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Smashing Pumpkins Hold Me Hug Me Again

  1. Benjamin Malugin

    My Mom bought me Melon Collie for Xmas..oh yeah baby.. double tape

  2. Andres Jimenez

    Humme me humme me again

  3. Marc

    I fucking hate people

  4. Phil

    love this song. How do we know it's actually "hungry", and not "hold me" or "harm me", though? is there some official source for the lyrics?

  5. Ken Steele

    My favorite Pumpkins tune.

  6. J John

    Listen for the busses on a rainy wet road in the background towards the end.

  7. Lorenzo Pasquini


  8. Karobi

    English is not my mother tongue. ALways understood: Hug me.. hug me again. Now I am really disappointed that it's hungry..


    VolokursHH don't be disappointed. It is supposed to sound vague, you can't tell if he's singing "hug me" or "hungry" because the song is supposed to be interpreted both ways. It sounds ambiguous even to native English speakers.

  9. Samantha Donaldson

    All this time I thought it was 'hold me' not 'hungry.'


  10. Reallyright Gee

    This song I always pictured a child in crib and this is what the child is thinking when he sees his mom. He just wants to be held again.

  11. Digital Jackie

    I wonder how many non-druggies are pathetically trying to decode the lyrics. Don't bother. It's one of those things... you have to have been there to actually "get it". I don't care how many documentaries, books, or songs you're familiar with. You don't understand the beauty or the ugliness of it till you're there yourself Drugs can make or break you. Most humans are too weak to keep it under control However, it is possible. You're weak if you choose to be.

    JP 2099

    Jackie Kolosie how do you know the song is about drug addiction though?

  12. Desert Storm ChefNice

    Homie... homie.... again.

  13. J. G.

    I do know the real words is hungry

  14. J. G.

    When I hear this song I can picture a little child in their crib standing up looking at mommy/daddy in his mind he's saying hold me hug me again because he can't speak but you can see it in his eyes.

  15. Tommy Zitko

    This song is what music should feel like.

  16. Rodger Carr

    This song is the greatest space boy is to


    Rodger Carr *too

  17. morgan elizabeth


  18. Jay Clark

    This song should of been one of their biggest hits

  19. Rodger Carr

    i sleep to this its so relaxing..

  20. Jimmy Graham

    This song picked me up many days. Corigan was able to show his softer side on this b side album

  21. hgjgjghgjgh uggudjhgfjddsfs

    This song is beautiful. I own the Pisces CD, and in the booklet it says that this song is for his babies. I have and always will have SP on number 1 on my top bands list, for sure.

  22. Design for Students

    Fuck, I don't know what I would do at times like these without Billy's music.

  23. Dave-O

    Corgan can put his sadness onto tape like few others

    Leonor Bridwell

    Agreed he is extremely relatable

  24. chisel chin

    spent the last 15 years thinking the words were, "hold me, hold me again"


    ME TOO until recently.

    melancholy -

    I'm upset that I saw this comment because I thought those were the words and that they were beautiful... oh, well, we'll say that it's up to personal interpretation from here on out.

    Seth Madry

    i think the lyric is hung me acutally

    Rodger Carr

    Hungry Hungry agai not lonely again😃😀

    Lyric Klein

    I always thought he was singing haunt me, haunt me again. And haunt as in memories of past or a past lover. I've been a Pumpkins and Billy Corgan fan for well over 20 years, I even share the same birthday with Billy on March 17th and we're born 17 years apart 😉 lol. But when I was 14 reading the inner of the cd with the lyrics and not remembering it being hungry because that would have made me go wtf lol. Although Billy has shocked me other times with lyrics and my real name is Lyric ☺️ lol

  25. Collin Buis

    I relate to this song so many times in my life at least 15 years my favorite is that is gives me happy tears and sad tears it carries both sides of emotion

  26. monkymonk6

    Awesome song..

  27. Tyler Eike

    hold me. hold me again.. figure it sandrock.


    It's hungry again

  28. Zeppolino100

    Me too, and I much prefer it that way!

  29. Marco GM

    Sometimes good songs make me feel worse

    TAG Media

    Marco GM Me too

  30. Magnetic Eye Records

    @RagTagIKE Me too

  31. jeremy jay

    it wasnt around this songs time."soothe" from the b-side of "disarm" was released in the early summer of 1993, 3 years prior to the touring keyboardist's death.

  32. jeremy jay

    it does sound like "hung me" though.

  33. jeremy jay

    it's "hug me"...if you google the lyrics.hope this helped,hope i"m right.

  34. Vince Martinez

    repeating his failures and wants it known here we are again at this same sad point in his life and its taking a toll on him. Its almost his inspiration to quit. Ok thanks hope that clarifies this amazing, beautiful and uplifting song. I am a recovering H addict and this song is just soo perfect. It expresses in words soo perfectly those feelings that are so hard to get out and articulate in such a simple and short manner.It doesnt give the addiction too much attention and I love it.

  35. Vince Martinez

    Im 90% its hungry but here's an interpretation for hung me which in my opinion
    is the only other possible 2 words it could be. Hung me, Hung me again - This drug addiction has strung up the noose. he keeps hanging myself... as in bad situation after bad situation Hung me, hung me again. Hes killing himself over and over slowly. waiting for it to be the last time. That is where the again at the end ties in. He wants it clear that hes hung AGAIN. so I feel this word means he keeps

  36. Vince Martinez

    It'll almost break you - This is a warning to those who may get on h or know someone who is. Almost take you - that this drug will take everything you have and are and destroy it and change everything forever. Almost break you - You wont know the person you have become and w/o help it will kill you. Almost break you up - Or if you make it out of the addiction it basically "It almost broke you, almost took you, almost broke you up". I also am not 100% sure if its hungry or hung me.

  37. Vince Martinez

    Hungry, hungry, again - Hes hungry for a different life, Hungry for a change. Just hungry AKA wanting. I'll miss you - He doesn't want to stop hes afraid of life w/o his love but nonetheless he quits anyway. And I dont wish you luck - He hates it with a passion though and wishes it a rough existence. And I forgive you - But he forgives the drug and himself and whatever bad may have came or been done on H And i don't wish you away, away, away - Again hes afraid to let go of it. Its very scary

  38. Vince Martinez

    Hungry, hungry, again - I have many meanings for this. Hes hungry craving the drugs.
    Hungry, hungry, again - maybe hes starved by the drug. Its starving him of all life. hence hes hungry... When will it start to sway - When will this addiction turn for the better or worse? When will it start to almost break you - When will i start to lose myself in it and ruin my life? Hungry, hungry, again - Also hes hungry cause hes empty inside. And wants to feel more happy and alive

  39. Vince Martinez

    I feel one of the most important but overlooked words is again after hungry. He wants it clear to the audience that hes hungry AGAIN. Hes craving again. Hes hungry for something better again. Hes in a really bad spot AGAIN! And its wearing him down. He cant take it. The life of constantly wanting. wanting more... more drugs, more money, more happiness, more of all he doesn't have. Never saitsfied so its tiring and starves him thus hungry so he wants to quit the drug.

  40. Vince Martinez

    with another drug or alcohol. Late that night, Melvoin collapsed. Chamberlain could have helped, but he fell unconscious as well. When Chamberlain woke up early on July 12, he and the band's security manager tried to revive Melvoin. They were unsuccessful. When the ambulance arrived, he was pronounced dead on arrival. After all of this, Chamberlin decided to go to rehab for his drug problem." So Ill interpret each part for you...

  41. Vince Martinez

    This song is about heroin addiction and letting it go or wanting to let it go. The band had a keyboard player overdose from Heroin around this songs time with the drummer also using. "Jonathan Melvoin, the touring keyboardist for the Smashing Pumpkins. On July 11, 1996, Melvoin and the Smashing Pumpkins drummer , Jimmy Chamberlin were injecting heroin and drinking alcohol. It is always dangerous to mix alcohol and drugs. Often, the fatal overdosing occurs only because the drugs were mixed

    J R

    Not true at all. Not to be rude but you're way off. This song was written in the late 80's, before the Pumpkins were a big band and well before the incident with Jonathan. That was in the mid nineties around the time that Adore came out or sometime around there. I respect that you love this music but please don't interpret what the lyrics mean and what Corgan was saying with every line because the only person that can/should do that would be the songwriter themselves.

  42. DaFunnehBunnehs

    I think about this song when I wait for food to be made.

  43. swirlygig

    It's Hungry. One of the greatest songs about Heroin.

  44. Stardoom

    I meant hold me, not hole me. Thats what she said.

  45. Stardoom

    I dont think anyone knows what he is saying exactly except for Billy. Every lyrics site has something different. Ive been playing this song for years and i always thought it was "hole me" and now that it is in question. I'm pretty sure im wrong. But my opinion, now after careful listen, is that he is saying "hungry". Also, in the second verse, i am sure he is saying "i dont miss you, i dont wish you well, i wont forgive you, but i dont wish you away." His sings it very lazy and slurry.

  46. Chris Creamer

    I always thought it was "Hold me.. Hold me again"

  47. Alessia A

    and i don't wish you away, away, away
    it'll almost break you
    almost take you
    almost break you
    almost break you up ......

  48. Timespentstill

    @Jrolandbarnes Go listen to your Lady Gaga. Don't come here with your pathetic crap.

  49. Alejandra Aleman


  50. c a

    This song could be about many things.
    For example:
    The morbidly obese
    The U.S. economy
    Bill Clinton's libido

  51. c a

    @kannimizery That's what she said.

  52. James Long

    Its Horny again. LMFAO

  53. Dyl do

    hes talking about a ex-girlfriend...the lyrics are 'harm me, harm me again"

  54. kannimizery

    Sounds like hung me, makes sense too. With the "when will it start to sway" like someone hanging on a rope, and the body sways. Idk but ima go ahead and agree that it's hung me, not hungry...

  55. john smith

    Humm Humm me. thats what i thought

  56. milobarron

    i always thought he said hold me, humbly again.

  57. Tanner Lowe


  58. Hope Street

    Its beautiful its like a deep forbiden love that is painfully irresitable...

  59. Jrolandbarnes

    These Lyrics= Epic fail. You suck. Crawl back under your rock.

  60. interpolspecialist

    to me it sounds like he's singing 'hung me, hung me again'

  61. William Austin


  62. Eli Aranda

    utterly fucking beautiful song anyway.

  63. Eli Aranda

    i think its hungry and hung me.

  64. HeartYukitty

    @VesicantMorgues It is.

  65. HeartYukitty

    @6662sides2die666 I thought he said "Haunt me"

  66. Aline Couto

    I'm pretty sure he's not saying hungry. I think it's "harm me again" or "hung me again", and as this song is about leaving an abusive relationship, both options fit better than "hug me", "hold me" or any of these shit you are saying it is.

  67. Bobbie

    its hard to say what the hell they are saying sometimes just look up the lyrics

  68. VesicantMorgues

    @6662sides2die666 @everyone I think it's "hug me"....?//

  69. Speak your own truth


  70. The FUSS

    hey grungecruzado, hate to say it, but according to elyrics, and atozlyrics, it's hold me, hold me again, not hungry.

  71. libertylives2

    @6662sides2die666 me too

  72. puravida

    Such a powerful song

  73. Lukas Doe

    Sometimes sad songs make me feel better...

  74. Zeppolino100

    A night in New York 11 years ago. After a romantic supper in my playhouse-sized apartment. A single candle lit to fill the room with a soft light. My new girlfriend Candy snuggled next to me in my sleeping bag (the only bed I had at the time). Glorious kissing and a good deal more. This song on repeat. Oh, gorgeousity....

  75. Suprematista

    Hungry????? actually Is HUG ME!!

  76. Pablo Honeyy

    a very sad song... u.u

  77. Enache George Matei

    @nikkihahahahahaha indeed

  78. Nikki Manolakis

    jshlvkmbjdjkmcdkslgsjhdnbkldmckzxdjgkvndlzkmvfd jrdsiugjklfdnbkldsjgifdhbfdjhbifds.

  79. Zeppolino100

    @iagobroxado I thought the exact same thing--and I like it better than "hungry" or "hug me" or whatever it really is.

  80. Frøst

    @chsn09 what a tool

  81. faridjabba

    damn, this is some Strong MElacloiua for me, whata cover it

  82. YYYxEEE

    @TheSPumpkin100 I wasn't saying that, you're just acting like you think you know everything and your bigger than everyone and your needs should be met before everyone else's.

  83. TheSPumpkin100

    @YYYxEEE Speaking properly is not being intellectual. If you think that, you're a bigger idiot than I thought you were.

  84. HedlessChickn

    @hoacky His "friend" was Iha.

  85. TheSPumpkin100

    @YYYxEEE How am I being a 'goddamn pseudo-intellectual'?

  86. YYYxEEE

    @TheSPumpkin100 can you stop being such a goddamn psuedo-intellectual for once?

  87. TheSPumpkin100

    @YYYxEEE Obvious Troll is obvious.

  88. TheSPumpkin100

    @YYYxEEE You can't Huuuurrr the Duuuuurrr

  89. C Maton

    This song is the best to fall asleep to.

  90. Iago B

    @shamiir18 "hungry" but for years I could only hear "hold me" :)

  91. YYYxEEE


  92. YYYxEEE

    @SLxDFx74 LOL WUT

  93. shamiir18

    soooooooooooooo gooooooooooooood love it love it it's perffect

  94. shamiir18

    hungry or hold me?

  95. KUNOH2


  96. bhindredeyes

    Really! Who would not like this song?

  97. Gary Lyons

    This is a perfect name for this song

  98. nnnnnsssssssssllllln

    it would have been awesome if the smashing pumpkins could have did this song with the deftones, that would have been crazy...
