7243 A bordo Capítulo 4 Vocabulario Señor Fields Jumbled Words
¡Más práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7244 A bordo Capítulo 5 El verdugo Señor Fields Hangman
¡No lo ahorques por favor! Copy this to my account 7245 A bordo Capítulo 5 palabras 1 Señor Fields Java Game
¡práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7246 A bordo Capítulo 5 palabras 2 Señor Fields Java Game
¡más práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7247 A bordo Capítulo 5 palabras mezcladas Señor Fields Jumbled Words
¡más práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7248 A bordo Capítulo 6 El verdugo Señor Fields Hangman
¡No lo ahorques! ¡por favor! Copy this to my account 7249 A bordo Capítulo 6 Examencito Señor Fields Quiz
Examencito del Capítulo 6.... This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 7250 A bordo Capítulo 6 palabras mezcladas Señor Fields Jumbled Words
más práctica de vocabulario Copy this to my account 7251 A bordo Capítulo 14 Palabras 1 Señor Fields Java Game
¡Práctica de vocabulario! p. 366-367 Copy this to my account 7252 A bordo Capítulo 14 Pareo Señor Fields Columns
¡Pareen las palabras! Copy this to my account 7253 Vocabulario Leccion 1 Restaurante Rosa Steinbrecher Java Game
Copy this to my account 7254 El pretérito Rostek Pop-ups
¿Me puedes responder de acciones del pasado? Copy this to my account 7255 Español II - Vocabulario Capítulo 9 Rostek Hangman
¿Pueden recordar las palabras? Copy this to my account 7256 Meses, días, horas y minutos Rostek Java Game
Escojan uds. las tarjetas que corresponde Copy this to my account 7257 Unidad 2 Etapa 1 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7258 Unidad 2 Etapa 2 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7259 C4P2 vocab and phrases practice Ms. Ruzicka Hangman
Translate these sentences into Spanish to play hangman. Watch accents! Copy this to my account 7260 Capítulo 4 Ms. Ruzicka Challenge Board vocab, culture and verbs! Copy this to my account 7261 A bordo Capítulo 13 Palabras 1 Señor Fields Java Game
¡Prácitca de vocabulario! p. 342-343 Copy this to my account 7262 A bordo Capítulo 13 Palabras 2 Señor Fields Java Game
¡Práctica de vocabulario! p. 346-347 Copy this to my account 7263 A bordo Capítulo 13 Vocabulario Señor Fields Jumbled Words
¡Práctica, prácitca, y más práctica! Copy this to my account 7264 A bordo Capítulo 15 Palabras 1 Señor Fields Java Game
¡Práctice de vocabulario! p. 390-391 Copy this to my account 7265 A bordo Capítulo 7 El verdugo Señor Fields Hangman
¿Lo vas a ahorcar? Ojalá que no.... Copy this to my account 7266 A bordo Capítulo 7 Palabras 1 Señor Fields Java Game
¡práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7267 A bordo Capítulo 7 Palabras 2 Señor Fields Java Game
¡Hay que practicar el vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7268 Bienvenidos Capítulo 6 Vocabulario Señor Fields Jumbled Words
¡Práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7269 Bienvenidos Capítulo 6 Vocabulario Señor Fields Java Game
¡Práctica de vocabulario! (con palabars extras) Copy this to my account 7270 ¿Qué hacen los estudiantes en la clase de español? Español I Rostek Pop-ups
Escojan Uds. el verbo mejor para practicar más tu español Copy this to my account 7271 Spanish Vocabulary Mrs. M Java Game
words to know Copy this to my account 7272 CHILDHOOD ACTIVITIES Sra. Frayre Java Game
Spanish 2P Copy this to my account 7273 Conversación Telefónica II Sra. Frayre Ordered List
Place the telephone conversation in a logical order. Copy this to my account 7274 Bienvenidos Capítulo 4 Pop-ups Señor Fields Pop-ups
Práctica de vocabulario... Copy this to my account 7275 Imperfecto - QUIZ (fill in) Sra. Frayre Quiz
Llena el espacio con la forma correcta del verbo en paréntesis. No olvides los acentos (don't forget the accents). This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 7276 A bordo Capítulo 9 Palabras 1 Señor Fields Java Game
¡Práctica del vocabulario p. 226-227! Copy this to my account 7277 Los trabajos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7278 Los trabajos -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7279 Español 1, Unidad 6, Lección 2: las invitaciones -- Columns
Copy this to my account 7280 En Camino Chapter 8 los alimentos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7281 A bordo Capítulo 10 Palabras 2 Señor Fields Java Game
¡Práctica de vocabulario p. 256-257! Copy this to my account 7282 Marcelino Pan y Vino Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Java Game
Capítulo 2 Copy this to my account 7283 a bordo cap 9 Señor Fields Quiz
examencito This quiz contains 22 questions chosen from a bank of 43. Copy this to my account 7284 Español 3, Unidad 3, Lección 3: para y por -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 7285 A bordo Capítulo 8 Pareo Señor Fields Columns
Hagan parejas... Copy this to my account 7286 A bordo Capítulo 9 El verdugo Señor Fields Hangman
¿Lo ahorcarás? Espero que no.... Copy this to my account 7287 A bordo Capítulo 9 Palabras 2 Señor Fields Java Game
¡Práctica de vocabulario p. 230-231! Copy this to my account 7288 Español 3, Unidad 6, Lección 3: las oraciones con los tiempos del imperfecto de subjuntivo y condicional de indicativo -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 7289 Capítulo 11: Vocabulario Ken J. Zeoli Java Game
¡Qué buen lugar dónde se puede practicar mucho y aprender mejor el vocabulario de este capítulo! This is the place to be, ¡compañeros! ¡VAYA! Copy this to my account 7290 Paso 3 - Cap. 7 - vocabulario Mrs. Hicks Java Game
Copy this to my account 7291 Español 3, Unidad 7, Lección 1: el vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7292 Bienvenidos Capítulo 5 Pareo de verbos Señor Fields Columns
Match the -er/-ir verbs to the appropriate subjects....¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 7293 Bienvenidos Capítulo 5 Vocabulario Señor Fields Hangman
Capítulo 5 práctica de vocabulario Copy this to my account 7294 Bienvenidos Capítulo 5 Vocabulario Señor Fields Jumbled Words
Unscramble the words! Copy this to my account 7295 Bienvenidos Capítulo 5 cloze Señor Fields Cloze
Llenen el espacio con la forma correcta del verbo entre paréntesis. Copy this to my account 7296 A bordo Capítulo 11 vocabulario Señor Fields Java Game
¡Práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7297 Siete Pintores Españoles Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Columns
¿Quién pintó este cuadro? Copy this to my account 7298 Capítulo 12: Vocabulario Ken J. Zeoli Java Game
Aquí hay todo el vocabulario del capítulo 12 del libro Paso a Paso I. Ustedes pueden practicarlo y estudiarlo con compañeros. ¡Diviértense bien! Copy this to my account 7299 Paso 1- Chap. 8: ¿Cómo es tu dormitorio? Señorita Tiwari Java Game
Copy this to my account 7300 Paso a Paso 1 ch. 8: ¿Cómo es tu casa? Señorita Tiwari Java Game
Copy this to my account 7301 Español I ¿Qué hacen el fin de semana? Rostek Ordered List
¡Pongan uds.las horas en ordén cronológico! Copy this to my account 7302 Aventura 1 Lesson 13 - Food and Drink Carol Hunter Java Game
Copy this to my account 7303 Aventura 2 Lesson 07 - Drinks Carol Hunter Java Game
Copy this to my account 7304 Aventura 2 Lesson 07 - Other foods Carol Hunter Java Game
Copy this to my account 7305 Year 8 Spanish - Challenge 1 Carol Hunter Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7306 Year 8 Spanish - Challenge 2 Carol Hunter Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7307 Year 8 Spanish - Challenge 3 Carol Hunter Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7308 Year 8 Spanish - Challenge 4 Carol Hunter Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7309 Adverbios -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7310 EL VERANO -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7311 NYS Spanish Proficiency - Health & Welfare Senora Roberts Java Game
Practice the vocabulary for the state Proficiency exam on the topic Health and Welfare Copy this to my account 7312 NYS Spanish Proficiency - Personal ID Senora Roberts Java Game
Practice the vocabulary for the Spanish Proficiency topic on Personal Identification. Copy this to my account 7313 Unidad 4 Etapa 1 requesting directions Señora Fuller Java Game
requesting directions and replying Copy this to my account 7314 Capeitulo 16, ¿Trabajar para vivir ...?, Puntos de Partida & ¿Qué tal? R. Vacchio Java Game
Copy this to my account 7315 Capítulo 13, El arte y la cultura - ¿Qué tal? & Puntos de Partida R. Vacchio Java Game
Vocabulary Exercises Copy this to my account 7316 Capítulo 14, El medioambiente, Puntos de Partida y ¿Qué tal? R. Vacchio Java Game
Vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 7317 Capítulo 9, El tiempo libre, Puntos de Partida & ¿Qué tal? R. Vacchio Java Game
Vocabulary activities Copy this to my account 7318 La Familia-Capítulo 2-Puntos de Partida & ¿Qué tal? R. Vacchio Java Game
Vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 7319 Preposición "a" Dr. Yosálida C. Rivero-Zaritzky Java Game
Copy this to my account 7320 Preposición "de" Dr. Yosálida C. Rivero-Zaritzky Java Game
Copy this to my account 7321 Útiles de la escuela Macky Mitma Java Game
Copy this to my account 7322 Capítulo 1, En la clase, Puntos de Partida & ¿Qué tal? R. Vacchio Java Game
Vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 7323 a bordo cap 14 Señor Fields Quiz
examencito This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 7324 bv cap 8 Señor Fields Quiz
examencito This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 48. Copy this to my account 7325 Dime II 3.3 Vocabulary Sra. Vonesh Java Game
Vocabulary practice for chapter 3.3 Dime II
Español II Copy this to my account 7326 Dime II 3.3 Vocab. Sra. Vonesh Columns
Copy this to my account 7327 Capítulo 13: Jeopardy Challenge Ken J. Zeoli Challenge Board
¿Saben Uds. mucho sobre capítulo 13? Vamos a ver.... ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 7328 Capítulo 13: SABER, DECIR & Affirmative Tú Commands Ken J. Zeoli Columns
See how well you can match up the meanings! ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 7329 Gustar & Encantar Señora Quiz
Translate the English sentences. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 7330 Capítulo 14: Vocabulario Ken J. Zeoli Java Game
Aquí se puede estudiar todo el vocabulario del capítulo 14. Pueden hacer los juegos o estudiar la lista completa de todas las palabras y expresiones del capítulo. ¡Diviértanse bien, amigos! Copy this to my account 7331 Paso a Paso 1- Chapter 6 blue boxes Señorita Tiwari Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 7332 A bordo Capítulo 14 ¿Subjuntivo o Indicativo? Señor Fields Pop-ups
Completen con el subjuntivo o el indicativo.... Copy this to my account 7333 Unidad 4 etapa 2 making purchases Señora Fuller Java Game
Copy this to my account 7334 unidad 4 etapa 2 Bargaining, giving gifts, shopping Señora Fuller Java Game
Copy this to my account 7335 Español 1, Unidad 1, Lección 1: las preguntas y las respuestas -- Columns
Copy this to my account 7336 La casa Mary Kuchlenz Java Game
From the Usborne First Thousand Words in Spanish Copy this to my account 7337 Capítulo 14: Construcciones Negativas Ken J. Zeoli Columns
Aquí se puede estudiar las formas de las construcciones negativas y otras expresiones del capítulo 14. ¡Aprende bien todas! Copy this to my account 7338 El Día Especial de Morris Ottavio Balena Columns
Practice: • El Día Especial de Morris Copy this to my account 7339 El pretérito -- Challenge Board
Complete each sentence with the correct verb in the preterite tense. Remember to use accents!!!!
Some MAY have more than one answer. Copy this to my account 7340 ¿Con qué se hacen...? Señorita Tiwari Columns
Paso a Paso 1 Chapter 12 Copy this to my account 7341 12-1 Vocabulary Mlle Seiler Java Game
Copy this to my account 7342 Chap 1-4 Spanish Senor Java Game
Copy this to my account 7343 Spanish 3-Chapters 1-8 Senor Java Game
Copy this to my account 7344 Español 3, Unidad 1, Lección 1: los usos de ser y estar -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 7345 El imperativo (mandatos formales), Capítulos - 7, Puntos de Partida & ¿Qué tal? R. Vacchio Hangman
Copy this to my account 7346 Palabras y Expresiones de Natura Sra.Volpe Challenge Board
Hagan este juego si quieren mejorar tu vocabulario de la natura y sus aspectos. Copy this to my account 7347 Los Taínos Patty Silvey Mini Quiz
Show what you know! Copy this to my account 7348 Irregular Present tense Verbs -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 7349 Spanish 2 Paso a Paso Review for 1st semester final Sra. Sparks Pop-ups
Multiple choice review for Paso 2 1st semester exam Copy this to my account 7350 Amor forjado en el cielo Part II Vocab. -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7351 Una sortija para mi novia -- Java Game
Vocabulario de "Una sortija para mi novia" Copy this to my account 7352 Los pasatiempos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7353 Capítulo 11, Presiones de la vida moderna, Puntos de Partida & ¿Qué tal? R. Vacchio Java Game
Copy this to my account 7354 Dime Uno - U2 L3 - Actividades / Vocabulario Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 7355 Dime Uno - U2 L3 - Vocabulario Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 7356 Lección 01-Vocabulario -- Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 7357 VC3 CH8-1a -- Java Game
Expressing doubt and disbelief.
Media vocabulary. Copy this to my account 7358 VC3 CH8-2b -- Java Game
Expressing surprise. Copy this to my account 7359 VC3 CH10-2a -- Java Game
Expressing cause and effect. Las metas vocabulary. Copy this to my account 7360 En Espanol 3-Preliminar-Present tense practice -- Java Game
Conjugate these verbs in the present tense Copy this to my account 7361 Ejercicio y Deportes Ms. Ruzicka Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 7362 adjetivos demonstrativos Ms. Ruzicka Hangman
ven conmigo, level 1, ch. 9 Copy this to my account 7363 VC2 CH9-1. -- Java Game
Asking for and giving directions. Copy this to my account 7364 VC2 CH8-1 -- Java Game
Describing a past event. At the amusement park. At the zoo. At the movies. Copy this to my account 7365 VC2 CH8-2 -- Java Game
Saying why you couldn't do something. Errands. Copy this to my account 7366 VC2 CH8-3 -- Java Game
Reporting what someone said. At a festival. Copy this to my account 7367 Español 2 Etapa 2.2 ¡La última lista de vocabulario! -- Java Game
La fiesta y el amor Copy this to my account 7368 Bienvenidos Capítulo 11 Pareo Señor Fields Columns
¡más práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7369 Bienvenidos Capítulo 11 Palabras Mezcladas Señor Fields Jumbled Words
¡más práctica de vocabulario! Copy this to my account 7370 Chpt. 3 Vocabulario, Palabras 2 Ms. Delio Java Game
Practican el vocabulario nuevo del capitulo 3. Copy this to my account 7371 Chpt. 5 Hangman for Vocabulario, Palabras 1 Ms. Delio Hangman
Using the clues and definitions, find the word in Spanish from Palabras I, Chpt. 5 in Bienvenidos. Copy this to my account 7372 Practice for Quiz #1 at CHS Dra. C Cloze
Use this activity as a way to practice for Quiz #1 on the present tense from your text p. 27 columns 1 and 2. (En Español 3) Copy this to my account 7373 Buen Viaje 1 Chap 2 - Palabras 2 - CURSOS ESCOLARES señor Tocino Java Game
Copy this to my account 7374 Chap 4 Vocab - En la Casa Señora Aliahmady y Señora Eberhardt Java Game
Copy this to my account 7375 Capítulo 1 -- Java Game
Practice with vocabulary from chapter 1. Copy this to my account 7376 Versión fácil: Subjuntivo:Formas y más formas Señor Raschio Patterns
Copy this to my account 7377 Capítulo Preliminar, Primeros Pasos - Puntos de Partida & ¿Qué tal? R. Vacchio Java Game
vocabulario Copy this to my account 7378 SPANISH TERMS - GREETINGS FROM PAMELA SUE KIRKWOOD Pamela Sue Java Game
EXPORING SPANISH 8TH GRADE Copy this to my account 7379 Spanish 4 - Capítulo 1 - cultura Sra. DeHart Java Game
Culture practice for quiz over culture on pages 2 & 5-6. Copy this to my account 7380 Adjetivos-características físicas de cosas Rosa Steinbrecher Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 7381 Bienvenidos Capítulo 13 Palabras Mezcladas Señor Fields Jumbled Words
¡Tienes que practicar el vocabulario mucho! Copy this to my account 7382 Los números -- Java Game
Memorize the words, por favor. Copy this to my account 7383 Los números -- Ordered List
Try this activity to help with numbers. Copy this to my account 7384 Matching: Everyday Spanish for the Classroom Sr. Brant Columns
Copy this to my account 7385 AVHS SP1 U2 Vocabulario for Conversations Señora Java Game
Copy this to my account 7386 BV3 Capítulo 1 cultura ps. 21 y 24 Sra. DeHart Columns
Practice of culture over México D. F., San Angel y Bazar Sábado Copy this to my account 7387 Frases útiles - para escuchar Señorita Tiwari Columns
Adelante page 10, capítulo preliminar Copy this to my account 7388 TPR Practice #1 (for TPRS Supplement to Paso a Paso 1) Brookside 6th grade Java Game
Copy this to my account 7389 BV3 Capítulo 1 sustantivos especiales Sra. DeHart Pop-ups
Practice with masculine nouns ending in "a" and feminine nouns begining in stressed "a" or "ha" Copy this to my account 7390 Acciones y soluciones para salvar el planeta - Cusigch 3H -- Java Game
En español 3 pp. 123, 145 Copy this to my account 7391 bv cap 13 Señor Fields Quiz
examencito This quiz contains 19 questions chosen from a bank of 26. Copy this to my account 7392 Practice with -ZCO verbs Dra. C Cloze
Copy this to my account 7393 La cultura:En Esp 3 Un1Et1 Dra. C Columns
repaso de la cultura Copy this to my account 7394 20 preguntas de Josh Senor Fray Cloze
Copy this to my account 7395 Ah Caramba Senor Fray Cloze
Copy this to my account 7396 Verb conjugation chapter 8 -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7397 El romance Kassandra T. Brenot, Ph.D. Mini Quiz
Copy this to my account 7398 Repaso del vocabulario 2A Lec.1 -- Hangman
Try to guess the word or phrases. The hints will help you figure out the answer. Copy this to my account 7399 En Español 2: un1 Et1: Basic Preterites and Vocab Dra. C Pop-ups
Select the best answer for each question from the pop ups given. Do this toward the END of the unit to see how well you learned the vocab and preterite verb forms. Copy this to my account 7400 Esp 3 Un1Et2 vocabulario 2 Sra. DeHart Cloze
Practice with expressions using the vocabulary on p. 73 Unidad 1 Etapa 2 Copy this to my account 7401 En la ciudad Sra. Pérez Java Game
Capítulo 8 de Interacciones Copy this to my account 7402 Grabado de Goya Chapters 3-4 -- Java Game
Vocabulary Practice Copy this to my account 7403 AP Spanish Lit/Abriendo puertas: Personajes que figuran en la narrativa hispanoamericana de la Nueva Lista Bonnie T. Bowen Java Game
Empareja el título del cuento con sus personajes respectivos. Copy this to my account 7404 AP Spanish Lit/Abriendo puertas: Versificación de las poesías de la Nueva Lista Bonnie T. Bowen Java Game
Empareja las obras siguientes con la descripción estructural adecuada. Copy this to my account 7405 Irregular Preterite Verb forms Sra. Ekblad Java Game
Conjugation/Infinitive Copy this to my account 7406 La Familia Sra. Ekblad Java Game
Y los parientes Copy this to my account 7407 Un autorretrato Sra. Pérez Java Game
Copy this to my account 7408 Prueba Vocabularia 2-1 Lakota Spanish Teachers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 7409 Don Quijote: Vocabulario II Señora Schaefer Jumbled Words
vocabulario Copy this to my account 7410 Con ganas de triunfar: Los personajes Señora Schaefer Columns
Copy this to my account 7411 A Bordo Chapter 3 Vocab -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7412 Capítulo 1 - Segundo y Tercer Paso Señorita Tiwari Columns
Match the questions with the best answer. Copy this to my account 7413 Capítulo 1 tercer paso Señorita Tiwari Java Game
Copy this to my account 7414 AVHS SP1 U4 estar forms (English & Spanish)(3 basic) Señora Java Game
Practice with the forms of "Estar" in English and Spanish. Copy this to my account 7415 2-2 Stars Game Lakota Spanish Teachers Hangman
Play this game to practice spelling the vocabulary words from Capítulo 2 Segundo Paso. Don´t forget to include the definate articles with nouns! Copy this to my account 7416 En Esp 3 Un1 Et3 reflexives 2 Sra. DeHart Cloze
Practice with reflexives from p. 97 in sentences in the present, the preterite and the imperfect. Copy this to my account 7417 Buen Viaje 1.8 -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7418 los paises -- Java Game
To accompany Arriba Chapt 1 Copy this to my account 7419 Verbos en el Presente: One Verb with Several Forms Señor Raschio Patterns
Match the Subject to the correct verb form of the verbs given. Do this exercise many times until you can do it without thinking. Copy this to my account 7420 Paises Centro Americanos Y Sur Americanos Mrs. Fonken Ordered List
Copy this to my account 7421 Estadísticas sobre la salud y La Salud(cap. 7 Esp. III) -- Java Game
Dos unidades de vocabulario... Copy this to my account 7422 San Ángel -- Hangman
play hangman with the same vocabulary you have been getting drilled into your thick skulls from page 22!!!
Have fun... Copy this to my account 7423 San Ángel -- Jumbled Words
Este es un juego de palabras con el vocabulario de la lectura de San Ángel. Copy this to my account 7424 Adelante Capítulo 1, página 43-45 Así se dice, Vocabulario Señorita Tiwari Java Game
Los deportes, Las clases, La música, La comida...¿Qué te gusta? Copy this to my account 7425 Ven Conmigo Capítulo 2, los verbos Señorita Tiwari Pop-ups
Talking about what you want, need, and already have. Copy this to my account 7426 Spanish For Mastery 3: Unidad 2 Sinónimos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7427 La Casa de Bernarda Alba - 5 Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Java Game
Acto Primero
páginas 64 a 69
(Pausa) Copy this to my account 7428 Stem Changing Verbs O to UE # 1 Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 7429 Ven Conmigo 1 Capítulo 2 - Tercer Paso Señorita Tiwari Java Game
Talking about what you need and want to do Copy this to my account 7430 La Casa de Bernarda Alba : A 2 Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Java Game
Acto Segundo
páginas 73 a 76 "Pausa" Copy this to my account 7431 La Casa de Bernarda Alba A2-3 Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Java Game
Acto Segunda
páginas 81 a 84
"Fue sin darme cuenta" Copy this to my account 7432 La Casa de Bernarda Alba A2-4 Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Java Game
Acto Segundo
páginas 84 a 88
("...le mandaste un recado que no viniera?") Copy this to my account 7433 La Casa de Bernarda Alba A2-5 Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Java Game
Acto Segundo
páginas 88 a 93
Telón Copy this to my account 7434 La Casa de Bernarda Alba: A I y A II Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Jumbled Words
Acto Primero
Acto Segundo Copy this to my account 7435 Español 1: 2.1.2 Lindquist/Turner Java Game
Copy this to my account 7436 Español 1: 2.1.1 (school vocab) Lindquist/Turner Java Game
Copy this to my account 7437 Español 2: 1.1.1 Lindquist/Turner Java Game
Copy this to my account 7438 La Casa de Bernarda Alba A3-2 Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Java Game
Acto Tercero
páginas 98 a 101
("Esta noche voy a dormir bien. (se va)") Copy this to my account 7439 La Casa de Bernarda Alba A3-3 Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Java Game
Acto Tercero
páginas 102-107
("mientras yo tenga una gota de sangre en el cuerpo") Copy this to my account 7440 ¿Qué haces todos los días? Sra. Pérez Columns
Vocabulario de capítulo 2 de Paso a paso 2 Copy this to my account 7441 Las conjugaciones verbales Sra. Pérez Patterns
Los verbos de los capítulos 1-3 de Paso a paso Copy this to my account 7442 Pocahontas Sra. Cutter Sullivan Cloze
Fill in each blank with the correct form of the preterite or the imperfect of the verb given. Copy this to my account 7443 Greetings/age/nationality -- Cloze
created by Helen Stevenson
Arriba 1 unit 1 Copy this to my account 7444 Simple introductions -- Hangman
created by Helen Stevenson
Arriba 1 Chapt 1 Copy this to my account 7445 Haciendo estudios - vocabulario de la escuela Señora Rader Columns
Match the expressions on the right with their descriptions. Copy this to my account 7446 las mascotas 3 -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 7447 Sue's Spanish Homework -- Rags to Riches
General verb endings Copy this to my account 7448 Ven Conmigo 2 Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Cap. 3/ Paso 3 Vocabulary Copy this to my account 7449 LA CASA DE BERNARDA ALBA - A 2 Laurence Theriat-Dunlavy Quiz
Acto Segundo: Preguntas This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 7450 Sp 1 Etapa preliminar vocabulary Sra. Brown Java Game
Copy this to my account 7451 Sp 2 U4E2 Sra. Brown Java Game
En el mercado Copy this to my account 7452 Sp 2 U5E3 Sra. Brown Java Game
planning a party, purchasing food, requesting quantities, describing past activities, kitchen appliances Copy this to my account 7453 Sp 3 U1E2 Sra. Brown Java Game
Comment on food, discuss fine art, talk about the past, express activity preferences Copy this to my account 7454 Sp 3 U2E3 Sra. Brown Java Game
ordering in a restaurant, ask for/pay the bill, people/activities/events in a city, verbs like gustar Copy this to my account 7455 Sp 3 U3E2 Sra. Brown Java Game
tell someone what to do, talk about chores, discuss what you do, see, & use at the beach, adverbs that end in -mente Copy this to my account 7456 Sp 4 Etapa preliminar: words we don't already know from p.27 Sra. Brown Java Game
Copy this to my account 7457 Sp 4 U1E2 Sra. Brown Java Game
describe fashions, talk about pastimes Copy this to my account 7458 Sp 4 U2E2 Sra. Brown Java Game
environment, ecology's problems & solutions Copy this to my account 7459 las ciudades mexicanas y sus estados Sra. Brown Columns
Match the Mexican cities with their states. Not all states are used. Copy this to my account 7460 las provincias españolas Sra. Brown Columns
Match the provinces with their descriptions. Not every province has a description! Copy this to my account 7461 vocab: orange U4E1 Sra. Brown Java Game
in the hotel Copy this to my account 7462 Paso a Paso I: capítulo 6.2 Sara Johnson Java Game
¿Cuánto pagaste por el suéter? Copy this to my account 7463 Capítulo 2-2 Stephanie Werner Java Game
Copy this to my account 7464 Los colores y las formas -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7465 Demonstrative Practice Rostek Hangman
Practice your demonstrative adjectives: ese, esa, esos, esas (that/those) AND este, estos, esta, estas (this/these) with the hangman game. ¡Vaya! Copy this to my account 7466 Cap. 4/ Paso 1 Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Todo el vocabulario del primer paso del capítulo 4. Copy this to my account 7467 SP 1- Lección 2 Mrs C Java Game
Copy this to my account 7468 SP 1--Lesson 4 Test Practice Mrs C Challenge Board
Good luck from Profe C! Copy this to my account 7469 SP 1--Lesson 5 review Mrs C Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7470 SP 1-Lesson 3 Test Review Mrs C Challenge Board
Use this game to help review for the test! Copy this to my account 7471 SP 2--Lesson 1 Mrs C Hangman
Copy this to my account 7472 SP 3 Chapter 1 review Mrs C Challenge Board
Play this game to get ready for the SP 3 test. Copy this to my account 7473 SP2/3--Preterit tense--andar, estar, tener Mrs C Cloze
Use this game to review your "v" verbs. Good luck! Copy this to my account 7474 Days of the week (lesson 4) -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7475 Paso A Paso, Capítulo 1, Parte 1 Timothy Corcoran Java Game
Copy this to my account 7476 Paso A Paso, Capítulo 1, Parte 2 Timothy Corcoran Java Game
Copy this to my account 7477 Paso A Paso, Capítulo 2, Parte 1 Timothy Corcoran Java Game
Copy this to my account 7478 Bienvenidos Verbos 1-11 Señor Fields Hangman
Hangman with verbs.... Copy this to my account 7479 adjectives used to describe a person -- Java Game
basic vocabulary to describe appearance and qualities of people Copy this to my account 7480 WEATHER VOCABULARY/EL TIEMPO -- Java Game
Most of these words come from De Viaje. Others are review from Bienvenidos or A Bordo, or were suggested by my students. Terms with the same meaning have * by their translations. Spanish-English Copy this to my account 7481 2-U1E3: Demonstratives and vocab Dra. C Quiz
This is a GREAT activity to do before the quiz on demonstratives. You should do this several times since only 20 questions come up at a time. This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 31. Copy this to my account 7482 Ven Conmigo 2- Cap. 4/Paso 2 Sra. Biscaia Java Game
El vocabulario del segundo paso del capítulo 4 Copy this to my account 7483 Unidad 3: Vocabulario - Sinónimos -- Java Game
Practica el vocabulario de las páginas 65 y 66 usando solamente el español. Copy this to my account 7484 Examen Final - 3año- 1 semestre Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Interrogatives and Irreg Preterite Copy this to my account 7485 Capítulo 4 Vocabulario Lakota Spanish Teachers Hangman
Play hangman and review the vocab from this chapter! Copy this to my account 7486 Verb Review Chapters 1-4 Lakota Spanish Teachers Patterns
Practice conjugating verbs from Ven Conmigo Chapters 1-4. Copy this to my account 7487 classroom objects -- Java Game
Arriba 1 Al Colegio Copy this to my account 7488 La Casa-Verdad o Falso Señora Moore (Señorita Greene) Pop-ups
Answer true or false for the following statements. Copy this to my account 7489 La Casa "Cloze" Activity #1 Señora Moore (Señorita Greene) Cloze
Complete the paragraph. Copy this to my account 7490 Vocabulario 4-3 Lakota Spanish Teachers Columns
Talking about where you and others go during free time. Copy this to my account 7491 A Bordo Review for 1st semester exam -- Challenge Board
Covers Chapters 3,4,5 + adverbs, tan/tanto and special meanings of saber,conocer,querer Copy this to my account 7492 Sp 2 Etapa 2.2 Transitional Words Mlle/Srta. Read Challenge Board
Type in the English for these Spanish transitional words. Copy this to my account 7493 Sp 2 Etapa 2.2 Transitional Words Mlle/Srta. Read Battleship
Copy this to my account 7494 Nationalities #3 Mary Lynne DeMarinis Java Game
Copy this to my account 7495 "Los Novios"- Vocabulario Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Cap. 5 - ¡Adelante! Copy this to my account 7496 3-U2E3 expressions that cause / do not cause subjunctive 2 Sra. DeHart Quiz
Practice deciding which expressions cause the subjunctive and which do not. This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 16. Copy this to my account 7497 Paso a paso A - Chapter 2, TPRS vocab, Part II Brookside 6th grade Java Game
Copy this to my account 7498 Repaso de Capítulo 8, En Camino Sra. Schultz Challenge Board
Review of Chapter 8, En Camino (or Ven Conmigo 1) Copy this to my account 7499 Sopa de palabras del tiempo Yvonne McArthur Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 7500 4.1-4.4 Dr. Eneida Pugh Quiz
Cpt 4 Dimelo tu This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 7501 Tabla de 2 Yvonne McArthur Java Game
Copy this to my account 7502 ¡Buen Viaje! Spanish 1 Vocabulary Final Review Matthew Lahana Java Game
Copy this to my account 7503 El Caribe -- Jumbled Words
Unscramble the words Copy this to my account 7504 Cap. 5/ Los Mandatos y Vocab- Paso 2 Sra. Biscaia Java Game
vocabulary and irregular command forms Copy this to my account 7505 Capítulo 11 Mrs. Meyers Java Game
Haciendo un viaje› Copy this to my account 7506 Greetings and Commands Señora Perez Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 7507 Países y capitales hispanohablantes Señora Zarria Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 7508 Español I & II - Los números importantes Rostek Java Game
Jueguen Ustedes con todos Copy this to my account 7509 Español II - Capitúlo 7 Vocabulario Rostek Java Game
Practice the vocabulary from Chapter 7 Primer Paso. Play games multiple times to include all vocabulary words. Copy this to my account 7510 a bordo ch4. El accidente/El hospital Mrs. Cuevas'Johnson Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 7511 Las Noticias de Hoy- C Period Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Vocabulario de las presentaciones en clase Copy this to my account 7512 Las Noticias de Hoy- D Period Sra. Biscaia Java Game
El Vocabulario de las presentaciones en clase Copy this to my account 7513 4-C4 subjunctives w/ conjunctions; commands w/pronouns Sra. DeHart Quiz
Practice using subjunctive or not after conjunctions and practice using commands with pronouns. This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 57. Copy this to my account 7514 La unidad de la salud (basado en el libro de triangulo) Señor Leal Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7515 El examencito del vocabulario de la salud Señor Leal Quiz This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 7516 Can you name this verb? Mrs. Meyers Java Game
infinitives with ar and their meanings Copy this to my account 7517 Sp. 1 Joe & a Kiss, a story -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 7518 Sp. 1, LICT, Ch. 2, Cow Shoes, a story -- Java Game
Start with HAY UN CHICO... Tell a logical story. Copy this to my account 7519 Vocabulario 3-3 Mrs. Cannon-Ruffo Java Game
Copy this to my account 7520 VOCABULARIO 5-3 Mrs. Shields Java Game
Copy this to my account 7521 VOCABULARIO 6-1 Mrs. Shields Java Game
Copy this to my account 7522 Vocabulario 6-2 Mrs. Shields Java Game
Copy this to my account 7523 Sp. 3, LIST Ch. 2a, El perro que... -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7524 Sp. 3, LIST Ch. 2a, Rich Girl Story -- Picture Perfect
HINTS AT BOTTOM. CHECK ANSWERS AS YOU GO. ¡ES DIVERTIDO! Copy this to my account 7525 Sp. 3, LIST Ch. 3, Col.3 Hangman #1 -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7526 3-U3E2 vocabulario Sra. DeHart Java Game
Practice with vocabulary Unidad 3 Etapa 2, p 217 Copy this to my account 7527 3-U3E3 vocabulario Sra. DeHart Java Game
Practice with vocabulary from Unidad 3 Etapa 3, p 241 Copy this to my account 7528 Community & Neighborhood Vocab - Word Scramble Señora Thayer Dunckley Jumbled Words
Unscramble the Spanish words and find vocabulary words we have learned this year! Copy this to my account 7529 Practice your Irregular Verbs here! Señora Thayer Dunckley Patterns
Copy this to my account 7530 Las Noticias #2- C Period Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Copy this to my account 7531 Realidades A - Capítulo 2B Vocabulario Mrs. Lester Rags to Riches
See if you can earn $1,000,000! (or at least pretend to earn it) Copy this to my account 7532 Realidades B - Capítulo 6B Vocabulario Mrs. Lester Hangman
Copy this to my account 7533 LICTM cap2 lecciones 1-4 -- Java Game
practica de frases Copy this to my account 7534 vocabulario ya veras 2 capitulo 4 MmeZedd Java Game
practice with the basic hotel vocabulary from chapter 4 of the second year Ya Veras textbook. although there are no accent marks or special letters in this program, every noun does have an article. Copy this to my account 7535 El Gato de Sevres - Los Personajes -- Columns
Copy this to my account 7536 Afirmativa y Negativa Frases Ms. J Hangman
Copy this to my account 7537 Negativa y Afirmativa Frases Ms. J Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 7538 Home Alone movie vocabulary -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7539 Weather Lessons #11 and 13 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7540 Months Lessons #13 and 16 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7541 Number #1-40 Lesson #15 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7542 3-U3E2 cultura Dra. C Columns
How well did you learn the culture in Unidad3E2? Try this several times. It will be a little different each time. Copy this to my account 7543 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 1b (By Actions) -- Java Game
These we learn by actions. Copy this to my account 7544 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 2a, La chica social -- Java Game
Ch. 2 vocab (half) Copy this to my account 7545 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 3a, El restaurante -- Java Game
Vocab. Ch. 3 (first half) Copy this to my account 7546 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 4a (Old and Easy) -- Java Game
A few oldies and new ones that are s o o o easy. Copy this to my account 7547 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 4d (Story Words) -- Java Game
Words we learn mostly by storytelling. Copy this to my account 7548 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 4 Present or Past? -- Columns
15 items! Keep playing to see them all! Copy this to my account 7549 Sp. 2, LICTM Ch. 5b-2 (By Actions) -- Columns
Keep playing! New items in each game!
[ ] = completed past. ~~ = ongoing past. Copy this to my account 7550 Sp. 3, LIST Ch. 3, Col.3 - Balloons -- Hangman
Keep the bear in the air!
PRACTICE at Copy this to my account 7551 La Comida -- Java Game
Practice the vocabulary for the third grade unit on food. Copy this to my account 7552 La Familia -- Java Game
Basic family vocabulary in Spanish Copy this to my account 7553 PUERTO RICO- HANGMAN Señora Rodriguez Hangman
Copy this to my account 7554 Capítulo 5A Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 7555 Spanish 2 Chapter 4 Vocabulary Exercises -- Java Game
Created by Anne Martin Copy this to my account 7556 los numeros ordenales MmeZedd Ordered List
Put the numbers in order! Copy this to my account 7557 Días de la semana Señora Miller Java Game
Practice the days of the week in Spanish. You will also learn some important phrases used with the days of the week. Copy this to my account 7558 Realidades: páginas 14-16 Señora Miller Java Game
Practice the vocabulary and phrases used with the Spanish calendar. Buena suerte!
*Una nota importante: The days of the week (días de la semana) and the months of the year (los meses del año) are separate from this game. Copy this to my account 7559 la ropa Señora Miller Java Game
Copy this to my account 7560 los partes del cuerpo y ropa Señora Miller Java Game
Practice the body parts and clothing in Spanish! Copy this to my account 7561 ¡Ven conmigo! Level 2, Capí­tulo 4, Tercer Paso SenyorM Java Game
Copy this to my account 7562 ¡Ven conmigo! Level 2, Capítulo 12, Tercer Paso SenyorM Java Game
Copy this to my account 7563 LICTM Cap2 lecciones 1-5 -- Jumbled Words
phrase jumbles Copy this to my account 7564 2-U3E1vocab pictures Dra. C Java Game
Copy this to my account 7565 2-U3E1: Pret/Imp EXERCISE Dra. C Cloze
Complete the story with the appropriate verbs in the Preterite, Imperfect OR INFINITVE as needed. THINK! Use your notes. Copy this to my account 7566 2-U3E2: Pret/Imp story Dra. C Cloze
Complete this story with the correct verbs in either the PRETERITE or IMPERFECT. This was written by a Carmel Spn 2 student. Copy this to my account 7567 EL COLEGIO Señora Java Game
¿DÓNDE ESTÁ...? Copy this to my account 7568 LA COMPUTADORA Y LA ESCUELA Señora Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 7569 Sp. 4+, LIST Ch. 4c (Por Cuentos) -- Java Game
Review of those learned by storytelling. Copy this to my account 7570 Vocabulario, Cap. 9 - Ciudad y campo Michelle Marnicio Java Game
Unos juegos para practicar el vocabulario de la ciudad y el campo Copy this to my account 7571 Cap. 7 / Paso 2 - Ven Conmigo 3 Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Copy this to my account 7572 Bullfight Sra. Calise Ordered List
Put the events at a bullfight in the correct order in which they would actually occur at a corrida de toros. Copy this to my account 7573 Pasajes Vocab Cap. 3-5 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7574 chap 5 -Filling out a form MmeZedd Columns
Match the columns to make logical entries onto the lines of the Intercambio form. Copy this to my account 7575 Vamos a Repasar -- Java Game
Program 23 Copy this to my account 7576 Spanish for Mastery 3 Unit 7 Review Sra. Sparks Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 7577 PASO A PASO capítulo 9 el vocabulario 2 Dusty Rhodes Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 7578 Cap­ítulo 6 - Completo Timothy Corcoran Java Game
Copy this to my account 7579 PASO A PASO capítulo 10 el vocabilario 1 Dusty Rhodes Battleship
Copy this to my account 7580 Hispanoblantes - Consejos Rostek Java Game
Copy this to my account 7581 Hispanohablantes - Quehacers Rostek Java Game
Copy this to my account 7582 9.3 Vocabulary Sra. Beasley Java Game
Copy this to my account 7583 Ven Conmigo 3er Paso Practice Sra. Beasley Battleship
If the question features a blank, your task is to fill the blank with the best answer choice.
If a question is asked with no blank, your task is to answer the question. Copy this to my account 7584 Mandatos (y direciones) Ms. J Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7585 El Décimo - Vocabulario Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Copy this to my account 7586 Capítulo 7B Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 7587 Sp 3 Etapa 4.1 vocab column 1 Mlle/Srta. Read Battleship
Copy this to my account 7588 Sp 1 Etapa 5.1 Reflexives and Vocab Practice Mlle/Srta. Read Battleship
Copy this to my account 7589 Capítulo 5B Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 7590 Capítlo 6B Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 7591 En Espanol II Vocabulario 1-1 Mrs. Shields Battleship
Plane and past times vocabulary Copy this to my account 7592 En Espanol II Vocabulario 1-2 Mrs. Shields Battleship
Food, Art and Activities Copy this to my account 7593 REFLEXIVOS Reflexive preterite MmeZedd Pop-ups
Practice the forms of the preterite of reflexive verbs in our chapter. Do not write the subjects. Copy this to my account 7594 REFLEXIVOS - Reciprocidad MmeZedd Cloze
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to show that these people are both doing this action. Copy this to my account 7595 REFLEXIVOS -presente y pretérito MmeZedd Cloze
Practice translating the present and preterite forms of the reflexive verbs as well as other common verbs for describing your daily routine. Copy this to my account 7596 Unidad Uno- Lección 2 Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Copy this to my account 7597 Buen Viaje level 3 Ch 4B Corrine Morton-Greiner Java Game
Copy this to my account 7598 El pretérito y el imperfecto Señora Janet Tan Cloze
Copy this to my account 7599 Pretérito e Imperfecto Señora Janet Tan Mini Quiz
Copy this to my account 7600 Realidades 1- To Say Goodbye -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7601 Capítulo 01-04, Vocabulario, Puntos de Partida & ¿Qué tal? -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7602 Vocabulario básico - Nivel intermedio Patti Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7603 1Ch.7(o-ue)StemChangers Srta. Gutzwiler Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 7604 1Ch1 Question Words Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Copy this to my account 7605 1Ch12 Foods;Backpacking;Verbs Vocab. Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Copy this to my account 7606 1Ch12 Grooming Vocab. Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Copy this to my account 7607 1Ch4 del, al, sentence practice Srta. Gutzwiler Quiz
Practice the al and del expressions and practice writing sentences. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 7608 1Ch5VerbsFill-in Srta. Gutzwiler Quiz
Write the verb which correctly completes the sentence. This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 7609 1Ch6Rooms,House Vocab. Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Practice with the vocabulary of the House Copy this to my account 7610 1Ch7 Vocab and Verb Game Srta. Gutzwiler Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7611 1Ch7PartsofBody Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Practice with body vocabulary Copy this to my account 7612 1Ch7RegularVerbs Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Practice with regular verbs Copy this to my account 7613 1Ch7Soccer/Baseball Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Practice with Soccer and Baseball vocab. Copy this to my account 7614 1Ch7SportVocabulary Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Practice with sports vocabulary in Chapter 7 Copy this to my account 7615 1Ch7StemChangers Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Practice with stem changing verbs Copy this to my account 7616 1Ch8 Doctor Vocab. Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Copy this to my account 7617 1Ch8 Minor Health Vocab. Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Copy this to my account 7618 1Ch8 Pharmacist Vocab. Srta. Gutzwiler Java Game
Copy this to my account 7619 Invitatio to Languages Lesson 1 Saludos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7620 El Vocabulario -- Challenge Board
Vocabulary from the entire semesterP Copy this to my account 7621 La Comida -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7622 Invitation to Languages # 2 Adios - # 3 En clase -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7623 Learnables 10 Matching Lakota Spanish Teachers Columns
Practice vocabulary from Learnables 10 Level 1 by matching the Spanish to the English. Copy this to my account 7624 Learnables 11 Hangman Lakota Spanish Teachers Hangman
Practice vocabulary from Learnables 11. Copy this to my account 7625 Learnables 13 Lakota Spanish Teachers Hangman
Play hangman to learn words and phrases from Learnables and Basic Structures Chapter 13. Copy this to my account 7626 Learnables 14 Lakota Spanish Teachers Java Game
Practice new vocabulary from Learnables Lesson 14 Book 2. Copy this to my account 7627 Learnables 15 Lakota Spanish Teachers Java Game
Play vocabulary games to help you study Learnables and Basic Structures Lesson 15 Copy this to my account 7628 Learnables 16 Lakota Spanish Teachers Java Game
Play games to learn vocabulary words from Learnables Lesson 16. Copy this to my account 7629 Learnables 5 and 6 Lakota Spanish Teachers Java Game
Play games to learn vocabulary from Learnables Book 1 Lessons 5 and 6. Copy this to my account 7630 Learnables 9 Lakota Spanish Teachers Ordered List
Put the following sentences in the order that makes the most sense. Copy this to my account 7631 Learnables 9 Hangman Lakota Spanish Teachers Hangman
Practice vocabulary from Learnables 9 Book 1 and Basic Structures 9 Book by guessing the word or phrases. Copy this to my account 7632 3-1, 3-2 Ven Conmigo Lakota Spanish Teachers Rags to Riches
A practice of various phrases on time, hurry, and whose it is. Copy this to my account 7633 LICTM Chapter 1 Lectura 1 p. 1 Rodolfo Mlle/Srta. Read Cloze
Copy this to my account 7634 El Mariachi - los 4 personajes Suzan Desezar Columns
Hvem er hvem i El Mariachi? Copy this to my account 7635 El Mariachi - perfecto Suzan Desezar Cloze
Indsæt verbet i parentesen i perfektum (førnutid) Copy this to my account 7636 En Vivo øvelse 9.6. Repetition af I bøjnings udsagnsord Suzan Desezar Cloze
Oversæt følgende udsagnsord og indsæt de rigtige ord i sætningerne. Udsagnsordene skal bøjes.
estudiar ... Copy this to my account 7637 En vivo - Nær fremtid Suzan Desezar Cloze
Sæt udsagnsordet i nær fremtid
ir + a + infinitiv
ex:... Copy this to my account 7638 En vivo 13.1 Suzan Desezar Cloze
Ejestedord og grundledsformer af personlige stedord §38 + §32
Vælg det rigtige stedord Copy this to my account 7639 La hija del Puma - Aschlop y María Suzan Desezar Columns
Hvilke kvaliteter karakteriserer hvem? Copy this to my account 7640 La hija del Puma - gloser til o.s.56 Suzan Desezar Java Game
Øv de fleste af de gloser, som du skal bruge til oversættelsen s. 56 Copy this to my account 7641 La hija del Puma - hele filmen- correcto-falso Suzan Desezar Quiz
Spørgsmål til hele filmen This quiz contains 19 questions. Copy this to my account 7642 La hija del Puma scene 31-35 Suzan Desezar Quiz This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 7643 Preguntas sobre España (En vivo kap 8) Suzan Desezar Quiz This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 7644 PARA practicar POR jugar - Med dansk oversættelse Suzan Desezar Challenge Board
Spil alene eller 2 sammen. Bestem om der skal bruges por eller para i sætningerne Copy this to my account 7645 Use of infinitives Dra. C Cloze
Complete each sentence with the appropriate form of the verb in either the present tense or infinitive as needed. Copy this to my account 7646 2-U1E2 art vocab Dra. C Java Game
Art vocabulary Copy this to my account 7647 2-U2E3 vocab p. 167 Dra. C Columns
This activity works with vocab from Things to do in the City and selected words from Other Words and Phrases Copy this to my account 7648 2-U3E2 beach/sandcastle Dra. C Cloze
This story was written by one of Dra. C's Spn 2 students at Carmel. COmplete the story with the appropriate verb forms. WATCH for Preterite and Imperfects! Copy this to my account 7649 2-U3E3 La Atocha Dra. C Columns
Review the culture in the reading and video about Mel Fisher and the search for the Atocha. Copy this to my account 7650 2-U5E2: formation of past participles Dra. C Java Game
Practice the formation of the past participles. You need to really understand how to form the past participles so that you can then work with them as verbs or adjectives. USE your notes and the CURRENT vocab list on nature and camping. Copy this to my account 7651 Spanish 2 - the whole year's verbs!! -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7652 Emociones y condiciones -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7653 En el consultario -- Java Game
Match the English and Spanish word. Copy this to my account 7654 La profesora Martínez se levantó con el pie izquierdo -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7655 La vivienda -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7656 Las presiones de la vida estudiantil -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7657 Pasatiempos, diversiones y aficiones -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7658 Vocabulario. ¡Dímelo tú! Capítulo 2: ¡Ahora hay tanto que hacer! Dr. Yosálida C. Rivero-Zaritzky Challenge Board
Practica tu vocabulario Copy this to my account 7659 Cuba - sociedad e historia -- Challenge Board
Spil jeopardy, hvor kategorierne handler om Cuba. Det er nok nyttigt at have læst f.eks. indledningen til Retratos Cubanos.
Og ok, det er nok lidt svært... Copy this to my account 7660 Verbos irregulares -- Challenge Board
Spil "Jeopardy", hvor kategorierne er uregelmæssige verber!
(Juega al "Jeopardy" con los verbos irregulares como categorías) Copy this to my account 7661 Capítulo Uno - Cosas para la escuela Linda Radke Java Game
Match these spanish words with their meanings in english. Copy this to my account 7662 Cap. 1/ Segundo Paso (3rd Year) Sra. Biscaia Java Game
Vocabulario del Segundo Paso de Capítulo 1 Copy this to my account 7663 00 - PP - Capitals -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7664 00 - PP - Concentration and Flashcards -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7665 00 - PP - Geography -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7666 00 - PP - Hangman -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7667 01 - Friends - Concentration and Flashcards -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7668 01 - Friends - Pen Pal -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 7669 02 - School - Hangman -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7670 02 - School - Matching -- Columns
Copy this to my account 7671 04 - Food - Concentration and Flashcards -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7672 04 - Food - Verbs -- Patterns
Copy this to my account 7673 08 - House - Hangman -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7674 10 - Past Tense Verbs -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 7675 11 - TV/Movie Hangman -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7676 Los participos pasados usados como adjetivos. -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7677 En Español III - Un. 1 Et. 2 Hangman -- Hangman
Practice vocabulary! Copy this to my account 7678 En Español III Un. 1 Et. 2 - Repaso de Verbos -- Challenge Board
Review verbs with this challenge board! Copy this to my account 7679 Chapter 1 - En el Ave Señora Davis Rags to Riches
Answer the questions based on the reading in the text. Copy this to my account 7680 Realidades 2: Cap 1A ¿Qué haces en la escuela? Patti Coveny Java Game
Match the English and Spanish words. Copy this to my account 7681 Realidades 2: Cap 1B ¿Qué haces después de las clases? Patti Coveny Java Game
Match the Spanish and English words. Copy this to my account 7682 Holidays;Past Tenses (Yo / Nosotros forms only) -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7683 09 - Body - Hangman -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7684 Commands 41-60 battleship Thomas F. Strotman Battleship
Verbs from Survival Booklet Copy this to my account 7685 Commands (1-20) Thomas F. Strotman Hangman
Copy this to my account 7686 Commands 21-40 Thomas F. Strotman Hangman
From Survival Booklet pg.5 Copy this to my account 7687 Una aventura loca -- Jumbled Words
Las frases sobre la aventura de Juan Pedro - pero las letras se han mezclado. ¿Qué dice la frase? Copy this to my account 7688 En La Ciudad -- Battleship
City buildings, shops, and pets. Copy this to my account 7689 En La Ciudad -- Java Game
City shops, pets, and common objects... Copy this to my account 7690 Places in the City (hangman) Thomas F. Strotman Hangman
Copy this to my account 7691 En Español Unidad 1 Verb Review -- Challenge Board
Review the verbs for the first Unidad! Copy this to my account 7692 irregular preterites jeanne jendrzejewski Java Game
Copy this to my account 7693 venconmigo 3 chapter 2 jeanne jendrzejewski Java Game
Copy this to my account 7694 Triangulo 2, Col 1 & 2 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7695 Triangulo 2, todas palabras -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7696 Juntos Dos pages 44-45 vocabulary Sr. Hendrickson Java Game
list of vocabulary words and terms from pages 44 and 45 of The Juntos Dos book Copy this to my account 7697 Repaso (Places, Tech, Stem-changing Verbs) Ms. J Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7698 En Espanol II Vocabulario 4-2 Mrs. Shields Battleship
Copy this to my account 7699 En Espanol II Vocabulario 4-3 Mrs. Shields Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 7700 Tomatina -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 7701 El Norte #2 Profe Sayler Java Game
Copy this to my account 7702 Apuntes #5 y #6 Repaso Sr. Ewais Challenge Board
Review for Chapters #5 & #6 to prepare students for their test. Copy this to my account 7703 Continuemos - Leccion 2 - verbos, adjetivos y mas Sra. G Java Game
Copy this to my account 7704 Continuemos - Lección 2 - vocabulario Sra. G Battleship
escoja la respuesta apropriada Copy this to my account 7705 La casa -- Java Game
Practica el vocabulario relacionado con la casa Copy this to my account 7706 Eso Sí 16 -- Java Game
Practica el vocabulario del capítulo (sólo substantivos/nombres) Copy this to my account 7707 Mundos - Capítulos 11 y 12 - Frases -- Jumbled Words
Bogstaverne i de enkelte ord er byttet rundt. Kan du sætte dem rigtigt sammen? Copy this to my account 7708 Mundos - capítulo 12 - El clima -- Java Game
Ejercicios de vocabulario Copy this to my account 7709 Ven Conmigo 1:Capitulo 1 SEGUNDO PASO p45 C. Hughes Java Game
Review the vocabulary using the flashcards, then practice by playing the games. Copy this to my account 7710 Prueba de Capítulo 12 -- Quiz
Piensa y contesta las preguntas. This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 7711 Verbs poder and ir (present and preterite) -- Quiz
Take this test as many times as needed to get them all right. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 7712 El estado del tiempo Ms. J Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 7713 ven conmigo chp. 6-1 -- Hangman
La Familia Copy this to my account 7714 En mi pueblo -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 7715 Spanish: # 1-40 Mme Greer Hangman
Practice # 1-40. Copy this to my account 7716 Capítulo 2 Examencito Vocabulario -- Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 20. Copy this to my account 7717 Abordo: capítulo 4 Karen Katz Picture Perfect
Put these sentences in logical order. Copy this to my account 7718 MS Sp1A: Adelante Ch 1: Tercer Paso p57 C. Hughes Java Game
Talking about what you like and don't like.
Review the online flashcards before you play the games. Copy this to my account 7719 Los Animales Mrs. Ansted Java Game
Can you name the animals in Spanish? Copy this to my account 7720 La Clase -- Hangman
Practice classroom objects Copy this to my account 7721 Trabajar Mrs. Sandie Wright Hangman
Conjugate the verb "Trabajar" and find the answer. Copy this to my account 7722 Hangman Vocabulary lesson 5 En Sus Marcas Señora Curtis Hangman
Vocabulary for lesson five from the text book. Going places in the city and how to get there. Copy this to my account 7723 DONDE VIVEN LOS ANIMALES?¿ Sr. Frymerman Java Game
Copy this to my account 7724 3-3 Writing Practice Lakota Spanish Teachers Quiz
Practice your writing skills by translating the following English sentences to Spanish. This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 7725 Buen Viaje 1 Prelim A-D Señora Terranova Java Game
Copy this to my account 7726 Comprensión de la lectura "El mensajero de San Martín" Maestra Columns
Es una comprensión que tú necesitas hacer cuando hayas termindo de leer "El mensajero de San Martín en Galería de Arte y de Vida. Copy this to my account 7727 Sp.1 #1 -Misc. Vocabulary -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7728 Sp.1 #1 -Adjectives -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7729 Classroom Objects -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7730 Los Colores -- Java Game
Match the correct word Copy this to my account 7731 Las Palabras de Preguntar Sra. Geer Java Game
Copy this to my account 7732 JW- Los Tensos Perfectos Señora Turner Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7733 ¡Te Invito! Unit 2 SRA. BEITZINGER Picture Perfect
Paco and Ana were passing a note in class, but Sra. Beitzinger intercepted it and ripped it up! Please put the pieces in order. Copy this to my account 7734 La hora Sra. Blumberg Java Game
Copy this to my account 7735 Numeros Sra. Blumberg Java Game
Copy this to my account 7736 Shrek Sra. Blumberg Columns
Match the Spanish nouns from the movie to the English equivalents Copy this to my account 7737 Capitales de países hispanohablantes Sra. Blumberg Mini Quiz
Answer correctly to the question: which is the capital of...? Copy this to my account 7738 Película Favorita BBK Hangman
Review of Vocabulary of pp330-31 in Paso a Paso 2 Copy this to my account 7739 Mis Cosas BBK Cloze
vocabulario de Ch 7 Paso a Paso 2 Copy this to my account 7740 ¿De que se trata...? BBK Java Game
Vocabulary of Ch.10 Paso a Paso 2 Copy this to my account 7741 Capítulo 5 voc. pgs. 154-155 Linda Radke Java Game
Family Copy this to my account 7742 Capítulo 5 voc.pgs 158-159 Linda Radke Java Game
Family Copy this to my account 7743 Capítulo 6 voc. pgs. 184-185 Linda Radke Java Game
Clothing and Colors Copy this to my account 7744 Días de la semana- PP Linda Radke Ordered List
Of this list of words choose the days of the week and put them in order. Some words will not be used. Copy this to my account 7745 Los Números Grandes y Pequeños cap 10 Linda Radke Ordered List
Put the numbers in order. Copy this to my account 7746 PP Países y Capitales Linda Radke Java Game
These activities will help you prepare for the quiz. Copy this to my account 7747 Juntos Dos: Chapter 1 Vocabulary Señora Mahoney Columns
Match the Spanish words to their English translations (page 59). Copy this to my account 7748 Juntos Dos: Chapter 2 Vocabulary Señora Mahoney Java Game
Chapter 2, page 77. Copy this to my account 7749 Juntos Dos: Chapter 2 Vocabulary Jumble Señora Mahoney Jumbled Words
Unscamble the following vocabulary words from Chapter 2, page 77. Copy this to my account 7750 Juntos Dos: Chapter 4 Jumble Señora Mahoney Jumbled Words
Unscramble the vocabulary words from Chapter 4, page 125. Copy this to my account 7751 Juntos Dos: Chapter 5 Vocabulary Señora Mahoney Java Game
Chapter 5, page 155. Copy this to my account 7752 Juntos Dos: Chapter 7 Vocabulary Señora Mahoney Java Game
Chapter 7, page 203. Copy this to my account 7753 Juntos Dos: Chapter 8 Vocabulary Señora Mahoney Java Game
Chapter 8, page 221. Copy this to my account 7754 Spanish I Exam Review 2 -- Battleship
Review of grammar and vocabulary Copy this to my account 7755 Spanish II Exam Review -- Columns
Vocabulary matching Copy this to my account 7756 Spanish II Exam Review 2 -- Java Game
Vocabulary review of foods and containers Copy this to my account 7757 Spanish II Exam Review 3 -- Ordered List
Put steps of making a phone call in the correct order. Copy this to my account 7758 Spanish II Exam Review 4 -- Rags to Riches
Multiple choice exercise to practice for the exam. Copy this to my account 7759 Spanish III Exam Review -- Java Game
What is the opposite of the word given? Copy this to my account 7760 Spanish III Exam Review 2 -- Hangman
These words are synonyms from the exam! Copy this to my account 7761 Spanish III Exam Review 4 -- Rags to Riches
Multiple choice questions from the careful since some of the answers are tricky! Copy this to my account 7762 Abordo Food Ch 2 -- Rags to Riches
Foods from Abordo for Spanish 3 Copy this to my account 7763 Word search reflexive verbs -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7764 Amsco Part 3 L1: Idioms with dar pp. 235-236 Sra. Coutu Java Game
idiomatic expressions using the verb dar Copy this to my account 7765 Amsco, 3 Part 3 L1: Idioms with haber p.236 Sra. Coutu Java Game
idiomatic expressions using the verb haber Copy this to my account 7766 El uniforme escolar -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7767 Vocabulary-Etapa 2 Unidad 2 -- Java Game
first column - page 143 Copy this to my account 7768 Spanish 1 Vocabulary 1B -- Java Game
Use these matching, flash card, and word search activities to review vocabulary and phrases to describe yourself and others. Copy this to my account 7769 Capitulo 3 B Word Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 7770 Paso a Paso ch. 4 ¿Tienes hambre? Kim Hukari Challenge Board
How well do you know you spanish food terms from chapter 4? Copy this to my account 7771 Spanish I-Chapter 3 Vocabulary Joy Jenkins Quenga Java Game
Learn all of the chapter 3 vocabulary here! Copy this to my account 7772 SpanishI-Chapter 4 Vocabulary--Food Joy Jenkins Quenga Java Game
Do you know your vocabulary words for food?
Let's find out! Copy this to my account 7773 el arte - vocabulario y artistas Señora Rader Java Game
Match the vocabulary with its description and the artist with a work or style Copy this to my account 7774 complementos y posesivos Señora Rader Pop-ups
Choose the appropriate pronoun/possessive to complete the sentence. Copy this to my account 7775 Food Vocab Ms. J Java Game
Copy this to my account 7776 Realidades 9 - pre Sra. Chamberlain Java Game
pp 394-387 Copy this to my account 7777 Realidades 9 - 2 Sra. Chamberlain Java Game
pp. 401-423 Copy this to my account 7778 Sp.3 Ch.3 Less.5-7 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7779 Chapter 3 Primer Paso Vocabulary Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Copy this to my account 7780 SFM III Unit 14 Vocabulary p.422-23 M. Van Camp Java Game
Copy this to my account 7781 Buen Viaje 1 Chap 6 -Vocab Palabras 2 (home) Mrs. Hicks Java Game
Copy this to my account 7782 SG: 3.1 VOCABULARIO Professoressa Marchesi Java Game
For the matching you should complete at least 8 to 10 boards. To get a new board slick "START OVER". Copy this to my account 7783 SG: 2.3 Vocabulario con Battleship Professoressa Marchesi Battleship
Practica el vocabulario jugando Battleship Copy this to my account 7784 SG: 2.1 Repaso Professoressa Marchesi Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 7785 CApítulo 4 Paso a paso 2 Ms. Acocella Pop-ups
El pretérito y los irregulares Copy this to my account 7786 Capítulo 3 Pas a Paso 1 Ms. Acocella Pop-ups
possesive adjectives and the verb ir, me gustaría Copy this to my account 7787 DO NOW -EL DORMITORIO/EL CUARTO Ms. Acocella Java Game
WE ARE LEARNING ITEMS THAT BELONG TO A BEDROOM. Copy this to my account 7788 Insectos Arácidos y Anélidos Ms. Acocella Java Game
Vocabulario Copy this to my account 7789 Medios de transporte Sra. Blumberg Java Game
Copy this to my account 7790 Buscando a Nemo Sra. Blumberg Hangman
Copy this to my account 7791 La granja Muy Bien A Kim Hukari Hangman
Have fun learning your farm vocabulary! Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 7792 La Granja Muy Bien A Kim Hukari Java Game
Do you know your farm vocabulary? Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 7793 Los ayudantes de la comunidad - Muy Bien C Kim Hukari Hangman
Practice your vocabulary from lesson 6 - los ayudantes de la comunidad - Buena Suerta! Copy this to my account 7794 Las bebidas Kim Hukari Hangman
Can you figure out these drinks in Spanish? Copy this to my account 7795 Donde lo commpraste? Kim Hukari Rags to Riches
Tell where you buy these items. Copy this to my account 7796 Chac Mool Vocabulary Iago Vazquez Java Game
Lee Conmigo Level 3 vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 7797 SFM III Unit 5 Grammar practice M. Van Camp Challenge Board
Like Jeopardy, but Spanish! Copy this to my account 7798 The Command Challenge Mr. Boemio Challenge Board
Conjugate the verbs according to the title of the category. Copy this to my account 7799 LIST - 2-1 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 7800 LIST - 2-2 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 7801 LIST - 2-4 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 7802 LIST - 2-5 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 7803 La casa embrujada - Capítulo 1 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards and Matching games for Chapter 1 Copy this to my account 7804 La casa embrujada - Capítulo 2 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching games for Chapter Two Copy this to my account 7805 La casa embrujada - Capítulo 3 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 7806 La casa embrujada - Capítulo 3 Profe. Butcher Rags to Riches
Rags to Riches Copy this to my account 7807 La casa embrujada - Capítulo 4 Profe. Butcher Rags to Riches
Rags to Riches Copy this to my account 7808 La casa embrujada - Capítulo 4 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 7809 La casa embrujada - Capítulo 5 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 7810 La casa embrujada - Capítulo 5 Profe. Butcher Rags to Riches
Rags to Riches Copy this to my account 7811 La casa embrujada - Capítulo 8 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 7812 Álbum: Cajas de cartón - La segunda parte - Battleship - Profe. Butcher Battleship
Copy this to my account 7813 Álbum: Un oso y un amor / Sala de espera - Battleship Profe. Butcher Battleship
Copy this to my account 7814 Adelante Chapter 3-2 Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Copy this to my account 7815 El Vocabulario 9-1 (Ven Conmigo) Sra. DeRosa Hangman
Copy this to my account 7816 Capítulo 8.3 - ¡A Comer! Mrs. Cannon-Ruffo Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7817 Segundo Ano 5.1 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7818 Segundo Año 4.3 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7819 Segundo Año 4.2 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7820 La familia nohora rivera Java Game
Practice use vocabulary using the flash cards. Copy this to my account 7821 Una visita a San Antonio Sra. Cutter Sullivan Cloze
Fill in each blank with the correct preterite form of the verb in parenthesis. Copy this to my account 7822 Preparemos la comida II- Madatos formales plurales Mme Dimick Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7823 Preparemos la comida- verbos en mandatos formales Mme Dimick Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7824 1,er paso - 1, 2o paso Practice sp IIH Profesora Fritz Challenge Board
Additional vocabulary R10 & R13 (descriptions) Copy this to my account 7825 el vocabulario del capítulo 5 -- Java Game
match the vocabulary words to their English counterparts! Copy this to my account 7826 Animals of the USA - Domesticated Sr. Griffin Java Game
<img border="0" src="" width="474" height="75"> Copy this to my account 7827 LISTOS BOOK 2 Modulo 6 Mrs Flannery Jumbled Words
At the Chemist Copy this to my account 7828 I: Ch 4.2 & 4.3 Jeopardy Board Señora Clarke Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7829 Capítulo 7: Vocabulario 7.1 y 7.2 -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 7830 Los Verbos reflexivos - regular Mrs. Nishi Java Game
Students will conjugate and use regular reflexive verbs correctly. Copy this to my account 7831 Capítulo 1: Fill ins Sra. Jensen Cloze
Copy this to my account 7832 Flip-o-mático: Parte 1 Sra. Jensen Java Game
Copy this to my account 7833 Gabí está aquí Capítulos 1 - 3 -- Java Game
vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 7834 Examen de los países de habla español -- Quiz
Write the correct upper case spelling of each capital or country or lower case short answer response. This quiz contains 37 questions. Copy this to my account 7835 Unidad 8- la gente Sra. Durante Java Game
descripción-la gente Copy this to my account 7836 Mis amigos y yo Sra. Hilbert Java Game
Using adjectives to describe ourselves and the people around us, as well as to state our likes and dislikes. Copy this to my account 7837 ¡Vamos a la escuela! Sra. Hilbert Java Game
Basic school items for beginners. Copy this to my account 7838 chapter 2 -- Quiz
review for chapter 2 test This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 7839 Chapter 2 Section 1 -- Pop-ups
Comida española
Verbos como gustar
La mesa Copy this to my account 7840 Buen Viaje 1--Cap. 14 Señor Fields Battleship
En el restaurante Copy this to my account 7841 Buen Viaje 1--Cap. 14 Señor Fields Java Game
prácitica de vocabulario Copy this to my account 7842 Jeopardy Review Questions Capitulo 6 Señora Ramos Challenge Board
This game will help Spanish I review Chapter 6 of Ya Veras Nivel 1 Copy this to my account 7843 Vocabulario de capítulo 7.1 -- Java Game
Practice important words from la primera etapa. Copy this to my account 7844 Español 3 vocabulario de Frida Kahlo -- Java Game
Practice important vocabulary from the reading on Frida Kahlo. Copy this to my account 7845 Español 3 7.2 vocabulario -- Java Game
Practice important vocabulary about the Spanish painters. Copy this to my account 7846 Chapter 7 Vacation Profesora Khan Jumbled Words
Paso a Paso 1 Copy this to my account 7847 Span 2 -- Repaso (food,fam, adj, DO) Ms. J Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7848 Adelante 4-1 Second Part of list Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Copy this to my account 7849 Adelante 4-1 Vocabulary First Part Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Adelante Vocabulary list Chapter 4-1 Copy this to my account 7850 El Matrimonio Sra. Shelly Krueger Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7851 deportes y camping Sra. Shelly Krueger Java Game
Copy this to my account 7852 Adelante 5-1 Sra. DeRosa Hangman
Copy this to my account 7853 Adelante 5-3 Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Copy this to my account 7854 SP 1--Lesson 15 Indirect Objects Mrs C Hangman
Copy this to my account 7855 Capitulo 5 A Vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7856 CAPITULO CINCO Mrs.Vazquez Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7857 SPANISH COUNTRY CAPITALS Mrs.Vazquez Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7858 Los verbos AR/ER/IR Sra. Durante Battleship
EL VOCABULARIO DE 2.3 DIME-INFINITIVOS-KNOW HOW TO CONJUGATE THEM, USE THEM WITH "TENER QUE" AND USE THEM WITH "IR A" Copy this to my account 7859 Ser versus Estar Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Learn the difference between Ser and estar Copy this to my account 7860 Poder Conjugation Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Place the conjugated verb poder in order to a typical verb chart.
1 - yo 4 - nosotros
2 - tú 5 -... Copy this to my account 7861 Ven Conmigo - Capitulo 2 Primer Paso Sra. Webb Java Game
Copy this to my account 7862 Ven Conmigo - Capitulo 4 Primer Paso Sra. Webb Java Game
Copy this to my account 7863 Ven Conmigo - Capitulo 4 Segundo Paso Sra. Webb Java Game
Copy this to my account 7864 Ven conmigo - Capitulo 6 Segundo Paso Sra. Webb Java Game
Copy this to my account 7865 Ven conmigo - Capítulo 7 Primer Paso Sra. Webb Java Game
Copy this to my account 7866 Destinos 10 Los artistas espaÑoles (Paso a paso 3-3 Sra. Webb Quiz This quiz contains 38 questions. Copy this to my account 7867 Destinos 1-17 Objetos importantes Sra. Webb Ordered List
The following things have changed hands during these video episodes of Destinos. Read through the list and try to remember what people and actions were associated with them. Try to put them in cronological order. Copy this to my account 7868 En Camino 1B Ch. 12 Las vacaciones ideales... Primer Paso [pg. 281] C. Hughes Java Game
Making future plans - Use the flashcards to makes sure you know the vocabulary. Then enjoy playing the games. Copy this to my account 7869 En Camino 1B Ch. 12 Las vacaciones ideales... Segundo Paso [pg. 281] C. Hughes Java Game
Talking about what you would like to do on vacation - Use the flashcards to makes sure you know the vocabulary. Then enjoy playing the games. Copy this to my account 7870 Ven Conmigo 2: Ch. 1 Mis amigos y yo, SEGUNDO PASO Y TERCER PASO pg33 C. Hughes Java Game
Talking about what you and others do/verbs for review/Saying what you like and don't like.
Practice with the flashcards, then play the games. Copy this to my account 7871 Ven Conmigo 2: Ch. 2 Un viaje al extranjero, SEGUNDO PASO pg61 C. Hughes Java Game
Saying if something has already been done/asking for and offering help.
Practice with the flashcards, then play the games. Copy this to my account 7872 Ven Conmigo 2: Ch. 3 La vida contidiana, SEGUNDO PASO pg93 C. Hughes Java Game
Talking about responsibilities/Household chores/Complaining. Practice with the flashcards, then play the games. Copy this to my account 7873 Ven Conmigo 2: Ch. 3 La vida contidiana, TERCER PASO pg93 C. Hughes Java Game
Talking about hobbies and pastimes/Saying how long something has been going on. Practice with the flashcards, then play the games. Copy this to my account 7874 El ahorcado Mrs. Ansted Hangman
Practice the names of the animals at the zoo Copy this to my account 7875 Los Animales del zoológico Mrs. Ansted Java Game
Can you match the names of the zoo animals? Copy this to my account 7876 Mastery 3 Unidad 13 Vocabulario pp390-391 C. Hughes Java Game
Aqui se arregla; trabajos de casa, el equipo audiovisual y de sonido, y para conversar. Copy this to my account 7877 Mastery 3 Unidad 14 Vocabulario pp418 C. Hughes Java Game
Ganándose la vida: Use the flashcards to review the vocabulary for Las profesiones y carreras. Then play the games. Copy this to my account 7878 Mastery 3 Unidad 8 Vocabulario pp225 C. Hughes Java Game
Copy this to my account 7879 Mastery 3 Unidad 8 Vocabulario pp220-221 C. Hughes Java Game
Copy this to my account 7880 Mastery 3 Unidad 8 Vocabulario pp230 + pp233 C. Hughes Java Game
Copy this to my account 7881 Mastery 3: Unit 1 Vocabulary C. Hughes Java Game
Review the vocabulary using the flashcards, then play the games. Copy this to my account 7882 Mastery 3: Unit 10: Buen Viaje pp287-288 C. Hughes Java Game
Use the flashcards to review the vocabulary for the En el aeropuerto section of this unit. Copy this to my account 7883 Mastery 3 Unit 12: Vocab with Sp definitions C. Hughes Java Game
Practise Unit 12 vocabulary by matching the items to their Spanish definitions Copy this to my account 7884 Mastery 3: Unit 12 Vocabulario pp352-353 C. Hughes Java Game
Cuartos y partes de la casa; Muebles y otras cosas. Practice with the flashcards, then play the games. Copy this to my account 7885 Mastery 3: Unit 13 Additional vocab (Sp definitions) C. Hughes Java Game
¿Sabes a que se refiere? Copy this to my account 7886 Mastery 3: Unit 3 Vocabulary pp66 C. Hughes Hangman
play hangman to see if you can spell these house hold appliances Copy this to my account 7887 Mastery 3: Unit 8 El Cuerpo flashcards C. Hughes Java Game
Review the body vocabulary using the flashcards, then play the matching and word search games. Copy this to my account 7888 Mastery Unit 8: La Salud C. Hughes Java Game
Review the vocabulary from your Mastery text Copy this to my account 7889 El Cumpleaños de Martín Señor Raschio Cloze
Copy this to my account 7890 May final test Mrs. Sandie Wright Quiz This quiz contains 91 questions. Copy this to my account 7891 COMMANDS/PRETERITE/PRESENTPROGRESSIVE/VERBS Mrs.Vazquez Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7892 ¿COMO SE SIENTE? Mrs.Vazquez Java Game
Copy this to my account 7893 EIGHTH GRADE TEACHERS/PERSONNEL Mrs.Vazquez Hangman
Copy this to my account 7894 CON QUE FRECUENCIA Mrs.Vazquez Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 7895 CON QUE FRECUENCIA Mrs.Vazquez Hangman
Copy this to my account 7896 EL CUERPO Mrs.Vazquez Hangman
Copy this to my account 7897 EL CUERPO/ME SIENTO Mrs.Vazquez Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7898 CAPITULO 5 SEPTIMO GRADO Mrs.Vazquez Java Game
Copy this to my account 7899 CAPITULO 6 SEPTIMO GRADE Mrs.Vazquez Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7900 VOCABULARIO CAPITULO 5 Mrs.Vazquez Java Game
Copy this to my account 7901 HOLIDAYS/WHEN IN TIME Mrs.Vazquez Hangman
Copy this to my account 7902 EL TIEMPO Mrs.Vazquez Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 7903 QUIEN/QUIENES Mrs.Vazquez Cloze
Copy this to my account 7904 4-1 Writing Practice Sra. DeRosa Quiz
Practice translating sentences from Chapter 4 Primer Paso. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 7905 Midterm Sra. DeRosa Quiz
Review Test. You will not view answers, just the results at the end of the test. This quiz contains 37 questions chosen from a bank of 46. Copy this to my account 7906 Mi cuidad Sra. DeRosa Hangman
Copy this to my account 7907 En camino 11-2 Vocabulary Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Copy this to my account 7908 La salud Marisol M. Hangman
Copy this to my account 7909 PALABRAS UTILES Marisol M. Java Game
lista de palabras que ayudaran a los estudiantes en el examen de Regents Copy this to my account 7910 palabras útiles Marisol M. Battleship
Find the right word in spanish for every word in English Copy this to my account 7911 Unidad 8-descripción física Sra. Durante Java Game
la descripción física Copy this to my account 7912 Realidades 3 1A Vocab. Sra. Sparks Java Game
Review vocab. Copy this to my account 7913 DIME Unit I Jeopardy Review Profa Kurtz Challenge Board
Practice for Unit One Test at least twice, because there are many extra answers Copy this to my account 7914 R2:PE:Vocabulary Review pp. 10-12 SRA. PAHL Java Game
Review question words, places, seasons, & adverbs of frecuency. Copy this to my account 7915 Conexiones - Lección 3 ¡Así lo decimos! 2 Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Vocabulary practice for the second part of Lección 3. Match the Spanish with the English. Copy this to my account 7916 El otro 4-5 Lionel Jean César Quiz
Escribe la idea que hace falta para completar cada oración. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 7917 Andalucía Lionel Jean César Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 7918 Baby H.P. / Práctica Lionel Jean César Quiz
Escoge la respuesta más apropiada This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 7919 Realidades 3 ch6-1 -- Hangman
vocab practice Copy this to my account 7920 Realidades 3 ch6-2 -- Jumbled Words
vocab practice Copy this to my account 7921 Spanish: People, Places, and Things Kim Acosta Java Game
Copy this to my account 7922 Muy Bien B - La escuela Kim Hukari Java Game
How well do you know your Spanish school vocabulary? give it a try! Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 7923 Cuéntame Episodio #1 Vocabulario Maestra Tolisano Columns
All vocabulary words from Episode One Copy this to my account 7924 Muy Bien A - Los colores Kim Hukari Java Game
How well do you know your colors in Spanish? Give it a try! Buena suerte!! Copy this to my account 7925 Etapa Preliminar - vocabulario, español 3 -- Java Game
vocabulary practice and review, etapa preliminar Copy this to my account 7926 Sp LICT p. 01 Capítulo 1 Lección 1 (past verb meanings) Mlle/Srta. Read Columns
Copy this to my account 7927 Sp LICT p. 01 Capítulo 1 Lección 1 Mlle/Srta. Read Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 7928 Sp LICT p. 01 Capítulo 1 Lección 1 Mlle/Srta. Read Hangman
Copy this to my account 7929 Sp LICT p. 01 Capítulo 1 Lección 1 Mlle/Srta. Read Rags to Riches
Can you win them all? Copy this to my account 7930 En Camino 10-1 Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Copy this to my account 7931 En Camino 11-1 Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Copy this to my account 7932 En Camino 11-1 and 11-2 Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Copy this to my account 7933 En Camino Chapter 11 Hangman Sra. DeRosa Hangman
Practice The Vocabulary for chapter 11 Copy this to my account 7934 En Camino Capítulo 9: Indirect Object Pronouns Sra. DeRosa Hangman
Complete the exercises. Copy this to my account 7935 En Camino Primer Paso Puente Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Vocabulary List Copy this to my account 7936 Ven Conmigo Capítulo 10 Sra. DeRosa Battleship
Completa los siguientes ejercicios. Copy this to my account 7937 Verbos Básicos Fred Kester Java Game
¿Qué palabra de acción corresponde a cada lámina? Copy this to my account 7938 Vocabulario Capítulo 2 Rev. Spellman Java Game
Copy this to my account 7939 Repaso semana 1-3 Absolute begginers Profe Grana Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7940 Por teléfono -- Java Game
Match the following expressions used in telephone conversations with the appropriate phrases in Spanish. Copy this to my account 7941 Una conversación por teléfono -- Battleship
Try to win this game of Battleship! You'll find questions or phrases used in a telephone conversation. For each one, select the most logical phrase or question that would follow. Copy this to my account 7942 Cap 9, primer paso - The Ultimate Review Sra. Pundsack Rags to Riches
Challenge yourself to go from rags to riches while you test your knowledge of the skills /concepts learned in Chapter 9 so far! Copy this to my account 7943 Repaso de todo el capítulo 9 Sra. Pundsack Challenge Board
See how well you have mastered unit 9 - this will examine all areas that we have studied. Copy this to my account 7944 In the grocery store Mrs. McChesney Java Game
Copy this to my account 7945 Buen Viaje II ch.13 Sra. Vonesh Rags to Riches
Las fiestas, etc. Copy this to my account 7946 R3 C1 A ver si recuerdas Mr. Mark Orsatti (Mr. O) Quiz
Escriba la expresión apropiada en español. This quiz contains 40 questions chosen from a bank of 61. Copy this to my account 7947 R3 C1 A ver si recuerdas-vocabulario Mr. Mark Orsatti (Mr. O) Java Game
Copy this to my account 7948 R3 C1 Días Inolvidables Mr. Mark Orsatti (Mr. O) Java Game
Match the English and Spanish words. Copy this to my account 7949 R3 C1 Sports and Competitions Mr. Mark Orsatti (Mr. O) Java Game
Match the English and Spanish words. Copy this to my account 7950 R3 C3 A primera vista 1 Mr. Mark Orsatti (Mr. O) Java Game
Match the Spanish with the English to practice the vocabulary from pages 114-115. Copy this to my account 7951 El Calendario Ms Gwen Nelson Hangman
Copy this to my account 7952 numbers/colors hangman Ms Gwen Nelson Hangman
Copy this to my account 7953 El MAR PROFUNDO Senor Correcto Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 7954 El Cuerpo - Body Parts Sra. Ausin-Dodge Java Game
spanish - english vocabulary Copy this to my account 7955 En Español 3 U1E2 Fashion Vocabulary -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7956 Exprésate 2, Capítulo 1 Vocabulario 1 Señora Mar Java Game
Expressing Likes and Dislikes Copy this to my account 7957 Cenicienta Judy Schulte Cloze
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the preterite or the imperfect. Copy this to my account 7958 Artículos y Sustantivos (I) Sra. Domally Columns
Copy this to my account 7959 Spanish 1 flashcards Adjectives Tracey Kyle Java Game
Copy this to my account 7960 Buen Viaje 3, Chapter 2, vocabulario Profe, Profesora Java Game
Copy this to my account 7961 En español 3: U1 E1 - Vocabulario Sra. Hilbert Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 7962 En español 2: U1 E1 - El pretérito irregular Sra. Hilbert Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 7963 En español 2 U4E1 Sra. Hilbert Rags to Riches
Facts, verbs and grammar questions put together by your classmate, Keaghan Ames! Copy this to my account 7964 Spanish 2 Unidad 3 Etapa 3 - Vocabulary and grammar Sra. Hilbert Rags to Riches
Answer the questions using the vocabulary and grammar from etapa 3, unidad 3. Copy this to my account 7965 Ven Conmigo 1:Capitulo 1 PRIMER PASO p45 C. Hughes Java Game
Saying hello and goodbye, introducing people and responding to an introduction, and asking how someone is and saying how you are. Review the vocabulary using the flashcards, then practice by playing the games. Copy this to my account 7966 Ven Conmigo 1:Capitulo 3 SEGUNDO PASO p107 C. Hughes Java Game
Telling at what time something happens. Review the vocabulary using the flashcards, then practice by playing the games. Copy this to my account 7967 Chapter 4 Imperfect Mrs. Romaguera Hangman
Guess words from the vocabulary in Chapter 4 Juntos 2 Copy this to my account 7968 Prueba - ¿Qué va bien con este chaleco? Señorita Gray Quiz
Paso a Paso 2 - Capítulo 3 This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 7969 * Fotos de Verbos Avanzados Señorita Mann Java Game
Match the Fotos con la Palabra Copy this to my account 7970 Planeta 3.Una carta de Amor, Orbita 1. Sra. Balson Java Game
Vocabulario para expresar sentimientos. Copy this to my account 7971 U1E3 Vocabulary - Family Members erin melo Java Game
Copy this to my account 7972 U1E2 Irregular Preterite Stem Verbs erin melo Columns
Copy this to my account 7973 ¿Cómo te sientes? Señorita Gray Columns
Paso a Paso 1, Capítulo 9 Copy this to my account 7974 AP Vocabulario de Animales Tracey Kyle Java Game
Copy this to my account 7975 Paso a Paso 1- Capítulo 11: programas de televisión -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7976 ESPAÑOL I - LESSON 1 - PRACTICE EXAM FOR UNIT TEST SEÑORITA DRISKILL Quiz This quiz contains 65 questions. Copy this to my account 7977 Sp 1 Los verbos ser, estar, tener, ir, hacer (en el presente) Mlle/Srta. Read Patterns
Practice filling in the present tense forms of the verb ser or estar that go with each subject. Copy this to my account 7978 Expresate Spanish 1 Chapter 2B Vocabulary -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7979 Unit 2 Etapa 1 Review Mrs. Shavchuk Challenge Board
This is a review for the Unit Etapa 1 test. It covers vocabulary from page 125, reflexive verbs from page 114, and the imperfect tense from page 116. Copy this to my account 7980 La Guerra Sucia Señor Turf Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 7981 El subjuntivo Señor Turf Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 7982 La geografía sudamericana Señor Turf Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 7983 Battleship -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 7984 Vocabulario 7.1 y 7.2 -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 7985 5.2 Vocabulario -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 7986 PASO 3 CHAPTER 1 Mlle. Java Game
COMO ERES? VOCABULARIO Copy this to my account 7987 Buen Viaje 1--Capítulo 3 Conjugating -AR Verbs in Present/Singular Madame Frissen Patterns
Copy this to my account 7988 Hortalizas y legumbres Tracey Kyle Java Game
Copy this to my account 7989 Arboles y naturaleza Tracey Kyle Java Game
Copy this to my account 7990 Elementos básicos de Presentación Marisol M. Pop-ups
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb Copy this to my account 7991 ¡Buen viaje! SFM 3 Unidad 10 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 7992 PALABRAS DE NAVIDAD Mlle. Java Game
common Christmas terms in Spanish Copy this to my account 7993 Feliz Navidad Mrs. Danner Battleship
Copy this to my account 7994 ¿Adónde debo ir? Señorita Gray Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 7995 Esp.4H: Somos así,3 Lección 1 linda forman Java Game
Practique Ud. el vocabulario y apréndalo de memoria. Copy this to my account 7996 Esp.4H- lección 2 vocabulario linda forman Java Game
practique Ud. con el vocabulario de esta lección Copy this to my account 7997 Esp.4H- lección 5: los verbos linda forman Java Game
Practique Ud. con el vocabulario. Hay muchos verbos aquí; muchos son reflexivos. Apréndalos de memoria. Copy this to my account 7998 Esp.4H- Somos así, 3 Vocabulario Lec.4 linda forman Java Game
Aquí tienen el vocabulario de la lección 4.¡Estúdienlo!
¡Apréndalo de memoria! Copy this to my account 7999 Christmas Carols -- Quiz
Choose the correct word to test your knowledge of your listening skills and christmas carol wordings. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 8000 AP Diagnostic Test -- Quiz This quiz contains 27 questions. Copy this to my account 8001 Christmas in Spain -- Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 8002 Formative #5-2A -- Quiz
Take this quiz as a way to practice for the test on Wednesday/Thursday. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 8003 It is all about "I" -- Quiz
This is a pre-test on verbs in the present tense. Conjugate them appropriately. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 8004 Mañana es el primer día de clases -- Quiz
Watch the movie to answer the following questions. This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 8005 Buen Viaje Level 3 Capitulo 5 Vocab pp. 202-208 Sra. Roldan Java Game
Copy this to my account 8006 Buen Viaje I 5 B Ms. Call Java Game
Copy this to my account 8007 Buen Viaje I 6 Ms. Call Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8008 Ventajas y desventajas Paso III cápitulo 2 second vocab Mlle. Java Game
more practice to learn basic vocab Copy this to my account 8009 Dos Mundos- Cap.2 Doña Kay Hartsock Java Game
Copy this to my account 8010 Dos Mundos- Cap.2 - countries and nationalities/colleges Doña Kay Hartsock Java Game
This is an easy one. Match the country with the name of its citizens. Match the colleges. Copy this to my account 8011 Dos mundos chapter 3 pg. 138-139 part 2 Doña Kay Hartsock Java Game
Copy this to my account 8012 Patricia va a California Señor Turf Java Game
Capítulos 1-5 Copy this to my account 8013 Realidades 3 2-1 Vocabulary -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 8014 Chapter One A Bordo Vocabulary Paola Nilsen Quiz
Vocabulary Review for Midterm This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 8015 Chapter Three A Bordo Vocabulary Paola Nilsen Quiz
Review of Vocabulary for the Midterm This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 8016 Realidades 2-2B Vocabulario Sra. Guzmán Java Game
Match Spanish with English Copy this to my account 8017 Realidades 2-ParaEmpezar Vocabulario Sra. Guzmán Java Game
Match Spanish with English Copy this to my account 8018 Exprésate3, cap.6.1 vocab Señorita Gerhart Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 8019 Useful Words A > L Mrs. Shields Java Game
Those pesky Spanish words that every student should know but never remember. Copy this to my account 8020 Useful Words M> V Mrs. Shields Java Game
List 2 of important Spanish words that most students should know. But, they are so easy to forget! Copy this to my account 8021 Muy Bien B - Lugares en la Escuela Kim Hukari Columns
Can you match these people to their places? give it a try! ¡Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 8022 Muy Bien C - Otros lugares de la ciudad Kim Hukari Java Game
How well do you know your new vocabulary? Give it a try! ¡Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 8023 Muy Bien C- Nuevas acciónes - Los verbos caminar, comprar, cruzar y visitar Kim Hukari Java Game
Do you know your new -AR verbs? Give it a try! ¡Buena Suerte! Copy this to my account 8024 El presente perfecto del subjuntivo Señor Turf Cloze
Copy this to my account 8025 PASO I ¿Cuál es tu programa favorito? pp.350/351 Capitulo 11 Mlle. Java Game
fun games to practice and learn 1st vocab in Chapter 11 Los programas Copy this to my account 8026 PASO I ¿Quién es la mejor actriz de cine? pp 354/355 CAPITULO 11 Mlle. Java Game
Variety of games to memorize vocab for second part of chapter 11 Copy this to my account 8027 PASO II CAPITULO 3 ¿Qué va bien con este chaleco? pp.94/95 1st vocab Mlle. Java Game
various games to memorize 1st vocab in Chapter 3 Copy this to my account 8028 Exprésate I - Chapter 3B Vocabulary Monsieur Frazier Java Game
Chapter 3B Vocabulary - Los fines de semana me gusta..., talking about everyday activities, weather expressions, saying how often, saying when you do something Copy this to my account 8029 Dos mundos-Paso A Sra. Brown Java Game
Practice with vocab from Paso A. Copy this to my account 8030 Spanish Phrases -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8031 Palabras de Enlace Dra. Canale Challenge Board
Practice with transitional words and phrases. Copy this to my account 8032 LISTOS BOOK 1 - Irregular verbs Mrs Flannery Patterns
ser, estar, tener, ir, hacer Copy this to my account 8033 LISTOS BOOK 1- Module 5 - places in town Mrs Flannery Java Game
LISTOS BOOK 1- Module 5 Places in the town Copy this to my account 8034 LISTOS BOOK 1 Module 5 - mi ciudad Mrs Flannery Cloze
LISTOS BOOK 1 module 5 Mi Ciudad Copy this to my account 8035 LISTOS BOOK 2 modulo 1 -daily routine para from teacher's book page 20 Mrs Flannery Cloze
parag from teacher's book page 20 Copy this to my account 8036 LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 1 physical descriptions Mrs Flannery Columns
LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 1 physical descriptions Copy this to my account 8037 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 1 vocab -presents and toiletries Mrs Flannery Java Game
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 1 vocab -presents and toiletries Copy this to my account 8038 LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 2 fruit and vegetables Mrs Flannery Jumbled Words
lists of fruit and vegetables Copy this to my account 8039 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 2 matching numbers Mrs Flannery Java Game
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 2 matching numbers Copy this to my account 8040 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 3 adjectives used in this unit Mrs Flannery Hangman
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 3 adjectives used in this unit Copy this to my account 8041 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 3 adjectives used in this unit Mrs Flannery Jumbled Words
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 3 adjectives used in this unit Copy this to my account 8042 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 3 dialogue taken from the pupil book page 47 Mrs Flannery Ordered List
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 3 dialogue taken from the pupil book page 47 Copy this to my account 8043 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 3 names of shops Mrs Flannery Columns
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 3 names of shops Copy this to my account 8044 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 3 names of shops Mrs Flannery Hangman
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 3 names of shops Copy this to my account 8045 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 3. Names of shops Mrs Flannery Java Game
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 3. Names of shops Copy this to my account 8046 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 3 names of shops. Put the shops in alphabetical order Mrs Flannery Ordered List
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 3 names of shops. Put the shops in alphabetical order Copy this to my account 8047 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 4. Reading taken from pupil book page 63 Mrs Flannery Cloze
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 4. Reading taken from pupil book page 63 Copy this to my account 8048 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 4 tourist places Mrs Flannery Columns
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 4 tourist places Copy this to my account 8049 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 4 Tourist places Mrs Flannery Hangman
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 4 Tourist places Copy this to my account 8050 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 5 pupil book page 88. Complete gaps with a verb Mrs Flannery Cloze
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 5 pupil book page 88. Complete gaps with a verb Copy this to my account 8051 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 5 types of films Mrs Flannery Hangman
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 5 types of films Copy this to my account 8052 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 5 types of films Mrs Flannery Jumbled Words
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 5 types of films Copy this to my account 8053 LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 6 - at the chemist Mrs Flannery Jumbled Words
LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 6 At the Chemist Copy this to my account 8054 LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 6 parts of the body Mrs Flannery Hangman
LISTOS BOOK 2 Module 6 parts of the body Copy this to my account 8055 LISTOS BOOK 2 module 6 At the chemist Mrs Flannery Java Game
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 6 At the chemist Copy this to my account 8056 LISTOS BOOK 2 modulo 1 vocab - presents and toiletries Mrs Flannery Hangman
LISTOS BOOK 2 module 1 vocabulary - presents and toiletries Copy this to my account 8057 LISTOS BOOK 2 modulo 2 letter eating habits taken from pupil book page 37 Mrs Flannery Cloze
LISTOS BOOK 2 modulo 2 letter eating habits taken from pupil book page 37 Copy this to my account 8058 LISTOS BOOK 2 modulo 2 adjectives Mrs Flannery Jumbled Words
adjectives to describe food Copy this to my account 8059 LISTOS BOOK 2 modulo 2 numbers Mrs Flannery Ordered List
put the numbers in order (1 - 20) from the smallest to the highest Copy this to my account 8060 LISTOS BOOK 2 modulo 2 quantities Mrs Flannery Java Game
quantities Copy this to my account 8061 LISTOS BOOK 2 modulo 2 types of food Mrs Flannery Java Game
types of food on a menu Copy this to my account 8062 LISTOS BOOK 2 modulo 3 clothes Mrs Flannery Jumbled Words
LISTOS BOOK 2 modulo 3 clothes Copy this to my account 8063 LISTOS BOOK 2 modulo 3 clothes Mrs Flannery Hangman
clothes Copy this to my account 8064 LISTOS BOOK 3 module 1 accommodation and rooms in the house Mrs Flannery Jumbled Words
LISTOS BOOK 3 module 1 accommodation and rooms in the house Copy this to my account 8065 LISTOS BOOK 3 module 1 adjectives of nationalities Mrs Flannery Jumbled Words
LISTOS BOOK 3 module 1 adjectives of nationalities Copy this to my account 8066 LISTOS BOOK 3 module 1 Places In The Town Mrs Flannery Java Game
LISTOS BOOK 3 module 1 places in the town Copy this to my account 8067 LISTOS BOOK 3 MODULE 5 hotel vocabulary Mrs Flannery Jumbled Words
LISTOS BOOK 3 MODULE 5 hotel vocabulary Copy this to my account 8068 LB1 - End of Book Quizz Mrs Flannery Quiz
end of book quizz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 8069 Latin American Countries and Spanish Regions Mrs Flannery Jumbled Words
Unscramble the names of these Latin American countries. and Spanish regions Copy this to my account 8070 PASO I CAPITULO 11 CHALLENGE GAME Mlle. Challenge Board
5 catagories to learn about city and country living Copy this to my account 8072 Verbos como gustar Sra. Scott Cloze
Copy this to my account 8073 Capitulo 2 Paso 3 Vocabulario Sra. Scott Java Game
Copy this to my account 8074 Unidad 2.1 Actividades y parientes Profe Cooper Challenge Board
Vocabulario de las actividades y los parientes. Copy this to my account 8075 Nuestro Planeta 2.2 (español 8) Profe Cooper Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8076 Dos mundos-Capítulo 9 Sra. Brown Java Game
Practice vocabulary from Chapter 9. Copy this to my account 8077 PASO I CAPITULO 1 ¿Qué te gusta hacer? pp. 30/31 1st vocab Mlle. Java Game
various strategies to master things we like and don't like to do Copy this to my account 8078 PASO I CAPITULO 12 CHALLENGE GAME Mlle. Challenge Board
five catagories that challenge student's understanding about eating out in Mexico Copy this to my account 8079 PASO I CAPITULO 12 ¿Con qué se las enchiladas? pp. 384/385 1st vocab Mlle. Java Game
Food word practice through various games for chapter 12 1st vocab Copy this to my account 8080 PASO I CAPITULO 12 Me falta la cuchara pp.388/389 1st vocab Mlle. Java Game
Games to master table service for chapter 12 Copy this to my account 8081 PASO I CAPITULO 2 ¿Qué hora es? pp.62/63 2nd vocab Mlle. Java Game
learn to tell time Copy this to my account 8082 Spanish I Chapter 1 Vocabulary Joy Jenkins Quenga Java Game
Flash Cards, Concentration, Matching, Word Search Copy this to my account 8083 Spanish I-Chapter 4 Vocabulary--Food Joy Jenkins Quenga Java Game
Do you know your vocabulary words for food?
Let's find out! Copy this to my account 8084 Spanish I Chapter 4 Rags to Riches Joy Jenkins Quenga Rags to Riches
¿Qué prefieres comer? Copy this to my account 8085 Realidades I - Capítulo 3A -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8086 Realidades I - Capítulo 7A -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8087 Realidades I - Capítulo 7B -- Columns
Copy this to my account 8088 Realidades I - Capítulo 7B -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8089 PASO I CAPITULO 12 GRAMMAR Mlle. Pop-ups
strategy to learn pedir, traer, comer, salir Copy this to my account 8090 Los Viajes Judy Schulte Battleship
Triángulo Capítulo 4 Copy this to my account 8091 Los Viajes Judy Schulte Java Game
Triángulo Capítulo IV p. 83 Copy this to my account 8092 lugares en la casa Mrs.Soledad Jaramillo Villagomez Java Game
Copy this to my account 8093 la ropa Mrs.Soledad Jaramillo Villagomez Java Game
Copy this to my account 8094 PASO I CAPITULO 7 HANGMAN Mlle. Hangman
vacation choices, weather, and what to take on a trip Copy this to my account 8095 Describir personas Profe Grana Java Game
Spanish 1 Copy this to my account 8096 Verbos -ar/-er/-ir Señor Turf Cloze
Un poco de práctica de verbos -ar, -er, -ir Copy this to my account 8097 Los alimentos Señora Camp Java Game
Vocabulary related to food items. Copy this to my account 8098 Escritos Sagrados Fred Kester Quiz
Asocie el texto sagrado con la religión de la cual procede. This quiz contains 28 questions. Copy this to my account 8099 Speaking Test Practice 1 2 -- Columns
Copy this to my account 8100 STP -- Picture Perfect
Copy this to my account 8101 El dormitorio Aileen O'Suilleabhain Java Game
Copy this to my account 8102 7A stem changing verbs Madame Guiard / Señora Guiard Jumbled Words
expresate Copy this to my account 8103 Stem changing verbs (capítulo 7A) Madame Guiard / Señora Guiard Challenge Board
Expresate 1 Copy this to my account 8104 2-U1E1 Repaso Sra Herbert Challenge Board
A Challenge Board game for a quick review of some of the vocab, verbs, and culture of Un1Et1 Copy this to my account 8105 Español L1 U1-2 Vocabulary Practice Sra Herbert Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8106 Farm Animals a Java Game
Copy this to my account 8107 Expresiones a Java Game
Copy this to my account 8108 las partes de la planta a Java Game
Copy this to my account 8109 El Cuerpo -- Body Parts (with pictures) a Java Game
Match the Spanish word with the picture. Copy this to my account 8110 Conjugate This! (-ar verbs, present tense) Senor Correcto Challenge Board
Correctly conjugate the verbs in each category using the subject (Yo, Tú, Él, Ella, Usted, Nosotros, Ellos, Ellas, Ustedes) and try the bonus category: Vosotros (you: informal/plural) with the ending -áis! Copy this to my account 8111 El Calendario Sandra Java Game
Copy this to my account 8112 Spanish I Vocabulary -- Jumbled Words
Unscramble the letters to correctly spell Spanish I expressions (up to chapter 9) of Look! I Can Talk! Copy this to my account 8113 Los animales Mrs. Savitt Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 8114 3-4 practice vocab final Sra Satterstrom, Miss Dill Quiz This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 8115 3-4 practice vocab final 2 Sra Satterstrom, Miss Dill Quiz This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 8116 Realidades 1, Chapter 4B JG Dr. Parra Java Game
Copy this to my account 8117 Realidades 1, Chapter 5A JG Dr. Parra Java Game
Copy this to my account 8118 Realidades I - Capítulo 9B -- Columns
Copy this to my account 8119 VERB CONJUGATIONS (Ven Conmigo - Chapter 4 Review) -- Cloze
Paragraph based on Chapter 4 of the book Ven Conmigo Level 1. Copy this to my account 8120 Exprésate-6A Vocabulary (196-197) Professor Viva Java Game
Copy this to my account 8121 Repaso Mayo 1ero a Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8122 Comida 5to a Java Game
Copy this to my account 8123 La Navidad Fifth grade a Java Game
Copy this to my account 8124 Los Adjetivos - Quinto Grado a Java Game
Copy this to my account 8125 Objetos de la Clase a Java Game
Copy this to my account 8126 Partes del Cuerpo a Java Game
Copy this to my account 8127 Question words a Java Game
Copy this to my account 8128 Colores y Objetos a Java Game
Copy this to my account 8129 El alfabeto a Java Game
Copy this to my account 8130 Transportacion 4to a Java Game
Copy this to my account 8131 La Comunidad a Java Game
Copy this to my account 8132 Los días de las semana, meses, estaciones a Java Game
Copy this to my account 8133 Presente de Subjuntivo Sra. Frayre Java Game
¿Cómo reacciona la directora de la escuela frente a las siguientes situaciones? Copy this to my account 8134 Presente de Subjuntivo - Las Reglas del campamento Sra. Frayre Columns
El director del campamento acaba de anunciar las reglas nuevas. ¿Qué opiniones dan acerca de los cambios? Copy this to my account 8135 Preguntas sobre meses, días, preguntas y números a Challenge Board
Third Grade review Dicember Copy this to my account 8136 Repaso del curso de verano a Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8137 Repaso final sexto grado a Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8138 Sumas y restas hasta cuarenta (segundo grado) a Java Game
Copy this to my account 8139 e--> ie verbs and SABER Ms Chabot Challenge Board
For the stem-changing verbs: don't forget... all forms EXCEPT the "nosotros" form, are spelled with "ie", instead of with the "e" that the infinitive uses.... and the YO form of SABER is special, but the rest follow regular "er" conjugation forms. Copy this to my account 8140 el verbo SABER (knowing facts, knowing that...., knowing how to...) Ms Chabot Java Game
Copy this to my account 8141 Repaso de los verbos/U3-E2 Ms Chabot Challenge Board
Using stem-changing, regular AR, ER & IR and irregular verbs. Copy this to my account 8142 Using 2 verbs together (Wanting to do something, etc.) Ms Chabot Pop-ups
Remember: the first verb must be conjugated, but the second is always left as the "infinitivo". Copy this to my account 8143 Verbos Irregulares (zapatos) Señor Turf Cloze
Copy this to my account 8144 En Español - Unidad - 4 - Voc. List 4.2A Sr. Quintero Java Game
Voc. List 4.2A Copy this to my account 8145 Final Exam Review 1 (of many!) Señora Schott Patterns
Put vocab words in correct categories Copy this to my account 8146 Final Exam Review 2 (of many!) Señora Schott Rags to Riches
Answer questions correctly to move up. If you get booted out, try again for a million! Copy this to my account 8147 7thFinalPartI: Final Version Sr. Brinks Quiz This quiz contains 70 questions. Copy this to my account 8148 8th final part I: final version Sr. Brinks Quiz This quiz contains 34 questions. Copy this to my account 8149 El Cuerpo - Body Parts Sra. Slavik Java Game
Copy this to my account 8150 listos 2 module 6 vida sana Mr REY Java Game
compare personal lifestyle with what you should do Copy this to my account 8151 ¿Qué hiciste ayer? Deana Alonso Patterns
Usa esta actividad para practicar los verbos en el pretérito. Copy this to my account 8152 Las actividades de todos Deana Alonso Java Game
Usa esta actividad para practicar los verbos del Episodio 5 del text Invitaciones de Vista Higher Learning. Copy this to my account 8153 Destinos- Episodio 32 - "Ha habido un accidente" (There has been an accident) Doña Kay Hartsock Java Game
This follows Cap. 9 en "Dos Mundos" Copy this to my account 8154 Destinos - Episodio 31 Doña Kay Hartsock Java Game
Medidias Drásticas - Drastic Measures Copy this to my account 8155 Destinos - Episodio 33 - "Si Supieras...." (If you knew....) Doña Kay Hartsock Java Game
Supieron=they knew or found out. They don't know BUT if only they knew....past subjunctive, contrary to fact
If I were a painter, I would paint large paintings.
Si yo fuera una pintora, yo pintaría cuadros grandes. Copy this to my account 8156 Destinos - Episodio 35 "Reunidos" Doña Kay Hartsock Java Game
Copy this to my account 8157 Destinos - Episodio 37 "Llevando cuentas" Doña Kay Hartsock Java Game
Copy this to my account 8158 Destinos - Episodio 38 "Ocultando la verdad" Doña Kay Hartsock Java Game
Copy this to my account 8159 Destinos - Episodio 39 "La misma sonrisa" Doña Kay Hartsock Java Game
Copy this to my account 8160 "Destinos" vocab. Episodios 45-48 Doña Kay Hartsock Java Game
Copy this to my account 8161 listos 2 module 5 revision Mr REY Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 8162 Exprésate 2 Cap 1 Vocab B -- Java Game
Expressing likes and dislikes Copy this to my account 8163 Exprésate 2 - Capítulo 2 - Vocab A2 -- Java Game
Verbs to go with "El Vecindario"...
Verbs, places, things that deal with professions. Copy this to my account 8164 Realidades 3 Ch 8 set 1 Carn Java Game
Copy this to my account 8165 Realidades 3 Ch 8 set 2 Carn Java Game
Copy this to my account 8166 Casi Se Muere, Capítulos 1-3 Lugares importantes Ms. Rogers Columns
Copy this to my account 8167 Casi Se Muere, Capítulos 1-3 Personas y Lugares Ms. Rogers Java Game
Copy this to my account 8168 Las partes del cuerpo Ms. Rogers Java Game
Copy this to my account 8169 Las partes del cuerpo Ms. Rogers Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 8170 Ch 6 Rags to Riches -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8171 Ch 6 Vocab battleship -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 8172 Chapter 1 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8173 Chapter 1 -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 8174 Chapter 10 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8175 Chapter 2 -- Columns
Copy this to my account 8176 Chapter 2 -- Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 8177 Chapter 3 -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 8178 Chapter 3 -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8179 Chapter 4 -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8180 Chapter 5 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8181 Chapter 5 -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 8182 Chapter 6 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8183 Etapa Preliminar -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8184 Stem Changer definitions -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8185 Telephone Etiquette -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 8186 Time practice -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 8187 Etapa prelimiar--opposites attract: adjetivos -- Hangman
Figure out the opposite/antonym of these adjectives Copy this to my account 8188 NUESTRO MUNDO -- Patterns
Copy this to my account 8189 Exprésate II- cap. 1 Preguntas y respuestas Srta. Lewis Rags to Riches
How well do you know how to answer the questions in Chapter 1? Use this "juego" to practice. Copy this to my account 8190 Unidad 1, Etapa 2 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 8191 Unidad 1 Etapa 3 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Hangman
Copy this to my account 8192 Unidad 2, Etapa 1 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Hangman
Copy this to my account 8193 Unidad 2 Etapa 2 Grammar Quiz Practice Mrs. Lester Quiz
This quiz covers interrogatives, estar, ir, and telling time. This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 71. Copy this to my account 8194 Unidad 2, Etapa 2 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Java Game
Copy this to my account 8195 Unidad 2, Etapa 2 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Hangman
Copy this to my account 8196 Unidad 2, Etapa 2 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8197 Unidad 2, Etapa 3 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Battleship
This is a vocabulary practice for Unidad 2, Etapa 3. Copy this to my account 8198 Unidad 3, Etapa 1 Feelings Mrs. Lester Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8199 Unidad 2 Etapa 3 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8200 Unidad 3, Etapa 3 Vocabulary Mrs. Lester Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8201 Artículos avanzados Señor Turf Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 8202 Conjugation of besar Mrs. Shields Cloze
Conjugate the verb besar in 9 tenses Copy this to my account 8203 Conjugation of sacudir Mrs. Shields Cloze
Conjugate the verb sacudir in 9 tenses Copy this to my account 8204 Exprésate1: Capítulo 1b Mme Dimick Java Game
Introducing others Copy this to my account 8205 Latinoamérica: paises y capitales Profesora Duronio Java Game
The countries and capitals of South America, Mexico and Central America Copy this to my account 8206 Conjugation of buscar Mrs. Shields Cloze
Conjugate the verb buscar in 9 tenses Copy this to my account 8207 Conjugation of obedecer Mrs. Shields Cloze
Conjugate the verb obedecer in 9 tenses Copy this to my account 8208 En Camino 1B Ch. 10 Celebraciones... Segundo Paso [pg. 201] C. Hughes Java Game
Asking for help and responding to requests; Telling a friend what to do. - Use the flashcards to makes sure you know the vocabulary. Then enjoy playing the games. Copy this to my account 8209 En Camino 1B Ch. 10 Celebraciones... Tercer Paso [pg. 201] C. Hughes Java Game
Talking about past events. - Use the flashcards to makes sure you know the vocabulary. Then enjoy playing the games. Copy this to my account 8210 En Camino 1B Ch. 11 Para vivir bien... Primer Paso [pg. 243] C. Hughes Java Game
Making suggestions and expressing feelings - Use the flashcards to makes sure you know the vocabulary. Then enjoy playing the games. Copy this to my account 8211 En Camino 1B Ch. 11 Para vivir bien... Tercer Paso [pg. 243] C. Hughes Java Game
Saying what you did and talking about where you went and when - Use the flashcards to makes sure you know the vocabulary. Then enjoy playing the games. Copy this to my account 8212 Formas de precipitación Sra. Carolyn Sugg Columns
Buen Viaje 3, Chapter 1 Vocaulary p.30 Copy this to my account 8213 Spanish II "Practice "it" Mrs. Cushing Pop-ups
Students will practice replacing the direct object with the direct object lo, la, los or las. Copy this to my account 8214 La momia desaparece: Capítulo 1 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 8215 La momia desaparece: Capítulo 2 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & matching Copy this to my account 8216 La momia desaparece: Capítulo 3 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & matching Copy this to my account 8217 La momia desaparece: Capítulo 5 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 8218 La momia desaparece: Capítulo 11 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 8219 La momia desaparece: Capítulo 12 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 8220 La momia desaparece: Capítulo 13 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 8221 La momia desaparece: Capítulo 6 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 8222 La momia desaparece: Capítulo 8 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 8223 La momia desaparece: Capítulo 9 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 8224 La momia desaparece: Capítulo 10 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 8225 La momia desaparece: Capítulo 14 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 8226 La momia desaparece: Capítulo 15 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 8227 La momia desaparece: Capítulo 16 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching Copy this to my account 8228 La momia desaparece: Capítulos 1-4 Profe. Butcher Rags to Riches
Rags to Riches Copy this to my account 8229 La momia desaparece: Capítulos 1-6 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Flashcards & Matching for Chapters 1-6 Copy this to my account 8230 La momia desaparece: Capítulos 1-6 Profe. Butcher Rags to Riches
Rags to Riches Copy this to my account 8231 Adelante, Capítulo Preliminar A Señora Acevedo Java Game
Countries, History, Spanish Names,What is your name? Copy this to my account 8232 listos 3 rojo p13 rooms and furniture Mr REY Java Game
lounge, bathroom and kitchen furniture vocab Copy this to my account 8233 Español Tres: Unidad 1 Etapa 2 Vocabulario Trina Godwin Java Game
Copy this to my account 8234 Español Tres: 1,2 Vocabulary Trina Godwin Hangman
Copy this to my account 8235 En Contexto Vocabulario Unidad 1 Etapa 1 Mr. Gamache Quiz
Translate the word in the question into Spanish This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 8236 Unidad 1 Etapa 1 Señora Wilkinson Jumbled Words
Action Verbs Copy this to my account 8237 Español I - Repaso de vocabulario de septiembre Señora Schott Patterns
Choose the category the word belongs to! Copy this to my account 8238 Español I - Números 1-15 Señora Schott Java Game
Copy this to my account 8239 Español 2 - U1 E2 La comida Señora Schott Java Game
Match for practice several times, then play concentration a couple of times. Don't be random! Go for the lowest score you can get - that means you make pairs as quickly as possible (like in golf, you want a low score)! Copy this to my account 8240 Español II - U1, E1-E2 Vocabulario Señora Schott Columns
Juega a menos de tres veces - hay mucho vocabulario. Copy this to my account 8241 El Paso del Norte 2 Sra. Fox Rags to Riches
This activity matches Tu mundo Unidad 1, Tú y tus amigos, El Paso del Norte. Copy this to my account 8242 Casi se muere vocabulary Srta. Lewis Java Game
Copy this to my account 8243 Repaso--España, los Aztecas, y los Incas Señor Turf Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8244 El Nuevo Mundo, parte II Señor Turf Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 8245 Adjetivos 2 Aileen O'Suilleabhain Java Game
Copy this to my account 8246 Spanish 3/4 II 2006 Isabel 1 Paco vuelve/regresa a casa; en el restaurante; la comida Profe. Java Game
Copy this to my account 8247 Español 3/4 II 2006 Los movimientos/TPRS: las frases Lista #1 Profe. Java Game
Copy this to my account 8248 Español 3/4 II 2006 Los movimientos/TPRS: las frases Lista #2 Profe. Java Game
Copy this to my account 8249 Spanish 3/4 II 2006 Para hacer las descripciones.... inglés - español Profe. Java Game
Copy this to my account 8250 La herencia Capítulo 6 Profe. Java Game
Copy this to my account 8251 La herencia Capítulo 7 Javier desapareció Profe. Java Game
Aquí está más vocabulario útil para el capítulo. Copy this to my account 8252 La herencia Capítulo 2 Profe. Java Game
El vocabulario Copy this to my account 8253 La herencia Capítulo 1 Profe. Java Game
Capítulo 1 Copy this to my account 8254 La herencia Capítulo 3 Profe. Java Game
El vocabulario Copy this to my account 8255 La herencia Capítulo 5 Profe. Java Game
Copy this to my account 8256 La herencia Capítulo 9 Al borde del cráter Profe. Quiz
El vocabulario This quiz contains 47 questions. Copy this to my account 8257 La herencia el vocabulario C. 8 Profe. Quiz
Escribe la palabra o la frase del vocabulario nuevo. This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 8258 La herencia Capítulo 11 Peligro en el cielo Profe. Java Game
Copy this to my account 8259 La herencia Capítulo 13 Culebras, drogas y un francés Profe. Java Game
Copy this to my account 8260 La herencia Capítulo 15 Un viajecito a Oruro Profe. Java Game
Copy this to my account 8261 La herencia Capítulo 16 En la mina Profe. Java Game
Copy this to my account 8262 La herencia Capítulo 17 Dientes y discos Profe. Java Game
Copy this to my account 8263 la transportación Sra. Hart Columns
Find the matching transportation word. Copy this to my account 8264 Viaje Perdido Cap 6-7 -- Quiz
True or False test on chapters 7and 8 of the novel. This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 8265 Andale -- Challenge Board
SpII Cap. 3-2 Copy this to my account 8266 español tres: 2,1 vocabulary Trina Godwin Java Game
Copy this to my account 8267 Buen Viaje 1, Capítulo 4, Palabras 2 Marcy Webb Hangman
Vocabulary practice for Palabras 2. Copy this to my account 8268 Buen Viaje 2 REPASO C Marcy Webb Pop-ups
Vocabulary review practice. Includes family words, things one does at home, and rooms of a house or apartment. Copy this to my account 8269 Practicing ir a Marcy Webb Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 8270 Paso a Paso 1 CH 2 Vocabulary - School -- Hangman
Hangman using vocabulary from CH 2 of Paso a Paso 1 Copy this to my account 8271 Practice questions from chapter 8 Señora Berg Pop-ups
Practice for your quiz! Copy this to my account 8272 Questions Chapter 8 #2 Señora Berg Pop-ups
Practice for your quiz. Copy this to my account 8273 Los números -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 8274 La Catrina -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8275 Fuentes: Capítulo 1 Vocabulario Sra. Smiekel Java Game
Copy this to my account 8276 Fuentes Capítulo 3 Vocabulario Sra. Smiekel Java Game
Copy this to my account 8277 En Correos -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8278 revision modulo 2 listos 1 Mr REY Java Game
Copy this to my account 8279 REPASO D: Vocabulary Marcy Webb Rags to Riches
Practice with vocabulary and verbs related to sports Copy this to my account 8280 IR Profe Dugan Rags to Riches
vamos Copy this to my account 8281 Español 1 - U2, E1 Verbos Señora Schott Java Game
¡Practica muchas veces! Copy this to my account 8282 Realidades 3 - Cap. 1B (Sports and Competitions) Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Match the English and Spanish words. Copy this to my account 8283 Il Postino - Matching The DeLuccia's Columns
Copy this to my account 8284 Il Postino -Vocabulario The DeLuccia's Java Game
Copy this to my account 8285 La Catrina - Episodio 3 - Test review Señora Przetak Cloze
Copy this to my account 8286 MID-YEAR JEOPARDY CHAPTERS 7,8,9 Señor Gómez Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8287 Paso a Paso 1 - Chapter 5 Review Señor Gómez Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8288 Paso a Paso 1 - Chapter 6 - Vocab 2 Señor Gómez Hangman
Copy this to my account 8289 Realidades 9 - 2 Dr. Parra Java Game
pp. 401-423 Copy this to my account 8290 Realidades 3, Chapter 2B JG Dr. Parra Java Game
Copy this to my account 8291 Realidades 3, Chapter 4 CB Dr. Parra Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8292 Exprésate III (1.1 Vocab) Señorita Psket Java Game
Copy this to my account 8293 Esprésate III (2.1 Vocab) Señorita Psket Java Game
Copy this to my account 8294 Adelante Chap. 2 Paso 2 Sra. DeRosa Java Game
Click here to practice the vocabulary from Adelante chapter 2, paso 2 found on pages 75, 76, 77 and 80. Copy this to my account 8295 Adelante Chapter 2 Segundo Paso y Tercer Paso Sra. DeRosa Hangman
Copy this to my account 8296 La Cultura de Lección 4 Sabías que Angela Enderberg Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8297 Culture Lecc3 Sabías que Angela Enderberg Rags to Riches
Choose the correct response for each culture question. Copy this to my account 8298 Expresiones de transición Angela Enderberg Java Game
Copy this to my account 8299 Los verbos regulares Angela Enderberg Patterns
Copy this to my account 8300 Time expressions Angela Enderberg Java Game
Copy this to my account 8301 Vocabulario de lección 10 Angela Enderberg Java Game
Copy this to my account 8302 Vocabulario Lección 4 Angela Enderberg Java Game
Copy this to my account 8303 R3- Cap. 3 Vocab part 1 Sra. Araya Java Game
English - Spanish Copy this to my account 8304 Spanish IV Vocab 3.1 Señorita Psket Java Game
Copy this to my account 8305 Exprésate III (2.2 Vocab) Señorita Psket Java Game
Copy this to my account 8306 R3 - Cap. 3 Practica de vocabulario y el subjuntivo Sra. Araya Columns
Match the problem in the left column with the appropriate advice in the right column. Copy this to my account 8307 Sabías Que 10 vocabulario 1 Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Java Game
Copy this to my account 8308 Sabías Que 13 vocabulario 1 Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Columns
Copy this to my account 8309 Sabías que 4 Agreeing! Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Pop-ups
Choose the correct response from the four choices + = you agree / - = you do not agree. Copy this to my account 8310 Sabías que Lección 5 vocabulario p.148 Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Java Game
Copy this to my account 8311 Sabías que Lección 7 ¿Los Españoles o los Norteamericanos? Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 8312 Sabías Que Lección 8 p. 222 Vocabulario Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Columns
Copy this to my account 8313 Sabías Que 5 vocabulario p. 143 Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Java Game
Copy this to my account 8314 Sabías que L3 p 92 Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Rags to Riches
¿Qué hizo estas personas famosas? MATCH! Copy this to my account 8315 Sabías que Lección 10 vocabulario p. 269 - 270 Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Java Game
Copy this to my account 8316 Sabías que 17 / 18 VERBAL VERTIGO: EL SUBJUNTIVO Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8317 SQ 14 Don Quijote Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8318 La Catrina episodio 1-4 -- Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 8319 La ropa en español Aileen O'Suilleabhain Hangman
Copy this to my account 8320 Capítulo 5b Prueba #2 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 8321 Capítulo 5a Prueba #2 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 8322 Capítulo 4b Prueba #2 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 8323 Capítulo 3b Prueba #1 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 8324 capítulo 2 - sección 2 Profe Schueler Java Game
la tecnología y el progreso Copy this to my account 8325 Destinos 1-6 Cultura y geografía Señora Bui Java Game
Copy this to my account 8326 C4.L1 Visitas históricas, Comidas Señora Bui Java Game
Copy this to my account 8327 Gusta/Gustan: Cloze Activity ~ Fill in the Blanks -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 8328 REPASO E: Vocabulary Marcy Webb Pop-ups
Please identify the correct word for each sentence. Copy this to my account 8329 Capítulo 8b Prueba #1 (quiz) Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 8330 Capítulo 8b Prueba #2 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 8331 Como agua para chocolate (1-9) Señor Turf Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8332 Como agua para chocolate...(capítulos 1-8) Señor Turf Ordered List
Encuentra el órden correcto de la cadena de eventos. Copy this to my account 8333 Como agua para chocolate--Repaso Señor Turf Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8334 My school. (people and accions) Claudia Villamizar Java Game
Read and match the picture with the corresponding sentence. Copy this to my account 8335 ¡Exprésate! 3 Capítulo 4 Vocabulario I Mary Louise Chillington Java Game
Copy this to my account 8336 Tambien se dice y notas culturales -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8337 Preguntas Professor Báez Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 8338 Class 2 homework Professor Báez Quiz
Intoducing yourself. This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 8339 Airport- Hotel Professor Báez Java Game
Vocabulary Copy this to my account 8340 TEST DE ESPAÑOL Professor Báez Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 8341 Caminos 1 - revision units 3-5 Miss McMurray Java Game
various vocabulary - the not so obvious words Copy this to my account 8342 Caminos 1 unit 1/2 consolidation Miss McMurray Jumbled Words
classroom items, instructions Copy this to my account 8343 Caminos 1 unit 2 vocab revision Miss McMurray Columns
Match the Spanish and English Copy this to my account 8344 Caminos 1 unit 5 ¿Qué opinas de las asignaturas? Miss McMurray Hangman
Copy this to my account 8345 La vieja del candilejo - Vocab Sra. Araya Quiz This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 8346 3.1.2 Hangman con vocabulario A -- Hangman
Practice vocabulary! Copy this to my account 8347 3.1.3 Vocabulario Parte 1 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8348 2.4.1 Vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8349 2.4.2 Vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8350 2.3.2 Vocabulario -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8351 2.3.2 Jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8352 Viva el toro 1-6 -- Hangman
Vocabulario Copy this to my account 8353 Conexiones 5.1 Querer y amar Profesora Duronio Pop-ups
Para todas las frases en inglés, escoge el verbo que usarías si lo escribieras en español. Copy this to my account 8354 Ven conmigo II Capítulo 4.1 Profesora Duronio Challenge Board
Pedir y expresar opiniones, dar consejos, y vocabulario Copy this to my account 8355 Fruits Mrs. Bowling Battleship
Choose the best answer for the following questions. Copy this to my account 8356 Capítulo 9a Prueba #2 Sra. Johnstone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 8357 Repaso para el capítulo 5 -- Challenge Board
Review Spanish 3 Chapter 5 with this challenge board. Copy this to my account 8358 Frida Kahlo -- Mini Quiz
Take a mini-quiz to see what you know about Frida! Copy this to my account 8359 Spanish Radical changing verbs in the present e campama pizarro Patterns
pensar volver sentir dormir pedir morir contar jugar empezar Copy this to my account 8360 Pasajes Lengua Capítulo 5 vocabulario 141-2 Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Java Game
Copy this to my account 8361 Pasajes Lengua Capítulo 5 vocabulario 141-2 Las Computadoras Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Java Game
Copy this to my account 8362 NV1 SP 4 La Puerta del Infierno -- Java Game
vocabulary activities Copy this to my account 8363 SFM Unidad 7- story Señora Van Prooyen Quiz
El cuadro mejor vendido This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 8364 Galeria de Arte y Vida cuadro 7 Señora Van Prooyen Java Game
Cuadro 7- Palabras clave para Una Esperanza y Mejor que Perros Copy this to my account 8365 Adjetivos:los contrarios Aileen O'Suilleabhain Hangman
Copy this to my account 8366 La Catrina Episodios 1-2 Señora Espinel Java Game
VOCABULARIO Copy this to my account 8367 La Catrina - Episodios 1-2 Señora Espinel Challenge Board
LOS PERSONAJES, LOS LUGARES Y LOS PROBLEMAS Copy this to my account 8368 Exprésate II Spanish III Capítulo 7 parte 1 Amy Alarcon-van der Meer Rags to Riches
comida/restaurante/indirect/direct objects Copy this to my account 8369 Quiz Exprésate 2 Capítulo 7 Espa III Amy Alarcon-van der Meer Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 8370 La televisión y las películas. Aileen O'Suilleabhain Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8371 Complete Invitations Profe Breinig Cloze
fill in blanks to complete these invitation dialogs Copy this to my account 8372 La Familia Senora Cappucci Java Game
Copy this to my account 8373 listos 1 mi dormitorio Mr REY Java Game
items and prepositions, Listos 1p68-69 Copy this to my account 8374 Animal Parts Profe Breinig Java Game
Practice with parts of animals Copy this to my account 8375 Animales Profe Breinig Java Game
Practice with the words for animals. Copy this to my account 8376 Ch12A - Present Perfect, Vocab, DO Pronouns Profe Breinig Challenge Board
Jeopardy game to practice perfect tense, vocab P237 and DO pronouns in answers. Copy this to my account 8377 Dialogos en el Restaurante - El Millonario Profe Breinig Rags to Riches
Practice with mini dialogs in the restaurant Copy this to my account 8378 Español 3 - Repaso del vocabulario de Español 2 Señora Schott Patterns
Categories - put words in the right category to score points Copy this to my account 8379 Español 3 - Repaso para el examen del primer semestre Señora Schott Patterns
Put vocabulary words in the correct category - appearance, personality, fashion, chores, community and the environment. ¡Practica muchas veces! Copy this to my account 8380 Ch. 12.1 vocabulario spanish 2 Mrs. Ard Java Game
Copy this to my account 8381 ch 13.1 vocabulario spanish 2 Mrs. Ard Java Game
Copy this to my account 8382 ch 14 vocabulary Mrs. Ard Java Game
Copy this to my account 8383 ch 2.1 vocabulario spanish 3 Mrs. Ard Java Game
Copy this to my account 8384 ¿Qué hora es? profe Lemon (drlemon®) Columns
Copy this to my account 8385 Las Frutas - bingo Eva Høeg Java Game
Copy this to my account 8386 LAS FRUTAS - Hangman Eva Høeg Hangman
Copy this to my account 8387 Examen u3e1 Ms. Erin Parris Quiz
Listen to the disc for part A; refer to your paper for parts B, D, H and I. This quiz contains 44 questions. Copy this to my account 8388 ¿Pretérito o imperfecto? Columns (matching) Eva Høeg Columns
Copy this to my account 8389 ¿Pretérito o imperfecto? Eva Høeg Cloze
Copy this to my account 8390 Imperfektum Eva Høeg Hangman
Copy this to my account 8391 Buen Viaje 1 8 A and B Ms. Call Battleship
Copy this to my account 8392 Buen Viaje I 8 A Ms. Call Java Game
Copy this to my account 8393 Español 1 2B 1-24 La Escuela Señora Baumann Java Game
Copy this to my account 8394 Español 1 2A verbos 15-38 Señora Baumann Java Game
Copy this to my account 8395 Conexiones 8.2 Dietas especiales (WB 8-9) Profesora Duronio Columns
Dietas especiales. ¿Qué harías si tuvieras que seguir una dieta especial por razones de salud? Combina las situaciones con su solución lógica. Copy this to my account 8396 Caminos Peligrosos Amy Alarcon-van der Meer Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8397 En el restaurante Señor Turf Picture Perfect
Put the following conversation in order. Copy this to my account 8398 III-9 vocabulario -- Hangman
don't let the bear drop!!!!! Copy this to my account 8399 Antonyms Groups #1/#2/#3 Verb Review -AR Preterite A. Martell Java Game
Conjugated forms of the AR verbs in the Preterite Past Tense
AMSCO Spanish Two Years Copy this to my account 8400 Conjugated Verbs (Reds) Columns Matching A. Martell Columns
Yo, Tú, Ella forms Copy this to my account 8401 III-11.1 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8402 III-11.2 vocabulario -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 8403 Práctica con Verbos de Amarte Duele doctora hudson Cloze
Copy this to my account 8404 Expresate 3 Capitulo 6 Vocabulario 1 Ms. Flores Java Game
Practice the vocabulary related to electronic media Copy this to my account 8405 Español II chapter 2.2 vocab. Senora Hernandez Java Game
Match the vocab from chapter 2.2. Copy this to my account 8406 3-Capítulo 7 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8407 TIME: El mundo moderno. Señor Raschio Cloze
Copy this to my account 8408 Verb Tense Practice Señor Raschio Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8409 ¡Vivan los Reyes Magos! Señor Raschio Cloze
Copy this to my account 8410 <Center><B><I><U>¿Qué deben hacer? Señor Raschio Quiz This quiz contains 4 questions. Copy this to my account 8411 Mar adentro Tracey Kyle Java Game
Vocabulario que hay que saber para el examen Copy this to my account 8412 Mar adentro: Los personajes Tracey Kyle Java Game
Escoge el adjectivo correcto Copy this to my account 8413 Bernarda Alba Acto III ¿Quién lo dijo? Tracey Kyle Java Game
Copy this to my account 8414 El gerundio Tracey Kyle Java Game
Da la forma correcta del gerundio Copy this to my account 8415 Los pretéritos Tracey Kyle Java Game
Choose the correct form of the preterite Copy this to my account 8416 Spanish for Mastery 3: Unidad 10 Señora Van Prooyen Quiz
Los Verbos: and their meanings: Choose the correct Spanish verb form according to the English meaning. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 8417 Capítulo 6 Vocabulario 2 Ms. Flores Java Game
Practice matching the vocabulary. Copy this to my account 8418 Colección 5 El sonido /x/ Ms. Flores Hangman
Practice the spelling of words with the sound /x/ (the letters g or j). Copy this to my account 8419 6th Final - 2007 Sr. Brinks Quiz
Final exam for sixth grade, year one, students. Covering weather, community places, time and selected verb conjugation of ar, er, ir verbs and ir and estar. This quiz contains 66 questions. Copy this to my account 8420 PRACTICE QUIZ FOR THE FINAL Profesora Quiz This quiz contains 44 questions. Copy this to my account 8421 Practice for the Final! Profesora Rags to Riches
conjugated verbs, questions, adjectives, practice with numbers, etc... Copy this to my account 8422 MORE PRACTICE FOR THE FINAL! Profesora Rags to Riches
get ready for the 7th grade final Copy this to my account 8423 Access 3 Spaniish - section 6 Miss McMurray Hangman
guess the school subject Copy this to my account 8424 Numbers 80-90 in Spanish Miss McMurray Java Game
Copy this to my account 8425 Access 3 Spanish - revision of section 5 Miss McMurray Java Game
Copy this to my account 8426 access 3 Spanish unit 4 revision Miss McMurray Battleship
Copy this to my account 8427 Consolidation of section 5 - access 3 Spanish Miss McMurray Java Game
todas las direcciones - use minidictionary p 32-33 Copy this to my account 8428 places in town - en la ciudad s3 Spanish - access 3 Miss McMurray Java Game
Copy this to my account 8429 Revision of section 9 - Spanish access 3 Miss McMurray Jumbled Words
members of the family and sports/pastimes - see pages 31/32 Copy this to my account 8430 revision section 4 - access 3 Spanish Miss McMurray Java Game
revision of numbers Copy this to my account 8431 Revision units 1-3 access 3 Spanish Miss McMurray Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8432 Guatemala -- Rags to Riches
Answer the questions based on the Readings from Chico Chile Dice Copy this to my account 8433 weather and seasons - SG Spanish Miss McMurray Java Game
unit 6 Caminos 1 Copy this to my account 8434 La Puerta: capítulo 2 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8435 La Puerta: capítulo 4 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8436 La Puerta: capítulo 7 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8437 La Puerta: capítulo 8 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8438 La Puerta: capítulo 11 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8439 La Puerta: capítulo 12 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8440 Expresate 1, Capitulo 8, Repaso de Vocabulario 1 Profesora Jiménez-Biles Java Game
Copy this to my account 8441 Order the Artists Mr. Tim Fisher Ordered List
Copy this to my account 8442 Pasodoble McPeak Java Games Señora McPeak Java Game
Copy this to my account 8443 B01 McPeak Java Games Señora McPeak Java Game
Copy this to my account 8444 A05 McPeak Java Games Señora McPeak Java Game
Copy this to my account 8445 A06 McPeak Java Games Señora McPeak Java Game
Copy this to my account 8446 A09 McPeak Java Games Señora McPeak Java Game
Copy this to my account 8447 A11 McPeak Java Games Señora McPeak Java Game
Copy this to my account 8448 A12 McPeak Java Games Señora McPeak Java Game
Copy this to my account 8449 A13 McPeak Java Games Señora McPeak Java Game
Copy this to my account 8450 A14 McPeak Java Games Señora McPeak Java Game
Copy this to my account 8451 Bullfighting Powerpoint Amy Alarcon-van der Meer Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8452 Diaz Voc 2: Los árboles y las flores Profesora Jiménez-Biles Java Game
Copy this to my account 8453 Diaz Voc 4: Las aves Profesora Jiménez-Biles Java Game
Copy this to my account 8454 Diaz Voc 5: Las bebidas Profesora Jiménez-Biles Java Game
Copy this to my account 8455 Diaz Voc 6: La Casa Profesora Jiménez-Biles Java Game
Copy this to my account 8456 La Catrina - Episodios 5-7 Sra. Shanabrook Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 8457 Prueba del Cuarto Sra. Shanabrook Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 8458 Realidades 3, Cap 1 Vocab. 1 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8459 Realidades 3, Cap 6 Vocab 2 -- Java Game
Para practicar el vocabulario antes del examen. Copy this to my account 8460 Realidades 3, Cap 8 Vocab 1 -- Java Game
Para practicar el vocabulario antes del examen. Copy this to my account 8461 Verbos Básicos Señora Baumann Patterns
conjugate the following verbs in agreement with the correlating pronoun Copy this to my account 8462 español 2 para empezar 56-77 países y capitales Señora Baumann Java Game
Copy this to my account 8463 español 2 para empezar 24-55 Señora Baumann Java Game
Copy this to my account 8464 Paco Yunque - el colegio -- Java Game
Træn gloser der har med en skole at gøre Copy this to my account 8465 Una aventura loca - frases -- Jumbled Words
Las frases son todas sobre la aventura de Juan Pedro - pero las letras se han mezclado. ¿Qué dice la frase? Copy this to my account 8466 Una aventura loca - vocabulario marino -- Java Game
Entrena el vocabulario relacionado con el viaje de Juan Pedro Copy this to my account 8467 Una aventura loca - vocabulario II -- Java Game
Entrena el vocabulario relacionado a la vida de Juan Pedro en Cuba Copy this to my account 8468 Mundos - capítulo 11 - En una terraza -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8469 Paco Yunque - los sentimientos -- Java Game
Træn gloser, der har at gøre med hvordan Paco har det med at starte i skolen. Copy this to my account 8470 Paco Yunque - primera parte -- Quiz
Find ud af, hvilke sætninger der er rigtige (ikke sprogligt/grammatisk, men indholdsmæssigt) This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 8471 Mundos 13 - Hablamos de comida -- Hangman
Spil hangman med udsagn fra kapitel 13. Copy this to my account 8472 match verb to body part Señora Street Hangman
Fit the name of the body part to description Copy this to my account 8473 Cinco Verbos (tener, ser, ir, ver, decir) Señora Orr Java Game
Copy this to my account 8474 EE2 EP Vocab Señora Orr Java Game
Copy this to my account 8475 EE2 Vocab 1-1 Señora Orr Java Game
See page 49 Copy this to my account 8476 Cap 1B, Sp 2 Vocabulario Sra. Hoover Hangman
Copy this to my account 8477 buen viaje repaso C Sra. Aguirre Java Game
Copy this to my account 8478 Frijolero -- Java Game
Vocabulario del texto Frijolero en el libro Somos Latinos Copy this to my account 8479 Lección preliminar -- Java Game
Weather,intros,days of week, other words and phrases Copy this to my account 8480 En Enero Hace Frio Matching -- Java Game
Match the correct phrase that goes with the month in the months poem Copy this to my account 8481 Capitulo 1 - Pre-Assessment - 2007-08 Señora Acevedo Quiz
Pre-Assessment This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 8482 Capítulo 2, PRE-ASSESSMENT - 2007-08 Señora Acevedo Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 8483 Grades 5-8: Games with phrases for Spanish class (word to pic) (Sept. 10-14) Señora KB Java Game
Copy this to my account 8484 Grades K-4: Where do you live? (Sept. 10-14) Señora KB Java Game
Copy this to my account 8485 POBRE ANA -- Java Game
PRACTICE VOCABULARY FROM PAGES 1-2 TO PREPARE FOR READING Copy this to my account 8486 Mucho Gusto Mrs. Melendez/Crowley Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 8487 En Espanol Uno- Señora Fernández de Dunn Java Game
Unidad 4 Etapa 3 Copy this to my account 8488 Carta, Rosa, Signos Señora Van Prooyen Java Game
Vocabulary from Cuadro 2- all 3 stories Copy this to my account 8489 Prueba de vocabulario -- Java Game
Lección 4A p.203 Copy this to my account 8490 Spanish 3 realidades vocabulary -- Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 8491 I Capítulo1B-Frases desordenadas Madame Young Hangman
Realidades I, Actividad 19, p. 62 Copy this to my account 8492 Party items, decorations, and things to do Sra. Bishop Jumbled Words
How many things do you have to buy for the party?
¿Cuántas cosas tienes que comprar por la fiesta?
What are you going to do? ¿Qué vas a hacer? Copy this to my account 8493 Mid-Term SPII -- Quiz
Multiple Choice. This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 8494 Vocabulario 7A -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8495 La clase Aileen O'Suilleabhain Java Game
Copy this to my account 8496 Justo Lamas Vocab Mrs. Cushing Battleship
Test your knowlege of Justo Lamas vocab from these popular songs! Te Toca Ti, Me Toca Mi, Eres Tú, and Te Amaré Copy this to my account 8497 Which Lyric comes next? Mrs. Cushing Rags to Riches
Test your knowledge for the following Justo Lamas songs: Eres Tu, Te Toca Ti, Me Toca Mi, & Amor Real Copy this to my account 8498 La naturaleza Thea Widmer Java Game
Aqui hay unas expresiones de geografía para estudiar! Copy this to my account 8499 Vamos a viajar! Thea Widmer Hangman
Pero antes de ir necesitas saber algunas palabras que te podrían ajudar durante el viaje! Copy this to my account 8500 A primera vista, pp. 18-21 Madame Young Columns
Realidades 2, 1A, pp. 18-21 Copy this to my account 8501 VENIR y IR AL RESTAURANTE (5B) Sra. Bishop Picture Perfect
Can you identify the correct order in which to write two different sentences? Watch for capitalization and punctu- ation to give you a clue. Copy this to my account 8502 Everything in the House! Mrs. Cushing Battleship
Copy this to my account 8503 Poner o ponerse -- Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 8504 9.1 -- Hangman
don't let the bear drop!!!!! Copy this to my account 8505 Palabras que conectan (Cohesive Devices) Señora Kyle / Madame Kyle Java Game
These are the "little words" that will help you for PALS. My laptop does not do accents so you'll see some missing. Copy this to my account 8506 Español 1b - Repaso, 4B - Vocabulario Señora Schott Hangman
Use the hints - to help you along! Copy this to my account 8507 Español 1b - Repaso de los verbos importantes, regulares e irregulares Señora Schott Patterns
Copy this to my account 8508 La Historia de España - Segunda Parte Sra. Scheetz Java Game
Copy this to my account 8509 Pobre Ana, Capítulo 7 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 8510 Pobre Ana Vocabulary Chapters 1 and 2 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 8511 LIST C1 L1y2 Vocabulario Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 8512 Los Verbos con Preposiciones + Infinitivo Mrs. Shields Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8513 Los Verbos con Preposiciones + Infinitivo Mrs. Shields Columns
Copy this to my account 8514 La Gitanilla-Repaso del Vocabulario 9-12 Profa. Luft Quiz
Review of chapters 9-12 vocabulary from La Gitanilla This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 8515 Pobre Ana, All Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 40 questions chosen from a bank of 110. Copy this to my account 8516 Pobre Ana, Capítulo 1 - Vocabulario Ms. Rogers Hangman
Copy this to my account 8517 LICT Capítulo 1, Lección 1, Vocabulario Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 8518 LICT C1, Vocabulario y Gramática Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 8519 LICT C1 Choose the best verb for each sentence. Ms. Rogers Cloze
Un mono, una chica, y el chocolate Copy this to my account 8520 LICT C1, Cuentos 1 y 2 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 29. Copy this to my account 8521 LICT C1, Cuentos 3 y 4 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 34. Copy this to my account 8522 LICT C1 L 1 – 4 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 8523 LICT C1, L1 Vocabulario Ms. Rogers Columns
Copy this to my account 8524 Es así, ¿no? Sra. Gifun Pop-ups
Choose the responds that fits best with the question. Copy this to my account 8525 S2U1E3 Vocabulary Hangman Srta. Wittrig Hangman
En Español 2 Copy this to my account 8526 S1U1E3V1 Srta. Wittrig Java Game
Copy this to my account 8527 Vocabulario 6.2 Señor Stuber Java Game
Copy this to my account 8528 Vocabulario 7.1 Señor Stuber Java Game
Copy this to my account 8529 Vocabulario 7.1 Señor Stuber Hangman
Copy this to my account 8530 Mandatos Cap 3 Exprésate Amy Alarcon-van der Meer Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8531 El mensajero de San Martin Sra. Araya Picture Perfect
Pon el cuento en orden Copy this to my account 8532 FUTURUM ¿Quién quiere ser millonario? Eva Høeg Rags to Riches
Kan du fremtidsformerne? Så er der gode chancer for at nå helt op på millionen :) Du skal blot vælge den korrekte oversættelse til den danske sætning.
Prøv at spille flere gange, da der kommer forskellige spørgsmål i hvert spil! Copy this to my account 8533 Practice quiz - Pretérito Irregulares Sra. Kelly Quiz
Hacer, Venir, Decir, Estar, Poner This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 8534 Unidad 4-voc review -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8535 Practice -- Quiz
You need to read all the choices carefully to identify the answer that does not fit grammatically--it is the intruder. This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 8536 Ser versus Estar (5B) Sra. Bishop Pop-ups
Practice the difference between when to use the verb SER and when to use ESTAR. Copy this to my account 8537 Spanish for Mastery 3 Unidad 4 Señora Van Prooyen Java Game
Vocabulary of Unidad 4 Copy this to my account 8538 Exprésate - Capítulo 7 - Vocabulario 2 Timothy Corcoran Java Game
Copy this to my account 8539 II 3A Review Vocabulary Madame Young Java Game
p. 126, Realidades 2, 3A Review Vocabulary Copy this to my account 8540 II 3A Review Vocabulary Madame Young Columns
p. 126, Realidades 2, Capítulo 3A Vocabulary Copy this to my account 8541 ¿ Qué prefieres para el desayuno? Rosemarie Bartholomew Rags to Riches
Read each question and select the correct answer. Copy this to my account 8542 Afro-Borinquen Food Rosemarie Bartholomew Scavenger Hunt
Copy this to my account 8543 El desayuno Rosemarie Bartholomew Battleship
Test your knowledge of breakfast food vocabulary. Copy this to my account 8544 Arcos y Alamedas Bridging Vocabulary Part 2 Amy Shoemaker Java Game
Copy this to my account 8545 Los Ojos de Carmen: Vocabulario I -- Columns
Copy this to my account 8546 Los Ojos de Carmen: Vocabulary for Final -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8547 Exprésate Cap 4 Parte 2 Amy Alarcon-van der Meer Rags to Riches
Injuries Copy this to my account 8548 Exprésate Cap 4 Parte 2 Amy Alarcon-van der Meer Challenge Board
Injuries Copy this to my account 8549 LICT Ch1 BattleShip Senora Parsons Battleship
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. Copy this to my account 8550 Las Clases Señora Kelley Hangman
Cap. 2A Copy this to my account 8551 Las Clases Señora Kelley Battleship
Cap. 2A Copy this to my account 8552 Unidad 3, Etapa 2 Vocabulary Practice (no pictures) Mrs. Terry Java Game
Copy this to my account 8553 7 Key Verbs (I Form) Profe Java Game
Matching the "I" and "You" forms of Poder, Querer, Gustar, Necesitar, Deber, Tener, and Ir Copy this to my account 8554 EL VIAJE PERDIDO VOCABULARIO 1-3 Señora Mellet Java Game
VOCABULARIO 1-3 Copy this to my account 8555 EL VIAJE PERDIDO-3 Señora Mellet Picture Perfect
Capitulo 3 Copy this to my account 8556 Unidad 2 leccion 2 espanol 3 Vocabulario Mrs. Luz Marina Rainer Java Game
Copy this to my account 8557 Unit 2 Lesson 1 Avancemos Spanish Level 1 Mrs. Luz Marina Rainer Java Game
Copy this to my account 8558 Realidades Semester 1 Final Review 2 Janine Hakanson Quiz
Answer each question with the most logical answer. This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 8559 spanish time Mrs. Rominger Java Game
Copy this to my account 8560 Chapter 2 Review (1CP) Mr. Boemio Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8561 Realidades Vocabulario 4A Janine Hakanson Java Game
Copy this to my account 8562 Gabi: Episidios 1 y 2 Profe Vernon Challenge Board
Un repaso de episidios 1 y 2 sobre Gabi y sus adventuras. Copy this to my account 8563 Jeopardy Profe Vernon Challenge Board
Review of numbers, colors, animals, the neighborhood, and the book Chato and the Party Animals. Copy this to my account 8564 Español 7 - Unidad 2B-3A - Geografía, Cultura, Comida Señora Schott Battleship
Use your text, especially pp118-9, 123, 131, 134, 138-9, 142-143, 166-7. Copy this to my account 8565 vocabulario 2 La dama -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8566 Exprésate level 2 chapter 1 Mrs. Ness Challenge Board
This is a review of main points for the first chapter. Copy this to my account 8567 Mar adentro Señora Kyle / Madame Kyle Java Game
Vocabulario que hay que saber para el examen Copy this to my account 8568 Mar adentro: Los personajes Señora Kyle / Madame Kyle Java Game
Escoge el adjectivo correcto Copy this to my account 8569 el tiempo Maestra Phelps Java Game
Copy this to my account 8570 Ir y Ser Janine Hakanson Quiz
Type the correct forms of ser (see p. 158) or ir (see p. 180) in each blank. If you get fewer than 50% correct, study the answers and redo the quiz! Remember, to say where someone or something is located, use the verb estar--not ser. This quiz contains 48 questions. Copy this to my account 8571 Places to Shop Julie Reinshagen Java Game
How well do you know the names of the shops and stores in Spanish? Match the words with their English counterparts. Copy this to my account 8572 Places to shop Julie Reinshagen Columns
Do you know the names of the shops and stores in Spanish? Try to match the English and Spanish columns! Copy this to my account 8573 Shopping Nouns Julie Reinshagen Columns
How well do you know the nouns associated with shopping? Match the Spanish expressions to their English equivalents! Copy this to my account 8574 Exprésate 9-1/Challenge Board/Los Días Festivos y el Pretérito Señora Boyd Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8575 Exprésate 9/Pretérito/Hangman Señora Boyd Hangman
Copy this to my account 8576 Los quehaceres en casa jami dixon Java Game
el vocabulario de capítulo 5.2 Copy this to my account 8577 Capitulo 5A Vocabulario Sra. Gilane Java Game
Family members, ages, likes/dislikes, parties, celebrations Copy this to my account 8578 Paso a Paso I Ch. 6 Past Tense Expressions Mr. Jason Hank Java Game
Copy this to my account 8579 Mi instituto Señora McMahon Quiz
Guide to S2 pupils on essay based on "Mi instituto" topic. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 8580 Suffixes of words Sra. Judilee Hays Challenge Board
Por Ruben Copy this to my account 8581 Spanish 1A Final Sra. Berzanske Quiz
Read the following questions and choose the correct answer.
From 65 to 74 listen to the question and choose the correct answer. This quiz contains 74 questions. Copy this to my account 8582 ¡Los regalos! 7B Vocab. Sra. Judilee Hays Quiz This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 8583 Ayudando en la comunidad Sra. Judilee Hays Quiz This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 8584 Cap 7B (R2) Por o Para Sra. Hoover Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 8585 Realidades 1 Tema 2 Review Miss Marshall Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8586 Realidades 1 Tema 5 Review Miss Marshall Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8587 Ven conmigo II 6.2 Comida adicional R17 Profesora Duronio Java Game
Copy this to my account 8588 Ven conmigo II 6.3 Comida R14-R15 Profesora Duronio Java Game
Copy this to my account 8589 Ven conmigo II 6.3 Una visita al restaurante Profesora Duronio Ordered List
Describe lo que hicieron Lupita, Pedro, y la mesera en el restaurante Tex-Mex en San Antonio. Copy this to my account 8590 Ven conmigo II 6.3 Vocabulario para describir la comida Profesora Duronio Java Game
Copy this to my account 8591 CH1: People, Things & Nationalities -- Hangman
People, Things, and Nationalities Copy this to my account 8592 CH1: Question Words & Other Phrases -- Columns
Finding out Information & Other Useful Expressions Copy this to my account 8593 CH 7: Los verbos -- Cloze
Fill in the blank with the correct action word. Be sure to change the verb endings! Copy this to my account 8594 Chaper 7 Vocabulary -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 8595 Chapter 7 Matching Vocabulary -- Columns
Copy this to my account 8596 Words from Page 47 Adjectives Opposites Spanish - English Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Copy this to my account 8597 Words from Page 47 Opposite Adjectives Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Copy this to my account 8598 Words from Page 52 Simon Says Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
The Complete Book of Spanish Grades 1 -3 Copy this to my account 8599 Words from Page 56 - 57 Action Words Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Just the vocabulary Copy this to my account 8600 Carnes (Intermediate) Mrs. Bowling Battleship
Copy this to my account 8601 CLOTHING Mrs. Bowling Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 8602 Farm Animals Mrs. Bowling Rags to Riches
Practice identifying Farm Animals. Copy this to my account 8603 Legumbres y Acompaniamientos Mrs. Bowling Battleship
Copy this to my account 8604 Buen Viaje Level 3 4.1 vocab Katie Jacobs Java Game
Copy this to my account 8605 PROGRAMAS Y PELICULAS -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 8606 Repaso de 5to Grado Norma Sudak Rags to Riches
Repaso de los temas de cultura hispana, números, el sistema solar, y cuentos clásicos. Copy this to my account 8607 Final exam Review Conversational 3 Claudia Cuevas de Taranto Challenge Board
You must use he, she, the or a in your answers in English.
Remember that in Spanish you do not need él or ella for the verbs because the ending of the verb tells who the person is. Copy this to my account 8608 Spanish 3 U3E2 vocabulary -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8609 8th final part I: final version + Senora Scimeca Quiz This quiz contains 54 questions. Copy this to my account 8610 Avancemos, 4 U2 L1 Vocabulario p. 80-81 Sra. Coutu Java Game
*talk about sports Copy this to my account 8611 Avancemos: Unidad 2 Lección 2 -- Hangman
Vocabulary from Avancemos: Unidad 2 Lección 2 Copy this to my account 8612 Avancemos: Unidad 3 Lección 2 -- Java Game
Vocabulary practice from Avancemos: Unidad 3 Lección 2 Copy this to my account 8613 Avancemos: Unidad 3 Lección 2 -- Hangman
Vocabulary practice for Avancemos: Unidad 3 Lección 2 Copy this to my account 8614 Por o Para Mr. Boemio Cloze
Copy this to my account 8615 CP REVIEW Mr. Boemio Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8616 Ancient Civilizations Señorita Brady Quiz
Answer the following questions about the Ancient Mayas, Incas and Aztecs. This quiz contains 17 questions. Copy this to my account 8617 Holiday Customs in Latin America Señorita Brady Quiz
Decide whether the following statements are True or False. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 8618 La cara Señorita Brady Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 8619 Las acciones - Grado 5 Señorita Brady Columns
Practicamos las acciones de la clase. Copy this to my account 8620 Las Legumbres/Los Vegetales Señorita Brady Hangman
Copy this to my account 8621 Los animales de la casa Señorita Brady Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 8622 Los muebles de la casa Señorita Brady Columns
Copy this to my account 8623 Los números Señorita Brady Java Game
Copy this to my account 8624 Los animales del bosque Señorita Brady Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 8625 Los regalos Señorita Brady Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 8626 Una conversación Señorita Brady Cloze
Copy this to my account 8627 cuentame leccion 1.1 Senora Hudson Rags to Riches
rags to riches Copy this to my account 8628 I 6B Vocabulario Madame Young Hangman
Realidades I, p. 318, vocabulario Copy this to my account 8629 I 5A Vocabulario Madame Young Hangman
Realidades I, p. 244, vocabulario Copy this to my account 8630 II 5A Review Vocabulary Madame Young Java Game
Realidades II, pp. 236-247 Copy this to my account 8631 II 4B Vocabulario Madame Young Hangman
Realidades II, p. 234 Copy this to my account 8632 Cap. 6 Cultura Leticia Johnston Java Game
Copy this to my account 8633 La ropa Leticia Johnston Java Game
Copy this to my account 8634 Las enfermedades y los remedios Leticia Johnston Columns
Match the appropiate treatment for the following health problems. Copy this to my account 8635 Capítulo 4: Lotería cultural Leticia Johnston Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8636 places Sra. Wilson Hangman
Copy this to my account 8637 Means of transportation Sra. Wilson Hangman
Copy this to my account 8638 Exprésate 1 Verbos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8639 D3L1v.1 Examen Escuchado Señorita daPonte Lightcap Quiz
Selección múltiple Selección Múltiple A(6) + C (8) This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 8640 Don Quixote Review Game Señora Desaulniers Rags to Riches
Earn Spanish gold coins (escudos) as you correctly answer questions regarding the adventures of Spain's most famous knight errant, "Don Quixote de La Mancha".
If you are unsure about a choice, you may use up to three hints per game but don't waste... Copy this to my account 8641 Paso a paso 1: capítulo 1.2 Sara Johnson Java Game
¿Cómo eres? Copy this to my account 8642 Paso a paso 1: Capítulo 13 Sara Johnson Java Game
Copy this to my account 8643 Paso a paso 1: Capítulo 4.1 Sara Johnson Java Game
¿Qué te gusta comer? Copy this to my account 8644 Paso a paso 1: capítulo 5.1 Sara Johnson Java Game
¿Cómo se llama tu hermano? Copy this to my account 8645 Así Somos Debbie Mensinger Java Game
Nuevas Vistas Introducción Vocabulary p.2 Copy this to my account 8646 D3L1 Col 1 Sra. Mehringer Quiz
Definiciones de Col I p.2 This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 8647 Etapa Preliminar Vocabulary 1 Señor Bain Quiz
Write the Spanish equivalents to the following English words. All terms that you have not mastered by now will be added to your steno pad. This quiz contains 19 questions. Copy this to my account 8648 Etapa Preliminar Vocabulary 2 Señor Bain Quiz
Write the Spanish equivalents for the following English terms. Anything that you have not mastered will be added to your steno pad. This quiz contains 19 questions. Copy this to my account 8649 Etapa Preliminar Vocabulary 3 Señor Bain Quiz
Write the Spanish equivalents to the following English vocabulary. Any terms that you have not mastered will be added to your steno pad. This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 8650 Class Basics 1 L. Poirier Java Game
Copy this to my account 8651 Capítulo 5 - los verbos er y ir -- Pop-ups
Select the correct conjugation that matches the subjects. Copy this to my account 8652 Ch 3 vocab -- Battleship
Sink the enemy's ships as you answer questions on the chapter. Copy this to my account 8653 El Primer Paso Señora Galloway Battleship
Play Battleship using the vocabulary from our first unit! Copy this to my account 8654 Battleship con actividades Señora Galloway Battleship
Play Battleship using the vocabulary from Capítulo 1! Copy this to my account 8655 Avancemos, 4 U6 L1 Vocabulario p. 326-327 Sra. Coutu Java Game
*talking about tv programs such as soap operas and the news
*talking about politics
*talking about natural disasters Copy this to my account 8656 Avancemos, 1 U6 L2 Vocabulario p. 345 Sra. Coutu Java Game
*talking about parts of the body
*making excuses
*saying what you... Copy this to my account 8657 2_v1.1a Señor Fields Hangman
Copy this to my account 8658 Chapter 10 vocab from Paso a Paso 1 Sra. Hughes Java Game
Copy this to my account 8659 Chapter 11 vocab from Paso a Paso 1 Sra. Hughes Java Game
Copy this to my account 8660 Destinos Characters up to Puerto Rico -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8661 Destinos Directions Puerto Rico Battle -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 8662 Destinos Directions Puerto Rico Rags to Riches -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8663 Destinos la familia Castillo -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8664 Episodio 1 y 2 Destinos vocabulario -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 8665 Antonyms Group #3 A. Martell Java Game
Amsco Spanish Two Years
Vocabulary Building
pgs. 236-242 Copy this to my account 8666 Antonyms Group #3 Rags to Riches A. Martell Rags to Riches
Amsco Spanish Two Years
Vocabulary Building
pgs. 236-242 Copy this to my account 8667 Antonyms Group #3 Columns 2nd game A. Martell Columns
second set of vocabulary words from Group #3
Amsco Spanish Two Years
Vocabulary... Copy this to my account 8668 Antonyms Groups #1/#2/#3 ER Preterite Verbs Battleship A. Martell Battleship
Amsco Two Years Copy this to my account 8669 Más colores -- Hangman
practice spelling colors in Spanish Copy this to my account 8670 Realidades 3, Vocab. Cap. 1 Srita. Vargas Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 8671 Marianela vocabulario (Capítulos 1 y 2) Señora Nicklas Rags to Riches
Vocabulario, sinónimos y antónimos Copy this to my account 8672 Marianela vocabulario (Capítulos 1-4) Señora Nicklas Hangman
Vocabulario, antónimos y sinónimos de 1-4. Copy this to my account 8673 Marianela vocabulario (Capítulos 5-6) Señora Nicklas Columns
Cuando ves el pronombre e infinitivo, debes buscar el futuro. Copy this to my account 8674 Prueba de pretérito Señora Nicklas Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 8675 Chapter 9a Sra. Gale Java Game
Copy this to my account 8676 Chapter 9b Sra. Gale Java Game
Copy this to my account 8677 Chapter 12 vocab from Paso a Paso 1 Sra. Hughes Java Game
Copy this to my account 8678 Chapter 8 vocab from Paso a Paso 1 Sra. Hughes Java Game
Copy this to my account 8679 Hangman: La Escuela Señora Galloway Hangman
Play "Hangman" with the classroom vocabulary from El Primer Paso and Capítulo 2. Copy this to my account 8680 Shapes - Battleship Mrs. Perez Battleship
Copy this to my account 8681 Los términos literarios Sr. Tennant Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8682 Chapter 4-1 Practice Quiz What to do/not do to succeed in school Señora Shaffer Quiz This quiz contains 31 questions. Copy this to my account 8683 Chapter 3-3 Hobbies Señora Shaffer Hangman
Copy this to my account 8684 Chapter 4-1 things you should do/not do in school Señora Shaffer Hangman
Copy this to my account 8685 Exprésate I Cap. 1 Picture Perfect Señora Orr Picture Perfect
Put this dialogue in order. Copy this to my account 8686 Exprésate I Cap. 1 Vocab. 1 Señora Orr Java Game
Copy this to my account 8687 Exprésate I Cap. 1 Vocab. 2 Señora Orr Java Game
Copy this to my account 8688 Exprésate I Cap. 4 Vocab. 2 Señora Orr Java Game
Copy this to my account 8689 Exprésate I Cap. 3 Vocab. 2 Señora Orr Java Game
Copy this to my account 8690 Juego de repaso Capítulo 7 Lección A Mrs. Gross Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8691 Spanish is Fun - Lección 3 - La clase y la escuela Sra. Bachi Java Game
vocabulario Copy this to my account 8692 Spanish is Fun - Lección 4 - Las actividades Sra. Bachi Java Game
vocabulario Copy this to my account 8693 Spanish is Fun - Lección 10 - Más actividades Sra. Bachi Java Game
vocabulario Copy this to my account 8694 Spanish is Fun - Lección 11 - ¿Cómo está usted? Sra. Bachi Java Game
vocabulario Copy this to my account 8695 COLORES POR CRAYOLA (64) Mlle. Java Game
Copy this to my account 8696 59 verber fra En vivo OG Spansk Java Game
Her kan du terpe centrale verber (betydning) fra En vivo Copy this to my account 8697 Argentina OG Spansk Rags to Riches
Hvis du kender alle de rigtige svar på spørgsmålene om Argentina, kan du vinde "millionen" Copy this to my account 8698 Cría cuervos - jeopardy - 1.runde OG Spansk Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8699 Cría cuervos - jeopardy 2. runde OG Spansk Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8700 Cría cuervos 12 - 53 (adjektiver) OG Spansk Java Game
Copy this to my account 8701 en vivo gloser kap. 1-5 OG Spansk Java Game
Copy this to my account 8702 en vivo gloser kapitel 12-14 OG Spansk Java Game
alle ordklasser Copy this to my account 8703 en vivo verber kap. 1-4 OG Spansk Java Game
verber (udsagnsord) fra kapitel 1-4 Copy this to my account 8704 cria cuervos, substantiver OG Spansk Java Game
Copy this to my account 8705 Cria cuervos, verbos OG Spansk Java Game
baseret på især kapitel 1-12 Copy this to my account 8706 El Mariachi (introducción + escenas 1+2) OG Spansk Columns
Hvor mange af vores nøgleord kan du huske? Copy this to my account 8707 en vivo adjektiver, efter kap 11 OG Spansk Java Game
Copy this to my account 8708 en vivo adjektiver kap 1-4 OG Spansk Java Game
ordforråd fra kapitel 1-4 Copy this to my account 8709 en vivo -ar verber kapitel 1-6 OG Spansk Java Game
Copy this to my account 8710 en vivo verber kap. 5-9 OG Spansk Java Game
Copy this to my account 8711 en vivo verbernes bøjning (-ar, -er, -ir) OG Spansk Columns
efter kapitel 9 Copy this to my account 8712 fresa y chocolate: combinar sustativos y verbos relacionados OG Spansk Java Game
p. ej.: cambio - cambiar Copy this to my account 8713 Fresa y chocolate, substantiver scene 27 OG Spansk Java Game
Copy this to my account 8714 Guantanameras OG Spansk Java Game
Glosetræning Copy this to my account 8715 Konjunktiv OG Spansk Pop-ups
Indsæt den rigtige bøjning af verbet i konjunktiv eller indikativ. Copy this to my account 8716 Basic Spanish Vocabulary OG Spansk Java Game
Greetings, numbers, colors, family members,
directions, days and months, eating terms, etc. Copy this to my account 8717 LA CASA (En vivo kap. 14) OG Spansk Java Game
Copy this to my account 8718 Las dos culturas OG Spansk Java Game
Palabras clave de las páginas 1-3 Copy this to my account 8719 la composición OG Spansk Java Game
substantiver side 3-15 ca. Copy this to my account 8720 La composición - jeopardy runde 2 OG Spansk Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8721 Jeopardy: MI CASA (1) OG Spansk Challenge Board
Du skal enten finde verber eller substantiver.
Hvis der spørges efter "at sige" er det rigtige svar "decir" (dvs. infinitiv)
Hvis der spørges efter "bror" er det rigtige svar "hermano" (dvs ingen artikel) Copy this to my account 8722 Jeopardy: LA CASA (2) OG Spansk Challenge Board
Der efterlyses verber og substantiver
Fx "hablar" => "at tale" er rigtigt svar
FX "ojo" => "øje" er rigtigt svar (dvs uden artikel) Copy this to my account 8723 La composición 2 OG Spansk Java Game
Copy this to my account 8724 pinochet - verber OG Spansk Java Game
verber til "portræt af pinochet" video Copy this to my account 8725 Realismo mágico OG Spansk Battleship
!Encuentra las respuestas correctas y destruye al enemigo! Copy this to my account 8726 guatemala intro substantiver OG Spansk Java Game
Copy this to my account 8727 guatemalaintro verber OG Spansk Java Game
efter læsning af Teresa - la exguerrillera Copy this to my account 8728 Jeopardy - med centrale gloser fra En vivo - runde 2 OG Spansk Challenge Board
Du skal typisk oversætte fra dansk til spansk eller omvendt. ojo: Læg mærke til om verbet er bestemt eller ubestemt. Husk at adjektiver altid angives i maskulinum singularis Copy this to my account 8729 Jeopardy med centrale gloser fra En vivo (runde 1) OG Spansk Challenge Board
Du skal typisk oversætte fra dansk til spansk eller omvendt. ojo: Læg mærke til om verbet er bestemt eller ubestemt. Husk at adjektiver altid angives i maskulinum singularis Copy this to my account 8730 La composicón - jeopardy runde 1 OG Spansk Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8731 Muy eller mucho OG Spansk Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 8732 Personlige pronomener OG Spansk Pop-ups
Indsæt det rigtige personlige pronomen (dvs. som subjekt, akkussativobjekt, dativobjekt eller præposition)
Den danske sætning er tilføjet, så I lettere kan se, hvilken person, der er tale om. Copy this to my account 8733 Todo sobre mi madre 9-13 dificil OG Spansk Java Game
páginas 9-13
combinar verbos y sustantivos Copy this to my account 8734 Vocabulario til la vida es un tango OG Spansk Java Game
centrale gloser til Argentina og La vida es un tango Copy this to my account 8735 todo sobre mi madre 9-13 verbos OG Spansk Java Game
Copy this to my account 8736 todo sobre mi madre verbos 16-19 OG Spansk Java Game
Copy this to my account 8737 Un señor muy viejo OG Spansk Java Game
Encuentra la traducción correcta de las palabras siguientes: Copy this to my account 8738 Verber i præsens OG Spansk Cloze
indsæt den rigtige bøjning af verbet.
Ojo: vær opmærksom diftongerende, refleksive og uregelmæssige verber Copy this to my account 8739 inmigración en España Trine Java Game
vocabulario Copy this to my account 8740 November Test Señora Napoleon Quiz
How much do you remember? This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 8741 Navidad: indirect object pronouns Miss Bias Cloze
indirect object pronouns Copy this to my account 8742 La Catrina Vocabulary 8-14 -- Columns
Copy this to my account 8743 LaCatrina 1-7 vocabulary review -- Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 8744 La Catrina 1-7 Sinónimos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8745 la vida es un tango - perifraser Trine Cloze
Indsæt en perifrase, der giver mening. Husk at det ene verbum i perifrasen bøjes, så sætningen giver mening Copy this to my account 8746 moros en la costa - verbos Trine Java Game
Copy this to my account 8747 Opposite Adjectives Profesora Noble Java Game
See how well you know opposites. Copy this to my account 8748 <h2>SAMPLE FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS<CENTER><img src='/files/quia/users/maestra104/study.jpg'> -- Quiz This quiz contains 52 questions. Copy this to my account 8749 JEOPARDY! - FINAL EXAM REVIEW -- Challenge Board
Review misc. vocabulary from Chapters 1-3 (Lecciones 1 - 6) in this Jeopardy-style game. YOU MAY PLAY THIS ALONE OR WITH A PARTNER (2-player). Copy this to my account 8750 Classroom Objects Señora Moore Java Game
Copy this to my account 8751 Las 3 Culturas de las Américas Sra. Campbell Rags to Riches
Game to review the cultures of the Mayas, Incas and Aztecs and their influence. Copy this to my account 8752 Unidad 3 (primera parte) Sra. Campbell Java Game
Vocabulario de la religión Copy this to my account 8753 Unidad 1 Etapa 3 REVIEW Profesora Cashion Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8754 CM4 - Liliana y la rata -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8755 ¿Cómo se dice . . . en español? -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8756 Los verbos AR- 33 verbs -- Battleship
The 33 AR Verbs to know are found in this game Copy this to my account 8757 Números 0-30 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8758 Descripciones 2 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8759 Jeopardy -- Challenge Board
Leçon 1 - 4 Copy this to my account 8760 Patricia va a California -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8761 R1 Lección 4A-¿Adónde vas? -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8762 R1 Lección 4B - ¿Quieres ir conmigo? -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8763 Spanish speaking countries and capitals -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8764 1-2B-1 School room items Sr. Brady Quiz This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 8765 Los verbos, la familia Profe Unsworth Java Game
Copy this to my account 8766 Expresate 1 Español 1 Capítulo 4 Vocabulario 2 Señor Contreras Quiz This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 8767 Spanish 1 first sem. final exam. 2008 Señor Reynoso Quiz This quiz contains 100 questions. Copy this to my account 8768 Pasajes Lengua Capítulo 2 p. 43 Vocabulario Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Java Game
Copy this to my account 8769 Pasajes Lengua Capítulo 3 p. 79 Vocabulario Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Java Game
Copy this to my account 8770 Pasajes Lengua Capítulo 6 vocabulario p. 173 Madame / Maestra Jacky Castellow Java Game
Copy this to my account 8771 En Clase Madame Neale Señora Neale Java Game
Undertanding what your teacher says.
Naming things in the classroom and days of the week. Copy this to my account 8772 Inauguración de un Nuevo Presidente/Inauguration of a New President Maria Silva Java Game
Increase your vocabulary with words used for the Inauguration of a New President in the United States Copy this to my account 8773 Regalos/Gifts Maria Silva Columns
Find the correct match for each of these gifts Copy this to my account 8774 Buen Viaje Level 1 Ch 7 Verbs Sra Pinter Java Game
Copy this to my account 8775 Regelmæssige spanske verber i præsens -- Quiz
I de følgende opgaver skal du vise at du kan bøje de spanske, regelmæssige verber i præsens (-ar, -er og -ir verber) This quiz contains 24 questions. Copy this to my account 8776 Diftongerende spanske verber i præsens -- Quiz
I de følgende opgaver skal du vise at du kan bøje de spanske, diftongerende verber i præsens (-ar, -er og -ir verber)
ALLE verberne i opgaverne er diftongerende verber!
HUSK AT DU IKKE SKAL HAVE PRONOMEN MED (yo, tú, osv.), da verbets endelse viser... This quiz contains 24 questions. Copy this to my account 8777 Lazarillo de Tormes Centre de Formació Professional d'Aixovall Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8778 Inauguración de Barack Obama/Inauguration of Barack Obama Maria Silva Rags to Riches
Practice the vocabulary for the Inauguration of President Barack Obama Copy this to my account 8779 Unidad 4: las tiendas David Montero Hangman
Copy this to my account 8780 Unidad 1 - La familia David Montero Java Game
Copy this to my account 8781 Unidad 1 - Los países David Montero Columns
Copy this to my account 8782 Unidad 1 - Números de 0 a 20 David Montero Ordered List
Put the numbers below in the correct order. Copy this to my account 8783 Caminos Peligrosos 1 El Vocabulario Profesor Baird Java Game
Translate. Copy this to my account 8784 Caminos Peligrosos 5 Hangman Profesor Baird Hangman
Copy this to my account 8785 CP 1 La Trama Profesor Baird Hangman
Copy this to my account 8786 CP 1 La Trama Profesor Baird Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8787 Professions Mademoiselle Stone Java Game
Here is the list of professions from chapter 10 int eh Exploraciones book. Copy this to my account 8788 Exprésate II Capítulo 5 Repaso Profesora Jennifer Challenge Board
Review for the chapter test! Copy this to my account 8789 La peste del insomnio - Definiciones del vocabulario Señora Peterson Java Game
Copy this to my account 8790 La peste del insomnio - Definiciones y sinónimos del vocabulario Señora Peterson Columns
Copy this to my account 8791 La peste del insomnio - Los personajes I Señora Peterson Columns
Copy this to my account 8792 105 Transportatiojn Dr Cristobal Sartori Java Game
Copy this to my account 8793 Rainforest Animals Señora Pilla Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 8794 Nuevas Vistas Introducción 3-1 Review Debbie Mensinger Challenge Board
Categories: vocabulary 3-1, futurw, future perfect, conditional, diptongo o hiato Copy this to my account 8795 Nuevas Vistas capítulo 3 vocabulario p.98 Debbie Mensinger Java Game
Matches Nuevas Vistas vocabulary p.98 Spanish to English Copy this to my account 8796 Match the verbs with their PICTURES or play with flashcards Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 8797 Cuéntame Episodio #2 Battleship Señora Campana Battleship
Vocabulary words from Episode #2 "Cuéntame" Copy this to my account 8798 Cuéntame Episodio #2 Hangman Señora Campana Hangman
Vocabulary words Episode 2 Copy this to my account 8799 Cuéntame Episodio #3 Pop-Up Señora Campana Pop-ups
Cuéntame Episodio #3 Vocabulario
miércoles, la casa, limpia, está sucio, busca, enchufa, la cola, pasa la aspiradora. Copy this to my account 8800 Verbos irregulares Sra. Wilson Challenge Board
Practica los verbos irregulares, creer, saber, tener, hacer, salir, poner, querer, leer, ver y jugar Copy this to my account 8801 El cuerpo y la cara Sra. Wilson Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8802 LA CASA Y LA COMIDA Sra. Wilson Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8803 Pobre Ana Ch3 Review Ms. Butler Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8804 Verbos al restaurante Mr Izard Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 8805 En Español AR Verbs Un 2 Et 1 Miss Spanish Java Game
Copy this to my account 8806 MANTENER LA SALUD Sra. Romero Hangman
Copy this to my account 8807 MANTENER LA SALUD Sra. Romero Battleship
Copy this to my account 8808 El subjuntivo o no Señor Stuber Rags to Riches
use of the subjunctive or infinitive Copy this to my account 8809 Vocabulario 8.1 Señor Stuber Java Game
Copy this to my account 8810 Casi se muere Mid book exam -- Quiz This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 8811 Casi se muere End of Book Exam -- Quiz This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 8812 Module 18 Quiz (Phase 1) Mr Cosgrove Quiz
Revision of Module 18. This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 8813 Realidades 3: Cap 1: Camping and Nature Srita. Vargas Java Game
Match the English and Spanish words about camping and nature. Copy this to my account 8814 Realidades 3, Cap. 3 - A ver si recuerdas 1 Srita. Vargas Quiz
Completa las siguientes preguntas. Watch out for accent and spelling! This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 8815 Realidades 3, Cap. 3 - Vocabulario Srita. Vargas Java Game
Copy this to my account 8816 Prepositions St Marys Spanish Java Game
Match the preposition with its meaning. Copy this to my account 8817 Simple Expressions Nelson Guaman Java Game
flash cards based on simple expressions learned Copy this to my account 8818 Midterm Level One (PE-3A) Profesora Stone Quiz
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the questions. This quiz contains 100 questions. Copy this to my account 8819 Partes del Cuerpo Humano Fred Kester Java Game
Match the name to the picture it represents. Copy this to my account 8820 La familia Señora Nadeau Jumbled Words
Unscramble the word and say it out loud. ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 8821 La familia Señora Nadeau Java Game
Match the family terms from Spanish to English. ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 8822 mariposa: basic vocabulary -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8823 mariposa: over-wintering vocabulary -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8824 Mariposas monarcas: la conservación -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8825 Manuel Ms. Cardona Java Game
Copy this to my account 8826 Manuel Ms. Cardona Quiz
Conteste la siguientes preguntas This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 8827 La Yaqui Hermosa Ms. Cardona Hangman
Vocabulario Copy this to my account 8828 Exprésate Textbook Chapter 8 Part 1 Vocabulary Mademoiselle Stone Hangman
Vocabulary for Chapter 8 Part 1 Copy this to my account 8829 Exprésate Chapter 8 Part 1 vocabulary Mademoiselle Stone Rags to Riches
Vocabulary Copy this to my account 8830 ESP II: Cap 2A- Reflexive Pronouns Sra. Domally Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 8831 Ven conmigo II 4.3 Completa la conversación Profesora Duronio Cloze
Vocabulario "Así se dice" p.111 Copy this to my account 8832 Ven conmigo II 4.3 Vocabulario Profesora Duronio Java Game
Copy this to my account 8833 Ven conmigo II 5.1 El pretérito (ir/ser/tener/poder/hacer) Profesora Duronio Hangman
¡No lo cuelgues! Usa los verbos ir, ser, tener, poder, y hacer Copy this to my account 8834 Ven conmigo II 5.1 El pretérito (texto p.151 Act. 3) Profesora Duronio Cloze
Cristina describe lo que ella y los miembros de su familia hicieron la semana pasada. Usa el pretérito de los verbos entre paréntesis. Copy this to my account 8835 Imagina, capítulo 5 Srita. Vargas Java Game
Copy this to my account 8836 los verbos y los quehaceres Carol Hamilton Java Game
Copy this to my account 8837 Pobre Ana Capítulo 2 Ordered List Señoras Kline y Navarro Ordered List
Put the sentences in order Copy this to my account 8838 Avancemos unidad 5 lección 1 level 1 expansion de vocabulario Sra. Withers Columns
These are the additional vocabulary words found at the back of the book. Copy this to my account 8839 Verbs - Meaning Sr. Cano Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 382. Copy this to my account 8840 Chapter 5 Part 1 Vocabulary George Villa Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8841 ¿cual no pertenece? Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
Choose the one that does not belong. Copy this to my account 8842 Verbs in Spanish with irregular Yo forms Mademoiselle Stone Columns
Copy this to my account 8843 R2-7A "El ahorcado" Señora Zabala Hangman
Copy this to my account 8844 Vocabulario Unidad 6 lección 2 -- Java Game
todo el vocabulario Copy this to my account 8845 Descubre repaso ch5 b Dr. Larson Java Game
Repaso de vocabulario Descubre 2, Ch 5 b Copy this to my account 8846 Descubre repaso ch6 a Dr. Larson Java Game
Repaso de vocabulario de Capítulo 6. Copy this to my account 8847 Descubre repaso ch6 b Dr. Larson Java Game
Repaso de vocabulario de capítulo 6. Copy this to my account 8848 los pasatiempos Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
¿Cuál no pertenece? Copy this to my account 8849 1A U2E2 Vocab. check 1 Practice Señor Bain Java Game
Complete these activities to practice the vocabulary on the first check. Copy this to my account 8850 1A U2E2 Vocab. Check 2 Practice Señor Bain Java Game
Complete the following activities to practice the vocabulary that is on vocabulary check 2. Remember to take the quiz to ensure that you know everything! Copy this to my account 8851 8th final 2009 Sr. Brinks Quiz This quiz contains 71 questions. Copy this to my account 8852 Patricia va a California - capítulo 1 Ms. Erin Parris Java Game
Copy this to my account 8853 Patricia va a California - capítulo 1 Ms. Erin Parris Hangman
Copy this to my account 8854 Patricia va a California - Vocabulario capítulo 3 Ms. Erin Parris Hangman
Copy this to my account 8855 Patricia Va a California, Capítulo 1 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 8856 Patricia Va a California, Capítulo 2 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 8857 Patricia Va a California, Vocab and Culture Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 8858 Patricia Va a California, Vocab and Culture, 1-3 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 8859 Patricia Va a California, Vocabulario 8 y 9 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 8860 Patricia Va a California, Capítulo 8 Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 8861 Patricia Book Review Ms. Rogers Patterns
Find the appropriate description of the following topics. Copy this to my account 8862 Patricia Todo Ms. Rogers Quiz This quiz contains 50 questions chosen from a bank of 195. Copy this to my account 8863 La Casa Embrujada: Antónimos -- Columns
Choose the OPPOSITE of each word. Draw a line to connect the antonyms. Copy this to my account 8864 La Casa Embrujada: Vocabulario A-C -- Java Game
Práctica para el examen final en junio Copy this to my account 8865 Intro Phrases Games Sra. Regge Java Game
Copy this to my account 8866 1st yr. ch 4 vocab review -food games Sra. Regge Java Game
Copy this to my account 8867 1st yr. ch 7 vocab review vacations games Sra. Regge Java Game
Copy this to my account 8868 El Penitente Elusivo c. 1-5 Profe Sink Quiz
El Penitente Elusivo c. 1-5 This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 8869 Tres Grandes Artistas - El Greco, Goya y Velázquez Señora Mar Hangman
¿Cuánto sabes de estos artistas? Copy this to my account 8870 Match the animal, bird or reptile with sound. Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 8871 Months--match vocabulary with pictures Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 8872 Exprésate 3 Capítulo 3 Vocabulario 3-1 Debbie Mensinger Hangman
Exprésate 3 Capítulo 3 Vocabulario 3-1
Translates English to Spanish Copy this to my account 8873 Exprésate 3 Capítulo 4 El Examen Debbie Mensinger Hangman
Exprésate 3 Reviews vocabulary 4-2 for the unit test Copy this to my account 8874 Exprésate 3: Review chapters 1 & 2 Culture Debbie Mensinger Hangman
Culture review from chapters 1 & 2 Copy this to my account 8875 * Bargaining Phrases - Flashcards Sra. Crane Java Game
Copy this to my account 8876 La Biodiversidad World Lang. Harwood Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8877 Dentro de la Selva Tropical #1 World Lang. Harwood Java Game
Copy this to my account 8878 1.1 Expansión de Vocabulario - Matching, Wordsearch Sra. Obrecht Java Game
Copy this to my account 8879 3.1 Expansión de Vocabulario - Matching, Wordsearch Sra. Obrecht Java Game
Copy this to my account 8880 4.1 Lista de Expansión - Matching, Wordsearch Sra. Obrecht Java Game
Copy this to my account 8881 2.1 Expansión de Vocabulario - Matching, Wordsearch Sra. Obrecht Java Game
Copy this to my account 8882 6.2 Matching, Wordsearch Sra. Obrecht Java Game
Copy this to my account 8883 Las noticias: vocabulario (actividad) Megan Flinchbaugh Quiz This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 8884 Las noticias (actividad) Megan Flinchbaugh Quiz This quiz contains 4 questions. Copy this to my account 8885 Para Empezar Tarea #1 Janine Hakanson Quiz
Type the following words, sentences and questions in Spanish. Type carefully! If you make typing or spelling errors, the answer will be marked as incorrect. See pp. 9-23 in your textbook. (Pp. 22 & 23 are the repaso.) You must get at least 60%... This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 8886 Animales GR3 (IF) Señora Klebba Java Game
Animales Grade 3 (IF)
Teach Them Spanish! Copy this to my account 8887 Cuerpo/Body 3 (IF) Señora Klebba Java Game
Teach Them Spanish GR 3
Body Parts, Lesson 1 Copy this to my account 8888 Expresate 2 - cap. 1 - vocab Miss Bias Java Game
Copy this to my account 8889 Unidad 5 Lección 1 - Vocabulario Nuevo - Números -Put them in order Mr. Friedrich Ordered List
Can you arrange the ordinal numbers in their correct order? Copy this to my account 8890 ¿Cómo te llamas? Sra. Perez Quiz
You have learned to ask someone else what is your name? in Spanish and to tell others your name as well.
Read each incomplete sentence and fill in the blank with the correct answer . This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 8891 R1 1B Hangman -- Hangman
Chapter 1B Vocabulary practice - Adjectives are given with masculine ending. DON'T FORGET ABOUT ACCENT MARKS! Copy this to my account 8892 1-1 additional descriptive vocab Señora Shaffer Java Game
hair, eye color, etc. Copy this to my account 8893 Términos literarios AMPARO WENG Java Game
alegoría a costumbrismo Copy this to my account 8894 Términos literarios AMPARO WENG Columns
empareja los términos literarios con sus definiciones Copy this to my account 8895 Pobre Ana, Ch 1 Señoras Kline y Navarro Ordered List
Put the following sentences in the order they occur in Chapter 1 of Pobre Ana. Copy this to my account 8896 Chapter 2-3 Vocab Quiz Señora Bossard Quiz
Talking about what you need and want to do.
Type the Spanish word/phrase for each English word. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 8897 Unidad 3 Quiz 1 Review La exploración del Nuevo Mundo longhorn Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8898 Realidades Ia Jota Mr. Jasinski Java Game
Vocabulary Concentration Copy this to my account 8899 Quiz on Time and Class Commands/Questions Sra. Zitsch Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 8900 Prueba de conversación básica Sra. Zitsch Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 8901 2.3 Vocab - Nouns Señora Ringhofer Java Game
Copy this to my account 8902 Frases para decir Iraida C. Peinado Java Game
Copy this to my account 8903 Spanish II, U4 L1 Señora Oberdorfer Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 8904 Unidad 5 Lección 2 - Vocabulario Nuevo - Vocabulario de Quehaceres Mr. Friedrich Java Game
Practice your chore and responsibilities vocabulary with these exercises Copy this to my account 8905 Unidad 5 Lección 2 - Vocabulario Nuevo - Vocabulario de Quehaceres - Jumbled words Mr. Friedrich Jumbled Words
Can you unscramble the word(s) so that it makes sense in the sentence? Copy this to my account 8906 Capítulo 6: Chapter Review A P Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8907 Episodios 1-4 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Copy this to my account 8908 Episodio 2 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Copy this to my account 8909 Episodio 3 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Copy this to my account 8910 Episodio 4 Profe. Butcher Java Game
Copy this to my account 8911 LOS COLORES Isabel Galvez Java Game
What color are these well-known characters? Copy this to my account 8912 Avancemos 2 Unidad 1 - Unit Review of IOP Sra. Leszczynski Quiz
Use the indirect object pronouns for each blank. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 8913 1.1 Vocab Translation Sra. Leszczynski Quiz
Translate the words from p 55 to Spanish. Be sure to include el/la/los/las. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 8914 U4E3 Vocabulary check 1 quiz Señor Bain Quiz
Complete this quiz as many times as it is necessary until you have mastered the vocabulary for which you are responsible. This quiz contains 36 questions. Copy this to my account 8915 Capítulo 2: Verbo Gustar #2 Fill in the Blanks A P Cloze
Copy this to my account 8916 Adjectives A P Java Game
Copy this to my account 8917 IIA - BSB2 lec. 2 Sr. Rando-el capitán Quiz This quiz contains 31 questions. Copy this to my account 8918 IIA - vocabulario Lección 4 Sr. Rando-el capitán Quiz
Buena suerte This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 8919 IIA - BSB2 - Lec. 4 Sr. Rando-el capitán Quiz This quiz contains 42 questions. Copy this to my account 8920 IIA- BSB2 Vocab. Lec. 5 Sr. Rando-el capitán Quiz
Escribe la palabra que corresponde. Usa el, la, los, las This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 8921 Español IIA - BSB2- Capítulo 3 Sr. Rando-el capitán Quiz This quiz contains 54 questions. Copy this to my account 8922 Pobre Ana Ch 9 Señoras Kline y Navarro Jumbled Words
vocabulary Copy this to my account 8923 2nd paso vocab practice quiz, Chapter 4, Sp. II Susan Edelen Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 8924 Spa 2 ch. 1 Irregular Verbs Sra. Regge Quiz
Type in the correct form of the verb in parenthesis This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 8925 1B Vocab games Mr. Jasinski Java Game
Copy this to my account 8926 Animales list 2 Holly Little Java Game
Spanish animals voc. list 2 Copy this to my account 8927 Body 2 Holly Little Java Game
Body parts in Spanish from list 2 Copy this to my account 8928 la ninez 1 Holly Little Java Game
childhood voc. part 1 Copy this to my account 8929 Unidad 5 Lección 2 - Los mandatos Mr. Friedrich Java Game
Do you know the meanings of your irregular commands? Copy this to my account 8930 reflexive verbs in 6 tenses Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 8931 Unidad 6 Lección 1 - Vocabulario Nuevo - Vocabulario de Deportes Mr. Friedrich Hangman
Can you figure out these sport words before getting hanged? Copy this to my account 8932 Describing people and animals Señora Kuhlman Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 8933 Examen U1E2: Las bellas artes y la comida C Profe Unsworth Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 8934 Navegando Ch. 3 Review Mrs. Corban Challenge Board
Review for Ch. 3 Exam Copy this to my account 8935 CKS 6th Grade Midyear Review 12/09 Paula Smith Challenge Board
Play this game to review for our Mid-year test on 12/10/09 Copy this to my account 8936 Choose the season Sra. Hays Pop-ups
choose which season you would most likely be in according to the description provided (you may need to look some words up) Copy this to my account 8937 Español IIA - Examen del semestre 1-19 diciembre 2008 Sr. Rando-el capitán Quiz This quiz contains 153 questions. Copy this to my account 8938 IIA EXAMEN FINAL - PRACTICA Sr. Rando-el capitán Quiz
This is what you can expect This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 8939 IIA - 10 frases de repaso para SEMESTRE 1 Sr. Rando-el capitán Quiz
Mastering these will help you along a great deal. Always use pronouns where possible. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 8940 Sp I C4-1 VERBS Señora Kuhlman Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 8941 Irregular verbs: ser, estar, ir, tener Sra. Hays Patterns
practice these irregular verbs Copy this to my account 8942 Foods Page 227 Spanish II Mr. Powell Quiz
Answer the questions. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 8943 Las Frutas Mr. Powell Pop-ups
Test your knowledge of Spanish fruit names with this pop-up game. Copy this to my account 8944 2. Clothing Concentration Mr. Powell Java Game
Chapter 9 Spanish II Ven Conmigo Copy this to my account 8945 Capítulo 3 Prueba 1 Practice World Languages Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 8946 los pasatiempos Carol Hamilton Columns
Match the verb with the corresponding noun Copy this to my account 8947 Capítulo Seis--Los muebles y aparatos Joyce Lider Java Game
Vocabulary practice: furniture and appliances Copy this to my account 8948 Nuestra casa Carol Hamilton Java Game
Copy this to my account 8949 Semester 1 Final Exam cumulative Senora Loeb Quiz
All of these questions are questions from other tests. You may use your power point presentation on this test. However, YOU MAY NOT use your notes or diario. Buena Suerte This quiz contains 140 questions chosen from a bank of 806. Copy this to my account 8950 Las ciudades españolas Sra. Anderson Java Game
Match the pictures of sites with the names of the seven Spanish cities we have studied. Copy this to my account 8951 S1: Los verbos: presente, presente progresivo, mandatos, reflexivos Sra. Anderson Patterns
Choose the correct verb from the list that fits the description. Copy this to my account 8952 Unidad I: La escuela: los adjetivos Sra. Anderson Java Game
Copy this to my account 8953 Unidad I: Repaso Sra. Anderson Battleship
Copy this to my account 8954 Avancemos 2 - Imperfect Señora Baumann Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 8955 2-2 Nouns (Spanish 1B) Señora Brown Java Game
Copy this to my account 8956 Exprésate 2 - vocab 5.1 Miss Bias Java Game
Copy this to my account 8957 Etapa 2 Unit 2 Hangman En español -- Hangman
Vocabulary practice Copy this to my account 8958 Unidad 2 Etapa 2 Challenge Board -- Challenge Board
Practice vocabulary and grammar concepts from Unit 2 Lesson 2. Copy this to my account 8959 clothing related Sra. Hays Jumbled Words
includes words like button, unbutton, uniform and slippers Copy this to my account 8960 colors et al Sra. Hays Hangman
includes words like stripes, light, navy blue Copy this to my account 8961 Review basic material for communication. Sra. Lari Columns
Match basic tricky sentences. Helps practice some verbs and vocabulary. Copy this to my account 8962 p 4-5, vocab - Nuevos encuentros Crystal Carlson Java Game
New Encounters
Chapter 1, pages 4-5
*The dialogs in the text are read from the uppermost to the lowest Copy this to my account 8963 p 68-69, practica - Vocabulario de familia Crystal Carlson Java Game
Practice family vocabulary. Copy this to my account 8964 El cuerpo - The body Sandra Hangman
Copy this to my account 8965 Más objetos de la clase South St. Paul Spanish Java Game
System A, Lesson 3 Copy this to my account 8966 Guillermo Jorge Manuel José--Ahorcado Profesora Angie Hangman
¿Cuál palabra es? Copy this to my account 8967 Guillermo Jorge Manuel José--¿Qué o quién? Profesora Angie Columns
Lee cada palabra. Di si cada palabra es "quién", "qué" o "qué--acción". Copy this to my account 8968 Guillermo Jorge Manuel José--Secuencia Profesora Angie Picture Perfect
¿Cuál es la secuencia? Pon los eventos en orden. Copy this to my account 8969 Guillermo Jorge Manuel José--Varias actividades Profesora Angie Java Game
Trabajando con el vocabulario. Copy this to my account 8970 Daily routines - Exprésate 2 - 5.1 Miss Bias Jumbled Words
daily routines vocabulary corresponds to Exprésate 2 cap. 5.1 Copy this to my account 8971 Alberto el cochero - resumen -- Quiz
Opsamlende quiz til historien om Alberto el cochero. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 8972 reflexive verbs Carol Hamilton Java Game
¿ Sabes los verbos reflexivos? ¿Que necesitas? ¿Cuando lo haces? ¿En que ordén lo haces? ¿Con que frequencia? Copy this to my account 8973 Navegando I Review for Final Ch. 1-4 Mrs. Corban Challenge Board
Review for Final Exam Ch. 1-4
Navegando I Copy this to my account 8974 Ch. 5 Review Navegando I Mrs. Corban Challenge Board
Ch. 5 review Navegando I Copy this to my account 8975 Las Frutas Hangman Language Arts Teachers Hangman
Copy this to my account 8976 Read Spanish - EZ1 Fat Cat - Gato Gordo Mr. Heflick or Heflick Sensei Scavenger Hunt
Read the Spanish version of Mr. Heflick's Pup Fiction adventure, Gato Gordo, The Story of Fat Cat ( Copy this to my account 8977 Quiz 2.8.10 Preposiciones y Espana AP Senora Loeb Quiz
Haz la prueba. Hay preguntas de preposiciones, Espana, verbos, adjectivos, vocabulario etc. Buena Suerte! Cuando termines, haz el papel de 5 parafos. This quiz contains 49 questions chosen from a bank of 283. Copy this to my account 8978 Quiz 2.8.10 Preposiciones y Espana Star Senora Loeb Quiz
Do your best with this quiz. It is on prepositions and Spain. Prepositions are anything a rabbit can be to a log- it shows placement in relation to another thing. In, on , around etc. Good luck. Take your time. When you finish, please try to finish... This quiz contains 21 questions chosen from a bank of 34. Copy this to my account 8979 3B #1 Janine Hakanson Quiz
Escribe las palabras que faltan. (Type the missing words.) Mira las pp. 156, 158 y 168 en tu libro. You must get at least 60% on your best attempt to receive HW credit. You may do this quiz as many times as you wish. This quiz contains 37 questions. Copy this to my account 8980 Práctica 3B Janine Hakanson Quiz
Mira las pp. 148, 149 y 168 en tu libro. Escribe las palabras que faltan. (Be sure to use the correct forms of the "ar" verbs caminar and levantar and the "er" verbs beber and comer.) You must get at least 70% correct on your best attempt in order... This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 8981 4A #1 Janine Hakanson Quiz
Escribe las palabras que faltan. Mira las pp. 172, 173, 180 y 194. You must get at least 60% to receive HW credit. You may do this quiz as many times as you wish. This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 8982 Quiz 2.19.10 ir + a + inf / Puerto Rico AP Senora Loeb Quiz This quiz contains 40 questions chosen from a bank of 117. Copy this to my account 8983 Quiz 2.19.10 Ir + A + inf. / Puerto Rico Senora Loeb Quiz
Estas preguntas van a tener ir + a + infinitivo. Elige (choose) correctamente. This quiz contains 36 questions chosen from a bank of 115. Copy this to my account 8984 el cuerpo Carol Hamilton Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 8985 el cuerpo Carol Hamilton Hangman
Copy this to my account 8986 4th 6 weeks Final Senora Loeb Quiz
Usa la informacion de la 4th 6 weeks. Tambien usa informaion del primero semestre. Buena suerte. the questions from this 4th 6 weeks will be weighted more heavily than the questions pertaining to the previous semester. For every test, study vocab. This quiz contains 135 questions chosen from a bank of 422. Copy this to my account 8987 Cómo Te Va - A: Chapter 1 Paso 1 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8988 Cómo Te Va - Chapter 2 Paso 1 -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 8989 Ab Inito Vocab - Las Cartas Formales y Informales -- Columns
Key vocabulary for letter writing and talking about the mail Copy this to my account 8990 Ab Inito Vocab - La Frecuencia - con VEZ -- Columns
Expressions with "Vez" to express frecuency Copy this to my account 8991 Ab Inito Vocab - La Frecuencia - From Here to Eternity -- Ordered List
You should be able to describe how often things happen or how often you do them. Put this list of terms in the best order possible from most often to never! Yes, some terms are arguable but we have done our best to make a clear line up! Copy this to my account 8992 ab Inito Vocab - La Negación - Como decir ¡No¡ -- Columns
10 ways to say no in Spanish Copy this to my account 8993 verbs and objects of instruction Carol Hamilton Java Game
¿Qué dice la señora? ¿Entiendes las instrucciones? Copy this to my account 8994 Parts of the body World Language Divas Java Game
Copy this to my account 8995 Países y Capitales de Sudamérica Ms. Roberson Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 8996 parecer/animales/familia Senora Loeb Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions chosen from a bank of 55. Copy this to my account 8997 Parecer/Animales/Familia AP Senora Loeb Quiz This quiz contains 40 questions chosen from a bank of 55. Copy this to my account 8998 Parecer/Animles/Familia Star Senora Loeb Quiz
Choose the correct answer for each question. You may use parecer notes if you need to. This quiz contains 27 questions chosen from a bank of 55. Copy this to my account 8999 subject/verb agreement Carol Hamilton Mini Quiz
Can you identify the correct form of the verb? The focus is on the irregular verb forms. Copy this to my account 9000 The importance of the verb endings Carol Hamilton Patterns
Copy this to my account 9001 the verb to be in Spanish Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
Which verb do I use??? estar, hacer, hay, ser or tener Copy this to my account 9002 El voseo de la Argentina: imperativo Megan Flinchbaugh Patterns
Escoge la forma correcta del imperativo para cada pronombre. Copy this to my account 9003 Conjugating Common Verbs Señora Marina Patterns
Select the conjugation of the verb that is appropriate for each personal pronoun. Copy this to my account 9004 Quiz Mapa 3.11.10 Senora Loeb Quiz
usa vocabulario del mapa y preposiciones para contestar las preguntas. This quiz contains 32 questions chosen from a bank of 41. Copy this to my account 9005 ¿Dónde está Eduardo?, capítulo 5 Señora Clem Java Game
Copy this to my account 9006 ¿Dónde está Eduardo? capítulo 5 ~ unas preguntas Señora Clem Columns
Decide whether the following statements from pages 38-39 are "cierto" or "falso." Go through at least 4 screens of questions. Copy this to my account 9007 LICTM Lectura 3 Señora Clem Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 9008 Los adjetivos 3 Señora Clem Java Game
Copy this to my account 9009 Graded Spanish Reader ~ Poesía 1 Señora Clem Java Game
Copy this to my account 9010 the verb to be ???? in Spanish Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
Which verb do I use??? estar, hacer, hay, ser or tener???
Also think about which form of the verb is needed. Copy this to my account 9011 Sp 4 Chap 11 imperfect subjunctive Señora Faunt Cloze
Copy this to my account 9012 Spanish 4 Chapter 11 Vocab 2 Señora Faunt Java Game
Copy this to my account 9013 Vocabulario Unidad 2 Etapa 3 Adriana Persin Hangman
Complete the words with the vocabulary on pages 146-147 of your textbook En Español 1. Copy this to my account 9014 Vocabulario Unidad 3 Etapa 1 En Español Adriana Persin Java Game
Aprendamos las palabras de emociones y sentimientos. Copy this to my account 9015 La comunidad Sra. Cardillo Hangman
Copy this to my account 9016 Verbos Radicales, Familia, Mapa Senora Loeb Quiz
por favor, elige(choose) las respuestas correctas. This quiz contains 30 questions chosen from a bank of 61. Copy this to my account 9017 Los deportes ¿Quién hace qué? Carol Hamilton Columns
focus is on the players and what they do Copy this to my account 9018 irregular preterite - 3rd person irregularities Carol Hamilton Columns
Match the 3rd person irregular conjugations with their corresponding infinitive Copy this to my account 9019 El mono malcriado Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Can you reach $1,000,000? Copy this to my account 9020 El mono malcriado Señoras Kline y Navarro Columns
Copy this to my account 9021 episodio 5 Señoras Kline y Navarro Hangman
Copy this to my account 9022 episodio 5 Señoras Kline y Navarro Columns
Copy this to my account 9023 Episodio 5 Quiz Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
Read each statement carefully and review your answers before clicking "Submit". Once you click submit you cannot change your answers. This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 9024 episodios 1-4 Señoras Kline y Navarro Challenge Board
Vocabulary from episodios 1-4 and numbers. Copy this to my account 9025 episodio 6 Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9026 Exprésate 2 - vocab 6.2 Miss Bias Java Game
Copy this to my account 9027 los deportes/sports - subject/verb agreement Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 9028 ¡Voy a Oviedo! Señora Brouwer Cloze
Copy this to my account 9029 ¡Voy a Punta Cana! Señora Brouwer Cloze
Copy this to my account 9030 Casa #2 (Like Hangman) Señora Brouwer Hangman
See if you can unscramble these house-related words! Copy this to my account 9031 ¡Voy a Campeche! Señora Brouwer Cloze
Copy this to my account 9032 ¡Voy a Santa Marta! Señora Brouwer Cloze
Copy this to my account 9033 State Symbols Quiz! Señora Brouwer Quiz This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 9034 State Symbols (With Pictures!) Señora Brouwer Java Game
Copy this to my account 9035 In the Time of the Butterflies Señora Brouwer Columns
This is a character identification activity. Play the game several times! There are a lot of characters to identify! Copy this to my account 9036 In the Time of the Butterflies (Jeopardy) Señora Brouwer Challenge Board
Another game to practice for the quiz! Copy this to my account 9037 Unidad 2 Etapa 3 Jeopardy Profa Kurtz Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9038 U2.E3: El orden de mi día Profa Kurtz Ordered List
Put these daily activities in the proper order Copy this to my account 9039 Las aventuras de Isabela Ch 7 Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9040 MC Preguntas Perry -- Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9041 La ardilla roja - rodede sætninger -- Jumbled Words
De følgende udsagn om de enkelte personer ser noget rodede ud. Sæt bogstaverne i de enkelte ord på plads, så sætningerne giver mening Copy this to my account 9042 La Ardilla Roja - vocabulario -- Java Game
Træn gloser fra de første ca. 20 scener af La Ardilla Roja Copy this to my account 9043 La ardilla roja, escenas 1-20 -- Java Game
Practica el vocabulario de las primeras 20 escenas de "La ardilla roja". Copy this to my account 9044 Ser, estar and tener y su salud Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
Which verb do I use? Copy this to my account 9045 Indirect Object Pronouns and Food. Senora Loeb Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions chosen from a bank of 48. Copy this to my account 9046 Indirect Object Pronouns and Food. Star Senora Loeb Quiz This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 9047 La salud - Challenge Board Carol Hamilton Challenge Board
¡Ay, ay, ay como me duele! Copy this to my account 9048 5B #1 Janine Hakanson Quiz
Mira las pp. 248, 249 y 268. Escribe la palabra que falta en español. (Hay que tener por lo menos 60% correcto.) You must get at least 60% to receive HW credit. This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 9049 BSB2 - Lec. 9 - Mandatos y preps. Sr. Rando-el capitán Quiz This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 9050 Las profesiones Challenge Board Carol Hamilton Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9051 Unas carreras, unos oficios y unas profesiones Carol Hamilton Java Game
Copy this to my account 9052 Spanish Exploratory Beginning Vocabulary Mrs. Pikula Java Game
Copy this to my account 9053 Basic Shapes Señora Owings Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9054 Food and Drinks Señora Owings Challenge Board
Name in English the different foods and drinks. Copy this to my account 9055 Spanish I Unit 3 Vocabulary Matching: House and Home The Teacher Quiz
2009-2010 PGMS Kent This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 9056 Spanish I Unit 1 Vocabulary Matching: Getting Started The Teacher Quiz
2009-2010 PGMS Kent This quiz contains 39 questions. Copy this to my account 9057 Semester Practice Test Senora Loeb Quiz
Please wirte down the question you have concerns with, and why it is an issue. We will go over these issues tomorrow. Please note for yourself the areas you need to concentrate on in your studies. You may use your notes. Try to do this by yourself,... This quiz contains 59 questions chosen from a bank of 190. Copy this to my account 9058 110 verbs Carol Hamilton Java Game
Copy this to my account 9059 Español II EXAMEN FINAL - PARTE 1 - traducciones Sr. Daylor Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 9060 Español II EXAMEN FINAL - PARTE 4 - Alejandro (identificaciones) Sr. Daylor Quiz This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 9061 Español II EXAMEN FINAL - PARTE 5 - Alejandro / Cultura Sr. Daylor Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 9062 Español II EXAMEN FINAL - PARTE 6 - Panorama Verbal Sr. Daylor Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 9063 Español IIA EXAMEN FINAL - PARTE 1 - traducciones Sr. Daylor Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 9064 Español IIA EXAMEN FINAL - PARTE 2 - Selección Múltiple Sr. Daylor Quiz This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 9065 Español IIA EXAMEN FINAL - PARTE 4 - Alejandro/Viviana (identificaciones) Sr. Daylor Quiz This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 9066 Español IIA EXAMEN FINAL - PARTE 6 - Panorama Verbal Sr. Daylor Quiz This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 9067 Español III EXAMEN FINAL - Parte 2 - Selección Múltiple Sr. Daylor Quiz This quiz contains 57 questions. Copy this to my account 9068 Español III EXAMEN FINAL - Parte 3 - Un Poco de Todo Sr. Daylor Quiz This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 9069 Vocabulario 2/3 Señora Westphal Jumbled Words
En español 2 Copy this to my account 9070 III 1 Vocabulario-Acampar Madame Young Java Game
Realidades 3 Vocabulary Copy this to my account 9071 III Capítulo 2 Vocabulario de repaso, p. 62 Madame Young Java Game
Realidades 3, Capítulo 2, Review Vocabulary, p. 62 Copy this to my account 9072 III Vocabulario de repaso del Capítulo 3, p. 108 Madame Young Java Game
Realidades 3, Capítulo 3 Review Vocabulary, p. 108 Copy this to my account 9073 III Capítulo 3 Vocabulario-La salud Madame Young Hangman
Translate the words from p. 150, Realidades 3, to Spanish. Copy this to my account 9074 III Vocabulario de repaso del capítulo 7 Madame Young Hangman
Realidades III, Capítulo 7, review vocabulary, p. 292 Copy this to my account 9075 Future Tense Change-Up Challenge Señora Desaulniers Cloze
work between future tense and present/preterite tenses Copy this to my account 9076 Los Números (up to 20) Sra. Hoover Java Game
Copy this to my account 9077 AP - HW16 The Subjunctive with Adverb & Relative Clauses Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 9078 AP - HW19 Commands Ud./Uds. Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
Take the "o" off the "yo" form and add opposite ending (plus an "n" if it's plural). If there is no "o" at the end, then you have an irregular verb!
Give the command for the following verbs. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9079 AP - HW22 Adjectivos Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 9080 AP - HW27 Possessive Pronouns, Long Forms Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
Here are the long forms of possessive pronouns. They follow the noun.
(yo) - mío, mía, míos, mías = mine
(tú) - tuyo, tuya, tuyos, tuyas =... This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 9081 AP - HW7A Verbs that change meaning as reflexives Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz
Matching. This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 9082 Choose the correct adverb Sra. Hays Pop-ups
Choose the correct adverb/adverbial phrase for each sentence. Copy this to my account 9083 Exploring Spanish - Animales Unit 7 Sra. Mallaber Java Game
¿DÓNDE VIVEN LOS ANIMALES? Copy this to my account 9084 Exploring Spanish - Unidad 12 La Ropa Sra. Mallaber Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9085 Professions/Las Profesiones EXPLORING SPANISH Sra. Mallaber Java Game
Unit 8 profession vocabulary Copy this to my account 9086 Repaso: 1st grade! Mrs. Sonya Wright Battleship
Review of Spanish words from last year! Try to sink your enemy's ships before they sink yours! Copy this to my account 9087 Repaso: 4th grade! Mrs. Sonya Wright Battleship
Review last year's Spanish words and try to sink your enemy's ships before they sink yours! Copy this to my account 9088 Quizito: 4th grade Mrs. Sonya Wright Quiz
Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9089 el desayuno PROFE Java Game
Copy this to my account 9090 Numeros, ABC, Ser, Pronunciation, Mapa Senora Loeb Quiz
Use the knowledge you have acquired in the past 2 weeks to help you do well on this quiz. This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9091 Numeros, ABC, Ser, Pronunciation, Mapa Star Senora Loeb Quiz
Use the knowledge you have acquired in the past 2 weeks to help you do well on this quiz. This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 9092 Aural ABC practice Senora Loeb Quiz
Listen to your teacher. He/She will say a letter, word or number, and you need to type it in the blank. Do not ask them to repeat individula letters. They will repeat each word 3 times. Watch your spelling. Check your grade at the end. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9093 Quiz Practice Senora Loeb Quiz
Use the knowledge you have acquired in the past 2 weeks to help you do well on this quiz. I encourage you to try to not use your notes. If you really get stuck, you can....but try to see for yourself what you need to study most. This quiz contains 30 questions chosen from a bank of 27. Copy this to my account 9094 Geografía: América Central y las Antillas Señora Taha Hangman
Copy this to my account 9095 La Coruña, Galicia Señora Taha Rags to Riches
¿Qué puedes identificar sobre la geografía y cultura de Galicia? Copy this to my account 9096 Patricia va a California Cap 3 Señoras Kline y Navarro Java Game
Vocabulario Copy this to my account 9097 Patricia va a California, Cap 3 Señoras Kline y Navarro Ordered List
Put the sentences in the order in which they occur in Chapter 3. Copy this to my account 9098 Patricia va a California Cap 4 Señoras Kline y Navarro Hangman
Vocabulario Copy this to my account 9099 Patricia va a California, Cap 4 Señoras Kline y Navarro Battleship
Questions Copy this to my account 9100 4B Vocabulario- Pop up Señora Mohr Cloze
Use the vocabulary from this chapter to fill in the blanks in the paragraph Copy this to my account 9101 El Cuerpo Humano- Partes Internas Ms. Barraza Java Game
Copy this to my account 9102 House Hold chores Profesora Del Rosario Hangman
Copy this to my account 9103 TEST REVIEW A - español 78 Sra. Mallaber Rags to Riches
LA TAREA PARA 10/20 Copy this to my account 9104 Capítulo 6-1 Prueba #1 practice Renee Koeneman Quiz This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 9105 Capítulo 6-1 Prueba #1 test Renee Koeneman Quiz This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 9106 Capítulo 6-1 Prueba #2 practice Renee Koeneman Quiz This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 9107 Capítulo 6-1 Prueba #2 test Renee Koeneman Quiz This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 9108 PE Spanish 2 Señora Walker Quiz
Para Empezar quiz. This quiz contains 27 questions. Copy this to my account 9109 Chapter 4 Quiz Grammar and Vocabulary Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz
Read the instructions for each question carefully. This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9110 Vocabulary and general Quiz Chapter 1 Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9111 C 5 Capitals of Spanish Speaking Countries Fe Maria de Varona Finch Mini Quiz
Copy this to my account 9112 Capítulo 7 Vocabulario Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz
Write the correct Spanish word. Use the article. This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 9113 Meses del año Calico Spanish Ordered List
Copy this to my account 9114 Diez en diez (Counting by Tens) Calico Spanish Java Game
Match the number word to the digits in Spanish. Count by tens to 100. Copy this to my account 9115 Unit 2 Lesson 4 Holiday Ordering Activity Todd Maggi Quiz This quiz contains 3 questions. Copy this to my account 9116 Unit 2 Lesson 4 Holiday Scavenger Hunt Todd Maggi Scavenger Hunt
Copy this to my account 9117 Patricia va a California, Ch 1 Señoras Kline y Navarro Java Game
Copy this to my account 9118 vocabulary chapter 2 & 3 Puntos de partida deborah hatcher Hangman
Copy this to my account 9119 Puntos de partida chapters 1 & 2 Flash cards deborah hatcher Java Game
Copy this to my account 9120 El Calendario Todd Maggi Java Game
Copy this to my account 9121 Capítulo 6-2 Prueba #1 practice Renee Koeneman Quiz This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 9122 Capítulo 6-2 Prueba #1 test Renee Koeneman Quiz This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 9123 Rosetta Stone Challenge Board Levels One and Two Sra. Roth and Mme. Ward Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9124 Rosetta Stone Spanish Level I Sra. Roth and Mme. Ward Java Game
Los Opuestos Copy this to my account 9125 Rosetta Stone Spanish Level One and Two Sra. Roth and Mme. Ward Java Game
Copy this to my account 9126 Palabras problemáticas de ¡Continuemos! Lección 4 Sra. Faddul Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9127 Challenge Board- Lección 4 ¡Continuemos! Sra. Faddul Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9128 Clothing -- Quiz This quiz contains 29 questions. Copy this to my account 9129 Capitals of Spanish Speaking Countries - -- Mini Quiz
Copy this to my account 9130 Pronouns/-AR Verbs: 2010 pronouns_arverbs -- Quiz This quiz contains 36 questions. Copy this to my account 9131 Etapa Preliminar-Vocabulario Señorita Gama Java Game
Copy this to my account 9132 Unidad 1-Etapa 3-Vocabulario Señorita Gama Java Game
Copy this to my account 9133 La geografía de América Latina - columns -- Columns
Copy this to my account 9134 Celebraciones de Diciembre Maria Silva Java Game
Vocabulario de Hanukkah, Navidad, Kwanzaa y Año Nuevo Copy this to my account 9135 C 7 Vocabulario Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz
Write the correct Spanish word. Use the article. This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 9136 C 8 Quiz Vocabulary Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9137 C 10 Test Fe Maria de Varona Finch Quiz
Practice with future and conditional forms. This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 30. Copy this to my account 9138 Vocabulario de BOTERO Señora Kyle / Madame Kyle Java Game
Copy this to my account 9139 Vocabulario para NOSOTROS, NO Señora Kyle / Madame Kyle Java Game
Copy this to my account 9140 La Ropa Sra. Rivera-Yanko Columns
Matching (Maldonado) Copy this to my account 9141 Examen de Midterm Español 2 Sra Donohue Quiz This quiz contains 159 questions. Copy this to my account 9142 Buen Viaje Element 4 Sra. Kennedy Java Game
Practice beginning vocabulary from element 4. Copy this to my account 9143 Buen Viaje Element 4 Sra. Kennedy Rags to Riches
Play and review vocabulary from element 4. (vocabulary and comprehension) Copy this to my account 9144 Spanish 4 - Ch 4 - LICT, More y Ch 1-3 El Viaje Perdido Sr. Tristan Bodle Quiz
Ch. 4.1 - 4.4, Viaje Perdido ch 1-3, "Laura no está" This quiz contains 45 questions. Copy this to my account 9145 Vocabulario de la casa #1 Sra. Szabo Java Game
rooms, furniture, appliances and other items you would find in the house. Copy this to my account 9146 el vuelo - los opuestos Carol Hamilton Hangman
¿Sabes el opuesto? Copy this to my account 9147 EXP 2 Capítulo 5 Vocabulario 1 Rutinas de la mañana Señora Mar Java Game
Morning routines; telling someone to hurry Copy this to my account 9148 el vuelo Carol Hamilton Java Game
Copy this to my account 9149 Vocabulario Ch. 8 Continuemos Heather Wiseman Java Game
Chapter 8 vocabulary - Continuemos Copy this to my account 9150 Time Expressions and Vocabulary Stacy Tukloff-Vansant Java Game
Copy this to my account 9151 Practice with Irregular Preterite Verbs Stacy Tukloff-Vansant Java Game
estar, poder, poner, saber, tener, hacer Copy this to my account 9152 Piratas del Caribe y el mapa secreto Sra. Renfro Quiz
This quiz covers vocabulary and plot. This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 9153 classroom language Elisabeth Butler Quiz
see whether you understand basic Spanish instructions This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9154 el presente Elisabeth Butler Quiz
The Spanish present tense This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9155 estar o tener Elisabeth Butler Pop-ups
use the correct form of tener or estar Copy this to my account 9156 la clase Elisabeth Butler Java Game
classroom items Copy this to my account 9157 la ropa Elisabeth Butler Java Game
Copy this to my account 9158 Avancemos III - Leccion 4.1 ¿Quién te inspira? Señor Long Java Game
Copy this to my account 9159 U3E2 Comparaciones Ms. Erin Parris Cloze
Copy this to my account 9160 lLos adverbios - los opuestos Carol Hamilton Java Game
adverbs and their opposites Copy this to my account 9161 adverbs of frequency - jumbled words Carol Hamilton Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 9162 Check your Knowledge - 8th Sandra Challenge Board
Practica los ejercicios de vocabulario. Copy this to my account 9163 Months--match vocabulary with pictures ll Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 9164 España: un día sin trabajar Profesora Jennifer Quiz
Listen to the audio and complete the exercises. This quiz contains 19 questions. Copy this to my account 9165 Videojuego sobre ciudad mexicana: ¿divertido o peligroso? Profesora Jennifer Quiz
Mucha gente quiere prohibir el nuevo videojuego Call of Juarez: The Cartel. This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 9166 Casi se muere: Capítulo 1 Timothy Corcoran Quiz This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 9167 Spanish I Examen Final Spring - Vocabulario y Gramatica Profesora Jennifer Quiz This quiz contains 60 questions. Copy this to my account 9168 Los quehaceres y los pronombres directos Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 9169 subject/verb agreement Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 9170 Cap 3A (R2) Vocabulario Sra. Hoover Columns
Copy this to my account 9171 Spanish I - 2nd Semester Final - PRACTICE Mrs. Toering Quiz This quiz contains 63 questions. Copy this to my account 9172 Animales de Carolina del Norte -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 9173 Animales de Carolina del Norte -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 9174 Animales de la granja -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 9175 Animales de Norteamérica -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 9176 Animales salvajes -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 9177 Animales salvajes -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 9178 Geografía de Carolina del Norte -- Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9179 Geografía de Norteamérica -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 9180 Avancemos II Cap I Sra. Taraborelli Java Game
Copy this to my account 9181 Avancemos II Vocabulario cap II Sra. Taraborelli Java Game
Copy this to my account 9182 Avancemos II Cap III vocab Sra. Taraborelli Java Game
Copy this to my account 9183 Avancemos II vocab Cap V Sra. Taraborelli Java Game
Copy this to my account 9184 Reading Comprehension Quiz 4 Señora Desaulniers Quiz
"El Sur" y "La muerte y la brújula" This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9185 Ch. 9 Rojo - Wkbk pp105-106 Dana Bolluyt Quiz
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 9186 Irregulares del Pretérito - Columnos Dana Bolluyt Columns
Copy this to my account 9187 Rojo Ch. 11 - Vocabulario 2 Dana Bolluyt Columns
Copy this to my account 9188 Rojo Textbook pp233-234: Act. 1 & 2 Dana Bolluyt Cloze
Copy this to my account 9189 Pretérito - Práctica Dana Bolluyt Java Game
Copy this to my account 9190 Rojo - Cap. 9 Vocabulario Dana Bolluyt Java Game
Copy this to my account 9191 Verde Ch. 5 - Wkbk p54 Dana Bolluyt Quiz
Fill in the blank with the correct future tense of the verb indicated. This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 9192 Vocab Quiz: Rojo 13-2 Dana Bolluyt Quiz This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 9193 En Español Unidad 1 Verb Review Señor Potoka Challenge Board
Review the verbs for the first Unidad! Copy this to my account 9194 Exprésate 1 Chapter 2b Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9195 Exprésate 1 Chapter 3a Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9196 Exprésate 1 Chapter 3b Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9197 Exprésate 1 Chapter 8a Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9198 Exprésate 1 Chapter 8b Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9199 Exprésate 1 Chapter 4a Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9200 Exprésate 1 Chapter 4b Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9201 Exprésate 1 Chapter 5b Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9202 Exprésate 1 Chapter 6b Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9203 Exprésate 1 Chapter 7a Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9204 Exprésate 1 Chapter 7b Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9205 Exprésate 2 Chapter 2b Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9206 Exprésate 2 Chapter 3a Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9207 Exprésate 1 Chapter 8b Reflexive Verbs in the preterite Don Lorenzo Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9208 Exprésate 2 Chapter 6a Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9209 Exprésate 2 Chapter 6b Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9210 Exprésate 2 Chapter 7b Vocabulary (pictures) Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9211 Ch 1: Physical Descriptions 1 Joe Barile Columns
Find the antonym Copy this to my account 9212 Ch 4: Numbers; 2 Joe Barile Ordered List
The following list starts with number 33 and continues BY TENS, until 213. Place them in order. Copy this to my account 9213 Ch 4: Numbers; 3, Blood Pressure Joe Barile Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9214 Ch 4: Question Words; 1 Joe Barile Columns
Copy this to my account 9215 Ch 4: Question Words; 2 Joe Barile Java Game
Copy this to my account 9216 Ch 4; Personal Information, 1 Joe Barile Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 9217 Pobre Ana Ch 9 HW Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9218 el vuelo Carol Hamilton Challenge Board
todo lo que usted necesita saber del vuelo Copy this to my account 9219 Exprésate 1 Chapter 2a Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9220 Exprésate 1 Chapter 2b Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9221 Exprésate 1 Chapter 3b IR, -AR verbs & Weather (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9222 Exprésate 1 Chapter 3b Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9223 Exprésate 1 Chapter 4a Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9224 Exprésate 1 Chapter 4b Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9225 Exprésate 1 Chapter 7b Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9226 Exprésate 1 Chapter 8a Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9227 Exprésate 2 Chapter 4b Vocabulary (pix) body parts Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9228 Exprésate 2 Chapter 5a Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9229 Exprésate 2 Chapter 6a Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9230 Exprésate 1 Chapter 6b Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9231 Exprésate 2 Chapter 2b En la Casa Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 9232 Exprésate 2 Chapter 2b Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9233 Exprésate 2 Chapter 4a Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9234 Exprésate 2 Chapter 4b Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9235 Exprésate 2 Chapter 6b Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9236 Exprésate 2 Chapter 7a Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9237 Exprésate 2 Chapter 7b Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9238 Exprésate 2 Chapter 8a Vocabulary (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9239 Global Raz Verbal -- Quiz
A continuación aparecerá el examen parcial, presentado para contestarse por opción múltiple. Podrán abrirlo cuantas veces quieran, siendo la MEJOR la que cuenta, así es que te recomiendo que hagas las prácticas primero y repases para obtener... This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 9240 Exprésate 1 Chapter 6b Informal Affirmative Commands (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9241 HW La Catrina - el último secreto 1 Profesora Weirich Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9242 HW La Catrina - el último secreto 2 Profesora Weirich Quiz
No usen frases completas para responder a las preguntas. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9243 HW La Catrina - el último secreto 3 Profesora Weirich Quiz
No usen frases completas para responder a las preguntas. This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 9244 HW La Catrina - el último secreto 4 Profesora Weirich Quiz
No usen frases completas para responder a las preguntas. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9245 HW La Catrina - el último secreto 5 Profesora Weirich Quiz
No usen frases completas para responder a las preguntas. This quiz contains 17 questions. Copy this to my account 9246 HW La Catrina - el último secreto 6 Profesora Weirich Quiz This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 9247 HW La Catrina - el último secreto 7 Profesora Weirich Quiz This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 9248 HW La Catrina - el último secreto 8 Profesora Weirich Quiz
No usen frases completas para responder a las preguntas. This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 9249 Los adjetivos avanzados--Español 3 Señor Turf Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9250 Avancemos, Level 1 - Ch. 1.1 Other words and activities Chase Dedmon Hangman
Copy this to my account 9251 Avancemos ...unidad 1 lección 1 Chase Dedmon Patterns
Put the following vocab words in the correct categories. Copy this to my account 9252 Las aventuras de gabi Eloisa Pulaski Java Game
Practice key vocabulary for the first 15 chapters of Gabi. Copy this to my account 9253 Las aventuras de gabi. Episodio 21 Eloisa Pulaski Hangman
Hangman Copy this to my account 9254 Las aventuras de Gabi. Episodio 22 Eloisa Pulaski Java Game
Practica el vocabulario Copy this to my account 9255 U5E1 Reflexive Verb Opposites Sra. Alpert Columns
Match the opposites of the reflexive verbs & hair types. Copy this to my account 9256 U5E1 Reflexive Verbs Sra. Alpert Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 9257 1-1.1 - Exprésate 1: Capítulo 1 - Vocabulario 1.1 - pgs. 10-11 090610 ECB Profesora Berman Java Game
Copy this to my account 9258 1-1.1 y 1.2 - (09192010 ECB) - TPEURST PAEURD KWEUZ Profesora Berman Quiz
If you are taking this as a PAIRED QUIZ, you may whisper with your partner ONLY to figure out what the answer is. If you speak with anyone else other than your QUIZ partner or la señora Berman or act inappropriately, your WILL receive a CERO! This quiz contains 19 questions. Copy this to my account 9259 1-1.1 y 1.2 - WINTER BREAK (20 MINUTES) - Exprésate 1- Capítulo 1 - COMPLETO - 12152010ENC Profesora Berman Java Game
Copy this to my account 9260 1-1.1-8.2-Prueba Cumulativa (Cumulative quiz)(04172011ECB) Profesora Berman Quiz
Choose the best answer for the following questions. This quiz contains 72 questions. Copy this to my account 9261 Vocabulario del Salón de clases - Audio Sandra Java Game
Copy this to my account 9262 Ven Conmigo, chapter 1 review Mme/Sra Smith Battleship
Copy this to my account 9263 Español 2 Capítulo 1AB Examen Señorita LaManna Quiz
1AB Vocab, comparasions, stem-changing verbs This quiz contains 38 questions. Copy this to my account 9264 1B Prueba 4 part A Señora Cowell Quiz
Definite and indefinite articles
Choose the appropriate definite article (el or la) for the pictures below. This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 9265 1B Prueba 4 part B Señora Cowell Quiz
Choose the correct indefinite article (un or una). This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 9266 Latinoamérica - las nacionalidades Carol Hamilton Columns
Copy this to my account 9267 Latinoamérica - los capitales latinoamericanos Carol Hamilton Java Game
los capitales de los países en Latinoamérica Copy this to my account 9268 mis primeros versos profesor Quiroz Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9269 verbos irregulares en el pretérito Señorita Ibarra Patterns
Copy this to my account 9270 Español 4H -La Unidad 8 -- Quiz
En un consultorio, partes del cuerpo, el presente del subjuntivo, el presente perfecto y el presente perfecto del subjuntivo. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9271 Las Aventuras de Isabela - Vocabulario de Capítulo 3 Elizabeth DeJesus Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 9272 Las Aventuras de Isabela Capítulo 4 Elizabeth DeJesus Quiz
El Vocabulario de Capítulo 4 This quiz contains 32 questions. Copy this to my account 9273 Dos modos de transportación Carol Hamilton Columns
A comparison of vocabulary relating to traveling by train and by airplane. Copy this to my account 9274 Vocabulario #2: Tecnología y teléfono Señora Daniel Java Game
Copy this to my account 9275 Vocabulario #4: Animales, palabras del cuento Señora Daniel Java Game
Copy this to my account 9276 Vocabulario #5: Los reflexivos Señora Daniel Java Game
Copy this to my account 9277 Vocabulario #7: Los quehaceres y casa Señora Daniel Java Game
Vocabulario lista #7 Copy this to my account 9278 Español IV: Lección Preliminar-Historia y Cultura (opcional) Señora Lane Quiz
Take this quiz to check your mastery of the historical and cultural information in the Lección Preliminar of your textbook. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9279 Pobre Ana, Ch 1 Señoras Kline y Navarro Hangman
Copy this to my account 9280 Pobre Ana, Ch 1 Señoras Kline y Navarro Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9281 Pobre Ana Ch 1 Señoras Kline y Navarro Columns
matching Copy this to my account 9282 Pobre Ana Ch 1 Vocab Pages 1-3 Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Practice Vocabulary from pages 1-3 of Pobre Ana Copy this to my account 9283 Pobre Ana, Ch. 1-9 Señoras Kline y Navarro Challenge Board
General review of book Copy this to my account 9284 Pobre Ana Ch. 1-9 Señoras Kline y Navarro Ordered List
Put the following events in order Copy this to my account 9285 Pobre Ana Ch 2 Señoras Kline y Navarro Java Game
Copy this to my account 9286 Pobre Ana Ch 2 Señoras Kline y Navarro Columns
Match the Spanish to the English Copy this to my account 9287 Pobre Ana Ch 2 Señoras Kline y Navarro Battleship
Copy this to my account 9288 Pobre Ana Ch 3 Señoras Kline y Navarro Hangman
Copy this to my account 9289 Paso a Paso 3 Chapter 1 Lori Wilson Challenge Board
Review of vocabulary and grammar. Copy this to my account 9290 AVANCEMOS 1-CHAPTER 3-LESSON 2 COACH PREAUS Java Game
VOCABULARY Copy this to my account 9291 AVANCEMOS 1-CHAPTER 4 LESSON 1 COACH PREAUS Java Game
VOCABULARY AND GRAMMER Copy this to my account 9292 Carta a Dios -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 9293 Cajas de cartón II -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 9294 U3E2 Chore Vocabulary (Jumbled Words) Sra. Alpert Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 9295 AVANCEMOS 1-CHAPTER 1 COACH PREAUS Java Game
CHAPTER REVIEW Copy this to my account 9298 AVANCEMOS 1-CHAPTER 4 COACH PREAUS Java Game
CHAPTER REVIEW Copy this to my account 9299 Mandatos formales y plurales Señora Mar Columns
Lean los mandatos en inglés y busquen los mandatos correspondientes en español. ¡Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 9300 MANDATOS Formales e Informales Señora Mar Pop-ups
Escoge el mandato más apropiado. Copy this to my account 9301 MANDATOS de la tecnología Señora Mar Challenge Board
Juega con un compañero o solo. ¿Sabes hacer los mandatos? Copy this to my account 9302 MANDATOS Señora Mar Rags to Riches
Formal, informal, afirmativo y negativo Copy this to my account 9303 Mandatos formales y plurales. Señora Mar Hangman
Copy this to my account 9304 Mis primeros versos vocabulario Profesora Pittman Java Game
Práctica con vocabulario del cuento corto de Rubén Darío. Copy this to my account 9305 Realidades Para Empezar 2: Classroom Items Señor W Java Game
Copy this to my account 9306 Patricia va a California, Cap 1 Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9307 Patricia va a California, Cap 1 y 2 Señoras Kline y Navarro Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9308 AVANCEMOS 1 CULTURE CHAPTER LP-4 COACH PREAUS Challenge Board
REVIEW OF CULTURE RELATED IN FOR FIRST SEMESTER Copy this to my account 9309 Alma -- Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9310 Alma: Parte I y II -- Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9311 Acción de Gracias Sarah May Java Game
Copy this to my account 9312 EL béisbol Sra. Roselle Java Game
Play the game to learn baseball terms Copy this to my account 9313 S1 1st Review before SEM 1 EXAM Señora Kuhlman Quiz This quiz contains 132 questions. Copy this to my account 9314 Examen Don Quijote Sra. Benton Quiz
Examen sobre el ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha This quiz contains 4 questions. Copy this to my account 9315 Naufragios Capítulo XII Sra. Benton Quiz This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 9316 Naufragios Capítulo XXII Sra. Benton Quiz This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 9317 Naufragios Capítulos XX y XXI Sra. Benton Quiz This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 9318 Great review for the Midterm Exam -- Pop-ups
Once you have reviewed the grammar and vocab, do this activity - the questions look like the ones on the test. Copy this to my account 9319 Realidades 7B: ¡Qué Regalo! Señor W Java Game
Copy this to my account 9320 Spanish 2 Cumulative Vocabulary List Señor W Java Game
Copy this to my account 9321 Presente de Indicativo / Subjuntivo Sra. Frayre Cloze
¡Qué preocupada! Susanita se preocupa constantemente. Conjuga el verbo usando la forma correcta del presente de indicativo o del subjuntivo. Copy this to my account 9322 Realidades 6A preterite tense vocabulary pam satterfield Jumbled Words
unscramble the words Copy this to my account 9323 Realidades 2 6A verbs pop ups pam satterfield Pop-ups
choose the correct form of the preterit verb Copy this to my account 9324 Reflexives Linda Akwa Battleship
Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence. Copy this to my account 9325 Expresiones de tiempo y preposiciones Mr. Capellán Rags to Riches
El siguiente grupo de expresiones es comúnmente usado cuando se habla español y es imprescindible añadirlo a nuestro vocabulario si queremos comprender y comunicarnos en este nuevo idioma. Copy this to my account 9326 Expressiones de tiempo y preposiciones Mr. Capellán Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 9327 Vocabulario frecuente Regents Mr. Capellán Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9328 Vocabulario de los Regents 1 Mr. Capellán Quiz
El siguiente vocabulario es muy importante para poder pasar los Exámenes Regents (LOTE) This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 9329 Realidades 2 Tema 6A IR stem changing verbs in preterit tense pam satterfield Java Game
IR stem changing verbs and their meanings Copy this to my account 9330 Realidades 6A other reflexive verbs pam satterfield Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 9331 Realidades 2 6B unscramble the words pam satterfield Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 9332 Ch 2B Test Señora Quiz
Part 1 of chapter test. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9333 Casi se muere Cap 1 Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9334 Casi se muere Cap 2 Señoras Kline y Navarro Columns
Copy this to my account 9335 Casi se muere Cap 3 Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9336 Casi se muere Cap 5 Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9337 Casi se muere Cap 5 Vocab Señoras Kline y Navarro Columns
Copy this to my account 9338 Casi se muere Cap 8 Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9339 Casi Se Muere, Capítulos 1-3 Lugares importantes Señoras Kline y Navarro Columns
Copy this to my account 9340 Casi se muere Ch. 1-4 Vocab & Questions Señoras Kline y Navarro Challenge Board
Practice vocabulary and answering questions in Spanish about the first four chapters. Watch your spelling! Copy this to my account 9341 Capítulo 8-1 voc Prueba #1 practice Renee Koeneman Quiz This quiz contains 26 questions. Copy this to my account 9342 Capítulo 8-1 voc Prueba #2 practice Renee Koeneman Quiz This quiz contains 26 questions. Copy this to my account 9343 Vivir en la ciudad Profesora Mallén Java Game
Copy this to my account 9344 Adjective Hangman -- Hangman
Grade 5 Copy this to my account 9345 Body Parts Match -- Columns
Can you match the Spanish word with the word in English? Copy this to my account 9346 El Cuerpo/The Body -- Java Game
Find these and other body words in Spanish in the word search:
Head= cabeza shoulders= hombros
legs= piernas feet=... Copy this to my account 9347 Realidades 2 6B verbs that use indirect object pronouns pam satterfield Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 9348 Cap 4. - indefinite articles & quantity adjectives P.Q. Cara Brown Quiz This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 9349 Los Meses del Año -- Picture Perfect
Can you put the months in order in Spanish? Copy this to my account 9350 Reflexives Battleship -- Battleship
Choose the correct answer in Spanish using the Reflexive form of the verbs! Copy this to my account 9351 Cap5Vocab_Mosaicos_bano,cocina,jardin,lugares,des Profesora Jiménez-Biles Java Game
Copy this to my account 9352 Cap5Vocab_Mosaicos_verbos_palabrasutiles Profesora Jiménez-Biles Java Game
Copy this to my account 9353 Un Poco de Todo (Esp. 2 -- marzo) ysidore perez Challenge Board
perfect, pluperfect, future, vocab. Copy this to my account 9354 R2_7B-El Vocabulario del picnic Señora Zabala Java Game
Copy this to my account 9355 Top 10 Spanish Verbs L. Poirier Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9356 Top 10 Spanish verbs, infinitive and conjugations (no vosotros) L. Poirier Columns
Copy this to my account 9357 La computadora - Hangman Carol Hamilton Hangman
Copy this to my account 9358 el hotel - hangman Carol Hamilton Hangman
Copy this to my account 9359 el hotel /matching Carol Hamilton Columns
another way to say it Copy this to my account 9360 P.2 & P. 3 Unidad 6- ¡Ponte al día! -- Quiz
Summative assessement This quiz contains 38 questions. Copy this to my account 9361 Realidades 2 3A unscramble the words pam satterfield Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 9362 Piratas del Caribe y El Mapa Secreto -- Columns
Ch. 1-6 Copy this to my account 9363 Spanish 1 review #2 Senor Smith Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9364 Cap 1B (R2) Las Comparaciones Sra. Hoover Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 9365 Realidades 2 Vocabulario 5B Mrs. Jagus Java Game
Copy this to my account 9366 Realidades 2 Chapter 3B Vocabulary Mrs. Jagus Java Game
Copy this to my account 9367 Realidades 2 Chapter 5B Vocabulary Practice Mrs. Jagus Java Game
Copy this to my account 9368 Realidades 2 Chapter 6A Vocabulary Mrs. Jagus Java Game
Copy this to my account 9369 Sinónimos 3 ( Cap 8- 2do semestre) Eleazar Ortiz Java Game
Vocabulario contenido en el Cap. 8 de Español para Nosotros Nivel 1 (Rojo) Copy this to my account 9370 Spanish Native 1-2 (sinónimos 1)-Segundo semestre Eleazar Ortiz Java Game
Lista de palabras de vocabulario de capítulos 4 y 5 de El español para nosotros (rojo) Copy this to my account 9371 Spanish 1 review #5 Senor Smith Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9372 Adjectives describing animals Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 9373 Diaz Vocab 1 Animales Sra. Benton Java Game
Copy this to my account 9374 Diaz Vocab #2 Challenge Board Sra. Benton Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9375 Vocab Diaz #2 Sra. Benton Java Game
Copy this to my account 9376 benchmark sp 2 Señora Johnson Quiz This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 9377 Spanish 1 review #3 Kim Secoda Quiz
This review will help you review material learned this year in Spanish 1. Accents may be missing in the questions and the answers. Please disregard accent errors. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9378 Quiz with images--days, some months, colors, numbers, animals Señorita Pelican Quiz This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 9379 What picture will you make when you put 1-15 in order? (Spanish) Señorita Pelican Picture Perfect
Copy this to my account 9380 Color combos, shapes, days...Rags to Riches Señorita Pelican Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9381 N1 C5 LA Juego de repaso Mrs. Gross Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9382 Quiz--Colors and Class objects with images Señorita Pelican Quiz This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 9383 Numbers in Spanish--match 10-100 with images. Señorita Pelican Java Game
Copy this to my account 9384 Quiz--español Señorita Pelican Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9385 ANIMALS--en español--match the 5 on left by choosing them from 7 possible answers. Señorita Pelican Columns
Copy this to my account 9386 Realidades 1 sem2 FINAL review part 3 (t/f) Sra. Terry Quiz
question... This quiz contains 26 questions. Copy this to my account 9387 REALIDADES 1 sem2 review part 2 vocab Sra. Terry Quiz
match the vocabulary This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 9388 Rags to Riches: Random Questions for Spanish I or II: Ready to win $1,000,000? Señorita Pelican Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9389 Spanish 2 unit 1 classes Señor Beebe Java Game
Copy this to my account 9390 Spanish 2 unit 1 reflexive verbs Señor Beebe Java Game
Copy this to my account 9391 Español 2 U1 Características quiz 1 Thomas Porter Quiz
Listen to the question in Spanish and then choose the BEST response to that question. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9392 7th grade, Chapter 5 review Sra Boddy Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9393 Exprésate 1 Chapter 4a Tener, Venir, Necesitar (pictures) Ω▲√ Don Lorenzo Java Game
Copy this to my account 9394 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 1 Señoras Kline y Navarro Java Game
Copy this to my account 9395 Format Practice quiz Traci Snipes Quiz This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 9396 Repaso A - Las compras para la escuela Carol Hamilton Java Game
1. Review of vocabulary for school supplies, etc.
2. Verbs and nouns of instruction. Copy this to my account 9397 Realidades I Chapter 3A verb conjugation practice Mrs. Jagus Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 9398 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 2 Señoras Kline y Navarro Columns
Copy this to my account 9399 Español 1 - Cap. 1A (Examen) Paige Fooshee Quiz
- This quiz contains 28 questions. Copy this to my account 9400 Español 1, Preliminary Exam Paige Fooshee Quiz
Español 1, Preliminary Exam This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 9401 R2 PE test Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9402 Cuba y Alberto -- Challenge Board
Spil jeopardy hvor kategorierne handler om Cuba og om cykeltaxachaufføre Alberto. Copy this to my account 9403 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 3 Señoras Kline y Navarro Hangman
Copy this to my account 9404 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 3 Señoras Kline y Navarro Columns
Copy this to my account 9405 ExprésateI: Cultura Mexicana Señora Taha Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9406 Fernandes box #2 Irregular "yo" Señor Fernandes Quiz
salir/go out venir/come decir/say predecir/predict poner/put hacer/do tener/have ser/be estar/be ir/go saber/know valer/be worth This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9407 Viñeta Toro Embolado Señor Fernandes Quiz This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 9408 El Camino de Santiago Señor Fernandes Quiz This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 9409 El Móvil / DUE 12/15 Señor Fernandes Quiz
Write a short sentence in Spanish with each vocabulary word (s) using the following INITIAL CLAUSES (or similar clauses that you already know) for the use of the INDICATIVE or SUBJUNCTIVE:
CREO QUE / ESTOY SEGURO QUE / ES CIERTO QUE + ... This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 9410 Viñeta #2 Móvil DUE 12/15 Señor Fernandes Quiz
Respond to the questions using the INDICATIVE or SUBJUNCTIVE.
PRINT AND BRING TO CLASS THURSDAY. This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 9411 Capítulo 8A-Realidades I Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 9412 VocabCap4LaComida NEW VOCAB. REVIEW Señor Fernandes Quiz
25 questions! This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9413 VocabCap4LaEscuela Señor Fernandes Quiz
This is a "picture vocabulary" quiz.
The picture is the correct answer!
17 questions! This quiz contains 27 questions. Copy this to my account 9414 El Regateo Mr. Pritchard Cloze
Copy this to my account 9415 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 4 Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9416 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 4 Señoras Kline y Navarro Hangman
Copy this to my account 9417 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 4 Señoras Kline y Navarro Columns
Copy this to my account 9418 Bestemte artikler i ental på spansk Lærke Quiz
Vælg "la" eller "el" alt efter substantivets/navneordets køn for at gøre det bestemt. Søg kønnet via ordbog, hvis du er i tvivl.
Casa = hus
La casa = Huset. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9419 Regelmæssige spanske verber i præsens Lærke Quiz
I de følgende opgaver skal du vise, at du kan bøje de spanske, regelmæssige verber i præsens (-ar, -er og -ir verber). Eksempel: Hvordan siger du "JEG SPISER"og så skal du svare "como". HUSK KORREKTE TRYKSTREGER. Se de regelmæssige verbers bøjning i... This quiz contains 17 questions. Copy this to my account 9420 El Presente del Sujuntivo Señor Cuní Pop-ups
Completa las oraciones con la forma apropiada del subjuntivo, el indicativo, o el infinitivo del verbo. Copy this to my account 9421 La salud - De otra manera Carol Hamilton Hangman
Copy this to my account 9422 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 7 Señoras Kline y Navarro Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9423 La guerra de los yacarés Profesora Pittman Rags to Riches
Multiple choice review of vocabulary of La guerra de los yacarés Copy this to my account 9424 Los Baker Van a Peru - Ch. 1-3 Conocer a la familia Sarah Bowers Columns
Correctly match the description to the person it corresponds to. Copy this to my account 9425 Los Baker van a Perú Capitulo 4-6 Sarah Bowers Java Game
Repaso del vocabulario de Capítulos 4-6 Copy this to my account 9426 o-ue verbs-Java Games Linda Akwa Java Game
Copy this to my account 9427 capítulo 3 (primera vista y gramática) Realidades 3 Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 9428 SOHS Spanish 1 FINAL EXAM PRACTICE - 1st semester 2012-2013 Mrs. Toering Quiz This quiz contains 42 questions. Copy this to my account 9429 adelante 2-3 Senora O Java Game
Copy this to my account 9430 4PA - Module 4 Prep Activity -- Quiz
Structure: Commands (p. 130), Demonstrative Adjectives (p. 143 ), Possessive Adjectives (p. 103). This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 9431 capítulo 3B Realidades II Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 9432 capítulo 3 Dos Mundos Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 9433 capítulo 4 Dos Mundos Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 9434 Midterm Level One (PE-3B) Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 135 questions. Copy this to my account 9435 Viva el toro 1-4- Señora Storrs Java Game
Preguntas sobre el cuento Copy this to my account 9436 Viva Lección 1 Vocabulario Señora Storrs Java Game
Practice activities with the vocab from Lesson 1 Copy this to my account 9437 Viva el toro Capítulo 5 Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 9438 Viva el toro Capítulo 6 Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 9439 Viva el toro Capítulo 7 Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 9440 Viva el toro Capítulo 8 Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 9441 Viva el toro capítulo 1 vocab match Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 9442 Viva el toro Capítulo 4 Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 9443 Las relaciones en Destinos, Episodio 1-12 Ms. Minter Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9444 Asking for help in a store -- Hangman
You are going to review the vocabulary on pages 231- 232-233. In order to get credit print out you results after you do the review. Copy this to my account 9445 EN EL AEROPUERTO -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 9446 La Comida del Caribe -- Java Game
You will review the vocabulary of the foods of the Caribbean. Copy this to my account 9447 LAS ACTIVIDADES -- Jumbled Words
Unscramble the vocabulary words. Copy this to my account 9448 LAS TIENDAS Y PUESTOS -- Challenge Board
Vamos a repasar el vocabulario y expresiones de las tiendas y puestos para el examencito. Copy this to my account 9449 Lugares- Matching and Identification -- Quiz
Match the picture to the word in Spanish, or identify the picture by typing the Spanish word. This quiz contains 34 questions. Copy this to my account 9450 Setting the scene for a story -- Jumbled Words
You are going to review the vocabulary on page 253 of your text. In order to receive credit print out the results. Copy this to my account 9451 Preterio con cuando -- Cloze
Choose the correct form of the preterite or imperfect. Copy this to my account 9452 Repaso de verbos para el examen final. -- Rags to Riches
Choose the letter that best completes the sentence. Check out the hints. Copy this to my account 9453 Repaso del vocabulario para el examen final -- Rags to Riches
Choose the letter that best completes the sentences. Copy this to my account 9454 REPASO PARA EL EXAMEN DE ESPAÑOL 2 SEMESTRE 1 -- Challenge Board
Pick a category and your team gets the point when you answer correctly. Copy this to my account 9455 7A stem changing verbs -- Jumbled Words
expresate Copy this to my account 9456 EL Vocabulario del Arte -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 9457 CHALLENGE BOARD:CAPERUCITA -- Challenge Board
Play the two person game with your partner. Copy this to my account 9458 Commands Columns -- Columns
Match the command with its logical phrase. Copy this to my account 9459 El imperfecto -- Challenge Board
Answer with the appropriate form of the imperfecto. Accents must match exactly. Copy this to my account 9460 Los Irregulares del Presente -- Challenge Board
Escoge la forma correcta. Copy this to my account 9461 Los Mandatos Formales -- Cloze
Choose the correct response. Copy this to my account 9462 Hang the commands. -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 9463 LOS ADJETIVOS DE LA NIÑEZ -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 9464 Los Reflexivos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 9465 Mandatos y Quehaceres Scramble -- Jumbled Words
Unscramble the command. Copy this to my account 9466 MÁS ADJETIVOS HANGMAN -- Hangman
Copy this to my account 9467 Rompecabezas de la ropa -- Jumbled Words
Unscramble the letters to come up with an item of clothing or an accessory. Copy this to my account 9468 sujunctive challenge -- Challenge Board
play a jeopardy-like game which drills the formation and use of subjunctive of reg and irreg verbs Copy this to my account 9469 Tú Commands and It -- Rags to Riches
Choose the correct form of the command and the IT! Copy this to my account 9470 Mid Sp I Questions Ch 1 -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 9471 Mid Sp I Voc 1 Ch 3 -- Java Game
Vocabulary words Copy this to my account 9472 Mid SpI Voc 2 Ch2 -- Java Game
Vocabulary words Copy this to my account 9473 Mid Sp I Voc 2 Cha 1 -- Java Game
vocabulary words Copy this to my account 9474 Mid Sp II - verbs Ch1 -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 9475 Mid Sp II Questions Ch2 -- Battleship
questions Copy this to my account 9476 Mid Sp II Voc 2 Ch 2 -- Java Game
Vocabulario Copy this to my account 9477 Mid SpII Questions on Ch1 -- Battleship
Copy this to my account 9478 Verbs Ch 1 to 3 -- Cloze
Copy this to my account 9479 Mid SpII questions Ch 3 -- Battleship
questions Copy this to my account 9480 Mid SpII V2 Ch 1 -- Java Game
vocabulary Copy this to my account 9481 Exprésate 2: Santo Domingo, la República Dominicana Señora Taha Hangman
RD=República Dominicana Copy this to my account 9482 capítulo 9B Realidades 1 Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 9483 Dos Mundos: Pasos A-C Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 9484 Los fracasados: e-ie stem-changers/ tener/venir kate twit Java Game
Copy this to my account 9485 Los fracasados: parecer and other –czo verbs kate twit Java Game
Copy this to my account 9486 Los fracasados: ser/estar/saber kate twit Java Game
Copy this to my account 9487 Los fracasados- vocabulario básico kate twit Java Game
Copy this to my account 9488 En Español 1 - U2.E3 ER & IR verbs Profa Kurtz Pop-ups
Choose the correct form in the present tense Copy this to my account 9489 Expresate 2: QUIZ: Chores, Offering Help and complaining about Chores Señora Taha Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9490 ¿De qué color es el animal? Señora Quiz
What color is the animal? This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 9491 N1 C8 LA Juego de repaso Mrs. Gross Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9492 Spanish Language Placement Exam - Level IV/ IV Advanced/ AP - 2013-14 - Sra. Balson Quiz
Spanish Language Placement Exam - Level IV/ IV Advanced /AP - 2013-14 This quiz contains 24 questions. Copy this to my account 9493 Muzzy review, part 1! Señor Hymes Battleship
Review of Spanish words from last year! Try to sink your enemy's ships before they sink yours! Copy this to my account 9494 Unidad 1, Etapa 1 Vocabulary Señor Hymes Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9495 Objetos y verbos de la clase (classroom objects and verbs) Señor Hymes Battleship
See if you know your Spanish vocabulary and can sink your partner's ships! Copy this to my account 9496 Unidad 2 Etapa 3 Vocabulary Señor Hymes Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9497 Unidad 2 Etapa 2 Vocabulario En la escuela Adriana Persin Quiz
Escriba la palabra que completa la oración. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9498 Unidad 2 Etapa 2 Preguntas-WH Questions Adriana Persin Quiz
Escribe la palabra apropiada a la pregunta, según la respuesta.
Write the appropriate word to the question, according to the answer. This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 9499 El Cuerpo Humano Señor Hymes Battleship
Parts of the body vocabulary. Copy this to my account 9500 Final exam practice: Gramática Señor Potoka Quiz This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 9501 Assorted table vocabulary -- Java Game
useful for restaurant and home Copy this to my account 9502 EN LA TELE -- Java Game
TV VOCAB Copy this to my account 9503 hang the car -- Hangman
car vocabulary Copy this to my account 9504 past holiday phrases -- Java Game
past holiday phrases Copy this to my account 9505 key verbs -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 9506 La oficina de objetos perdidos -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 9507 Newswords -- Java Game
News and headline words Copy this to my account 9508 2. Jeopardy stephanie riessen Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9509 1.1 DO/IO Understanding stephanie riessen Quiz
Avancemos 2 Unidad 1.1 This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9510 2.2 Java Games (All vocabulary, ir, estar) stephanie riessen Java Game
Vocabulary practice from Avancemos Unidad 2 Lección 2 Copy this to my account 9511 La guitarra misteriosa - capitulo 01 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 9512 La guitarra misteriosa - capitulo 02 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 9513 La guitarra misteriosa - capitulo 03 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 9514 La guitarra misteriosa - capitulo 04 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 9515 La guitarra misteriosa - capitulo 05 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 9516 Angel de la Guarda Señora Miller Ordered List
Ordena esta oración Copy this to my account 9517 Quia Check Syanne Palmer Quiz
Checking for Quia Participation This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 9518 Animal 1 Mr. Fritz Java Game
Copy this to my account 9519 Sp 2 Pre-Assessment -- Quiz This quiz contains 70 questions. Copy this to my account 9520 Avancemos 2 Examen de Dignóstico 27 de agosto, 2013 Amy Shoemaker Quiz
There are 60 questions in this test. Do your very best and do not worry about the final score. This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 9521 Practice Matching Quiz Sra. Rivera-Yanko Quiz
The purpose of this quiz is for students to practice taking a matching quiz on Quia prior their first real quiz. This quiz contains 3 questions. Copy this to my account 9522 U1L1VocabularioPrimeraSemana Mr. Burr Java Game
Copy this to my account 9523 Spanish 12: Lección Preliminar, Prueba de cultura Sra. Dovale Quiz
Los latinos en Nueva York This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 9524 Hola, ¿qué tal? Mucho gusto- B Sra. Dovale Quiz
Unit 1 Resource Book
You will have 2 chances to do this quiz. This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 9525 1 U0LP Capitals of Spanish Speaking Countries Quiz Sra Durante de Stroup Mini Quiz
Copy this to my account 9526 Avancemos 1 3.1 Vocabulario 2 Monsieur Marcantel Java Game
Copy this to my account 9527 Avancemos 2 Preliminar quiz pg 29 Vocabulario 9-20-2013 Form C Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Write the following words in Spanish and include the definite article. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9528 Avancemos 2 Preliminar quiz pg 29 Vocabulario 9-20-2013 Modified Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Write each word given in Spanish and include the definite articles. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9529 1.1 - #3 Objective Review Señora Hinkley Quiz This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 9530 La guitarra misteriosa - capitulo 06 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 9531 La guitarra misteriosa - capitulo 07 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 9532 La guitarra misteriosa - capitulo 08 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 9533 La guitarra misteriosa - capitulo 11 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 9534 La guitarra misteriosa - capitulo 12 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 9535 La guitarra misteriosa - capitulo 13 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 9536 La guitarra misteriosa - capitulo 15 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 9537 La guitarra misteriosa - capitulo 09 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 9538 La guitarra misteriosa - capitulo 10 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 9539 Los secretos de familia - capitulo 01 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 9540 Los secretos de familia - capitulo 02 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 9541 Los secretos de familia - capitulo 04 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 9542 Los secretos de familia - capitulo 05 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 9543 Los secretos de familia - capitulo 11 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 9544 La guitarra misteriosa - capitulo 14 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 9545 Los secretos de familia - capitulo 07 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 8 questions. Copy this to my account 9546 Los secretos de familia - capitulo 08 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 9547 Los secretos de familia - capitulo 10 Señora/Madame Cole Quiz This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 9548 Avancemos 2 U1-L1 Recognition Quiz Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Read carefully before answering. This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 9549 Avancemos 2 U1-L1 Recognition Quiz - Modified Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Read carefully before answering. Once you submit an answer it can not be changed. This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 9550 Avancemos 2 Unidad 1 - Lección 1 Vocab quiz 1 10-11-2013 Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Write the word in Spanish and include the definite article. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9551 8th grade place- entrance exit Examen de Español Señorita Lange Quiz This quiz contains 81 questions. Copy this to my account 9552 En la sala de emergencia Señora Rader Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9553 Repaso G, Jeopardy C Tamberli Dixon Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9554 Avancemos 2 Verbos de Repaso Preliminar Parte 2 11-06-2013 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 31 questions. Copy this to my account 9555 Avancemos 2 Verbos de Repaso Preliminar Parte 3 11-14-2013 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 31 questions. Copy this to my account 9556 Avancemos 2 Verbos de Repaso Preliminar Parte 3 11-14-2013 -Modified Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 31 questions. Copy this to my account 9557 Por vs. Para Battleship Señorita Kendrick Battleship
Copy this to my account 9558 7A Impersonal Se Rags to Riches Señorita Kendrick Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9559 Avancemos 2 U1-L2 Prueba de vocabulario 2 (Modified) 11-22-2013 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9560 Acentos para palabras Esdrújulas, Llanas, Agudas Sra. Frayre Rags to Riches
Escoge la respuesta correcta--ten cuidado y repasa los apuntes antes de responder. Copy this to my account 9561 Clasificación de Palabras Sra. Frayre Pop-ups
Clasifica estas palabras como Esdrújulas, Llanas o Agudas Copy this to my account 9562 R1 Cap. PE Prueba (la hora y el cuerpo) Sra. Klooster Quiz This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 9563 Esp. 1 Cap. PE Examen Sra. Klooster Quiz This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 9564 ¿Cuál no pertenece? - Español cotidiano Carol Hamilton Pop-ups
un repaso del vocabulario - los quehaceres, los pasatiempos, la comida, el tiempo, los tiempos de los verbos, verbos de instrucción, la salud, etc. Copy this to my account 9565 Los verbos de lección 4 Madame Guiard / Señora Guiard Java Game
Copy this to my account 9566 Los verbos de lección 4 Madame Guiard / Señora Guiard Columns
el significado Copy this to my account 9567 R1 Cap. 2A Examen Sra. Klooster Quiz This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 9568 Avancemos 2 U2-L2 Prueba de vocabulario 1 Amy Shoemaker Quiz
_______/30 points This quiz contains 19 questions. Copy this to my account 9569 Avancemos 2 U2-L2 Prueba de vocabulario 1 Modified Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 3 questions. Copy this to my account 9570 Avancemos 2 U2-L2 Vocabulary quiz 2 Feb 20, 2014 Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Remember to include definite articles This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9571 Avancemos 2 U2-L2 Vocabulary Quiz 2 Modified 2-20-2014 Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Remember to include definite articles with the nouns! This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9572 Avancemos 2 U2-L2 Grammar 1 Quiz Reflexives 2-27-2014 Modified Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9573 Repaso de Leccion 7 (Vistas) -- Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9574 Avancemos 2 U3-L1 Prueba de vocabulario 1 Modified 4/4/2014 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 9575 7o grado Las comidas Sra. Siqueira Mrs. Siqueira Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9576 comparisons, demonstrativo, me queda, poder, tener Sra.Siqueira Mrs. Siqueira Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 9577 Avancemos 2 U3-L1 Prueba de vocabulario 2 Abril 8-2014 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9578 Avancemos 2 U3-L1 Prueba de vocabulario 2 Abril 8-2014 Modified Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9579 Avancemos 2 U3-L1 Prueba de gramática 2 Pronouns of Prepositions 4-17-2014 - Modified Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9580 Avancemos 2 U3-L2 Vocabulario & expansión quiz Modified 4-30-2014 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 9581 Avancemos 2 U3-L2 Prueba de vocabulario 2 modified 5/6/2014 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9582 R1 Cap. 2B Examen del semestre (escrito) Sra. Klooster Quiz This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 9583 Español 2 Final 2014 Verbos de repaso __________/50 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 9584 Las verduras Señora Faucher Quiz
Vegetable quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9585 2 U2L2 Reflexive Verbs Battleship 2 Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 9586 2 U2L2 Los reflexivos Jumble Sra Durante de Stroup Jumbled Words
Unscramble the following reflexive verbs. DO NOT USE SPACES (ONLY BECAUSE IT IS A JUMBLE!)
Don't forget their pronouns! Copy this to my account 9587 2 U1L2 Preterit (irregular verbs) More Columns Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Match the subject and verb with the right form. Copy this to my account 9588 2 U1L2 Irregular Preterit - Ir and Ser Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 9589 2 U1L1 Order Hace Expression 1 Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Copy this to my account 9590 2 U0DOPDirect Object Pronouns: Quiz on Basics Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
Students will learn to replace the Direct Object of the sentence by the corresponding pronoun This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9591 2 U0DOP Direct Object pronouns Pop Ups 2 Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 9592 2 U0LP Español 2 Capitulo 1A Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 9593 1 U5L1 Vocabulario Nuevo - Números Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Practice your Ordinal numbers here Copy this to my account 9594 2 U0DOP la a personal Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 9595 2 U0LP estar forms (Eng. & Sp.) Columns Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Can you match the forms of "estar" in Spanish and English? Copy this to my account 9596 2 U0LP Adjectives Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 9597 2 U0LP Ser, Estar, Tener, Ir Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Select the best choice to complete the given sentence. Copy this to my account 9598 2 U0LP Estar o Tener Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
use the correct form of tener or estar Copy this to my account 9599 1 U0LP South American countries & capitals Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 9600 1 U0LP Vocabulary Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Practice your greetings vocabulary. Pay close attention if it is vocabulary used with a buddy or in a polite situation. Copy this to my account 9601 1 U0LP To Greet Someone Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 9602 1 U1L1 Hangman Vocabulary Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Vocab practice for the verbs presented in Unit 1 lesson 1 of Avancemos level 1 Copy this to my account 9603 1 U2L1 ¿A qué hora es? Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
What time is it? Practice the time of the day in Spanish. Buena suerte! Copy this to my account 9604 1 U1L2 Adjectives to describe a person - Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
choose the correct adjective to agree with the noun. Copy this to my account 9605 1 U1L2 Masculino y Feminino Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 9606 1 U1L2 Vocabulary Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Vocabulary practice from Avancemos: Unidad 1 Lección 2 Copy this to my account 9607 1 U4L2 El Verbo Jugar/Ir + a + verb infinitive Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Inglés y Español Copy this to my account 9608 1 U4L2 Conjugation of Jugar and Ir Jumble Sra Durante de Stroup Jumbled Words
Practice unscrambling the forms of the verbs Jugar and Ir and their subject pronouns. Copy this to my account 9609 1 U4L2 Dormir Conjugation Puzzle Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Place the conjugated verb dormir in order to a typical verb chart.
1 - yo 4 - nosotros
2 - tú 5 -... Copy this to my account 9610 1 U2L1 las expresiones de frecuencia/temporales Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 9611 1 U2L1 ¿Qué hora es? Pop up 2 Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 9612 1 U4L1 Vocabulary Challenge Board Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
Challenge Board Copy this to my account 9613 1 U4L1 Tener expressions with PICTURES Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 9614 1 U3L2 Comparativos Cloze Sra Durante de Stroup Cloze
Copy this to my account 9615 1 U3L2 Comparativos Quiz Sra Durante de Stroup Mini Quiz
Translate the comparative phrases. Copy this to my account 9616 1 U3L2 Using DE to show possession Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
There is no such thing as 's to show possession in Spanish. Choose the correct phrases or contraction with DE to show possession. Copy this to my account 9617 1 U3L2 Irregular Comparitives and Superlatives Pop Ups Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 9618 1 U3L1 Hacer in the present tense Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Grammar to accompany ¡Ya Verás! Nivel 1 and 2 Copy this to my account 9619 1 U2L2 El verbo ir Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Can you correctly match the English with the Spanish? Let's see! Copy this to my account 9620 1 U2L1 Time guessing Pop Up Sra Durante de Stroup Pop-ups
Copy this to my account 9621 1 U2L1 Vocabulary Games 3 Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Vocabulary practice from Avancemos Unidad 2 Lección 1 Copy this to my account 9622 1 U2L2 Expansión de Vocabulario - Columns Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
Copy this to my account 9623 1 U2L2 IR or ESTAR Quiz Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
Decide whether to use a form of ir(to go) or estar(to be) to complete the following sentences. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9624 1 U3L1 Vocabulary Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 9625 Capítulo 2A Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 9626 Capítulo 2B Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 9627 Capítulo 2B Word Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 9628 Capítulo 1A Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 9629 Capítulo 1A Word Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 9630 Capítulo 1B Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 9631 Capítulo 3A Word Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 9632 Capítulo 5B Word Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 9633 Capítulo 5B Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 9634 Capítulo 5B Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 9635 Capítulo 6A Battleship Sra Durante de Stroup Battleship
Copy this to my account 9636 Capítulo 4B Word Games Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 9637 Capítulo 5A Hangman Sra Durante de Stroup Hangman
Copy this to my account 9638 Ch 11 Comparativos - English to Spanish Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
In this activity you will read a comparative statement written in English and determine which Spanish statement means the same thing. This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 26. Copy this to my account 9639 Español 1 Capitulo 4B Vocabulary Recognition Quiz Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 9640 los números en español (10's) Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 9641 Page 59 Capitals Sra Durante de Stroup Challenge Board
The Complete Book of Spanish Copy this to my account 9642 UNO U4L1 Vocabulario Avancemos Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Use games to practice clothing vocabulary Copy this to my account 9643 Unidad 2, Etapa 2 Grammar Quiz Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
This is the actual grammar quiz for Unidad 2, Etapa 2. It covers interrogatives, estar, ir, and telling time. This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 71. Copy this to my account 9644 Tomatina Sra Durante de Stroup Cloze
Copy this to my account 9645 Ser Conjugation Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Place the conjugated verb ser in order to a typical verb chart.
1 - yo 4 - nosotros
2 - tú 5 -... Copy this to my account 9646 Regular - er Conjugation Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Place the endings for regular - er verb conjugations in order to a typical verb chart.
1 - yo 4 - nosotros
2 - tú 5 -... Copy this to my account 9647 R1--PE2--Frequently Asked Questions Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
How well do you know your Spanish? Try your hand at these common questions and comments. Copy this to my account 9648 Prueba 4B número 1 Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
Pon las palabras que faltan. (Supply the missing words.) Mira la p. 218. If you don't get at least 50% correct, redo the quiz. This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 9649 States and thier initials Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 9650 States and their Capitals - The Tough 9 Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 9651 States and their Capitals - The Tough 24 Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 9652 States and their Capitals Sra Durante de Stroup Java Game
Copy this to my account 9653 Spanish 5A Review Sra Durante de Stroup Rags to Riches
Grammar, Vocabulary and Culture Review Copy this to my account 9654 R1--1A--Activity Word Scramble Sra Durante de Stroup Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 9655 R1--1A--La Cultura Sra Durante de Stroup Columns
This game has many different questions available; play a couple times to be sure to see them all.
¡Diviértete! Copy this to my account 9656 R1--1A--Negative Sentences Sra Durante de Stroup Quiz
For each of the following sentences, re-write it in the negative. Check for word order, accents, punctuation, and spelling.
Me gusta trabajar. --> No me gusta trabajar. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9657 R1--PE1--El Cuerpo Humano Sra Durante de Stroup Picture Perfect
Put the following body parts in order from head to toe! Copy this to my account 9658 Letra A - Alfabeto Fonetico Integrado Sra Sarmiento Java Game
Leyendo y aprendiendo Copy this to my account 9659 Sp3 Pre-Assessment: Listening Profesora Aldrich Quiz This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 9660 SP 2H Pre-Assessment - Reading Profe Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 9661 Sp2H Pre-Assessment: Achievement Profe Quiz This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 9662 Examen 1.2 Señora Kottas Quiz
Please read all directions carefully. Review your test before submitting. Once you hit submit, you may not go back and change any answers. ¡Buena suerte! This quiz contains 46 questions. Copy this to my account 9663 Examen 2.1 Señora Kottas Quiz
Please read all directions carefully. Review your test before submitting. Once you hit submit, you may not go back and change any answers. ¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!) This quiz contains 41 questions. Copy this to my account 9664 Examen 2.2 Señora Kottas Quiz
Please read the directions for each section carefully. Check that you have answered all questions before hitting "submit", as you will not be able to go back and make changes. ¡Buena suerte! This quiz contains 46 questions. Copy this to my account 9665 Examen 3.1 Señora Kottas Quiz
Please read all instructions carefully. Review your answers before hitting submit. You can not return to your exam after you have hit submit. ¡Buena suerte! This quiz contains 58 questions. Copy this to my account 9666 Expresiones de la Clase Sra. Min Battleship
Copy this to my account 9667 Prueba 4.5 wk assessment Sra. Palma Quiz
Vocabulary quiz PE-unit 2 This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 9668 R1 Cap. 3A tarea de vocab. 15/1 Sra. Klooster Quiz
Fill in the blank with the correct word from the choices given. Make sure you spell the word correctly. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9669 R1 Cap. 4B Tarea de vocabulario 2 Sra. Klooster Quiz
You may complete this as many times as you'd like to get the grade you would like. You must get above a 70% to receive credit. It is due on the day of the quiz. This quiz contains 32 questions. Copy this to my account 9670 R1 Cap. 5A Tarea de vocabulario 1 Sra. Klooster Quiz This quiz contains 41 questions. Copy this to my account 9671 R1 Cap. 5A Tarea de vocabulario 2 Sra. Klooster Quiz This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 9672 R1 Cap. PE Tarea 1 Sra. Klooster Quiz
Choose the best option from the pulldown menu to fill in each blank. This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 9673 R1 Cap. PE: Examen de Práctica Sra. Klooster Quiz
In this practice test you will have an opportunity to demonstrate how much you have learned so far in Spanish. This quiz contains 41 questions. Copy this to my account 9674 1B Prueba 2, page 1 Señora Storrs Quiz
Answer the questions about the people standing in line. Answer in complete sentences. This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 9675 1B Prueba 4 part B Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 9676 R2 1A-2 Voc Production Quiz Señora Borges Quiz
Complete the following sentences with words from the voc of 1A.
identification card to memorize to give a speech to answer
the scissors write a report to discuss to ask for help ... This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9677 Les Numéros 0-16 Sra. Min Hangman
Copy this to my account 9678 Español 2 - CFA - 1st Quarter Señora González Quiz
Stem-changing Verbs - Present Tense
e - ie
o -... This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9679 Sp3 Prelim Pret vs Imp QUIZ Profesora Aldrich Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9680 R1 Cap. 2B Prueba 1 Sra. Klooster Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9681 R1 Cap. 2B Prueba 2 Sra. Klooster Quiz
estoy, de, estáis, mi, estás, las, tu, estar,
es un, está, hay, ¿Qué es esto?, estamos,
los, unos, están, unas, es un, This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9682 Irregular Preterite Verbs Señora Borges Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions chosen from a bank of 23. Copy this to my account 9683 La Lección 5 : De vacaciones Mlle Way, Srta Way Battleship
Vistas, Spanish 2 Copy this to my account 9684 S1 Cap 1B Test - WHIT Elizabeth John Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 78. Copy this to my account 9685 R1 2A -1 quiz Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 9686 S1 2A-2 vocab production Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 9687 R1 2A-3 Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9688 S1 2B-1 Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 9 questions. Copy this to my account 9689 S1 2B-2 vocabulary production Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 9690 S3 6A-1 Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 37 questions. Copy this to my account 9691 Incan Mythology Srta Scavenger Hunt
Use the link(s) below to answer the questions about the Incan belief system and their gods. Copy this to my account 9692 SP 1 Final Review #4 -- Quiz
Write the form of the adjective in parenthesis so that it agrees with the noun in gender & number This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 9693 SP 2 Final Review #5 -- Quiz
Fill in the space with the correct form of the PRESENT TENSE. Just provide form of verb. DO NOT PUT THE SUBJECT PRONOUN.
Provide accents as needed! This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9694 SP 1 Final Review #6 -- Quiz This quiz contains 16 questions. Copy this to my account 9695 SP 1 Final Review #7 -- Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9696 SP 1 Final Review #13 -- Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9697 SP 1 Final Review #16 -- Quiz
Quiz over use of ser & estar This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 9698 SP 2 Final Review #10 -- Quiz
Choose the correct form of the verb needed. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9699 SP 1 Final Review #17 -- Quiz
Stem Changing This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 42. Copy this to my account 9700 SP 1 Final Review #18 -- Quiz
Identify body parts in Spanish. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9701 SP 1 Final Review #19 -- Quiz
Family Members This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9702 9. Semester 1 Final Practice (Frequency Adverbs) Heidi Beller Java Game
Copy this to my account 9703 9. Semester 1 Final Practice (Infinitives) Heidi Beller Java Game
Copy this to my account 9704 9. Semester 1 Final Practice (Days and Months) Heidi Beller Java Game
Copy this to my account 9705 R1 Cap. 3A Examen Sra. Klooster Quiz This quiz contains 48 questions. Copy this to my account 9706 S1 prueba 4A-1 Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 9707 Avancemos 2 U2-L1 Prueba de vocabulario 1 Jan. 15-2015 Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Select the phrase that best completes each sentence This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9708 Avancemos 2 U2-L1 Expansión de vocabulario 1-20-2015 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 9709 SP1 benchmark 2 Señora Johnson Quiz This quiz contains 33 questions chosen from a bank of 73. Copy this to my account 9710 Avancemos 2 U2-L1 Prueba de vocabulario 2 1-23-2015 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9711 S1 Cap 3A Vocab/Grammar Test Elizabeth John Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions chosen from a bank of 62. Copy this to my account 9712 ASD1 CAPITULO 6 JUEGO DE REPASO Mrs. Gross Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9713 Para Empezar 2 Señora Savage Battleship
Copy this to my account 9714 Español 2 List 2 Colores & adjectivos - Modified Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 3 questions. Copy this to my account 9715 Español 2 List 2 Colores & adjectivos Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 9716 Realidades 2 9A test Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 9717 Realidades 2 9B test Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 9718 Present Perfect: Forming past participles from -ar verbs Señoras Kline y Navarro Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9719 Realidades 7AB test Señora Storrs Quiz This quiz contains 67 questions. Copy this to my account 9720 Español 2 Lista 3 Emotions & Feelings Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9721 R1 Examen Final (primavera) Sra. Klooster Quiz This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 9722 Realidades 2 8B cloze sentences Señora Storrs Java Game
Copy this to my account 9723 R2 8A cloze sentences Señora Storrs Java Game
Copy this to my account 9724 Avancemos I 2.2 Vocabulary Joy Jenkins Quenga Java Game
School Vocabulary Copy this to my account 9725 8th grade Spanish final 2015 christine schipani Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 9726 Spanish 1A Practice Final Mrs. Wade Quiz This quiz contains 75 questions. Copy this to my account 9727 Aeropuerto - Vocabulario 1 y 2 (Jumbled Words) Miss Goss Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 9728 Aeropuerto - Vocabulario 1 y 2 (Hangman) Miss Goss Hangman
Copy this to my account 9729 U1E1 - Chapter Test Señor Wojnar Quiz
U1 E1 Chapter Test This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9730 U1E2 - Chapter Test Señor Wojnar Quiz
U1-E2 Chapter Test. This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9731 U1E2-4 los artículos definidos Señor Wojnar Quiz
Choose the correct article that corresponds to the noun. Be careful! This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9732 U1E2-9 - Preparation for Test - U1-E2 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Use this to prepare to take the U1-E2 Test. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9733 U2E1 Chapter Test. Señor Wojnar Quiz
Chapter Test This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9734 U2E1-1 Vocabulary Practice - Part 1 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Chapter U2-E1, part 1 This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9735 U2E1-9 - Preparation for Test U2-E1 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Keep re-taking the quiz until you achieve 100%! This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9736 U2E2 - Chapter Test Señor Wojnar Quiz
Chapter Test U2E2 This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9737 U2E2-1 -Vocabulary Practice Pt1 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Write in the correct vocabulary. Be sure to use accents and ~. This quiz contains 28 questions. Copy this to my account 9738 U2E2-6 - Question words - review Señor Wojnar Quiz
Choose the best answer to each question. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9739 U2E2-8 Grammar Quiz Señor Wojnar Quiz
This is the actual grammar quiz for Unidad 2, Etapa 2. It covers interrogatives, estar, ir, and telling time. This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 71. Copy this to my account 9740 U2E2-9 - Preparation for Test Señor Wojnar Quiz
Prep for Chapter Test U2E2 This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9741 U2E3-2 - Vocabulary Practice-Pt2 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Vocab-U2-E3 - Textbook, page 163 PLEASE NOTE: JUST COPY THE ANSWERS FROM THE LIST ON PAGE 163 - DO NOT ADD ANYTHING This quiz contains 29 questions. Copy this to my account 9742 U2E3-Chapter Test Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9743 U3-E1-1 - Vocabulary Practice -Pt1 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Page 189 in textbook. PLEASE NOTE: COPY THE ANSWERS DIRECTLY FROM THE TEXTBOOK ON PAGE 189--DO NOT ADD ANYTHING This quiz contains 28 questions. Copy this to my account 9744 U3E1-1 Vocabulary Practice - U3-E1 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Page 189 in textbook. PLEASE NOTE: COPY THE ANSWERS DIRECTLY FROM THE TEXTBOOK ON PAGE 189--DO NOT ADD ANYTHING This quiz contains 53 questions. Copy this to my account 9745 U2E3-6 Yo form of Irregular present Tense Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9746 U3E1-3 - Expressing Feelings with ESTAR. Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9747 U3E1-9-1 Prep for Test-U3E1 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Unit 3 Chapter 1 Test Prep This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9748 U3E2-1 Vocabulary Practice - Part 1 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Unit 3, Chapter 2 Vocab - Page 211 This quiz contains 26 questions. Copy this to my account 9749 U3E2-9 - Preparation for Test Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9750 U3E3 Chapter Test Señor Wojnar Quiz
U3-E3 Test This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9751 U3E3-9 - Preparation for Test- U3-E3 Señor Wojnar Quiz
TEST PREPARATION This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9752 U3E3ex2 Direct Object Pronouns 2 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Fill in the blank with the direct object pronoun based on the statments provided. This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9753 U4E1 - Chapter Test Señor Wojnar Quiz
Refer to your map to answer direction/position questions. This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9754 U4-E1-2 - Vocabulary Practice - U4-E1- Part 1 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Unit 4, Chapter 4 Vocab - PAGE 261 This quiz contains 31 questions. Copy this to my account 9755 U4E1-5 Familiar Commands Señor Wojnar Quiz
Third person singular of indicative verb for affirmative.
No + "tú" form of subjunctive
8 irregulars: di, haz, ve, pon, sal, sé, ten, ven This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9756 U4E2-9 Test Prep U4E2 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Refer to Vocabulario on Page 283. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9757 U4E2 - Chapter Test Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9758 U4E2-2 Vocab Pt 2 Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 27 questions. Copy this to my account 9759 U4E2-3 StemChanges (o-ue) Señor Wojnar Quiz
almorzar - to have lunch
contar - to... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9760 U4E2-5 - Conjugation Practice Señor Wojnar Quiz
Choose the correct ending for the verbs, using the following chart for reference
…………………………….. AR ….. ER ….. IR
yo………………………... -o …... -o …... -o... This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 9761 U4E2-6 - DO/IO Understanding Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9762 U4E2-7-1 Indirect Object Pronouns Señor Wojnar Quiz
Fill in the correct Indirect Object Pronoun to replace the English in Parenthesis. (me, te, le, nos, les) This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9763 U4E3-1 Vocabulary I - U4E3 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Refer to Page 307. This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 9764 U4E3-2 Vocabulary II - U4E3 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Refer to Page 307. This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 9765 U4E3-3 - Vocabulary III - U4E3 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Refer to Page 307. This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 9766 U4E2ex1 - Double Object Pronouns Practice EXTRA CREDIT Señor Wojnar Quiz
Complete the sentence with the correct double object pronouns. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9767 U4E3 - ChapterTest Señor Wojnar Quiz
U4E3 Test This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9768 U5E2-5 - Formation of adverbs Señor Wojnar Quiz
Change the following adjectives into adverbs. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9769 U5E3-2 Vocabulary 2 Señor Wojnar Quiz
apagar la luz - to turn off the light
¡Cállate! - Be quiet!
¿A cuánto está(n)…? - How much is... This quiz contains 28 questions. Copy this to my account 9770 U4E3-9 -Test Prep Señor Wojnar Quiz
U4E3 Test Prep This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9771 U5E1 - Chapter Test Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9772 U5E1-1 Vocabulary 1 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Page 333 This quiz contains 27 questions. Copy this to my account 9773 U5E1-2 Vocabulary 2 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Page 333 This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9774 U5E1-4 Mandatos informales afirmativos Señor Wojnar Quiz
Page 322 This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9775 U5E1-5 Negative tú Commands Señor Wojnar Quiz
Page 324 - Write the negative version of the command given. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9776 U5E1-8 Verbs that change meaning as reflexives Señor Wojnar Quiz
Matching. This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 9777 U5E1-9 Test Prep- U5-E1 Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9778 U5E2 Chapter Test Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9779 U5E2-1 Vocabulary 1 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Choose the correct translation This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 9780 U5-E2-2 - TEST REMEDIATION Señor Wojnar Quiz
Re-take the following quiz until you achieve a score of at least 28 out of 30. Your original test score will then be increased by one point for each correct answer or to a MINIMUM score of 77C-, whichever is higher. (Subject to a maximum score of... This quiz contains 30 questions chosen from a bank of 45. Copy this to my account 9781 U6E1-8 - preterites Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9782 U6E1-9-TEST PREP Señor Wojnar Quiz
Choose the best translation. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9783 U6E2-1 Vocabulary 1 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Page 427 This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 9784 U5E3-5-Food Preparation Señor Wojnar Quiz
el aceite - the oil
la carne de res -the beef
la cebolla - the onion... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9785 U5E3-3 - Superlatives Señor Wojnar Quiz
The superlative describes a noun within the context of some larger group.
John is the smartest boy in the class.
Mary is the youngest person in the... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9786 U5E3-6-Preterit Verb Forms with Spelling Changes Señor Wojnar Quiz
In Spanish, as in English, the pronunciation of some consonants changes, depending on the following vowel. So, for instance, the c in "case" has a different sound than the c in "cease," and the g in "gate" has a different sound than the g in... This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9787 U6E1 - CHAPTER TEST U6E1 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Choose the best translation. This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9788 U6E2-2 Vocabulary 2 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Page 427 This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 9789 U6E2-3 Demostrativos Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 9790 U6E3-1 EXTRA CREDIT - Verbs Pop-up Señor Wojnar Quiz
Select the verb which correctly completes the sentence. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9791 5-07 Test Prep - Chapter 4 - HOLA Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9792 5-28 -er and -ir present tense practice Señor Wojnar Quiz
comer, beber, correr, escribir, compartir, comprender & deber This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9793 Conjugation Folder - El tiempo Presente Señor Wojnar Quiz
Los Verbos "AR" This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9794 Conjugation Folder - Pronombres y verbos Señor Wojnar Quiz
Type the correct pronoun and verb in each sentence. Do not use vosotros/vosotras or the vosotros/vosotras verb forms. Use the correct form of one of the following verbs for each: hablar, bailar, practicar, patinar, usar, necesitar, dibujar, enseñar. This quiz contains 22 questions. Copy this to my account 9795 5-01-1 ¡Hola! Unit 2 Vocab Señor Wojnar Quiz
Practice Vocabulary, pages 48-69. This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 9796 5-01-1 Animals and Colors Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 9797 5-04 - Preparation for Test HOLA - Unit 3 Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9798 5-18-Test Prep Unit 8 Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9799 6-03-9 Unit3 Test Prep Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9800 6-04-6 Subject Pronouns-Practice 2 Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9801 6-06-3 Conjugation Practice Señor Wojnar Quiz
Choose the correct ending for the verbs, using the following chart for reference
…………………………….. AR ….. ER ….. IR
yo………………………... -o …... -o …... -o... This quiz contains 50 questions. Copy this to my account 9802 6-08 Test Prep Unit 5 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Choose the most appropriate translation. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9803 6-12-Unit7-Chores Señor Wojnar Quiz
Select the best answer. Use the vocabulary on your list and on pages 148 - 160 in ¡Qué tal! This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9804 Conjugation Folder - Verbs - Popup Señor Wojnar Quiz
Select the verb which correctly completes the sentence. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9805 Conjugation Folder - Writing Practice 1 - verbs Señor Wojnar Quiz
Practice translating sentences. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9806 ser/estar folder - Ser/Estar Señor Wojnar Quiz This quiz contains 18 questions. Copy this to my account 9807 Special Verbs Folder -Verbs like Gustar Señor Wojnar Quiz
Write the correct pronoun and verb. This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 9808 Chapter 1-4 Sp3 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Escoge la mejor respuesta a la pregunta indicada. This quiz contains 27 questions. Copy this to my account 9809 ¡Así Se Dice! - Pronouns Sra. Baldwin Quiz
yo, tú, usted, él, ella, nosotros, ustedes, vosotros, ellos, ellas This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9810 Chapter 2-2 Sp3 Señor Wojnar Quiz
IR Stem changing verbs:
CONSENTIR (to consent) - consiento, consientes, consiente, consentimos, consentís, consienten
DORMIR (to sleep) - duermo, duermes, duerme, dormimos, dormís,... This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 9811 Chapter 3-1 Sp3 Señor Wojnar Quiz
VENCER (to conquer, overcome) - venzo, vences, vence, vencemos, vencéis, vencen
DIRIGIR (to direct) - dirijo, diriges, dirige, dirigimos, dirigís,... This quiz contains 45 questions. Copy this to my account 9812 Chapter 4-3b Sp3 Señor Wojnar Quiz
Refiérese a los verbos en las páginas 40-41 en el libro. This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9813 Chapter 4-3a Sp3 Señor Wojnar Quiz
g CHANGES TO... This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 9814 Spanish 2 U1 PRE ASSESSMENT present tense Thomas Porter Quiz This quiz contains 28 questions. Copy this to my account 9815 Avancemos 2 Lección preliminar tener & estar expressions Amy Shoemaker Java Game
Copy this to my account 9816 Andre sætninger med hitverberne Mark Chytraeus Quiz This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 9817 Cap 1B Vocab Elizabeth John Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 9818 Capítulo 3: el verbo IR Elizabeth John Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9819 Capitulo 3B Para Mantener la Salud--Spelling Practice Elizabeth John Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 9820 S1 Cap 1A Elizabeth John Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 9821 S1 Cap 2A- Rags to Riches Elizabeth John Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9822 S1 Cap 2B Chp Review #1 Elizabeth John Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 84. Copy this to my account 9823 S1 Cap 2B Classroom Vocab & Preps of Location Elizabeth John Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions chosen from a bank of 29. Copy this to my account 9824 S1 Cap 3 Review Elizabeth John Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 116. Copy this to my account 9825 Avancemos 2 Verbos de repaso preliminar Parte 2 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 9826 Avancemos 2 Verbos de repaso preliminar Parte 2 - Modified Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 9827 Las Profesiones Sra. Szabo Java Game
study professions vocab Spanish 2 Copy this to my account 9828 El fútbol: Lo que decimos mientras jugamos Pamela Callahan Java Game
Phrases used while playing soccer Copy this to my account 9829 La Fea, la ciudad, los negocios y las relaciones (For practice) Pamela Callahan Quiz This quiz contains 6 questions. Copy this to my account 9830 Calender/Weather Quiz Dianne Guest Quiz This quiz contains 19 questions. Copy this to my account 9831 Greetings Quiz 2nd 25 Dianne Guest Quiz
How well have you mastered this set of vocabulary? This quiz contains 29 questions. Copy this to my account 9832 Greetings Quiz 2nd 25 Accom Dianne Guest Quiz
How well have you mastered this set of vocabulary? This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 9833 El cuerpo practice 1 Dianne Guest Quiz
Check out your knowledge of this vocabulary set. This quiz contains 2 questions. Copy this to my account 9834 Avancemos 2 Verbos de repaso preliminar Parte 4 - 11/23/2015 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 24 questions. Copy this to my account 9835 HWK: CH. 7 Silvia Graham Quiz This quiz contains 156 questions. Copy this to my account 9836 S1 PE TEST Elizabeth John Quiz This quiz contains 40 questions chosen from a bank of 190. Copy this to my account 9837 Verbos de tecnologia Señora Behnke Battleship
Escoge el verbo correcto. Copy this to my account 9838 La batalla de las preguntas Sra. Melero Battleship
Question word in Spanish Copy this to my account 9839 Adjetivos de sentirse 1 Dianne Guest Quiz
How strong is your knowledge of this vocabulary set? This quiz contains 3 questions. Copy this to my account 9840 Adjetivos de sentirse 3 Dianne Guest Quiz
Challenge your knowledge. This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9841 La familia 5 Dianne Guest Columns
Check out your knowledge of yet more family member terms. Copy this to my account 9842 La familia 6 Dianne Guest Battleship
How will you do in using vocabulary for the extended family? Copy this to my account 9843 Regular -er verbs 5 Dianne Guest Java Game
Copy this to my account 9844 Supplemental Vocabulary for -ir Verbs Dianne Guest Java Game
Strengthen your communication abilities through the addition of the following vocabulary. Copy this to my account 9845 TPRS 1 Cap 1 MC 2 Dianne Guest Ordered List
Arrange the following items in the order of Mini-cuento 2. Copy this to my account 9846 TPRS 1 Cap 1 MC 3 Dianne Guest Ordered List
Arrange the following sentences in order to tell the story. Copy this to my account 9847 TPRS 1 Cap 1 MC 4 Dianne Guest Ordered List
Place the following sentences in the correct order for Mini-cuento 4. Copy this to my account 9848 Doña Di's At What Time Dianne Guest Java Game
At what time? with regular verbs Copy this to my account 9849 Countries and Capitals Mr. Hawkins Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions chosen from a bank of 44. Copy this to my account 9850 Map Quiz Mr. Hawkins Quiz
This assignment works best if you zoom out to 75%. This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9851 El cuerpo--extended Dianne Guest Java Game
Copy this to my account 9852 Prepositional Phrases Of Location 2 Dianne Guest Hangman
Practice using cerca de/lejos de/al lado de/enfrente de/a la izquierda de/a la derecha de/detrás de/bajo de/sobre/entre by unscrambling these phrases. Copy this to my account 9853 Grammar 1 Dianne Guest Rags to Riches
How strong is your knowledge of Spanish grammar so far? Copy this to my account 9854 El calendario 5 Dianne Guest Battleship
Copy this to my account 9855 Spanish 2 3B test Señora Storrs Quiz
From computer test bank This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 9856 Order of adjectives practice ( Hangman) Gabriela Zorca Hangman
Copy this to my account 9857 La familia--repaso Dianne Guest Quiz This quiz contains 4 questions. Copy this to my account 9858 La familia 3 Dianne Guest Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9859 Animales Pt. 3 Erica George Quiz
Translate the animals into Spanish
Include the article in front of each word! This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 9860 Verb "ser" practice 1 Dianne Guest Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 9861 Spanish 1 Mid Year Pacing Assessment Señora Astacio Quiz This quiz contains 90 questions. Copy this to my account 9862 Spanish 1 End of Year Assessment Señora Astacio Quiz This quiz contains 93 questions. Copy this to my account 9863 Español 2 List 2 Colores & adjectivos Part A 4/22/2016 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 9864 Spanish 2: Final Exam 2013 Señora McCollum Quiz
Take your time and do your best. This quiz contains 61 questions. Copy this to my account 9865 Spanish I Final Exam Erik Zavasnik Quiz This quiz contains 95 questions. Copy this to my account 9866 1. SC1 Etapa Preliminar (hangman) Heidi Beller Hangman
Copy this to my account 9867 Ven conmigo 2 Verbs (2) Chris Brown Java Game
Review of infinitives presented in the Ven conmigo 2 book. Includes -AR, -ER & -IR verbs. Copy this to my account 9868 Chapter Exam Lisa Medrano Quiz
Choose the best answer for each question. This quiz contains 34 questions. Copy this to my account 9869 S2 Test: Honduras Elizabeth John Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 21. Copy this to my account 9870 Hispanic and Latino Amy Shoemaker Scavenger Hunt
Copy this to my account 9871 Vocabulario del Capítulo 4A Señor Beatty Quiz
Write the Spanish word or phrase for the English word or phrase given. This quiz contains 55 questions. Copy this to my account 9872 Final Exam Multiple choice Section Euclid WL Quiz This quiz contains 73 questions. Copy this to my account 9873 Final Exam Multiple choice Section Ser/estar/ir/Subject pronouns Euclid WL Quiz This quiz contains 29 questions. Copy this to my account 9874 Final Exam First semester Reading and Listening Section Euclid WL Quiz This quiz contains 21 questions. Copy this to my account 9875 McFarland USA_#1 June Bahnsen Quiz
Click on the links "download file", (there are 2 total in the whole assignment). Read the files and answer the questions in Quia. This quiz contains 17 questions. Copy this to my account 9876 Espa reto 1B puntuación Profesus Quiz
Coloca los signos de puntuación donde corresponda.
1. Separar oraciones que forman un párrafo
2. Separar dos párrafos... This quiz contains 4 questions. Copy this to my account 9877 Español 2 List 1 Animales en la granja 1-26-2015 Amy Shoemaker Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9878 Episodio 9 - Trabajos para los chicos Gustavo Nader Quiz
Sr. Nader will grade manually the 5 fill in questions. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9879 Español 2 Animales List 1 Parte 3 3/15/2016 Amy Shoemaker Quiz
Translate the animals into Spanish
Include the article in front of each word! This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 9880 AR verb challenge #1 Stephanie Sheridan Quiz
Conjugate the verb TRABAJAR for the subject below. You must get 100% before you can move on to the next level challenge! This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9881 Frutas: gustar and preferir Señora Faucher Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9882 Multiple choice vocab Chapt 8.1 Expresate Shelly Plaster Quiz This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 9883 Spanish 1 DCA 2016-2017 Ms. Zastrow/ Profe Marshall Quiz This quiz contains 130 questions. Copy this to my account 9884 Essential Verbs 1-15 Señora Perrin Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9885 Essential Verbs 16-30 Señora Perrin Quiz
Spanish Essential 55 Verbs This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9886 Brandon Brown vs Yucatan cap 7-10 practica Sra. Gaviria Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 9887 Spanish 1 DCA 2016-2017 Fill in the blank Ms. Zastrow/ Profe Marshall Quiz This quiz contains 44 questions. Copy this to my account 9888 Continuidad de los Parques - Examencito del Cuento Mr. Calatayud Quiz
Examen de "Continuidad de los Parques" by Julio Cortázar This quiz contains 26 questions. Copy this to my account 9889 R2 Spring Final Grammar Sra. Hooker Quiz This quiz contains 17 questions. Copy this to my account 9890 R2 Spring Final Vocabulario Sra. Hooker Quiz This quiz contains 40 questions. Copy this to my account 9891 Artículos Definidos Sra. Ribau Battleship
Copy this to my account 9892 Practica 7: El verbo ser Marta Dominguez Quiz
Review the conjugation of the verb "ser" BEFORE completing this assignment. This quiz contains 1 questions. Copy this to my account 9893 2do Grado Repaso -- Java Game
Copy this to my account 9894 2ndo Grado (Números, dias, familia) -- Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 9895 DÍA DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS M K Java Game
(SCHOOL OBJECTS) Copy this to my account 9897 Exámen de español IB - 7th. Grade (Septiembre 11-12 del 2017) Pre-Assessment Señora Piedrahita Quiz This quiz contains 32 questions chosen from a bank of 31. Copy this to my account 9898 Cajas de cartón 5-8 Señora O. Quiz
Angel de oro
Muerte... This quiz contains 23 questions. Copy this to my account 9899 Unit 1: Common Assessment Ms. Zastrow/ Profe Marshall Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 9900 Sp 1 3.1 Verbs Monsieur Marcantel Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9901 Sp 1 3.1 Vocabulario 1 Monsieur Marcantel Java Game
Vocabulary of Unit 3, Lesson 1 Copy this to my account 9902 Sp 1 3.1 Vocabulario 2 Monsieur Marcantel Java Game
Copy this to my account 9903 Sp 1 3.2 Su--1 Monsieur Marcantel Cloze
Copy this to my account 9904 Sp 1 4.1 Verbs Column Monsieur Marcantel Columns
Copy this to my account 9905 Sp 1 ch2.2 estar Monsieur Marcantel Columns
Estar columns Copy this to my account 9906 Sp 1 Ch2.2 Vocab Column Monsieur Marcantel Columns
Copy this to my account 9907 Sp 1 Unit 1.2 Vocab Monsieur Marcantel Java Game
pages 56-7 Copy this to my account 9908 Avancemos 2 1.2 Indirect Quiz Monsieur Marcantel Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9909 Bien Dit 2 2.1 Test Monsieur Marcantel Quiz This quiz contains 34 questions. Copy this to my account 9910 Avancemos 2 2.2 Vocab Practice Quiz Monsieur Marcantel Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9911 Avancemos 2 2.2 Noun Matching Monsieur Marcantel Java Game
Copy this to my account 9912 Avancemos 2 3.1 Hangman Monsieur Marcantel Hangman
Copy this to my account 9913 Examen de Capítulo 5B Sra. Diaz Quiz
End of Unit TEST. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9914 L3_Adjective Agreement -- Quiz
#'s1-8 Write the correct adjective according to the subject.
#'s 9-14 Choose the correct description
#'s 15-20 Choose the correct Possessive Adj for each term in [ ] This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9915 Avancemos 1 1.1 Test Monsieur Marcantel Quiz
Gustar, Ser and basic activities and infinitives This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9916 Avancemos 1 3.2 Test Monsieur Marcantel Quiz
Test on Unit 3, Lesson 2 This quiz contains 28 questions. Copy this to my account 9917 Avancemos 2 Prelim Quiz 2 Monsieur Marcantel Quiz
The verb "IR" and its forms and the vocabulary of page 29 This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account 9918 Avancemos 2 2.2 Reflexive QZ Monsieur Marcantel Quiz This quiz contains 11 questions. Copy this to my account 9919 Avancemos 2 2.2 Test Monsieur Marcantel Quiz This quiz contains 34 questions. Copy this to my account 9920 Negative usted commands. Sra. Frayre Columns
Copy this to my account 9921 doña Di's Unit Test--Spanish 8-2 Dianne Guest Quiz
How strong is your knowledge of skill with the vocabulary and the communication patterns that you have studied this year? This quiz contains 51 questions. Copy this to my account 9922 Avancemos 1 Final 2016 Monsieur Marcantel Quiz This quiz contains 37 questions. Copy this to my account 9923 Tengo? Estoy? Soy? Which verb to use? MmeZedd Pop-ups
Decide which is the correct verb to use to complete the sentence. Copy this to my account 9924 zzAvancemos 1 Final Monsieur Marcantel Quiz
Course Final Exam This quiz contains 57 questions. Copy this to my account 9925 El Cuerpo- The Body Maria Esteves Java Game
Copy this to my account 9926 Quia -Imperfecto practice Señora Pamela Quiz
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the imperfect tense. You must use accents when needed. Capitalize the first word in a sentence! This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9927 Mucho español! Kerry Shweiki Battleship
The verb "tener" and possessive adjectives Copy this to my account 9928 BHS Spanish 1 progress check Senor Brush Quiz This quiz contains 25 questions. Copy this to my account 9929 bhs span familia Senor Brush Quiz This quiz contains 5 questions chosen from a bank of 86. Copy this to my account 9930 Quiz - Estructura 5.2 Señora Ruiz Quiz
Present Progressive This quiz contains 24 questions. Copy this to my account 9931 1 U2L2 Estar and adjectives of emotion Pop Ups Señora Ruiz Pop-ups
Review of the forms of estar and adjective meaning. Copy this to my account 9932 Capítulo 1 - Vocabulario Mr. Stellato Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 9933 Chapter 2 - Vocabulary Quiz Mr. Stellato Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions. Copy this to my account 9934 Español 1--Semester Exam Fall 2018 Señor Fields Quiz This quiz contains 50 questions chosen from a bank of 178. Copy this to my account 9935 1_examen_semestre1 Señor Fields Quiz This quiz contains 178 questions. Copy this to my account 9936 Spanish 1 Cap 7 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 33 questions. Copy this to my account 9937 Spanish 2 Cap 1 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 9938 Spanish 2 Cap 2 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 9939 Spanish 1 Cap 6 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 9940 Spanish 2 Cap 9 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 9941 Spanish 2 Cap 10 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 9942 Spanish 2 Cap 11 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 9943 Spanish 1 Cap 2 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 32 questions. Copy this to my account 9944 Spanish 1 Cap 4 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 31 questions. Copy this to my account 9945 Spanish 1 Cap 5 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 30 questions. Copy this to my account 9946 Spanish 1 Cap 10 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 9947 Spanish 1 Cap 11 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 9948 Spanish 1 Cap 13 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 35 questions. Copy this to my account 9949 ROPA Sra. Frayre Java Game
Clothing Vocabulary Copy this to my account 9950 Ropa II Sra. Frayre Java Game
Copy this to my account 9951 la naturaleza Sra. Frayre Java Game
Copy this to my account 9952 las estaciones del año y el tiempo Sra. Frayre Java Game
Copy this to my account 9953 EXAMEN DEL CAPÍTULO, 6B - Parte A Señor Crawford Quiz
® This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 9954 Verbos reflexivos que has de aprender Sra. Frayre Java Game
Vocabulario de verbos reflexivos que si no conoces, apréndetelos. Copy this to my account 9955 la naturaleza - con imágenes Sra. Frayre Java Game
Empareja la palabra de vocabulario con su imagen. Copy this to my account 9956 PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS II Sra. Frayre Columns
Match the question with the answer. Copy this to my account 9957 PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS III Sra. Frayre Columns
Match the question with the correct answer. Copy this to my account 9958 Verbos Reflexivos - párrafos de práctica Sra. Frayre Cloze
Copy this to my account 9959 Spanish 2 semester 1 final ch 1-7 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 100 questions. Copy this to my account 9960 Final Buen Viaje Level 1 chapters 1-7 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 106 questions. Copy this to my account 9961 Final Buen Viaje Level 1 Ch 8-14 Dane Carter Quiz This quiz contains 94 questions. Copy this to my account 9962 Chapter 1 Gramática Artículos y sustantivos Ms. Pereira Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9963 1_examen_semestre_spring2019 Señor Fields Quiz This quiz contains 244 questions. Copy this to my account 9964 2_examen_semestre_spring2019 Señor Fields Quiz This quiz contains 306 questions. Copy this to my account 9965 SP8 Checkpoint A Important Words Señora Billings Java Game
Copy this to my account 9966 Chapter 2 Vocabulary 2 Quiz La Casa Ms. Pereira Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9967 Chapter 2 Vocabulary 1 Quiz Familia Ms. Pereira Quiz
Complete with the correct word. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9968 Sp.IV V.01 present irregular verbs Mrs. Troncone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 91. Copy this to my account 9969 Sp.IV V.02 presente verbos locos Mrs. Troncone Quiz
stem changing verbs in the present tense This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 110. Copy this to my account 9970 Sp.IV V.03 present spelling changes Mrs. Troncone Quiz
present tense verbs with spelling changes for pronunciation This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 50. Copy this to my account 9971 Sp.IV V.05 Imperfecto Mrs. Troncone Quiz This quiz contains 20 questions chosen from a bank of 178. Copy this to my account 9972 ¡Qué chévere! - Unidad 1 - Lección B - Review Le Professeur Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9973 ¡Qué chévere! - Unidad 2 - Lección B Le Professeur Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9974 Los países y las nacionalidades Sra. Frayre Java Game
Copy this to my account 9975 LOS NÚMEROS de 0-100 (with pronunciation) Sra. Frayre Java Game
Copy this to my account 9976 Spanish 2A College Chapter 7 Vocabulary 1 Quiz Ms. Pereira Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9977 Spanish 2A College Chapter 7 Vocabulary 2 Quiz Ms. Pereira Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9978 ¡Qué chévere! - Unidad 3B - Review Le Professeur Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9979 ¡Qué chévere! - Unidad 6A Test Review Le Professeur Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9980 Qué chévere: Lección 2A Review Le Professeur Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9981 ¡Qué chévere! Unidad 5 Review Le Professeur Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9982 Clothes 2 MAESTRA Quiz
Goal: I can recall clothes vocabulary with the help of visuals. This quiz contains 2 questions. Copy this to my account 9983 Clothes 3 MAESTRA Quiz
I can understand simple information when presented with pictures and graphs. This quiz contains 5 questions. Copy this to my account 9984 ser terms señor Glaze Battleship
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb ser. Copy this to my account 9985 ASD1 ch1 voc 1 quiz Mrs. Gabaude Quiz This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 9986 La Novia...novela de Deb Navarre-Capítulo 1 Sra. Hoover Java Game
Copy this to my account 9987 La Novia...novela de Deb Navarre-Capítulo 3 Sra. Hoover Columns
Copy this to my account 9988 La Novia...novela de Deb Navarre-Capítulo 5 Sra. Hoover Columns
Copy this to my account 9989 La Novia...novela de Deb Navarre-Capítulo 5 jumbled words Sra. Hoover Jumbled Words
Copy this to my account 9990 La Novia...novela de Deb Navarre-Capítulo 6 Sra. Hoover Java Game
Copy this to my account 9991 La Novia...novela de Deb Navarre-Capítulo 7 Sra. Hoover Hangman
Copy this to my account 9992 La Novia Capítulo 9 Sra. Hoover Columns
Copy this to my account 9993 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 1-5 Señorita Cox Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 9994 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 2 Señorita Cox Battleship
Copy this to my account 9995 Verbos comunes Señorita Pellegrino Quiz This quiz contains 100 questions. Copy this to my account 9996 Práctica - La Vampirata Señora Spitalli Quiz This quiz contains 7 questions. Copy this to my account 9997 JUI Stems in the Preterite Senora Gray Pop-ups
Verbs with j, u, or i stem changes in the preterite. Copy this to my account 9998 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 1 Señorita Cox Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 9999 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 2 Señorita Cox Challenge Board
Copy this to my account 10000 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 3 Señorita Cox Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 10001 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 4 Señorita Cox Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 10002 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 6 Señorita Cox Battleship
Copy this to my account 10003 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 7 Señorita Cox Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 10004 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 8 Señorita Cox Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 10005 Carl no quiere ir a México Ch 9 Señorita Cox Rags to Riches
Copy this to my account 10006 Verbos que cambian de significado en el pretérito. Daniela Silvestri Quiz
Usando uno de estos verbos: SENTIR, PODER, NO PODER, CONOCER, NO QUERER, QUERER, escribe la conjugación correcta para completar cada blanco. This quiz contains 10 questions. Copy this to my account 10007 Procedimientos para la clase Español 2 Rville Señorita Mantlick Quiz This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 10008 Formal Assessment Unit 1 Vocabulary Quiz 2 Ms. Pereira Quiz
Translate for Spanish to English or English to Spanish This quiz contains 13 questions. Copy this to my account 10009 Formal Assessment Unit 1 Vocabulary Quiz 3 Ms. Pereira Quiz
Translate from Spanish to English or English to Spanish This quiz contains 14 questions. Copy this to my account 10010 Formal Assessment Unit 1 Vocabulary Quiz 4 Ms. Pereira Quiz This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 10011 Formal Assessment Unit 1 Vocabulary Quiz 5 Ms. Pereira Quiz
Translate from Spanish to English or English to Spanish This quiz contains 15 questions. Copy this to my account 10012 Quiz -AR -ER -IR (w/ meaning) Señorita Rittenhouse Quiz This quiz contains 12 questions. Copy this to my account

Campbell Biology 7th Edition Chapter 3 Vocab Quizlet
